Condon globe. (Condon, Gilliam Co., Or.) 189?-1919, August 24, 1894, Image 1

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Editor and Proprietor
: . rrr,..,; , ....
Subiorlptlon. Bate.
1 Oil yetip (In kilvmin) , $1 60
f not j..hl in advance St (Kl
Six month. ...i . , 1 00
Tlir4 month 78
Single ouiilut 10
Profeerfonal card. ...11 00 per month
One square i jo per month
One-qaaiter oolnmn. 8 U per month
One half colamn .. 6 00 per month
One column .io oo per month
Boainen local) will be charged at 10 cent! per
line for tint Inaertion and 5 centa per Una there
after. 1
Legal advertisement will In all rase be
charged to the party ordering them, at legal
rates, and paid for before affidavit la fnrnlshed
KnUrtd at Iht Pontnfflet at Condon, Oregon, at
ccono-eutai tmiu muter.
urrioiAL directory.
' ;:; ; f V United State.
Prsildeut.:. ........aaovsn rr.avai.iKD
Vice-Prealdent, Auui K. Htbvimsom
Seorstarjr of titate Wai.tb U. Umbiham
Huoretarr of I reanurr... ...Joum U. Oablki.i
HudmLar. nf liiturlnr Hull HMITM
Secretary of War Da hi at, M. Lamont
Secretary of Nary , Hii.akt A. HbhhemT
Poatmesler-Ueneral..... ....Wiuwm H. Bimkli.
Attorney-Uomiral Kichabd Olnbv
kearetarf of AgrleaUure. Btbblimu UomtoM
State of Oregon.
Governor ....W. P. Loan
Secretary of State U, K. KIncaio
1'nia.arer Phil Mktsohan
Attoruey-Oeiieral .0. M. iPl.aMAN
Snot, of rubilo luatrwotlon..'.....-. J. M. iawm
J, N. DoUtH.
vongrewmeu w, u ....
111. tllKHAKK
Printer ........ ., W. II. I.aaue
u , , ((1. E. WOLYBKTO
pram J rnlgoa. ................ r. A. Mooaa .
K. S. ".
Seventh Judicial Dlatrlet,
Clrcalt Judge .....W. L. Biamhiw
Preteeutliil Attorney A. A JaYKB
Member Stale Hoard. W. C. Will
Ollllam County.
Joint senator lor Gilliam, Sher
man and Waaco eountiea W, W. STMwsa
Retirwwutatlve .. J. K. David
Jadge ,.W. 1. MAKiMaa
Clara J. V. Lvca
Sheriff.. ..,.......W, Wilcox
TreMurur ..................... 8. H. Da ana
r, ,, . ' tJ(.B. BaMtoi
" K, M. CLtnaa
ieor....... .... M O CLamki
.honl Kutmrlutantlant W. W. KbnmbIiY
Bur.oyor Jas a. Him.
Coroner w...... W. A. (loo&wiii
took lmpMtor Lawia A. Muxaa
Vnlon raelfle llallway Time Crd.
Train. arrive and leave Arlington aa follow.:
Train Ne. faat Mali, arrive, at Arlington at
1:38 a.m. . ...
waar aot)No.
Train No. 1, faat mall, arrive at Arlington at
1 :2ft a. M.
gtf Only one train a dr-
Uvppner train No. and 10 have dl.contln
nad the run to Arliimfn, but mako olimo con
nection with No. I and I at Willow Junction.
Tnrjuih ticket, told and baKKawo i'liH:kn
through W all point in tb United BtaUaa and
Canada. .
S. COLLINS Ticket Agent.
Arlington, Or.
A . A A. M. MT. MuKIAll U'IM.K. No. -A.
Stated nommHtili atl-ii" on tMrdajr eveu
log ou or before full moou of eaah moutn. Siv
loarulug brethreu in g'wxlatauii hg are cordially
invttMl to attud. W U WILCOX, W. it.
