HAS THREE TIMES THE CIRCULATION OP ANY PAPER IN THE COUNTY. ADVERTISING RATES. PUBLISH KDkVKRY NilDAY BY 8 L O A N P. 8HUTT, Profemloml card II 00 per month One n,nare ...... 1 SO per month One-quaiuT colnmn..... ...... ..... ft 50 per mouth Cue half column t Oil per month OaecoliimD 10 00 per month Baaineu locals will be charged at 10 centa per line lor first lnaertion 'and 1 cent per line there after. Legal advertisement will In all raaea be charged to the party ordering them, at legal rate, and paid for before affidavit li furnished c5 Udlior Miid Proprietor. Suhrlpllon Kate. Onu yeir(ln advance) II 00 II not pKia in mlvauco 2 uu SIX IIKtlltll 1 vo 'iiirnu tii"in hit 76 eMigls coote 10 VOL. 4. CONDON, GILLIAM CO.. OREGON, F1UDAY. JULY 6, 1894. NO. Hi. THE OFFICIAL AND LEADING PAPER OF GILLIAM COUNTY. , CONDON GLOBE. Ktitfftl at Hit ftflnfflct of QnwUm, Oregon, at Itcimd-vlU'i mni I miller. . . UVriCIAI. DIKKCTOUV. United States. President Vive I'nvliletit eottrt Urc ol HmIv. hmirotary of l reentry....... Hoiruiary n1 Interior heoruterv of War,.,., taurtfurr nl Navy Himi iiiatier-Utiucral Atmnioy iliiin r! beureUry of Agrluulturo. .....Hhovk Oi.aviti.AKn Alll.AI K. HmVUNfUM .....WaI.TKS q. UllKKIIAM , John U. IUhi.im.k HoKK KMITH ...... l)NIKt H. f.ANONT ...rJiniiY A. Hkhhkut WllMIN it. BlKHKI.I, HlUIAHIlOl.NKV ...J b'lKHMXU MOMI'OM Stale of Oregon. ,:.:.. w. p. i,oD II. K. KlMUIo ...111 II. tlK'tNIIIAN U M. LI.MAN O. M. KWI J. If, MlTI.'HKM, IJ. N Dm.pil. .. III. IlKIIMANM Cotnremeti , Kw(ll rrlulcr...... W II. Uki l E. WOt.TNM10M Supreme Judges... jK. A. ! (tt.0. 114 J. Qorernnr...i..... Storulnrv uf oiau... 1 runri r... Altur iii')(JukuihI 8iiiU of I'litillu lu.iniu lot Seualor . ......... Seventh Jmllclal DUtrlet. Circuit Jnlg l,rni'iiiliiK Ailoriit-y Muinucr iUi llnni ......W. U Bnrltw A. A Javmk ( W. C. VtlMJI OIIIImiii County. Jo'nt nVnstor (or (illllnm, Sher- in ill an I Witwv Ovuutlua W. W. HTriwaa Ut.ruuiliu.. J. K, OaVHi JiI'IV". W.J. Maicihkk t;lrr J. 1'. UCAI Slier. II'.. ........ ...... ....,..m..W. Ii, Wii.io Trva.unn -. B. U. lussiitt ,. . . I Jim. It. It u i ox Coinuiliwlouei... C. tf.Ul.YMKa A?Wr M U V,u ta hi il b i(.. riiitca.iuiit...... W, W. Kknwki.Y 8nrvy..r.. , Ja. M. HIM. t-orouvr...,.,.,.,, ...., A. Uimiowi hiwia ln. U .....l.Vi A. MILL Uulwii rntilllo llallwar Tlwe Card. TrainaarrlreandleareArilngtou a follow: lAtr-MOUKO. Train No. 3, fait mal arrlvet at Arlluglon at 1:20 a. M, waiir HonNn. Train No. 1, faal mall, arrive at Arlington at am. ttf On'T 01,0 ' 1,1,1,1 d,lT' ' liuppnerlr-ilntNoa. Valid 10 have rtUcontln Uu l Mio run t A'tiiigu.n, but innke clime n mo lo.it Hllh Nua. 1 ami i nt W.ilowfJuiictlon. I'.ir ii ii at 'l ' ixitaMo L'lux ami thmiiKli to all pulut lu Hi lluitvd slatea aua Oana.i. 8. COLLINS Ticket Agent. Arlington, Or. Hllght Sklrrolahet between the Rebel and the Government. Auckland, N. Z. Advices from Samoa dated June 14 readied here recently. The Britiitli wamlilp Curacoa and the German warship Buzzard visited the locality of the rebel camps recently, and notified them that, if ten chiefs and fifty guns were surrendered, no attack would be made upon tnem by the government forces, and the rebels were also informed that, if they resolved to reject this prop ortion and light, they were at liberty to have their women and children on board the Curacoa and Buzzard. After some deliberation the rebels sent ten chiefs and fifty worthless guns aboard the war ships. After the departure of the war shins the rebels reoccupied the forts, and openly defied the government force. 