Condon globe. (Condon, Gilliam Co., Or.) 189?-1919, June 15, 1894, Image 3

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FRIDAY. JUNE 18, 1894.
The yearly iulikvrtntlon to this Uumv. Ii ii.m.
It paid in nilvHiice, If not jmld In nilvatiee, ttt
.'wiiiue cnnrgAd. A blun mwi murk around
ilili nttli! iiMllnitcS tliHt jroui ulincrlptlon ex
pire Willi tli I lw.uo. ricB riww prumtitly.
Owing to onr regular Gi,obk paper
' (ailing to get hero on time this week, we
are obliged to Issue this edition of the
(ilobk with one nide blank. The regu
lar supply of paper in expected here In
time for next issue, however. The trans
portation fadlitles from now on will be
much better than it hat been during the
last three weeks, as the water Is fulling
rapidly. ,
i J. 11. Miller is having an addition
built onto hii fine resilience tluu week,
which will be used for a kitchen.
W. W. Kennedy, our newly-elected
ithool Bupt., has boon doing some sur
veying in Ferry Canyon this week. ;
Ueo. Gibbons and eon are doing somo
painting at Condon tlii week for 8. 1'.
Bhutt. tieorge Is nneieelleut workman,
Mrs. H. P. Phutt and two little boys,
Howard and Harold are visiting her
mother, 7 odles went of town, this week.
Hood River 1ms given up all hope of
"hipping her strawberries and they are
rotting at thoruto of seven or eight tons
a day.
Sylvan Palmer has rented A. Branden
burg's barlier shop and outfit, und asks
all who need work in his line to give
him a chance.
C. 8, Jackson, editor of the Kant Ore
gonlan, of Pendleton, has been appoint
ed receiver of the "National bank of
Pendleton," which lately closed its doors.
L. O'Connor, our tdioeumker, has gone
o the mountains w ith a band of sheep,
.fife says he can make more herding
sheep than shoe making during such
dull times.
Mrs. Sarah E. Deen (nee Mrs. Henry
Hons) and KosmcII Ktillwell, both of Fos
sil, were married last week ft I'rinevillo.
They will reside on the groom's ranch
rear Fossil.
Throughout the whole state of Oregon
the democrats have elected but one rep
resentative. Ho Is a preacher from
Malheur county. Thlu fellow should be
made chaplain.
A number of our young folks havo or
ganized a Shakespearian club, and will
meet weekly. The club met for the first
timo Tuesday evening at the residence
of J. II. Downing.
Coxey says the newspapers made his
army a failure, and Mr. Cleveland is
said to have said that the army was en
tirely newspaper-made both tributes to
the power of the press.
Children's day exercises were held in
the church last Sunday afternoon. A
very interesting and well-prepared pro
gram was rendered by the .Sunday school,
which was enjoyed by all.
The Pendleton wool scouring mills are
rfgp active operation, end will soon be
running day and night. The mills are
capable of handling 750,000 pounds of
wool per month. 8ee their od in this
Attorney Thos. R. Lyons of this place
has accepted an invitation to deliver the
oration at Fossil on July 4th. The man
agement has lined good judgment in its
choice, as Mr. Lyons is an excellent
Kev. C. P. Ihiiley, of Dayton, the well
known Baptist minister, pansed through
Condon Tuesday with Ids family, on
their way to Prineville, where Mr. Bailey
has been appointed to preach during the
next year.
Twelve years ago Dr. N. G. Blalock
bought 400 acres of barren sagebrush
land at $2.80 an acre, near Walla Walla.
Ho irrigated it and planted it all with
fruit trees, and now it is worth about
$400 an aero. ,
Dallas M. Walton, one of Mayville's
most industrious young farmers, was in
our city Tuesday on business. Ho in
formed ne that he won a and
a cow on the election, and ofcoiirHohe
fools perfectly satisfied with the result.
A band of 2000 head of cattle gathered
in the Willamette valley will leatfe here
In a few days for Eastern Oregon.' Wo
believe that lieforo long stock raisers
will see the mistake they have made in
disposing of their young stock. Eugene
Road Supervisor D. B. Trimble had a
force of men at work yesterday and to
day on the notorious - back-bone of
Thirtyroilo hill. It is hoped work will
soon begin on the new road from 30-milo
to Condon. Do not let this project fall
through, by all means.
