THE COIIDOi! GLOBE. FRIDAY. MARCH 3, 1803. Theyeariv bwljtlon U tha Olobf, In Vt.AO, invariably fn advance, Kt deviation from thta nils, Tha pnpnr will be stoiified at tlia and of ihw tlrrus for which It is paid miles further or ariored and paid for. A blue pencil mark sromid f nkle Indicates that your antwrlptlon ho I .it , and If you wish the paper continued you Ihould remit the amount hs soon aa possible. GLOBOSITIES. Coiinty court meets next Monday, 6th. The new butcher ihop is now running at full blast. ' : Born, FrJcUy, Feb. 22d to tlie wife of Gfto.' Itobirmon near Coudoj, a on. Ballots for the city election were print ed at the Globb Job rooms to-day, Fri day. W. A. Eodkey, one of Arlington's en terprlalng , Lttyioess men .was in town Wednesday. Knox & Johnson are having a well dug at their livery stable, which will t add much to its convenience. A large number of warranty deeds, mortgage and chattel mortgage blanks t this office, for sale cheap. ! Our magnificent "Universal" jobber has been kept buzzing the last week or o, turning out flrHt-cliiHS work. In a trade with Alex Hardie this week, L. W. Darling becomes the owner of 40 head of good cattle, valued at about $B00. J, II. Downing unt purchased 150 acres of excellent land near Mayviile, from Mrs. and Mrs. Frank Woods. Consider, atlon, 000. Our school will close next Wednesday. It has been a lucceimful term, and the teachers doserve much credit for their earnest and effective efforts. Born, Friday, Feb. 24, 1802, to Mr. and Mrs. F. M. l'liter, a son. Unfortu naty Mrs. l'liter caught cold a few Urn .alter and baa been very ttiek since. Geo. W. WelHhhons, who bad been at work a Miller & Hill's saw mill since last suinmor, moved bHck with his family to ' their ranch near Clem this week. . " U seems to have been a false rumor about Brick Balding buying the Spencer farm on Kock creek. At least Brick aays there's nothing in it, and he ought to know. Bills are posted for an entertainment to be given hero this Thursday evening by the Uooseberry Comedy Company. We understand it is well worth the ad mission price. ; Arthur Myers and family of Fossil moved onto J. 1J. Spaulding's ranch on finiption this week, Arthur having been employed by Mr. Spaulding to look after bis farm and stock. , 1 Henry Hons came up this week from Arlington, where he spent the winter with his mother, lie expects to remaiu here this summer and work at-the car pentering business. F. D. Smith.! the lucky. winner in the late Examiner prize-drawing, having won first prize, a farm in California val i)rwVit f3,&u0. The editor of thin excel leneekly also won a prize, valued at 15. ' After learning that Mr. Lucas had withdrawn his name from the ticket fur mayor, the name of Ueo. Tatom has been placed the field, and be and L. W. Dar ling are now the contestants for the mayorship honors. . A newspaper has been started at the Bamoan Islauds. The editor must have a picnic describing swell parties, recep tions, etc., as we are informed that the prevailing costume worn down there is a broad smile and a pairoi shell ear rings. We understand that teachers are a scarce "article" in . this county, this spring. A number of Frof. Hill's schol ar have just received teachers' certiii- cutcs, and any district in the county in need of a teacher can learn something to their interest by addressing Prof. J. II. Hill at Condon. The ladies of Condon will give a basket sociable in the church Friday evening, which promises to be a grand success. Each lady is expected to bring a basket containing enough lunch for 2, with her name on a tuir tied to the basket. All the baskets will then be placed on a ta ble and each gentleman la expected to buv one, also to help eat its contents with the lady whose nmuo is attached thereto. It will be great, and no one can alford to miss it. J. P. Lucas is visiting his aged father, Mr. A. W. Lucas, at Monmouth, Polk county, who has been in feeble health lately. On Friday be received a tele gram summoning him to his father's bedside, and he If ft next morning, La ter. - A letter from Mr. Lucas Wednes day states that his father is very poorly, and that it is not probable that lie will return