Condon globe. (Condon, Gilliam Co., Or.) 189?-1919, September 06, 1895, Image 3

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Th ywirlr ntarrlptlun to the auim It 11.60,
Jfpuldln idvinM. If not paid In xlTtic, i
"will l olmrgcd, A bin pctiell nark around
thl notice ludlclet that your lubwrlptlon ex
pires with till fntie, I'Idum reiit-w promptly.
Mr. and Mrs. Chaa. ft. Hears visited
friends In Conduit from Saturday until
Judge Bradshsw it in Portland hold
ing court dr Judga Hurley, who la on
the sick Hat.
Born, to Mr. and Mrt. W. L. Ricliarda
at Condon on Tuesday morning, Sept. 8,
1808, a aon.
Louisiana it confronted with a pros
pective glut of molaasra. Thia It a form
of calamity that la likely to spread.
Oeo. Gibbons today began painting
the new Odd Fellowt hall at Mayviile,
which it about completed and it a fine
Judge Mariner and commiaioners Bal
aton and Clymerare in town thia week
conducting a regular teuton of county
Gene Smith thia week received a com
plete ttock of material of all kinda for
lilt harness thop. Call around and buy
Our publio tchooi began Monday with
an attendance of about 60 pupllt to start
in with. A great many more will come
in later on.
6. A. D. Uurley, the leading attorney
of Arlington, made a flying trip to Con
don Tuesday, on business before the
county court.
J. A. McM orris hat been employed to
teach tbe fall term of echooMn the Camp
bell district jutt north of town, commen
cing Sept. 16th.
John Maya, one of the ancceasful
eheepmen of Lone Rock, hat been In
una section an week, on the hunt lor
i, i... i.i. .1...-. '
The Gix)B la printed a little earlier
thia week than usual, owing to the
editor expecting to be absent from town
A couple of days.
Sunday last the wife of Charley Royse
of Rock creek gave birth to twine, both
boys ; but one of the little fellowt hat
since died, we regret to state.
Dra. llogan and Hudson made a pro
fessional visit to Rotrk creek Tuesday to
prescribe for Mrs. Chaa. Royse, who is
dangerously tick with convulsions.
Miss Bessie Fttswater hat been en
gaged to twatdi the Eightmile school,
commencing next Monday, he attend'
ed the Initltnte at ileppner this week.
(J. Ufe Frliwll. the well-known stock
' man of Uirds erei-k, Crook county, ex
pecta to move with hia family to their)
farm near MuCoy, Polk county, this fall.
Monday Dan Rinehart sold his resi
dence property in town to J. M. Caldwell
for $275. They say Jim would commit
matrimony if tome young lady, would
litilp him.
The contract for furnishing ten cords
of 10-Inch wood for this school district
i was let Monday to Frank Armstrong.
Out of five bids his waa the lowest, being
f4.4ft per cord.
Geo. Crum, one of the bright young
aontof J. A. Crum, theOlex miller, left
Monday for Corvallis, to enter tbe Ore
gon Agricultural College. Of course the
GiX)H follows him.
The Territorial Board of equalisation
of Arltona have fixed the Territorial tax
levy at 72 cents. That It one reason
why Arlsona It ao excellent place to
stay away from.
The ileppner Garotte says that Sun
day last John 8. Hoskina of Hard
man and Mist Alice B. Bills of Gilliam
county were married at the Farmera
Hotel in Ileppner.
J. R. McPberson and family of May
vllle and Mrs. Alice Gager and daugh
ter, Miss Nina, of Arlington, arrived
here last week and will remain tome
time. Eugene Guard.
Mist Ina Gorton came up Friday
from her home near Douglass, Morrow
county, and will attend our excellent
yhool this winter. She it stopping
with tbe Glohi family,
Charley White and Henry Heldtman
have both returned home from the east j
where the former told a train-load of
aheep and the latter a train-load of
, horses at fairly good prices.
