THE CONDOH CLOBE. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1808. ' notice, r Jj' jreiirly iil-rl,tli.n In Hib Uioim li fl.M, II l-eld In tnlvmmt. If not paid hi driicr, will lie cliacid. A l ine ,rnell murk mound tlil nullic liidlmtt'ii ttmt your MibM-rlplInn ex JtiMHr lnif I ! nf hmh-w Tin n ) llv CLCEOSITIES. See tho now ad of Jaine VV. Smith. J. H. Ktowart of FohsII wan in town I hni Carina lloyd i now alitor of the Kliiiniitli Star, Nherlff WIIc.ok and fntiiilytviitei I'W li the flrstof the. week. I'ratik Caldwell in now wearing the inar-hal'a tmdua. Who'll tm licit? Pon't foinet th school enu-itainrneiit thin Friday evening lit tho achool house. Mm. Drake, wife of our milliliter, In on the Hrk lint thin epic, wercgret to state, Lew la Miller midwife of Lone Hoik visited friend in Condon Huvenil duyt thin week. Mla Daisy Downing dnsed aahnrt but very mccessful term of achool on Trail fork tHlny. Oliver Hurr and bin rouHin, Kliner Wood, arrived her Friday from Cherry Toiiit, Illinois. Mm. J. H. Ikmnlng left last week for Colfax, where the will viwit her arentii a couple of week. J. It. Clark ha purchased a lot In the lower end of town and U building a res! deme and stable on it. Jack Hemp-iey, the great prize fighter, died at bin home in Portland Friday inorniiig, of coitsnmplh'ti. A linn daughter wa born to Mr. and Mm. Jan. A. Kilter, just fntiMi of town, Tuesday morning, Nov. 5th. Uev. Barnhart of Fossil preai'hed at Ciijl'tuii Sunday evening and Itev. Drake In t morning, to .large congregations. Ill strict Atty. I'arriah lost one case oul of sixteen over at Canyon, that one he lug the caw of the istate vs, Jhh, Hunt, I'. II. Stephenson made a flying hits- Hies trip lo rortiaml this week to pur a ft'- of winter goods for his J store, .Miss Jessie Pmltli and Mrs. Ionise j Korku returned home last week from a three-weeks' visit w ith friends in Port t (and most cnjovahle event of the kind ; in the mountains. There will be communion services in. ever given In the county. j A great many geese have la-en killed the Congregational church next Hunduv ,., ,, , . , . , i i,erp u ithin the hist ten days Dr. Ha- . ,, . , , . El Copuer has changed bis inini'1"'" "lw uisinn ; " morning at 11 .cluck, conducted by 0 ,, tti not ,.,,, ft 1)iliM(.r flf con from La Grande, is here hunting. Iloaard Propst has returned home, ' he threatened to do aj There was a sale of household goods lifter an absence of a couple of In Washington, where ho whs at work harvesting. Cash Htrickliu, who has been work n g in this section for the last couple of viar, left Monday for his home near Oregon City. Arthur I). Haley, one of the honest and most popular bachelors of the May ville country, was In town Wednesday on business. Those who promised to bring us wood on accouut this fall will do us a favor Jfbringing it iu at once, la-fore the Tiisdsgetbad. Judge Mariner and Commissioners Ralston and Clymer are holding tlie regular session of county court at Con don this week. Teachers examination begins at Con don next Wednesday. Mrs. Lillian 8te - vena and Kilas Kceney will be the asist' ant examiners. U. S, Clark went to The Dalles this week to see alsmt the prospects of hav ing bis pension increased. 0. W. Rine bart took him to Arlington Monday. This section wss favored by a heavy shower of rain Friday night the lirt rain for nearly two months. Since that time Mr. Jack Frost visits us ever uight. A slight mistake was made In printing our school report last week, in saying tiiat there were 141 cases of tardiness. It should have read, 20 case of taidi ness and 141 minutes lost. The defunct Baker City bank will make another 10 per cent dividend to depositors soon, this being fifty per cent paid since the close of the institution alsiut fifteen month ago. Hill Hrasslield Monday brought to town from Ferry Canyon a large lynx, w hich be poisoned with a dose that had been fixed for coyotes. It was tlie lar gest lynx we have ever seen. Mrs. Putnam, mother of J. 11. Put nam, the Fossil merchant, caino np last week from her home at Eolo, Polk county, and will spend the winter at Fossil with Imr son and family. This fine weather Is causing the spring laying of grasshopper eggs to hatch, and the little tender things are brought into the world "under false pretense" as it were, and will probably fail to winter through. v Arthur Brandenburg of Moro was in town several day this week with bis phonograph, which talked several dimes out of the boys. Mis wife came along over to visit her parents, and left for home Sunday. ' ' In 1830 tbero were only 1624 people In Chicago- Of thot number 8 still re side in that city. They have seen the rent Western nu-tropol a irow from awqiup iiimi cn.y,iiiM" m mw ""! i-....