Condon globe. (Condon, Gilliam Co., Or.) 189?-1919, July 26, 1895, Image 3

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    X r
FRIDAY. JULY 28, 1898. .
n oti c r
Tha yearly mlMcrlptlun to th iiat li lira,
i fulillu (lrBii(!, If mil, J In lvnon, 2
I "hunted. A blue pencil murk aroimrl
llilt notliw ludtcntvt that yow .iitwrljitlnii n.
lifwlthth1 lm, J. km. r,.h.'w pmnivtlv.
Sheriff Wilt-ox I. in the Fowril country
ttiii weuk.
ttV. (Jorran vldltcd lleppner this
week, iturting Wedtifaday.
Supt. Kennedy wn out on m-hool
vloltlng1 expedition tbla week.
.Mlfiei Lontll and Mary MauMoek
vlwitud Mra. Pannenntu aid) family t
Clem ThiirwUy,
: John Madduck ha leaned hi 4H0-ncre
tenth on fenfptlon to Jim lirown or
iiMturlng imrpowg.
Kfiid the aI of the Monmouth State
Normal St liool, one of the bc.t aehoola
Oil tllH I'flflflc COHht.
I toward rropat ia harvest! or at Athena,
Umatilla coonty, to which add rem he
orders hi Qumu aent,
Wm. Johimon lint nold hia Hoover
creek rantdi t Lee I'll urea of Foaail, mid
ia In tldi aeclion looking for work.
Oeo. Klppey ami family arrived home
Saturday from two weeka' vlait with
their relatives in Wavhingtoii county.
Billy Burr ha juit received a fine 15
hall pocket pool table for hia ialoon,
which afford the boy much amuno
inent. Llr.'Hndnon waa called down to Rock
reuk Wednewluy night to prescribe for
Mr. Brock, who 1 aick with liver com
lninM. The hum of the- header la again heard
in the land but there will not be no
much grain to bum over sa there wua
Uat harveat.
Moro Observer; A. J. Mnruhv of
dvndalo, Waali., hat leased the bar-
liopand fixlurea from A. Brandon-
bnrit for a term.
The famoti Durrant murder trial a In
progrew at Ban Franciaco thla week.
We believe Dnrrant la guilty and ought
toelretcli hemp.
Mint Ll.le Klrharditon, who ban been
viaillng her elatcr, Mra. C. It. Mention
here for the taut month, loft Tuesday for
her home at McCoy, Polk county.
Alonao Klevena and family and hit
mother of The Italic are vialiiug at the
F. H. Steven ranch eaat of town. They
expect to remain about one week.
Metara. . M. Wingato and fain l'at-
teraon two of Aittclope'a wide-awake
yonog btiiini'Ka men paid our town a
visit Saturday. They are umoli UnteU
with Uilliani'a bustling little capital.
Mra. Mary Churchill and four children
arrived here Tuewlay from Salem and
will vialt her eluter, Mra. F. B. Kievena
and family about a month. Frank met
them at Arlington with private convey
ance. Hanker Geo. Conner and wife departed
Thursday morning for lme Itock, where
they expect to vialt a few days. While
over there they will be the gueats of the
family of John M. Lirown. lleppner
A flue baby boy waa born Wednesday
of laatweek to Mr. and Mra. Mike Pnkek
on lteecher Flat. One of Ida neigh lora
inform u that since tbnt lime Mike
liend moHt time with hia head in a
barrel, hollering "Dad,", juat to hear
how it toutida.
Alt?. T. H. and John Lyons came
over from lleppner Friday, the former
remaining here until Wednesday, when
be returned to that city, John will re
main here and practice law. lie I a
bright young man and no doubt will
toon work up a good practice. '
Charley Brown inform us that the
Owns erred luat week In stating that he
set hia ifruMS on fire purposely, He
say tlie tire originated from emtyiug the
contents of his pipe In the grafts and did
not know it wits loaded ( with fire) until
the flume were beyond his control.
Geo. Coflln of Thirtymlle waa in towu
Tuesday with a load of a fine peaches
as ever tickled a throat, ile ha Imen
under the weather for several months,
canned from rheumatism, etc. Ile says
he Intends to brlim a load of fruit to
town every few day from now until full
Churley Gross and Fat Skelly return
! ed home this week from Portland, where
they had been for two weeks receiving
treatment in a hospital. lUith claim to
be much benelitod thereby. Charley's
younger brother from California arrived
here this week on a visit to his relatives.
