Condon globe. (Condon, Gilliam Co., Or.) 189?-1919, May 25, 1894, Image 4

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    IN all receipts, for cooking
requiring a leavening agent
POWDER, because it is an
absolutely pure cream of tartar
powder and of 33 per cent,
greater leavening strength than
other powders, will give the
best results. It will make the
food lighter, sweeter, of finer
flavor and more wholesome.
The Word Tim.
According to my opinion, the use of this
word ch u bjuouyns of energy, vigor, eta.
Las urisen iu ibis way: Some pedantio jour
nalist, considering perhaps tbe Anglo gax
ou noun "btrtUKtli" too vulgar, and wish
ing to overawe bis renders with a Latin ex
pression, chose the word "vis," probably
in connection with a verb governing the
accusative case, but reluctaut to offend
against the sacred rules of Latin grammar
ho employed the accusative "vim."
This mode of expression may have been
repeated several times, and as the people
liked the sound of the word, even without
knowing what it. meant, they also em
ployed it in instances in which no accusa
tive was required, and thus the misused
word became a current expression. Notes
and Queries.
Willlns to Kick.
The major was telling how be had won
battles which others bad claimed the glory
of when suddenly one of his hearers said,
"I saw a man yesterday who would give the
world to kick you."
"Kick me 1" shouted the major. "I de
mand his name, sirl" -
"Well, if you insist on knowing but,
mark you, major, it must go no further
tbe man was old Sergeant Billy Waters of
the First artillery, who lost both his legs
by the explosion of a shelL Faith, he'd
give all he has or hopes to have to be able
to kick anybody." London Tit-Bits.
Tf. im mnA im a. OTia.TB.ntee bv All drOOI.
eisto. It cures incipient Consumption
an't is the beat Cough and Croup Cure.
The MONARCH and RED STItIP are snp
riortrmdsof BELTING, which, U (tether
wlh Malt se Crow, Uidgewnod and Wal
labout brand of Steam and VV er HOSE,
(ire IhIIt guaranteed by the mHnufHCturer.
Your dealer keeps them; i( not, write as.
Bulla Percha and Rubber F Co.,
Katabllahed 1855.
Portland, Or.
Swift, Light. Strong,
lteliable and Beau
tiful. .
k liffA at-ranf 17 n tnA In
,... ( s-si.ari In
goii.'tYftjihingtoii and Idaho,
fend fur catalogue and
327 Washington St., Portland, Or.
Is wanting in most foods, or,
if presc at, is not assimilated.
The result is loss of flesh
and strength.
the Cream of Cod-liver Oil,
is a palatable, easy fat food
that any stomach can retain
and any system assimilate
without effort. It gives flesh
and strength. Physicians, the
world over, endorse it.
Cco't be deceived by Substitutes!
Prepared by Scott E Bowns, H. If. All Drujji.ta.
'Dnrr-riNf 13 ? nnnPflDinrD
JS, ?. N, V. Ho. 515-8. F. TJ. No. 622
lf'y"w TAKE '
S1.00 Botte.A h 1 1 1 ft W "k I
One cent a dose, "ste PmmJ
fur 1 ti 1 Trmrm
"fastness. Isolation and Monotony Belgro Xr
the Treeless Plain Stretches.
If there be any region in the world where
tbo nat ural gregarious instinct of mankind
should assert itself, that region is our
northwestern prairies, where a short, hoi
summer is followed by a long, cold winter,
and where there is little in tbe aspect of
nature to furnish food for thought. On ev
ery hand the treeless plain stretches away
to the horizon line. In summer it is check
ered with grainfields or carpeted with grass
and flowers, and it is inspiring in its color
and vastness, but one mile of It is almost
exactly like another, save where some war
tercourse nurtures a fringe of willows and
cotton woods. When the snow covers the
ground, the prospect is bleak and dispirit
ing. No brooks babble nnder icy armor.
There is no bird life after the wild geese and
ducks have passed on their way south. The
silence of death rests on tbe vast landscape,
save when it is swept by cruel winds that
search out every chink and cranny of the
buildings and drive through each unguard
ed aperture the dry, powdery snow.
In such a region you would expect the
dwellings to be of substantial construction,
but they are not The new settler is too
poor to build of brick or stone. He hauls a
few loads of lumber from the nearest rail
way station and puts up a frail little house
of two, three or four rooms that looks as
though the prairie winds would blow it
away. Were it not for the invention of
tarred building paper the flimsy walls
would not keep out tbe wind and snow.
