Take no Substitute for Royal Baking Powder. It is Absolutely Pure. All others contain alum or ammonia. A hong Felt Want to Be Filled. A long felt want is about to be filled in English society. It is stated that a number of ladies of limited means but unlimited position are about to form themselves into a chaperon society, and act as duennas to those young ladies who may be intrusted to their charge. To picnics, race meetings, concerts, thea ters, dances almost anywhere will these devoted matrons be prepared to go in or der to protect their fair charges from the dangers of inexperience, prevent them flirting with "ineligibles," and where possible smooth the path to a rich and . brilliant marriage. London Letter. Wyoming Family Politic. A Wyoming man was asked, "Do mar ried women vote with their husbands?" Be answered: "Usually, but on the same principle that men closely associated vote alike. Politics is table talk, but it has not been known to wreck a family. The husband of a woman who was a member of the Democratic state conven tion is a Republican to the backbone, but they live happily and are prosperous." Mrs. Miller on the Platform. Olive Thome Miller is the latest re cruit to the ranks of author-readers. She has begun a series of "Bird Talks" in schools and academies in and about New York. The idea of the talks is to interest the young in the life and habits of birds and make them acquainted with our common birds and to teach them how 1o identify those they see. New York Letter. N Society women often feel the effect of too much gayety balls, theatres, and teas in rapid succession find them worn out, ot "run-down" by the end of the sea son. . They suffer i trom nervousness. sleeplessness and irregularities. The smile and pood spirits take flight " It is time to accept the help offered in Doctor Pierce's Fa vorite Prescription. It's a medicine which was discovered and used by a prominent physician for many years in all cases of female complaint " and the nervous dis orders which arise from it The "Pre scription " is a powerful uterine tonic and nervine, especially adapted to woman's delicate wants for it regulates and promotes all the natural functions, builds up, invig orates and cures. Many women suffer from nervous pros tration, or exhaustion, owing to congestion or to disorder of the special functions. The waste products should be quickly got rid of, the local source of irritation relieved and the system invigorated with the " Pre scription." Do not take the so-called celery compounds, and nervines which only put the nerves to sleep, but get a lasting cure with Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. "FEMALE WEAKNESS." Mrs. William Hoover, of Bellville, jiiciuaaa i0., wmo, writes: " I had been a great sufferer from female weakness ; ' I tried three doc tors; they did me no good ; I thought I was an invalid for ever. But I heard of Dr. Pierce's Fa vorite Prescription, and then I wrote to him and he told me just how to take it I took eight bottles. I now feel entirelv well. I could stand Mas, Hoover. on my feet only a short time, and now I do all my work for my family of five." It U the medicine above all others for catarrh, and it worth its weight in gold, lean use Ely't Cream Balm .,,.. i. j . j M WHf eujety, U'tu it uvea UU l that it claimed for it.B.'- W.Sperry, Hartford, Conn. ELY'S CREAM BALM Open and cleanses the Nasal Passages, Allayi Pain and Inflammation, Heals the Bores, Pro tects the Membrane from colds, Restores the Bentes of Taste and Smell. The Balm in quickly absorbed and gives relief at once. A particle is applied into each nORtrll, and is agreeable. Price, 50 centa at Druggists' or by aiL 1LY BROTHERS, 66 Warren Street, New York. Always Buy JEWELRY of the most reliable bouse with the largest assort ment, because you will get good and fall Talue for roar meny. AH goods warranted. SUCH la A. Feldenheimer's, : Cor. First and Morrison Streets, PORTLAND, OR. DR. LIEBIC&CO., Special Odors for Chronic, Private and Wasting Diseases. Dr. JJeblg's Invlirorator the greatest remedy for Seminal Weakness, Loss of Manhood and Private