1 THE OFFICIAL AND LEADING PAPEE OF GILLIAM COUNTY. PCBUMUED EVERY FRIDAY BY 8 LOAN P. 8HUTT, Editor and Proprlator. f Subscription Katei. On four (invariably in a'l vawe)., .,11 M .. 1 00 .. ?8 ,. 10 biz uioutiis. 'llirea imiiilhi Hiii(l ooplta ' Kuterfd ot Hit pmtofflct at Condon, Oregon, at lramU-clo'$ matt tnattr.r. . OrriCIAL 'V1KBOTOHY.' United States. President Ukxjamik iiRioit Vlue l'r!sl(lnt I'KVi V. Monro Hwrrtary of Hiaie Joint W. Kuhtkk Hucretury of treasury Cll. Kostkk Bw retary d Interior J. W. fioHi.it nonrotary of War JltiramD. Ki.kik ' . 8-x-reUry of Navy B. K. Tract tMstmasler-fitsiierat ........John WahasiaiucK AtUirneyOeHeral W II. H. Mil. I. it a tmoretary of AgrleuUure. ........ .Jiukmuh Husk State of Oregon. Governor ..0 Pkmnoykh Bei-raUrv ol State W. McBmi.K Tro.Hrer.. HlilL M ktsmi Ait.irncy-tieneral liao. K Chambkri.aiw Hunt, of rubllo lu.tr no, Ion K. It. M( I.LItoT . il. H, MlTimaM. ' lit. IlKHMANM Cotufressmeti w, B, Ki.i.i Printer Titm 0. Hakkh if. A. M.x.iik BupremaJulge......... .. (j- eventh Judicial District. Clrmilt Judge ...........W, I.. ltHAMluw I'roswiutlng Attorney W. H. Wii.imi Member atale Hoard 1. U Ukkkv Ollllam Coanlir. Joint Senator....!..... ..--W. W. HTrtwita l(tlrvsuulatlva... .....U J. iooiKi;ii Judge . V. J, Maiiikkr -, , . 1W. J. KnwABUH commissioner . j jtm, iui.stok Clerk . Ja 1, I.i::a Sheriff, W. 1, Wii.cox Treasurer Hkbkbt IUwitkab A s-wr,. , Val Wiiaiti.Kit Burmyor W. W. Kkiunkkv hc'hoil Huiwriutvadvut Uum Paukkh Cormier. lm. John Nii kiis Block luvtor... .......,. Absx latins Jo.tlcesof the I'eare. , Aillngton..... W.O. Zkioi.kr lUSim-k , O. I'AUIUkil -4l'tk Creak ., ... II. I. HaMiali. AVos.l, n J. tt. Ci.Ait Kerry Cnnyon H. K. Cakon I-ono Hock.. M.O. lltiiKK Mayvll.e , , , ...(!. J. Hum KwKtl... ..Ham Donalkwm Howe Crtx k , .....7.. J. Maktin Crown Hoi k...,.; t II. IIal Trait fork ..T. K. Hakton Union Paclfle Railway Tim Card. Trslnssrrlve and leave Arlington a follows; EASr-ltOUHO, Train V. fast mall, ieavos Arlington dally ta t; a. at. No. , Atlantlo express, leaves Arlington dally at 8 r. m. WaSTBOOHB. No. 1, Paclno express, leaves Arlington dally at 'iUr.H. . . Tr.ln No. 7, fast mall, leaves Arlington dally, t 11:44 A. M. iiarrxaa bramcii tbai. Train No. 10 arrives from Ilcppucr dally, est eai Hnndty, at 1 :1ft r. u. , N ). Iviavn tor Happoor dally, except Suu day, at:W t. m. IHrnifii tl'keU sold and hsgKM cherked throimii to alt poln to in the United Htates auj Canaoa. 8. COLLINS Ticket Agent, Arlington, Or. At- it A. M. M I'. MulllAU MliUK. No. DiV , Ktateil cominniiii atlous on nrt H.turrtay vuitiiiKs after first Mondays of tacit month. Ko imirulin brethrnu In good staml'ligare cordially Inviterl to attend. P. K. C AON, VY. H, Ja P. Lucab, HcoreUry. IlUNtiTO.S-KOHSIb' DAILY 8tA0E USE. . K. A. Nfl.nn. I'roirli"tor. tf"9 fABB KBoM AHLINU1KN TO Hb1,.... , 00 Itettirli, $10 00 I v lie fi 0.1 He urn, V 00 6 .rtdon 00 lieturu, 7 Ml ( l0,n 3 00........... Keturii, 4 00 Oli'X. . 2 00 Kelnrn, 8 00 l.avs Arllitjrou every tnoritlm (Sunday ex rettlato'iiM'k.tdteatCoud,jn at Sr. M.. od arrives at Kossll at 7 r. M. t'omlortai'le coaches and c.reful. experienced drivers. 1OND0N-I.ONE KOCK DAILY 8TAGB LINK. I. M. mnehart. Proprietor. Leaves tondon every morning (Sundays ex cepted) a' M o'elork. and arrives nt Loua Uock at ii B via Mstuey aud Lo.t Vnliey. a rave, s.00. Round Trip, 3 BO. R, J. J. HOQAN, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Condon, Or. Office Oregon ve., Iietween Catholic Church nl resldeuee of . P. Bhutt. B. JOHN KICKUN. Condon, Or. Office First aoor west of Olobsi office. OKO. W. 0O0DK. v.. , B11RM1UW. G O0DK b BUKNIIAM, Attorneys at Law, Condon, Or Abstracting, collecting an I lnsurnncebnalnesa attended lo. " D. CiKTWEIJ- Lost'." Valley; Saw CANTWELL BROS., Proprieto Ml Kinds of Surfaced Lumber, Rustic, - 1 All timbers 4x6 and larger discounted 10 per 4 foet. All lumber discounted 10 percent, for cash. fM EXCHANGE P. SKELLY, -t KEEPS . Fresh Beer, Wines, TRESH WALLA WALLA STEAMED KEG BEER UI A fine billiard parlor in connection. When you feel - little amusement call around and VOL. 2. CONDON, GILLIAMf CO.. OREGbN, FRIDAY. MARCH 3, 1893. NO. 50. rjAIlLI.Na & 1IENDKICK8, . Attorneys at Law, Notaries Public and Conveyancers, Condon, Or. Collections and lnstirnine. Terms reaonMe. OHiee bvtwueti drug store and postollice, Main street. JAY P. LUCAS, County Clerk, -non am. hum or LAND AND NOTARY BUSINESS In neat and careful manner. 