Do You Wish the Finest Bread and Cake? It is conceded that the Royal Baking Powder is the purest and strongest of all the baking powders. The purest baking powder makes the finest, sweet est, most delicious food. The strongest baking pow- der makes the lightest food. That baking powder which is both purest and strongest makes the most digestible and wholesome food.' -:'.. -. Why should not every housekeeper avail herself of the baking powder which will give her the best food with the least trouble ? Avoid all baking1 powders sold with a gift or prize, or at a lower price than the Eoyal, as they invariably contain alum, lime or sul phuric acid, and render the food unwholesome. Certain protection from alum baking powders can be had by declining to accept any substitute for the Royal, which is absolutely pure. She Why, Charlie, what a pile o! letters. Bil lets doux. I suppose? He Not at my time of life, my dear; billies overdue. 100 BEWABD 10. The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive eure known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh, being a constitutional dis ease, requires a constitutional treatmeut. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the sys tem, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease and giving the patient strength by build ing np the constitution and assisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any esse that it fails to cure, bend for list of testimonials. Address : F. J. CHENEY 4 CO., Toledo, O. tlf Sold by druggists, 75 cents. , THE BEASQRL Let us look into the force, mean ing, reason of the oft-repeated line: Cures Promptly and Permanently. Pains Endured for 30 Tears, 25 Tears, 20 Tears, 10 Tears, Have been promptly Cured by DT. JACOBS OIL, By the ass of: A FEW APPLICATIONS ... A HALF BOTTLE ONE BOTTLE TWO BOTTLES. Correspondence with Sufferers shows entire permanence of cure up to this time, In some eases covering 5 Tears, 7 Tears, 8 Tears, 10 Tears, and so on, and this proof we bold. A copy of the "Official Portfolio of th World's Columbian Exposition," descriptive of Buildings and Grounds, beautifully illus trated, in water color effects, will be sent to . any address upon receipt of 10c. in postage stamps by Tub Charles A. Yooklbb Co Baltimokc, Md. Flower'' Miss CO. McClAYB, School teacher,' 753 Park Place, Elmira, N. Y. " Thi3 Spring while away from home teaching my first term in a country school I was perfectly wretched with that human agony called dyspepsia. After dieting for two weeks and getting no better, a friend wrote me, suggesting that I take August Flower. The very next day I purchased a bottle. I am de lighted to say that August Flower helped me so that I have juite re covered from my indisposition." 9 Sips of You don't have to look twice to detect thembright eyes, bright color, bright smiles, bright in every ac tion. Disease is overcome only when Scott's 1TTTT weak tissue . is replaced by the healthy kind. Scott's ,-Emulsion of cod liver oil elects cure by building up sound flesh. It is agreeable to taste and easy of assimilation. ; preiwtred by 8w A Bowns, HI. Y. AM Srarirista, "Jn ff 1st quality can ever besent br mail. May- lap you know it. By freight, prepaid if JL r n rererred, we ship safely 4, 5 or 6 It. trees ; vr.lUaes of rare excellence, every thing ! rbn a Anally pay lew than for the puny j i Nurseries. 20. fO.1 acres ' :( y.--.,-t ,11 "-icW kn about trees '-. ! n. ' "ma, ". . All fur the Bent. "Ia that check rood for anything!" asked stranger, as he presented the paper at a Gris- wold street Dank the other day. "No, sir," was the prompt reply; "did yon take it at its face valuer' 4W a Tt. anJ T Anl 1,fc t. man ten on it" "Well, you are done for. We know of no each person here." "I'm beat, ehr , "You are." 