Til UOilOOIl GLOBE. FRIDAY, JUNE 29, 1894. "THE OFFICIAL PAPER OF GILLIAM COUNTY. OREQON. There has been developed an ini perfection in the flection law that j ought to be remedied. Formerly a j ninety days residence in the county j was required of every elector; but j under the new law nothing but a j precinct residence is required, and j this residence may have been of only one day'6 duration. For in stance, says the Corvallis Times, any man after living in Linn coun ty all his life may move with his family into Benton county the day before election and thereupon he ; becomes a voter; or, any single man six months a resident of the state can vote in any county he pleases, provided he sees fit to: laim it his residence and swear in j his vote. Under this provision ! t ramps, travelers or any other loose j persons having the right to stop ! over night in a county and help its residents to decide who their coun ty officers are to be. The law is an incentive to fraud, for it encourages the importation of foreign voters. It tends to corruption and sets at naught the ballot of good, bona fide citizens. The remedy for it is a county qualification of at least ninety days, and to render it per fectly effective our constitution should be so amended that we can have a registration provision. That places every voter on record, lo cates him definitely, and is a sure safeguard against fraud. Added to the Australian law it would give the state a healthy ballot system. According to the latest election returns throughout , the state the republicans will have 71 out of 90 members in the next legislature. They will be divided as follows: In the senate, 19 republicans, 8 demo crats, 3 populists; in the house, 53 republicans, 0 democrat, 7 popu lists. Since the republicans have such an overwhelming majority in the legislature, the governor and all the other state officers, they must be responsible for the state government, and if anything goes wrong they can no longer blame Pennoyer for it. It was a mistake about one democrat being elected to the legislature at the late elec tion. The official returns headed him off and the repub. candidate won by a small maj ority. Salem Democrat: The Orego nian has now eight machines which will be used to set type for that paper and the Telegram. They will probably be in full operation by the first of the week. This will throw at least 28 printers out of employment, which will come hard on them. Most of those who will lose their places are men who have grown old at the case, and it will be hard for them to find employ ment. The Oregonian will save from the workmen thus disposed $600 a week, and in a few months will have money enough to put another story or two on its build ing. The result of this movement on the part of the Oregonian will probably be the establishment of a big morning daily in Portland. Will there be any advance in the price of wheat is a question that appeals to every citizen. Tha Tciedo. Blade says that the low price of wheat shows no feature of possible improvement. It is offer ed in Europe, by other countries than this, at prices which render competition impossible. On last Friday,. Argentine wheat was offer ed in London, including cost, in surance and freight, at 54 cents. The world's stock of this cereal does not decrease enough to materially improve the outlook for holders. The new crop is near at hand, and there is nothing on which to base Xhe hope of a rise. On thecon f rary, 50-cent wheat in Chicago is confidently predicted. The present term of circuit court will be an inexpensive one to Lane county. Not an indictment was ;und. This speaks wrell for our ,"60 pie, considering the county has a population of at least 25,000 3:ilrf. En"-n' Guard. Crossing a field one day Abra ham Lincoln, it is said, was pur sued by an angry bull. He made for the fence, says Life's Calendar, but soon discovered that the bull was overtaking him. He then be gan to run around a haystack in the field and the bull pursued him, but in making the circles around