ltseases, Overcomes Prematureness and prepares all for marriage life's duties, pleasures and respon sibilities; 1 trial bottle given or sent free to any one describing symptoms: call or address 400 Geary St , private entrance 406 Mason St., Ban Francises. N. P. W. U. No. 672 -8. F. H. D. fJo. 649 WILD BILL A SOLID MAN. The Body of tlio Famous Desperado Had Turned to Stone. The climate of Colorado is so exceed ingly dry in the greater portion of the state that ordinary objects, Buoh as po tatoes, vegetables of various sorts and even small animals, petrify when cov ered with sand. Tho body of Wild Bill, the famous desperado, is today solid stone. He was buried in a sandy conn try near Telluride, and about four years ago bis friends decided to put up a mon ument to his memory. They went out to his grave, which is in the open prairie, and one of the party, an old scout, was taken along to exactly locate where he was buried. The sand had shifted and blown in great heaps, as it does all through that country, and the scout had a good deal of difficulty in absolutely locating the spot Finally he struck a mound that he said had Wild Bill under it Owing to the uncertainty of the situ ation and his hesitancy, the party de oided to dig down and" see whether he was right Presently the Bpade ran into a rock a scarce thing in that country. They shoveled all around it, and soon revealed the petrified image of Wild Bill, as perfect as the day he died, with not a trace of decomposition. Even the clothes and shoes were turned to stone. Some of the parties wanted to take the body up for the purposes of exhibition. But one of Bill's old pals, Shorty Jake, as he was called, remarked that the first man who tried to do so would find a bed in the hole that Bill filled. So the idea was abandoned. Washington Post A Little "Ad." at the Picnlo. Enterprise in advertising has almost become a fine art in the present day. Novelties are not only numerous, but frequently unique. A Birmingham chemist recently, with his family, at tended a picnic, and after the knife and fork tea, which formed part of the pro gramme, he distributed among the com pany a number of sweetmeats, all of which bore an advertisement referring to bis specialties, and later during the concert which followed his daughter sang a song the words of which set forth the advantages which could be de rived from the use of certain pills, the frequent application of a well known plaster or daily doses of some one's ton ic. Such enterprise, if somewhat "shop py," certainly merits reward for its in genuity. Birmingham Mail . , No Use Telling; Hho Anything. The man with the red whiskers look ed defiant "No, sir," he declared, "I won't be lieve anything I can't see for myself. " The pale parry pondered. y "Very welL" he said after a mo ment "I was going to tell you yonr necktie's up behind, but I guess I won't mind if you feel tffat way. " Detroit Tribune. Easily Bemedted. Bank Clerk This check, madam, Isn't filled in. Madam Isn't what? Bank Clerk It has your husband's came signed to it, but does not state how much money you want Madam Oh, is that all? Well, I'll take all there is. Boston Home Jour nal. The glass blowers of ancient Thebes ire known to have been equally as pro ficient in that particular art as is the most scientific craftsman of the same trade of the present day after a lapse of 40 centuries of so called "progress. " Should the captain of a Chinese ves sel refuse to strike sail in the event of An approaching storm at the request of passengers, he is liable to receive 40 blows of a bamboo. . SHOULD THE GOVERNMENT ACT To Suppress Fraudulent Advertisements of World's Fair Awards r Letters from both the Chief of Awards (on Agriculture) at the Chicago World's Fair, Mr. J. S. Browning, and the Judge of Awards on Baking Powders expose the falsity of the claim made in behalf of a Chicago baking powder that it re ceived the highest award for leavening power keeping, qualities, purity and gen eral excellence. , . The Judge of Awards says. that this claim is false; that no such award was given to that baking powder. Mr. Browning in his