- i.. iiiU i,.w n.u.f. tjyjcetlt on the Western ooiltliiotit. t ' Miss Mary Marker la lying dangerous- U-Hi. kwi.h typhoid puonmoiiia at. the h,,,e of HurrT Clay on Kock creek. Her! aunt, Mrs. 'rt:lt don n iier. (i. ,T. Caven, and on Than 'i' to asaial Iu waiting L. Darker started for The Dalles Mon day to bring out hit new atngea and ia expected here t'Klay with tliem. They will be coverel and will be a great Im provament over the old one". Tliia ia now perhaps, the beat-equipped ataga line In Oregon. Mimic ahoiild le rnltivated in every family, It la one of the moat refining ac complishment one can acquire, Half (he world would commit auicide with out the wtlace of music. The other half feels like committing auicide while mimic la la-Inn cultivated. After a buiiioroiiH lecture by Bill Nye In a New Jersey town Tuesday night, aome drunken thugs rgircd him most el!''ct nail v. Wonder If I'.ill will explain in tlie papers about "that tired feelinjj" he experienced while under the influ ence of the overdose of hen fruit. L. Parker, tadieving that he can lieat. look after the interests of his stage lino by residing at Arlington, has concluded to move down to that town with his fam ily next week. Rev. Prakeand family expect to occupy the I'liter house, which will Ia vacated by Mr., Parker and fami- The Dalles is the only place in the Inland Umpire anxious to seo the ship railway scheme about Celilo inaugura ted. It would bo ducats in tlie pockets of the people there, .wlifln the scheme nroaressed to absolute failure so filr as an open Columbia river is concerned.- j Moro Observer . i Thurday night of last week was Hal loween, and as usual the hoys, large and small, triud to get enjoyment out of top- ping oir the tniiKTtipicd buildings in j town with old sleighs, plows and every- J thing thai was loose at both ends. A I ntimUer of tricks were played in town here but no damage was done. Married At Condon on Xv. 4th, Mr. Pavid Z. Itohinette and Mrs. Nettie Flynn, of Lone Kock. Recorder Kd Itunn perfoimed the ceremony and tlur happy oiing couple left at once f r 1iik U'fk, where they will Isgin house keeping with the liest wishes of their many fiieuds. Invitations will be printed at this of- f' Saturday for a grand ball to he giv- en at Condon on Thursday evening, Nov. 2Kth. under the auspices of the K. of P. mid I. O. O. F. lodges. It is the aim of the managers to make this the grandest ; CU'rk tn the iioltoii llonw, rortlHtnl, a ' . U..I iu . len s.rwci I I nrtR in hi nji'i niut in n m iimiiihi ouu j more, being traveling salesman for Wad- j bam & Co. of Portland, dealers in wol- en ware. ; Charley Llllie has struck 2" feet of 'f water in the 40-foot well which he has just completed fShi-riir Wilcox. It has len proven la-yond a doubt that aterin aliiiiulaiice can la- louinl any- (where in Condon by digging or Isiritig lor M'-l'"M -t..rt to,iy on a 'e" for 8. P. Shult. We regret to learn of the dciilh on Wednesilay of last week of ll. W. Pen - tarost, near Mayville w ho had been sick i i)nr citv duds are having a new reser- greasing nicely. Although it is a sul a year or more witti dropsy and a com- voir constructed for the city. U will be , scription school all the children in the plication of diseases. A very large iium- miit nf brick cemented, ami w ill add ! district are attending, bet-ides several !u'r of sorrowing friends and relatives i t(,,.i,l..l lln .it Miifi-illM Tloirri day. His family and relatives have the sympathy of the entire community iu their sad atlliction. Charles Dahlke of Clem was np to the city Tuesday having