THE C0IID01! GLOBE. FRIDAY. JULY 5, 1895. THE official paper OF oilLiam county. OREOON. j OUR FOURTH OF JULY. Condon has invited the people of the surrounding country to eele- .......t... k f t..i -itt. It behooves the town, from the standpoint oi nosts, as wen as irom the standpoint of business men, to 6ee to it that no one who comes shall regret their coming. Let the celebration be a rousing one, bent- ting the event which we celebrate. . , , , . Condon is dependent for Us pros- perity, in a large degree, upon the people who will be our guests their welcome be such that they will appreciate our kindly feeling to ward them and that their enjoy iueut is our pleasure. In his sermon at Portland Sun- day a minister truthfully said: . ,, . , , "lhe most unnatural people are t r those who have 1 head but two faces, and they are the ones whom we meet every day. We can see such monsters oftentimes by looking into a mirror. Women have two faces, someone has said. We know that women have two faces, for one will wash ofl". The lady who ap pears well in society is not always pleasant at home. "Miss Pretty' abroad is 'Miss Pouty' at home. Mrs. All Smile' fu society is 'Mrs. All Bile' at home. We want less of two-faced and more of one-faced people. The world has had enough of those who are angels -oyour face and devils at your back. Give me a man with one face, I care not how rough he may be. Give me a Nathan or an Elijah, and not a Judas." There is a growing sentiment against the holding of real estate iu this country by aliens. Illinois has denied to aliens the right to in herit real estate, and the supreme court of the state has declared the law constitutional. The case will be appealed to the supreme court of the United States. The ques tion involves many difficulties. It is true that there are many alien land owners in foreign countries. If we deny foreigners the right to bold or inherit lands in this coun try, we may expect other countries to favor citizens of the United States with reciprocity In this re spect. It is thought that about 27,000,000 acres of land in the Western states are held by aliens. Sentinel. Washington Irving said: "The love of a mother is never exhausted; it never changes, it never tires. A father may turn his back upon his child; brothers and sisters may be come inveterate enemies; husbands may desert their wives, wives their husbands; but a mother's love en dures through all; in good repute, in the faceof Jbe world's condemna tion, a mother still loves on, and etill hopes that her child may turn from his evil ways and repent; still she remembers the infant smiles that filled her heart with rapture, the merry laugh, the joy ful shout of his childhood, the opening promise of his youth, and she can never be brought to think him unworthy." They say comparisons are odious then how does this strike vou: Oregon haa 32 rnnntipa and 15.1 ' newpaperss or an average ot nearly 6 papers to each county. Texas ' has 234 counties; in 60 of these counties there is no newspaper puplished, and in 15 of them there is no postoffice. The counties aver-! age three to a newspaper. Twenty papers publish more than 5000 each issue; eleven, more than 10, 000; six, more than 15,000, and one, more than 20,000. On an av- erage, wregon nas eignieen limes as many newspapers as Texas. '. Prosperity ip coming and when ! arrives we do not care whether it be m a silver or golden chariot. We simply want it to get here. Ir, Trice's Crcain Baking Powder World's Fa!r tJizhest Award. ) A leading English statesman I eays that if England were to be jcome a republic tomorrow, and there was a popular election for .president, the Prince of Wales W0UlJ be sure to receive a majority , of all the votes in the United King dom. , i Exchange: A little boy who was 'up at the courthouse the other day said to hia father on hiB return: 