Condon globe. (Condon, Gilliam Co., Or.) 189?-1919, February 10, 1893, Image 3

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Th yearly nhwrlpUon to the (Hon In II.KO,
Invariably n advance. So deviation from thin
rule. Thu paper will Imi mopped at the end of
4 tlmn for which It 1 paid widen further or
dered and fiHt'l for, A blue ivnui mark aronnd
thit notice indicate! tliut your aulMerlptlon ha
xplred, and If yoiiwlnh the paper contimiHd you
houlil remit th Hiuotitit at toon aa powdblM.
At we go to press, the long-looked-for
cbinook ia on hand, Thanks, awfully.
, Alex Balaeoiier, our ahoeuiakor, has
gone to Portland to vUlt a couple of
Mint Frankle f-chott of Rock creek l
vlslthyt her friends in Condon, the
Hiatal Downing. V
Misi Stella.lilett of Shelby came up
last week to ctop in town and attend our
ubool the balance of the term.
A bill appropriating $00,000 for Ore
gon'! exhibit at the World's fair baa
paiaed both houaea of the legislature.
A bill has been introduced in the
waanmgion legislature providing mr me
erection of capital building to cost 2,
000,000. .. v ;
J. P. Lucas was summoned by tele
grain Inst week to Eugene, owing to the
death of his brother-in-law, Dr. Bhelton,
of that place.
Howard Propst returned home last
week, having finished his course of stud
ies in the college at Albany, where he
had been since lat summer,
Clarence Meek, who has been engaged
in the, sheep business in Washington
aeveral years, la visiting hia mother and
ether relatives in this section.
Rev. Rawlins will preach at Condon
thia Friday evening, and will then pro
ceed to Ileppner where he expects to
conduct a series of revival mot tings.
The mortgage tax and the indebted
ness exemption clauses have been re
pealed by the legislature and only lacks
the signature of the governor to become
law. '.
Born Near Fossil on Feb. 3, 1893, to
the wife of J. G. King a bouncing daugh
ter. All parties doing well, including
Jim, who la the happiest man on Butte
creek. .
We-are glad to state that Mr. Thos.
Young Is able to be out again, after a
prolonged illness lasting Ave weeks.
Herbert Halstead is also able to move
round a little.
After March 4th the United States
senate will have two John Mitchells
John L. of Wisconsin and John II. of
Oregon. The former is a democrat, the
latter a republican.
The latest report concerning Cleve
land's cabinet ia that Governor Boiee of
Iowa haa declined the secretaryship of
agriculture, preferring to ntake the race
(or senator next fall.
Miss Kate Grelner has been very aick
at her home near Mayville during the
last two weeks with a severe attack of
pleuropneumonia. She is improving
''The Inland Empire will be greatly
benefitted next summer by the extra
moisture during the months of December
end January, and the yield per acre in
1893 may be expected to be tripple that
of 1802.
Counting up his salary and his allow
ances for expenses, President Harrison
will have received from the government
exactly (380,000 when he shall have re
tired from the White house on March 4,
Rev. Wise requests us to announce
that after services next Sunday evening
'at Condon there will be a meeting of the
officers and members of the church, to
elect new oilicers, etc. A full attendance
is desired.
The visits of statesmen to Cleveland
have ceased. At his special request he
will be loft severely alone from now un
till inauguration, giving him a breathing
apell and ample time in which to prepare
bia inaugural address.
Notwithstanding the earnest desire
' expressed by our farmers for a bounteful
fall of enow, they appear to be wholly
satisfied now and would be gratified if
the "beautiful" would cease falling and
the welcome chinook make its appear
We acknowledge receipt of an invita
tion from the World's Congress Aux
iliary, upon the nomination of Hon.
John II. Mitchell, to attend the World's
Congresses In the department of the pub
lic press, to convene In Chicago during
the week beginning May 22,1893.
Since the time haa been extended for
payment of the forfeited railroad land
a number of persona who had just previ
ously paid in their money, have since
had the same returned to them by ap
rl vine to the clerk. Others who desire
to can do likewise by acting promptly.
In the senate on Saturday the judiciary
committee reported Cross' senate bill
No. 60, providing for the payment of
salaries to sheriffs, clerks and recorders.
; The report was adopted and the bill or-
dered to its third reading. Tills change
' will not effect the present incumbents in
office. ... , "
A crusude is being made "against old
. n . 1 aI MAttli.tirvvt an it la an ! I
)fipi?r lllt'liciy ill wiVHiftlfluu, n v aa
to hold disease germs in abundance.
