HE- GQiiDQ!! GLOBE. FRIDAY, APRIL 20. 1894. THE OFFICIAL PAPER OF GILLIAM COUNTY, OREGON. The first serious movement in the direction of electing senators by a popular vote is being made by this congress, and, while we are not hopeful that it will be accomplish ed, we are gratified that it is mak ing so much progress as to even re ceive the serious attention of con gress. " It will have to be done by a constitutional amendment sub mitted by congress and ratified by two-thirds of the state legislatures. If the amendment were submitted, there is but little doubt about its ratification. There is a strong pop ular feeling against the present ' method of electing senators, and, in fact, there is a growing feeling in favor of abolishing the senate al together. The tendency the world over is toward popular government and of keeping all power as close to the people as it is possible to keep it. The result of the late eivil war in a measure obviated the necessity for an upper branch of congress. When .the doctrine of state sovereignty was extinguished it removed the basis principle upon which the senate rested. Since it has been established that this is a nation of the whole people and not a confederacy of states, there seems to be an inconsistency in maintain ing a department of the govern ment that was founded upon the idea that the states as independent sovereignties were entitled to dis tinct representation. But, be that as it may. there is still a popular notion that the senators should be brought into closer touch with the body of people and should be direct ly responsible to them. It is safe to say that out of the whole num ber of senators now occupying seats one-third of . them could not be elected to any public office by a popular vote. This is a travesty on popular government, and the sooner it is mended the better. It wouldn't take many eucb term of court like the present one to bankrupt little Gilliam county. The severest con demnation U expressed by .everybody against the Fossil paper and its editor for bringing such a trifling, flimsy case into circuit court, running the county into bnndreda of dollars expense simply for a little malicious spite work and to get a few dollars fees out of it.' What is the city government for if not to settle euch little differences? The taxpayers and every body are justly indignant at such small work. It is an insult to the taxpayers and all good citizens. Of course the jury returned a verdict of not guilty, and the verdict gives universal eatisfaction. But it does not exclude Mr. Stewart from getting his fees, which he boasted was his object in prosecuting. What a pity it is that the costs can not be saddled onto the prosecutor in such cases. The grand jury may have done their duty in this case, but & very large majority of the public think that a true bill should not have been found. Mr. Stewart testified under oath that the mayor and conncilraen of Fossil advised him to take the case before the grand jury. Afterwards these gentlemen were asked if this was true, and they postive ly deny having ever done anything of the kind. Even the judge was indignant because of this bill, and said that the next grand jury that returns a true bill for simple assault and batttery he will impose a fine upon each one of them. The following is the meaning of two big words that have been used considerably lately: The initiative means that when a certain percent age of all the voters sign a petition in favor of the enactment of any new law, or the repeal of any old one, and file their petition with the proper officers, the proposed law or repeal must be submitted to "all the Voters at the ballot box at the next election. If the proposal re ceives a majority of the votes cast it becomes a law; otherwise not. Laws made by the initiative are not presented to the legislature at all. The referendum ' means that all bills passed by the legislature must be referred to the voters at the ballot box at the next election, and that no bill can become a law unless it receives a majority of the Totes cast. A False Rumor. Cboy, Sukbman Co., April H, 94. Ed. Globe; It has been reported that the John Day bridge has been washed away. Allow me to state that such is not the case, as the bridge still remains nd is In good condition for travel. Be lda4 euoogb to inform the public of the DEMOCRATIC STATE, DISTRICT AND COUNTY TICKET. For Governor. William Galloway, of Yamhill. Secretary of Stat. Charles Nickell, of Jackson. State Treasurer, Thos. L. Davidson, of Marion. Supreme Judge, A. S. Bennett, of The Dalles. Attorney-General, V. H. Holmes, of Marion. Supt. of Publto Instruction. , D. V. S. Reid, of Lane. State Printer, ' John O'Brien, of Portland. 