HAS THREE TIMES THE CIRCULATION OF ANY PAPER IN THE COUNTY. ADVERTISING RATKS. Professional card. 1 00 per month One square 1 SO per month One-guaiter column..... ........... 8 50 per mouth One half column ... 00 per mouth One column iq oo per mouth Business locals will be Charged at 10 centa per line for first inaertlon and S centa per line there after. Legal adreitlaementa will In all cases be charged to the party ordering them, at legal rates, and paid for before affidavit li furnished PUnUHMUn KVKRY FRIDAY BY 8 LOAN P. 8HUTT, ICdllor and Proprietor. y . , : uuscription states. Otw yofir(ln advance) . II M 11 u t iaa In niivsucw , I () BIX muiitli , ,. 1 00 'lnri'.t umiiilis ,,.,. ,.,... 7A o.iiylg cobles 10 VOL. 4. CONDON, GILLIAM CO.. OREGON, FRIDAY. JUNE 29, 1894. NO. 15. THE OFFICIAL AND LEADING PAPER OF GILLIAM COUNTY. CONDON GLOBE. Kitterrtl at the t'lmlofflce at CimiUm, Oregon, ai OFKIC1AL, IHllKCTOHY. United elates. ProildeHt .,UBOVKS (1l.RVKI.AtlU Vice rroslilimt , Ami.ai K. HtkvicnsoS Htxtri Un ol HUle Waiikk O, Uhkkiiam HucrotAry of I reamiry John (1. Caki.ikj.k buvruiary ot Interior lions hmitii huisrularr of War llANIKi, , I.amoNT duiToury of Navy ..Hii.ahy A. Hkhhkkt Hoaiinaoiur-ilttnural.i. Wiixon S. Bihkki.i. Atmniey-HeiiiTal Kl HAKI) OI.NBY buoreUry of Agriuulture J btkhi.inu MosroM "late of Oregon. Onrurnor ,.......;. , 8. fsfiNoraa Borjt r of alsla. W. McliHlix 1reuiiror , fun. Mktmciiah Aic.iriifj-lleoecnl (J no. H CH amhkki.ain bu0. of ruullu lin.tr lid Ion R. It. McKlhov 8eu"l"r i. N. lol,rll. Cniwr...m.. ill. Hkhhahh Congressmoii jw Ki i,lU Printer .'. Fit am s :. Masks !K. A, MitoKS W. Y IiiRn. It. 8. Ukam. Hevunlli f mllclal IMstrlct. Circuit JuilK" W. I.. Hkammiaw l'rnt.rml.iis; Allnruey W. II. Wilson Uemi.erhtste lluanl., 1. I. I.t' ssr OllllHIII Joint rtcimtnr ., ... Kviirvsvulalive JtlUgtf. Commissioners Couiity. ,.W. W. Htsiwsb I,. i. lioli.llll;ll W. i, MAHINKR )W. i. K II W A Kim jjos. U. IUI.MTON Jay '. Uicas W. L Wll.:o ...... Hkhhkkt IIalntkau Vai. Wiiski.kr W. W. KSNNKIlV l.t'CISN PAkKKH J.KWIK A. Mll.l.KB Clerk BhenlT. ..., Trea.urer..... , AiwMr.. Hurvevor Mono il h'linjrlntesil II.. Block lnsH'tor l tuloti I'aolUe Hallway Time Card. Trains arrive and leave Arlington as follows: kAsr-aouNb. Train No. 2, fsst mali, arrives at Arllugtnu at I M A. M. wst nounn. Train No. 1, fast mail, arrives at Arlington at 1:26 a M. Only one train a day. ll.'Pliiicr trulni No. 9 and 10 have dUcoritln ue l Hie run t Alintcui, hut mnke closo con li.o lu.iS with No. 1 himI 2 ul Willows Junction. I'.ir iwu ti Sol. soul mmU Ikki Suii throngli lo all points lu the (Jutted stales ami Cauaiia. 8. COLLINS Ticket Agent. Arlington, Or. AK. .v A. All. MulllAll U)1UK, No. VO , Htniml "nnmiiiil. atloiis mi Htunlay even Ills' on or I f te full miMin of esch ruontn. Ho- Io ir.iiiiKl.re lir.ni in giuulsiaiKl nssracordlslly uvit l l aiteud. W U WILCUX, W. M. t. II. III'ubo.n, '-roUry. jlll.lNJTON-l'OM'ill. DAILY Ol AdE LINK. K. A. Nelsnn, I'ronrletur. fAHK ri'.oM AHKIMUIUNTO Cms I W 00 Heturn. I0 00 Msyv lie f 0J He uru, 00 Oudoii 4 00 Keturii, 7 Ml Cluni S Do Iliitiirn, t 00 Oliis. 0j Keliirn. 1 00 L avrs ArlinK on every mnrnlin (Hunosy ex replu'l' ut a o I s k. Is line ai Condon at r. M., aifl arrives at Ksll at 7 r. M. Cmnfurtaole tost liut and csruful, oxperleuoed drivers. J AY P. LUCAS, County Clerk, oo ss a u. Linus or LAND AND NOTARY BUSINESS lu a neat and careful manner. i jMjuN-LONK hock UAILY htaok link, I. M. Itlneliitrt, I'roprletor. Loaves Condon eve'y morning (Hnndays ei repie'l) a' 0 ;I0 n'eiix k. anil arrives ut Loue Kock at li via Msiney and Lot Valley, rare, SJil.OO. llnund Trip, 3 BO. K. J. i. 1IOOAN PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Condon, Or. nnicc Oregon ave., between Catholic Church an J rcstdouue of . I', hliuti. jQtfc Z. T. DODHON, : Physician and Surgeon, Condon, Or. At present can be lound on my ranch at Hay Creek lluite, ten miles north of