Probably the youngest mother in the
state of Oregon, says the Mitchell Moni
tor, is Mrs. J. F. Magee, wife' of the
murslml of Mitchell, who gave birth to a
well-formed boy baby last week, whose
weight is only live pounds in his stock
ing feet. Mrs. M.igee is yet in her 15th
Frank Eorreater, a Mitchell freighter,
had a very unusual and .dangerous ex
perience last week. .Ally got Into his
ear, and before it con Id bo taken out had
deposited a number of eggs. In a short
time the eggs hatched out, filling his ear
with maggots, and only prompt surgical
effort saved his life.
Two young man Cass Himpson, who
formerly resided with his parenta in
Ferry Canyon, and Charley Foster, from
J'ollc county,., arrived hero Wednesday
mill I'xneia to remain' n month or ho for
thulr health, Mr. Foster Is a nephew
ot Mr. and Mrs. Tom Young, at whoso
houie he is now visitlug.
The depositors of Baker City National
Bank, which is in the hand of Receiver
A. Edgar Heard, will be pleased to learn
that another dividend will I declared1
Inside of 10 days. The July dividend
will he the aame aa the last one, which
was 20 p-r cent. Baker City Blade.
(This la another of the defunct bunks
tdat wii "Fricled" a year or ao ago.
Geo. Piikek, one of Gilliam' most in
duslriom and proHperona bachelors, this
week purchased the Ham Rice fHrm, 100
acres of deeded land, lying between his
(l)okek') other two Beecher Flat ranch
es, for $750. There are plenty of yonng
ladies in this county, ny one of whom
would be glad to have her name chang
ed to Mr. Dnkek if George wasn't too
bashful to ask them. :
On Tuesday last, Mra, Katharlna Grel
ner celebrated the anlversary of her 70th
birthday at the home of her sons and
daughter near Mayville. A great many
relatives and friends were present to
congratulate the venerable matron. At
2 o'clock p. m. a tine banquet was enjoy
ed by all present, which was followed
by a mimical entertainment, and all had
a very pleasant time.
Dr. II. 8. Goddard of Portland was a
passengcron Wednesday's stage enroute
to Fossil, where he will conduct the
drug store of A. It. Lamb, who expects
to spend a month visiting his parents
and homo of his childhood near Rich
mond, Indiana. This will be Mr.
Lamb's first visit to hi old home since
leaving there when he wasa young man,
and the meeting will lie a joyful one.
Coyote scalps in this county are now
worth 2 each, and a great many men
and boy will make it a business from
now oo slaying the long-snouted crea
ture. And well they may, for there is
no kind of work they can find now so
remunerative as killing coyote at 2 a
kill.' It even beats harvesting "all hol
low." It is indeed a poor hunter that
cannot bag 3 or 4 of the varmints each
day. ;
Mr. M. J. Connolly of Portland is vis
iting hi wife and daughter at Condon,
and may conclude to locate and go into
somo kind of business here. He has
leen troubled a great deal the last few
year with catarrh, and recently return
ed from the Handwicb Islands, where he
had been for seven months for hia health.
His physician advised him to seek a
highersititude and dryer climate, hence
hi trip to Condon, which is getting to
have quite a reputation as a health re-
Work is progressing on the Goldendalo
and Lyle railroad, although a larger
force of men could be used prolllably.
The first half tulle will be graded by the
end of a week, at a cost of about 400.
The first ten miles of the road run in a
canyon and the grading is mostly dirt,
there being very llttltf'roek work. It is
estimated that the 10 miles of canyon
should not cost much more than fHOO a
mile, already built. The remainder of
the roml is through open prairio and, at
the rates Indicuted, should not cost more
than 500 a mile. Sentinel.
Died Monday, July 22, 1S0.", at his
home in Ferry Canyon, Jaiiies H. Nelion,
aged ti3 years. The deceased had been
sick for some time with Bright' deaeae
of the kidneys, and a short time ago
several largo carbuncles formed on his
neck, which weskened his constitution
so luncli that he nover rallied. When he
learned that death was inevitable ho
sent for a lawyer to write out hia will,
and T. R. Lyons went out Hunday for
that parpoBe. The liody was buried on
the farm, where it will remain until fall,
when it will be rem oved to Goldendalo
and laid to it eternal test beside hia
futlier's grave. The family have the
sympathy of the community in their
sad alHictku).; n t .