With this papier the walls are sheathed un
der the weatherboards. The barn is often
a nondescript affair of sod walls and straw
roof. Lumber is much too dear to be used
for door yard fences, and there is no inclo
sure about the bouse. A barbed wire fence
surrounds the barnyard. Barely are there
any trees, for on the prairie trees grow very
slowly and must be nursed with care to get
a start. There is a saying that you must
first get the Indian out of the soil before a
tree will grow at all, which means that
some savage quality must be taken from
the ground by cultivation.
i In this cramped abode, from the windows
of which there is nothing more cheerful in
sight than the distant houses of other set
tlers, just as ugly and lonely, and stacks of
straw and unthrashed grain, the farmer's
family must live. In the summer there is
a school for the children one, two or three
miles away, but in winter tbe distances
across the snow covered plains are too great
for them to travel in severe weather. The
schoolhonse is closed, and there is nothing
for them to do but to house themselves and
long for spring. Atlantic Monthly.
A Cartons Phenomenon.
A most curious phenomenon the action
of solids held in suspension in moving wa
termay be practically demonstrated. Bays
M. Gallois, by taking a bottle of white
glass, about 3 inches iu diameter and with
a flat bottom, putting into it to the depth
of about one-fifth inch some fine and very
clean silicious sand, such as will not inter
fere with the transparency of the water,
filling the bottle with this and corking it
so as to exclude all air. On giving the bot
tle a rapid movement of rotation around it
owp axis, either by placing it on a turn
table or by suspending it from a previously
well twisted cord, all tbe sand will be pro
jected upon tbe cylindrical sides of tbe bot
tle by centrifugal force.
'.This rotation movement of tbe bottle
will gradually communicate itself to the
water, progressing from the sides to the
axis, the rotation lasting as long as tbe
and adheres to tbe cylinder. As soon as
the water turns with the same velocity as
tbe bottle containing it, the sand will, on
tbe bottle being suddenly stopped, at once
quit tbe side and precipitate itself toward
tbe center of the bottle in the form of a
cloud, and then reassemble its particles on
the bottom in the form of a cone, having
the same axis as the bottle, and being high
er as the velocity of rotation is greater.
Finally, the cone flattens as the velocity of
rotation grows less, until the slope of the
conical surface is the slope of equilibrium
of grains of sand in still water. New York
Sun. '
The Colon and IU Uses.
- A son of Horace Mann, who lives in Wash
ington, has an unusual fashion of signing
all documents. He is Mr. B: Pickman
Mann and is well known as a writer. Mr.
Mann is a graduate of Harvard and holds
an important position in the patent office.
The colon which follows the first initial
would be Greek to tbe wayfaring man, but
it is only a symbol for Benjamin. Some
years ago the American Librarian associa
tion, of which Mr. Mann is a member, was
much exercised over some manner of ab
breviating uarnes so as to decrease tbe
work of cataloguing, which in large libra
ries is enormous. They adopted a list of
common names of persons which should be
abbreviated by using the first letter of the
name followed by a colon. For the sake
of consistency, and believing the custom
would be a good one, they adopted the fash
ion. The late Mr, Ben: Perley Poore, known
so long and so favorably in Washington,
used this style long before the company of
learned librarians approved it. The list now
in use is a large one. Some of t he most com
mon signs are W; for William; H: for
Henry, and J: tor James. Washington
Story of a Fklthful Servant Who obeyed
uraers, ,
There it a man In this town who hat a
male servant who is more faithful than any
dog that was ever born. He nevtraueations
an order. If the man was to tell him to
walk down to tbe foot of Main street and
jump off a dock, he would do the walking
and the jumping with a simple and unques
tioning faith.
The other day a friend of the man came
Into his office and asked tbe man to lend
biro, his servant for a abort time. The
friend wanted a package which he had left
It his house. The package was too valua
ble to iutrust to a messenger boy, and he
was too busy to go alter it himself. Tbe
man loaned the servant, and the friend gave
him these instructions: "Now, John, I want
you to go up to my house and walk right
up the front steps. The door will be open.
ana you go right up stairs, xougoin, ana
yoa will find a big package on my dresser.
That's the package I want, and if yoa get
back in an hour I will give yoa a dollar."
