i t-. THE COilDOll GLOBE. FRIOAY.JULY 26, 1 898. THE OFFICIAL PAPER OF GILLIAM COUNTY. OREGON. Reward for Lost Dog. A Cue tthepitrd dog, white iirKt kihI i luifs and while slnjw on KirvliPiKi, whs Utel on Moixihv, July 8th, in Lit Vulloy. The Under will be suitably rewarded by returning the dog to the owner, J. W. MaUiinrnt, in Lost Valley ' Gilliam county is assured of over j half a crop for the preeent season. : It is again demonstrated that it pays to fariu well, if at all. The grain that was sown on 'summer fallow will make a splendid yield, fall grain, of course, being the best. Spring sown grain, except on sum mer fallow, is pretty well burned up and much oi it will not be worth cutting, but fortunately these con ditions are proportionally small. The farmer who does not summer' fallow and rest his land will soon be a thing of the past in Gilliam. The man who sows his grain on su miner fallow, whether he farms on an extensive or small scale, will realize, on an average, five bushels more per acre than the one who sows his crop in a hap-hazzard manner trusting to luck or provi dence to bring & good yield. Usu ally 6iwall farms pay best because they are well tilled, but a big farm will pay better if cultivated to the "best advantage. One tiling is cer tain, nothing but skillful farming will win here and the sooner the slipshod farmers are forced to the wall the better it will be for the de velopment of the county. It will . be impossible henceforth for indif ferent farmers to compete with the man who cultivates his land to the best advantage. In all the older states it became' necessary as the country settled up to make every acre of land count to the best ad vantage and Oregon will prove no exception. Already the great ma jority of farmers of this county have determined upon summer fal low as the surest rule for good -crops and the others must follow suit or quit the business. ' Statistics conclusively show that hard times have checked immigra tion as scarcely anything else could. Even the laws, unless faithfully carried out, could not accomplish so much. These are good signs, and one 6plended effect of our pass ing business depression. The hordes of paupers, criminals and laborers have been crowding our shores for the last decade at a pace which has caused the thoughtful to pause and begin to calculate up on the limit of our national gener osity and patience. New Jersey and New York have had a genuine cyclone, and at the rate the stonu belts are widening Oregon will be crowded to accom modate the stricken refugees. It will only be a few years until our real estate agents will be forced to advertise "standing room only." Salem Post: Already the report reaches us that Miss Anna Gould that was has paid gambling debts for her titled husband amount ing to $125,000. We hope it is true, for it will show how honest our American girls are. Yon will find a full line of Standard rentiers, mower and hav rakes, and all extras iu James VV. Smith's machinede tmtutent. Shurte Bros, of Allington sell that hemniful ligbt-runningChnmpion Reap er; alao the liaina Oregon header, which had no equal. : The- O. R. &. N. Co., always alert to the welfare of their patrons, have lutd on Kale at principal stations a lOQO-tuile ticket, at the rate of three rents per mile, good for one year from date of Bale and food for passage over the rail and water ines of their pvstem. JAMES W. SMITH, -WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN" GENERAL- R.G. ROBINSON &S0NS CASH STORE. 'Treasurer's Notice. All county warrants registered prior to Nov. 10, 1893, w ill he paid on present ation at my otfiee. Interest ceases on and after this date. S. H. Bakkkr, Treasurer of Gilliam Conntv, Or. Dated at Condon, Or., Julie 2ti, J 81)5. "We had an epidemic of dysentery In this vii-inity last summer," says Samuel S. i'olloek.'of Briceland, Caf. "I was taken with it and suffered severely until some one called my attention to 'Cham berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea. I procured a bottle and felt better After the first dose. Before one-half of the bottle had been used I was well. I rec eomended it to my friends aud their ex perience was the same. We all unite in saying it is the hest." For sale by L. W. Darling druggist. - Among the numerous