The most "amusing bit of news we
have published for a long time wax an
item which appeared in the Guhiu laut
week on the subject of honesty, w hich
Biaicii, nuu iruuuiy, t'ju, mm iv UWB
1 ..!!.. ..... .I.... I. .1 '
HOI etiv lo w iiieiiuuuvt. . Ifc IB vitv ui
those ilems that is so applicable in every
community that when it get' started, it
goes the round of the conntry press
without crediting any paper with 'the
item. It has appeared in at least a doz
en of our exchanges within the last
couple of mouths, one of them being the
Antelope Herald, which we clipped it
from. The funny part of it is, the shoe
tit several parties in this section so well
that they "kicked clear over the traces"
and thought it was meant a a personal
stab Ht them. Such items are intended
for all who feel that the shoe fits them,
nnd In this case no honest man need fear
that It was meant for him.: "The bird
that' hit Is the one that flutters."
Supt, Kennedy ha completed all ar
rangements for the teachers' institute,
which will '.commence at Condon next
Tuesday, 80th. Mr. Parker, the stage
man, haa generously agreed to charge
only half faro for all teachers who attend,
and reduced rate will also be made for
tliem while in town. It is the duty of
our citizens to make it as pleasant as
possible for the teacher while they ..are
amongst us,, nnd thug keep up the town'
good repntution for hospitality. All
honor to tbo teachers who oftentimes
are instrumental in making good women
and men out of boys and girls, whose
parent have not been able to do any
thing with them, In the wny of bringing
thorn up so us to be an honor to woman
hood and manhood. It will
prove highly instructive atsd
doubt less
to all who attend, and evory tennhrr in
fne county should attend throughout
.thcsMsiujK .
Sheepmen'a P.rotectlvn Union.
Pursuant to a call, a very tre num
ber of sheepmen and stockmen from all
over the county met at Condon Saturday
for the purpose of considering the advis
ability of making np another dollar per
head as a bounty for coyote scalps, t be
added to the H per head to be paid, by
the county. It was a very enthusiastic
meeting and all were nnanimonsly In
favor of the lionnty, the union deciding
for the same to talce effect from July 6th,
which was thtf date the county court
,uA.. ih n,Ar m .,v .1 m-ranalo. In
order to raise the amount thouitbt '
to lie necessary, the union decided upon
an ansessmeut of one-half ctmt per head
of all sheep subscribed. Already over
70,000 head are subscribed and there is
no doubt that this number can be doub
led within a few days, as no one has jet
heard of a sheepman or stockman in the
county who is opposed to paying the
bounty, t A great many stockmen who
do not own any sheep have subscribed
from 10 to 25 each in order to assist in
the effort to rid the connty of this pest.
; The union organized by electing the
following otlicers: R. G.Robinson pres
ident; Win. Rettic, vice-president; C.
A. Danneman, 2d vice-president; J. W.
Blake, Secretary ; 8. B. Barker, treasurer.
Rowe creek Z. T. Keys. Crown Rock
Jerome Bridges, Wm. Griffith. , Butte
Creek 1$. Kelnay, A. G. Ogilvie. May
ville Wm. Rettie, Wm. Key. Trail
fork Alex liardle, F. M. Bpriugston.
Lone Ruck George Perry, W.' 11. Col
well. Idea D. C. Downer, Geo. 8.
Blake. Matney W. L. Barker," John
Harrison. Condon D. S. Brown, J. W.
Blake. Rock creek T. G. Woodland,
Wm. Smith. Arlington Robt. Barfoot.
Blalock W. J. Mariner.
Following Is the constitution drawn op
and adopted by the union:
We, the undersigned do hereby organ
ize ourselves into an association to be.
known as The Sheepmen's Protective
Union of Gilliam County, Oregon. The
object of this union is to exterminate
coyotes and other vermin which depre
date on sheep. All persona owning or
directly interested in sheep in Gilliam
county are eligible to become members
of this union.
