THE COHDOil GLOBE. Friday, MaY 25, isd. THE OFFICIAL PAPER OF GILLIAM COUNTY, OREOON. Governor Pennoyer is discount ing Roswell Horr as a campaign Btory teller. In his Bpeech at Al bina the other night he took a whack at the democratic party by relating the following anecdote: "There was a man who boasted 'that he owned a barrel 200 years old. When he took a friend into his cellar to show him the vener able relic the friend suggested that the hoops looked to be new. "Yes, they are new. I only put them on last year," said , the man. After further inspection the friend sug gested that the staves didn't have a very antique appearance. 'That's true,' responded the man, 'I put them in about four years ago.' The friend then wanted to know what was left of the 200-year-old barrel. "H 1, dont you see the bung hole?" shouted the relic-owner. The governor's application was that the btmghole was all that Cleveland had left of the party or the old-time Jeffersonian principles. An outfit of California emigrants passed through town this afternoon and are camped a short distance below. They came from San Louis Obispo county, about 200 miles south of San Francisco, on the coast, and report that California is suffering from the worst drought since 1S77. This gentleman was running a dairy on a nine-hundred-acre ranch, with forty milch cows and other cattle and horses. He left all behind to die except the team to bring him away. He re ports that stock of all kinds is dy ing by thousands, and that many of the people are on the road com ing this way in search of a place to sustain life, having absolutely been forced to leave on account of the unprecented drought.-t-Eugene Guard. The following from the Sheridan Sun is also applicable to this por tion of Oregon: "Wheat farming will grow gradually less from thiB time on. Our lands can be more profitably utilized than by raising 35-cent wheat. What we want in the Willamette is the subdivision of the large tracts into 5, 10 and 20 acre farms by men who understand or are willing to learn small farm ing. The secret of success in farm ing is to have something to sell for which there is a demand in its season. The thing that will bring these changes the quickest is the simple division of the big farms into small tracts, placing them into industrious, prudent hands. Go on dividing the country into small tracts." Henry Watterson, the great Ken tucky journalist, was recently in Oregon, and when asked about our state said: "I was surprised to find so marked a difference between California and Oregon, and which is decidedly in Oregon's favor. Particularly is this true of its cli mate conditions. I am a lover of perpetual verdure, and from the time I approached the Oregon line until 1 arrived here I found a con tinuous vision of landscape beauty, and I was impressed with the fact that the fertility of the soil of Ore gon surpasses even the pictures queness of the scenery." Chas. Cunningham has 18,000 lead of sheep on the range in Umatilla- county, and the wool clip this year averages about 18 lbs. per head. He expects at least a quar ter of million pounds, and will possibly market , over $300,000, None has yet been hauled. The whole lot i of the first quality. Never has Umatilla county sheared such an abundant and high quality crop as- thla year, and the lamb in crease fs more than ever before.- East Oregon-fan. Judge Mills n Monday last sen lenced Coxey, Browne and Jones to 2S days' imprisonment in jail at Washington, IX C, for displaying ai banner in the capitol grounds on the oceaeion of the May-day dem eoatration. Coxey and Browne irere also sentenced to a $500 fine vr 10 days' imprisonment fdrtres jaasing on the eapitol grounds; 18 is the fittest man this year who deserve election and who will Best serve the people. Fit men in office-are cheaper to the taxpayers and! render better service to the public than partisans and snap auntergi " Frendcrgast, the murderer of UCayor Harrison will not be hanged, after all, but has been sent to the insane asylum, where he will prob aWy be kept a year or so and then liberated. Such id justice: - .. TVraake the hair grow anatnrar color, (newnff baldness, and keep the scalp BssJi, Hall's Hair Renewer wft; in-. l.;itifVawl.lias trw4S(i-;cessfk. DEMOCRATIC STATE, DISTRICT AND COUNTY TICKET. For Governor. William Galloway, of Yamhill. Secretary of State, Charles Nickell, of