1 lio Minuay following tne reoeis nreu Don the villaue where Chief Malietoa was supposed to be atterfding divine services, and advanced upon the village Itrelf. The rebels, however, were re used by the government force with iulit Ions on both sides. It was evl- enllr the Intention of tiie rebels to at- tempt to kill Chief Malietoa, but he was abnent at the time. When these dis- atclies left Samoa skirmishes were tak- nit nlace between the rebels and the government forces, but there liad been no severe iigiiting. Laying a Corner-Rtone. ' ),,. Behm.v. Tiie foundation stone of the new Pro teo t ant Cathedral, which is to eplace the old Doin Church, was laid with imposing ceremonies by Emperor William. The Empress and the imperial iilUren, together with other royal per sonages, the Uerman and rrUHfian Aim- Isters and a number of civil oincers at tended tiie ceremonies. All the Trot- estant clergy of Berlin were present. The Kmperor, who was followed by many prominent personages, turice tappea tne loununuon nuine, bi raino iiiun say- ng a few words, the service consisted nelly of the singing o( psalms. THE AK. A. W.-ir. WuKiAll LuDtiK. No. , M ittml . omii'inl all m on Mtiinly even Iiik on ur U f ie full nioou of enrh nioiitn. Hit ImiriiliiKliro linn lug.Hi-la Bil l in arr ronllally liivu .1 fi an I. W L. WIUOX, W. H. i. It. lli'io:,8e,relry. SEWING MACHINE 18 THE BEST. D n. J. 1. IICXI AN PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Condon, Or. OITIce Ornn are., twtween Cathollo Church ii I r.mhlum-. of a I'. Slintt. D IU Z. T. D0D.H0.N, Physician and Surgeon, Condon, Or. At prewntcAii be loimd on my ranch at Hay Cri'i'k Dime, leu nilliu iiorlli of Condon. D It. J. U. HUDSON, Physician and Surgeon, CiiimIoii, Or. OmcS anil r Pldence In the Wiley Miller real, deuce in H.uitll CoielOii. ' ... , Call prompdy aitoutieil to day or night T W. DVUI4S0, a Attorney at Law, Notary Public and Conveyancer, Condon, Or. roll'erWn ltd hinriio. Trm reaonaMd. Oitice in rear o' pontolllce building, Maiu treel. E W. II. Kill-.' J V. Dawam. T. II. Lyona. TtU.IS, DAWSOS 4 LYONS, I'J ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Oftlcei at Heppner and Condon, Oregon. M A. D. oVULEY, . Attorney and Counselor at Law, ' Arlli'Btn Oregon. .. . i,. i ii the niitr of the Btn'e. ',.li i ll U wal d e"url ' builneis tran-iic.el. . I ay V. LUCAS, County Clerk, i -non ai.1. I.IND or LAND AND NOTARY BUSINESS In a neat and careful mauner. q V. 6UUTT, - ' Notary Public and Justice of the Peace Condon, Or. r-il r-lloni nun notarial work promptly and ciifitull) iiiun ! lo- i r i i .,.er.ranlora'n,Ion iZXnm. A Handoook ol In. S :r..Vm oonoerning 1'ntent. ana now i i i...mal talntTiemaentfroe. gnu i item aainouoiHv" !L'"viVh- mlhliawlth. t iu are 0101 n W.UJ..7 ""l J. rtlrt n.n tain iuo'" -z. 7., JSTOii? throuK Munn Co. recelv. .nOTlulnotloelntheHHj, V.'.'T.. tn thm inventor. Tin 0 enaia paper. " ... ..i.i aiMinntlT II netrated, una oy in iiot circulation of any eaientlfl largcft 251 wohft, Sample nla world..? J -nnihi. aJ.i, HllllOIIIIf wju.u.w i "--: 'I I. br fiirt lie aolentlflo work In the a year. Hingis oeau- ST-E iSTl ioioiiT na photograph o new t1 "L S"i i?arS enabling Wider, ioahow the in and cure eoutracta. Aaaren TKOUULE IN SAMOA. SELLS HER CLAIMS. Alice Edith's Hopes in Blythe Estate Bought. ASTORIA'S RAILROAD AGAIN. Another Kflort to be Wade by the Stan ton-Campbell Party to Come to Term JtVUhLUM-Aaioriacw Astobi a. Ob. The railroad qaestion, whicli has been quiescent for some weeks past, is again to be brought into promi nence, and will occupy public attention for a time. When Judge Brown left here for the East a month or so aco, it was understood that he had a verbal under standing with a majority of the subsidy committee that no contract should be let until such a time as he could confer with the New Yorkers represented and learn what arrangements cuulJ be made with them to enter into a contract for the completion of the railroad by way of the Nchalem route. Before his departure and after the refusal of the committee to give him a mortgage on the subsidy in onKiiierauon oi a deposit oi Mr. Brown stated that he believed he could make sncb arrangements as would be in ali respects satmiaclory to the As toria people, but could make no definite statement until lie had an interview with his principals. A week ago Mr. Brown teieuraplied the subsidy commit tee that he had completed his arrange ments in a satisfactory manner and would be in Astoria in a few davs. ,ater a diSDatch was received from Mr. Brown's son, saying his father was ill in Ienver and would not be in a condition to travel lor some days, una latter communication is interpreted by some parties as an indication that Mr. brown's plans nan powuny miHcarneu. Whether this view of the case is correct or not, the Stanton-Campbell party will again bo in the Held, and will make an amended offer. 