1 . For Congress, . First District, J. K. Weatherford, of Linn; Second District, James II. Raley, of Umatilla. SEVENTH JUDICIAL DIST. . Prosecuting Attorney, E. B. Dufur, of The Dalles. Member of State Board, T. H. LaFollette, of Prineville. GILLIAM COUNTY TICKET. Representative, ' H. Clay Myers, of Blalock. , County Judge,' Geo. W. Rinehart, of Condon. . County Clerk, Mont R. Downing, of Condon. Sheriff, W. L. Wilcox, of Condon. Treasurer, . Clarence A. Shurte, of Arlington. Commissioner, Wni. F. Dyer, of May Yille. Assessor, Henry J. Nott. of Olex. School Supt., Chas. Royse, of Idea. . Coroner, D. S. Brown, of Condon. So long as men will go on sup porting a party, regardless of the record they make, just so long will they witness extravagance, trickery and rottenness. Parties who have been too long in power never fail to grow corrupt, and so long as the people support them just so long will they continue to be corrupt Let us thank God for the indepen dent voter. It is they and they alone that purify the atmosphere of party rottenness. As long as men will vote for a party through thick and thin through evil as well aB through good report just so long will that party continue to misrepresent the people. We like to see men of the Jackson type in all shades of politics. It is to such men that we owe it that we have any purity at all in the politics of the country. baleni Independent. In the case of the state vi. Geo. Zaehary, Jai. Barnard. Coe Barnard and Myron Hamilton, a motion was made for a change of venue on the ground of prejudice. On the argument, counsel for deft's urged that the case should be sent to Sherman county for trial; that the people of this county would be glad to get rid of them, while in Sherman county they were actually clamoring for criminal cases. It seems that at the last term of court in-that county some cases were re moved to Wasco county for trial, and some of the citizens feeling that their county had been unfairly treated, it was urged that this was an excellent opportunity to gratify the demands of that county for criminal work. It is too bad that they could not have been transferred, thus gratifying both counties and killing two birds with one stone. - The editor of an exchange says he knows some people so exceedingly mod est that in speaking.: of a person's leg they persist in calling it a limb; but the young lady who, in speaking of a certain breed of chickens, called them ''Brown Limbhorns" is, he thinks, entitled to the cake and the whole bakery. By using Hall's Hair Kenewer, gray, faded or discolored hair assumes the nat ural color of youth, and grows luxuriant and strong, pleasing everybody. Anyone desiring a first-class, bran-new wagon, hack or buggy, at about one-third less than the price usually charged, will find it to their advantage to see the Globe man. Increase the appetite by the use of Ayer's Cathartic Pills. They cause the stomach, liver and bowels to perform their functions properly, do net debili tate by excessive stimulation, and are not irritating in their action. As an after-dinner Pill they are unequaled. It would be worth while for the ladies to bear in mind that if they take a gentle course of Ayer's Sarsaparilla in the spring, they will have no trouble with "prickly heat," "hives," "sties," "boils" or "black heads," when summer comes. Prevention is better than cure. Those who never read the advertise ments in their newspapers miss more than they presume. Jonathan Kenison. of Bolan, Worth Co., Iowa, who has been troubled with rheumatism in his back, arms and shoulders read an item in his paper about how a prominent German citizen of Ft. Madison had been cured. He procured the same medicine, and to use his own wards: "It cured me right up." He also sayd; "A neighbor and