Jackson. Stat Treasurer, Thos. L. Davidson, of Marion. Supreme Judge, A. S. Bennett, of The Dalles. Attorney-General, W. H. Holmes, of Marion. Supt. of Public Instruction, D. V. S. Reid, of Lane. State Printer. John O'Brien, of Portland. For Congress, First District, J. K. Weatherfo'rd, of Linn; Second District, James H. Raley, of Umatilla. ' - SEVENTH JUDICIAL DlSt. Prosecuting Attorney, E. B. Dufur, of The Dalles. Member of State Board, ) T. H. LaFollette, of Prineville. ( GILLIAM COUNTY TICKET. Representative, H. Clay Myers, of Blalock. , County Judge. D. B. Trimble. County Clerk, . " Mont It. Downing, of Condon. Sheriff, W. L. Wilcox, of Condon. , County Treasurer, Geo. L. Neale. V Commissioner, Wm. F. Dyer, of Mayville. Assessor. Henry J. Nott. of Olex. . School Supt., Chas. Royse, of Idea. Coroner, D. S. Brown, of Condon. Condon precinct: For justice of the peace, . r. bhutt; for consta ble, D. M. Rinehart. A country postmaster in Uma tilla county. the other morning took a blank sheet of paper and wrote upon it the words, "For United States Senator." Then making two columns, at the head of one he wrote, "Sylvester Pennoyer," and at the head of the other, "Jos. N. Dolph." During the day, as the men came in for their mail, he re ferred them to the paper and asked them to sign their names under the one desired for the position. 36 came before night fell, and the1 vote stood thus: Pennoyer, 34; Dolph, 2. One of the two who voted for Mr. Dolph said he would vote for Pennoyer could he vpte directly for him. East Oregonian. Be Honest About It. Condon, May 21. "Voter" writing from Mayville (?) last week to the Arlington paper wakes the weakest argument I ever saw in his flighty effort to prejudice the public againat Wilcox. He makes himself ridic nlous in his attempt to rob Mr. Wilcox of the credit he so justly deserves for not crowding the taxpayers at a time like this when he could have rained them almost by forcingcollection, which he could have done, notwithstanding "Voter's" ' malicious misrepresentation of the facts in this matter. The voters of this county will not be bulldozed by any such bosh as that, and ought to, and no doubt will, cause many honest repub licans to vote for Mr. Wilcox. Now in regard to Sheriff Wilcox not forcing the collection of delinquent taxes I am also reliably informed that it is not necessary for the sheriff to file a list of delinquents before he can proceed to force collection. He could .have levied on the personal property of every delin quent taxpayer and added costs ever since they became delinquent on April 2d. The warrants issued to the sheriff after the delinquent list is turned over authorizes him to levy on real estate as well as personal property. The county court deserves credit for not forcing the sheriff to collect this; but the court has not the power to change the Jaws of Ore gon; and if Wilcox bad been so disposed he could have put every delinquent tax payer to expense since April zd, by lev ying on personal property, and the coun ty court could not have prevented him. These are the facts in the matter. " Faibplay. Notice. V. 8. Lani-Office, The Dalles, Oregon, May Iff, 1894. Editob Globs : Having assumed the duties of Receiver of this office I have to request that all monies in payment for lands in this dis trict be sent to me, and that all checks, money orders, etc., be made payable to me as receiver. Please inform yonr readers through your paper and oblige.-Yours- truly, . ' i ' -' V'm H. Biem. The vaet facilities of the J. C-Ayer Co., of Lowell, Maes,, enable them to place The Superior Blood-purifier Ayer's sarsaparilla within easy reach of the poorest invalid. Don't be induced' to take a "cheap"' substitute. Alwayr remember that the best is the cheapest.