Miss Stella and Donna Flott of llock
crook were in town Monday. Miss
Donna filed on a homestead on Hay
creek, near the Dodson ranch. This
kind of enterprise and industry is very
commendable, and ought to be imitated
by many other young ladies.
1 , J Samuel Thompson, who had been
' Ai Kti Vincent'a hosnital. Portland, for
J the last five weeks for treatment for a
fr fore on his face, returned homo Sunday.
Owing to the road being washed out, he
experienced , considerable hardship in
getting through, Wing obliged to walk a
good deal of (he distance from The Dalles.
to Arlington. The treatment in the
'hospital benefitted him very much, lie
informs us" that tho sore on his face or
iginated from a sledge-hammer blow. he
received many years ago.
J. B. Ilosford, formerly of this county,
the well known attorney and newspaper
man, has sold the Moro Observer to D.
O. Ireland, a veteran Journalist, Mr.
Hosford's large and increasing law prac
tice cauned him to dispose of the paper,
as he has not the time to devote his at
tention to both.
' Jack Frost blew his' breath over this
entire section Saturday night, and al
most ruined all garden vegetables, pota
toes, etc. We have; not learned of any
damage being done 'to fruit, but the
chances are that it was injured some
also. It was tho only damaging frost of
the season so far.
Several freight teams from this aection
left the first of the 'week for The Dalles
for freight for our merchants, Groceries
havo become pretty scarce, especially
sugar, and as no freight has been
brought through to Arlington for several
weeks, tho only way out ot the difficulty
was to go to The Dalles.
One day last week while Mrs, W. S.
Myers and her mother, Mrs. Philipps
were riding in a carriage the horses he-
came unmanageable and rati the wagon
onto a bank. Fearing an upset, both
these ladies jumped' out, and received
some severe sprains and bruises, but
not of a dangerous nature.
Charley Pcrrin and nUter Myrtle re
turned to Condon Tuesday from Ante
lope. Their cousin, Mins Nettie Florer
of MorO, came home with them and will
remain here until after the 4th, Charley
will not return to Antelope for a couple
of weeks yet, until his stock of harness,
etc., arrives from Portland,
The Prineville and Antelope base hall
el ubs are billed to play a match game at
Antelope tomorrow, Pith, for the cham
pionship of Eastern Oregon, Both nines
ore In excellent trim for the contest, and
a very exciting and spirited game is
anticipated. It is slmiliar to an election
contestit is not at all probable that
both can win.
Thos. Young is having tho low places
in tho street fronting his lot on corner of
Spring utreet and Church avenue filled
up this week, which adds much to the
value of his property as well as to the
improvement of the street. G. W.
Kinehart is aluo filling in his portion of
the street, as per order of the city conn-
The northwest has a delightful cli
mate, fruitful soil, but the Columbia be
comes angry at times, and docs consid
erable mlwhief. As the present stage
of water has never been reached during
the memory of any living white man in
this region, it is not unreasonable to be
leive that it never will again during the
life time of any of the present residents.
Times-Mountaineer. .
C, S. Clark, our blacksmith, informs
us that he has jtixt had his pension in
creased from ?fl to $12 j)er month. Be
sides this he will get $200 back pay,
which will help him out considerably.
Mr. Clurk and family have about con
cluded to move onto their ranch, one
mile south of town, toremain a few
.months, owing to Mrs. Clark's feeble
health. During this time he would lease
his shop.
The latent news at hand conveys the
Intelligence that the entire republican
state ticket is elected by a majority of
from 10,000 to 15,000. Ho far as heard
from, Jackson is tho only county in the'
state w hich elected the straight populist
ticket. The republican candidates, A.
A. Jayno for District Att'y and W. C.
Wills, member slate lioard, from the 7th
district are elected by handsome majori
ties. Tho Columbia's great flood will result
in the employment of thousands of men
as soon as the waters recede. There will
Iki miles and miles of railroad to bo re
built, to say nothing of the immense
amount of labor that will lie required to
make the river towns again habitable.