Condon. jQR. i. II. HUDSON, Physician and Surgeon, Condon. Or. Offlce ! renldonee In the Wiley Miller resl dfuee In South Condon. Calls promptly attended to day or night. T W. DARLING, f Attorney at Law, Notary Public and Conveyancer, Condon, Or. Collections and 1imiren"e. Terms reaionable, Oillce In rear o' poslollice building, Maiu street, W. R. EUI". J W, Dawson. T. R. Lyons. TjW.LI3, DAWSON & LYONS, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Offices at Ilcppne'r and Condon, Oregon. I ... nnDiriUTC rtl'rAM I OBTAIN A PATENT For.a a jur- nilgai t rironipt answer and an bfinoul opinion, write o SliiNN As t:0., who have bad nearly flfty years' eiiierlenoe In the patent bnslneiis. mmmjioa tloiVs strictly oonfldentlBl. A Handbook ot In. formation cVinceinlug 1'ntenta and bow to ob. ta them snt free. Also a catalogue ol meehan. i i ilncl sclimtlilo books seut free. , ' l'otenw taken through Mun; & Co. teoelvi; snoiYlul notice in the Melentlllo Amerlenn, and K ore broimht widely before the puNIo with. C!?t 'rSSattoo . of inr solentlflo work In tb. i?,. 1 W3 IS Tr. Bsmiile copies sent free. WX idiniBuUlon.moHbly,i.(iOayear. Single mnies il ot its. kvery number contains beau, ffi DlatesV ln oolois. and photographs ol new noSi Ji. with Plans. ensbllngtulWers show the Kest di-s gni V1 Boure ooiitraets. Address ' AMI11TIOUH GUNCKALS. They Kuttir Into Conspiracy to Over- throw President Gonsules. HvxnoH Aykeh. The recent coup d'etat in Paraguay ended peacefully. Not a shot was fired. Generals Kgu- Kuida, Cuballero and Kscobar, each of whom is a candidate for the Presidency, entered into a conspiracy with the Min later of War to overthrow President Gon zalez, When the President, accompanied hv tlin MinlHturof the InUrior nrul tli Cliief of Police, was entering Congress in Assumption he was suddenly sur rounded and arrested by armed men, who conineiieii nun to resign ills oillce. The Vice-President, who is a nephew of General C'ahallero, at once assumed the power of 'resident. Itie ol'iect of the coup d'etat was to destroy the official candidacy of Dr. Docond", Paraguay's Jim inter to Uruguay. A tlgnt for spoils between the three gentlemen who want to be President w ill probably commence In July during the election of electors. The Vice-President favors his uncle, General Caballero, while the Minister ol War wants deneral I'.eusirtiida to suc ceed and the Chief of Police supports General Escobar. Dire' t telegraph wires irom Paraguay have been cnt. and com munication is interrupted. Telegrams from the Dottier districts say the people are Indifferent to the outcome of the po litical movement. Whatever the Issue of any such allair, the people's wishes are never consulted. Murder of Monarch. Tasoikk. The Sultan of Morocco died suddenly on June 7 atTadia, be tween Morocco and Casa P.Ianca. Meas ures have been taken here to prevent anticipated disorder. Sensational ru mors are in circulation as to the cause of the Sultan's death, and the populace is becoming excited. It is added that the symptoms of his disease point to poisoning. THE SEWING MACHINE IS THE BE8T. TI nnt M.nhlna )il will nw IllCVWlBll swell as FOItWARUwIlhoiitsloppiug. Quiet, Ltglil-RuiinlnK, ailjusiab.e In all lu parts. WE 8ELL TO DEALERS ONLY. Correspondence Solicited. UNION MANUFACTURING CO, WM. 1'ETEK, Owner, TOLEOO. OHIO. L TICKETS X61 V TO SALT LAKE, DENVER, Omaha, Kansas City, CHICAGO, ST. LOUIS AND ALL EASTERN CITIES. DAYS to 2 CHICAGO Knurr the Quickest to Chicago Dili 9 and the East. II n nrc Quicker to Omaha and IIUUI0 Kansas City. Through Pullman and Tourist Sleeper, Free Reclining vnair Cars, Dining Cars. H. H. II. t'LAKK, 1 OMVEIt W. MINK, K. Kl.l.KRY ANDKKSON, Receivers, JOHN W. DOANK, FUKDEKIC K. COUDKRT.J For tales nr cnora liiniriuulinn call ou or address , W. H. HCBLBUKT, Asst. Ucn. I'aBS. Agent. UNION ! ft i 14 t T&ZMAJX to tl Si lift Washington Ht oor. Id. PORTLAND, OR ROUGH ON CLAMS. Monument to be Erected to r American Sailors. PORTLAND SMUGGLING RING. Syndicate Formed to Help California's Wine Growers Over Their Crisis ' 1'aclflo Coast Jfewa, ,,.