The male servant listened attentively
nd said that he understood his Instruc
tions. . He hustled out and in less than an
hour returned with the package. He was
not in very good shape. His face was bruised,
and h is coat was torn. One of h is eyes was,
blackened, and the skin was off the knuc
kles of his right hand.
"Holy Moses, John!" exclaimed his em
ployer. "What have yoa been doing"'
"Been in a fight," replied John grimly.
"With whom V : .)
"Fellow up at that man's house."
"What were you fighting about!1" ' "
"Why," said John in the most matter of
fact way, "he didn't want me to walk up
the front steps. They had just been paint
ed." ' "Well, why did you walk up them then?"
John looked reproachfully at his employ
er. "Didn't he tell me to go up the front
steps for that package1" he asked.
"They hain't no 'but' about it. Be told
me to go up them front steps, and I went
up 'em, paint or no paint. I had to fight
the coachman, but I wept up."
"He seems to have given you a pretty
hard fight," ventured the employer.
"Huh!" sniffed John contemptuously. "It
wasn't a patch on the one the housekeeper
and the chambermaid gimme."
The man began to get alarmed. "Do you
mean to say you fought everybody in that
house?" he asked severely.
"I dunno," replied John gravely. "I lick
ed the coachman, and the housekeeper, and
tbe chambermaid, and the cook. If they
was anybody else, I didn't have no track
with them. But," he added triumphantly,
"I got the package, and I done what I was
told, and I'll go back and lick the rest of
the folks if you say so." Buffalo Express.
What's In a Namer
"Great heavens, man, what have yoa been
"Riding a safety bicycle." Once a Week.
Well Prepared.
The organizer of an arctic expedition was
approached by a delicate looking fellow
wbo wanted to join the party.
"You don t look as if yoa could stand
it," ventured tbe organizer.
'You'll find me a kind of a singed cat
fellow," be replied confidently.
"Have you ever been in the arctio re
"No, not exactly."
"Have yoa bad any experience in that
line at all?"
Tbe applicant got a brace on bimselt
"Well," he responded. "I should say I
bad. I was engaged for two years to a Bos
ton girl." And the organizer accepted that
as a recommendation. Detroit Free Press.
In Training.
"And what is your youngest son doing?
"He's preparing himself to teach school in
Idaho," replied tbe young man' mother.
'He's quite busy with bis books then."a
'No. He has given up bis books and
spends most of bis time in the gymnasium
and at the shooting gallery." Washington
Too Much to Ask.
He Will you love me If I give ud all mr
bad habits?
She (protesting) But, George, bow could
you expect me to love a perfect stranger?
The Truth.
First Blind Man How are vou feeling to
day, Tom?
Second Blind Man Out of sight. Hallo.
; The Joker's Paradlsa, - -
Thine co by contraries in China, we're told. '
We'd like to be there for a day. -We're
weary of writing of incidents old
That occur in tbe same prosy way.
There tbe kind servant girl she explodes, we
And blows up the kerosene can.
While the mule is kicked into a midnight of
By the hoof of the meek hired man.
The bnzzeaw rubs up against some one to sea
u ne t reaiiy ana trmy auve,
And is all mangled up to such a degree
i nat it can't lor a moment survive.
There sons all are staid, sober, earnest young
With giddy and profligate nas.
And husbands find wives who can bake sow
and then
A cake quite as good as their mas.
Tbe old, wayback farmer cornea into the town
witn a strange deck or cards In bis sleeves,
And falls on the sharpers and does them np
uruwu, v
As their pockets of cash he relieves.
The gun which so often brings sorrow and woe
Because it has strangely exploded
Is blown out of sight, since it really don'tknow
mat tne man whom it loois with is loaded.
In China our jokers could take their old Jokes.
And turning them t'other end to
Might work them all off on susceptible folks
as someimng entirely new.
the reason there's nothing fresh under the sua
in toe newspaper columns today
Is because everything that may happen Is dona
m yrecweiy me oiu iasnionea way.
Nixon Waterman in Chit-ago Journal.
aaatlaaeBtal Suicide.
The crop of -raioldet Is larger this
year than ever before. Hardly a day
passes that the .morgue doe not
claim several victims, and the coroners
are kept busy issuing permit for the
burial of aristocratic suicide who shed
their mortal shackles amid wealth and
luxury. It is remarkable that these un
fortunates should choose the-summer
time for their ghastly work, when life
seems to offer so much to the weary, the
oppressed and the disappointed. I asked
one of the keepers of the morgue today
how he accounted for this.