1 ,1011 ftELIAMLE FI11E INBUKANCB Arri.y to th PnaNix of Hahtforo." Herbert Halatead, Agent, Condon, Or. Postoffice Variety Store, LONE UOCK, OK. J. B. GOFF, 'Proprietor, -KEEPS ALWAYS ON HAND Medicines, Cigars, Tobaccos, Fine Candies, School Supplies, , Toilet Articles, Stationery, Harps and Toys, And everything else nuially found III a contry variety storn. Kverylh'uu I Imnle l flmt cla", and uiy prices are the lowest. (Jive me a trial. CoridonBlacksmith Shop G. S. CLARK, Proprietor. General Blacksmltblng and Wood Work. The only first class horieltoer In the connty. Come to my shop if you want first-class work at low rates. The only flra'-lass blacksmith In Condon, and the omy eue who is able to advertise. Hhop In large new building on Main street, Condon, Or. Tha Bekbratcd Frenclj Cure, "APHRODITINE" XSSSSSL Is Sold of A POBITIVE C'JARANTCC to euro any form til nervous ulseoro or any diaordcrot the goncrntiva or gans oicuoersex. v.hcthcr arislnu BEFOliC v:.oof Btimulonu. AFTCn TobaccoorOplu:n,orthrouf!liiottlhfulinil!CT. tlon,ovcrlnIulw!5fa.d:o.,u'niuiLnxsof Bmla Power, VVoicf':lneEj,i:cariii(TUowii Palmiiitlia bar k , He tsi ! nol V.'er.k :jcs 1 1 yttcr! a, Nervous Pro tistlon, Noctunxl L'ral sious, Lo xorrha-a, Dlx !nes,Vcr.k Memory, Lorsof Power and Impo tency.wliU h!f ncTlecteil often lea l to prematura o!d n-ro arrl Inanity. Prloo f 1.00 a box, 6 boxcl for .off. Hcnt y mnll on iwolpt of price A wmr.EN titrAitAN in: is given for every fit0on.'cr received, toreftmd tliomrmey If a Permanent r :-o la not cflertrd. We have thqiiMinasof test!moninl fmino'd end young, of both soxrt.wholiavo born permanently ptired by the use of Aphnxlitlua. Clrcularfros. Address THE APHRO MEDICINE CO. Wdsiwu Uranch, Sox S7. rouiLAKa Oa. ma balk at I.. W. DA.nL! NO CO., Condon, Or. Fair's Men Female Fills Believe Suppressed Menstruation. Used nccessfully by thous ands of prominent la dles wionfA'y. Thor oughly reliable aud limes their weight ln gold for trmat irrey s vlariuet. Never kuov' . tofalL Sent by mall ao"? for Address Tbe Apbro II f ; coup; TTestern 4 Box 7. Portland FOB SALK 1!Y-tV L. W. DAItLlNO Cv" Celling and Floor; V SAD Proprietor; ON . HAND t. Liquors an . see Pat. lie will ti treat' The trinoline qaesiion it cettledonce for all, at the friocesa of Waei hai taken a dacided atacd azalnat the re-ea-tabliahment of hoope io any form. The New Boal.h Wale Legislatiye As eerably, like the Victorian Legislature, baa adopted a re.olutioo in favor of the taxing ol absentee owners of property. The cold Las been excessive in fit. Petersburg and for weeks wood fires have been barned in the squares and streets of the city in an effort to mak necessary outdoor bus'nees endurable. Tne streets have, how ever, been practically deeerted. It la said that mall mater dropped in the postoffice at l'aria is delivered in Berlin in an hour and a half, and seme times in thirty-five minutes. The dis tance between the cities is 750 miles and the mail is sent by means of pneumatic tubes. The medical history of cholera In Rus sia last summer is of a hivhly encourag ing nature. It shows that by proper sanitary measures cholera can be kept out or stain p d out to a greater degree even In dm r:c. a most favorable to its developm nl. Tne liii g d:iKnce marching competi tion; by v tiiiteer soldiers in England are discountenanced by the Commander-in-chief in a recent order, tie thinks they result in no practical good, and may cause individual barm through undue ttreMS of effjrt. 