J. It. HvtiaoM.Serretary.
llt. J. J. HOUAN
, Condon, Or.
nmn rtm.nn . halMo Cathollo Church
and roaldenv of B. r. Bhutl.
JJtt. J. II. HUDSON, . ;; - ,
Physician and Surgeon,
Condon, Or. , t
Offtoa and rc.ldenr In the Wiley UlUer ra.1
dvnee in South Condon.
Call promptly attended to day or night.
Attorney at Law,
Notary Public and Conveyancer,
Condon, Or.
Collection and lunnrance. Term reasonable.
Offloe In rear ol poatofflce building, Main treeb
W. K. Klll. - i- W. Dawaoit. T. 11 Lyona.
Office at Ueppner and Condon, Oregon.
g A. D. (iTJRLtT, ? '.' .
Attorney and Counselor at Law,
Arlington, Oregon.
Will prantloe In nil the court of the State.
Collection' made and general law buiineat
tranaacted. t
United tlatti Cemmltitoner a d Notary Public.
Land proof and filing taken, and all other
land bu!ueae carefully attended to.
I AT P. LUCAS, County Clerk,
-toiuu lino or '
In a neat and careful manner, !
Notary Public and justice of the Pce,
Condon, Or.
Collection and notarial work promptly and
carefully attended to., , , ; .,
gronTpi aniwer and an bonert opinion. Write to
. U IJ NN de CO., who have had nearly "ft yeare
tfii rtrtot y oonfldenilij. A Handbook of In
formation concerning j'atente and bow to oj. tent free. AIo a eatalogoa ol (Becltaa.
jZj and Kjleiitlflo book ent free.
latent taken throuh Munn Co. teeetv
neclal notice In the HrlentMo American, and
tCui are brought widely before the puhllowlth.
ortoolt to tl?e inventor, Thi aplendld Paper
Sum." weekly, elegantly Hln.trat .!, ba. by far t hi
KJiart oiroulatlou of any aoientttie work In the
nrirf a:l a year. 8kin(i eopiea ent free. .
& "g WSon. monthly, f 1.U) a year. Single
etiniei, aJ cent, fevery number eontainslraaik
Sful Dlltea, in oolota, and photograph of new
tooie. with plan, enabling builder to .how the
r.tdMlffO( and (Muro ooutrant. AddreM
Frovl.lon for VUltlng Their Homeland
i ' Iteturnlng Again. '
Wamiiinoton, Anguit 15. White of
California to-day introduced In the Sen
ate a bill to supplement and carry out
the provisions of the Chinese treaty ap
proved yesterday. It provides that Chi
nese laborers on leaving the United
(States with the Intention of returning
Khali make oath before the Collector of
Customs of the port of departure to a
full statement as required by the treaty,
and furnish proofs of facts entitling them
to return under regulations provided
by the Secretary of the Treasury.' False
swearing will make the afliant llabl to
prosecution for perjury. The Collector
U authorised 4o teeue 1 'certificate if be
believes the Chinaman Is entitled to re
turn, and its transfer to another person
will make it void and prevent its original
holder from returning to the United
States. Every Chinese laborer holding
a return United States certificate shall
have the right to enter the United States
at the point where it was issued. Mas
ters of vessels are obliged to report
nether they have any Chinese on board,
and failure to do this will render the of
fender liable to punishment by a tine of
not more than $5,000 or by imprison
ment for not more than five years, or
both. Persons who change, alter or forge
this certificate are made liable to punish
ment by a fine of not more than $1,000
or imprisonment not exceeding five
years, or both.
More Orders, Lea Wages. .
FiTTHBiraa, August 18. The passage
of the tariff bill has already made itself
felt here by a marked revival of busi
ness. Stocks in all lines of manufactures
have been reduced to a minimum, es
pecially iron, steel and glass. To-day
large orders were received by local manu
facturers, and more are espected. It is
asserted a slight reduction in wagea will
be necessary iu the case of glassworkers,
tin-plate men and workers in some
branches of the iron and steel trade, but
the scales generally allow for reductions
to fit the tariff changes. 1
The Only Machine that will tew BACKWARD
a well a FORWARD without Hopping. Quiet,
Light-Kenning, adjustable In all (ta part.