The Northern Pacific will have to rebuild
from Portland for many miles, as will
also the Union Pacific from Portland to
Umatilla. Truly, it is an ill wind that
blows no good.
We learn from a number of horseraia
ers in this section thata sort of epidemic
is going the rounds, which has killed a
number of horses and scores of others
are sick with the mysterious disease.
Horsemen are at a loss to understand
the cause, some thinking that perhaps
it is caused by eating a poisonous weed
called white camos. Horses are surely
low enough without "coming down" in
this manner.
IiOng Creek has been visited by a ter
rific cyclone, oecuriiig Sunday last at U
a. in., passing through tho east side of
the town. Twenty dwellings are in
kindling wood. Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Par
rish and the infant child of Dr. Niekols
were killed, besides many were injured,
and it is thought some fatally. The loss
is estimated from $30,000 to $40,000.
The flouring mill and school house are
ruined. It was the most terrific storm
ever experienced in that section.
Thero was a time when insurance com
panies required a vcshoI to carry a cer
tain number of cats, or they would not
issue a risk, but that clause in the policy
would not be necessary, now, as all cap
tains deem ft certain number of felines
as part of the ships crew. They, keep
the vensel almost clear of rats, which, if
not checked, would soon create havoc,
not only with the merchandise, but also
in eating holes through the sailcloth
and cordage. Some captains have been
knotfn to sail -from the month of the
Columhia with at least a dozen and a
half of cats aboard. " '
A, C. Hawson came in from Arlington
by team yesterday, 7th, aftergoods. He
says that If he gets home all right there
will be forty or fifty big freight terms in
here at once after. Supplies, as the
country aliove is getting short on many
articles, cspeciully sugar, Dalles Chron
icle, . '
Condon has decided to not celebrate
this year, and a number of our citizens
expect to spend the Fourth at Fossil,
of the grandest balls here in the evening
that has ever been given in the county;
Our hall being the largeat and best In
the county for dancing, there is no doubt
that a large number will come over from
Fossil on that evening, as the hull at
that place will not be large enough to
accommodate all of the celebration crowd.
Assistant General Superintendent Bax
tor, of the Union Pacific, thinks it will
cost the Union Pacific two million dol
lars to repair the line Is'tween Portland
and UmaKilla. They do not expect to
resume train service for two months;
meanwhile they will put on boat service.
From up and down theriveroome stories
of fearful loss of property, but strange to
say not a life, so far, has been lost. The
Columbia river, at several points liclow,
in twenty miles wide. Railroad men
think it will take the Great Northern
and Canadian Pacific a month or so to
fully repair their tracks and the North
ern Pacific nearly as long.
The number of officers and men actu
ally killed in battle in all of the Union
armies during the four years of war,
barely exceeds 00,000. The number of
those who died of wounds during the
war is less than 35,0 X). The number
that died of diseases, either resulting
from the hardships and exposure of
warfure, or the incident of natural mor
tality in a great body of men, is about
185,000 for the four years. Adding even
the 24,000 cases of disappearance, con
veniently charged in the records to
death "from unknown causes," the total
of mortality among Union troops during
the war is 1(04,000. Toe cost of the war
probably exceeded, from first to last.
directly and indirectly, $8,425,000,000.
Wedding Bells.
Married, at the residence of Sheriff
Wilcox at Condon, Wednesday, June 13,
1894, Mr. Charles II. Brown of Oakland,
Douglas county, to Miss Beth Barnard
of Fossil, Rev. E. Currau terfuruiing
the ceremony.
The bride's brother, Jas. Barnard and
siHter-in-law, Mrs. Nellie Barnard, wit
nessed the happy event, and ail left for
FoHtil the same evening.
The bride is the youngest daughter of
Hon. T. Barnard, and is a yonng lady of
rre beauty and accomplishment.. The
groom is a young man of excellent habits
and character, who recently graduated
in a Boston college. After a brief viwit
to his home at Oakland the happy
couple will go to housekeeping on the j
old Zachary ranch near Fossil, and en
gage in the stockraising business.