-.-!.. , Sam Fuakcisco, Cal. There is good news for the wine growers of California A syndicate is organizing which will be willing to pay living prices to vineyard ists. Capitalists who have money in vested in viticulture, banks which hold mortgages on vine lands and dealers who do not believe in killing the goose that lays the golden egg, and who represent an aggregate of $10,000,000, are about to combine to place one of California's principal industries once more on a pay ng bams, i hey have an interest in pro tecting the 00,000,000 invested in wine makini;, and they stand ready to pursue a liberal policy toward the producer. They propose to put 1,000.000 in the scheme and to incorporate for five years. They ask that from ISO to 00 per cent of the growers Hiall bum themselves to give options on their crops. The propo sition to orgunize.tlie syndicate does not come from its members, but from the committee of winegrowers recently ap pointed to devise some means by which the crisis in the industry might be overcome. These committeemen visited bankers, capitalists and dealers, laid be fore them a plan of action and obtained a provisional consent. Now they are at work on the producer, and hope within ten days or a fortnight to obtain suffi cient options to launch the project to success. TO HARK TIIEIK GBAVKS. Monument Spoken ot tor the Tandalla and Mlpslo Bailors. Sax Fhamicxo, Cal. There is a move ment on foot at Vallejo to raise by sub scription a fund sufficient to erect a splendid monument over the graves of the sailors of the wrecked United btates war vessels Vandaha and Aipaic, who lost their lives in the terrible hurricane which swept the Bay of Apia in 1889. It will be remembered that shortly after that awful disaster in Samoa, which re sulted in the loss of so many brave sail ors, nineteen of the Vandaiia and Nip sic's dead were broueht to this port and interred in the cemetery at Vallejo. Un til recently, however, only a plain board has market! the location of their graves, although it has been hoped that some steps would be taken by the government to place a monument over the spot. rnends ot tne tieai sailors, iiowever, have hoped in vain. Unfortunately there were no funds at Mare Island which could he used for such a purpose. Those who have the Plan in clmrge propose to solicit subscriptions from residents of Vallejo and the navy j am ana also irom men aboard different warships, who will no doubt gladly contribute their mite to ward such fitting tribute. Pierce County Finances. Tacoma, Wash. Inasmuch as the next county tax levy, to be made in Oc tober, cannot be made available for de fraying the county election expenses this fall, the County Commissioners are dis cussing their powers so far as entering into tlie usual contracts lor election ex penses. The County Prosecuting Attor ney has several times held that the coun ty, having readied its lepl limit of indebtedness, cannot legally contract more expense bills. Elections hereto fore in this county have cost from MiOOO to 17,000. The present incumbents ex pect to remain in office should no elec tion be held, which is not probable. Hough ou the Clams. Astoria, Ob. Residents on Clatsop Beach say that the supply of clams is likely to be almost exhausted in the course of a few weeks on account ot the vast volume of fresh water which is rushing down the Columbia. Already thav am Vwipnm inc. Rrnnv. &nil U'ha.tha.VA been dug during the past few days are very poor. Alter xne great nooa oi ia40 siniilur conditions were noticeable, and the supply was liaht for over a year aft erward. Hard-Tlmea Prices. Sbattle," Wash. The contract for macadamizing the South Seattle road, let recently by the County Commission ers at 80 cents a running foot, shows how hard times have reduced the cost and values of evervtlang. In 1888, when this road was