to Condon within the next couple of weeks, Mr. Lucas, therefore, asks that bis name be withdrawn from the ticket for mayor. JJr, Thos. Stewart returned to Fossil . , I -1 I. - - i 1 , . Lfcti-ween irom nis om nome ui uccaiur, Ft Tvxm where be and Mrs. Stewart have ' beei visiting relatives since lust fall They have traded for the leading hotel in that city, and the doctor's trip up bore now is for the purpose of taking the balance of his stock back with him, and he will tat once assume the duties of land lord. The doctor is getting."1 pretty well ' along in years, and cannot stand the vig orous exertion of riding, hence his ob ject in getiiug at something easier. Beautiful spring has come at last. We were just about to write, and publish a few columns of poetry on "Springy" but Upon petition of the citizens asking us to "spare them,!' we bave concluded to avoid it. They say they bavn't done anything to deserve such punishment. Transcript: A lady over at Hillslwro has recently sold a brood of 400 chickens raised by her the past year, for $200. This does not take into account the egi$s soldwhich would doubtless liquidate all expenses. We'll bet our last year's hat against nickel that the lady's hunband didn't make as much clear coin off of bis 80-acre wheat field last year. , 4 In our mention of the new wells last week we omitted to mention that which was recently finished by W. F. Thurna gle, which is one of the best in town. Water has also been struck in the coun ty well, but as this was sunk on the highest point in town, It will be neces sary to go several feet deeper in order to obtain a sufficient quantity. ... School Clerk It. W. Cooke has notices j posted, calling for a regular annual meeting of the citizens of this district tiext Monday, 6th, for the purpose of electing two director., one to take the place of A. Henshaw, whose term ex pires, the other to fill the vacancy occa sioned by the resignation of D. S, Brown. A clerk will also be elected for the ensu ing year. . The City Primaries. Pursuant to call, the citizens of Con don met Monday evening in cam ns for the purpose of nominating candidates for the various city offices, the election of which will be held next Monday, 6th. Geo. W. Kinehart was elected chair man and Prof. Hill secretary of the meeting. After the usual preliminaries, nominations were in order, and resulted as follows, having voted to term the entire ticket, "Citizens' Ticket." For Mayor L. W. Darling and J. P. Lucas.' For Councilmen A. Henshaw, J. II. Downing, John. Maddock, W. L. Barker, Dan Rinehort. Geo. Knox, S. P. Suutt and J. W. Barr. For Treasurer G. W. Kinehart, II. B. Hendricks and U. W. Mackey. For Recorder H, S.Frazer, being the only nominee. This being the first experience of the kind for Condon, naturally there is a good deal of interest manifested in the coming election. On all the street cor ners can be seen bunches of tnen "au guring" each other until they get black in the face, so that by the time Monday comes around the voters will be in ex cellent trim for the occasion. Owing to nearly half of our citizana having homesteads in the country, not deeded, which wakes thein, Ineligible to a vote in the city, there are only about 34 of our citizens who are entitled to a vote at the city election Monday. A Vicious Attack. On Saturday, Feb. 18th, Dud Flynn, a young man about 2' yearsofage, with out any cause to speak of, made a vicious attack upon Mr. Ed Wiueland at Lone Hock. From what we can learn of the occurrence, it appears that Flynn had been "laying for" Mr. Winelaud, and when the latter stepped out of a store just after dark In the evening, Flynn dealt hi in a murderous blow which felled him to the ground. He then jumped upon the old man's face with his boot heels and repeatedly kicked him in the stomach and intestines until the old gen tleman was insensible. Home one then interfered, or he probably would have been murdered outright. - , As soon as Mr. Wiueland was able, which was several days after, be was brought to Condon, where he has since remained under the doctor's care. He is horribly cut np and wounded inter nally, and was obliged to carry both arms in slings, It