'The rent-nce on De Lesseps is a sen tunce on France," says the London Timi$, "and the ignominy poured down on that feeble old man is- a degradation for the p?op! w ho flattered and caressed and gloiifled htn ai long as the capital was left to spend." - French War Office experts are divided in opinion fonc-rning the value or dan ger of E.fldl's tower in cre of a Beige of Pari. German stuff cfllBera have written quite freely about the matter, principally holding (he view that the tower would afford a fine target. - A proposition is made to connect Great Britain and Ie!and by a tunnel driven under the North Channel of the Irish 8ea at Its narrowest part, between Coun ty Antrim in Ireland and Wigtown in Scotland. The length "of the tunnel would be some twenty-seven miles. Cesare Orsini, whose appointment as Italian Envoy to Mexico is announced, is a brother to the leader in the at tempted assassination of Napoleon III, white the latter was driving to the opera Felice Orsini. whose name was given to the kind of bomb used on that occa sion. ' AH Europe, from the Arctic to the Mediterranean, is experiencing a winter severity this teason such as it baa not known for many years. It is neceseary to go back f jrty or fifty years in most regions, even in the far north, to find a precedent, while in some parts the weather is unprecedented. Vienna is send in? invitations to all European nations to attend an Interna tional Health Congress to formulate some plsn of fighting the common foe, and in England Southampton is beg ging Parliament to vote money to keep up a rigid quarantine. The signs of a coming planus are seen at St. Peters burg, Hamburg and Marseilles. 9m pi? ONLY INE Inning AjlN0 CO GLOBE. SlDENTAL MELANGE The Mining Fever Breaks Out at Medford, Oregon. CRATER LAKE A SUMMER RESORT. Mhic Owners of Northern Idaho Threaten to Close Down on Account of High Freight Rates. " A burglar in one night at Pbceulx, A. T., entered foor offices, a bank and a stable, and was captured on the follow ing morning, j , Petitions are now being circulated in all the labor centers in Montana for the enactment ol a bill, an important section of which is as follows : "That it will be unlawful for any officer of the btataof Montana or any oilice.r of any town or city thereof to issue a license to engaze in any kind ol business within this Bute to any person or persons not citizens or not having declared tneir intentions to become citizens of the United States." This is a sweeping blow at tbe Chinese and will, if it becomes a law, shut np every store, restaurant and laundry run by Chineee in theBtate. - The mining fever has broken out in Medford, Or., and professional, business and laboring men are looking toward tbe hills and anxiously awaiting a settle ment of the weather with a view of tak ing a prospecting tour. New impetus is given to the excitement each day by the return of prospectors with specimens ol rich gold-bearing qaarti and glowing ac counts of the pjs jioilities of tbe mineral belt of Southern Oregon. But all pre vious returns were totally eclipsed when D. H. Horn came to town with a pock etful of quartz. Many of the specimens contained almost an equal amount of gold and quartz, some of tbe particles of gold being as large as a pea. Five pounds of this rock, when pounded out by a band mortar, produced over (10 which would run tbe percentage up to the modest sum of t40,i00 to the ton. ' It is reported from Central Point, a station on the Fonthern Pacific four miles west of Med tot d, Or., that tbe railroad company has entered into an agreement with F. T. Fradenburgh to carry paeecgers between that point and Oa er Lake in tbe Cascade Mountains. The dntan.ee from the railroad to the lake is eighty miles, and a stage line is to be established between tbe two points. Mr. Fradenburgh rays the railroad baa guaranteed him 1.C03 passengers at (S each. He has already purchased suffi cient stage coaches to accommoiaie this number of tourists, and it is hia purpose to erect a snmmer