letter already published also shows that there was no award given to the Chicago company for the best baking powder. , It now appears further that the analy ses of the powders exhibited showed a baking powder made in New York alto gether the superior of the Chicago pow der in both purity and strength. The government has prohibited the use for advertising purposes of the med als awarded by the fair. It would be a great protection to the public if the gov ernment would also prohibit the publi cation of false claims, such as those that have been exposed in relation to such awards. The only official competitive test of a national character, from which consum ers can obtain the actual facts as to the relative values of all the principal brands of baking powder of the country, is that made by the Agricultural Departmental Washington, D. 0. It so happens that this was conducted by the same eminent chemist who acted as Judge of Awards at the Chicago Columbian Fair. As has already been published, at this exami nation the Royal Baking Powder was found to be the superior powder and highest in leavening strength. A QUIET DIVORCE. The Aristocratic Schuyler Hamlltons Man- age to Part without Pus or Scandal. Mr. Schuyler Hamilton, Jr., at Newport. Mr. Hamilton Inter posed no defense to his wifo's peti tion, and with the celerity that hat made the Rhode. Island divorce courts so popular among New York society p e o p 1 1 Wishing to be ALEXANDER HAMILTON. freed from their marriage tics a divorce was granted her In short order. Mrs. Hamilton's testimony certainly appeared to be very straightforward and glmplo, and the case is a unique one In that no soiled llnon was washed for the publlo edi fication and no offensive charges were brought One statement only by Mrs. Hamilton bordered in any way upon the sensational, but even this was more pa thetlo than startling. Her remark that "Mr. Hamilton had found other attrac tions and other friends and had drifted' away from her" must have been read with sad reflections and many a twinge of con science by other husbands and wives. Mrs. Hamilton will be obliged to dwell six months longer in Rhode Island before h divorce beoomos off active. At she Is a MRS. SCII UTTER HAMILTON, IK favorite In Newport society, this will not be a great hardship. The question of ali mony has not yet boon decided. Mrs. Hamilton owns "The Moorings," the house she occupies at Newport, and enjoys a comfortable income in her own right, and the three children, who have been awarded to her, each Inherited property from their uncle, Robert Ray Hamilton. Mrs. Hamilton was a Miss Welles. Schuyler Hamilton, Jr., is a son of Major dencral Schuyler Hamilton, who dlstln gulshed himself in the civil war, and great-grandson of Alexander Hamilton, He is also a brother of Robert Ray Ham ilton, whose connection with Eva Mann and subsequent mysterious death in Mon' tana created a great sensation a few years ago. EVE'S ARTFUL DAUGHTERS. New Chemical Contrivance to Aid an Am bitious Beauty In Outshining Her Bister. The society ladles of Paris have discov ered a new method of making themselves attractive and for adding to their natural charms. They have adopted a luminous face powder. The blue and yellow rays of light fall ing upon the face and shoulders of ladles In full dross give them In the case of eloo trio light often a ghastly appearance and In the case of gas a sallow look. The separation of these rays, and thus lessen' ing their effect, Is easily done In chemls try by a solution of bichloride of potash, The electric- light is especially rich in ray of violet, and these have a most un pleas f ft ! fix V, 4: EFFECT OF THE POWDER. tnt optical effect upon the human face. To the avoidance of this effect, says the Philadelphia Inquirer, a certain French student has recently been giving his at tention, with the result that he has pro duced a face powder that is as delicate and fine as the popular article made from rice. 