will be many a day More be recovers his health again, if at all. He had a warrant sworn out for Flynn'a arrest, on a charge of assault with intent to kill. Deputy Sheriff Tom Johnson went over and brought him to town Saturday, lie waived examina tion and was bound over to the grand jury In the sum of $300, which were fur nished. Mr. Winalund has also brought suit against Flynn, through his attorneys Darling & Hendricks, for $400 damages, the papers lieing served Thursday. A Card. So much having been said concerning my nomination for councilman, I desire to say that I have not been, nor am I an aspirant now, for any office. If I serve in any oflicial capacity it will be when the office comes to me. I will say now what I have claimed for the last year, that my residence is at Condon; and should I be elected I will consider it my duty to qualify. But under nocircnm stances will I make any effort to get the oflice. W. L. Barkkb. Great Bargains. Now is the time to get full value for your stock. The undersigned dealers in real estate will exchange city .-property, farming lands and garden tracts in the following places; Victoria, Port Angela Blaine', Whutcijm, Seattle, EJlenstmrg, Lake Chelan and last, but not least, Ar lington. I will exchange the above prop erty tor cattle, horses or sheep. For full particulars call on. or address . ". L.M.Lapointk, Arlington, Or.f 117 - ' At oifice of Dr. IS. 11. Griffin. Lone Rock Rumblings. , Rev. Sherrlll is. as he terms It, deliv ering "bible lectures" to the good people of this burg. But it is plainly noticea ble that the people do not "tumble out" like they do when Rev. Rawlins occupies the pulpit. , Geo. Montgomery seems to be, from all appearances, gradually growing weak er, and the chances for his recovery are very discoursgi rig indeed. His sickness is the result of a severe attack of lagrippe some time ago. Dud Flynn came up from Condon the other day and reported that he " was bound over in the sum of t,0 to appear before the grand jury, also 30l) to keep the peace, the result of bis assault upon Ed Wiueland here a fpw days ago. '' Last Sunday night while our people were listening to a sermon by Rev. Wise some hoodlums stretched a wire string across the street in front of the door. Luckily a small boy came out of the church and discovered it in time to avoid what might have been a serious acci dent. This kind of foolishness is' too dangerous to be funny. These lads are "spotted," and should they ever repeat the conduct and any one get hurt, it will t pretty expensive fun for the parents of such unprincipled pups. The squirrel scalp bounty petition has a number of signers already. We-also saw a petition signed by quite a number of our legal voters, ' asking our county court at its next session to appoint R. M. Johnson Justice of the Peace for this precinct. No effort has been made to se cure a large list of names, for the reason that the county board is about as well acquainted, with Bob as the Lone Rock people are. We believe there is no don It that he will get the appointment, as a better-qualified man cannot be found in our community. Cowboy. We Give It UpCan't Account . ; -:; For. It. Goohkbkkuy, On., Feb. 25, 1893. Ed. Globe: As a subscriber to your paper I desire to ask a question. Why is it that the Globe does' not arrive at Gooseberry on Saturdays? We have mail every Saturday from Olex, and I understand that the paper, with but very few exceptions, comes from Condon to Olex on Fridays. I hope that whoever is to blame for this negligence will remedy the matter, as I do not care to get local news after it has become stale, when there seems to be no occasion for such delay. James Royse. t a-aa-a , . Taken Up. I have taken up and bave at my place near Condon the following-described horse: Weight about 1000 lbs; sorrel, with 3 white feet, and white 'face with sorrel siot in it ; age about 7 or 8 years ; has saddle marks and is branded on left shoulder, brand unknown. Owner can have the horse by proving property and paying expenses incurred. W. B. 31 VERS. Free Send For One. The Union Pacific have published a very neat pictorial world's fair folder, containing colored lithographs of the va rious exposition buildings, birds-eye view of fhe grounds, with a complete map of the city, showing location of the fair, hotels, railway depots, streetcar lines and city parks. Copy of the map can tie had. by addressing W. H. Hurlburt, Assistant General Passenger Agent, Port land, Oregon. Treasurer'sNotice. All county warrants registered prior to July 1. 