4Tapa, do lawyers tell the truth?" ; j "Certainly, my loy, they will do anthing to win the CRge,' Sure Cure for Consumption. The world is tued to hearing uf new vures for consumption and the announce- j'nt that never failing remedy for i I t"at df'd ais ha. been discovered ; i ! is nlwvn accepted with a large measure jof doul;t We , ,lope though ,hat th j , I researches of scientific men may yet tri-' i i umpli over the etuMiorn disease, ami we j ; turn wan interest to me announcement ; that in the Chicago I'asteur Institute, 1 1 Dr. Paul Ptiquin's tuberculosis serum ' is about to be introduced in the treat- j ttietit of consumptive patients by Dr. j Ltigorio, director of the inetitutution. ! The method of preparation of lr. Pa-'; quiu's serum is as follows: Disease j i i8ru,8 ca,,e" . Dapa'"' m e oi a consumptive, are piacea in a eonp , . . , , . ,. ,r; riiaiiH i( lif nr veul where thv mill- . i . i ti ply with extreme rapidity. The pro-; duct is a concentrated fluid, highly j poisenous in itscharacter. This fluid is j injected into the blood of a perfectly healthy horse. It iuiiuediatly throws the animal into a fever, and the injec tion is repeated nntil the fever abates and they no longer have any effect. This pncegs requires from one to three months time, after which blood is drawn from the horse's neck, placed in a bottle and kept at a temperature of forty de grees in a refrigerator. In the course of j a month the constituents of the blood separate so that the serum can be drawn off. The treatment is the hypodermic in jection daily of a few drops of the serum into the muscles of the patient's back. The testimony of consumptives who have been treated with the serum is that their fever disappearedthat their night i rr, . i sweats ceased ; where there was heruor-! rbage it stopped at once, the appetite re- i turned, and, more remarkable than all, there was a rapid encrease in weight in every patient. One case was remark able. A consumptive had been treated with the serum for month. At the end of that time he felt so well, thougli urged to do so he declined to continue the treatment. One lung was sound, the other had a cavity that consumption had eaten away. Subsequently pneu monia seized the sound lung and the pa tient died. A postmortem examination showed that the cavity had shrivelled and healed up, or in other words the serum had practically effected a cure ofuonsumption. Tins new alleged cure, like each of the old ones will be watched with interest. For the sake of humanity we all hope that it may turn out to be a certain spe cific. A pair in a hammock Attempted to kiss, And in less than a jiffy sjm 8)! au,x Machine extras at fchurte Bros., Ar lington; also the Champiun Mower and the well known Haines Oregon Header. Look at their draper before you buy. They are the best made. PHOTOGRAPHS. Come to Bheppard & Gallagher' nailery for firsts-Inns, honest work, all Hnished in the test possible manner. Only the best of stock used. Your pho tos do not fade out in a few days, and are as permanent as can be purchased. Gallery over Smith's harness shop, Con don. The Great Liver Cure. Liverine, the great Liver Kidney and Constipation Cure. For sale by ,L. W. Jjabmno A Co. 1000-mile tickets for $30, good for one year, for Bale by the agent at Arlington. Sayl Say!! Say!!! Did You Know It? You ran get a first-class suit of gen fa' clothes at .lames W. Smith's for i,6.60. JNo shoddy, either. Y-e-s, and he has the largest, best and cheapest line of hats ever brought to Gilliam county. Our groceries are also right nown to oertrock prices. The O.K. AN. will give ronnd-trip ticket lor the price of a single fare on July 2d, 3d and 4th, good until the 6th. The O. R. A. . Co., always alert to (the welfare of their patrons, have placed up sale at principal stations a 1000-mile ; at the rate ot three cents per