1). K. Campbell, the Chicago contractor, has returned from Portland, and intimates mat anomer effort would be made by his people to come to terms with Astorians. ALICK EDITU'S CLAIMS. JpwULlW 1 1. r Tl e Onl M Phlre that wMl tew BACKWARD well a FOlltYAKl) without oppinir. Quiel, Liglil-Kumiliig, aOJuslab.etnail iu parts. WE SELL TO DEALERS ONLY. Correspondence Solicited. ...i UNION MANUFACTURING CO, WM. FBTBK, Owner, TOI.r.I0, OHIO. TO SALT LA ICE, DENVER, Omaha, Kansas City, CHICAGO, ST. LOUIS AND ALL EASTERN CITIES. Hours Hours the NORTHWEST NOTES. DAYS to 2 CHICAGO the Quickest to Chicago ; and the Mst. ; Quicker to Omaha and Kansas City. Through Pullman una lounax Sleeper, Free Kscunmg vnair Cars, Dining Cars. S. H. H. CLARK, 1 : n 01,1V Kit W. MINK, ' I i JOHN W. DOANK, For rale or genera Information oall on or addreii V - r , W. H. UUKLBUKT, ; : ' Aut. Oen. Fas. Agent, S54 Washington St., oor.M. PORTLAND, OB She Deed AH of Her Blythe Hope to John D. Bpreckel. 8a Fbascisco, Cal. Alice Edith Dickason has made a declaration of trust between herself end John D. Spreckels, and has disposed to him of all her vid ua! claims to a portion of the Blythe es tate. A deed to that effect was tiled in the Recorder's office the other day. For tiie nominal sum of 10 it disposed to him of ail her title and interest to lots in the block bounded by Market, Geary, Dupont and O'Farrell streets, her inter est in the personal projeriy left her by Thomas II. Blythe and of all the other real estate of which he was possessed at tiie time of his death. Tiie deed was given "subject to certain outstanding contracts heretofore made and entered ntn ami between tiie said party ot tne first part and various parlies, and alw to a cerwtin ueciaruuu w ww m between the said parties of the first and aecond part of even date herewith." rhi important naner Placed on rvcoia, Alii'H Kiiilh aulluli t retirement from pub ic gaze, she was not at uer -siutiio - iIim ntlier even i nir. and her attorney, Henrv E. lliitlitou. refuml to disclose hr liiilinir Dlace. He declared distinctly that no negotiations were in progress for a compromise of his client's elaiuia to a widow's snare in meeeiamoi juuiuw H. Blythe. It was a business arrange ment between tier ami xur. cprecKeia, a hirli thev desireil to keep away Irom the public. The only explanation of the matter vouchsafed by Mr. Spreckels was that ho had advanced some money to nay the cost of transcript on Alice Edith's appeal, and Attorney Highton told him she would give him a deed to Ame Drooertv in return. It is evident imm the terms of t lie deed that the at torneye' fees and other indebtedness will lm runt bv Mr. Spreckcl. but most im portant of all is the declaration of trnst mentioned as having been made between him and the missing widow of the ec centric millionaire. Object to llrltUh Granite. Tacoma, Wash. The Trades Council Malum that K. L, Fox. a British subject. in bidding for granite work on the l'ort Orchard dry dock did not notify the gov ernment that some of the pamples of irranite submitted were from ftelson Jsl and. B. C. Fox, having secured the contract, is setting out British Col um hinn eranite: and the Trades Council claiming that American workmen and American . srranite are discriminated atrainst on British Columbian govern ment buildings, is demanding that the Navv Department compel Fox to use superior American granite in preference to inferior Britisli Columbian rock, and is interesting labor organizations of the Uoast to JOIU actively in una prutem. Washington. New Whatcom pays its teachers $1,960 a month. The Whatcom shingle mills have had to close down for lack of cars. Grav's Harbor has exported within a year 85,000,000 feet of lumber. , , The Mayor of Snohomish has railed a meeting to organize a Chamber of Com merce. About fifty Indians of Chief