The GivOiiK extends the usual good
wiidtesand congratulations.
Diversified Farming. .
If the farmers iu the Northwest
could or would produce the hams, hud,
bacon, butter and eggs that have been
transported here from other states they
would not feel the decline iu the price of
wheat that they do.
Money saved is as good as money
made, and much letter than money
made and not saved. The truth is, the
consumers hero have been compelled to
send to other states for a very great por
tion of the provisions that should be
produced here.
That the farmers in tho North Pacific
will le necessitated to encourage and
practice diversified farming to a much
greater degree in the future than they
have in the pastseenisa wise conclusion.
As it has been said that "the Lord
helps those who help themselves" we
venture the suggestion that we here in
the North Pacific must undertake to
supply onr own wants in place of trying
to produce grain for export. Times
Mountaineer. Notice.
Rev. E. Curran will hold service at
this place next Sunday, morning and j
evening. The morning service will com,-j
mence at iu:u, owing to menouroi
the Sunday school having been changed
to 11:30 in the forenoon. A cordial in
vitu Lion is extended to all.
Where Work is Pleasant.
Neglected Wife "Why don't you go
to work?"
Husband (a ne'er-do-well) "I ain't
got no tools."
Neglected Wife "Deacon Smith offer
ed you 5 to fix his fence, and you have
a saw, and a plane, and a hammer, and
nals. What more do you want?"
Husband "The saw ain't no good,
and I ain't got no. file to sharpen it.
Old Smith cunlix his fence himself.
Pame Husband (ten years later)
"Hist? Say, w ife, I've escaped from the
penitentiary j gimme some other clot hes,
so 1 kin light out again."
Wife "My, my I How did you get
Husband "I dug forty feet under
ground with a two-tined fork, and then
cut my way through two feet of stone
wall and ten, inches of boiler iron with a
saw' made out, of a tin dinner-plate.".
Whiskers thai are prematurely gray
or fueled should be colored to prevent the
look of age, an Buckingham's Dye ex
cels all others in coloring brown or black.
Lone Rock Rlplets.
Mr. arid Mrs. Erve Bennett are up
from Rock creek on a visit to relatives.
The Lone Rock grange met last Satur
day. It was, a large meeting and we
suppose they had a good time,
Chas. Stevens and wife accompanied
by his mother, Mrs.O. C, Stevens, visit
ed friend here several days last week.
There wns a heavy frost in this locality
lact Sundiy morning, killing most all of
the tender garden plants ami potatoes.
We have had no mail from Portlatid
for about two weeks, making people in
this place very cranky and "outof sorts."
Ii. G. Robinson is improving the looks
of ljm Rock by erecting some new
buildings and improving his towu prop
erty generally.
There was a large attendance at the
Baptist church last Sunday. After the
service and ptinday school Chas. Stevens
was baptised in the Baptist faith.
About the, only question asked now is,
"how doyji like the 'lection 7" Ask
the ones that got left and hear what
they have to nay if you want opinions.
No wool is moving just now on account
of the uncertain time that it can be ship
ped from the warehouses. Wool men
can hold it at home just as cheaply as at
any of the stations. .
Our town people have had bad luck
with their gardens this spring. First it
was late before they could plant any
thing and when it did come op, the
creek raised and washed it out; now the
frost comes along and takes what was
left. -
There is some talk of having a picnic
at the Stevens Bros.' ranch on Thirty
mile on the 4th of July. There will be
notice given out in a week or two if the
plan is carried out, as now proposed.
It will be a free race for fun and all will
lie invited to come with their last year's
baskets full of good things to eat.
'- Jko. Doe.
Lower Pine Creek.
There wiil lie an enormous quantity of
frnit of all kinds on the creek this sea
son, the frost not having damaged it to
any irreat extent. -Jt
Election in this precinct passed off
serenely, A little "chin music" was in
dulged in by several parties, caused by
having too big aload of bug-juice aboard.