mile. i ltli ist fnl mia vaa- (rr n Ante s.f un In ,ttA j giKxl for passage over the rail and water lines of their svstem. James VV. Smith has 20 lines of car pet to select from in prices from 35c to l-50per yard. When you have a dol lar to spare go to James W. Smith's and see if it won't go further and spread over wore goods than anywhere else in Esstern Oregon, "We had an epidemic uf dvsenterr in this vicinity last summer," snyilamue I i taken with it and suffered .fi. rolu ,ii ervrrriy mini some one called mv attention to Cham berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhnea. I procured a bottle and felt better after th flrst dose.-' Before one-hnlf of the I Z?1 V V ; perienee was the same. ,1 ii i,,v iriroua nun wieir ri- We all unite in i Buvmif it is the licet. For sale bv W. Unrlinu druist. Or. Price's Cream Baking Powder Awarded Gold Mnial Midwini.r Fair, San I rsacikto, "WHOLESALE AND GENERAL- M M M M It R K H 11 It Hi ARLINGTON, OR. WE ARE SELLIHC COOPS FOR CASH. NEW COODS ARE CONSTANTLY ARRIVING! and are being marked lower than ever, yet we deduct from these LOW prices a GASH DISCOUNT - ON dry goods, clothing, furnishing goods, boots; and shoes Groceries are being heretofore. -We can fit you out with any kind--of agricultural implement, such as- Oltver Chilled Plows, Cassldy Spring-toothed Harrows, Acme Harrows, Scotch Harrows and Different Makes of Plows. GIVE US A TRIAL milstqpjp ! THE CASE UNDER THE COUNTY SCRIP TAKEN IN Superior Goods In the Saddle and Harness Line at Prices That Will Surprise You. , The old adage, "penny wise and pound foolish" applies in a great many respects to the public in general, who buy cheap ,a,:torT .Kood"! thin.kin? they are getting a bargain when in mot they are the ,)earet in the end. Patronize home in- dnstry. Come or send to me for every thing in the harness line. 1 keep a full stock and yon can get Anything yon want at prices thatdefy competition." Repair- mgilune. Onlers by mail promptly tilled. M. J. Caty, Opposite Dal Reed's stable, Arlington. Jack to the Front. If vou want any new boots or shoes, come to in v new boot and shoe store at the upper end of Main street, Arlington. I keep only the choicest stock and all kinds, and inv prices are the lowest in the county. It will pay yon to come or send to me when you need anything in t li if line. All kinds of russet 'shoes for men women and children. Repairing done at the lowest rates. Call and in gpect my stock. John V. Rodokkh. Among the numerous pennons who have been cured of rhenmatisin by Chamberlain's Pain Balm, mention should I made of Mrs. Emily Thome, of Toledo, Wash., who says: "I have never been able to procure anv medicine that would relieve me of rheumatism like Chamberlain's Pain Halm. I have aim used it for a lame back with great success. It is the best liniment I liave ever used, and I take pleasure in recom mending it to my friends." Eor sale by L. W. Darling druggist. To The Public. I have taken charge of the Cunning ham livery stable in Arlington and hope my friends from everywhere will remem ber me when they come to town. My rates are very moderate and the very best care is taken of stock left in my care. Give me a chance. J. F. Thomas. Of Interest to Mule Raisers. We have at our ranch 4 miles east of Condon a very fine Pnre Bred Mammoth Catalonian Hpanish Jack, imported from pain by J. B. Ungate of Omaha, Xeb. VV'e will stand him at onr ranch the present seaenn. Kittes, f 10 insurant; for the season f6. For farther particular! apply to the owners, Cooke Bros, and U. G. pHrniHii, Condon, Oregon. County Warrants at Face. I will take county warrants at their face value in trade at my store in Con don. S. B. Rakkkb. BUSINESS LOCALS. Bnnki of all klndi. L. W. Darling 4 Co, Plane! and giiuaware at L. W. Darling A Co.'s. The beat lemon extracts for flavoring, liut ar