Moses' tribe are doing ome artistic war dancing near Walla Walla. The First National Bank of Hoqniam has jut declared its semi-annual divi dend 6f 4 percent. ' . John Herman sprained his ankle in a Spokane sidewalk, inflicting injuries he estimates in his damage suit at $12,000. A Tacoma firm has shipped 600 tons of feed, consisting of oats, barley, bran and shorts, to Honolulu, as a starter for trade it is hoped to establish perma nently. The mining property reported to be bought by Jim Wardner is the Imperial mine, mill site and water right in Ken nedy district, Humboldt county. Ward ner must have a mill of at least ten stamps in operation by September 22. From all parts of Whitman county comes the report that threshing is in full blast again. Much of the grain which remained well stacked daring the winter is said to be fair quality and well worth threshing. At Oakesdale there is said to be some first-class grain. Two more complaints have been sworn out at Walla Walla against Edmiston. These last are made by the Catholic Knights of America and the Women's Relief Corps. This makes six charges against him. He furnished the $1,500 bonds required at his first arrest, nut has not yet qualified on the third and fourth charges. The Spokane Board of Public Works has received more than a score of letters from bridge builders all over the United States who have read in the telegraphic lspatches the news of the floods there and are anxious to obtain contracts for new bridges to replace those swept away. he board replies to them that the city is not going extensively into the bridge business for a year or so. Tiie Commercial Club at North Yak ima is in correspondence with a Minne sota Arm of starch manufacturers with view of securing the location of a plant there. It is etttimated that an in vestment ot irom iz.ouu to I4,uwu win put in a good starch-factory, and that a market will thus be afforded for smaller notatoe. not only improving the grade of the famous Yakima "spuds," but se curing a promising industry. The Yakima Hop Growers' Association elected D. E. Letli President; II. Dunn, Vice-President; A. D. Eelm, Treasurer; B. Ros. becretary. The meet ing was very enthusiastic and well attended, the growers showing an evident intention to strengthen in the organization. Secre tary Ross states that there are at least 3.000, perhaps 3.50O, acres set to hops in HiAtvtnntv.ori V MM) oi wiiirn. are new. He figures that 15,000 pickers will be required. COOPERS STRIKE. They Try to Get Back Their ' Old Wage Scale. THE SABBATH IN THE ARMY. The Proposed Flan for the Reorganisa tion of the AtehUon and Topeka Bob- i-- naltted by the Commute. Nw York. The plan of reorganiza tion of the Atchison and Topeka has been submitted by the reorganization committee. The plan contemplates a foreclosure either untler the general mortgage dated October 15, 1889, or un der the second mortgage dated May 1, 1802, securing the so-called Atlantic and Pacific, and the formation by the pur- chasers at such sale of a new company, which will be freed from all obligations of the present company except such as are prior to the mortgage foreclosed or are assumed by the new company. If foreclosure is had on the general mort gage, the company will provide for the payment of tiie past-due interest on the general mortgage bonds, and will issue new bonds to the holders of the general mortgage bonds, such new bonds to have the same lien and to be the same in terms as the old bonds. The new com pany will create an issue of fifty-year income bonds secured by a mortgage covering the same property as the new second mortgage. Tiie total authorized amount of such income bonds shall be hmited to $11,500,000. buch income bonds shall be entitled to 6 per cent in terest per annum, payable annually out of the net earnings. The stock of the new company, less such amount as may be required to qualify the directors, is to be held by a trust company until inter est at the rate of 4 per cent shall have been earned and paid on the new income bonds for three consecutive years, and negotiable trust certificates will