. His reply confirmed my own opinion.
Said he: "You notice that most of the
'stiffs' are women, don't you? Well,
them's all 'sentimental suicides.' The
gals has been disappointed in love or
suthin o' that kind, and when they sees
other folks enjoying life th' singin o
th' birds, th' flowers, an all that sort o
thing, ye know it makes them feel
wuss'n ord'nary, an they go offn jumps
into th' river or cuts their throats."
New York Cor. St. Louis Republic
Snap Shot with a Whip'.
F. M. Pitcher and A. L. Beckwith are
two farmers wbo are both well known
in Americus. Tuesday they were to
gether in a buggy coming here, and
when they were near Joe Roney's place
a chicken hawk lit on the side of the
road. "Look at that hawk," said Mr.
Beckwith. "Yes, 1 see him," said Mr.
Pitcher. They drove on, and the hawk
didn't move. They drew nearer and
nearer and finally were almost up to the
bird. Mr. Beckwith took up his whip
and as they reached the hawk made a
crack at it The blow struck just right,
and the hawk was struck full in the
neck. The crock was so well made that
the full .force was executed and the
head was cut clean off. The gentlemen
brought the hawk and its head to town
with them. Americus (Qa.) Times-Recorder.
The Summer Young Man.
Primarily speaking, the summer man
is not a fool by any means. He is boil
ing over with business, but was never
known to have done a day's work in hit
life. Fortunately he has inherited con
siderable money and is there to add an
additional sum to that already on hand
by marrying one of those western young
women with pretty face, musical laugh
and a rich father. This kind of men
generally become very corpulent as age
increases, and us good natured as well,
and why shouldn't they? Exchange.
Took Big Chance for Twenty-Arc Dollars.
A Captain Blondell at Oxford, Ala.,
offered twenty-five dollars to any one
who would get into a boat aud allow it
to be blown up with dynamite so that
Blondell might show his lifesaving
methods. A young man named Neely
accepted the offer and was blown about
forty feet into the air unhurt, bnt on his
return to the water's surface he alighted
on the fragments of the wreck and ro
seived a fractured leg amj other injuries.
The most inhuman ontrsfea, outrages whlrh
would diagrace the savage, man p-irpetrate
upon hi own syitem by wulowlngdrailipiir
Ktivc which convulse hiiiiomach. agonize hi
Inleatines and weaken his ayatem. Many people
coiKtantly do thla under the impreailnn that
medicament only which are violent in their
action, and particularly cnlbHrtlm, ere i any
avail. Irreparable Injury to 'health hi wrought
nnder thin mt.taken Idea. The laxative which
moat nearly approaches thebeneHi-ent action of
namre la Iloitetter's Htomach Hlitera, whl h ia
painless, bat thorough, and invigorates the In
testinal canal Instead of weakening and Irritat
ing It. The liver and the stomach share In the
benign discipline Institnted by this compre
hensive medicine, whose healthful influence is
felt throughout the system, Malarious, rheu
matic, kidney and nervous complaints succumb
Carson Seeing is believing. Volkes-Non-tense.
I tea VVetnerell every day sod I wouldn't
believe him on hit oalh.
Students, teacher (male or femaH ), clergy
men and others In need of change of employ
ment should not fail to write to H. If JohDMn&
Co., Richmond, Va. Their great nccrat show
that they have got the true Ideas about making
money. They can show you bow to employ odd
hours profitably.
and those soon to be
come mothers, should
know that Doctor
Pierce's Favorite Pre
scription robs child
birth or its tortures,
terrors and dangers
to both mother and
child, by aiding nat
ure in preparing the
system for par
turition. , Thereby
"labor" and the
period of confine
ment are greatly
shortened. It also promotes the secretion of
an abundance of nourishment for tbe child.
Mrs. Dora A. Gcthrib, of Oakley. Overton
Co- Tenn., writes: "Wh-n I began taking
your ' Favorite Presorlutiiin,' I was not able
to stand on my feet without suffering almost
death. Now I do all my housework, washing,
cooking, sewing sod everything tot my family
of eight. I am stouter now than I have been
In six years. Your ' Favorite Prescription ' is
tbe best to take before confinoinent, or at h ast
it proved so with me. I never suffered as llttlo
with any of my children as I did with my last,
and she Is the healthiest we've gob Have In
duced several to try ' Favorite Prescription,'
and It has proved good for tbero."
And all th
Don't buy any bat the
to as.