his final natnr alizstion pupers taken out before the county court. .Mr. Dalkhe desires to lease his spli nded 1140-acre farm, three miles from Clem, and if so he will vis!t his relatives in Minnesota a few mouths. Charley's, arm, which was broken sever- j al years ago, has not yet la-come aaj strong as it was la-lore. Stock Inspector Fred A. llale of Fine creek is in this section, on his p tinds inspecting sheep. He informs ns thai sheep all over the c uuly a:e in ect-i- lent condition, there being very little, il any, scab at present. Fred siiys that the best grass he has yet seen on his trip ia on Dim; Brown's range, several miles north of Condon. , , .,.,. ' . . . count ol the inuruer ot a man naiiien Jenkins, said: "The mur.-e.vr was evi- dently in quest of money, but luckily Mr. Jenkins had deKisited all his mon ey in the bank the day la-fore, so hoi lost nothing but his lifo." tiow very consoling that must prove to the spirit of Mr. Jenkins and his widow, if in- left any.-. : ' ' Does every housekeeper know, "that j milk is an excellent substitute lor soap, iu washing dishes? Its usefulness is varied, for it not only softens the hard est water and gives the dishes a clear, polished look, but it preserves the hands from chapping. It also prevents a greasy i'"1" appeariin? on top of the water. The quantity of milk to use la a half cupful ton dish pun half-full of very hot water, N. Y. World. . . , Every neVspaper treasures up in inetnory the nainea of Ha triemtH ttiid a likawiiw Hi eneunea. n never over - 1 n itfiiia an iiMiint-i nniiv ro aasisi ina uir mer, nut si mom oui. ( i uie way .to M the l.,t.U.r. iMn-an uuCre is the 'VVryw h.-rr. e.,p, w ho their !.! t-vr ' IMlkU- i,-ii" ' hii-i.m' "(.- n,.,,. will ia-tv t.-jri-lv i'.i'..' tnv-iii a noil. i ji ' ( fold sooner or later. Exchange. It took the jury only ten minutes Hat urday to arrive at a verdict of murder in the first degree in the Durrant case. His attorneys will make the customary request for a new trial and an appeal to the supreme court; but it is safe to as-1 sumo that More many more month Durrant will las the central figure in a hemp-stretching exhibition. II. H. Holmes, another notorious murderer, was also found guilty at Philadelphia last week and will soon have bis neck ; in the noose that has lieen yawning for him for so many months. Our town experienced a little excite ment on Wednesday evening of last week after tlie Gloiik was printed. A loiiKh and tumble drunken fight was in dulged in by Charley Johnson, Jack King and Mike Sullivan in the saloon, diirina which Johnson fired oil" bis re volver, iiinkimf a bole in tlie iKircb roof nearly large enough to throw a dog through it. All three were arrested for fiichtfng and Joe Trevelt for selling liq uor to drunken men. Recorder Ed Iliinii set their trial for the next day, t which Johnson was fined $15 and costs, making in all $20.20, which be paid. Hullivan was fined f 10 and costs and not having the money he worked it out on the streets. King proved that be mere ly acted in self defense and was dis charged. The case against Trevett was dismissed but be was at once arrested n 'rK' Hoping a uisoroer.y house, to which he plead not guil'v. ! The recorder found him guilty, however, ! and imposed a lino of $2" and costs upon ' him, which he refused to pay and has i appealed the ease, t!irogh his a ttorney, ! L. W. Darling, to the circuit court,. In ; every case the citv was represented bv City Ally. John Lyons. Arlington Items. Everybody realizes winter ia near at banil. ' Another fumilv frriu Itnfus is expect- ed lo iii.'Vn lo tow ii sisiti. Editor Shtitt was here last week shaking hands with friends. A traveling troupe gave an entertain I meiit in the Collin hall last Saturday I night. j Ed Tohev has l"-n on the retired list ! for several days caused by it carbuncle on his neck. Mr. liiirfool is buck from his Grant rountv trip. He reports cold weather , tory lo her moving to vani-Tina. Vrttilk-A ttitl nil uill't imiiir Rllll of i ijum u"' comse made a success of the sale. K. Fowler, who has la-en spending the suuiiuer in Urant county, returueil this week. He reports having