be issued by such trust company against tnesiocK held in trnst. The assenting holders of the stock shall receive negotiable trui-t certificates representing one share of new stock for each share so deposited upon which the assessment has been paid in full, together with income bonds for the assessment. .!, f COOFKRS STRIKE. WASHINGTON CITY NEWS. Premier Damage Suit' Appeal. Tacoma, Wash. An agreement has been prepared for the putting up of $100,000 of the first mortgsge bonds of the Oregon Improvement Company, pending the appeal of the company from the $35,000 damages awarded for causing death or injuries in the steamboat colli sion near Port Townsend about two years ago to the Circuit Court of Appeals. It is said the bonds are valued atlCd.OOO in New York, and witli some sliuht modifi cations the agreement will be accepted by A. R. Titlow, representative of the injured, and the administrators of the deceased. V Oregon. The County Court of Baker county has appropriated $430 to be expended la lm proving the uracKer creeK roa,d. The Brunswick shaft near Grass "al ley is to be sunk another 100 feet, which will ma'ie the mine 800 feet in depth. The Baker City Democrat states that the ore on the dump at the Emma mine, as experted by reliable mining men, will ge Irom fiuu to iwu to tne ion. The lovely flower called the French pink is becoming a nuisance in fields around Parker, and some have spent hundreds of dollars trying to check its growth. A considerable amount of this year's clip of wool is being brought to Salem and stored in inecoinmiBHiun nouses anu taken to the woolen mills. The price is 10 cents. ' " IsFac Banta of Albany is the latest in ventor of a machine for mining black sand. One of the machines is in opera tion between Yaquina and Alsea, and it is asserted that 1)0 per cent of the gold is saved. The grand iurv of Umatilla county, in its final report, recommended that steps be taken to collect $913.22, the amount of Zo HouwrB shortage, and also pro ceed against the County Ireasurer and hia bondsmen to collect the sum of $48, 043 52 which the Treasurer is short. Mr. Ilou?er was elected Sheriff at the recent election. The G. A. R. men of Washington pnunr.v have decided to hold an encamp ment" in Forest Grove some time in August, to continue two or three days, and to which all old soldiers and sailors in the Kate are invited, bteps were taken toward having this encampment last fall, but early rains prohibited. Governor Pennoyer has for some time held that the separate institutions in ex istence at Portland, and known as the Law and Medical Schools ot the Uni versity of Oregon, were not entitled to maintenance from the money appropri ated for the Eugene institution, and that they must be located and administered at Kncrene if anv nart of the funds men tioned were to be legally devoted to their nee. He conferred with Attorney-General Chamberlain recently, and solicited that officer's written opinion. Recently th Attorney-General handed the Gov ernor Ins opinion on the subject, and it concurred fully with the executive con clusions. The following characteristic letter was sent by the Governor to the Board of Regents of the university: Inclosed find the opinion of the Attorney-General of Oregon to the effect that your body cannot divert the money of the University of Oregon for the maintenance of schools elsewhere. Per mit me to suggest that at this time your body should not give countenance to the " . ' ... , I I Chicago Packing Hounee May be Con' pelled to Shut Down. Chicago, III. Nearly all the coopers in the stock yards are on a strike. It is said that if the trouble is not speedily settled the result will be that some of the big houses will be forced to lay off their employes because oi tne scarcity of barrels. When the eti ike took place the houses were nearly all running at full capacity. The packers say it was necessary for them to make a reduction in wages. This was done three months ago, and was general in the yards. The i-oopers were not the only ones who suf fered, all the other branches of the packing industry being affected