Correspondence Solicited
' WM. PBTKR, Owner,
' ; f " TOLEDO. OHIO.
Omaha, Kansas City.
the Quickest to Chicago
and the East.
Quicker to Omaha and
; Kansas City.
Through Pullman and Tourist
Sleeper, Free Reclining Chair
Cars, Dining Cars.
' S. H. H. CLARK, I
For rale or genera Information oall oa or addrea
At.On. Pa. Agent, .
SB Waahlagton St., cor. Id. PORTLAND, OB
"i - r r
The Ex-Vice-President and His
' Staff on the Bennington.
The Salvadorlan Ilefagee May Hare "His
. Iajr In Our Court, or Ue May be
Tranaferred From the Bennington at
SeaBliiht ol, Aajrlnna.. , ,
Washinotoh, August 18. The State
Department has finally decided that the
Salvadorian refugees now on the Ben
nington, lying beyond the three-mile
limit off San Francisco, shall have full
and fair opportunity to come into court
and show, if they can, that they are not
subject to extradition. Orders have been
issued to Commander Thomas of the
Bennington, which were, communicated
to him by tugboat, to keep his vessel
beyond the three-mile limit until the ex
tradition papers arrive at San Francisco.
These papers were handed to the San
Salvador Minister at 6 o'clock last Sun
day evening, and should reach San Fran
cisco to-night or to-morrow morning.
When they arrive they will be placed in
the hands of the United States Marshal,
the Bennington will steam to the harbor
and the refugees will be taken into cus
tody and produced before the United
States Court. They are General Ezeta,
late Vice-President of San Salvador:
General Catar.heco, General Kolones and
Lieutenant-Colonel Cienfuegos, all of
Kzeta'a staff. Before the court they will
be represented by Gonzalie de Nuesado
and Hon. Horatio Kuebeng of New York
aa counsel. While this counsel may in
voke the spirit of habeas corpus, it will
be unnecessary, as they will nave their
opportunity when the refugees are
brouent before the court, in pursuance
of extradition proceedings, to show that
extradition is sought on political grounds
and that the offenses charged are not
criminal in character.
nr..mfl inn..., IS T (I.. .t.
f aoiiuiuivn. auuoi o iua qui
etest manner that official methods will
permit the Navy Department has amend
ed the naval regulations in such fashion
as to entirely reverse the policy regulat
ing the right of asylum as laid down by
Secretary Tracy in the case of General
Barrnndia. when Commander Reiter of
the Hanger received his reprimand. The
new regulation appears to completely
Justify that unfortunate officer in bis re
tinal to protect Barrundia, for, if its
construction of the proper duty of a na
val commander is correct and in con
formity with international law, then he
could not have offered to take the Gen
eral from a merchant vessel. The de
partment has been induced beyond ques
tion to make this new regulation re
striding the erantina of asylum by the
great trouble it has been put to in har
boring the Salvadorian refugees on the
cruiser Bennington. The old naval reg
ulation reads aa follows:
" In reference to the granting of asy
lum in the territorial waters of a foreign
State the ships of the United States shall
not be made a refuge for criminals. In
the case of persons other than criminals
they shall be afforded shelter whenever
it may be needed to United States citi
tena first of all and to others, including
political refugees, aa the claims of hu
manity may require and the service
upon which the ships are engaged will
The Chlneae Offer Reward for the De
. atrnotlon of Japaacae.
London, August 18. A Shanghai cor
respondent says that the Governor of
Formosa offers 6,000 taels for the destruc
tion of any big Japanese warship, 4,000
for a small warship, 200 for the bead of
a Japanese officer and 100 for the head
of a private.
