Condon globe. (Condon, Gilliam Co., Or.) 189?-1919, May 18, 1894, Image 3

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FRIDAY, MAY 18 1804.
izj notice!
ito.yesrly subscription to tho,
If (mid tn advance. It not pitld In alvnw, f2
will b churged. A blue pencil murk ground
thil notice Indicate! thm Tour titiii!rlpUon ex
pints with tlil issue. J'U'imu renew promptly.
A fine baby boy wan born to Mr. nd
Mrs. D. M. Itinebart at Condon on Sun
day, May 13th.
There was populist speaking at Con
don Wednesday which was heard by a
large number of people.
Sheriff Wilcox visited Lone Rock, Lout
Valley and Fossil this week on business
connected with the duties of hit office.
A marriage in very feign life-occurred
tn Han Francisco lately when divorced
couple was married on the Firth wheel.
The Rev. Father LeMay conducted
Catholic services in their church at
Condon Monday morning to large con
gregation. TeHchuri examination last week re
euJted in Mrs. Fhania Angel I receiving
3d grade, Mr, Pevenoak failing to get
certificate. . , '.
In tome placet the ateallng of train
by the Coxy bum U justifiable. They
ean't walk fast enough to get away from
jobs of work offered them.
8. P. Bhutt has still been very sick
all week , with pneumonia, but is now
lowly recovering a change that is in
deed very acceptable to us.
Herbert HaUtead and family moved
from town this week to their homestead
in Lost Valley. Herbert will have charge
of the aawralil this season.
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Edwards of May
&5ta are visiting relatives and friends at
'Eugene this rkk, and also attended the
meeting of the utate grange.
A vote for K. B. Dufur for prosecuting
mtterney will help to elect one of the
ablest lawyers in Oregon, and a man
wh has always been a friend to the
poor. -Jleppner Record.
J. 11. INitnWn and family came over
iron) Fossil Tuesday on a visit to their
relatives at Condon. Mr, Putnam re
turned home same day but Mrs. Putnam
and children will remain a few days.
We are compelled to hold over a good
deal of correspondence until next issue.
We are very thankful to tne correond
nta who so kindly furnish us with the
news, and hope they wilt not tire of it.
P. B. Trimble hae been dangerously
ick and under the doctor's care the
lust week with abscess of throat with in
flitmniation of the tongue. This Is sim
ilar to the complaint Mr. Win. Keys suf
fered from two years ago. , j
A subscriber wrote to an editor, asking
him if he could give some information
as to what kind of weather we were go
ing to have next month. "I think the
weather for the next month wijl be very
( much like your subscription, unsettled.
Oscar Pott wood, who has been in the
employ of Johnson & Wilcox the past
year, left Tuesday for Salem, where he
his serared a position in the New York
Racket store. Oscar is a steady, reliable
young man and will make a good clerk.
Att'y T. R. Lyons" and A. Liebl went
to Fossil Monday on business concerning
the Liebl R.daotn damage cult case.
We understand Mr. Liebl has withdrawn
hit appeal to the supreme court, and
will pay Mr. Radzom the amount named
by the jury.
Sunday. It Miller and PatSkelly
bad a slight misunderstanding, and the
discussion became so warm that it final
ly resulted in each appearing before the
recorder and paying a flneof 5 for fight
ing within the incorporate limits of this
flret-clnM town.
Rev. E. Curran returned Thursday
from the Christian Endeavor convention
at Corvallis, aud reports having had a
glorious tifue. He will preach next Sun
day morning, and in the evening he will
give a sketch of the convention., All are
cordially invited to come out.
Hon. i, B. Dufur, democratic nominee
for prosecuting attorney, spent the week
in Prlnevill-, reviving old acquaintances
and forming new ones. Mr. Dufur has
made a large number of warm friends
while here, who will remember hira on
election day. Ochoco Review.
The N. Y. World published a column
of dispatches from different pnrts of the
east showing how business is booming.
Factories are starting up everywhere,
many on double time. In the meantime
political demagogues are lying about the
country simply for political capital. Ex.
Jerome Parsons, one of the oldest and
best-known settlers of Gilliam county,
pent the week in Prineville. Mr. Par
sons came to Eastern Oregon and settled
on the John Day river about 25 years
ago, and is a history within himself of
the early days ol this country. Review.