persons who have been cured of rheumatism by Chamberlain's I'ain Balm, mention should be made of Mrs. Emily Thome, of Toledo, Wash., who says: "I have never been able to procure any medicine that would relieve me of rheumatism like Chamberlain's Pain Balm. 1 have also used it for a lame back with great success. It is the best liniment I have ever used, and I take pleasure in recom mending it to my friends." tor sale by L. W. Darliug druggist. Fl;C !i A!l P ISE ARLINGTON, OR. WE ARE SELLING COOPS FOR CASH. HEW COODS ARE CONSTANTLY ARRIVING! -and are being marked lower than ever,--jet we deduct from these LOW prices a- CASH DISCOUNT OF 10 PER CENT! -ON- dry goods, clothing, furnishing goods, boots! and shoes and notions. Groceries are being sold much lower thanj heretofore. County Warrants at Face. I will take county warrants at their face value in trade at mv store in Con don. fc. B. Barkkb. -We can fit you out with any kind--of agricultural implemeut, such as- SUMMONS. In the circuit coHrt of the state of Oregon for the county of Gilliam. l.iijie Lead better, plulutlff, v. Lyman Lead bet ter, neieodant. To Lyman Ieadbetter, defendant above-named : You are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint tiled mrnintt yon in tlio above-entiled suit ou or before Monday, September IS, lh'A), that being the tint day oi the next regular term of this court; and if yon fail so to appear or answer, for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief prayed for in the eom plaint, which is that the bonus of matrimony ex tsxing between plaintiff and youmelf be forever dissolved. This iiimmiin! is served upon yoa by pabllrs tiou thereof, not less than once a week for a pe riod of six weeks in the Condom Giobb, by or der of Hon. W. 1 , Btadkhaw, jmite oi the above entitled court; done and dated at The Dulls, Wasco county, Oregon, on the 20th day of July, A. I. IS'. . A. 1. GCRI.KT, J26-24 Attorney for Plaintiff. Albany Democrat: This sending morphine fiends and drunks to.the state insane asylum to be cured should be stopped. That is not just exactly the state's business. It is estimated that the last cen sus will cost Uncle Sam Ill.oOO. 000. The counting of the people is getting to be a big job. . Homestead Bill of 1803 Is De clared Invalid. Portland Telegram. The act passed by the legislature of intending to exempt bouieetearta nt exceeding t 1500, or ItiO aeres of land. from any judicial sale for the satisfac- tion ot any Uamiitv. has nepn decreed i unconstitutional bv Judge Hurley, who announces in In derision that it g void . ami of no effect. . ti. Thompson eoed E. H. Hyer- .i stay on account. He levied upon 1(50 . acrwi of land near Brewer. On judjf tuent and execution the sheriff sold the property, tiyerntoy excepted, to the le on the ground that ItiO acres waf a hoiiiefctead, and therefore exempt. The attorney for Thomson raided the point that the law was Invalid berauau of a blunder in the make-np. When the - the bi" was paused, it watt without sec tion or clause stating when it should go into effect. When the bill came to the seriate it was co tin i lie red well that the net should cpirfain such a provision, and it was appended as section 8. . Trie mil was improperly engrossed and, as it was presented b and signed by the -president of the senatw, speaker of the honse, and governor, the amendment, wrt'ym &, -is omitted, and the bill was signed as it was- originally introduced, and con tains bnl eleven sections. On this irronnd the sate of the dfcfon daniV property was confirmed by the court, 'which deeidud that as section 8 wis omitted, the law was void, fcneh a law is in effect in several of the states of the Uidoii, "., . ,.'