London, August 18. The Shanghai
correspondent of the Times says 60,000
Japanese troops are already in Corea,
and others are constantly landing. The
Chinese fleet is passive. The correspond
ent adds : " The war fever in Japan is
intense. The press and popular orators
are advocating schemes for the conquest
of Manchuria. There is a strict censor
ship over the news. Everything reported
concerning the war is extremely par
tisan. The Central News' Shanghai corre
spondent says : "A fleet of eight ves
sels are reported to have passed Chee
Foo August 14, bound westward."
Yokohama, August 18. Notice has
been given that the revision of the
treaties between Japan and the foreign
powers will be taken in hand forthwith.
An essential feature of the revision will
be that foreigners will not have the right
of trial in their own Consular Courts
Foreigners are greatly concerned, being
strongly of the opinion that the time
has not arrived when their interests can
be left to the Japanese government. ,
San . Francisco, August 18. The
steamer City of Peking will sail to-day
for China and Japan with another large
cargo of flour and canned goods. The
Peking will take about 1.500 barrels of
flour and 2,900 cases of canned meats
ana fruits.- r
Bxblin, ' August 18. It is rumored
that the Disconto Gesellsohaft is negoti
ating a loan oi w,uw,wu lor uuina.
He I Determined to Teat the Splti
bergen Route Again. , j,
Tkomsob, Norway, August 19. Walter
Wellman with the crew of the crusted
steamer Ragnvald-Jarl arrived here yes
terday by the fishing yacht Bern tone,
Captain Johnson, from North Spitsber
gen, All the members of the party are
Well. Discussing the failure of his ex
pedition to reach the pole, Mr. Wellman
said: -;-.
"After the loss of the Ragnvald-Jarl,
and the consequent breaking up of my
lyie of retreat I was compelled to modify
my plans for the summer's work and
make sure to be able to return to the
coast of Spitsbergen earlier than I in
tended, though the expidition reached
within a few miles of the 81st parallel
May 12. eleven days from Tromsoe. The
season nad then changed to the other
extreme. North of the Seven Islands at
the extreme north of Spitzbergon as
far as we could see were masses of
heavy unbroken ice, which appeared
absolutely impassable. The expedition
then turned its face east along the north
east land, and then northeast gales broke
up the ice, which had promised to afford
some eaay taveling. The whole north
east land was explored. The scientific
men of the party were making interest
ing observations in geology and natural
history. Professor Owen French of the
coast and geodetic survey, Washington,
surveyed a large part of the coast.
Among the points added to the map, by
virtue of the discoveries made during
this survey, are Capes Gresham, Whit
ney, Armour ana Scott and Walsh
"July 1 1 started with seven men and
an aluminium boat on my way over the
pack ice, but was compelled after sev
eral days of frightful straggling with
the ice to give np the attempt. July 4
I started to return to Waldfen Island,
crossing Dove Bay. We were all com
pelled for hours to wade through water
waist high. The screwing of the pack
ice threatened to destroy the boats and
sleighs, but, though they were sub
ject to the hardest usages, the aluminium
boats came through uninjured. Had it
not been for the protection afforded by
their water-tight cases progress would
have been impossible in the pack ice,
where men and sleichs were half the
time in the water and half the time on
the ice.
" Crossing Dove Bay, Alme, the mete
orologist of the party, broke a bone of
his right leg, and bad to be carried in
tbe boat to Walden Island, which was
reach! July 22. We waited a fortnight
for open water, and August 4 decided to
push through the ice. The attempt,
which was a most dangerous one, was
successful, and four boats reached Low
island August 6, where we sighted the
Berntone. Eventually we hired her to
convey our party to Tromsoe. We sailed
from Low island August 7, and reached
Dare Island August 8. There we took
on Professor Ojen, the geologist, and
Hydahl, the runner and sportsman from
the University of Christiania, and the
stores which they were guarding for us.
Though we were unable to reach aa far
north as we hoped to get in 1894, be
cause of the loss of our steamer and the
bad nature of the season, I am deter
mined to test the Spitsbergen route
again in 1896."