alike. The coopers say their wages were cut from $2.85 and 13 50 a day to 42 50 and $3.30. The reason they did not object at the time was that they thought the cut was only temporary, and that wages wou'd be restored as soon as warm weather came. It is to enforce a restora tion that they struck, and they say that they will remain out until every man in the stock yards is out. SUNDAY IN THE ARMY. It I a Day of Ret o Far a the Service Will Permit. WA8msaTos, D. C A story coming from Omaha, Neb., that Charles Ceder- quis, a private in the Second Cavalry, is under arrest waiting court-martial for refusal to participate in the target prac tice Sunday, met a very prompt denial at the War Department. '1 he officers say the man has undoubtedly assigned a false reason for Ids arrest, as Sunday target nractice is unheard of in the army. and it would decidedly be in violation of army regulations, ine united ewe ' i i t Soulier n&a aiwuvs uveit e&euiub uuui anv unnecessary toil on Sunday, and in that respect has much the advantage of European soldiers. Even in time of war this rule has been observed whenever practicable, and during the late civil war President Lincoln, quoting the words of Washington, matte a general order en ioining observance ot Sunday on t he of tieers and men of the army, and tiie spirit of this order still pervades the service. Cenn of Tenement. Nxw York. The tenement-house cen bus, taken under direction of the Board of Health during the past two months, has been completed. The census shows there are 30,138 tenement houses in the twenty-four wards of this city, of which number 2,846 are rear houses. The pop ulation of the tenement-house district is 1.332.773. of which 180.309 are children less than five yeai s of sge. Rear houses contain no less than 50,130 persons, in eluding 8.784 children under five years who must exist witli little or no chance for sunlight or fresh air. The Twelfth Ward is the most densely populated. there being 252,331 persons packed in 7,702 houses, of which seventeen are rear tenements. The greatest number of rear tenement houses was found in the l wen tieth Ward, there being 341 out of a to tal of 2.830 in the ward. The ward has ion ot 80,4, a tenement-nouee popniai ' including 8.121 children under five years growingspirit of anarchy by assuming of age, while the population of the rear and exercising powers not sanctioned by houses ia 6,977, including 651 children law. ( unuer uve jcaie u In the deficiency bill the appropri ations for completing public buildings underway are: El Paso, Tex., $7,000; Port Townsend. Waeli.. $11.01)0; Sacra mento, Cal., $10,000; Hioux Fails, 8. D., $15,000. , At the request of Senator Teller his amendment to increase the duty on dia- . monds from 15 to 30 per cen tad valorem, whicli would restore the rate fixed by the House in the Wilson bill, was parsed over. It will be considered again before the bill is reported. The House Committee on Pensions has ratified thereport of the subcommittee in lavox.wrKepresentative Bryan's bill to pension widows 'whose names were taken from the roil because thev hail re married and where the second husbands have died or have been divorced. While Kyle was making a speech in favor of an income tax in the Senate the other day, Call of Florida shocked the spectators in the galleries by removing his tdioes and elevating his "sky-blue" stockings to a neighboring desk, while be tanned himself with a palm leaf Ian. The report of the Board of Visitors at the United States Naval Academy at Annapolis, Md., will suggest that' the course of instruction be six years in stead of four, with a two years' cruixe, as at present Occasional practice cruises ' of four months each are recommended. The bill to amend the act for the relief . of the Chippewa Indians of Minnesota baa passed the House, l he bill provides that lOO.OCO acres of the pine lands oi the White Earth and Red Lake reserva tions, when the Indians are allotted the lands in severalty, shall be offered for sale. The Secretary of the Interior has granted permission to the management of the New York Museum