The dbw 11 lot law of Kansas is a
deadly blow at woman suifrage. It pro-
a V divides that "the lower limbs of a voter
w 1 as high up as the knees shall be visible
from the outside while the voter Is in
the booth preparing the ticket, the lower
part ot the booth to be left open for that
Henry Waterson in his speech in Port
land the other day said: "The happy
mania the one who believes his own
wife Is the best woman in the world;
the vine-covered cottage he calls his
home is the dearest spot on earth, and
who would not swap his freckle-faced
brats for the bust dressed kids he ever
It U queer how a girl's taste differs
according to age. At 10 she wants a
dude with toothpick shoes and a collar
so high he has to jump up to spit over
It; at 20, a chief justice with lots of tin ;
at 25 she will be satisfied with a mem
ber of congress; at 80, a country luywer
or preacher; at 85, anything that wears
pants, from an editor up. Ex.
An old journalist has written t "If
your local paper happens to tread on
your toes a little In performing its mis
sion, don't get your back up and abuse
the editor, but stop and take a long
breath, and think for a season and see
if you can't remember some of the favors
and kindnesses it has shown you in the
past. Then reflect that it may not be
long before you may want a favor aguin.
Mr. Wtn.arling, an older brother of
our L. W. Darling, arrived here Monday
from Tacoma, where he has been in the
marcantile business for a number of
years. He is to well pleased with this
section that It is very probable he will
conclude to move bis family over and
locate permanently with nt. We hope
he will, as. be is a good citizen and a
rustler from way back.
Hon. E. B. Dufur, democratic candi
date for prosecuting attorney, is a law
yer of ripe experience, stands well up in
his profession, and is in every way qual
ified for the place. He has been a resi
dent of this county for a great number
of years and is personally acquainted
with most of its citizens. The office is a
non-political one, and he will no doubt
on this account receive, as he should, a
large vote from bis friends regardless of
party. Hood River Glacier.
A few daya ago a citizen cut into a
pound of butter which he had purchased
at a store whose proprietor does not ad
vertise, and found therein a email tin
box, which contained a piece of paper
bearing the following, written In a beat
femine hand : "I am a girl 17 years old,
good-looking and an excellent house
keeper. Should this be found by some
unmarried Christian gentelman, will be
please write to the following address,"
etc. 1 The finder, being a bachelor, de
cided to unravel the affair, and succeed
ed, only to destroy the romance. The
girl had died many years ago, leaving
an aged husband and a grown family.
Hon. E. B. Dufur, democratic candi
date for district attorney, was in Condon
part of Thursday and' Friday shaking
hands with old friends and making lots
of new ones. He came across from
Prineville to Antelope, stopping a day
at Fossil, and left this Friday morning
for his home at The Dalles via Arlington.
Mr. Dufur is one of the most affable and
agreeable gentlemen one could wish to
meet, and has made a verv favorable im
pression upon our people. He is com
posed of the proper material for an ideal
iirofecutlnir attorney, and it is to the in
terest of our voters, regardless of party,
to see that Mr. Dufur is elected on the
4th of June. It will he far lees expen
sive to our taxpayers to elect a man who
already is thoroughly qualified from long
and auccctsful practice of law than to
elect a young, inexperienced man who
would nave to nt and school himself (or
the position at the expense of the tax
payers. Our people will make no mis
take by electing Mr. Dufur to this office.
The Grants Pass Courier relates that
George Thornton came in from the Cave
Development Co's. works last Thursday,
after an absence from the city of six
weeks, He says a number of very com
fortable cabins have been built along the
line of the proposed stage roads and
these will be used as camps and stopping
places for the construction forces and
travelers. The mouth of the cave has
been boused in with a neat building
twelve feet high. George has every con
fidence in the company's ability and de
termination to develop these magnificent
caves, which have already been explored
to the depth of twenty-two miles. When
the Examiner party arrives they are go
ing in to stay till the ends have been
reached or a decision made that there
is no end. The Examiner claims that
the caves are seventy miles deep; the
Kentucky caves are only seven miles.
Lone Rock Rlplets.
" May Qth.
Alex Hardie and wife made Lone Rock
a visit last week to call on old friends
and talk tariff, etc.
Morgan Ward has been engaged this
week hauling Billy Calwell'e furniture
over from Heppner,
Wednesday afternoon Rev. Bramblet's
little son bad a horse fall with him and
hurt him very badly, probably fatally.
The weather Is springlike once more,
although the nights are cool. What
more delightful climate could one wish
The fruit trees are in full bloom and
promise a full crop, especially plums
and prunes. Small fruits will be very
plentiful from present indications.