Dr. Hudson was called to the John
Day river, near Ajax, Tuesday to pre
scribe for Archie Huston, who was
dragged by a horse and wat suffering
from concussion of the brain.
Crook county is making preparation
to fall In line and pay a bounty for coy
ote scalps having caught the idea from
this county. It would be a good Idea for
all the adjoining counties to follow suit.
The editor of the Chicago Newt de
serves to lose several million subscrib
ers.. He says there are only 105,000
male Americana who are not either bow
legged, knock-kneed or spindle-shanked.
Sheepmen, who have their flocks in
' the mountains, complain that the grass
la becoming quite short; but there it no
feed elsewhere and aheep will be kept
in the mountain pastures at long as pos
sible. ,'
A prohibition paper amrma that a
million people die annually from strong
drink. We don't believe a word of it.
When a iiititi iI'hb onwf h la dend and
that Is all there Is to it. He can't die
Captain 8. II. Miller and wife left
Tuesday for the Willamette valley on a
month's visit. They will go overland
and when they return they will come by
the way of Condon, (Jiliiara Co., Or.
Uoldendale Sentinel.
A little boy wat asked in school one
day thia week by bit teacher, "what it
the root of all evil," and he promptly
replied! "Our old spotted hog; I have
to drive it out of our tater patch about
a dosen timet a day,"
Four murderert were taken from tbe
Jail at Yreka, Cal.,Bat. night and lynch
ed by a mob of about 250 men. One of
the victims wat Garland Semler, a
yonng man only 19 years of age, who
finished a course in the Agricultural
College at Corvallis last March.
The tale of Dan Cameron's property
did not take place Saturday, as adver
tised, owing to other parties having
mortgagee on the same property, thus
complicating the matter in a way that
makes it necessary for an extension of
time. ,
Twelve Jurort have at last been se
lected for the Durrant murder trial In
San Francisco, and the famous case It
now on trial. If Durrant la acquitted it
wilt be more of a demonstration of the
skill of hit lawyers than proof of bit In
nocence. ..
Joe Potter, the Arlington Jeweler, and
Ben Stever passed through Condon the
first of the week on their way to the
mines near Granite, where Mr. Stever
intends to locate a claim. Bill Darling
and Dave Cantwell went up there sever
al dayt ago for the same purpose.
M. V. Harrison, wife and family, of
Hood River, have removed to Eu
gene, where they will make their future
residence, and where Mr. Harrison will
go Into the general merchandise bus
iness. At present Mr. Harrison it in the
employ of P. Frank A Bone, Engene.
A large congregation of people were
out Sunday to hear the dedication ter-
vices of Rev. C. F. Clapp, who is one of
tbe most interesting pulpit orator on
the roast. Babtismal rites were admin
istered upon Harold Marvin, the young
est child of Mr. and Mrs. 8. P. Shutt.
Misses Ella and Katie Kiely of Eight
mile returned to Condon Sunday and
will remain berethit winter. Katie will
go to school and Ella will conduct a
dressmaking establishment In the build
ing ooe door south of the hotel. She
understands that business thoroughly
and is an accomplished milliner.
News has been received from Saginaw,
Mich., that Parker Owent has arrived
there with hit prisoner, Rev. 0. D. Tay
lor, who hat been placed under f 16,000
hail bonds to answer to the charge of ob
taining money under false pretenses.
Falling to procure thia bail Mr. Taylor
( Incarcerated in the county jail.
P, II. Stephenson has just received his
new stock of merchandise and is now
ready to wait on bis friends at hla new
store whic h he pnrebased of J. 11.
Downing a month ago. Herbert ha
very wisely decided Dot to do auy credit
business, but says bis prices are so low
that It will eftect a great saving to all
who make cash purchases. See bis ad.
There wat a lively forcible entry and
detainer action before Squire Randall
atOlex this week. Henry Wilkint wat
tbe plaintiff and D. C. Williamson de
fendant. When nearly all tbe testimo
ny wat in the defendant proposed to
enter into a stipulation to leave on or
before next Monday, and the case was
dismissed. 8. A. D. Uurley appeared
for the plaintiff.
