TI1E CONDON GLOBE FRIDAY, JUNE 22, 1894. THE OFFICIAL PAPER OF GILLIAM COUNTY, OREGON. La Grande Chronicle: It is practically settled that the next legislature will be republican, and the election of a republican as Uni ted States senator is practically as sured. The question arises, will Senator Dolph be elected to succeed himself? Ab an advocate to the uiuiuiuie ui pruicuuuij lucre is uu r r doubt that Senator Dolph is ac ceptable to his party; that he is not in line with a large proportion " u: v, . ... ui u.. F i, u u. uu., 4 ..ijr cv.u,n, v . wie wnu.uui un tu ' k"c aoc "C?T -were openly ana avowedly p ea - s ltw -uv i-Kitice might have been obtained. 4 4 . . . V. : . 41. 4 o to a pledge to vote for some repub lican besides Dolph for senator; if the expressed wishes of a large pro- portion of the republican voters j amounts to anything it amounts to j senator other than Dolph. Postal notes will not be issued after July first. The rate on the new money orders that take the place of the old postal notes and money orders will be as follows: .ov or uimer, o cus; up 10 Sets; up to $10.00, 8 cts; up to $20.00 10 cts; up to $30.00, 12 cts; up to $40.00, 15 cts; $50.00, 18 cts; $60.00, 20cts, $75,00,25cts, $100.-!and uu.ou.cw. iae provisions oi me law under which the new postoffice money orders are to be issued, are that all offices shall begin the new issue July 1, 1894, except in cases where the old forms of money j orders are exhausted, then to begin ' the issue of the new forms at once, j Roseburg Review: Oregon has , gone just as every keen political observer believed it would go, when Governor Pennoyer started out to : make populists of the democrats. He has succeeded in splitting his old party into two warring factions, resulting in a sweeping republican majority. If Pennoyer really hates j the party who elevated him to j power, he no doubt feels gratified, ; while he will have to give up all , hoDes of beinor elected United States senator. Governor Flower has vetoed the bill passed by the New York legis lature prohibiting the display of foreign flags on public buildings. The reason for the veto is that he considers it small national and clannish legislation. Gov. Flower is a broad-minded man who thinks there can be no harm to American interests by an occacional display of foreign flags on American soiL Still, there are those who think that everything ought to be done to Americanize America. The NorthweBt flood is general. On the streams flowing into Puget Bound, water never was known to be so high; the Frazer river is wreaking unheard of destruction along its banks, the floods on the upper waters of the Columbia have risen above all previous high-water marks. This probably is due less to excessive snowfall during the winter than to the late spring and the sudden arrival of summer, which melts and discharges all at once. - Portland Telegram: Oregon is a republican state. It is more re publican this year than usual. It is amazingly republican. Yet it is not a republican triumph, because there was practically nothing to gain a victory over. It was mere ly a republican walk over. The r? publican vote went rolling up to fabulous proportions for the same reason that the water pours over at Niagra. There was nothing to ob struct it. The total vote of the state will be about 86,000, which is about evenly divided between the demo crats and populists on one side and the republicans on the other. B. P. Watson, formerly of the Sunday Mercury, has begun the publication of a new paper at North Yakima, Wash,' '-entitled a "New Union Scout: Theelection Mon day demonstrated the fact that the republicans who joined (?) the populist party did not stay with it while the democrats did. The re publicans voted straight in nearly every instance, and have a plurality of 300 or 400 in the county. So long as the three parties remain as they are, neither the democratic nor popnlist party can hope for success in the future. A strong man wrestled wun a linn in flan T?ro nifivi f Ka nth Aav j . it l( lanil mmn out victorious. It nncrht ' " - ----- - - 3" - i be well to explain, however, that the lion was strongly muzzled