ttrst planked, it cost fi.iu per running foot for the material alone, the residents of the district furnishing the labor gratis. The new road when finished should last thirty years, the county in this instance furnished the quarry, irom wnieh the contractors can help themselves. Awarded Highest I Fl g) q) If The only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. No Ammonia; No Alum. ' Used in Millions of Homes NORTHWEST BREVITIES. Washington. They expect 1,000 yachtsmen it What com for the regatta July 4. A summer school for teachers will be in session at 8prague, beginning July 6. Aberdeen's asessment roll foots up only $400,000. Last year it was (900,000. - Whether to ask for a new charter or not is the burning question at Town send. The vote by which Spokane's City Council ordered a reduction in the sala ries of the city's employes was 11 to 4. . They look for Colonel Ingersoll at Spo kane' this summer when the smelter starts up. lie is President -tf the com pany. Negotiations are pending for the re opening of the I'uget Sound Loan, Trust and Banking Company at New What com in the immediate future. Whatcom county has just finished four good bridges over the Nooksack at a cost of 150,000. All rest on cylindrical piers of iron filled with concrete. The litigation in the war against bar maids at Hpokane has taken the form of a campaign before the Council on the refusal ot a license to the Louvre. Albert John Rath, the boy who lost a leg last year in the Union Depot Com pany's freight yards at Spokane, has se cured a verdict for $15,000 damages. A convention is talked of for the Com mercial Associations of the Gray's Har bor towns to move on Congress for an appropriation to resurvey the harbor. Brockmier, Hopkins, Flynn and Sut ton of the defunct Washington Farmers' Insurance Company have been indicted by the Spokane grand jury for conspiracy. Lincoln county expects a bigger har vest this year than in 1893. Only a few farmers are fallowing their farms, and the acreage is yearly as large as a year ago, while the crops are two or three weeks more advanced. Kalama's $5,000 of school bonds were bid in by the State School Land Com mission at 6 per cent straight The bid made by the State is the best made for any school bonds of that amount in this State. The School Board has bought a site for the building. Property holders on Eby Island, Sno homish county, are resisting the pay ment of the balance due on an assess ment of $29,000 for a dike, which was built around the island a year ago. They have already paid $16,000, and now claim the dike is useless. Oregon. " Supreme Judge-elect Wolverton has resigned his place as attorney in Linn county for the State School Land Com mission. J. R. Wyatt was appointed in his stead. At the recent convention of the Loyal Temperance Legion at Salem the La Grande Legion was awarded the State banner for the largest number of gradu ates this year. The sixty-foot span over Desolation creek at the north fork of the John Day river went down recently with a big load of cattle on it. Several of the cattle were drowned. t The State portage railway at the Cas cades has been seriously damaged by the flood, and it will take some time and considerable repairs before it wiil be in running order again. The portage is now made by wagons, and passengers are forced to walk quite a distance and i i a r 3 i- a in many instances in mua aiiKie aeep. In building and strengthening the bulkhead at the Cascade locks 3,000 bar rels of cement were used, which, of course, is a dead loss. It costs $2 50 per barrel, making this one item of the ex pense $7,500. When the labor and other expenses are figured up, the cost of pro tecting the locks will reach the neigh borhood of $30,000. May was a good month for the Oregon Pacific. According to the Corvallis Times 8,000 new ties were put in the track, others were bought and paid for, 200 piles were driven in the big bridge at Albany, a number of extra section men were in service, fuel for two months was purchased and other betterments of a trifling nature were put on the road, leaving a credit balance of $556. The mining industry in the vicinity of Baker City is steadily 'going forward. The Virtue mine recently yielded a $9. 