found j ; some good mines, ile is hale anil j hem tv. Inn ing feasted on elk meat a! . part of the lime. - iw master C. W. Slin-te, accomim- ' ,,! ,,v ,.usin returned home this ; w,ek. ile reports having loot a g i ; time, although the thermometer regis - tereil 2 degrees la-low ern in Dakota . just before he left. : wreath- to the i cleanliness and purity of Sour water. Anvone who thinks Arling- j ton is not improving had better revise Ilia opinion. J. W. Smith returned last week, after an absence of nearly a year. His many friends will regret to learn that he will soon move to California, where lie ex - la-cts to reside in tne future, lie has in - vested about l!5,lHK) in a large fruit farm three miles from the city of Riverside, iu the healthiest and most delightful portion of California. s ,y waterway convention was 1 eid here; , ,f!,t r,rH,ay fr ,,e purpose of taking s,,iu-m lion looking tow ard river truliic ) ,,, ,. J.t nni this place, Judge Mariner presided, A committeeof uve, of which it.uiW ;iirilint is chair- ,mllli whs appointed to survey tlie route ; nrnmi the obstructions in the river, es - ; timate the cost of a portage road, etc., i Bn,i make report at a future meeting'; i ui cillit In-the dnoi-noui. As Mr. ; .inrlbiirt is a iirst-class surveyor and en- ..! It lu hiu will i-imtnili i ' ,v - -. i - , i reliable information In regard 10 tho i matter. Census of Gilliam County. Viim,wm- ,f 1,l'i1 vnloni ... . jr..),,,,., 3i v,i fss ' Mnlif Iii!'i it! nwrlO. ; McK rnmtw 10 J :' Total number of.' mates..,,. Numtivr ofemnlua over is y-nra of r- IT."! MS 1 W2 ' Feiniilt'8 miller nntt IS and over Ul .. Femnlea under 10 ..... Total number of femntes .... ...... WW; Total popnlntlon of the i-ouuty. ... ... 80l! Number of Uw ot wool 63:1,'JW i Acred malar vultlvittlnn. ....... ., .... DurIicIb of wheat rained nreeedtna vcar . Mm .828,(577 . 21 .905 tm.isi . 2.KI1 . w.t2 . !M.2 , j Ton, '0'( 'hliy pounds of butter and eheero .A 1 jui-m-iru . li. H,lwhetao, t,, .. 'M.m ISO ( Buatwii of mmi...;.'. , i.M - . "i"" f' 1 lVac)H- - 1 ' - !,( 14.010 2M.0IB ll.MIJ SOO.iW ' Number,, of poultry . ', Pntinil of baron j "Mambct ot do eRijx until .. : Nil, t tl of bun act mmi'ifm-tiupd Shurto Hi'og. can u- mhi iinvthinw'yim : want In tv- line of tiiiu-luuei v. Their, price urn all O. K. ' j Lone Rock Rlplets. From tlie way the air (-pIm about this neck o' the woods it will soon be winter. Mrs. Clarke, who wan very sick some lliuie ii in to be np and about 0ni-e u,r,. J. K. UaNton ass ud to his Ime Kock rain-h Saturday looking after but-j iness interests. Tu Coleman went to Ileppner the first of the week to buy the ihajra and window s, etc. for our new hall Something like a dozen Immigrant ' wagons passed through Lone Kock Hal orday on their way to California. I TTiiil, .fim.riu Iti.aulrin In ir..rii ti tiiti fur iii and stock for sale cheap for cash. He wants to move to Ashland, Oregon. All the farmers of out section are very busy putting in fall grain mostly rye, and hauling in (lour and grain, spuds, wood ete c. It. G. Itobinson informs us that be will go to lower California tlie last of the mouth, where be will hpend the j winter. I Ciuite a heavy ruin fell here Friday night; but it turned cold and the grass wilt not grow any more, consequently it will not do much giasl. Our piihlic school house has been fin fire several times lately on account of poorly arranged stovepipes, but it seems tiiat the proper persons take no notice of tiiis dangerous affair. Frank Ralston's horse fell with him last Saturday, and Frank lit in a badger bole about forty yards away. In the ac cident he got pretty badly bunged np, but no bones were broken. Home old-fashioned card games are frequently played here in one of the vacant houses. The worst of it iB that old gi ay-beaded men sit down and play with l tie youngi'r lads, anil there is al ways silver iir sight. About forty old men, boys and young men adjourned to Morgan Ward's field Sunday, to see an exciting horse race between Henry Neel's horse and Ben Ward's plug. -Ten dollars and a few nickels changed hands. Hob Robinctte anil Mrs. Nettie Flynn came in from Condon Sunday