'I ho foundation of this luminous pow der It sulphate of quinine, which hat been dissolved in alcohol and is mixed with sulphate of zinc. It is called prosphores cent, or fluorescent, because It retains itt brilliancy for several hours In the hottest sun. In addition to being an adjunct of womankind to heighten beauty, It baa been found to protect Its user from the de pressing effect of the sun. The face is first dampened by the lotion made from the quinine and alcohol and la then powdered with the sulphate of zlno. Tho only objection to the powder Is the taint of selfishness that attends It. When the lady has completed ber toilet, the plunges ber powder puff Into the box of luminous powder and passes It sparingly ever her face and neck. From thai mo ment she takes a brilliant color that it at delicate and at conspicuous as the pure white of Partan marble, and whloh has the effect of giving to all other faces In the Immediate vicinity a citron yellow tint that is destructive of beauty. Elbridge Gerry Favors the Whipping Post. Commodore Elbrldge T. Gorry, the well known humanitarian of Now York city, recently addressed a convention nf fha Hu mane societies at Albany In favor of In troducing the whipping post into the state Of New York, to be used especially In the rmnlflhmrtnt nf thrtuwlin nra ..,, nl tn t,ii - - .v ,.uv. VKM Vi . drcn. Dr. Thomas A. Hendricks of Roch ester, a Catholic priest, tpoke In the tame line, and also thought that corporal pun ishment would prevent many of the abuses now heaped upon children A Prodigal' Queer Borne Coming, Near Galveston an old man was awak ened by a burglar In hit room recently. He grappled with the robber, In whom he afterward discovered a long lost ten whom he had mourned for dead. tit ftps? A rKBTINKNT PARAOKAPIa. " Our country, if right, should be kept right; If wrong, should be put right," la a political maxim whloh, paraphrased, ap plies to other condition! of life, thus; our health, if right, thoult be kept right; if wrong, should be put right, especially in bodily ailments, tuoh as paint and achet, which St. Jacobs Oil promptly oures. Many out of work should heed to give it a chance tocure, audit will give them 'a chance to (to to work onred. Another adate is: "he doeth best who doeth well." Well, of course, yoa want to De wen irom all torts of aches, and the bent thing to do it to use the great remedy. He who does to it doing well indeed. A Frenchman hat Invented a maohln which turns out foitv-two cigarettes a mluute. It will be hard work for the coffin trust to keep ahead ot that game. HAUNTED I A haunted home In these practical and unro matitlo days Is something of a rarity, but an in dividual hanntedwlth the idea thathlsaihnent is incurable is personage frequently mot with. Disbelief In the ability of medicine to cure It oulya mild form of monomania, although in some rases repeated failures to obtain relief from mauydinerent sources would almost seem to Jnntlfy the doubt Hosteller's Stomach Bit ters hut demonstrated lis ability to overcome dyspepsia, constipation, liver and kidney trouble, malar'al complaints and nervousness, and its recorded achievements in the curative line ought at least to warrant its trial by any one troubled with cither of the above ailments, even although his previous efforts to obtain re medial aid have been fruitless. Used with per sistence, the 1) liters will conquer the most ob stluate cases. . . s - , Qnertcus How did uoh a place ever get the reputation ot belt' g snob, a great health resort f ("ynieus-Two or three prominent men died there. TKAVELI.NG KISKS. With the Increased facilities for travel and the great number of travelers, there has been naturally a great Increase In the risk of accidents. , Every one, who for any reason It com- Selled to Incur these risks, should keep by im a supply of Allcock's Porous Plas tkbs, for they are a wonderful specific in strains of the back or limbs, snoh as are almost inevitable in case of accident. Any one starting on a long journey should have one as a partof his equipment. Commuters on suburban trains should keep them both at home and in the ofllce. Allcock's Porous Plabtkbs have repeat edly proved their great value In time of need. Bbakdbbth's Pills remove all impurities. Kitty Mr. de 811m makes