rived. L. W. burling dt Co. Have you aeen our new dlaplay of toilet ami pa? Something new and nice. L. Vt . Darling A Co. Bay choiee bird need, now redued to 10c a package, from I W. Darling 4 Co.. and your bird will aingaweeter. The German-American Inaursnee Co., of New York, hnt eatabliahed an office at Condon wltb L. W. Darling na agent Th fitmona "WllMnma Barber Bar Shaving Soap" ttie beat ill the world for the toilet and for ahaving. For aule by U W. Darling it Co. The freaheat, pureat and beat atock of prescrip tion medicine in the country ean tie found at the drHg atore of U W, Darling A Co., Condon, CHARLES FIX, Proprietor of LIVERY, FEED STABLE 6 CORRAL, Lower Main St., Condon, Or. Hay and grain over hfght. eaah, 60c; "hay only, caah, 25e; atallroom. per win, caab 25o. Camp hone with eook-atore free to patmna who fur ntnh their own fwcl. Price for weighing buy, grain, produce of all klnda, live atock, etc., on large Bcalea, 25c a draft; back welthing free. A liberal reduction on contract weighing. The U, r nine noea icaf.-a rny onrn every mornliig, except Hndaya. atOo'chak. Pnaan. gera will pltruae uive notice the night previous A almrc of the palionage ia aoliciteil. 4'"Corn'e;ll(niery atore and aiala fountain, bibjicco, cii?ara, etc., In connection. ( f Flour! Flourll For, the Cheapest and best L.nour on eartn apply to smith i& Royal of the Fossil Mills. J. Price's Cream Baking Powder ( World's Fair Highlit Medataoa Diploma. RETAIL DEALER IN' 1 B I I) I I OF 10 PER CENT - and notions. sold much lower than Gangs, New Departure Gangs, ! OLD CREDIT SYSTEM. TRADE AT FACE VALUE.' Administrator's Notice of Sale of Real Estate. Notice la hen-liy (rtvin that ttnderand by vlrtn nl mi onler of thvptiitntvro'trtnf (illllitin eonnty, OrvKun, of dt July ft, iwrj, in the inntUtr of th entate nt lvr fjinryer, decwuK-d, th Hinlf rilKU ed, u aiiintnlMrator of mid ftnt, will, uu Saturday, July 13, I89S, duly wit Nt public BHctlon. for ranh In hand, tn front of tlir oimrt bonne door of otllltini county, at Condon, Oregon, at the hour of 1 o'Wix-k p. in. of wld ilny, the followliiK-duM'ritM'd real prt inl M, to-wit: The ct half of the vaat half of atv tlon ten, town.htp (our louth, ot range twenty one eHt, W IllamctU Meridian, In ( conn to. ttau. of Oregon, and containing" one hundred and nlxtyacrea, mora or lurn, according- to tha plata of the orlKlnal I'. H. aurvey. Dated at Condon, Orton, tlila 'iitth day of May, m. i.. w. iuki.iho. Adm'r ofthe entale of Jeaae Hpitryrr, Owc'd, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Orrita at Thk Dallm, Ob., June 26, IMA, Notice la hereby given that the follnwlnr immwl settler haa Hied notice of his Intention o muke ilnal proof liiaiipiMtrtof hia claim, and thai aald proof will lie made U'lore H. S., comi ty clerk of Ollliam county, at Condon, Or., on Auguat 12, Itm, via: LKUOY U SHELLKY. lid, St'.T, for the nu'4 aec 2t U fi a of r 20 e. W. M. He numes the following wltneaaes Pi prove hla con UiiHima residence upon and cnlUvatlon of, sahl land, vli: A. 1). Hafcv, II. Beck, Kdwanl Mor gan and 1. C, Webb, all of M awl lie, im-gon. jtt il J FMikibb, kegtater. NOTICE FOR l'UBLICATION. LaKOOrrtcc aTTna Daixxs, Or., June 10, 1W5. Notice la hereby given that the following named aettler haa filed notice of hla Intention to make final proof inaHpportof hla claim, and that said proof wltl lie made before K. A. D. Ourlev, I'. H. Commlaaioner, at Arlington, lr., on July Z7, 1816, via: JKKK.MIAH A. CRl'M. lid. SW), for the avr'-i aec S4 tp I a of r 21 e. W. M. He names the following wltneaaes to prove hla con tiiiHona reaidence npon and cultivation of. aald land, via. Charles Wead-rof Clem, hdward 11 u ber, Oi-orge llanna, i. F. Thomas, of Olex, Or. J14-18 Jas. K. MooaK, Kegtater. Administrator's Notice. Notice Is hcrebv irlven that the nnderalffnerl haa been duly apMlutcd by