Harden Neel, the Lone Rock road
boss, has had a gang of men out for the
last few days getting the roads in good
shape for the wool hauling season
Andrew Neel and John M. Brown
have gone to Arlington for a load of pro
visions and other supplies, preparatory
to sheep shearing, which will begin in a
short time.
The only rage there is here now is to
see who can catch the first salmon, as
there have been some Been in the crook.
By next week we hope to tell the read'
era of the Globe some big fish stories,
The republican club meets here Frl
day next for (he last time before election
to transact any and all business that
may come before it. It Is bard to tell
wbich party is in the majority here, be
ing about evenly divided
John Doi.
County Court Proceedings.'
May term, 1894.
i II Downing vs Miller & Hill; judg
ment by default.
Estate of Herman Seekamp, dee'd;
settled and Admr discharged.
.Efttate of T. Barnard, due'd ; Admr re-
? nired to give a new bond in sum of
Estate of N A Anderton, dee'd; will
admitted to probate and Walton Silver
tooth appointed executor. W W Stei
wer, JH Putnam and A B Lamb ap
point appraisers for Gilliam county and
WE Bolton. E M Wingate and EM
Shutt for Wasco county.
Report of J W Maguire, former Supvr
of road diet No. 1, was accepted.
Report of 11 D Randall, former Supvr
of road dint No 14, was accepted.
Matter of petition of Z A Ebbert etal, j
for change of Bridge creek and Rock
creek road ; claim of J H Downing for
damages $197, filed. Frank Springston,
Jas Jones and Henrv Ramsay appointed
viewers, to meet May 19, 1894, at 8
o'clock p. m. I
Matter of petition of R K Wilson etal
for change of Box Spring and Lone Rock
(or Corn Cob road) ; claim of W J Rus
sell filed for (350; viewers appointed:
Frank Springston, Jas Jones and Henry
Ramsay; to meet May 19, 1894, at 10
o'clock a, m.' t
Matter of E D Huber etal, for county
road No 81; viewers appointed: CW
Wester. Henry Dodson and Wm Wheel
er; to meet June 11, 1894: W W Ken
nedy, surveyor.
Matter ot petition oi ueo v Kippey
etal, for county road No 32; Wm Keys,
Geo Gibbons and I B Uarter appointed
viewers and W W Kennedy surveyor; to
meet June 15, 1894.
Matter of petition of J K Clark etal (or
county road No 33; H R Ramsay, Sam
uel Slater and A V Lewis appointed
viewers and W W Kennedy surveyer; to
meet May 10, 1894. Viewers and sur
veyor viewed and surveyed proposed
road and reported favorably, when the
following claims for damaires were filed :
D B Trimble, $150, J A Kiser, $100, F
M Shannon. $100 and K t Looney, II,-
000; matter continued.
Matter of petition of L rainier etal for
change of Bridge creek and Rock creel
road : viewers appointed : w inomp
son, Jas King and Ed B Smith ; W W
Kennedy, snrveyor ; to meet j une 7, lew.
Matter of petition of F M Busby etal
for cbanee of Bridge creek and Rock
creek road; veiwers appointed: W 8
Thompson, Jan King and Ed B Smith ;
surveyor, w w Kennedy; to meet j une
6, 1894,
Matter ot petition oi u ttemara euu
for chanire of road No 61 : viewers ap
pointed: Bert Cation, J A Spaulding and
Gean Labous; snrveyor, W W Kennedy;
to meet June 13, 1894.
Matter of petition of Wm Cromwell
etal for change of road No 12 ; remon
strance filed ; continued.
Matter of petition (or a bridee across
the John Day river; W S Thompson
and W W Kennedy appointed to inves
tigate, taking into consideration loca
tion, the benefits to be derived and any
other data bearing on the matter of the
advisability of bavins a bridge bunt.
and report at next term of court.
UUojden, supvr ot road aist 2iot,
authorized to purchase 3000 ft of lumber
for culverts.
Rebate allowed O N Denny on bis as
sessment on his paying taxes on $3,000
worth of property.
Matter ot application ot Lunaiston
for rebate; not allowed.
J 11 liowen allowed a rebate oi fiiu.
Matter of subscriptions for improving
the countv road between Fossil and May
ville; WW.Steiwer, T B Hoover and J
U Howen were appointed a committee
to receive the subscriptions and to man
ago and apply the same to the desired
Matter of the Fossil and Lone Rock
road, Cottonwood road and the Park
road ; W W Steiwer, T B Hoover and J
H Bowen appointed a committee to su
perintend the improvement of same, and
to receive any sums of money or any
work to expend on aame and tney to
notify the county clerk of the same,
when he is to draw warrants on the road
fund for like amounts, not to exceed
$100, payable to said parties.