- Ayer's Pills are invaluable for the cure'of Headache, Constipation, Stamach and Liver troubles, and all derange ments of the , digestive and assimilative organs.. These' Pills are sugar-coated, safe and pleasant to take, always relin and retain thir virtues in any climate. REPUBLICAN STATE, DISTRICT AND COUNTY TICKET. For Governor, Wm. P. Lord, of Salem. Secretary of State, II. R. Kincaid, of Eugene. State Treasurer, Phil MetBciian, of Canyon Cityi Supreme Judge, C. E. Wolverton, of Albany. Attorney-General, C. M. Idlemao, of Portland. Snpt. of Public Instruction, G. M. Irwin, of Union. State Printer, W. H. Leeds, of Jacksonville. For Congress, First District, Dinger Hermann; Second District, W. R. Ellis. ' SEVENTH JUDICIAL DIST. Prosecuting Attorney, A. A. Jayne, of Arlington. Member of State Board, . W. C. Wills, of Prineville. t , GILLIAM COUNTY TICKET. Representative. J. E. David, of Blalock. County Judge, . W. J. Mariner, of Blalock. County Clerk, J. P. Lucas, of Condon. Sheriff, J. D. Livingston, of Mayville. Treasurer, j S. B. Barker, of Condon.' Commissioner, E. M. Clymer, of Fossil.' Assessor, M. O. Clarke, of Lone Rock. . School Supt., ' W. W. Kennedy, of Fossil. Surveyor, J. II. Hill, of Condon. Coroner, 1 W. A. Goodwin, of Condon. Condon precinct: For justice of the peace, Geo. latom; for consta ble, E. E. Smith. Lone Rock Riplets. Assessor Wheeler was up in this sec tion last week asking people "how they are fixed." . The republican club meets next Satur day, with some "big guns" on the list for speakers. Rev. Bratnblet's little son, who was hurt recently by a horse falling on him, is around again. E. D. Wineland has moved from Lone Rock to his saw mill, preparatory for the the sawing season. Our new Baptist church is near enongh completed to bold services in, but it is far from completion yet. Some 1-year-old sheep have been sold in this vicinity to Eastern buyers, which will help us out financially a little. The Heppner stage failed to get in on time Saturday owing to Rock creek be ing "on a tear." It rolled in Sunday evening, however. W. C. Brown has brought 150 head of his horses over from his winter range on the John Day, where they wintered in fine shape without any feeding. We are pleased to announce that at the teachers examination in Morrow county last week Miss Anna Clarke of Lone Rock received a 1st grade certificate. Friday evening about 7 o'clock it be gan raining and continued until Satur day evening, during which time nearly two inches of rain fell, soaking the ground thoroughly and compelling all tne sheep-shearing crews to lay off a few days. Jno. Dob. SHERIFFS SALE. By virtue of an execution duly issued by the clerk of the circuit court of the county of Gilliam, state of Oregon, dated the 16th day of May, 1894, in a certain action in the circuit court of said county and state wherein J. G. Steven son as plaintiff recovered judgment against VV. L. Barker, defendant, for the sum of eighty dollars and coats and dis bursements taxed at one hundred and two dollars and thirty-eight cents on the 20th day of April, 1894. .Notice is here by given that I will on v- "- - Saturday, June 30, 1894, at the court bouse door in Condon, in said county, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon of said day, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, the following described property, to-wit: Lots 3, 4, 5 and 6 in block 28 in the town of Condon, Gilliam county, Oregon ; also lots 6, 6, 7, 9 and 10 in block 30 in the town of Con don, Gilliam county, Oregon, as the same appears by the recorded plat on file in the clerk's office in said Gilliam county, Oregon, together with the improvements thereon, taken and levied upon as the property of the said W. L. Barker to sat isfy the said judgment in favor of 3. G. Stevenson against said W. L. Barker, with interest thereon, together with all costs and disbursements that have or may accrue. Dated at Condon, Oregon, May 22, 1894. W. L. Wiujox. Sheriff of Gilliam CountyrOr, Anyone desiring a first-class, bran-new wagon,, hack or buggy , at about one-third" less than the price usually charged,, will find it to their advantage to see the (aiOKK roan. The secretary of the Elkhart Carriage' and Harness Mfg. Co., of fclkhart,. Ini, Informs us that their prices will be lower for WU4 than ever. lie wishes ns to ask our readers not to purcaane anything in ma line 01 carriages, wagons, Dicycies or ! hitrnAua until t.hi.v Mint A. ,nn(. 