000 clean-up, and the Moores mine is kept running night and day. Ten stamps will soon be added to the mill, and a concentrating plant has already been added.' A run is being made at the San ger mine. Only about 100 tons of rock will be crushed for the present, but there is some prospect of the mine being op erated on an extensive scale before long. The Nelson placer claim is running full blast with an abundance of water. The Robbins mine on Pine creek has started up again. This mine had been lying idle for a vear. Several Baker City busi ness men, who are interested in mining properties in the Cable t-ave districts. find it impossible to reach their proper ties, owing to the great amount ot taiien timber, the result of the recent wind storm that passed over that portion of Baker county. It is stated that the road is in an impassable condition, and that it will undoubtedly remain so for some time. Honors World's Fair. 40 Years the Standard. BILL DALTON DEAD Additional Complications in the Prendergast Case. McKINLEY'S MITE IS SPURNED. William Astor Chanter Return Front the Heart ot the Mark Continent. Geographical Data. New Yoke. Unheralded and un known to those on the pier, an unassum ing young gentleman with a smooth, sun-dried fade marched down the gang way of the steamer Aller the other morn ing. He was William Astor Chanler, just returned home after a three years' absence abroad, twenty-two months of which have been passed in the heart of Africa, in regions never before pene trated by while men. After a warm greeting from two or three friends Mr. Chanler was driven to the Knickerbocker Club. " I am in excellent health," said he. " with the exception of a sluzzish liver as the result of two years in Africa, which I propose to wash out at Carlsbad immediately. I have come home hur riedly for family reasons. While my ex pedition has not been entirely success ful, owing to the desertions of my men and a plague resembling lockjaw, which broke out among my camels and mules, I have gathered a large amount of scien tific and geological data, which will com pose the report I propose to make to the New York Geographical Society." HABKISOX'S SLATER. Additional Complications Hay Arise in the Prendergast Case. Chicago, III. Additional complica tions may arise in the case of assassin Prendergast. Judge Chetlain is not sit ting in the Criminal Court. Judge Payne, when a continuance as agreed noon was submitted to him. refused to enter the order, saying he knew no rea son why a continuance should be granted. The matter went over temporarily. Pren dergast insisted on making a speech. " I am '.elenuant here," be said. 1 want no continuance. The question to be de termined is my guilt or innocence, not insanity. Murder is a malicious taking of human life; that erime I have not committed." The prisoner was thrust into his chair by baiiins, Judge ravne said that he would not consider the mo tion for a continuance nntil after a case now before him is die posed of. An agree ment has been reported by the counsel on both sides, and State's Attorney Kern said that the hearing of the insanity case will go over until November 2. Merry Rate War. Chicago, III. The excursion agree ment of the Western Passenger Associa tion was given a staggering blow by tire news from St. Louis that the Chicago and Alton was making a rate of $20 for the round trip between ot Louts and Denver for the convention of the Home opathy Society a cat of $2.50 from the regularly authorized rate. 1 he Missouri facihe at once put on the fa) rate, and the Atchison and Topeka lost no time in following suit. The other lines also joined in without loss of time. General Passenger Agent Charlton