Matter of aid for J a Davis; aid with
drawn until further notice.
Matter of aid to Mrs L Hicklin ; aid
J H Nelson authorized to purchase 400
ft of bridge lumber for road, dist No 19.
Clerk authorized to issue to (Joe Bar
nard duplicate warrants in the sums of
$3.10 and $3.60 in lieu of warrants acci
dentlv destroved.
Matter oi Willow creeic nruige; w t
Settlemier, supervisor, authorized to se
cure material and repair same.
Matter of wood (or county une; eierR
authorized to receive bids for 15 cords of
2-ftwood, (pine) until May 26th, and
then let to lowest responsible rmiaer,
Matter of sia-n-boards: those made not
satisfactory: bids to be received.
Matter o( Darling canyon roaa; super
visor directed to nee to the matter of its
Matter of illegal tax sales to J W
Smith; warrant to issue to Mr Smith for
amounts paid on same on his surrender
ing deeds , new deed to be given for one
certain tract.
Matter of a deed of right-of-way for
road, by T C Mobley, accepted ; J R
Kalaton to attend to construction oi roaa.
Clerk was directed to draw a warrant
on the road fund for $100 in favor of
Com J R Ralston, for nse on the county
road No 77, at T U Mobley's place.
J W Mainilre, Supv'r dint No 1. ... . I 51 00
H D Randall, lupvr dint 14 . S00
Wm J Mariner, co indite'i salary 83
W J Edward, cocom fees. ... WHO
J R Ralston, co com feel 20 40
W LWIlOOX.iherltr foes 433 77
Vol Wheeler, assessor fee! 168 00
Jay P Lhci, clerk' fee!. 271 86
J i Cooper, road viewer. . . . . . . . 00
P A Fry, road viewer 2 00
i B Smith, road viewer 200
W J Smith, chain bearer ........ .. 200
John Handly, chain bearer 2 00
G Schilling, marker. 2 00
W W Kennedy, iilryeyor. ., 1000
J A Spalding, road viewer . 2 00
D 8 Brown, rond viewer 2 00
G G 1'arman, road viewer 200
A 6 Rice, ohain bearer 200
EE Smith, chain bearer..., 200
Wm Campbell, marker. 200
W W Kennedy, surveyor. . . . . . 8 00
St Vincent Honpltal, care of C W Glenn
and S C Thompion 84 00
Condon GLoue, printing...., 28 f0
E E Smith, cover for asMor'i book 5 00
Al llcmhaw, coffin for Root Prlond, dee'd a"i00
Lewi! A Miller, stock inspector1! lalary . . , . .62 50
J W Smith, indue for pauper 8 25
Glaii A rnidhomroo, book! for circuit
court (by orJer circuit JuUso) . . . .... 40 09
i R Clark, senrtces m IV 2 00
Albert Bill, witucMi 1 1 cotirt 1180
Geo Metteer, wltnen! i P court IS 00
Chaa Prindle, wltnem J P court 9 70
M nt Jerortc BrlKCp wltnem J P court. .... 7 70
8 A Maddock, boarding Jarora 18 00
A A iayne, atty fee 25 00
Herbert Halatead, aalary at treamirer, Mch
and April, 1894 4167
Mm Mollle I'errlri, meali for Jury. ......... 60
1 II Downing, indue for court 8 00
3 H Downing, clothe! for pauper. 14 75
h W Darling, utatloiiery for court. ... 480
Johnion Jc Wilcox, hauling for county 4 00
V FBtricklin, work on roada In dlxt No 3. . 64 88
Jai 8 Stewart, witnem fern 10 00
FomII Journal, publishing notice 600
W L Wilcox, board oi prisoner ...... 17 10
W L Wilcox, sheriff! feel. 43 85
Armory Hall Co, rent of hall for circuit
court . 5000
Albert Henahaw, jury feea..... 22 00
J R Clark, fee on Inquest. 8 80
F B Steven, Inquest Juror 1 80
Geo Knox, same 140
H N Andreaen, name 1 20
John tiro, aame. 130
Geo Moore, same 120
H X Gould, aame , 140
H B Hendricks, notary feea on inqiant 1 00
S B Htttveiii, hauling corpse to Condon on
Inquest.... 100
JaaKlser, dlgglnggravefordec'd pauper.. 100
AI Mooro, same .,. 100