the stack Lincoln was the faster and, instead of the bull catching him, he caught the bull and grab bed him by the tail. It was a firm grip and a controlling one. He be gan to kick the bull and the bull bellowed with agony and dashed across the field, Lincoln hanging to his tail and kicking him at every jump, and as they flew along Lincoln yelled at the bull: "Darn you, who began this fight?" The strong facial resemblance which married couples often acquire after living together a long period of years, harmonious in thought and feeling, and subject to the 6ame conditions in life, have often been commented upon. The pho tographic society of Geneva recent ly took the pictures of seventy eight couples for an investigation of this subject The result was that in twenty-four cases the re semblance in the personal appear ance of the husband and wife was greater than that of brother and sister, in thirty cases it was equal ly as great, and in only twenty-four as there a total absence of resem blance. A statement from the United States mint gives the amount of money in the world as follows: Gold ..$3,582,605,000 Silver . . . ... ... .-. . . 4,052,700,000 Uncovered paper . . . . 2,625,873,000 Total . . .... . .... ..$10,271,178,000 The populaton of the world is from 1,400,000,000 to 1,600,000. Admit ting that the population is not over 1,400,000,000, there is only a little over $7.30 per head of all kinds of money. This per capita is divided about as follows: Gold, 12.60; silver, $2.90; paper jnoney, $1.90. - A lady in this city who is oppos ed to female suffrage has long been pestered to sign a petition circula ted in favor of extending the suf frage to women. In despair she appealed to her husband what to do and received the following ad vice: ''Tell the person when she calls again that you will sign her petition when you no longer have any confidence in your husband, your father, your brother or your son; then, and not until then, sign the petition." Pittsburg Post. A newspaper whose columns over flow with advertising of business men, has more influence in atteact ing attention to and building a town or city than any other agency that can be employed. People go where there is business. Capital and labor will locate where there is an enterprising community. No power is so strong to build up a town as a newspaper properly pat ronized. It always returns more than it receives. Rev. De Witt Talmage. The Living Issue, of John Day, has suspended publication, making its final appearance last Thursday, This we had predicted, but had not! expected the event to happen quite so soon. There is more about get ting out a newspaper than one has an idea, and just because'one can dish up a racy article is no sign he is a newspaper man, or knows any thing about making a success of tiat business. Long Creek Eagle. Senator Mitchell, of Oregon, has secured the passage of a bill pro viding for one additional judge for the ninth judicial circuit, which includes California, Oregon, Ne vada, Montana, Washington, Idaho, Alaska and Arizona. This district, if this bill should become a law, will than have three circuit judges. The appointmentment is expected to go to some prominent California democrat. There is a bullet-proof coat on the market. Now, if there were a ballot-proof coat on the market some office-seekers would make a good investment by buying one or more. Exchange. , A contributor to the San Fran cisco Argonaut has drawn attention to the term nom de plum as being an erroneous one, and not convey- gingthe true meaning. He states that it should be, tiom de guerre, and that the former term is an ex ample of London French, and or iginated with "cockney"journalists j there, once upon a time just how I long ago is not stated and has 'been persistently followed ever since. ' " '. - A famous scientist, after careful experiments finds that when pota toes are cooked without removing the skins they lose onlv 3 per cent i of nutritive quality through ex traction of the juice. V hen the skins were removed