and had his feet padded so that he was " - ",aimoet incapable of action. The public iike8 noveity but conte8t8 Bhould txrmade even. The lion I should have had at least two feet 1 barethena wel(jome obituary no. A number of our exchanges are attacking the Australian ballot system, and demanding either its repeal, or radical change, so as to make H legg gecret The te . a llttle. complicated, but voters are Decommg accustomed to it and are, j as a rule, satisfied to let it remain as it is. It is a safeguard against j vote buying and fraud, and this is what the honest Ochoco Review. voter wauts. The ftn onHln:t;on :n pnrt. knd and other citie8 of the state, the object of which h fc 'B J, the reWiction of criminftl forei emigration. ft ehould BUCCeed and pr08per. Were it not for such emigration we would not have our present labor troubles News. Joe Simon and George Sears were born under the same planet. It is a star known in polititcal astron omy as the dead-sure-thine. When Judge Bronaugh's final day comes it will find both Sears and Simon running for office and leading the ticket. Telegram Wool is strong and the price has advanced considerably. This is sad news to those politicians who have been telling the people that the free wool tariff policy of the democratic party would destroy that industry. Eugene Guard. The Tucker bill providing for the election of senators by direct vote of the people, which was passed by the house during the last congress, has been again favorably reported to tne nouse, wmcn it. will pass, ;The 8enate does not take kindly to j the idea. The New York constitutional convention proposes to adopt an eductional qualification for voters. This ought to be done in every state. With our free schools in full operation, there is no reason why any one should be illiterate. An exchange says, "Some people could trace their ancestry back to Adam if they only knew his last name." We are inclined to believe in those cases Adam's last name is Phule and it is well to put the ac cent on the first letter of Adam. While Gilliam county has a "hot wind" now and then, a "dust storm" occasionly and a "dry spell" semi-occasionally, it is never inun dated and swept' away by raging torrents. That is one consolation. It is a year of downward tenden cies. Pennoyer has gone down, the river is going down, democracy is on the decline, and the whole country is riding a greased tobog gan on a downward grade. Will some democrat move to make it unanimous in the lower house of the legislature? With draw the one democrat who was elected, for it will be awfully lone some for him. ' Along with the rest of us the Missouri river valley is having its flood experience. Now if the old Potomac would take a arise and flood congress out we would call it even. A miss is as good as a mile. To the candidate who didn't get there the size of the other fellow's ma jority is of very little consequence. r-Ex. S ' ' ;-..' Heppner Gasette of Jane 9th; "The election passed off quietly in Uilliam county and resulted in a clean sweep for the republicans for every county position except sheriff, W. L. Wilcox, Dem., who has held the office two terms, defeating his Rep. opponent, J. D. Livingston by 97 majority. Mr. Wilcox has uiHdean ideal sheriff, and his acommodatiug dis position and leniency with the taxpayers accounts for this remarkable victory in a county having200 republican majority. The democratic candidate for justice of the peace for Condon precinct, S. P. Shutt, of the Clot, defeated his re publican opponent, Geo. Tatom, by a majority of 24 in a precinct having a re publican majority of that number." Among the Jokers. A minister may not be a hrakeman, but he does a great deal of coupling, all the Bame. . The man who was to publish a news paper to suit everybody fell out of Noah's ark and was drowned. Visitor Do yon regret the past? Convicted Counterfeiter Oh, no I . It's what didn't pass that I feel bad ,bout. "You think my boy is bound to make his mark ?" Teacher "I am afraid so. It seems impossible for him to learn to write." ; , . "Say, pa" asked Freddy,, "why is it that when you or Uncle George tell a story you always