For the sake of the souls of some of our
. delinquents who are about a quarter of a
century in arrears, we Imve concluded to
: run'the risk of contracting the cholera
and smallpox, m will take old puper
money from now on, ;
The newspapers of California are still
complaining of the "girl famine" in that
state. The Macedonian cry has reached j
England, and the papers over there are
responding with the proffer to send over
a lot of their young widows, as they have
a superabundance of them. New Eng
land promises to ship a number of train
loads of its surplus girls to the Western
coast; but the girls want to get there
first, for they'll stand no show when the
widows reach the field. St Paul Globe.
The Blackmail bill appropriating )5,-
000 now in the state treasury,' the result
of Oregon's proportion of the U. 8. direct
taxes, passed the bouse Friday. It ap
propriates the mortoy to 'the different
counties of the state for road purposes,
to be used and expended under the direc
tion and supervision of the county court.
Lane county, having 7000 square miles,
will receive a little over $7,000, as ber
portion of the arnonnt, Thia wisely ex
pended will construct several miles of
good road.
Hugh Strickland's magnificent stal
lion, "Usurper," died Friday at the Hay
creek ranch. The horse had been ailing
for several weeks, and Friday morning
the enormous brute rared up, gave a
mighty groan and expired within a few
minutes. This was a valuable animal,
and horseraisers aay he was the best
horse in the country. It is a great loss
to Hugh, as It is but a short time since
he bought him for $1500. Within the
last seven years Hugh has lost ttnree val
uable stallions, which cost bim $4000 In
the aggregate. -
The bill of Representative Coon rela
tive to the formation of new counties ap
pears to be a worthy one. It requires the
petition of 100 tax payers to be filed with
the county clerk 60 days before a general
election. The sheriff must also certify
that there Is $700,000 worth of property
in the proposed county and that neither
of the counties losing territory will be
left with less than $1,000,000 worth of
property. The question of establishing
a new county must be submitted to the
interested electors at a general election
and receive two-thirds of their suffrages.
A Chicago paper accuses the Union.
Paciffio of cutting passenger rates be
tween Odgon and the Missouri to an ex
tent which will almost certainly result
in an open reduction of 60 percent. The
regular rates on such tickets is $40. The
Union Pacific ia accused of placing large
block's of tickets In brokers' hands at
prices which enable them to sell at from
$18 to $21. One of the scalpers informed
a competing line and a number of the
tickets were obtained at the price named.
An open reduction in rates to at least $20
is anticipated.
It is understood that an effort will be
made to have laws passed by the legisla
ture which will reach vandals and wan
tons in a more effectual manner. As the
law is now, a person who maliciously
destroys another's property is fined by
the court, and the fine is turned into the
public treasury, leaving the injured one
to repair the damage done him at his
owp 'expense. A change in ttie law
would inflict a penalty sufficient to pay
for the damage and a balance to go to
the treasury. It it no protection to a inau
who has his property damaged 125 or
more, when the guilty one ie let off with
a fine of $5, which goes to the county.
When Mr. Cleveland appointed Sana-
tor Lamar secretary of the-interior, the
latter had just married a young wife,
who enjoyed herself for a whole week in
the delightful pastime of house-hunting.
At Inst she found just what she wanted
The dwelling seemed to bo pre-eminently
a suitable residence for a cabinet officer
She drove to the senate, of which Mr
Lamar was still a member, to tell her
husband the news of her discovery. His
first question was: "What is the rent,
dear?" Seventy-five hundred a year
The senator lapsed into deep thought,
and the young wife said rather nervous
ly; "Do you think it extravagant?"
"It is not that," returned Lamar, slowly ;
"I was wondering what I should do with
the other $500 of my Balary."
Many a business man cuts down bis
newspaper advertising just at the wrong
time. It is not the return from judicious
advertising which brings success? It is
the cumulative effect. Watch the bus
iness of two firms, one a live presistent
aggressive advertiser, the other, negli
gent. Which becomes the leading mer
chant In a fow years? Buy a space in
your paper, make it interesting and
don't begrudge tho money. Advertising
in a live paper pays. The paper can live
without your advertisement better than
you can live without its effect. Every
line in a newspaper costs something
If it is for an individual it should be
paid for. If the grocer was asked to con
tribute groceries to one abundantly able
to pay for them, he would refuse. The
proprietor of a newspaper must pay for
the free advertising if the beneficiary does
not, and yet is one of the hardest things
to be learned by many that a newspaper
has space in its columns to rent and
must rent to live. Exchange,
Free Send For One.