hotel at the lake. In good weather tbe road to tbe lake is all right for driving, and the ronnd trip ctn be made in five dy without a chat'ge of horres. It ia thocght that Crater Like will be a pipnler tesort lor tourists and plersare seekers this summer. The possibility of the reservation of this land by the government for a national park probably accounts for the action taken by the railroad. John Haves Hammond, General Man ager of tbe Bunker Hill and Sullivan sil ver mine at Wardner, Idaho, has re ceived word from Northern railroads which has about convinced him that be will close down tbe mine. Nearly all of the other great mines will alsoclooe down. For some months past Mr. Hammond and others of the Mine Own era' Association have been endeavoring to get a redaction of freights from the Northern Pacific and Union Pacific rail roads, which carry their on s and con centrates to Ta -oma, Denver and Omaha smelters. Mine owners have gone so far as to offer a sliding scale of compensation (or carrying, so that when silver and lead come up again the railroads will re ceive more than they did before. To these overtures, however, the railroads have been deaf, and as (so Mr. Ham mond telle) it is cost ng them nearly double to work tbeir mines than it does Mr. Hugv'in and other mine ovnera at Butte and Anaconda, near at hand, they cannot continue end nmst close down about Ma'ch 1. Mr. Hammond said : "I don't ee Any other way to do. We have either got to cut on the expenses "4 mining or in freights. We cannot, T", cut enough to enable us to -v tut then would not make nce il we sot. no reduction Nputlook is not enconr "Nfjwners and it seems mining in gen rnan act." V PURELY PERSONAL The Only British Survivor of the Battle of Navarino Li Hung Chang, Viceroy of China. Mrs. Emmons B'aine has given to tbe city of Augusta, Me., $ 0,0 0 to found a library in honor of ber husband's mem ory. Katherlne E. Conway, recently ap pointed one of the Police Commissioners of Massachusetts, is one of the editors of the Boston Pilot, Fran R. P. Susson, the first Russian woman to take the degree of doctor of medicine, recently celebrated the twenty filth anniversary of that event. The next Fourth of July will be a big occasion in Newburyport, tbe colossal bronze statue of William Lloyd Garrison having to be unveiled at that time. Donna Isadora Coueine of South Amer ica, who ia claimed to be the richest widow in the world, bas an income of $80,000 per month from her coal mines alone. Henry B. Fuller ia writing a novel cn Chicago society life. If he knows much about it and tells what he knuws, his book will have a great run outside ol Chicago. A gypsy seeress predicted that the Archduchess Isabella of Austria would have twelve daughters before a son and heir varied the monotony. She has got as far as No. 7. Charles de Lesseps, in tbe Masas prison at Paris, is required to make his own bed, clean np his celt and wash bis own dishes d.eagreeable duties for "a man of the world." Little King Alphonae of Spain baa pulled through his attack of scarlatina, and would be quite content to aee doc tors, who dosed film with naety physic, led away to be executed. Louis Jennings, formerly of the New York Timet, who bas sat aa a Conserva tive for many years in tbe House of Commons, announces that be will soon retire from Parliament life. Emile Zola's aspirations to a seat among the immortals cf the Academie Francaiee are not hampered by a lack ol ready money. He is very rich, and is said to have made over $400,000 from the sale of hia novels alone. , Li Hung Chang, Viceroy of China, is one of tbe most important people in tbe world, althonh his name ia eo little known over here. He is first and last a patriot, and his watchword is China and her treasures and commerce for the Chinese. He has never sought popular ity, neither ia he afraid of opposition. , So far as ia known. Admiral Sir Eras mus Ommanney is now the only British survivor of the battle of Navarino. Born in 1814, he waa