his wife were both sick in bed with rheumatism. Their boy was over to my house and said they were so bad he had to do the cooking. I told him of Cham berlain's Pain Balm and how it had cured me, he got a bottle and it cured them up in a week. 6l)c bottles for sale by nit druggist, . REPUBLICAN STATE, DISTRICT AND COUNTY TICKET. For Governor, Wni. P. Lord, of Salem. Secretary of State, II. R. Kincaid, of Eugene. State Treasurer, Phil Metschan, of Canyon City. Supreme Judge, C. E. Wolverton, of Albany.; . .... , - v: Attorney-General, C. M. Idleman, of Portland. Snpt. of Publlo Instruction, G. M. Irwin, of Union. State Printer, W. II. Leeds, of Jacksonville. For Congress, First District, Binger Hermann; Second District, W. R. Ellis. SEVENTH JUDICIAL DIST. Prosecuting Attorney, A. A. Jayne, of Arlington. Member of State Board, W. C. Wills, of Prineville. . GILLIAM COUNTY TICKET. Representative. ' y J. E; David, of Blalock. " ' County Judge, W. J. Mariner, of Blalock. County Clerk, J. P. Lucas, of Condon. Sheriff, J. D. Livingston, of Mayville. Treasurer, - S. B. Barker, of Condon. . .. Commissioner, , E. M. Clyrner, of Fossil. Assessor, M. 0. Clarke, of Lone Rock. School Supt., W. W. Kennedy, of Fossil. Surveyor, ' f J. II. Hill, of Condon. Coroner, W. A. Goodwin, of Condon. ' Remember that hereafter all those not paying in advance for the Globb will be charged $2 a year. In advance, $1.60. Attention In time to any irregularity of the Stomach, Liver, or Bowels may prevent serious consequences. Indigestion, coativeness, headache, nau isea, bilious- fness, and ver tigo indicate certain func tional derange ments, the beat remedy for which is Ayer's Pills. Purely vege table, sugar-coated, easy to take and quick to assimilate, this is the ideal family medicine the most popular, safe, and useful aperient in phar macy. Mrs. M. A. Bkockwell, Harris, Tenn., says: "Ayer's Cathartic Hits ured me of sick headache and my husband of neuralgia. We think there U -No Better Medicine, and have Induced many to use It. " Thirty-five years ago this 8prlr.g, I was run down by hard work and a succession of colds, which made me so feeble that it was an effort for me to walk. 1 consulted the doctors, but kept sinking lower untU I had given up all hope of ever being better. Happening to be In a store, one day, where medicines were sold, the proprietor noticed my weak and sickly appearance, and, after a few questions as to my health, recom mended me to try Ayer's Hits. I bad little faith in these or any otber medicine, but concluded, at last, to take bis advice and try a box. Before I bad used them all, I was very much better, and two boxes cured me. I am now 80 years old; but I believe that U it had not been for Ayer's Fills, I should have been In my grave Jong ago. I buy boxes every year, which make 210 boxes up to this time, and I would no more be with out them than without bread." H. H. Ingrabam, Bockland, Me. AYER'S PILLS Prepared by Or. J. 0. Ayer fc Co., Lowell, Hue. Every Dose Effective It will be an agreeable surprise to per sons subject to attacks of bilious colic to learn that prompt relief may be had by taking Cbamberlain'sCclic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. In many instances the attack may be prevented by taking this remedy as soon as the first symp toms of the disease appear. 25 and 60 cent bottles for sale by all druggists. Our better halves say they could not keep house without Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It is used in more than half the houses in Leeds. Sims Bros., Leeds, Iowa. This shows the esteem in which that remedy in held where it has been sold for years and is well known. Mothers have learned that there is noth ing so good for colds, croup and whoop ing cough, that it cures these ailments quickly and permanently, and that it is pleasant and safe for children to take. 50c bottles for sale by all druggists. BUSINESS LOCALS. Book! of all klndi. L. W, Darling & Co. Dished and glassware at L. W. Darling & Co.'s. We are Just hunting forchrooic coughs to care. "8. B," for sale by U W. Darling 4 Co. The 8. B. Cough Cure is simply perfect. Spend 50c with L. W. Darling, and you will be kwIv tn sing. Hie German-American Insurance Co., of New York. bs