get laughed at, and when I tell one I get a lictin'?" Money and time are the heaviest bur dens of life, and the unhappiest of all mortals are those who have more of either than they know how to use. ' "My husband is a peculiar sort of a man." "How so?" "Before we were married I couldn't get him out of the honse before midnight, and now I can't get him into the house before midnight." Her .Proposal. Harold Ethel, do you love me? Ethel (deeply agitated) Ah, Harold forgive ma I cannot tell you. Please excuse me, Harold, while I find the ar ticle in The Ladies Parlor Journal on 'How to Behave When Proposed To." Notice. As I have made arrangements to leave Condon about July 6th, I must request all who are indebted to me to settle their accounts immediately, as I want to square up with my creditors aUo be fore leaving. C. F. Pkrkim. To restore gray hair to its natnral color as in youth, cause it to grow abun dant and strong, there is no better pre paration than Hall's Hair renewer. - "It has cured others and will cure you" is true only of Ayer's Sarsaparilla, The motto suits the medicine and the medicine the motto. What better as surance could you have that a remedy will cure you, than the fact that it has cured such multitudes of others? When the blood is loaded with impar ities, the whole system becomes dis ordered. This condition of things can not lht long without serious results. ' In such cases, a powerful alterative is need ed, such as Ayer's Sarsaparilla. It never fails, and has no equal. "Many of the citizens of Batnsville, Indiana, are never withont a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy in the house," says Jacob Brown, the leading merchant of the place. This Remedy has proven of so much value for colds, croup and whooping corigh in children that few mothers who know its worth are willing to be withont it. For sale by all druggists. ' ' Sometime ago I was troubled with an attack of rheumatism. I used Cham berlain's Pain Balm and was completely cured. I have since advised many of my friends and customers to try .the remedy and all speak highly of it. Simon Goubavm, San Luis Bey, Cal. For sale by all druggists. SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtne of an . execution decree and order of sale, issued out of the honorable circuit court of the state of Oregon for the county of Gilliam, on a judgment re covered on the llth'day of April, 1894, in lavor oi tne American Mortgage Com pany of Scotland, plaintiffs, and against William Wheeler arid Elizabeth Wheel er, defendants, for the sum of seven hundred and seventy-seven dollars and twenty-five cents (1777.25) with interest thereon from said 11th day of April, 1894, at ten per cent per annum; and sixty-two dollars ($02) attorney's fees, and forty-nine dollars and forty-six cents ((49.46) accruing costs. I have levied upon and will sell at public auction on Saturday, June 30, 1894, at 2 o'clock p. m. at the court house door in Condon, Gilliam county, state of Ore gon, all the right, title and interest which the said William Wheeler and Elizabeth Wheeler had on or after the 11th day of April, 1894, for cash in hand, in or to the following described premises, towit: The southeast quarter of section thirty in tow nship one south, of range twenty-one east of Willamette Meridian, containing one hnndred and sixty acres, all in Gilliam county, state of Oregon. Dated at Condon, Oregon, this 28th day of May, 1894. W. L. Wiwox, Sheriff of Gilliam County, Oregon. T hnvH twin lit.t.lo crntiH rhiMran and are troubled with bowel complaint. I give them Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Reraedv and it acts like charm. I earnestly recommend it for children with bowel troubles. I was myself taken with a severe attack of bloody flux, with cramps and pnins in my stomach, one-tbird of a bottle of this remedy cured me. Within twenty-four hours I was out of ted and doing my nouse worn. iubs. vv. u Dunaoan, Bon-anna. Hickman Cn.. T..n sale by all druggist. V I A Little Daughter Of a Church of England minister cured of a distressing: rash, by Ayer'a Sarsaparilla. Mr. Richard Birks, the well-known Druggist, 207 McGlll