John Michell, who successfully edited
and published The Dallea Times-Mountaineer
for the last 13 years, haa sold out
to J. A. Douthit, an experienced news
paper m an of Pri neville, who took charge
Monday. Mr. Michell it one of tbe
ablest and most brilliant writers in the
state and will be greatly missed by the
faternity, but Mr. Douthit will receive
a heartv welcome back to tbe ranks of
The state of Oregon vs. Mr. Pergue for
assault and battery in striking David
Scott, was tried in justice's court at Ante
lope last week. E. M. Shntt appeared
for the state and G. H. Dunn and Ed
Miller for the defense, Monday the jury
disagreed and a new jury wat empan
eled Tuesday, which alw disagreed. A
jftry waa then called from the country,
which tried the case again Thursday,
resulting In a verdict of guilty. Pergue
was fined 45.
-A short time ago Dudley 8. Flynn bor
rowed a sum of money from Charley
Earhart at Lone Rock, and was to pay
it back In "a few days." Tuesday Dud
loaded his wares and penates on a cay
use and lit out for the valley, to stay,
coming through Condon and headed for
The Dallea. Charley got wind of hit
intended trip and came after him and
had the justice here Issue papers for
Flynn't arrest. The constable has not
yet returned with tbe absconding debtor.
We are pleased to learn that Arling
ton is fast regaining its old-time activ
ity and will toon be as good a town as In
its palmiest daya. .Much of this is due to
the fact that its enterprising business
men advertise in the Globu, thus giving
their town ahuont world-wide notoriuty.
With very few exceptions those In bus
iness there are thorough business men,
who have the welfare of their town at
heart and know how to keep up with
the procession of thrift aiid enterprise.
Those who want the trade ask fur it
through the Glows. .
A conntry newspaper In Minnesota is
in trouble. It baa just learned that the
scriptures say "man Is dust." And it
observes that dust settles, bnt Its sub
scrbers don't, so It comet to the conclu
tion that they are not men.
"Let the farmers agree not to plant
for one year, and the world will starve,"
exclaims Peffer. Very true; and tbe
farmers would starve along with tbe
rest. It is not likely, therefore, that
such a method of solving political and
economic problema will be adopted.
St. Lout Globe Democrat.
A curioua use for a husband it re
ported from San Francisco, where a Mr.
Lotnb and his wife kept a email thop.
For 14 years tbe firm hat avoided pay
ing taxes by the wife'a sending the hus
band to jail to serve out the legal time
for the unpaid taxes, while she remains
at the store attending to business.
Tbe Telegram says: "A woman hat
created quite a sensation by appearing
in Portland riding a borse astride. The
day will come when this will not be an
unusual spectacle. That Is the natural
way to ride a horse for either a man or
a woman, and the French have a sensi
ble aduge to the effect that whatever is
natural ia right." . V
A lawyer ina courtroom may call ' a
roan a liar, scoundrel, villan, or a thief,
and no one makes a complaint when
court abjournt. If a newspaper prints
such a reflection on a man's character
there la a libel suit and a big row on
hand. Thia it owing to the fact that
the people believe what an editor sayt;
what tbe lawyer aays cuts no figure.
At the close of a session of circuit
court in California last week the judge
had retired to rest, but the noise
of a faro table in an adjoining room
disturbed him ao much that he got up
and dressed, and went in and told them
that he had tried all legal methods to
break them up and bad failed, but now
he was determined to adopt another
plan. Before tbe night closed he broke
the bank, and told the parties to be more
careful in the future how they interfered
with tbe court.
Charlee Enoch Bain (Keno) met with
a very serious accident Saturday night.