of the Chicago and Alton denied that rates were being cut by his line, but the St. Louis agents of the other lines were positive and unanimous in their charges against that road. Chairman Caldwell is still hope ful that he will be able to keep the trouble within bounds, but the prospects are not bright. HcKlnlejr'a Mite Returned. Mabsillon, O. The miners' relief committee of Massillon has returned to Governor McKinley the $10 he contrib uted to their subscription for the relief of unemployed miners on May 20, which he spoke of in his letter of transmission as his " mite." This is the letter from the relief committee: "Inclosed you will find $10, your donation to the miners of Massillon. They unanimously refuse to accept a mite from ttie hand that as sisted in smiting them. Your donation was solicited because the miners believed you were at least as much in sympathy with them as an ordinary, every-day cit izen, but since you have divested your self your true character stands out in glowing colors, and they abhor your charity, lour ambition in a political way, so far as the miners are concerned, ib sure to be gratified nencetortb." Tale Versus Oxford. Nkw Haven, Conn. At a recent meet ing of the undergraduates of Yale it was decided to send a Yale team to compete with Oxford in athletics. T. II. Sherrill, Jr.. '89. announced that the Oxford an thorities had already procured grounds, and that a letter of invitation was now on its way to this country. Compared with Oxford's records, Yale's showing is better than the Englishmen's. Oxford stipulates that all the Yale men must conform to the A. A. A. rules, and in ad dition all competitors in the Oxford-Yale athletic contests must have taken part in the recent Yale-Harvard and Oxford Cambridge sports. The contest will be held on the Queen's club ground in Ken sington. Old Hosa Badly Hurt. Rayvillb, L. I. James Hoey, the actor, who has a country residence here, was thrown from his carriage and se verely injured. Ha sustained internal ijuriws. NATIONAL CAPITAL NEWS. The bill to disapprove the treaty here tofore made with the Southern Ute In dians for their removal to Utah and providing for settling them on lands nn- der the severalty act has been passed by tne iiouse. The House Committee on Bankinsr and Currency has decided to choose a subcommittee of five by the usual method of ballot to prepare another bill. The committee will report its measure to the House not later than June 27. It may prove that this will be a scheme for a national currency. The incident erowincr out of the null ing down of the United States flag f'oin the United States Consulate at ist. Thomas on the Queen's birthday has teen satinfactorily cloned by an explana tion to the Department of State that the perpetrators of the outrage were tlrnnk and irresponsible and would be properly dealt with. Willard W. Samnerston of Bnffalo. N. Y., the attorney of W. W. Kitmins-ki, the Pole who returned to Rush and was arrested and sent to Siberia, saw act in ir Secretary of State Uhl reremlv. and laid before him all the papers in tlie case in bis possession. Mr. Uhl prom ised him the United htates government would push the matter and do all in its power to release Kisminski. Morrison I. Swift of the Boston Indus trial Army spoke to the House Commit tee on Labor. Charity, he argued, weak ened the fiber of workingmen and p-r- naps auaea to tno tramp army, in Boston the policy had been adopted of giving alms to those out of work and in need. It would be better to famish work, by which those in want could be pro ducers instead of a dead weight on the community. He advocated public farms or factories or work on roads. Wages for government work should be lower than the prevailing wages, so men would resort to them only when private em ployment could not be had. Delegate Smith of Arizona will make an effort to have the appropriation for the Carlisle Indian School struck out of the Indian bill. Mr. Smith