then a middy of 18. Sir Erasmus is best remembered in connec tion with the Arctic search expedition of 1850, when he waa second in command, and discovered tbe first traces of Frank lin. For hia services on that occasion he received knighthood. A friend of the late Bishop Brooks au thorizes the statement that tbe current reports as to hia wealth are wholly with out foundation. Tne only nse which Dr. Brooks cared to make of money was to distribute it among those who needed it and his daily life was marked by open handed and tender charty. So far was he from nsing hia talents as a means of accumulating property that at the time of his death he bad not sufficient income beyond hia salary to support his simple and unassuming manner of life. INDUSTRIAL BREVITIES. The output of American manufactories for the past year was $7,215,000,000 in value. There are estimated to be over six hundred deposits of iron ore in tbe Slate of Missouri. . Southwestern Missouri furnishes 60 per cent of the nc ore mined in the United btates. It costs the United States government $1,600 a day lor firing morning and evening salutes. The Pennsylvania system of railway has now a length of main track aggrega ting 7.99 miles. There were lisU.UUO persons without occupations of any kind amoog the im migrants ot A sinsrle row of pearls as large as peas, and periectly round, were sold tecently in Pans, tor $iz;.im Hard coal loses 8 per cent in bulk per annum when exposed to the weather. Soft coal loses 12 per cent. Ohio brick raakera are using a clay digging machine ti.at does tne work of trom seventeen to twenty men More than one million two hundred and twentv-five thousand persons live in tenement, houses in New xork In the southern provinces of Russia a drink resembling brandy ia obtained by distilling the juice ot watermelons. The value of Pennsylvania's ouk pro duct last year was nearly $2i),000,O00, or six times wniit it was ten years ago. The largest needle manufactory in the world ia in Kfddltch, Worceeter, Jkog land. Over 70,000,000 are made weekly. The Languedoc Ship Canal in France, by a short passage of 148 miles, saves a sea voyage of 2.0J0 miles by the Straits of Gibraltar. . In so'.te of tbe McKintey bill the an nual report of the Welsh tinplate-makers shows that 20,000 tons more tin were shinned to America last vear than the i . . l year he lore. The largest telegraph office in the (world is at the General Postoffise, Lon don. In it there are over 3,1 00 operators constantly employed, about one-third of I whom are women. 0n tbe farm of J. W. Fitzgerald, near t. Mary, Kan., there are three arteeian ells that vary in depth from 600 to 0 feet, and about 2,400 gallons of e per hour flow from them. HAS THREE TIMES THE CIRCULATION OF ANY PAPER IN THE COUNTY. ADVERTISING RATKS. Professional cards 11 00 rr month One sqnare 1 30 per month One-ijuaiu r column. s 50 per mouth One half column 6 00 per month One column lo W) pur month Btulneu locals will b charged at 10 centi per line for flrrt Insertion and 6 cents per line there after. Legal advertisements will In all raset be charged to the party ordering them, at legal rates, and paid for before affidavit Is furnished BEYOND THE ROCKIES. Governors of the Southern States to Meet at Richmoad. TAMMANY BRAVES IN THE VAN. Cigarette-Manufacturing Knocked Oat In Pennsylvania Jff groes Opposed to Lynch Law. A sewing-machine trust is being formed in the East. , Half a million a year is to be spent to protect New York's water supply. ' The amount of tobacco chewed in the United States last year was eighty-five tons. v. - Crnaides have been started in Georgia and Massachusetts for the extermination of dogs. . The VanderbilU are said to be after control of all the railroad traffic ia New beg and. - ( The city of Philadelphia is likely to be eued by immigrants for goods rained in disinfection. To a shortage of natural gas is attri buted a great many pneumonia deaths in Pittsburg. ' A big St. Louis trader is making heavy bets that