'Done with my eyes wide oponl" "Yes." "And deserve no sympathy V "Probably not" "Waal, it looks that way, and mebbe I de served it. I thought I was about as sharp and cunning as any man in the state of Mich igan, but providence was waiting to make a fool of me at the right time. My head isn't half as big as it was an hour ago, and I don't seem to want to swear, chaw terbacker or kill a policeman. Blinder euros, ain't it. Guess it's for the best, or will be after I walk fifteen miles to get home. When yon see crushed strawberries think of yours truly." Detroit Free Press. The Arizona Kicker. We extract the following from the last issue of The Arizona Kicker: Mast Thanks. On Tuesday last were seized with an attack of Apache colic, and within ten minutes from the time the grip first took hold we were tied in seven kinds of hard knots and wanted a mule team to bold us. It should be explained that this colic is next door to Asiatic cholera, and when it takes hold it means business at whole sale rates. We were seriously ill for two days and nights, during which time we had scores of callers and our friends were anxious to extend every aid During the ten hours in which it was thought we must turn up our toes busi ness was mostly suspended in town, and our condition was bulletined every fifteen min utes. Our warmest thanks are due to our friends and acquaintances and the public generally; We are now about well again, and shall be more careful in future. This town can't afford to lose us just now, and we realize more than ever that our death would be a serious setback to the entire state. Detroit Free Press. ; An Absent Blinded Mao. "I've met absent minded men in my day,1 said a hotel clerk to a Lewiston J ournal man, "but none to surpass a porter that I knew once in a hotel that I worked in at Rye Beach one summer. It was along about 11 o clock and the officers brought in a nice respectable lookine man badly intoxicated, who had come in on the train. Said I to the porter: 'John, take this man up to his room and check his valise and put it into the coat room on the second floor.' The next morning a valise was found in bed. We hunted for the man, and of course found him where you ex pect. He was sleeping on the floor in the coat room, his head on a grip sack and a va lise check, No. , around his neck." Boston Globe. . - - ' Born That Way. Two , or three days ago Station House Keeper John Joiner wag sitting out in front of the guard house when an old negro man and a little negro child came by. The child's thin black legs were bent after the fashion of pot hooks, and nine people out of ten that saw the child would stop to stare at its dow "That your child, ancle?" asked the station bouse keeper. "Yesser. , Leas' hit ougbter be." "Mighty bow legged." "Yasser," admitted the old man, "hit does look sorter dat way, boss." : "Natural deformity?" "No, sah," quickly, "he was jes born dat way." Atlanta Constitution.. Didn't Want to Begin. ' , Conversation is a very serious thing with some people. One of this kind in a train was asked a very simple question by a fellow pas senger. . She made a deprecatory gesture and re plied: "Excuse me, but I am only going to the next station, and it's not worth while to begin a conversation." Exchange. BET HIM BIGHT. George Augustus Sala. the well-known English writer, on his last Australian trip wrote as follows to The Jjndon Daily Tele graph: ' " ". "I especially have a pleasant remem- hrannA of the shin's doctor a verv exoeri- Annnd maritime medico indeed, who tended me most kindly during a horrible spell of bronchitis and spasmodic asthma, provosea hv the sea foe which had swooned down on ns lust after we left Ban Jfrancisoo. But the doctor's prescriptions and the increas ing warmth of the temperature as we neared the Tropics, and in particular a couple of Ailcock's Poeocs Pi,astebs clanrJed on one on the chest and another between the shoulder blades soon set me right." f - Doiley (who notes her black velvet, ribbons) You are In half mourning. Dorothy l es, my ha'Mrutherldad. ,, Ths North Wind. The imrly north wind's blowing 11 ii trumpet load and thrill. And piling high his snowdrifts Along the naked hill. He'ii flying madly southward. And soon hla angry note Will soften, and he'll dolt hia Icicle brotdored coat. For Ihon be'U be the sooth wtnd, And he will wander back With roses in his whisker And roses In his pack. He'll wave hla flower trumpet And, northbound, scatter free Bis pack of dewy flowers On mountain side and lea. Harper's Young People, An Experimental Loeomottoa. The owners of