up In good looks what he lacks in brains. Jane Ue must b a phenomenal beauty. NEW WAY EAST-NO DUST. Oo East from Portland, Pendleton, Walla Walla via O. R. & N. to Spokane and Great Northern Railway to Montana, Dakotas, St. Paul, Minneapolis, Chicago, Omaha, St, Louis, East and South. Rock-ballast track ; fine scenery : new equipment ; Oreat North ern Palace Sleepers and Diners: Family Tourist Cars; Bullet-Library Cars. Write .;. u. uonavan, uenerai Agent, Portland, Oregon, or P. I. Whitney, G. P. & T. A., t. ram, sunn., lor printed matter and in formation about rates, routes, etc Htatb or Ohio, City or Tolkdo.j LUCiS Coustv. 1 Frank J. (,'hinkt makes oath that he ft the senior partner ol the firm of F. J. Chi nit A Co., doing business in the city of Toledo, coun ty and State aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for eacn ana every cane oi uatarhh mat rannot b curea oy me use oi hall s catarrh uuri FRANK J. CHENEY. sworn to before me and subscribed In my presence ims oin uay oi Lieoemuer, a. u. iiwo, 8KAL. A W. GLKA-iON, Notary Public. Hull's Catarrh Cure it taken Internally, and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces oi the system, bend for testlmnnlNls, Iran. F. J. CliKNKY 4 CO., To.sdo. O. Bold by druggists; 75 cents. Tbt GxsmA for breakfast. Dte Knamellne Btov Polish ; do doit no smell. When Others Fail Hood's Sarsaparilla builds up the shat tered system, by giving vigorous action to the digestive organs, creating an appetite and ntirifvinir thm hlnnH It la nnn.J by modern methods, possesses the greatest turuure lowers, ana nas tne most wonder ful record of actual cure of any medicine in existence, 'fie sure to get only Hood's. Hoods Sana parilU "Hood's Sarsa- Cures panlla is the best medicine I have ever taken for a vii blood purifier., I had a tired feelinr. and was restless at night. I feel much better tince taking Hood's Sarsaparilli. I have taken a great many other medicines, but iney nave given me no reiier. W y wife and children have also taken Hood's Sarsapa rilla for purifying the blood with beneficial results. Emil Koch, Bcecher, III. Hood's Pills are purely vegetable, i&a. QlffL An agreeable Laxative and NERVE TON (a SoldbyDruggiRttorsentbymaiL Z6o..fiUa, and f 1.00 per package. Sample free. Kf ftf The Favorite TOOTS POWCSJ V JJ.UfortheTeetbandilreath,M-. "DON'T BORROW feSMr jl 311, rim LA5t IT WILL NOT CUKI' 1.1 ' I MCI C'l Vll.n.Tl Um a n?R "HPS"11 8E"'NO YOU Tul lieblb 1 KIMBALL PIANO or ORGAN. 0'e KiXn0.' ftd 1 Portland. Or. MALARIA! Thro dnsee on It. Trv It. HOW TO SAVE MONEY. r r " ,w r: "V,"'" ., . . f"11 . 1 Send us a list of what you need, and we wfll MARK L. COHN & CO. 140 Both the method and result vhea Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to tho taste, and acta cenily yet promptly on. the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers aud cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale In 60o and 11 bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. I)o not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FI0 SYRUP CO. 8H FHAN0ISC0, C4t, IOUISVIUE, Kt. HtW MUX, K.t. Lung Troubles show a tendency toward Consumption. A Cough is often the beginning. Don't wait until your condition is more serious. Take Scott's Emulsion the Cream of Cod-liver Oil, at once. It overcomes all the conditions that invite tha Consumption Germs. Phy sicians, the world over, en dorse It. Doo't bs deceived by Substitutes! Frsparsd b Soolt Boons. M. Y. All DrusiwU. WLMM - WEJT Is a Baking Powder that leadi all ethers in parity and laarea. log power. Ask yoar greeer tor list of prises, er write to CLOS8ET A DIVKRS, For U and, Oi. Sweet Virginia PLUG CUT flnillll Morphine Habit Curnd In 10 II PI II Pi to 90 ''"?: No I"r '. wm .win un. j. aiKrncaa, LSDanon, unit. DR.MUnAT'SKKS M i rrUt-4. Falls) AbMlflUlr ft. Tlt Or Mi Prtkeh MmmmmMmm IUsMa. . ranlrTwrtafert. MarwtM TMUsaalsvia. Maw Im! to " Wt-aaaT ftrm4." n4 tompmrn for 1 Hoi Pit, ml. WINSLOW'S sWuVNO - FO CHILDHIN TIITMINO r safe a all Irraorisss. U ilsass WVO Manhood rntored. Night Kmitdoni, Weak memory, Atrop'iy, Scsusl Weaknex, etc., Surely cured by POLLEN ACME The Ills germ and vital feres plants and lUwtrsi It gives rigor, power and site tt lbs vital organs o nan. POLLEN ACME The mnl wnn. Ky to carry In et pocket. I'rice $1. ' Six for $5, , Sent in plain rapper, oral 4ll DruKgit. rsHoaaaacw. Co. aSSTTkC, IN Me, oeursMsf h lerful .rhi.v.m.ni in Medical Science. The only acknowl edged permanent cure guaranteed. New York addreas Iij-117 Fulton St. FOR LADIES ! lloo IK (ini.ii .111 k. ..u v. .1.. - M , . , " - " ... w 1 11 j li 1 e noon h..?