says the ed ucation of the Indians at Eastern insti tutions has done more barm than good. Ills observation in the ciern country has shown him that the woman gradu ates of these schools consider themselves superior to their Indian associates and turn their attention to miners and dis solute white men of the Indian country to the destruction of the morals and de cency of the Indian girls. The male graduates are also said to have their vi cious traits sharpened, so that they are a more dangerous class than their unlet tered brothers. Mr. Smith's criticisms are confined to the Eastern schools, w hre the pupils are removed from their families and friends. Senator Squire of Washington has in troduced a bill for free coinage of silver. It provides that the owner of saver bull ion may deposit at the mints, receiving in payment standard silver dollars equal to the value of the bullion on the dav of deposit, the difference to be retained by the government as seigniorage as a re serve fund and used by the Secretary of the Treasury in maintaining the parity of silver dollars. The coinage of silver dollars shall not exceed $4,000,000 each month. W hen the aggregate amount of money in the country reaches $40 per capita further silver coinage shall be dis continued, and shall be resumed when it falls below that figure. Provision is made for coining silver half-dollars of the present size and maintaining their parity in the same manner as other sil ver. They also are made legal tender. The Western members of the House have held a caucus to map out a cam paign on the irrigation question, and have resolved to spare no labor to secure action by this Congress. Representatives of thirteen Western States and Territo ries, including members of all parties, met here the other day. Mr. Sweet, who called the meeting, was elected Chairman, and the matter was thor oughly discussed. In accordance with instructions of the meeting a committee, consisting of Representatives Sweet, Coffeen of Wyoming and Baker of Kan sas, called on Speaker Crisp to ask that the Committee on Rules set apart three days for the consideration of a bill, which is to be agreed upon by V estern men. The Speaker snggested that a resolution be introduced in the regular order, and asked to have copies of the bill submit ted, but made no promise. Walker of Massachusetts, a veteran member of the Committee on Banking and the senior Republican memtier of the committee, says the question of banking and currency will be treated in a comprehensive manner by a select committee of five members under a re cent vote of the Banking Committee. He savs this is the most important sub ject before Congress, not second to the tariff. Sealed ballots are now being hied for the purpose of selecting a com mittee of five. Each member of the Banking Committee has a vote, and names five of his associates on the com mittee. Walker was asked what the new system of banks would have to do with the issuance of money, and replied that the bill undoubtedly will provide for doinz away with the various forms of currency now issued and the substitu tion therefor of a uniform paper money issued by the government through banks. At present the government circulates the Treasury notes, greenbacks, silver certificates and various kinds of currency, and the government undertakes to make good this money, but the purpose will be to make the national bank the sole source of issuing currency under gov ernment supervision and direction. The government thus will be relieved of the butden of issuing, circulating and cur rently redeeming these various forms of currency, and the entire responsibility . will be placed on the banks. This national-bank currency would be surround ed by all the safeguards of the present laws and other safeguards as would in sure its proper redemption. In short, the Federal government would be re lieved of direct attention to the issuance of money and all responsibily for keep ing it.