Hon. Chas. Hilton has been with us
again for the last week or two. He ex
pects to take up his abode among us
again for the summer, we are glad to
Mies Mary Marker has returned to
Pine creek again, after a couple of weeks'
sojourn at Condon. She has many
friend!) over here; who welcome her re
turn. Sheep shearing is almost over in this
section, and the familiar bleat of the
festive mutton is heard no more on thei
creek, as they have all been driven to
the hi its. Noxcarkil.
A Few Jokes.
It is the tight shoe or boot that catches
the corn.
A man that is hung is generally a high
strung individual.
The business in which yon know you
could make money, is generally the
other man's.
There is much tenderness in this
seemingly cruel world but the butcher
rarely tinds it.
Wiggs Does your wife talk in her
sleep? llitfgs Well, 1 never noticed
any cessation.
The criminal judge may be a man of
few words, but he is not always a uian
of short sentences.
"I fear," said the postage stamp,
when it found it-elf fastened to a love
letter, "that I am not sticking to facts."
A chiropodist announces on his cards
that he has had the honor of removing
corns from several of the crowned heads
of Europe.
A lawyer said to a witness: "You're
a nice fellow ain't you?" Witness re
plied; "I am, sir, and if I was not on
my oath I'd say the same of you."
She The happiest marriages are said
to le those of people with opposite char
acteristic. Jle That's why I am look
ing for a girl with money.
Mrs. A. Why havn't you called?
Mrs. 15. Really, I've had so much to do
since we had a servant girl that I don't
get a moment for anything.
llardnp I wish this was the North
Pole, with nights Bix months long.
Chusup Why? Hard up So that I
could tell my creditors to "call again to
morrow." A Good Reason.
(jluest Waiter, bring me some rice
Waiter Boss, I can't just recommend
do rice pudding today.
What's the matter with it?
Nutlin' 'cept dar ain't mine.
I have leased my barber shop to
Pyhan Palmer and I would like for all
owing me to settle immediately, as I
need money to carry on my other busi
ness. A. Brandenburg.
ConuokJ JiineJS, 1894.
Ayer's Hair Vigor isa universal bennt
ifier, Harmless, effective and agreeable,
it has taken high rank among toilet arti
cles. Tins preparation causes thin and
weak hair to become abundant, strong
and healfthy, and restores to gray hair
its originll color.
L W.
Books -:- Stationery,
Brushes, Fine Soaps, Sponges, &c.
Customers will find our stock complete, comprising many articles it i
impossible here to enumerate, and all sold at moderate prices.
NHardware, Wagons, Buggies,
Carts, Plows and all kinds of Farm Machinery.
mm QTon? nc hidwithdc rei
tar- uiuurt ui
1 have also just received
Doors, Windows, Hardware, Paints, Oils, -Wall
Paper, Window Shades, Stoves and Pumps.
Ten per cent Interest on accounts running over 30 days.
When you come to the county ssat, drop in and see me.
CONDON. - ; - : - OREGON.
Condon Hotel,
Condon, Oregon.
This Large New Hotel is the Most Comfortable and Best-Fur-nlshed
Hotel in Gilliam County.
First-class Accommodation and Low Rates.
The table is supplied with the best that the market atTcrda.
T. G. Johnson.
Livery, Feed , and Sale Stables,
Large New Barn on North Main Street,
Condon, - - Oregon.
First-class Rigs Always on Hand at Very Reasonable Rates.
A share of the public patronage is respectfully solicited.
Are located in Lost Valley, Oregon, 18 miles
from Condon, 12 miles from Mayvillc, 12
miles from Fossil, 5 miles from Lone Rock,
In the Most Natural and Accessible Location
for a Mill in Gilliam County.
The best body of timber in Eastern Oregon.
It is my aim to keep constantly on hand, ready for im me
dia to delivery, a full and complete stock of rough lumber,
dressed flooring, rustic, tine finishing lumber, etc., etc.
A lot of Al Cedar Shingles in Stock at Condon.
Before purchasing elsewhere, you are respectfully invited
to call and see the quality of my lumber, get my prices,
and I am satisfied vou will buy your lumber from me.
Proprietor and -:- Manager.
Ed. Dlkn and Jas, Di kk.
i y iiiii i uiil ln
a large and choice stock of
W.'L. Wilcox.
& Wilcox,