Tiq P. WE
Printed with Jaenecke-Ull-
man Ink. PALMER & BEY,
IP trt iWT JS
We all have pains and aohea, but they
needn't last long not any longer than it
takes to put on su Allcook's Porous Plas
ter.. Tbe only thing to look out for is that
you get the right plaster, for when you need
a plaster you need it, and there is no time for
experimenting and rinding out mistakes
then. Ask for Allooce's Porous Plaktir
and see that you get them. If they say
that nine other u just as good, tell them
that only tbe best ts good enough for you.
Allcook's Porou Plartrrs are quick and
sure and acknowledged by the highest med
ical authorities to be tbe bst outside rem
edy for pains and aohe of every descrip
tion. Brasdritu's Pills invigorate the diges
tion. Dlbbs swellon sara be Isn't afraid of work.
Sarcas Why shonld hebef He nevt-r got near
enough to any to Hud out bow he'd feel
Throat diseases oommenoe with a cough,
cold or sore throat. "Br own' i Jlronehwl
Trochet" give immediate relief. uff-my
it boxes. Price, 25 cents.
" I Smarter Ju t right in laying thi.thci icskt
French without any uotieeanle avetmtt ' " l'e,
ludced. Without iven a Fienuh accent."
We offer One Hundred Dollar' Reward for
any case of catarrh that cannot be cured by
Hall Catarrh Cure.
F. J. ( II KN KY & CO., Props., Toledo, O.
We, tbe undersigned, have known F. J. Che
ney tor the last ufu-en years, aud believe him
perfectly bonoraiile Iu all b istmas transaction
and Uiiam-lxlly able to carry o t uuy oliilgallou
made by their Una. WK8T tfUTAX,
Who'esale Druggist. Toledo, O.
Wholesale DrujgUts, Toledo, O. .
Hall' Catarrh Curd la taken tnterually.mtilng
dirtetly upon the blood ami mucoti- surfaces ol
theay-iem. Price, 74 cent r bottle. Hold by
all druggists, Tuatlmoulol free.
Fred-Cheer np! You may win her yet. Ar
thurNo; there a no chance for me. Why, she
even refuse to go to tbe theater with me.
Guard yourself for aurnincr malaria, tired
feeling, by using now Oregon fi.ood PurlHer.
Dse luamellne Btove Polish: no dust no smell.
Trt Gum a for breakfast.
Both the method and results when
Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant
and refreshing to the taste, and acts
cenllj yet promptly on the Kidneys,
Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys
tem effectually, dispels colds, head
aches and fevers and cures habitual
constipation. Syrup of Figs is tbo
only remedy of its kind ever pro
duced, pleasing to the tasto and ac
ceptable to the stomach, prompt in
its action and truly beneficial in its
effects, prepared only from the most
healthy and agreeable substances, its
many excellent qualities commend it
to all and have made it the most
popular remedy known.
Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50c
and $1 bottles hy all leading drug
gists. Any reliable druggist wbo
may not have it on hand will pro
cure it promptly for any one who
wishes to try it. Do not accept any
iOumiLU, Kr. new ronx. n.r.
' w. l. iorjriLA8 3 snoa
xenuttUcUAtuia u-nrk. mlinif fn.
HlHUUlE WK f i . "".'e 'or 'lie money
in mo worm, name and nnca
intU. Aum;ea on the bottom. Every
ur warrantid. Take no subatf.
ulc. Coe !cJ papers for full
ffE&H Wwi our complete
JLVuX" aaoics na gen.
-"""r. fV tlemcn or send for 11.
IxitraM CataofM
giving in.
der by mail. Postage free. Yoa can get th bast
bargains of dealer wbo push our shoe.
Bee Supplies.
171 Second Street, Portland, Or.
Bend (or catalogue.
r0 D- William' Indian Pile
ointment will cure Blind,
rw Bleeding and Itching Pile,
as It absorb the tumor, allays
BSb wo luimni ai once, act a a pom
tlce. gives lnatantmllnt. Dr. Will.
B lams' Indian Pile Ointment i prepared
for Flies and Itching of the private
part. Every box i warranted. By drug.
fists, by mall on receipt of prion, 50 cents
i.oo Williams manufacturino co..
Proprietor, Cleveland, Ohio.
Would Knocua tb CUSW U SUSta.