of Natural History to allow its representative en trance to the Uncompahgre and Uintah Indian reservation, Utah, to obtain fos sils for exhibition. The request was de nied last winter, owing to the excited condition of the tribe. The Attorney-General of the United States has instructed Acting United States District Attorney Plait of the -southern district of New York to at once . institute suit in that district before Dis trict Judge Wallace against the Northern Commercial Company to recover $132,000 for the last three years' rent and premi um on seal skins due to the government from the company. This action is taken by mutual consent of the contending parties. j There are indications that Ezeta'g case will cause our government to as pit me a definite position in the matter of the right of asylum. Although the Salvadorian refugees, with one excep tion, are safe on board the Bennington, the Salvadorian provisional government determined to press its demands for the surrender of General Antonio Ezeta, Vice-President of the late government. It is likely that the oiher refugees will not be included in the demand. The prediction that the reforms insti tuted by the Democratic administration of the pension bureau would result in covering into the treasury at the end of the fiscal year several minions oi uouars is about to be realized. Commiesioner Lochren has had prepared a careful esti mate showing that the surplus will be $25,000,000. Commissioner Lochren's es timate for pension disbursements in the Bcal year 1895 has iieen reduced irom $165,000.0 0 to $140,000,000. so that the coming year's disbursement will effect a saving equal to another fzo.uw.wu. The details of the Nicaragua canal bill, which will be reported to the House, were practically closed up at a meeting of the subcommittee the other day. There will be recommended a directorate of eleven memliers. eight being government direct ors, one representative of the company, one from Nicaragua and one from Costa Rica. Three government engineers will have charge of the work. It will be pro vided that dividend shall not exceed 0 per cent, so that a sinking fund may be established. The government share of lividends will be credited to a sinking fund. Some members of the committee think the debt can be raised in twenty- five years on the lines laid down. Bonds were practically derided npon for the whole amount, as the proposition toeoin silver involved troublesome complica tions and opposition. However, that section of the bill is subject to change; so that, if any plan involving the use of silver seems practicable, it can be adopted. Charles S. Craig of Edgewood Park. Pa., has been before the Congressional Committee investigating tiie armor plate frauds. He was associated with C. E. Sill in giving the main informa tion of irregularities at the Carnegie works. Craig's evidence was much like that recently given bv Sill and corrob orative of it. He testified that he made reports of th work on armor plates front the workmen's slates giving tne actual work done. The reports were submitted to Superintendent Kline, who changed them to bring the work within the government contract. The altered r ports were then furnished to . the government officers. Craig gave from bis note book a list of plates which had been doctored after they had been turned over to the go'ernment as test plates. He gave details of the retreat ment of each plate. Many of them were retreated after the government had rejected them. He testified that he had been instructed by Superintendent Kline to bnrn the original records showing the real work done. Craig said that while assistant heater he observed much surreptitious work on the plates. He gave the te-hnical details of these ir regularities. This was done without the knowledge of the government officers, and wa to deceive them. The capacity of the Carnegie works was not sufficient fa do the work properly. He had heard Kline complain to Assistant Manager Hunsicker that more fnrnaces were nec essary. Mr. Craig identified a nnmber of alterations in reports made by Super in tendent Kline.