the county court of (illllam county atateof Oregon, adminlatrator of the estate of Karah V. Clark, deceased. All per sona having cluima agulnat said U-ccaed or her estate are hereby notified and required to prraent cne same 10 me, omy vennm, av t onoon, uregou, within six months from date hereof. Dated at Condon, Oregon, June 1, 1WV Jamks A. Ktaga, Administrator of the estate of harsh V. Clark, de- H. H. & H. B. HENDRICKS, Attorneys at Law, CONDON, - - OREGON. H. B. Hendricks makes a specialty of collec tions, writing no tea. leaaes, mortgages, deeds, will", handling and selling real cabite; and la notary public for Oregon, lilve me a cell, (irtlce on corner of Oregon and Summit Ht., Condon. B. 8. Bumtikoton, Notary Pnblic. H. 8. Wilson HUNTINGTON WILSON, Attorneys at Law, THE DALLES, OREGON. Office 1st National Bank Block, Second Street Entrance, II ret door east of 1st National Bank, Fine Liquors and Cigars. I have jupt opened a new saloon in the Skelly building at Condon and have a new stock of choice liquor of all kinds, beer, cigars, etc. If you enjoy such re freabpmenla and amusement, thin ia the place to find it. Jog Trkvftt, The Russell" Compound Is heie to stay. It is the Most Eco. nomical aud Powerful Engine built. ; Write us for full particulars, j Ths Massillsn Engine I Thresher C;. PORTLAND, ORHOON. R. G. ROBINSON & SONS W CHOICE UNION BLOCK. - TIME TO CALL A HALT I and stoo sendinc your money away for goods when you can select your own choice and get better value at home. WE BUY AN D SELL FOR CASH and am therefore enabled to sell cheaper than others who buy on time. You will nave money by incctingour goods and prices before purchasing elsewhere. DUNN BROS., DEALERS IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE, CONDON, OR. Of Arlington, or., Na. SO I S. Transacts a General Accounts Kept Drafts sold on all the principal cities of the United States; and Europe, interest anowea on time ae poiw. j SPECIAL ATTENTION CIVENTO COLLECTIONS. WE SOLICIT YOUR BUSINESS, j D.M.FRENCH, Preldnt; W. W. 8TEIWER, Vlos-Prealder.t FRANK -T UIIBI RIIDT. Caahlar. DIRECTORS--D. M. FRENCH. W. V. tuWAnus GLAD TIDINGS TO THE FARMER I . - I HAVE OBTAINED THE RIGHT FROM ONE OF MY COMPETITORS TO PAY THE Highest Price for Wheat fVand ni be "gosjh-darned" If I don't do It.-aV 'saJOPi It makes no difference what figures are made to you, dear farmer, confidential ly, don't fail to see juittie jriiii, THE "OLD RELIABLE" WAREHOUSEMAN AT ARLINGTON, BEFORE VOU DISPOSE Or YOUR OHAIN. IeveSFadP JOSEPH F. POTTER, A jeweler of seven years experience is prepared to do all kinds of retir ing in a first-class manner and at very moderate rates. ORDERS FOR WATCHES AND JEWELRY taken, also engraving done to order by a Francis Improved Engraving Machine. All Work Guaranteed for one year. Shop at Jeweler's Old Stand in Arlington. GRAIN, WOOL & FREIGHT DEPOT, ARLINGTON, OREGON. nnrmnnnn D. B. THOMAS, Proprietor. I have just moved into my new and commodious warehouse, where I am prepared to receive and handle all kinds of GRAIN, WOOL AND FREIGHT AT HARD TIMES PRICES. , juuianinn Highest Market Price Paid for Grain. luxrmnnmx ., ----Honest weight, square dealing and-- -courteous treatment is our motto.-- CALL AND BE CONVINCED THAT I MEAN WHAT SAY. SAY, LOOK HERE! .WHEN YOU Wagon, buggy, thresher, or anything else r t in the line of machinery, be sure to call on , J Shurte Bros, at Arlington. Get their prices before buying elsewhere. CASH STORE. Carry a Complete Lin of- MERCHANDISE FRESH GROCERIES, TOBACCOS, CONFECTIONERY, ETC. We sell for cash only, and In order to encourage a cash trade we are selling first-class goods lower than ever be lot e sold (or in this country. Give us your trade. - - ARLINGTON, OR. "sV Banking Business. Subject to Check. W. 8TEIWER. GEORGE CONSER, U. trau a. v. nunown. WANT TO BUY A. cart, mowing ma-