Be la Recruiting Callfornlane for the
Mlkado'e Army.
Los Anokles, August 19. The Chi
nese and Japanese colonies here have
been greatly stirred up lately by the
presence of a mysterious white man who
moves secretly and to those he has con
fidence in exhibits credentials from the
Japanese War Department authorizing
him to make contracts with persons or
corporations in the name of Japan. ' It
is learned that his purpose is to enlist
1,000 sturdy Americans, men who have
had experience as soldiers, in the serv
ice of the Mikado for the particular work
of fighting Chinese. This emissary has
made contracts with the steamship com
panies for the transportation of his men.
He offers $20 a month to the men who
can pass the physical examination, and
promises them the best of rations and
accommodations. The prospect of loot
ing some Chinese Mandarin's palaces is
not the least of the prospects which daz
lie those adventurously-inclined young
men who are flocking to the support of
the chrysanthemum dynasty, and as far
as can be learned the regiment will soon
be completed. The men will be armed
with the latest pattern of military rifles,
similar to the Mannlicher type, and their
uniforms, it is claimed, will be a thing
of dazzling beauty, abounding in color
effects. The men are guaranteed return
passage to this country if they survive
or continuous employment in the army
if they prefer.
' Sued for at Large Bum.
San Francisco, August 18. Carey
Friedlander has sued the Bank of Cali
fornia for $750,000. He alleges that this
sum is due the estate of his father, the
late Isaac Friedlander. The complaint
states that the bank loaned the lather
money on lands in Fresno and adjoining
counties and the lands were conveyed to
tbe bank in trust. Tbe bank's claim ia
that the transfer was absolute.
May Meet In Bo ton,
Chicago, August 18. There will be
no Arion-Dlrectum race in Chicago.
Failing to secure the Washington Park
track for themselves, Doble and Hickok
refused the offer of the Northwestern
Breeders' Association, and notified the
management that the race would not go,
and that Directum will go East. The
chances are that the pair will meet in
Assassin of President Carnot
Expiates His Crime.
It Wa. Keeeaaary for the Attendant to
; Almost Carry Him to the Van Walt-.-
Ing for Him The Death jf Prealdent
Carnot Avenged.
' Lyons, August 17. The Republic of
France avenged the death of her beloved
President at 5 o'clock this (Thursday)
morning, at which hour Santo was guil
lotined in the public square. With the
cry of " Vive l'anarchle" on his lips, tbe
head of the trembling assassin was sev
ered from bis body by the keen blade,
and another anarchist had died for a
mistaken cause. There were no unusual
demonstrations attending the execution.
Tbe news of the decision to execute
Santo in the early morning spread
rapidly, notwithstanding the efforts to
keep it secret. The wineshops and res
taurants in the vicinity were crowded
all the evening with people who wanted
to witness the execution. However,
these were compelled to leave their
places of shelter, as tavernkeepers had
orders to close their doors at that hour,
and the streets leading to the prison
were occupied by troops.
Santo had to walk fifty yards from his
cell to the scaffold, which was in the
square facing the prison. When tbe
preparations of Deibler had been com
pleted, he tested the guillotine and pro
nounced it satisfactory. It was then 4 :25
o'clock, and the troops had closed in
around tbe guillotine. When daylight
arrived the square and tbe street near
by were thronged. Escorted by a squad
of gen d'armes, the executioner and his
men entered the prison at 4:30. M.
Raux. the Governor of the prison, awak
ened Santo,' saying to him, "Courage;
the hour has arrived." The condemned
man with a great effort raised himself;
his face turned livid, and his arms and
legs trembled convulsively despite his
efforts to appear careless to his fate. The
trembling of the assassin continued until
the last moment. He could hardly stand,
and his limbs were so stiff from cold and
fright that his clothes were put on with
the utmost difficulty. In reply to the
Jiueetion whether he would have break
ast Santo declined either food or drink.