evening and nrononnced themselves man and i wife, saving they were married while in i that town. The isjys at once made a j rush for tin pans and bells and in a few ' n.ituiiuii uuvn the ripwlv niMrricft cnntilt. vigorous whooping up and wheel barrow ride they won't soon forget. Quite a heated debate took place at the Ione Rock hotel Sunday afternoon, finally terminating in an open combat and hair pulling among some three or four women. One man was present and in Ids frantic effort to get away from tlie scene of flying rags, hair and teeth he lcame entangled with one of ' . ,,,,,,,..:. n.i l)t his face consid ,.i,i,. .;u,i,,,,r..A t,iuv mv nrcayviue iviuuorinBs. Born on Friday Nov. 1st to the wife lot ram Mciiivtay a IHugirl. Mrs. Belle Fontaine ia visiting her : mint, Mrs. Capt. Withers. The Udies Aid S.s-iety have secured ; t,e ww ,, l(J ,loM tlieir llieeting9 jn tins-winter. ! Miss Maggie Wilson's school is pro- from the Luck horn d-strict. i Antone Nelson and John Anderson left here Tuesday with two pack horses load- Jed with traps, provisions, etc., for Was- ! co county, to trap coyotes. They were doing fairly well here, having trapped four within the last week. j The basket social given M lay even- , ng ,y the ladies of the Baptist church j w a a very enjoyable affair. The baskets ' were numbered and tlie corresponding numbers sold to a gentleman, who had to eat supper with the fair partner who owned tlie basket. Tlie ball given bv the O ld Fellow g in their new hull Friday night was a grand ! success if we judge from tlie w ay the J di.uceis enjoyed themselves. 37 nnm-1 hers were sold. The heavy rain prevent-! ed a great many from ! intended to come. coming who bad i I. D. C. W e dc Card of Thanks. ire in this way to express our ti'nks to the good people of Condon, I W llO, either 111 person or by proxy, visi- ! ueunesiisy evening in nisi J week and expressed their kindness by i leaving groceries, tlour, etc., in the par- , ' i i . : I . Houaite. miiio these tninpa nave a I value within theuiaelven, there is that m esprei-Kcil l-y them which dues much to cheer the hearts ami strengthen the! hands of the pastor and family. HkV. U. S. IhlAKK ANI WlKB. Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair, Gold Medal, Midwinter Fair. 'DEL ! I i i ' Most Perfect Made, 40 Ya the Standard. PHlfUfil ofLruuiniiruvi HEW STOCK uGHO STATE CONTRACT L A AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. Blank Books, Paper and in Fact all Kinds "'and Sorts ofZ SCHOOL SUPFLIES AfiD STATIGiiERY. WEAKEHEADQUnTERSFGKCILllAMCOiim. L. W. DARLING St GO., CONDON, - S. B. BARKER, t)KAI.ER GENER'LMERGHAi CONDON, OREGON. STOCKMEN'S SUPPLIES OF ALL KIKES A SPECIALTY. NEW GOODS CONSTANTLY ARRIVING. AL HENS HAW, GENERAL DEALER IN mi Paints, Oils, Crockery, Building Material, Fur niture, Stoves, Caskets, and All Kinds of Undertakers' Goods, Etc., Etc. Ten per cent Interest on accounts running over 30 days. When you come to the county seat, drop in and see me. Condon Hotel, CONDON, - : - OREGON. Mrs. S. A. Madclock PROPRIETRESS. This Large New Hotel is the Most Comfortable and Best-Fur- nlshed Hotel In Gilliam County. First-class Accommodation and Low Rates. ! The table is supplied with the best that the market afford. E. E. SMITH, DEALER IN" HARNESS, SADDLERY, WHIPS, SFUES, CHAPS, COLLARS, QUIRTS, ETC. Condon, - : - - : - Oregon. HAND AND MACHINE-MADE HARNESS. at . . . , . ! i.-piurii bpeoiwi v. vhh m. j I have liail twenty years .rmr- MY PRICES DEFY i AMT Boot and Shoe Repairing I have marked my prices so low so don't ask me for anything unless T. G. Johnson. Johnson -I-KOCRIKTORS OK- Livery, Feed and Sale Stables, Large New Barn on North Main street, Condon, - - Oregon. HAY AND GRAIN BOUGHT AND SOLD. CHAROES VKBV RKASONAHl.E. First-class Rigs Always on Hand at Very Reasonable Pate, A ahare of the public patronage is respectfully iolivittd OL BOOKS PRICE FOR CASH. T E : - OREGON. IS. , , . . u.r m-.. ji-u an..r,v u.nj experience in tms busmen anu COMPETITION. Done at Very Reasonable Rates. that I cannot fell on time any longer, yon have the money to pay for it. W. L. Wii.rox. & Wilcox, kJDISE I." : t i" i i-