He rooms on the second floor of Johnson
A. Wilcox's livery stable, and about mid
night he got up in his sleep, walked out
at the door and fell 12 feet to tbe plank
floor below. Tom Johnson, who also
sleeps in the barn, heard biin fall and
quickly went to hit assistance. Poor
Keno was a limber as a rag and appar
ently aa dead as a door-nail. Dr. llogan
waa hastily summonsed and tbe boy
soon regained consciousness again.
Strange at it may aeem, no bones were
broken, and he is already able to walk
about town again, but will not feel "at
himself" for a long time yet. It waa a
narrow escape from death.
Rev. E. Curran delivered a touching
farewell address Sunday evening, part
of which waa in poetic form on the sub-
ject of "Goodby," which was very ap
propriate and beautiful. Before leaving
next morning Mr. Curran invested in a
"glory ticket," permitting himself and
Miss Emma Meek to wed. Tbe date for
the marriage was set for today (Thurs
day) at Portland, Rev. C. F. Clapp to
officiate. They expected to leave the
same day for their new home in Oak
land, Cal., where Mr. Curran will preach
one sermon every Sunday and also take
a course in the Pacific Theological Sem
inary of that city. It is not known who
will be appointed to succeed him at
Condon, but the new minister is expect
ed here about next week.
, A good Btory ia being told of a young
lady not many miles from Condon who
found a package of love letters that had
been written to her mother by her father
before they were married. The daugh
ter saw that she could have a little sport.
and read them to her mother, eubetitu
ting her own name for that of her moth
er, and a fine young man for that of her
father. The mother jnmped np and
down in her chair, shifted her feet and
seemed terribly disgusted, and forbade
her to have anything to do with the
young man who would write such sick
ening and nonsensical stuff to a girl.
When the young lady banded the letter
to her mother to read the house became
so still that one could hear the grass
grow In the back yard.- - -
The Credit System. i
We are not running a business college
nor do we feel prepared to give lessons
to business men, but it does seem to us
that there ia one very bad habit prac
ticed in all business matters of our
whole country, one which works a (rent
hanlship to the seller and the honest
buyer. We allude to the credit system.
Experience haa shown na that the
creditor must lose a certain per cent of
hla debts on account of the buyer's fail
ure to pay. Thia works a hardship on
the buyer who pays, for the seller must
sell bin gooda atan advance sufficient to
these losses. Therefore, the man who
paya his debts must pay a certain per
cent of tbe debta of the men who do not
tJnder the credit system, all eapcri
encehat proven that men almost all
men will purchase goods under a credit
system which they would not bny if
they paid the cash. How much totter
would the condition of our country , be if
no man owed a cent. Lot us admonish
our people to think upon this subject.
1 . ' 1 .'
flhnrto" linos, f Arlington are also
agents lor the "Victor" and "Kambler"
bicyidea. v.. . .,-., ...
Arlington Items.
R. H. Robinson is on the sick list this
The npper room of onr school house
will soon be ready fur ose.
Amy Redford visited friends at Clem
and Condon the last week,
Mr. Grubb wat in town Saturday mak
ing final proof on a timber culture.
' Postmaster Shnrte made a flying trip
into the conn try thit week on business.
Miss Lizzie Welsh, sister of Mrs. 8. G.
Hswson, left Monday for ber home near
Sidney Collins has gone to the valley
for a con pie of weeka on a hop-picking
A Miss young of Gooseberry will teach
the primary : department of our school
tbia winter.
J. F. Potter, our popular jeweler, is
out in tbe mountains, looking after his
gold mine, to remain until tbe 6th. '
One of our telegraphers, Mr. Abbey,
will leave here in a short time to take.a
position as chief dispatcher on the Ore
gon Pacific Ry.
' E. W, Daggett waa elected 3-1 vice
president of the Epworth Leage conven
tion at Spokane last week during the
session of the Columbia River confer
ence. ; All of the many houses in town which
have been vacant eo long will soon be
filled again. Arlington it improving,
and will soon have its old-time appear
ance. 'Rab for Arlington I
Butcher Bros., who have jnst taken
charge of the Vendome are doing their
best to please the public and are suc
ceeding admirably. Frank Munkers ex
pects to move witb bis lainily to Salem
in a few days. ;' ';'
Lone Rock Rlplets.'