established an office at CoBdon with L. W. Darling as agent Auk at L. W. Darling & Co.'f drug store for the 8. B. Headache cure, and you will bo given the beat headache medicine known. The famous "Williams Barber Bar Shaving Soap" the best In the. world lor the toilet and for shaving. For sale by I. W. Darling 4 Co. The freshest, purest and best stock of prescrip tion medicines in the country can bo found at Ihe drug store of I.. W. Darling & Co,, Condon, POPULIST STATE, DISTRICT AND COUNTY TICKET. FOR GOVERNOR, Nathan Pierce, of Umatilla. MEMBER OF CONGRESS, 1ST DIST., Charles Miller, of Marion. MEMBER OF CONGRESS 20 DIST., Joseph Waldrop, of Multuomah. ATTORNEY GENERAL, M. JL Olmstcad.of Baker. SUPREME JUDGE,' R. P. Boise, of Polk. SECRETARY OF STATE, Ira Wakefield, of Jackson. TREASURER, R. P. Caldwell, of Lane. SUPT. OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION, T. C. Jory, of Marion. STATE PRINTER, ' 0. M. Orton, of Multnomah. SEVENTH JUDICIAL DIST. PROS. ATTORNEY, E. P. Sine, of Morrow. BOARD OF EQUALIZATION, B. K. Searcy, 6f Gilliam. gilliam county ticket. represIntative, 1. A. Henderson, of Mayville. COUNTY JUDGE, G. W. Marvel, of Olex. - COUNTY CLERK, F. B. Moore, of May ville. SHERIFF, Job. T. Anthony, of Fossil. TREASURER, t -. J. R. Clark, of Condon. COMMISSIONER, Morgan Ward, of Lone Rock. ASSESSOR, Henry Wilkins, of Olex. SURVEYOR, Chas. Fix, of Condon. CORONER, Geo. W. Crawford, of Lone Rock. A Lost Dog. On Tuesday, April 17th a Scotch collie dog was lost at Condon. The dog was either stolen or strayed off, and a suita ble reward will be paid for bis return to the livery stable of Wilcox & Johnson at Condon. The color of the dog is black aud tan, with small white spot on breast. Dissolution Notice. Notice is hereby given that the co partnership heretofore existing between E. E. Smith and M. E. l'errin, doing business at Condon, Oregon, under the firm name of Smith & l'errin, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. All ac counts due the said tirtu are payable to E. E. Smith, who will settle all debts against the hrm. E. E. Smith, M. E. IKHKiM. Dated April 4, 1894. Lost, Strayed or Stolen. One sorrel horse, 3 years old this spring; was a stallion when last seen one year ago; small white star in face; weight about 1000 lbs; branded on left shoulder F B connected, the F being in verted, and a small bar under both, was last Been in Lost Valley country. I will pay f5 reward to anyone who will catch the horse and uotifv me of his whereabouts, or upon his delivery to me at my ranch in Lost Valley. Brick Balding. The Midwinter Fair. If you intend visiting the great Mid winter Fair, call on the nearest Union Pacific agent, and he can tell you all about the exceedingly low rate and ad vantages offered by this line to San Fran cisco and return, or address W. II. Horl burt, Asst. Gen'l Pass. Agent, Portland. Choice Confectionery. When you want anything In the line of real nice, fresh confectionery of all kinds candies, nuts, bananas, honey in comb, celery, cigars, etc., call at my new store next door to Barker's store. Mas. A. Bbasdenbubo. Notice of Final Settlement. In the County Court of the state of Oregon for the County of Gilliam. In the mutter of the estate of Herman Beekamp, deceased. Pursuant to an order of Hon. Wm. J. Mariner, judge of the above-entttled court, dated March 6, WM, notice is hereby given to the heirs, creditors and other persons interested in the above-entitled estate, that the undersigned administratrix of said estate has tiled her final account, and said court has appointed Mar 8, 1H94, at 2 o'clock p. a. of said day as the time, aud the county coHrt rooms in Condon, Gilliam county, Oregon, as the place, for hearina all objections to such final account and the settlement thereof. All such person Interested in said estute will therefore, on or before said day appointed for such hearing and settlement, file their objections thereto, if any, in the manner prescribed by law. titer Dabunq, (nee Lucy Heck amp) tn!6-5 Administratrix. Notice of Final Settlement. In the Connty Court of the State of Oregon. County of Gilliam. . In the mutter of the estate of John C. Stotler, deceased. Notice is hereby giyen, that William Keys, the administrator ot