this year's crop of wheat will be larger than last year s. A bill is pending in the Missouri Leg- islaiure fixing a maximum price of $10 a year for telephone charges. The Virginia State building at the World's Fair will be a copy of Washing ton's borne at Mount Vernon. The street railway system of St. Joseph, , Mo., witi be sold under foreclosure of mortgages tbe first w k La May. Reports show that tbe prices of farm ing land in nearly all sections of Western New York are steadily decreasing. Governors c f Southern states are asked to meet at Richmond, Va , April 2, to consider plans to develop the South. Testimony has been introduced before tbe special grand Jury at Newport, Ky., to show that eight Councilmen divided $8,000 among themselves for the granting of an electric-light contract. Tbe colored citizens of New York city' have started a movement in opposition to lynch law, and they intend to form branches in all large cities for the pur pose of arousing public sentiment. A bill bas been introdnced in tbe Mis souri Legislature dividing penitentiary convicts into three classes and allowing ' them a certain pay per day, to be saved tor them tin the end ot their terms. Senator Berry of Arkansas is in flu- enced by ex Representative Berry of . California in his action on the debris bill, and declines to make a change in . the penal clause that has been suggested by Caminetti. A company is being formed for the purchase of the New York Timft. The present company is capitalized at $100,- 000, bat the new company will have It, 01 0,000 capital, of which, ii is said, $900, 000 will be paid for the Timet. A Minneapolis Legislator bas taken the bull by the horns. He offers a bill making it an offence punishable by a one of Irom $5 to $25 to manufacture or offer for sale hoops kirts or anything like thereunto, within the State of Minne sota." The molders at Wbitely's reaper and mower works at Mancie, Ind., demand an incrente of wages, and say that if the company does not accede to their de mands tbe whole factory will be tied up and 1,X 0 bands idle. Tammany's banners, io ingloriously borne in Chicsgo when Cleveland wqb nominated, wilt appear in the van of the inaugnrat'ng parade, it is estimated that " Tammany's expennea for OIve- latid's glorification will aggregate $105,- tlO, refreshments not included. The Railway General Managers' As sociation bas given official notice in ad vance of any demands trom ttieempioyes that they will not be disposed to con sider any demands lor an mceage ot wages. ine . r'fouhiioii represents twenty-one railroads entering Chxato. The estate left by Dr. Norvia Green, President of the Western Union Tele graph Company, is estimated a' $750,0.0, mostly in stocks and bands. He owtied four bne places ot real estate in L n's viiie, two (arms in Carroll county, Ky.. another fonr miles from Louisville and one near Madison, Ind. Mr. Cleveland has received a letter from President Harrison, couched in the roost liiendly terms and prc fferlng the hospitalities of the White House befoie the inauguration. Mr. Hirrieon also of-, fercd to assist Mr. Cleveland in every wsy in his power in regard to public tu inees and matters of state. The publication of a dispatch announc ing a Triple All ance between the United States, Russia and France has caused considerable talk, but there is nothing more in the fact than that treaties have been entered into, but they do not nia- t terially diffVr from those entered into with Great Britain, Germany and other Powers. . The new West-bound tariff, which ater a month's session the Transconti nental Railroad Conference formulated, has been given out. There is an average reduction of 0 per cent on all freight rates from St. Paul to Spokane, a reduc tion of from 12 to 16 per cent on Coast rates, and from 2 to 7 on rates to Mon tana, while the only East-bound reduc tion is to be on lumber, from 65 to 60, aud the East-bound lumber rate to (Jul-' , cago and St. Louis remains at 60 and, 77 NtpMttveiy.