st., Montreal, P. Q., says: I have sold Ayer's Family Medicines . tor 40 years, and have heard nothing but good said of them. I know of many Wonderful Cures performed by Ayer's Sarsaparilla, one In particular beiag that of a little daughter of a Church of England minis ter. The child was literally covered from head to foot with a red and ex , ceedlngly troublesome rash, from which he had suffered for two or three years, In spite of the best medical treatment available. Her father was in great distress about the case, and, at my recommendation, at last began to ad minister Ayer's Sarsaparilla, two bot tles of which effected a complete care, much to her relief and her father's delight. I am sure, were he here to-day, he would testify in the strongest terms as to the merits of Ayer's Sarsaparilla Prepared byDr.J.O.AyerftCoLowell.Mus, Cures others, will cure you SHERIFF'S SALE. Bv virtue of an execution duly issued by the clerk of the circuit court of the conntv of Gilliam, state of Oregon, dated' the 16th day of May, 1894. in a certain action in tne circuit court oi said count? and state wherein J. G. Steven son as plaintiff recovered judgment against W. L. tsarker, detendant, for the sum of eighty dollars and costs and dis bursements taxed at one hundred and two dollars and thirty-eight rents on the 20tb day of April, 1894. Notice is here- oy given that 1 will on Saturday, June 30, 1894, at the court house door in Condon, in said county, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon of said day, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, the following described property, to-wit: Lots 3, 4, 6 and tt in block 28 in the town of Condon, Gilliam county, Oregon ; also lots 6, 6, 7, 9 and 10 in block 30 in the town of Con don, Gilliam county, Oregon, as the same appears by the recorded plat on hie in the clerk's office in said Gilliam county, Oregon, together with the improvements thereon, taken and levied upon as the property of the Baid W. L. Barker to sat- :(.. ..,1. t a loiy ttiiv bhiu juuguivuv iu invur ui u. VJ. Stevenson against said W. L. Barker, with interest thereon, together with all costs and disbursements that have or mav accrue. Dated at Condon, Oregon, May 22, 1894. W. L. Wiumx. Sheriff of Gilliam County, Or. Anyone desiring a first-class, bran-new wagon, back or buggy, at about one-third less than the price usually charged, will find it to their advantage to see the Globe man. BUSINESS LOCALS. Booki of all kinds. L. W. Darling 4 Co. Dtiliet and gluMware at L. W. Darling lc Co.'i. We are Juat hunting for chronic cougui to cure. "8. B," (or aale by U W. Darling A Co. Cleanne your blood with Dr. Grant's Saraapa rilla. L. W. Darling 4 Co. Tha beat lemon extracts (or flavoring, )ut ar rived. L. W. Darling & Co. Have yon seen our new display of toilet aoape? Something new and nice. L. to. Darling & Co. The S. B. Cough Care la limply perfect Spend 50c with L. W. Darling, and you will be ready to in. Bay choice bird seed, now reduced to 10c a package, from U W. Darling A Co., and your bird will ling aweeter. The German-American Inmrance Co., of New York, ha eatabliahed an office at Condon with L. W. Darling as agent Auk at L. W. Darling & Co.'a drag itore for the S. B. Headache cure, and yon will be given the beat headache medicine known.' ' The famous "Williams Barber Bar Shaving Soap" the beat in (be world for the toilet and for shaving. For aale by L. W, Darling Si Co. The freaheat, purest and beat stock of prescrip tion . medicines in the country can be fonnd st the drug itore of L. W. Darling Si Co., Condon. ; Notice. I have leased my barber shop to Sylvan faimer and 1 would like lor all owing me to settle immediately, as I need money to carry on tny other busi ness. A. Brandenburg. Condom, June 13, 1894. Wanted. One thousand dollars In county war rants. Will pay at the rate of 90 cents on the dollar for same. For further in formation inquire of Ellis, Dawson & Lyons, Condon, Oregon. r Flourl Flour!! For the cheapest and best flour on earth apply to Smith & Royal of the Fossil mills. a27 The Midwinter Fair. If yon intend visiting the great Mid winter Fair, call on the nearest Union