1. I stamps to pay postage on their 112 pngq-f catalogue.. Wit advise to readers of tni: to remem ber- lite suggiiutioo,- j POPULIST STATE, DISTRICT AND COUNTY TICKET. FOR GOVERNOR, ' Nathan Pierce, of Umatilla. MEMBER OF CONGRESS, 1ST DIST., Charles Miller, of Marion. MEMBER OF CONGRESS 20 DIST., Joseph Waldrop, of Multuomah. ATTORNEY CENERAL, M. L. Olnistead, of Baker. SUPREME JUDGE, R. P. Boiee.'of Polk. SECRETARY OF STATE, Ira Wakefield, of Jackson. TREASURER, R. P. Caldwell, of Lane. SUPT. OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION, T. C. Jory, of Marion. STATE PRINTER, G. M. Orton, of Multnomah. SEVENTH JUDICIAL DIST i PROS. ATTORNEY, E. P. Sine, of Morrow. ; BOARD OF EQUALIZATION, f B. K. Searcy, of Gilliam. GILLIAM COUNTY TICKET. represIentatiye, I. A. Henderson, of Mayville. COUNTY JUDCE, . G. W. Marvel, of Olex. COUNTY CLERK, 1 F. B. Moore, of Mayville. SHERIFF, Jos. T. Anthony, of Fossil. TREASURER, J. R. Clark, of Condon. COMMISSIONER, Morgan Ward, of Lone Rock. ASSESSOR, Henry Wilkins, of Olex. SURVEYOR, Chas. Fix, of Condon. CORONER, Geo. W. Crawford, of Lone Rock. BUSINESS LOCALS. Book! of ill kinda. L. W. Darling A Co. Diahea sod glassware at L. W. Darling A Co.'l. We are jnat hunting for ohronlo cougbi to cure. "S. B," for mle by L. W. Darling A Co. Cleanse yonr blood with Dr. Grant's Sarsapa rtlla. L. W. Darling & Co. . Tbe beat lemon extract for flavoring. Just ar rived. L. W. Darling A Co. Have yon teen onr new diaplay ol toilet aoapat Something new and nice. L. Vv. Darling A Co. The8.B. Congh Cure la (imply perfect Spend 60c with L. W. Darling, and you will be ready to sing. Buy choice bird seed, now rednced to 10c a package, from L. W. Darling A Co., and your bird will aing sweeter. Tbe German-American Insurance Co., of New York, bas established an office at Condon with L. W. Darling as agent ' Ask at L. W. Darling & Co.'s drag store for the 8. B. Headache cure, and you will be given tbe best headache medicine known. Tbe famons "Williams Barber Bar Shaving Soap" the best In the world for tbe toilet and for shaving. For sale by h. W. Darling A Co. The freshest, purest and beat stock of prescrip tion medicines in the country can be found at the drug store of L. W. Darling A Co., Condon. Dr. S. F. Scott, Blue Ridge, Harrison Co., Mo., says: "For whooping cough Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is excel lent." By using it freely the disease is deprived of all dangerous consequences. There is no danger in (jiving the Remedy to babies, as it contains nothing injur ious. 50c bottles for sale by all druggists. A lady at Tooleys, La., was very sick with bilious colic when M. C. TiHler, a Erominent merchant of the town gave er a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. Me says she was well in forty minutes after taking tbe first dose. For sale by all druggists. Persons who sympathize with the af flicted will rejoice with D. . Carrof 1235 Harrison street, Kansas City. He is an old sufferer from inflammatory rheumatiem, but has not heretofore been troubled in this climate. Last winter he went up into Wisconsin, and in con sequence has has another attack. "It came upon me again very acute and severe," he said. "My joints swelled and became inflamed ; sore to touch or almost to look at. Upon the argent re of my mother-in-law I tried Chamber lain's Pain Balm to reduce the swelling and ease the pain, and to my agreeable surprise, it did both. I have used three fifty-cent bottles and believe it to be the finest thing for rheumatism, pains and swellings extant." For sale by all drug gists. Flourl Flourll For tbe cheapest and best floor on earth -apply- to Smith & Royai of -the Fossil mills. a27 Dissolution Notice. Notice is hereby given that the co- Sartnership heretofore existing between ellie G. Copner and Perry L. Ham, do ing bnsiness at Lone Rock, Or,, under the firm name of Copner & Ham, is this day dissolved by mutual consent, Mrs. Cop ner retiring from the firm. All notes and accounts due the said firm are pay able to Perry L. Ham, who will pay all debts of the firm, and continue business at tbe old stand. 'ki,lib U, Copnkb. Dated at Lone Rock, Or., April 23, 1894. The Midwinter Fair. If you intend visiting the great Mid winter Fair, call on the nearest Union Pacific agent, and he can tell you all about the exceedingly low rate and ad vantages offered by this line to San Fran cisco and return, or address W. H. Hnrl barfr, Aest. (ien'l Pass. Agent, Portland. Choice Confectionery. When yoa want anything In the line ef real nice, fresh confectionery of ali kinds candies, nuts, bananas, honey fn comb, celerv, cigars, etc., call at my new store nejt door t Barker's store. , Mbh.-A. BnArNBina. For sale Cheap.- . 