He also refused religious consolation.
Asked whether he desired to speak to
tbe Judge, he replied in the negative.
He also declined to his counsel.
"Have you any last wishes to com
municate?" be was asked.
" No," he answered, " only send my
letters to my mother."
When Governor Raux spoke to Santo
of his mother the condemned man's
eyes filled with tears, and he nearly
choked with emotion. He soon regained
his habitual indifference, although still
pallid and trembling. From this mo
ment he said nothing more. When he
was assisted into the wagon he was in a
most pitiable condition. His knees shook
together, and his teeth chattered. He
no longer appeared like a man, but a be
ing half dead with terror. The com
mand to " fix bayonets " was now sound
ed from squadron to squadron of troops,
while murmurs arose from the ever
growing crowd. Deibler and his assist
ants and the officials issued from the
prison at 4 :50 o'clock. At the command
to present arms and draw swords the
wagon issued from the building, and took
up a place on the left side of the guillo
tine. The assistants fixed the gangway.
The priest approached Santo, who ap
peared not to see him. w hen banto ap
peared, walking with extreme difficulty,
his open shirt displaying his breast, frail
and bony, his eyes were first fixed on the
guillotine, and then wandered to the
troops and the crowd. He ottered tbe
cries: Uourage, my comrades!" and
" Vive l'anarchie 1" but the sound issued
feebly from closed teeth and was nearly
inaudible. ,
The words were hardly uttered when
Santo was seized and pushed toward the
bascule. He made a feeble straggle and
fell. His weight was much too light,
and his excutionera were compelled to
raise him and thrust him forward. He
made another frantic movement, oblig
ing Deibler to come to the assistance of
his men and place Santo'a head under
the lunette. Much time was taken up
with these movements. At last Deibler
pressed the handle which released the
knife. A sharp, short sound announced
the severance of the vertebra), a spurt of
blook sprinkled the wagon, the head fell
into a basket of sawdust, and the body
was rolled into another. Bravos sounded
from the crowd, which seemed less moved
than at ordinary executions.
Caesario Santo assassinated Sadi Car
not, President of France, at Lvons June
24, 1895. The President was attending
the international exhibition in Lyons,
and at the time was in a carriage at the
head of a procession on his way to the
theater. As the President's carriage
passed down the street, which was lined
with enthusiastic crowds of people,
Santo rushed out of the crowd, sprang
upon the steps of the President's landau
and stabbed him to the heart, killing
him almost instantly. The assassin was
with difficulty Baved from instant death
at the hands of the multitude, who beat
him unmercifully, banto was an Italian,
having been born in Molta Visconti,
northwest of Pavia, in December, 1873.
He was a baker by trade.
The Prealdent Signs It.''
Washington, August 16. President
Cleveland has signed the bill to author
ize tbe taxation of the treasury notes bv
States and municipalities on the same
terms that other money is taxed.' it
gives authority for their taxation mere
ly, and it remains for the States to take
any advantage ol us terms.
The Detail of the Disagreement Be
tween the Champions.
New Yobx, August 17. After two
years of long-distance fighting through
the public press James J. Corbett and
Peter Jackson came together yesterday
afternoon, and nearly settled their re
spective claims to superiority on the
spot. While an actual encounter was
averted, the champion and the negro
had a wordy battle of the fiercest kind,
during which the lie was practically
passed, and when the smoke of fight
cleared away the principals bad settled
one thing, that there is extreme improb
ability of a match being pulled off in
the future. Jackson arrived in town
from San Francisco early in the day. and
Eut np at the Grand Union Hotel. He
ad made an appointment to meet Cor
bett at Manager Brady's office at 2 :30
o'clock. The champion was on; hand,
with Billy Delaney and his manager.
When the appointed time arrived a curt
message came from Jackson that he
would meet Corbett to-morrow morning
at the Police Gazette office. Corbett was
very wrathy. He was going to Asbury
Park, and could not put off the meeting.