J A Brandenburg, guarding corpse. ....... 100
Wm Uvltigsto, same 100
Dr JnoH Hudson, examining corpse 8 00
W A Goodwin, making box and furnish
ing lumber.. 200
J M Brown, witness fees 1000
L Parker, school Supt salary, 2 month. ... 60 00
h Parker, stationery 4 80
L Parker, examining teachers 9 00
E W Daggett, assistant examiner 9 00
Lena E Hnell, assistant examiner 9 00
Armory Hall Co, rent for examination. ... 6 00
W W Kennedy, examining road site. ...... 400
David Gibson ...I C 00 R F Monroe 1600
A Neel 660 J E David 800
BKSearcy 200 JBoyer 200
HCMyera J6 00 Jesse Nye 500
EE Smith 2 00 H J Nott 8 80
Geo Hanna 7 80 WE Reed 7 80
TC Mobley 140 FD Billiard 17 20
Al McCoimell. ... 14 40 Thurston Butcher. 20 00
Chris Nelson 1700 PA Fry 14 20
AD Haley...,... J500 JosBalrd.... 1700
8 B Barker 1200 A Havre 700
RoU Spencer ... 7 80 G W Welibhoni.. 700
SA DHtirt 780 H W Pentecost ... 1000
F H Allen 1800 Wm Head .1000
t P Conroy 16 20 G W Chamberlain. 16 40
Win Hunt 1500 Henry WUklmv- 1500
C M Spenser 1700 J E Redmond 1600
S 8 Cole 17 3D G 8 Smith 17 00
HTPropat 14 00 W I Fletcher 1600
WH Francis 22 40 Ed F Horn... 2800
Clayton Shan... 2700 WGKey . 2300
FA Knox.. 26 00 WmDunlap 600
Jas McKlnney... 17 60 W K Boyer.. 1420
JEMcKlnny ... 600 H 8 Moore 24 80
Chaa Huntley ... 2 00 FH Douglas 2700
Arthur Myers ... 600 D F Ball 27 00
EHcndrU 600 J A Riser 2220
I A Henderson... 23 00 Geo Gibbons 800
APLacy.... 800 WGFlett 2300
Joseph Frluell.. 24 40 CADanneman ... 22 40
RuftuRldg 6 70 Ben Petti John..... 600
JMHoath 640 Perry South 500
8R Stephen ... 200 John F Oresham.. 640
Wm Davenport.. 600 Geo Gibbons 700
Cha LHlie 670 D H Smith 960
J Thompson... . 1140 Tbos Griffin 1180
Ed Wanhburn. .""14 80 Peter Peterson. .. 1J 80
Jas Harvey 12 40 Jas Jordan -12 70
DruilU Crane... 14 00 Chas Coate 8 40
J Thompson .... 2 00 H HHendrick ... 2 00
J A Richmond. .. 11 00 Enoa Wilson . 16 80
Frank Nelson ... 800 GeoBrasfield 7 00
JaaBraasfield ... 7 00 J W Clark ....1300
Jas H Nelson.... 7 00 WmBraafleld 7 00
D H Smith...... 600 Wm. Caldwell ... 640
W 8 Myers 2 00 Frank MeConnell 6 40
Chas Nelson. ... 8 00 E Whitehead ...... 12 00
W A Goodwin ... 200 Benton Mlrea.. .. 17 40
Fred Mire 17 40 K Wither 80
FG Stricklin 2 00 PFCaon... 800
Felix Htrirklin.. 800 John Walker 1200
WN Brown 10 00 JAW Scoggln 400
J H Downing .. 4 00 Jno u Hudson ... 6 00
JJHntan 6 00 J E Fttagerald. ... 1200
MraJEFIUfferald 600 Jas Morrow 8 80
Wm Shepard ... 1660 GeoBowley 9 40
MraRErhllbrlck 960 A B Lamb 1000
Chaa G Mlllett.. 12 0Q Owen Shepard. .. 1500
Cha Parker 2000 AlbertBiMi 1920
Coe Barnard ... 1220 BethBarnard 1620
Margaret Barnard 16 20 II Stoke ... 12 00
TB Hoover 8 00 Tho Watson 800
E Whitehead ... 8 00 BGaffney 800
SC Donaldson... 8 00 Rufas Ring.... 870
Herbert Halstead 4 00 Ed Maya 3860
GeoMetteer 2120 K McDonald 1860
Robt Moore 20 60 Albert Bill! 200
I Enyart 14 40 Wm Ostrander.... 2800
Simon Gamble.. 1600 Benton Mire 8 00
David Hamilton. 1060 Mary Hamilton.... 1060
David Hamilton 8 60 Mary Hamilton.... 860
W W Kennedy.. 16 00 WW Kennedy.... 1600
W6 Thompson.. 20 00 Mrs V S Thompson 1600
DelZaohary 18 00 Wm Wilson 14 60
Elmer Barnard . 16 20 Ebel Clarno. ... 28 00
Susie Malone ... 26 00 Harrison Huntley 24 60
Robt Palmer ... 2800 Mahlou Hall 1600
Owen Hliepard.'. 2 00 Eston Buffilngton 600
Chas Clarno 2000 Chas Prindle.. ... 24 70
MrsC B Zachary 19 JO Myron Hamilton.. 12 40