before boiling, the loss was 14 per cent, which makes the process of cooking the potatoes without their jackets an exceedingly wasteful one. ' The republicans and populists have fused in Tennessee. What do I the republicans and populists of Oregon think of such a combina tion? It is only one in a thousand who is worrying over the income tax The trouble with the other 999 is to get the income. "Many of the citizens of RatjiBville, Indiana, are never without a hottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy in the house," says Jacob Brown, the leading merchant of the place. This Remedy has proven of so much value for colds, croup and whooping cough in children that few mothers who know its worth are willing to be without it. For sale by nil druggists. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Offtci at The Dau.es, Ob., June 2.r, ISiVt. Notice in hereby Riven that the following nameil settler Ims filed notice ol hi" Intention to mttkefimil proof in support of his claim, ami that said proof will be made before Jay p. I.iichk. coun ty clerk, at Condon, Or., on August io, loy4, via. KDWARD DUNN, tld. 3.W, for the nwVf sec 22 rp 8 of r 20e. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous res idence nnon and cultivation of, snid land, ria: Cbaa. Wintteld, Ernest Seekamp, Ralph Froman and Jeun UtBoHS, all of Condon, Oregon. jyJS-'JO John W. Lew iN.Reglirter. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Lanb Office at The Dau.es, Ob., May 14, 18iH. Notice is hereby (riven that the following-named settler bus filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and thai said proof will be made before J. P. Lucas, coanty clerk of Cilliam county, at Condon, Or., on June 30, im, viz: FRANK A. CALDWELL, Hd. 3217, forthew'i nwf4and w1 swlsec 12 tpisof r!9 e. He names the following witnesses to prove his emit! mums residence upon and cultivation of, said land, viz: W. 11. Smith, Kxlpb ! Ionian, Chns. Brown and 8. V. Moore, all of f'onrionOr- ml8-14 JuhnW. Lewis, Keitistcr. SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of an execution decree nnd order of sale, issued out of the honorahle circuit court of the etate of Oregon for the county of Gilliam, on a judgment re covered on the 11th day of April, 1894, in favor of the American Mortgage Com pany of Scotland, plaintiffs, and apainst William Wheeler and Elizabeth Wheel er, defendants, for the sum of seven hundred and seventy-seven dollars and twenty-five cents ($777.25) with interest thereon from said 11th day of April, 1894, at ten per cent per annum; and sixty-two dollars (?62) attorney's fees, and forty-nine dollars and forty-six cents ($49.46) accruing coHts. I have levied upon and will sell at public auction on Saturday, June 30, 1894, at 2 o'clock p. m. at theconrt house door in Condon, Gilliam county, state of Ore gon, all the right, title and Interest which the said William Wheeler and Elizabeth Wheeler had on or after the 11th day of April, 1894, for cash in hand, in or to the followingdescribed premises, towit: The southeast quarter of section thirty in township onp south, of range twenty-one east of Willamette Meridian, containing one hundred and sixty acres, all in Gilliam county, .state of Oregon. Dfited at Condon, Oregon, this 28th day of May, 1894. W, L. Wacox, Sheriff of Gilliam County, Oregon. SHERIFF'S SALE. By virture of an execution duly issued by the clerk of the circuit, court of the county of Gilliam, state of Oregon, dated the 16th day of "May, 18!)4, in a certain action of the circuit court of said county and state wherein J. G. fctevenson as plaintiff recovered judgment against W. L. Barker, defendant, for the sum of eighty dollars and 'costs and disburse ments taxed at one hundred and two dollars and thirty-eight cents on the1 20th day of April, 1894.' Notice is hereby given that I will on Saturday, June 30, 1894. at the court house door in Condon, in eaid county, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon of said day, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, the