The Union Pacific have published a
very neat pictorial world's fair folder,
containing colored lithographs of tho v:
rioue exposition buildings, birds-eye
view of the grounds, with a complete
map of tho city, showing location of the
fair, hotels, railway depots, street-car
lines and city parks. ' Copy of the map
lie hud by nddresHinir. W, 1L Hurlbnrt,
Assistant General Passenger Agent, Port
land, Oregon, j
Cal Hale Convicted.
The case of the' State of Washington
vs. Cal Hale, in the bank robber case at
Ellensburg, went to the jury Monday
evening at 8 o'clook, after one week's
hard work on both sides. After deliber
ating six hours the jury brought in a
verdict of "guilty, as charged in tno
complaint." He will not likely receive
his sentence until the other boys have
their trials, Klmscy's being in progress
now. Some of Hale's witnesses arrived
home Wednesday, and report that an ef
fort will be made for another trial. The
result is anxiously awaited by friends of
the boya in trouble.
Lone Rock Rumblings.
Died At the home of R. G. Robinson
at Lone Rock on Thursday, Feb. 2d, the
only child of Calvin and Gretchen Rob
inson, aged about four months.
Our school teacher Mr. Stratton went
to Gilliam's gay capital Wednesday to
attend the examination. Charley Ear-
hart also went to the metropolis Tues
Wednesday morning a messenger ar
rived here from lleppuer with a tele
gram from Tom Klmsey at Ellensburg,
to Nat Scott, which read as follows :
'Scott, we want you to testify in our
case. or tiou's saxe, come: you can
get here on time." !
This would be a good market for the
Siwashes to sell deer skins, as something
of that sort is badly needed to patch the
skinned shins of the coasters, both old
and young. The warmest trip yet is the
one when the fellow "went it a beat". in
the gold pan.
Last Tuesday while chasing cattle,
Geo. Boone's horse stepped into an
extinct badger-hole and immediately
thereafter he capsized, pitching the old
gentleman about 60 yards ahead. He
just happened to light on the hardest
spot of earth in Oregon, and was pretty
badly bruised up in consequence. .
We are creditably informed that one
of our young neighbors is likely to get
"rounded up" shortly. It is pretty well
known that three different sets of wed
ding invitations have gone forth, and all
have also gone by the board fizzled out,
metaphorically speaking. But the grand
bounce from the old lady will be the
next scene on the program, and the gay
Lothario aided out over the fence by
means of a No. 12 brogan. That'll fetch
Im. -
The news of Cal Hale's conviction is a
greot surprise to all of ns. Our people
are all asking themselves tiie question :
"Can it be possible that Cal is guilty,
when so many witnesses testified to see
ing him in this county on the very day
the robbery wascommitted?" Thegen-
eral impression seems to prevail that
had the Fossil and Arlington papers not
had so much to sav in the matter, the i
boys would have had a better case. It
eometiinea tnrna out very poor judg-j
ment for neweimpers to try a case before
the court does,
Myron O. Clarke was over to the coun
ty seat the rlrot of the week and effected
arrangements to embark in the butcher
ing business in that jlnee. We all re
gret very nint h to lose the Clarke family
from our midst; but we venture the as
sertion that they will not be absent from
here long, judging from the fact that no
one has ever left here yet who did not
":queal" to get back before they were
gone six months. There is a peculiar
magnetism about this place. However,
we all wish Mr. Clarke and family good
luck in the new venture. Cowboy.
The Examination.
Teachers' quarterly examination is in
progress at Condon this week, by Hupt.
Parker, ansisted by Miss Bessie Fitzwa-
ter. Miss Snell, the regular assistant,
failed to get here, owing probably to the
rough weather. Following are the names
of the applicants:
Misses Laura and Nettie Schilling of
Matney, Miss Grace Frizr-ell of Lost Val
ley, Mips Stella A. Flett of Shelby,
Misses Estella and Bertha Johnson, tira
de M. Fitzwater, Carrie Boyer, Sadie
Parman, Fannie Wooslcy of Condon ;
Messrs. 8. 1. Stratton and New Madden
of Lone Kock, and J. A. McMorrisof
Condon.- ' .. ,".',".''""' ':.