The officers of this union shall consist
of a president, 1st and 2d vice-presidents,
secretary and treasurur, who shall bold
their res nective offices for the term of
one year, or until their successors are
dueled and qualified; ami said officers
in addition to other duties shall be con
stituted a board of mauagers. The pres
ident shall preside at all meetings; the
vice-presidents shall, in their respective
order, preside in the absence of the pres
ident. The secretary shall keep a rec
ord of all meetings of the union and at
tend to all its correspondence. The
treasurer shall keep the funds of the
union and pay them out as ordered by j
the board of malingers.
The board of
manager shall devise ways and means
for carrying out the best interests of this
union, as before stated.
This union agrees to pay the sum of
one dollar as bounty for each coyote kill
ed in Gilliam county, Oregon, the sculp
of which consists of both ears and face
attached. The person claiming such
bounty shall cause such claim to be. ver
ified before a proper officer and to be
presented with said scalp or scalps to the
persons designated to receive the same
by the board of managers.
The funds to pay this bounty and the
necer-sury eipense connected therewith
shall lie raised by an assessment of one-
I half a .t, Aimh li.tafl nf uh.wwt rvivtlnd
and run by us in Gilliam County, Ore
gon, to be paid within twenty days from
u.: H.r w.. m, io.., B.n
.! .. i. I it.. i.. m .D..-.V
vu J'J luifciirr acqvDsiiioiua iiui.i wmi; w
time on our number of sheep, as ordered
by the board of managers. Fersons oligl
blo can join this union hy signing these
articles or by causing them to be signed
J (or theill by
written order.
Copies of this constitution are left for
signatures at the store of 8. B. Barker
at Condon; et Fossil, Lone Reck and
Arlington. Already nearly $'.'00 has
been paid in to the treasurer, S. B. Bar
ker. Instructions to precinct inspectors of
the Sheepmen's Protective Union of
Gilliam County, Oregon:
When a coyote scalp is presented, sat-J
Isfy yourself by proper iuq iiry and n janiea W. Smith ia now mieivingStock
vestigntion that the same is genuine) Liverpool, aud Table Salts directly from
and that the animal was killed in Gil-Uhe 8alt works and is prepared to
lia.i, ..nnntt aim.n .fiiiv ft i BdR whn, i sell lower t hau any nierchan t.
satisfied that all is correct, then cut a
swallow fork out of the right ear of the
scalp (this will show that it has passed
inspection nnd can not lie passed a sec
ond time if lost). Then issue a cettiti-
cate (on the form furnished by the
board of managers) which will follow
on the same sheet with the claimant's
certificate, or proof of claim. This proof
and certificate with scalp as marked,
the claimant will present to the treas
urer of the union, who will satisfy him
self that it Is In due form and regular,
and thereupon cut a swallow-fork out of
the left ear of the scalp and pay the re
quired bounty; nnd mark on the said
rertillcate the amount ptdd and for what.
The said cottillcato and the scalp aa
marked can lie presented to the county
clerk of said county, who then has the
authority to issue the sum of one dollar
county scrip for same in addition
! to the $1 as may lie paid by said enii'W.
. ine msnus will tie so arrungeu tnat any
'Dumber of scalps may be included in
(Oiie cortiScatu at any one time. f
Barker-Clarke Nuptials. ,
The marriage of Mr. Simon I.. Barker
and Miis Anna Clarke was solemnised
at the home of the Vide's parents . at
Lone Rock on Wednesday, July 24, ltG.
at 2:30 o'clock p.m. Rev. E. Curran
performed the ceremony in the presence
of a large numler of relatives and friends,
after which a very fine dinner was en
joyed by all present.
The bride is amorift Gilliam's fairest
and most accomplished young ladies.
whose lovable disposition has endeared ,
to all wtio nave tne pleasure oi ner ,
''qnintance. The groom is one of the
brightest vouns bneinens men In the
Slate, being a successful merchant, a
large sheep owner, treasurer of Gilliam
county and mayor of Condon.
The happy young couple have already
begun housekeeping in the John Miller
residence, which the groom had elegant
ly furnished for the occasion. Their
many friends extend to them the heorti-
! est congratulations and best wishes.
Lone Rodk Ripiets. v
Monday was the warmest uay for the
summer 95 in the shade.