Jas King 2080 Napoleon Hastings 2000
LC Hoffman .. 20 00 W 8 Thompson.... 200
Fred Mire ..... 8 00 H Stoke 1000
JR Clark , 10 00 Cha Huntley. .. 27 00
John Palmer ... 630 T G Johnson ..... 400
JtM Veatott, wituoms loes (Sept term).,,,., 840
Ellen Clarno, witness fees 2600
Fran. Clarno, wttnesr fee 26 00
J W Clarno, witness fees... . 26 00
J W McKlnney, work on sign-boards 44 00
L O Ralston, ilalm for Jury fees 6 00
R H Robinson, dressing corpse (Robt
Friend) i 00
Wm Dunlap, dressing corpse (Robt Friend) 200
8tat or Okkoon, I
County of Gilliam J 88
I, Jay P Lucas, county clerk and ex-offlclo
clerk of the county court of the State ol Oregon
lor the county oi (allium, hereby certify that the
foicgoing Is a true statement ol the business
transacted at the May 1H94 term of the above
named court. In Witness whereof I have here
unto set may hand and the seal of said court,
this 16th day of May, 184. Jay P. I.ccas,
County Clerk
In the semi-annual statement of Gilli
am county, recently published, the item
of stock inspector's salary was not ex
plained as fully aal desired. $125 of the
amount allowed on that account was in
lieu of that amount of warrants previous
ly Issued to Alex Duthle ex-stock Itispec
tor, which warrants were accidently de
stroyed, and by order of the court these
duplicates were issued.
Jay P. Lucab, Co. Clerk.
Republican Speaking.
Mr, J. E. David, republican candidate
for representative, will address the peo
pie of Condon on the political issues of
the day on Saturday, 26th day of Mav,
.1894, at 1 :30 p. m at which time all
are cordially invited to be present.
T. R. Lyons,
Sec, Rep. Cn. Own. Com.
L. till. DARLIMC & GO.
Books - Stationery,
Brushes, Fine Soaps, Sponges, &c.
Customers will find ouf stock complete, comprising many Articles it i
impossible here to enumerate,
J. H,
Hardware, Wagons, Buggies,
Carts, Plows and all kinds of Farm Machinery,
Condon Hotel ,
Condon, Oregon
This Large New Hotel is the Most Comfortable and BeSt-Fu fi
nished Hotel in Gilliam County.
First-class Accommodation and Low Rates
The table is snpplied with the best that the market affords.
Wallpaper and window shades a specialty.
A full line of builders' materials constantly on hand, such as doors,
windows, mouldings, shingles, oils, paints, glass, etc. Also stoves,
pumps in fact everything imaginable in this line. I have a first-class
lumber yard in connection. Get my prices before buying elsewhere.
Are located in Lost Valley, Oregon, 18 miles
from Condon, 12 miles from Mayville, 12
miles from Fossil, 5 miles from Lone Rock, .
In the Most Natural and Accessible Location
for a Mill in Gilliam County,
The best body of timber in Eastern Oregon.
It is my aim to keep constantly on hand, ready for imme
diate delivery, a full and complete stock of rough lumber,
dressed flooring, rustic, tine finishing lumber, etc, etc.
A lot of Al Cedar Shingles in Stock at Condon.
Before purchasing elsewhere, you are respectfully invited
to call and see the quality of my lumber, get my prices,
and I am satisfied you will buy your . lumber from me. ;
Proprietor and - Manager.
T. G. John sox.
Livery, Feed and Sale Stables,
Large Kew Barn on North Main Street,
Condon, - - Oregon.
First-class Rigs Always on Hand at Very Reasonable Rates
A share of the public patronage is respectfully sxilicited.
and all sold at moderate prices.
Ed. Duns asd 3m., Di ns,
V. L. Wilcox.
& Wilcox,