Tho annexation of the Sandwich Is
lands to the United States will tie but a
queetion of time. The native population
is entirely unfit for self government, be
sides is rapidly dying out. It will soon
fall to the lot of some nation to establish
a protectorate and none othpr has the
favorable position occupied by the Uni
ted States. While it is true that the
commercial interests of tireat Britain on
the high seas are beyond comparison
greater than ours, the islands are more
contiguous to the United States territory
than that of any other nation. . Ameri
cans have the bulk of the commerce of
the islands, and the Pacific ports on this
coast are their natural trading points.
The islands possess great value and stra
tegic importance either in peace tr war
They are the only coaling station in the
middle Pacific, are on a direct line of the
commerce hotween America and Asia,
and with the opening of the Nicaragua
or Panama canal will be tho touching
point for a vast commerce between At
lantic ports in Europe and America and
Asia. There will be no lark of support
to the administration that, firmly de
mands ultimate control of Hume valua
ble poemt)xit;iS. .
1 Fault-Find Jng.
An exchange says: Few can discern
the real secret of successful rebuke.
Many are too apt to increase rather than
diminish the errors to which they object.
Misdirected efforts to subdue a child's,
or even an adult's evil tendencies gene
rally serve to inflame them. Pastors,
parents and teachers, the appointed
gardinns of our communities, sometimes
allow their protests against the wrong
to degenerate into a tempersome, peev
ish or melancholy whine. None will
deny there is need for fault-finding.
Discrepancies in conduct require skilful
repression, and immoral traits must be
pruned away if the character of the boy
or man is to mature into the whit flower
of a blameless life. But is there not
a little too much gratuitous fault-finding?
' With some people it becomes a
very hateful habit. Continual reference
to errors induces willful perseverance in
them, and familiarity which incessant
complaint breeds contempt for it. The
safest rule seems to be that only when
all other and gentler resources have
been tried and found useless, should we
venture upon the distinct mention of
specific faults.
Good House To Let.
The neat dwelling house of W. L. Bar
ker in Condon can be rented after March
1st. For information apply to Mr. Bar
ker or at this office.
. Important Notice,
Look here I Do you know R. L. Sabin ?
We do. We must have what is due us,
and unless prompt payment is made, we
will enforce collection at once. No fool
ishness; we can not wait any longer.
L. W. Dakukg & Co.
For Sale Cheap.
I desire to sell my team of mules, har
ness, wagon and complete outfit, also a
sewing machine and a number of other
household and farming utensils. They
will be sold at a bargain if applied for
soou. J. M. Campbell, Condon.
Treasurer's Notice.
AH county warrants registered prior
to July 1, 1892, w ill 1 paid on present
ation at my office. Interest ceases on
and after this date.
Herbert Halstead,
County Treasurer.
Dated Oct. 14, 1892.
' The Beet Wagons.
The best wagon in the world is the
new Peter Schiittler tabular axle wagon.
The Steel Skein Schuttler wagon bs.s
been in the lead for tho pastBOvears;
the new tabular axle Schnttler will he
in the lead for the next 60 years. For
sale by L. W. Darling & Co., Condon, Or.
- Something Worth Reading.
The Sunday Mercury, the leading spott
ing and Independent political newspaper In the
U.OIIO ror.iem old eurh (ck. ' Priw II !M) a vear.
Newsboy wanted in every elty and town tu the
United state. Price to newnfaoys, 5 cents a
Any person getting a boy tu a town where The
Mercury la not already gold, will be given a
copy free of charge for six mouths. Samples
free. Write to
B. T. WATSON, Prop.,
9i Hart Morrisou St., Portland, Or.
Booki of all kinds. U W. Darling A Co.
Pi she and glassware at L. W. Purling it Ca.'t.
Genuine cider vinegar at Halstead, Klnctiart Si
A lineof fine, fashionable papeterie, first-class.
L. W. Darling & Co., Condon.
Honnekeepeni, try eome of the Liqnid Washing
Bluing, at Darling'!, Condon.
Fine map of Oreeon, folded for pocket use, 50c
each, at L. W. Darling Co.'a.
Al! kinds of clock at Halstead, Rinehart &
Co.'t, at prices to suit the times.
Your bird would aing better in a new eajre.
Get one from L. W. Darling & Co.
We are just hunting forehronic cougha to care,
"a B," for sale by h. W. Darling & Co.
Windows, doors and all kinds of builders' hard
ware, at Halstead, Kineharl & Co. 8, Coudou.
Toilet tonna In endless varietv. also the best
lauudry aoap in the world. U W, Darling & Co.
The 8. B. Conch Cure is simply tM'rfeet Spend
.We with U U . Darling, and you will be Teady to
Ladles, try our "Rest for the Weary" shoes, and
suffer no more with sore or tired feet. Halstead,
Kiuehart Co.