following described property, to-wit: Lots 3, 4, 6 and 6 in block 28 in the town of Condon, Gilliam county, Oregon; also lots 5, 6,7, 9 and 10 in block 30 in the town of Con don, Gilliam county, Oregon, as the same appears by the recorded plat on file in the clerk's office in said Gilliam county, Oregon, together with the improvements thereon, taken and levied upon as the property of the said W. L. Barker to sat isfy the said judgment in favor of J. G. Stevenson against eaid W. L. Barker, with interest thereon, together with all costs and disbursements that have or mav accrue. Dated at Condon, Oregon, May 22, 1894. W, L. Wilcox, Sheriff of Gilliam County, Or. I have two little grand children who are teething this hot summer weather and are troubled with bowel complaint. I give them Chninlierlain'sColic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and it acts like a charm. I earnestly recommend it for children with bowel troubles. I was myself taken with a severe attack of bloody flux, with cramps and pains in my stomach, one-third of a bottle of this remedy cured me. Within twenty-four hours I was out of bed nnd doing my house work. Mutt. ' W. I,. Di-naoan, '.on-aqnn, Hickman Co., Term.. For sale by ail druggist. The Bast Medicine. J. O. Wilson, Contractor and Builder, Sulphur Sprinps, Texas, thus speaka of Ayer's Pills i " Ayer's Tills are the best medicine I ever tried; and, io my judgment, no better general remedy could be devised. I have used thura In my family and racoiumeudod them to my friends and tmployes for more that, twenty years. To my certain knowledge, many caaee .of the following complaints have been completely and Permanently Cured by the use of Ayer's Pills alone: Third day chills, dumb ague, billons fever, sick headache, rheumatism, flux, dys pepsia, constipation, and hard colds. I know that a moderate use of Ayer's rills, continued for a few days or weeks, as the nature of the complaint required, would be found an absolute cure for the disorders I have named above." "I have been selling medicine for elsht years, and I can safely say that Ayer's Pills give better satisfaction than any other Pill I ever sold." J. J. Perry, Spottsylvania C. H., Va. AYER'S PILLS Prepared by Dr. J. C. A yer & Co., Lowell, Ibn. Every Dose Effective Sometime ago I was troubled with an attack of rheumatism. I need Cham berlain's Pain Balm and was completely enred. I have since advised many of my friends and customers to try the remedy and all speak highly of it. Simon Ooldbavm, San Luis Rey, Cal. For sale by all druggists. BUSINESS LOCALS. Books of nil kinrt. L, W. Darling & Co. DtAheg and Klusnwnre at L. W. Darling & Co.'i. We are jut hunting forrbronic coaghi to cure, "S. B," for Mle by L. W. Darling A Co. Cleanse your blond with Dr. Grunt'. 8anmp rllla. L. W. Darling 4 Co. The beat lemon extract! for flavoring. Just ar rived. L. W. Darling Co. Have you iieen our new diaplay of toilet nonpn? Something new and nice. L. Vv. Darling & Co. The 8. B. Cough Cure ii (Imply perfect Spend We with L. W. Darling, and yon will lw ready to Inr. Buy choice bird need, now reduced to 10c package, from I W. Darling t Co., and your bird will aiug tweeter. The German-American Inmiranee Co., of Kew York, hai entnblinhed an office at Condon with L. W. Darling as agent. Aik at L. W. Darling & Co' drug "tore for the 8. B. Headache cure, and you will be given the bout headache medicine known. The famon "Willlami Barber Bar Shaving Soap" the beat In the world for the toilet and lor havlng. For nale by L. W. Darling & Co. The fresheat, purest and bent ttork of preacrlp tlon medicines In th country can be found at the drug store of L. W. Darling 4 Co., Condon. Wanted. One thousand dollars in county war rants. Will pay at the rate of 90 cents on the dollar for same. For further in formation inquire of Ellis, Dawson & Lyons, Condon, Oregon. Flourl Flourll For the cheapest and bent flour on earth apply to Btnith & Koyal of the Fosisil mills. a27 The Midwinter Fair. If yon intend