1892, will be paid on present ation at my office. Interest ceases on and after this date. Herbert Halstead, County Treasurer. Dated Oct. 14, 1802. For Sale Cheap. I desire to sell my team of mules, har ness, wagon and complete outfit, also a sewing machine and a number of other household and farming utensils. They will be sqld at a bargain if applied for soon. J. M. Campbell, Condon. The Best Wagons. The best wagon in the world is the new Peter Sehuttler tabular axle wagon. The Steel Skein Sehuttler wagon has been in the lead for the past 50 years; the new tahular axle Sehuttler will be in the lead for the next 60 years. For sale by L. W. DarlingA Co., Coudon.Or. , Something Worth Reading. The Sunday Mercury, t)ia leading aport lng and Independent political newspaper In the Northwont, Is ptiMiabed at Portland, Or. Over 11,000 copies sold etich, week. Price, X2.50 a year. Newsboy wanted In every CUy and town lu the I'nlted Statci.' Price to newaboya, 5 cents a copy. Price to customers, lO cents a copy. Any peraon getting a boy in a town where The Mercury la not already aold, will be given a copy free ot charge for six months. Samplca free. Write to B. . WAT30N, Puor,, 94 East Morrison St., Portland, Or, TAdtes' ahoee, best quality, reduced from 12 to ll.a, cn; auujii ooots rouueeo io., warranto to equal any, Buckiuglpim & Heoht, At J. H. Downing's store. We have added a full Hue of patent medicines to our atot k and are now prepared to furnish any thing In this line needed by man or beast, ilal- sicau, itiuimnn n io. t Why be bothered with a burnt-out, broken or warned fire buck In your cook stove when you can tiny one of those patent adjustable bnckaat tlalHtead, Kinehart & Co.'s to tlltiny slue stove? ron,t forgot the Oliver Chilled when you want a plow. They are the best in the market. We are the sole agent for Condon and are wiling them at Arllugton prices, linlstead, Kinehart St to. Buliacrlptlona for all the newapinieia and mag azines in the United Htatim and also the lenmug panel's of the Old countries, received by llci'hert IhilKtead, at the rmxtorllce, at :iuhliiiliuro' u rices. ; It will aava you risk aud trouble. . ' '.. BUSINESS LOCALS. Book of oil kinds. U W. Parting St Co. Dlnhea and glatiaware'at L W. furling A Co.'i. Genuine elder vlnegur at Hnjittead, Kinehart & Co.'., . A linnof line, fanlilonuM'j pnpeterie, flrt-cla(i. I W. Iwrlltig Co., Condon. Hullaekeeprm, try Soma of the Liquid Waxhiug Bluing, ut Lrll!ig'a, Condon. I'lne tnupK of On-won, folded for pocket ue, 80c each, at L. W. Purling JtCo.'a. . All klnrla of dock nt Hnhtead, Kinehart & Co.'a, at prlcea toauit ilie tlinea. Yotir Mrd wowld lng better In a new cage. Get one from L. W. Purling & Co, We are Just hunting for chronic eonghs to eure. "H. iS," for aula by U W. Purling & Co. Window, doors and nil kinds of builder' hard ware, at HHltad, Kinehart & Co.', Condon. Toilet aoapa In endleaa variety, aluo the beat laundry onp in the world. - L. W. purling 6i Co. The f. B. Coiigh Cure 1 almply perfect, 'hpend MX- witli P, W, Parting, and you will be ready to sing. , Ladle, try our "Heat for the Weary" shoe, and ufl'-r no more with sore or tired feet. Ilalatead, Kinehart Co. The1 Oeroian-American Inanranc:e Co., of New York, hns eatabliohed an oflice at Condon with U W. Purling a agent Ask nt 1,. W. Purling It Co.' drag store for the 8. B. Headache i ure, and yon will be given the beat headache medicine known. - ' The freahcat, pureat and beat atook of preacrlp tlon iBodiciiiea In the country can be found at the dru store of L. W. parting & Co., Condon. The lamo'ia "Willlama Barber Bar Hhavlng Soap" the beat In the world for the toilet aua for anaviug. For sale by L. W. Purling it Co. Good ioii coat a little more, hnt the wear is out of all proportion to the coat. Rememherthia when b'.iying utid take notuing but the genuine BHi'kirigham it Heche They have a world-wide reputation for over a onurter of a century, lor solid merit Halstead, Kinehart & Co. We are agents for Knapp, Burrell it Co.'icom plete line of goodo, eonniating l wagon, c -riagen, otitic, backboards, namuas, gang, aui key and common plowa, barrow, fcetdera, d.