The German-American Insurance Co., of Sew
York, has established an office at Coudou with L.
W. Darling as agent.
Ask at U W. Darling & Co.'i drug store for the
6. B. Headm-lre rum, and you will be given the
best headache medicine known.
The frehKt. wrest and best stoek of prescrip
tion imxtletues in the country en be found at
the drug store of U W. Darling it'o., Coudou.
The famous "Williams Barber Bar Shaving
Soap" the best In the world for the toilet and
for shaving. Kor sale by 1 W. Darling A Co.
l adies' shoes, best quality, reduced from J2 to
cash; aud$( boots reduced to 5, warranted
to equal auy Buckingham & Hecht. At J. II.
Dow ning's store.
We have added a full line of patent medicines
to ourstoi k and are now prepared to furnish any
thing in this line nettled by man or beast. Hal
stead, Kiuehart A Co.
Why be bothered with a burnt-out, broken or
warped lire back tn your eook stove when you
win buy one of those patent adjustable backs at
Halstead, Kiuehart & Co. 'a to tit any size stove?
Don.t forget the Oliver Chilled when you wail
a plow. They are the best tn the market We.
are the sole agents for Condon and are selling
them at Arlluglon prices. Halstxad, Kiuehart &
Subscriptions for nil the newspapers and mag
azines in the I'nited States und also the leading
Papers 01 the Old
countries, received by Herbert
Halstnad, al the pontollico, at publishers'
u win save you ns Bno iromue. i
Good shoes cost a little more, but the wear is
out of nil proportion to the cost Remember this
when buying and take nothing but the genuine
Buckingham & Hecht, The? have a world-wide
reputation for over a quarter of a century, for
solid merit Halstead, Rinehart 4 CO.
We are agents for Knapp. Burrell & Co.'BOom
pU'te line of goods, consisting of wagons, car
ringes, buggies, buckboanis, harness, gang, mil
key and common plows, harrows, "eeders, drills,
headers, self-binders, mowers, reapers, rakes and
all kinds of farm lug machinery. Descriplivo
catalogues full of information and prices upon
application. Halstead. Kiuehart Co.
Palma Sola Presidevttes Repu
taoian Elegantes Cuban Blos
soms.. Try them. L. V. Dar
ling fe Co., Condon, Oregon.
: m Jkl 3
35 5
And Everything Else Usually Kept In a
First-class Mercantile Establishment.
CUSTOMERS SLAUGHTERED ! No goods slaughtered, for that
won't pay. Our motto ia to get all we can for as little as possible and
charge war prices for everything. Come and see if we tell the truth;
don't take our word for . it, but price goods and see for yourselves.
We have the freshest and most complete line of prescrip
tion aiedicines in the country.
Our etock of druggists' notions and sundries include all
that the heart could wish for.
Our stock of stationery, books, etc., is the most complete
in Eastern Oregon.
Our stock of paints, oils, brushes, glass, etc., is complete
and of prime quality.
Our assortment of crockery, queensware, glassware', tin
ware, graniteware and lamps give entire satisfaction.
I SSfi ft
j BGyOnd
j Contl"cl""
' 1 J 4. !
The Earhuff organ the best in the world.
The Northwest Fire & Marine Insurance Company.
The German-American Insurance Company.
The Schuttler wagon.
The Adriance binders, reapers and mowers; also Chas.
II. Dodd & Co s' entire line of agricultural implements.
We are
the Con
don Ag'ts
We are here to stay, and respectfully solicit
your patronage.
Condon, - - - - Oregon.
Condon Hotel ,
Condon, Oregon.
This Large New Hotel is the
nishad Hotel in Gilliam County.
First-class Accommodation and Low Rates.
The table ia supplied with the best that the market affords.
Wallpaper and window shades a specialty.
I keep a complete stock of everything in my line, and am prepared to
sell at city prices. When you are at the county seut, give me a caU.
South Main St., Condon, Oregon.
CHAS. FIX, Prop'r.
Baled Hay, Chop, Oats, Barley and Mill Feed Bought ancUSold.
Also all kinds of second-hand clothing, boots and shoes boughtmd
sold in connection with my laundry in adjoining building at hayjjsculea
and shoe shop. 1 v
I am aiso agent for the Building, Loan t Investment AswitlaUua
of Settle, Wash. Your patronage in respectfully aoliciW.
i (J lZj 1
Most Comfortable and Best-Fur-