vmitinj; the great Mid winter Fair, call on the nearest Union Pacific agent, and he can tell you all about the exceedingly low rate and ad vantages offered by this line to Ban Fran cisco and return, or addretm W. II. Hurl burt, Afet. Gen'l Fang. Agent, Portland. Choice Confectionery. When you want anything In the line of real nice, fresh confectionery of all kinds candiea, nnts, bananas, honey in comb, celery, cigars, etc., call at my new store next door to Barker's store. Mrs. A. Bkandknhueo. J. F. FORD, EVANGELIST. Of Dee Moines, Iowa, writes under date of March 22, 1803: 8. B. Mfg. Co., Dufnr Oregon. , Gentxbmkn: On arriving home last week, I found all well and anxiously awaiting. Our little girl, eight and one ,half years old, who had waited away to 38 pounds, is now well, strong and vig orous, and well fleshed up. 8. IJ. Cough Cure has done its work well. Both of the ' children like it. Your fi. B. Cough Cure has cured and kept n way all hoarse ness from me. So give it to every one,' with greetings for all. Wishing vou prosperity, we are yours, Ma. '& Mkb. J, F. Fokd. It yon wish to loci (rculi and dierfiil,anl ready for the KirinK' wnrk, clennra your HVKtem with tho HeiKiiiche nnd Liver Cum, hy taking two or threo loi each wek. 50 cent tt bottle hy ail (InigKiitN. BuUl under a pimitiva guarantee by L W. DARLING & CO., CONDON. OKICOON. CONDON BLACKSMITH SHOP. G. S. CLARK, Prop'r. General Blacksmlthfng and WOODWORK. The only firHt-cJaRS blacksmith and ' horse-shoer in the county. Main Street, Condon, Oregon. SB BARKER DBA CEHER'L MERC CONDON, STOCKMEN'S SUPPLIES OF ALL KINDS A SPECIALTY. Lone Rock Sawmill, J. S. HcKINNEY, Proprietor. Situated 22 miles gouthcant of Condon, on tho rulg road. I am now prepared to furnish, on short notice, any kind of lumber at prices to suit the times, and on terms that will satisfy any honest man. My prices are as follows: ROUGH, $9 ; DRESSED, $ 1 6.50 TO $22.50 With a Liberal Discount for all Over Two Inches Thick. I have also established a lumber yard at Condon with Mr. Al Hen shaw in charge, who will be pleased to wait on you or take your order. E. E. SMITH, DEALER IN N ft DM CCO CAnniCDV UUIDQ CDIIDQ PAIADQ mi.iii.uua unuuLi.ii i y mm v5 vi vuv uum wf COLLARS, QUIRTS, ETC. CONDON, v - OREGON. HAND AND MACHINE-MADE HARNESS. Repairing a specialty. Call and see us when you are at the county seat. I have had twenty years experience in this business and f MY PRICES DEFY COMPETITION. JEWELER AND WATCHMAKER. R. H. ROBINSON, A jeweler of six years experience is prepared to do all kinds of repair ing in a first-class manner and at very moderate rates. ORDERS FOR WATCHES AND JEWELRY taken, also engraving done to order by a Francis Improved Engraving Machine. All Work Guaranteed for one year. Shop in Smith's Harness Shop, Condon, Or. SHEEPMEN! Please Send us Your The only way you can afford to run sheep, SCOUR YOUR WOOL ! Why pay freight on all your dirt? PENDLETON WOOL SGOURIKC & PACKING CO., Pendleton, - - - Oregon. SEND YOUR TO THE ONLY JOB OFFICE IN ELKHART GARBAGE and .II GO !?.vJn J'1'"" .tu deo'W V"fll. W r thi WrtiidIrBB.tmnui.aiiwlirAn"i! with pr ylleuetoexnnilntt tuvfwn any money la paid. We pur frainht both wn.ylf not nuttMnr. Uitat OTHrfnrjwi Wrltn jrunr own nnlor. ' "'WHOLESALE prices. , Spring War,ona, S3 l 830. onrantwd nam a. oii ,fwww Surreys, to SlOO aiD hm tell foriu to tun. fop Sureien. $3?,,fSO, at tin u Mil for r. f htetorii, to JjlOf). Farm Waon, Wiu-.onot!ef Wagons, Delivery V.fnp;ori'"l ffoad Carts. )ik vcuji t on Kimta ihiiuiua. No. 37, Barrer llurneiuk No. 1W4, Top Buggy. $43.03 SV, ftrntoM&i I tt BJMNtt kmn,i bo. i, mrm n jwri'raf. orr rnr rwh 'ami tt tiny io.tain Mill I- HArlDlSE OREGON. Name and Address. ORDERS FOR JOB-WORK GLOBE. GILLIAM COUNTY. RARHESS L5FG. GO. Mtoo ncmlila HnBry, Fun : i ftllK.flA N0.R7, Uo(l Wbhou. $E5 Itarli'w. ut PMf NET. Kldhnrt. HIjr!lfl,2tilo.i with rt Sew! 4e. In pnmiiiinliw lira. wli1lo on 1 ltf-iwje ituiiou. .uicil Mtilutl. drtio forulnKK. rhnlV No. 78J, Surrey. W. a. PHATT. Sec'yt ELKHART, IKO