. ( A tew attorneys, acting as referees in similar ens, bate exptped the belief i that the hivutertfrtd law U invalid, nd ! .it is said, JiwJti McBride recently pasted ; upon tht? law unfavorably. ! NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Offk i at Thk Dalles, Oh., June 26, 1895. Notice 1b herebv riven that the follovluir- naroed settler h filed notice of bia intention to make final proof in support oi his cluim, and that saia prooi win rje maue oeiore k. r rer, eonn tv elerk of Gilliam county, at Condon, Or., on August 12, 18S5, vis: tEKOY U SHELLEY, Hd. 8427, for the ne!4 see 21 ta 5 s of r 20 e, W. M. He names Ibe following witnesses to prove hit con- nnuo'ia renuenee upon ana eniavanon oi, muia laud, via: A, D. Huley. H. Beck, Edward Mor un and J. C. Webb, all of Morvllle. Oreifnn. J21 Jab. F. Mookk, Register. KOTICE FOR PUBUCATION. Land Obici at Tbk B aixks, Or., June 10, 1HJ6. Notice ia hereby given that the following named aetUer haa filed notice of his Intention to make final proof In support of hia claim, and that aid proof will be made before 9. A. D. Curler, V. a. Commiaaioner, at Arlington, Or., on July 27, 1SW, vu: JEREMIAH A. CRCM. Hd. Si30, for the w'X nee 34 tp 1 t of r 21 e, W. M. He namea the following witneaae to prove Ida con tinuous residence upon and cnlrivation of. Mid land, vis. Charles neater of t.iem, bdward liu. ber. George Hanna, J. F. Thomas, of Olex, Or. jl4-18 . Jas. F. Mookk, Register. BUSINESS LOCALS. Books of all kinds. L. W. Darling 4 Co. Dishes and glassware at L. W. Darling & Co.'a The beat lemon extracts for flavoring. Just ar rived. L. W. Darling A Co. Have yon seen our new display of toilet soaps? Boineuiiug new ana nice. i n. waning & to. Bay choice bird seed, now redm-ed to 10c a lockage, from h. W. Darling ic Co., and your bird win singaweeter. The German-American Insurance Co., of New York, haa established an office at Condon with L. W. Darling aa agent The famous "Williams Barber Bar Shaving Soap" the best in the world for the toilet and for shaving. For sale by L. W. Darling dt Co. The freehent, pnreat and best stock of prescrip tion medicines in the country ran be foHnd at tne qrtig store of L,. w. iMrnng &;o., t;ondon. To The Public. I have taken charge of the Conning' ham liverv stables in Arlington and hope my friends from everywhere will remem ber me when they come to town. My rates are very moderate and the very beet care is taken of stock left in my care. uive ue a chance. , J. r. Ihoma. Fine Liquors and Cigars. I have jnst opened anew saloon In the Skelly building at Condon and have a new stock of choice liquors of all kinds, beer, cigars, etc. If yon enjoy such re freidieiueuts and amusement, this is the place to find it. Job Thevktt Sbrjrt Hr. of Arlington are Bfif soiling out t ti.t but wiii give any Mi a gurxl de on wgnnr buyify, cuiiwin msw-hine, nntper, hsmder or ttrh.er-; (n far t sBylbing in tUrir line, 'a'l on thei. . . J.', Pri'.'ft'fT Dvt fctkitig Pwaer Jack to the Front. If yon want anv new boots or shots, eotne to uiv new boot and shoe store at the upper end of Main street, Arlington. I keep only the choicest stock and all kinds, and my prices are the lowest in the county. It will pay yoa to come or send to me wr.en you need anytlunir in this line. All kinds S russet shoes for meu woinen and children. Repairing done at tne lowest rates. i;aii ava m spw't my Bt'iek. Jqhx P. Hoi)Gi.KS. Superior Goods In the Saddle and Harness Line at Prices That Will Surprise You. The old dgf(,i"penny wit?eand pojind foolish" applies ins great many recpects to the pnhlii! in peneral, who bny cheap factory wxls, thinkine they are' Kitting a barjfHio- whB in fact t'hev are the dearest in the end. Pstronie home io dutry. - Come or send to me for every thbiit in the harness lino. I keep 'a full stock and you -t itet anythtiijr yon want t prici thstdefy coRjpetition, " Repair iugdone. Oniers by mail proipptiy filleti. ' - M. J.C'astt, Opposite Pat Reed' stable, Arlington.. Jta. Prfcs Crear-j Bafctaff pswiet Oliver Chilled Plows, Cassldy Gangs, New Departure Gangs, Spring-toothed Harrows, Acme Harrows, Scotch Harrows and Different Makes of Plows, Osborn Reaper, Hodge Header, Buf-j falo Pitts Thresher, Standard and McCormick Mowers. ! COUNTY SCRIP TAKEN IN TRADE AT FACE VALUE.; CRESCENT WHEELS ARE TAKING THE LEAD ' Wo Carry a Complt Line of- CHOICE MERCHANDISE V ' . AND . FRESH GROCERIES, TOBACCOS, CONFECTIONERY, ETC. We sell for cash only, and In order to encoring cash trade we are selling first-class goods lower than evvr be tote sold for In tblt country. Uive ui your trade. UNION BLOCK. - -: ARLINGTON, OR. TIME TO CALL A HALT I and stop sending your money away for goods when you can select your own choice and get better value at home. WE BUY ANDSELL FOR CASH and are therefore enabled to sell cheaper than other who , buy on time. You will save money by inspecting our goods and