He determined to go to the Grand Union
and have it out then and there. The
meeting between the two men was as if
each was sparring for an opening. They
did not shake hands, but eyed each other
suspiciously. Jackson was seated upon
a wooden settee, while Corbett occupied
a chair and drew it up to Jackson so that
they faced each other about two feet
apart. When Corbett became excited
he drew the chair np until his face was
brought within less than a foot of Jack
son's. Tom' O'Rourke was talking to
Jackson when the champion arrived.
During the wrangle that followed he fre
quently put in a word for Jackson, but
he did not get excited, aa did Manager
Brady. Corbett plunged at once into
business, and said bluntly :
" l want this thing settled."
Jackson sneered contemptuously, and
said :
" You're in a great hurry now: what's
been the trouble since I first challenged
then uorbett got angry, and jn a mo
ment epithets were flving to be followed
by recriminations. Corbett pulled out
of hie pocket a newspaper clipping, in
which Jackson was quoted as saying
Corbett was afraid to fight. Corbett
thundered for an explanation. Jackson
laughed insolently, and said :
" Yoa know you are a big bluff."
Corbett clenched his hand, and fairly
hissed back:
" You are another big bluffer, and I'm
dying to fight you."
" I'm anxious to meet you." answered
Jackson, warming up.
"That's right, gentlemen ; keep cool
and get down to the match," admonished
Delaney, and there was a murmur of ap
proval "from all present. But a minute
later they were at it again.
"Of course, as a gentleman, I won't
call you a liar when you say I am a big
Dlutt," said tbe Australian.
Corbett retorted in kind. Each ac
cused the other in keeping out of each
other's way.
" Where will you fight?" finally asked
" Not south of the Mason and Dixon
line," answered Jackson.
" Well, you know we can't pull it on
in the North."
" Well, then we will fight in the Lon
don National Sporting Club."
' I know positively they will only per
mit twenty rounds, and I will only fight
to a finish. I can't whip you in twenty
rounds, but believe in a finish fight my
youth will tell," shouted Corbett, shak
ing nia nana in jacuon i iace.
" We can have all the fighting we want
in twenty rounds," answered Jackson.
" Not enough for me; besides, I have
no faith in the treatment which would be
accorded an American in the hands of
those Englishmen. You and O'Rourke
stand in with Lord Lonsdale, and I
would be discriminated against. Now,
won't you fight in the South?" almost
begged the champion.
net. your orams togemer ; iuat s iue
third time you have asked me that ques
tion" answered Jackson. "Why, I
would probably get shot if I whipped
you in the South," continued the Aus
tralian. ' If you are interfered with," said Cor
bett, I agree to give you the Btakes
and gate money."
" How generous," said Jackson, " but
what will that avail me if I am dead?
No, I positively refuse to fight in the
South, and if you insist on doing so,
everything is off between us."
Brady and Delaney whispered to Cor
bett to refuse to fight in England. "And
I absolutely refuse to fight in England,"
announced Corbett.
. Then the fighters indulged in dispar
aging each other in high tones. Lach
said he was confident of being able to
knock the other out. Jackson kept say
ing that Corbett had evaded meeting
hinr, and should have done so before he
fought Mitchell. He said: "Your fight
with Mitchell has been a death blow to
pugilism in this country ever since."
" I can't help that," said Corbett.
" Would not you make easy money if
you could?"
" Well." finally said Jackson, " the
only way I see is for us to wait for some
club in the North to offer an acceptable
" You know the North can't be the
battlefield," answered Corbett. "It's
the ambition of my life to whip you.
and it's a shame we can't pull off a fight."
Corbett was induced to shake bands
with Jackson, and then went home.
Each principal lays the blame on the
other for the failure to come to an agree
ment. A Queer Alliance., .
London, August 14. The correspond
ent of the News at Vienna states that
Great Britan, France and Russia have
agreed to jointly interfere in case the
Japanese attempt to attack Pekln,