what are called the Holman-Caldwell patents are having fitted np in Milwaukee a locomotive to be equipped with a new style of running gear, which its owners think will accom plish great things in railroading. The new running gear consists of a truck with ten wheels, three of which on each ride rest npon the rails, and are sur mounted by two others, the tires of which have f rictional contact with the tiros of the wheels below. Then, sur mounting these two wheels is the drive wheel of the locomotive, the wheel ar rangement on each side being that of a pyramid, with the drive wheel on top. - - ... . As the lower sets or -wneeis are 01 much smaller diameter than the drive wheels which transmit motion to them it is claimed that the ordinary speed of a locomotive can be doubled by the use of this gearing. A stock company has been formed to exploit this invention, and as soon as possible a trial trip ia to be made. It is proposed to hrst run the engine now being equipped from Minne apolis to Boston. Representatives of the Holman-Caldwell company have been in Milwaukee for several days looking after the construction of the trial truck and exhibiting models of the invention to railroad men. Milwaukee Wisconsin. Saved by His Wife's W1U The Rev. Dr. Clinton Locke, the popu lar Episcopal clergyman, of Chicago, made a bad break the other day, but was helped out by the quick wit of his wife. On the day in question he saw a lady about to call whom he was anxious not to meet So he said to his wife: "Now I'm off, my dear. I'll run up stairs and escape till she goes away, After about an hour he quietly tiptoed to the stair landing and listened. All was quiet below. Reassured he began to descend, and while doing so ne thoughtlessly but emphatically called out over the bannister: Well, my dear, has that old bore gone atlastr . ' The next instant a voice from below caused the cold perspiration to bedew his ministerial brow and rooted him to the spot. There came a response which sounded inexpressibly sweet to him just then. It was the voice of his wife, who, with true womanly tact, replied, "Yes, darlins. she went away over an hour ago, but here is our good friend, Mrs. Blank, whom I am sure you want to meet!" New York Tribune. Hiss Ward '4 rid Her Andlenca ef One. According to The Isle of Wight Guard ian, the island one day recently was the scene of a strange dramatic performance with a powerful "cast" There could be seen Miss - Genevieve Ward, Dr. Dabbs, Mrs. Dabb3, and a dramatic vis itor, a Mr. Lnmsdaine, together with a young lady, Miss Ethel Goddard, and this powerful dramatic company were engaged in what? They were reading through a new play of Dr. Dabbs and Mr. Eighton, entitled "Dante, to se cure the copyright. The admission was one guinea, which was paid at the door, and the audience consisted of one person! And so the qualifications of the copyright law were complied with, and the right of the authors to the title of "Dante" is legally secure against all comers. But why not have given us all the chance of seeing it? for nights are dull and the atricals are quite in our way such is the lament of the paragraph writer. Death of s Jolly Good Fellow. Mr. Jerome's serious illness recalls to my mind an incident wnicn l noncea with some amusement at his brother's funeral He was such a jolly good fel low that even when -ho was in company in a coffin he was not as depressing as an ordinary corpse. An awfully swell young girl, -tailor made, with that aplomb which only nature can give, came into the room with a young man, walked with the hippy movement which was then the fin de siecle carriage for a girl over to the cof&n, looked pleasantly at Mr. Jerome, and then turned and walked out again. As she reached the vestibule she said to her escort with a. cheerful tone, in a perfectly audible oice, "Well, ho had an awfully good time while he lived!" Could the king of terrors have been treated with dain tier indifference? New York World. A Primitive Process. Thare is no government tug at the Norfolk navy yard now, and io moving heavy vessel, along the wharf front the hauling is accomplished mostly by the bull teams of the yard, a primitive