Mr. Bonner of Kightmile, who got
hurt on a bn.7,aw not long ago, is in a
Critical condition, as he has pneumonia
and is so weak from his wound that he
has a slim chance for his life. t
.A. Crawford and Dr. E. H. Griffin
are gathering their horses together in
order to have theui ready by the first
of August to start them to the Malheur
country, where they have leased them
for a number of years. They have sev
eral hundred head. '
Georgo Conser, cashier of the 1st Na
tional Bunk of lleppner, spent several
days here the first of the week, accompa
nied by hia wife.- Geo. put in some of
the time killing grouse and made a rec
for himself aa a gronse hunter. We
didn't say what kind of a record, how
ever. Milton Ward, wife and family are here
on a visit from their home in Wenatch
ee, Wash. Milt was raised here and has
lota of friends to call on. He reports
crops fairly good up in that section and.
times good also, ile is in the stock hus
iness, but says there is not much in
raising cattle just now. J. Doa.
Arlington Items.
F. B. Stevens of Condon was in town
R. T. Cox has returned from his out
lug at Mt. Adams.
A show is billed to be at this place
Friday, July 26th.
Quite a number of our girls are now
riding the, "bike."
Stanley Coihu of North Yakima, .is
here enroute to Lewiston, Idaho.
Kew sidewalk: ia being put down and
ourcity presents a lively appearance
Homer Wood is spending a few weeks
in the Willamette valley, visiting friends
'and relatives.
The weather here is excessively warm,
the thermometer standing at about 100
deg. in the shade. "
"Slackahead" was seriously hurt last
week while repairing the city windmill,
one arm being caugt.t in the machinery,
resulting in a fracture of the bone.
"Wild Bill" Radzorn and family "have
been camping in our vicinity for several
days but now Bill holds the fort alone
hia recently-wedded belter and
daughter having left himi .
George Hall, a farmer of Eighttnile,
was arrested and placed in jail at Hf pp
ner Saturday for the larceny . of a gang
plow. The plow was stolen from thtv
linn of Gillian & Bisbee,. of Heppner
last October, and no trace of it could lie
.."... ...... .
1Urrhl5t)n WRg intorlljed that the plow
was in Hall's posescion. , The' sheriff
procured a search warrant and went out
to Hull's place and on searching the
cellar, found the plow covered with old
sacks and other rubbish. Hall had
never used the plow and he claims to
have bought it in Arlington.
I have just located and established a
gallery at Condon and respectfully invite
the public to call and examine my work
bef ire going elsewhere. My prices are
very reasonable and I guarantee satis
faction. : WL. Richards.
' Last week James W.Smith
one carload of Calcutta wheat bags
bus over half of them sold already.
James W. Smith has a few 12 ft.
Hodgo steel frame headers left, which
he will tdose out at reduced rates. He
cau also furnixh good second-band head
ers at low figures.
Highest Honors World's Fair.
Gold Medal. Midwinter Fair.
. Most Terfect Made.
40 Years tli Sund-wl.
L. W. DARLING it .CO.,
Books, Stationery
i, :, ,
Brushes, Fine Soaps, Sponges
customers win nni our stock complete, comprising many articles it is im
possible here to enumerate,
lllall VIUVIl VM
1 Wve also just received a large and choice stock of
BuilciersV Materia Is
"'V T'"" Such as
Doors, Windows, Hardware, Paints, Oils, Wall
Paper, Window Shades, Stoves and Pumps.
"Ten per cent Interest on account runnlngr over 30 days.
When you come to the county seat, drop in and sae me.
CONDON. - : - : - OREGON.
Co ndon H otel ,
Condon, Oregon.
This Large New Hotel Is the Most Comfortable and Best-Fur
nished Hotel In Gilliam County.
First-class Accommodation and Low Rates.
The table ia supplied with the beet that the market affords.
Condon, - : - : - Oregon.
Repairing a specialty. Call and see me when you are at the county seat,
x I have had twenty years experience in this business and
Boot and Shoe Repairing Done at Very Reasonable Rates.
I have marked my prices so low that I cannot sell on time any longer,
so don't ask me for anything unless you have the money to pay for it.
T. 0. Johnson.
- pitor -
l.aite New Barn
Condon,, -
First-class Rigs Always on Hand at Very Reasonable RftiCd
A hare of the public pafrotsge is refiri:tfuHjr aUct&A. x
and all sold at moderate prices.
W. L. Wilcox.
& Wilcox,
Feed and Sale Stables,
on North Main Street, .
- Oregon.