prices before purchasing elsewhere. DUNN BROS. DEALERS IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE, CONDON, OR. CD j FROM NORTH TO SOUTH, EAST TO WEST. Why pay $100 for a wheel when you can get a No. 1 Cres cent for much less? Every Crescent wheel is fully warranted. A catalogue is yours by addressing Western Wheel Works, Chicago and N.Y, or SHURTE BROS., ARLINGTON. OR. H. H. & H. B. HENDRICKS, Attorneys at Law, CONDON, - t - OREGON. H. B. HptjiI ricks makes a sroH-lnKr ol collcf Hons, wtHlns notirs. Ises, toortw.ms, floel, wills, bBnitltiiK und sclllDg r-l csmti", snd la notBrjr pnblle few (Oregon. Give me a cull. WHce on corner oljOregon anil Brimmlt Bt., t'omloii. The Great Liver Cure. Llverine, the great Liver Kidney and Constipation Cure. For sale by L VV, iMRi.m'i A Co. Flourl Flour!! , For the cheapest and best flour on earth apply to Smith & Royal of the Fossil Mills. CHARLES FIX, , - Proprietor ol- - UVEHY, FEED STABLE & CO ORAL, Lower Main St., Condon, Or. Buy snd sriifa over iilnht. essh. Hoc; hay only, th, t: stHllroiiin. pf r spun, msli Mli. Camp liwe wlf h oiKt)-slr Irw Ut patrons who lnr nih their ayrn flrel. Fries for welj-h'iis; hur, unht. prmlwe ( SI) MM., itro'stwk, tp., on liiree wnV:ts, -Jflr draft: bin k wstehliis; trt.' A liir.-rHl rciljifctlon on eontrwt wsix'tiltis. 1ht V. H., Miitl fur Lout KiK-k leaves my Imrn nur svorrifiis, exiwjt iit1y., hI o'clo k. fs"ii. pen will pli iutt luMtf, the n rulif prtvuxis. A sirup" of the prKtoitufp Is solifMlol, ' Mjy.:fmlnrUio:rr rtore n(l soils fonntuin, toouf-no, i0rs.ri?,i In roun'-' ifou, Or. Price's Cream flaking; Powder Administrator's Notice. Notice Is hereby slvon tbst ths nndifrirlsnod h Uien duly appointed by ths comity emirt of (HI Hum county stiite of Oregon, ilniiiilttrnurr of the I'StHte of Hnrsh V. L'lHik, dceenwd. All par. sons burins elnims SKalnst ssid deeenMd or tier estate are hereby noliilnl and reouirvd to iiresonl r.ne sumeio me, amy venneu.ai iOmioo. vregunf wiunn six moiitns iron) aace nereoi. Hated st Coudon, Oregon, June 1, IfiW. jAMKk A. KlSKR. Admlnlstnttnr of ths estats of mraU V. Clark, de- Ii'oTliTtsbino; Outfit 19 Complete w.tliont an Hulomatic Stacker ,,rr:tt on IVvr Cif,t'4osie and Prices of niii'Inw, Tbrchcrs, ibtartitrs, Morse Powers aud Saw Mills lb Kzsssilsii! Esj)i: TbresW Co. Of ArlinRton, Or., No. 3018. Transacts a General Banking Business. Accounts K6pt Subject to Check. Drafts sold on all the principal cities of the United States j and Europe, interest aiiowea on time uepumuj. SPECIAL ATTENTION CIVEN TO COLLECTIONS. WE SOLICIT TOUR BUSINESS. D. M. FRENCH,' President! W. W. 8TEIWER, Vlo-Prldnt FRANK T UIIRI HURT, r.lhl.r. DIRECTORS D. M. FRENCH, W.W.STEIWER, OEOROE CON8ER, t, , C. EDWARDS AND A. C. MAW80N. GLAD TIDINGS TO THE F ARIV1ER I . ' 1 HAVE OBTAINED THE RIGHT FROM ONE OF MY COMPETITORS TO PAY THE " Highest Price for Wheat farand I'll b "srosh-darna" ir i oon t ao u.-n It make no difference what figures are made to you, dear farmer, confidentially, don't fail to "Little Phil," THE "OLD RELIABLE" WAREHOUSEMAN AT ARLIHCTOH, BEFORE YOU DISPOSE OF YOUR CHAIN. JEWELER ANDJATCHIMKER. JOSEPH F. POTTER, A jeweler of eeven years experience is prepared to do all kinds of repair ing in a first-clans manner and at very moderate rates. ORDERS FOR WATCHES AND JEWELRY taken, also engraving done to order by a ' . Francis Improved Engraving Machine. All Work Guaranteed for one year. Shop at Jeweler's Old Stand in Arlington. SAY, LOOK HERE! .WHEN YOU WANT TO BUY A, Wagon, buggy, cart, mowing ma chine, rake, reaper, header or thresher, or anything else in the line of machinery, be sure to call on- Shurte Bros, at Arlington. Get their prices before buying elsewhere. STATE ElORMAL SCHOOL, MONMOUTH, OREGON, A training sohnol lor tench. Complete clirht iiiwle tmlnli.s dnpsrlnwut snd stums pro Ics.1ouuIhu1 st adcinln ocnne4, Th Diploma of this sohool sintltlss on to tsu3h in any county In th . tata without furthur xnmlnatlonr Bnsrd snd liKlglnKt books snd tuition llfio por ' yeur. . Besiitlfal snd heslthliilldCJiMon. No sslixms. There Is s wxl rtomsnd dn wcll-lrslnnd tsseh wi Uicr Is an ovrr-supply ol untrtinntl Umi'i.srs. Cstslnsjus shseriBllj sent on sv pll.jsiUin. AddrrtM P, i. CAMrBKLU orW, A. WAN!, PrtsliUnf, -. aWMetsty. r liiiiwJi