tne estate of John C. Btotler, deceased, nas rendered and ment. and tiled In said court resented lor settle t bis Dual account of his administration of said estate, and that on MmV a. nt A n'clfwk tv m ui th. nntw v.um of said court in Condon, Oregon, in said city and comity, iias oeeu uuiy appointed nytlon. vvm. .1. Muiiuer, Judge of said court, for the final set tlement of said account, at which time and place any person interested in said estate may appear and file exception In writing to the said accoHiit, and contest the same, Dated March 7, 1894. William Kays, ml6-5 " Administrator, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION, 0N.7 Lano Opn:ie atThf, Dam.e.'.Ob., Mch. nonce in nereny inven mm in toiur named settler 1ms Hied notice of his Into make tinnl proof In lnjiixirt of his claim' said proof will be made before J. .1$ ty clerk of Gilliam county, at Con(f on April 2H, viz: Al.VIX SAYKE, Hd df' for the e'i tu and neW sec.' He names the following witue continuous residence upon ' said land, vis: H. 8. Moore Woodland and Geo. Moore, Ml; mlU-4 . Johm Yf To Whom It Mai Notice is hereby Riven ti stionsmie lor any aeout con Komnson, my wue, she without cause left my bed i Duto( at Ione Rock, Or,, S. B. BARKER, -DEALER IS- GENER'L MERCHANDISE' CONDON, OREGON. STOCKMEN'S SUPPLIES OF ALL KINDS A SPECIALTY. Lone Rock Sawmill, ' J. S HeKINNEY, Proprietor. Situated 22 miles southeast of Condon, on the ridge road. Iam now prepared to furnish, on short notice, any kind of lumber at prices to shit the times, and on terms that ' will satisfy any honest man. My prices are as follows; ROUGH, $9; DRESSED, SI G.50 TO 022.50 With a Liberal Discount for all Over Two Inches Thick. I have also' established a lumber yard at Condon with Mr. Al Hen shaw in charge, who will be pleased to wait on you or take your order. ' . DEALER IN HARNESS, SADDLERY, WHIPS, SPURS, CHAPS, rni l a do ru iidtc trrr CONDON, - - OREGON. HAND AND MACHINE-MADE HARNESS. Repairing a specialty. Call and see us when you are at the county seat. I have had twenty years experience in this business and MY PRICES DEFY COMPETITION. 2 JEWELER ANDWATCHIV1AI(ER. R. H. ROBINSON, A jeweler of six years experience is prepared to do all kinds of repair ing in a first-class manner and at very moderate rates. ORDERS FOR WATCHES AND JEWELRY taken, also engraving done to order by a ' , Francis Improved Engraving Machine. All Work Guaranteed for one year. Shop in Smith's Harness Shop, Condon, Or. New Harness ShopI CHAS. F. PERRIN, Proprietor. I have just opened up a bran-new harness shop, and very respectfully invite the public to call at my shop when in need of anything in my line. I make a specialty of repair ing, and guarantee first-class work. Give me a chance. TEH PER GT. DISCOUNT Oil ALL GASH SALES. Shop in Barr building, opposite the postoffice, CONDON, - - - OREGON. J. F. FORD, EVANGELIST, Of Dea Moines, Iowa, writes under date of March 22, 1893: 8. B. Mro. Co., Dtifur Uregon. Gentlemen: On arriving home hat week, 1 found all well and anxiously awaiting. Our little girl, eight and one half years old, who had waited away to 38 pounds, is now well, strong and vig orous, and well fleshed up. 8. B. Uougli Cure has done its work well. Both of the children like it. Your 8. B. Cough Cure has cured and kept away all hoarse ness from me. So give It to every one, with greetings for all. Wishing you prosperity, we are yours, Mb. & Mum. J. F. Fokd. tf yoO wish to feel fresh and chwrful, and read for the Killing's work, clxansu your system will the Headache and I.lver Cure, by taking: two or three dusus each week. M) cents ner Iwiitln hv ! druggists. Sold andcr posltlv -- L. W. DAP' V New Butcher Shop, CONDON. OREOON. CEO. L. NEALE, Prop'n I am now prepared to furnish th peopis ot Condon and vicinity with the choicest of fwult meat of all kinds, at all timea. My prices at very reasonahle, and I rcwtftilly wAlolt your patroiiairo. Hhop on Main Ml., next door K t ha lurn Hire store, I Insist upon bavins a settle, ment with all my mistomors the first of each month. No variation from this rolo. CONDON BLACKSMITH SHOP. G. S. CLARK, Prop'r. Ceneral Blacksmith I ng and WOODWORK. wt only first-class blacksmith and opr in the county. ndon, Oregon. 00.