320 acnes of land, tfbout half tinder gwd state of cultfi vatiort', adjoining Con don. Will sell-for cash.' , at trade for horses' or cattle.. Geo: W. (3oor, Mooow,ildaho:- SB BARKER -DEALER IN- GEMER'L MERCHANDISE CONDON, OREGON. STOCKMEN'S SUPPLIES OF ALL KINDS A SPECIALTY. Lone Rock Sawmill, J. S. McKINNEY, Proprietor. Situated 22 miles southeast of Condon, on the ridge road. I ara now prepared to furnish, on hort notice, any kind . T. , , of lumber at prices to suit the times, and on terms that will satisfy any honest man. My prices are as follows: ROUGH, $9; DRESSED, $16.50 TO $22.50 With a Liberal Discount for all Over Two Inches Thick. I have also established a lumber yard at Condon with Mr. Al IIen shaw in charge, who will bo pleased to wait on you or take your order. E. K. SMITH, DEALER IN HARNESS, SADDLERY, WHIPS, SPURS, CHAPS, COLLARS, QUIRTS, ETC. V' CONDON, - - OREGON. HAND AND MACHINE-MADE HARNESS. Repairing a specialty. Call and see us when you are at the county seat. I have had twenty years experience in this business and MY PRICES DEFY COMPETITION. 1 JEWELER AMD WATCHMAKER. R. H. ROBINSON, A jeweler of six years experience is prepared to do all kinds of repair ing in a first-class manner and at very moderate rates. ORDERS FOR WATCHES AND JEWELRY taken, also engraving done to order by a Francis Improved Engraving Machine. All Work Guaranteed for one year. Shop in Smith's Harness Shop, Condon, Or. New Harness ShopI CHAS. F. PERRIN, Proprietor. I have just opened up a bran-new harness shop, and very respectfully invite the public to call at my shop when in . need of anything in my line. I make a specialty of repair ing, and guarantee nrst-class work. Give me a chance. TEN PER CT. DISCOUNT ON ALL CASH SALES, Shop in Barr building, opposite the postoflice, CONDON, - OREGON. J. F. FORD, EVANGELIST, Of Des Moines, Iowa, writes under date of March 22, 1803: S. B. Mfg. Co., Dufur Oregon. Genti.kmen : On arriving home last week, I found all . well and anxiously awaiting. Onr little girl, eight and one half years old, who had wasted away to 88 pounds, is now well, strong and vig orous, and well fleshed np. 8. B. Cough Cure has done its work well. Both of the children like it. Your 8. B. Cough Cure has cured and kept away all hoarse ness from me, Bo give it to every one, with greetings for all. Wishing you prosperity, we are yours, Mb. & Mks. 3. F. Fokdv If yon wlih to feel frenh and cheerful, and rc1 for the HtiritiK'i work, litiiMi your ytem with the HeiulHche anil Uver Cure, by tukins two or three done, each week. 60 centi per botllo by all drugKi'ta. bold ander a poaltlve guarantee by L W. DARLING & CO., covnoN. ohimoi. ELKHART CARRIAGE anil Ilsva aald t eon. am laving tneia the ilwaler'a rm. We aro the Oldeatatnd IarjreHrnnmr.'.ldMrKln Amur Ifanolllnii VahlolH. and JiaronM Mill way-alilD witaprivoPHvui examine Dartre arty money ta paid. Wo par freight froth wayalf not eatlarae tory. Warrailtfors yer. Why pay an agenttlA to f'rf) to oile fr yon? Wilt Tour uwrf order, Boring free.' We taint all nA ot damage Id in privilege to exaklne WrtoUSALl PRICES. epflnilr Wajron, sal to aSO. Ouktenteed mma61l fie.vjt..). Surrey, SSS to S IOO afchio a iror lint to litfl fop Buggies, ?i37.flO, aafln aa (old rr M phaBton(k6S o SlOO. Farm Wagons, Wngotlettea, Milk WaRons, Delivery WoonTid Road Cart, uk t( i.ta ton nun, wojiki CHiMum. HttST. Stfrrey D&rntsa. 0ur Sr'. No. Top Buggy. 143. oa o Hot 1, Farm 1UIMM4 NAVttLKet II pevrent. off fv i-nah V . fllllMljk) tO pity JrlMttlltfR Oik Uo.8, Fm wuu. A4.jwW S3, PRATTr Soc'y CONDON BLACKSMITH SHOP. n , t a G. S. CLARK, Prop'r. General Blacksmith I ng and WOODWORK. The only first-class blacksmith and horse-shoer in the county. Main Street, Condon, Oregon. NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. to Omi 4TTMK Dalum, Or., May 14, ffHj Notice i hereby (rtven that the followlnir-named actth'rhna (lied notice ot Ilia Intention to muke llmil pr.Mif In KMpiiortof till claim, and that mid proof will be made before I. V. Liieai, county clerk of OiUiarn county, at Condon, Or., on June 80, im, vl: FRANK A. CAI-DWELt, Hd. 8217, for the vr4 nwU and wl$ iv ace l'J tp 4 of r 10 . He name the following wltnca.ea to pmv nia contiiiHona renldmico upon and ctiUlmtlon of, aald land, viis: W, 8. Smith, Halph riornun, Chaa. Brown and S. V. Moore, all of Condon, Or. "I'S-H Joan W. Lew ih, Keglater.- llAHiiESS HFC. CO or. to borre arty money ta tfagla," 0toO Ko.727, Boad Wigou. $65 narnftw, and XV MCTS. Klknnrt lllc frlo, SSI n.whiv with nrdir. Wend ie. la prioumallu tlrftn, wfluleta 1 Itf'jtMMV i'MlwltWIItb m.iui tuning, arop EUCHARTYIND.