pro cess, but the best available at present. It takes about four yoke of bulls to more a vessel easily aiong, due wneu uiey tackle a big ship like the double arreted monitor Amphitrite the bulls generally go down exhausted before the hauling is over. In doing tag duty for the past year the bull team appears as a new fac tor in the economy of navy yard affairs. Washington Star. The late Duke of Bedford eat in the house of commons for twenty-five years and in the house of lords for eighteen years, in all a parliamentary career ef forty-three years, without opening his lips. His estate covered 118 acres in London, with about 8,000 residences or shops. .' " " ; ." Two hundred and sixteen thousand copies of "Black Beauty" are claimed to have been sold in America, and the Hu mane Education association is having the work translated into French, Ger- I man, Spanish, Italian and Volapuk, FOR PURE FOOD. the San Francisco Board of Health No tify Consumers Which Is ths Best Making Powder. The Board of Health can engage in no more laudable occupation than the ex amination of our food supply and the instruction of the public as to those ar ticles it finds to be pure and wholesome, and which, therefore, consumers should use. ' There are Quantities ol baking pow ders in the market to use which is cer tain detriment to the health of the con sumer. They are made from alum, or improperly compounded from other chemicals, so that they leave a strong alkaline residuum in the food. Many of these powders, having proved unsalable In the East, have been collected by their manufacturers from the dealers with whom they were left on commission, and shinned to the Pacific Coast. In the ef- fort to gam a iootnoiu in mis maraei their unscrupulous manufacturers have indulged in extravagant statements both with reference to their own and other . 1 1 I Al 1 - A brands, claiming the most improbable indorsements for theirs and defaming the brands best known and longest used niton the Pacific Coast. This informa tion from this high authority, therefore, is most oDDortune. The strength In leavening gas indicates botJj the economical value and the purity of a baking powder. The testa made bv Messrs. Thomas I'nce & Hon, tne weu- known analytical chemists of ban iritn Cisco, show the Royal to contain 191 cubic inches of leavening gas per ounce of Dowder. which was fifty-one inches more than the next highest in strength, This shows the Roval about 30 per cent stronger than the best of the other Dowders and its use tnat macn more fwnnnmical. The opinion of the Board of lleaitu is an follows We. the members of the Board ol Health of the citv and county of Ban FranciRco. cordtallv approve and recon mena tne itoyai .pacing rowuer, in absolutely cure and healthful, composed . . 1 T, I Tfc 1. of the best ingredients, of the highest strength and character. In niur Indoinent it is ltJiPOBBiuie to make a purer or stronger baking powder . I . I 1 ft Du..!.. 1I.MM. man tne rtoyai. Dn r ruuciow vuvu- icle. . - ' . Had a Remarkable Escape. The Wattsburii (Or.) Times relates the wonderful escape from sudden death which befell Mrs. Lytlia vmIuh while camping in the mountains. Near the tent stood old tree, tjie top of which hud teen broken off. The renminiiiK part or the tree was perhaps 30 fret high nml 13 inches In diame ter at the top. At a time when the ele ments were perfectly calm that old tree fell, the two prongs going on either side of Mrs. W iggins. niissmg her not more than ten inches. She escaped entirely unin jured. . -. ' " ' " Brown' $ Bronchial Trochfi" will relieve Bronchitis, Asthma and Throat Diseases, Wife Aren't you ashame ! ct yourself, coming home at this time o' night? Hubby I shn bin home hours ago, dear, only wash 'I raid I'd Bud you awake. Bad taste in the mouth or an unpleasant breath, when resulting irom catarrn, are overcome, and the nasal passages which have been closed for years are made free b; the use or kiys cream liaim. 