-illn, h'.wJ'T, Hell-binders, mowers, reapers, rakes and all kinds of farming machinery. P?acriptiv cutalogHcs lull of information and prices upon applicaUon. Halstead. Kinehart & Co. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Or egon for the County of Gilliam. James B. Judgon, N. G. Blalock and Bayard T. Byrns, plaintiff, vs. Antonio De'Valembrosa Marques De Mores and The Northern Pacific Refrigerator Car Company, a corporation existing under the laws'of Jiew Jersey, defendants. To Antonio De Valembrosa Marques De .Mores and the Northern Pacific Re frigerator Car Company, a corporation existing under the Jaws of New Jersey, defendants. In the name of the State of Oregon : You are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled cause within ten days from the date of the ser vice of this Kummons upon you, if served witiiin this county ; or if served within any other county of this State, then within twenty days from the date of the service of this summons upon you; and if vou fail to answer, the plaintiff will take judgment against you to set aside a certain tleed of date, the 7th dav of May, lff4, and executed by The Blalock Wheat (ircwing Company to Antonio De Valembrosa Marques De Mores, convey ing the south baif andv the northeast quarter of the southwest quarter of sec tion thirty-six, township three north, of range nineteen east, Willamette Merid ian. N. G. Blalock, m3-8 ' For PlaiotiflfV. Dated this 26th day of February, 1893. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION., - Ln Orncij at Thb Dallcs, Oa., Jan. IS, 1893. Notice la hereby given that the following-named si-tlicr has lilcd notice of her intention to make linal pna.f In support of her claim, and thutaaid proot will be made before 1. P. Luoaa, county clerk of (iiilUm county, at Condon, Or., on March 13, lsi, via: MEI.Ii.-5A WARREN, Hd. 4557, for the nwl4' see. 34 tp J s of r 22 e. She names the following witneefcea to ptove her continuous residence upon and culUration of, said land, vis: 0. L. Wake of Gooseberry, W. P. f retieh of lone, J. A. Ward and Jos. Baird of Shelby, Oregon. J27-52 Johm VI. Lhwim, Register. ; NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Offic at The Daiaks, Ob., Jan. 16,1893. Notice ia herebv given that the follcwing n timed settler has filed notice of his intention to make dim) proof in support of his claim, and that Haiti proof will be made before .lay P. Lucbj, coun ty clerk, at Condon, Or., on March 8, 1893, via. JAMES CHISWELL, Hd. 2453, for the l"ta 2. S and 4. and aw ne sec 1 tp 6 of rl9e. He names tne following witnesses to prove his continuona residence upon ano culti vation of, said land, vis: M. Lewis, Jaa. Nickson, W, H. Stephens of Mayviile, and John Patterson of Fossil, Oregon. J27-&2 Johs W. Lgwia. Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Commuted Timber Culture Final Proof. V. 8. Land Office, The, O., Jan.16.lS93. Xottee Is herebv given that Melissa Powell has filed notice of her intention to make final proof before Jay P. Luoaa, county clerk of Ollliam cnuntv nt hi oflice In Condon. Oregon, on Tues- dav, the 14th dav of March, lS'-'S. on timbercnlture Application No. 15W, for the sec 10 tp 8 s of r 21 e. she mimes as witnesses: II. L. Moore and R. B. ot snowy, ana J. A. ..wrana v. E. Miller ol Condon, Oregon. J27-S1 john w . lkwis, rtegiaier. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Ofkick at The Dalles, Or., Jan. Ifi. 1S93. Kotif Is herebv given tbst tha loliowing nnmed settler has "tiled notice of his Intention to make flnul pmoi in support of his claim, and that oj. nnl will lu muri. htffnrA Jmv P. l.MCMB. connfy clwrk of milium count, at Condon, Or., on Marcn 7, iwj, vis: . FRASK E. SMITH. IJd. 2006, forthR Sieei'VitpSsot rjle. H names the (ollowlutt M ltnesses to prove his continwous res iilont'i, nnon and pultivation of. said land, vis: F. M. Springton, Jumes KiMlgers, Joneph Irevelt nd Henry hswk, auoi iioimon, uregon. gTM John W. Lew in. Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. I. and Officii at Tub Palles. Ok.. Jan. 24. '93. Notice Is hereby given that the following, named settler has tiled notieeof his Intention to nuike Hnal proof in support of his claim, and that Sulu prow win re uiuuv uviurcj. r. ijuviw, wiuir ty clerK oi Minium county, at jonaon, uregou on March 17, JSW, vis: JOHN IRONMONGER, Hd. 2096, . for the s'J ow'-i sec 1 and nw'f ne'f; ne-i uwV sec 2S tp d s of r '22 e. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous resiueni'e upon and cultivation of. said land, vis: Henry Green field, John E. Bntmptoti, Ororglluthliisou and James Codd, all of Condon, Oiegon. 127-52 John W. I.kwis, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Officr atTh Dalles, Or,, Jan. 25, 1S93. Notice is hereby xlven that the following named settler hu tiled notice of his Intention to make tinnl proof in support of hiselaim.audthHt said proof will be made liefore J, P. Lueas, eonn ty elerlt of Gilliam eounty, at Condon, OTegou, on March 14, 1H5W, vis: CHARLES W," BROWN, Hd. 2434, for the lots 1 and 2 and hw sec 2 tp 4 s of r 20 e. Ho names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence ujion and cultivation of, said land, viz; Kitlnh Froman, Geo. Ilansea, Fred Monroe, C. N, Wilson, all of Condon, Or, f:l-l John W. Lewis, Register, ASH0IALTV kASQtST.SCSTANDOHf AMSTSTdOKIM . . . NATS ANO RILIABLI. StNQrORQATALOQUK. ALL KINDS or .WNTma ooat at lo satis, sstihatis aivm, A WATCH GOES WITH EVERY SUIT. i i ? 'f 3 lhTHW AviiN 'wii GENERAL MERCHANDISE, GROCERIES, DRY-GOODS, tobaccos; i-i a r d ware) And Everything Else Usually Kept In a ' First-class Mercantile Establishment. THE BEST "TpFLOCR HT FLOC K I FLOCK j yFLOCK AT THE HIGHEST POSSIBLE PRICE. CUSTOMERS "SLAUGHTERED I No goods slaughtered, for that won't pay. Our motto is to get all we can for as little as possible and charge war prices for everything. Come and see if we tell the truth, don't take our word for it, but price goods and see for yourselves. J. H. DOWNING. "LIVE AND LET LIVE" IS OUR MOTTO. "AN INCIDENTAL PROTECTIVE TARIFF" FOR REVENUE ONLY,l IS OUR WE Assert Beyond THAT We have the freshest and most complete line of prescrip tion medicines in the country. Our stock of druggists' notions and sundries include all K . . that the heart could wish for. , Our stock of stationery, books, etc., is the most complete in Eastern Oregon. ' Our Btock of paints, oils, brushes, glass, etc., is complete and of priuit?-quality. Our assortment of cTpckery, queensware, glassware, tin ware, graniteware and lamps give entire satisfaction. The Earhuff organ the best inthe world. The Northwest Fire & Marine Insurance Company. " The German-American Insurance Company. The Sehuttler wagon. V The Adriance binders, reapers and mowers; also Chas. H. Dodd & Co.b' entire line of agricultural implements. We are the Con don Ag'ts F O R We are here to stay, your patronage. , L. W: DARLING & CO., Condon, Gondon Hotel , . Condon, Oregon. MRS. S. A. MADDOCK; PROPRIETRESS. This Large New Hotel Is the nished Hotel in Gilliam County. First-class Accommodation and Low Rates. The table is supplied with the best that the market affords. ALBERT HENSHAW, -WHOI.E8ALE AND F URN I TU R K, UNDERTAKERS GOODS, ETC. Wallpaper and window shades a specialty. I keep a complete stock of everything in my line, and am prepared to sell at city prices. When you are at the county seat, give me a call. CONDON - LIVERY - AfiD - FEED - STABLE, South Main St., Condon, Oregon. 'r:f; , CHAS.. FIX,; flrbp'r Baled Hay, Chop, Oats, Barley and Mill Feed Bought and Sold. Also all kinds of second-hand clothing, boots and shoes bought and sold in connection with my laundry in adjoining building at bay-scaleg and shoe shop. I am aiso agent for the Building. Loan & Investment Association of Settle, Wash. Your patronage is rospjctfulIy olicitd. C3 i H QUALITY CF- FLOUR T T" FWV R lT) fiUUVV. Ky FLOUE k",t X POLITICS. and respectfully solicirl Oregon. Most Comfortable and Best-Fur RETAIL DEALER IN- 1 I r