Pacific agent, and he can tell you all about the exceedingly low rate and ad vantages offered by this line to fcian Fran cisco and return, or address W. H. Hnrl burt, Asst. Uen'l Pass. Agent, Portland. Choice Confectionery. When yon want anything In the line of real nice, fresh confectioner of all kinds candies, nuts, bananas, honey in comb, celery, cigars, etc., call at, my new store next door to Barker's store, Mrs, A. B(UKDEKv?y. S B. BARKER, -DEALER IN- CEMER'L MERCHANDISE CONDON, OREGON. STOCKMEN'S SUPPLIES OF ALL KINDS A SPECIALTY. Lone Rock Sawmill, J. S. McKINNEY, Proprietor. ' Situated 22 miles southeast of Condon, on the ridge road. I am now prepared to furnish, on short notice, any kind of lumber at prices to suit the times, and on terms thot will satisfy any honest wan. My . prices are as follows: ROUGH, $9; DRESSED, $16.50 TO $22.50 With a Liberal Discount for all Over Two Inches Thick. I have also established a lumlier yard at Condon with Mr. Al Hen shaw in charge, who will be pleased to wait on you or take your order. E E. SMITH, DEALER IN , HARNESS, SADDLERY, WHIPS, SPURS, CHAPS, COLLARS, QUIRTS, ETC. CONDON, OREGON. HAND AND MACHINE-MADE HARNESS. Repairing a specialty. Call and see us when you are at the connly leai. I have had twenty years experience in this business and f MY PRICES DEFY COMPETITION, JEWELER AND WATCHMAKER. R. H. ROBINSON, A jeweler of six years experience is prepared to do all kinds of repair ing in a first-class manner and at very moderate rates. ORDERS FOR WATCHES AND JEWELRY taken, also engraving done to order by a Francis Improved Engraving Machine. All Work Guaranteed for one year. Shop in Smith's Harness Shop, Condon, Or. sheepmeW"" Please Send us Your Name and Address. The only way you can afford to run sheep, SCOUR YOUR WOOL I Why pay freight on all your dirt? PENDLETON WOOL SCOURING & PACKING CO., Pendleton, - Oregon. J. F. FORD, EVANGELIST, Of Des Moines, Iowa, writes under date of March 22, 1813: 8. B. Mko. Co., Dufnr Oregon. Gentlbmkn: On arriving home last week, I found all well and anxiously awaiting. Our little girl, eight and one half years old, who had wasted away to 38 pounds, is now well, strong and vig orous, and well fleshed up, 8. B. Cough Cure has done its work well. Both of the children like it. Your 8. B. Congh Cure has cured and kept away all hoarse ness from me. So give it to every one, with greetings for all. Wishing you prosperity, we are yours, Mb. & Mi:s. J. F. Ford. If you wlh to feel frcah and cheerful, and rpafljr for the Hnriniri work, oleunne your xti m with the HeiMiHclie end Mver Cure, ljr taking two or three timet each weifk. 60 ;euc jier botllo by nil druggist. Hold under punitive gtiurniitve by L. W. DARLING & CO., CONPON. OR Know. ELKEiflRYCflriuSfiOEaaJ QA8HESS QFQ. CO. lYava Bald fn -ff h11 ".?, VobloL-a an llnrnw.i. turn way-" in rJ'J? vIi " "" mln twfwfi any money fa paid. Wo pur JrehtlitlHHli wnyaif mit.nif'fn r'Tfti fr year.. hi (nr tm " mt Sfn ti (M to orrterfnr yoof Wriwi your on "i ,?rtl MIX WB ""'0 M 'U 0 lS WHOUESAUK PRICES. Spring Waftons, S3I to $30. f'mimiitwd same allfraiW Surreys. SOS tofcioft Min.'wncr'r, Wa;orj, Wanonitti." rJ. T ?."?,' ,,v: '"Y Wo pr.no ! Roe d (fo.87. Surrey Barusm. L-Za y tnwMiA "sat. No.,18H,TopBuf;iy $43.00 S3 . IMA. I r I )H JL. " .-" , VI 5 nv W ran ?.o.t.VmfifM. t CONDON BLACKSMITH SHOP, G. S. CLARK, PropV. General Blacksmlthlng and WOODWORK. The only firnt-clasg Mackemith nd horse-ehoer in tho county. Main Street, Condon, Oregon. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. ' Ukb Ornffl ATTns bkiim. Ou.,My U, ISM. ttw hni Died uottot. rt lit. intention to mk f.Vlnif & Wrt of hi. clultn. imd that saM jm.U""";'! cou",y CMton FRANK A. C.M.mr.U., IM. SM7, for the w'-i nw'i i,,t w tp 4 of r 1 . He iiamix the following witueMtx to unn Mi',? i !".""", '' "" rd enltltlon of. MM IhimI, rlu: W B. Hmflli, K.lph F.omHU Chim .Brown and 6. V. Moore nil 01 Condon, Or WIB-H J,N v, Uwia, Iteifl.ter 4 . kil, ue D.uMe !, BaKy. No.WI, Bond Wiwuu $C5 KHtfMirtuij-fllo.sji'n wl-wla. piiiHi'ti.,i.iii i!rot, v.'i'i'.1ii) - - - - H.i,r.t i,uinri;, oruoiortrincn. . utiwi mmv.ft, tlruU'Mrclncih