We bad a light frost here' Suiiday
night, killing some tender plants. t.
George Perry haa gone to thfcf head. of.
the John Day to look after his sheep.'
' John M. Brown ia in Spokane this'
week attending the Methodist confer
ence. John Madden has bought 250 acres of
wheat over on Eightmile, where be has
taken bis drove of hogs to fatten.
Rev. Bramblet and family have re
turned from the springs. They say there
were only a few up there yet when tbey
W. H. Colwell pulled out hia thresher
the first of the week and threshed his
grain the only one who will thresh any
here this fall.
4 W. H. Colwell and family will move to
Arlington to spend the winter, on i
count of Mrs. Colwell's health, aa the
lower altitude ia recommended by her
physician. .v - '
The smoke haa disappeared to a cer
tain extent within the last few days, tbe
raina having driven it out. This has
been the smokiest summer here for. a
great many years. .-'.
Andy Sprowles, our Blacksmith, has
sold his house and bought a lot from J
K. Bennett and is bonding himself a
larger one than his old one.. It will be
completed in a short time and will help
the looks of that part of town. J. Dob,
Keys Flat Notes.
Mr. James uarter of Mayviile la on
flat visiting thia week.
: Saturday Johnny Brandon was quite
seriously injured by hia borse failing on
Friday of last week there wat a heavy
thunder shower in our neighborhood,
almost amounting to a waterspout,
During the storm, Hill A Haley'a team
took fright and ran away, upsetting
load of hay they were hauling, causing
tome damage to tbe wagon.
Sunday when Denny Ureiner was
driving up his father's horses, another
horse ran and struck the horse he was
riding with his fore feet and knocked
him down. The saddle horse he was
riding rolled over him, injuring him
badly about the bead and shoulders.
; U. D. C.
' Stockmen's Union.
A regular meeting of the Condon stock
men's Protective Union will he held at
i Condon on Saturday, Sept. 21, 1895, at
one o'clock p. m. AH members take
.notice and be present.
' ' L. W. Darling, Secretary.
i V Stockmen, Attention.
. A regular meeting of the Mayviile
Stockmen's Protective Union will be
held at Mayviile, Oregon, on Saturday,
September 14," 1895, at 1 o'clock p. m.
All members are requested and anyone
owning stock are invited to be present.
Chas. B. Skarm, 8ec.
Highest Honort .World's Fair,
dold Medal, Midwinter Fair.
Host Perfect Made.
40 Years tbe Standard.
I M -
(Dealers in
Books, Stationery
Brushes, Fine Soaps, Sponges
Customers will find our stock complete, comprising many articles it is im
possible here to enumerate,
Paints, Oils, Crockery, Building Material, Fur
niture, Stoves, Caskets, and Ail Kinds
of Undertakers' Goods, Etc., Etc.
Ten per cent interest on accounts running over 30 days. '
When you Come to the county seat, drop in and see me.
Condon Hotel,
MRS. S. A,
This Large New. Hotel is the Most Comfortable and Best-Furnished
Hotel in Gilliam County.
First-class Accommodation and Low Rates.
The table is supplied with the best that the market affords.
E. JED. ,
Condon, - : - : - Oregon.
Repairing a specialty. Call and see nie when you are at the county seat.
I have had twenty years experience in this business and
Boot and Shoe Repairing Done at Very Reasonable Rates.
I have marked my prices so low that I cannot sell on time any longer,
so don't ask me fur anything unless you have the money to pay for it.
T. G. Johnson.
-paorBiKToaa -
Livery, Feed and Sale Stables,
Lerjje !sw Barn on North Main Street, .
Condon, - - Oregon.
First-class Rigs Always on Hand at Very Reasonable Rates
A share of the public patronage ia resawtfully ulicitd.
and all sold at moderate prices.
W. L. Wilcox.
& Wilcox,