Chickens are easily and successfully
raised by using the Petal u ma In
oubaters and Brooders. Our Il
lustrated catalogue toll all about It
Petalnma If you want strong, vigorou chinks
en, Book, Caponlslng Tool, Fountains, Flood's Roup Cure, Wrri
Poultry Cure, Creosozone the great on lcksn-lice killer and every other
article required by poultry raiser. Hee the machine in operation at
our exhibit with Che Norwalk Ostrich Farm. Midwinter Fair, hatching
ostriches and all kinds of rgg. Catalogue free; if yon want it. write
760 762-764 7fi6 Main street, Petaluma, Cal.
BiaciiLCS Oas or Qasoumb Imoims
Beat Fewer for the Parses).
Palmar A Key, 8. T., Cat and Portland, Or,
it JZJ& m
Etna, 01.
Hood's Sareaperllla Easily Cured All
th Bad Symptom.
"For over 2 year I have suffered from frmale
complaint. 1 was seldom free from an unbear
able pain in the small of mr back. Any over
exertion would cauae me to lie on my bed from
six weeks to two mouths. In tbe winter ol IM
1 bad a severe
Attack of the Grip
which kited through the spring Into the iurv
mer. I secured a supply of lloud't Saraaparilla
aud It made a new woman of me. I am tree
from the baekaohe aud It kept mr from having
the grip last winter. My daughter has also
been benefitted by Hood' llarssparllut as she
also bad the (rip at the same time as 1 was
parilla Cures
afflicted. It baa cured me of s complication of
dlteasea. all at tbe expense of a few dollar."
Ma. Kwsiuw B. iith. Box 6v, Etna, Cal,
Hood'S PHI become the favorite rathartio
with evwiy one who trie thrnn. idle, per boa.
f snre death to O round Squirrels, 1
Pocket Uotihnrs, RabMta ami all anl- 1
man mat burrow in tbe ground. Him.
pie, sale aud certain. Prlne U iar IllO
bombs: boxed forahlnmniiL Hamula
cartridges, with direction, for using, scntrre on
application roraaie by hmikum KAit-tiai-NATOK
CO., Moscow, Idaho.
Pardee's leneif ,
Regulator cf the Liver and Kidneys
a HPEctrin on
CaMifnla l!laMlSi
vmi wmia, nusHiuaiiiUi,
Stlt Rheum, Kesralgia
lot! Ill Other Blood and Skin Disuses.
It U a positive care for all those painful, deil
oate oomplalnu and complicated trouble sod
weaknesses common among our wives, mothers
and daughters. .
Tbe effect 1 Immediate and lasting. Two er
three doses of Da. Plants' Kimiht taken daily
keep the blood cool, tbe liver aud kidneys act
ive, and will entirely eradicate from tbe sysuua
all traces of Scrofula, ttalt Kbeum, or any other
form of blood disease.
No medicine ever Introduced In thla country
has met with such reedy aalo, nor given snca
universal aatislactlon wheuever used as that ol
Da. Pasdsb's Rbmbpt.
This remedy baa been naed In the hospitals
throughout tbe old world (or the past twenty.
0TS M Vcito tot the above disease,
sod H ha and will cure when all other eo-callsd
remedies fall, .
Bend for pamphlet ol testimonials from those
7. .51? cured bylu list, Druggist sell
It at I1.00IHW bottle, -rryltaud be eeuvlnosd.
For sale by .
a and II Front St., San Francisco.
The launch CYCLONE, one of
the speediest boats of Its size on
the Coast Length. 30 feet:
depth, 3 feet; beam, 6 1-2 feet;
7 reet from top of cabin to bot
tom of keel; half-glass cabin.
mis launch, fltted with thA
AAlsksiilAil llsnrim v,m m . .
vsivuiateu ncniULca uasoilnO
Engine, 8-horse nower. In ner.
feet running order, Is offered for
saie at a trreat bartrtdn. Foi
price and particulars address
Portland, Or.
Bread made with
JUKI r: invnrr
-j , v ,1 uiin,
It tvi Ia 1 1 .. t. . ii... ..
i, l ,Z " ' "W.B8 'on'. Dealer sell
4 DEVeH PoViiandro ,,"ra",eB' WBOT
waruna ana psopl
who have weak lung or Aatb.
v m .buu.Uu- .... .... a
a-iw's vara lor
Consumption. It has stared
tboaaaada. 1 1 haa not Inlnr.
f?.0 J'-baetoi'lSi
Sola everywhere, gjja,
w twv m at . . in