-in 1 "'"'ny cat of female weakness that Will rmt vtnM tAiiu f a iriimu a HKPT1C SANATIVE tSmS. P ltSil.; mx. For sale by all druggists. TROUBLE." BUY s tm 'TIS CHEAPER IN THE END. DO YOU FEEL BAD? DOES YOUR BACK iL every step neem a bni den ? Yon need MOORE'9 REVEALED REMEDY. We handle the best ell goods cheaper 9 Will mull vnn mi " " nrr 11 u I ArDucaie t comet per pound aw make you special price. Address iiui ordarl Front Street, Portland, Or. AtGOIIOLISLl IS A DISEASE. THE FITTZ CURE I fatVand Certain Heinady. Small Cost-Home Treatment-No Notoriety-No Interruption of Work-No Inju rious Effects of Any Hort-Mut a rerfeut, rosltlve, reriuanent Cure. THE CURE GUARANTEED. We have letter from lending temper. anee workeis, from physicians and front hundreds of patients, all telling the story of It perfect, permanent, wonderful cures. Correspondence strictly onflriont el. It has the Indoresment of the Massachusetts' Total Abstinence Hotiiuty ot tloiloii. MARSACUl'SKTTH SONS Of TKMl'Kll. ANCH Have porolissed 1,000 of the FITTZ CtJKKtolta Riven t indlg"iitirsotii ufflicled with the dis ease of aloohollsm. fKkT" it la within the reach of everyone in price. Call on us or write us for teat liaonlals. N. J. 8TOKK CO., Room 7, Flood building, Fan Francisco, Cel., Uenerai Ageut for f aelflo Coast. WORLD'S-FAIK I IIIOIII2HT AWAltD X . "Superior nutrition -the ufe" 1 His Justly acquired the reputation of bein? Tho Snlvator for he-Aged. Ait Incomparable Aliment tor the Growth nd Protection of INFANTS nd CHILDREN A superior nutritive In continued Fevers, nma a rename n-mcuiai agent In all gastric and enteric diseases ; often In instances of consultation over patients whose digestive organs were re duced to such a low and sensitive condition that the IMPERIAL GRANUM was the only nourishment the stomach would tolerate when LlfTJ aeemcd depending on Its retention ; And as a FOOD it would be difficult to conceive of anything- more palatable. Sold by DRUGQISTS. Shlnplnt Depot, JOHN CARLE! A SONS. New York. YUU V) TRAVEL 7 IF SO, YOU WILL FIND THE BIG FOUR ROUTE -THE BEST LINE " I ES-A.ST. VESTIBULE TRAINS. ELEGANT DINING CARS. QUICK TIME. Ask for Tickets via Big Four Route. E. d. Mccormick, 0. b. martin, Paaa. Trafflo Manager. Oen, Pass. A Tkt. Aft, CINCINNATI. W. L Douglas S3 SHOE TO. VUKUUVAIN, . 4-.3FlNECALf&taGAR01 -v. 1 H siTSODnnrr aeMs- ..te.: i W ' w, Hi.tvi.t4yviMI ' itM iel2.W0RKIHnnm '': w" EXTRA FINE. 'T.S 2.l7JBOYfiCHO0lSHOESl 'LADIES f y N, SEND FOR CATALOGUES ' BROCKTON, MASS. Yoa can save money by wearing tbe W. L. Doattlo 63.00 Hhoe. esrssie, we are trie lartrmt manufacturer of Kieffrajlaof ahiw.. intiukw.,.vl,i w - - ",,HU.,uu.,.HiO .,.-tM vaiae by tamihi the name and price on tl e j,, .!, proiwi you against nin prices ana Ibe middleman's nr,,M r. cuiv i . ;ork In style, easy flttlng and Wearlna qualities. "naveinam sold everywhRre el lower prims for WlH V R 1 1 IM vMn than .mw ml... w. .. , n- -1 k Ututa. U vour dealer eaonut aupply'you, we oaa. CHICKEN HAISINQ PAYS if you use the Petstum Incubatere A Brnadira. Make money while 1 1 '' other are wasting If' ...... J fnn.tn.im. r Catalog tells all about It.anaaeacrlbcs vrv w lIliinlrBted article Deeded lor the 1 Catuloeue poultry business, ' rauB. The "ERIE" mechanically the best wheel. Prettiest model. we are Pacific Coast Agents, lllcvcle cnta- loirue.mailed free. elves i!L,'IP,ioJ!L : Jflee. etc.. aofmt wawtki. l!TAtHAIHiraAT01C0..Petl-m,Cal. Bhawch Houhk, s3i H Main Kt., I,o Alleles. I ItZy W WkHE ALL LS IAIL7JP 1 1 Host Couiih byrup. Tasuis OikkI. Use I 1 J I 'n time. Ruirt by dnwtfs. I 1 AeDICIIsJALy FOOD