1 sunere from catarrh for twelve years, experiencing the nauseatuiK dropping in tne inroat pe culiar to that- disease, ana nose bleed ai most dally. I tried various remedies with out beneht until last April, when I saw EIv's Cream Balm advertised. I procured a bottle, and since the first day's use have had no more Dieeaing tne soreness is en tirely gone. D. O. Davidson, with the Boston Budtiet, formerly with the Boston Journal. Apply Balm into each nostril. It is quickly aDsornea. uives renei at once. Price, 50 cents at druggists' or by mail. Jhi.Y Broth k as, CO Warren street, New York. Tit Gsbmsa for breakfast. ONTO BNJOYO Both the method nod results whet Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and Kit ntly yet promptly on the Kidneys, liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys hem effectually, dispels colds, head .rnl ierars and cure hahitnnl sonstipation permanently. For sale in 60c and $1 bottles by all druggists. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. tAH fSAHOiaCO. CAL. WOIWILLE, Kf. USUI YORK. H.I. Nature ehould be assisted to throw off imparities of the blood. Nothing does it so well, so promptly, or so safely as Swift's Specific LIFE BAD NO CHARMS. Tor three years I was troubled with mala rial poison, which caused my appetite to fail, and I was greatly reduced in flesh, and life lost all its charms. I tried mercurial and notash remedies, but to no effect. I could get no relief. 1 tnen aeciaea to cry A few bottles of this wonderful medicine made a complete and permanent cure, and I now enjoy better health than ever, .... . j. A. kick, (jttawa, ivan. Our book on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed free. Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga pleo's Remedy for Catarrh Is the n Bent, Easiest to use, and Cheapost. Bold by druggists or sent by moll, Mrs. K T. HAxelMne, Wwntn. Ps. 1 N. P. N. U. No. 477-S. F. N. U. No. 654. CURES sIILIiSIL poison AN ENEMY BAFFLED. v fauillUr ill their lives, because they are born with a tendency to biliousness. With this enemy they re constantly batuinif witn lueneciuai wtapon. HodUitttT'i 8t mach Bitters Will h (fell Mere purgatives wll not reform a disor dered condition of th liver IndUtated, uot by constipation alone, but also by sick headaches, yellowness of the sktn and eyeballs, uunh, lurre i touirne aim uueasium, mure (wuvui.uj upon pressure on the right side, upon and below the short ribs. Avoid drasttn purgatlvtw whth rliiB and weaken the Intentlne. and substitute his world-famous sut'-blllous cordial, which Ukewlxe removes malarlsl.stomachtu and kidney complaints, rheumatism and nervousnt. As s laxative of the bowels, patulous but enocuim, u improves appetite, sleep slid theablUty todlutut, and tHHisesses the additional advantage of a staudatd tonic. : It Is hsrd for a philosopher I football should be called play sopher to undorst' nd why as shoveling coal is considered nam wors BUVTtJRS lltDPllM CUBED. We peslttvely cure rupture, piles and all rec tal dlseaws wltboatsaln er detention from Dual- new, Mo eura, no pay. Also all FrivaU als Adrlntas for namnhlet Drs. Fortarflsld Usey, Us Market street. Ban Franohwo. Jndoa If I sot as intoxicated s you do, I'd hnt mvMlf. Prisoner If vou was tosslcatad as I am, you ooulau' hitter ham door. Use Inamelfns Stove Polish; bo dust, ne smell. AftQr the Grip " I was very woak aud run down and did no! fain strength, like so many after that rostrat.- lng disease, seeing Hood's Barsaparllla highly teconuuGuded, 1 hc'Rsn to tako it, and was more than p'easud. with the way it built ms up. 1 think it has mad mo better than hefors I wis lick. I have also been delighted with HOOD'S PII.L, and always prvfur them .lira, uneriou. So any other kind now. They do not grips ot weaken. I am glad to recommend two such Hood's f,S Cures fins preparations as Hood's ftanaparllta and Hood's l'llls." heater, N. II. Mas. Isaiah Emkuron, Man Get Hood's. H000'8 PILLS are purwly veritable, carefull) rciiareu Ir from the best Ingredients. rsiiiLoirsi l CURE. Cores Consumption, vongos, vroup, sgn ThpAfcl. Sold bv sll Dninuts on a GuarantM. For a Lane Side, Back or Chett Sbiloh's Porous Plastsr will give grwt ttiifctioa. casta. 8HILOHf8 VITALIZE!. Mrs. T. 8. Hawkins, Chattanooga. Tonn.,saysi tmuiilerit UMbextremuiyforadtlHlUattdmintem I iter vied." For Dyspcrwlo, Liver or Kidney trouble It exoel. Price 76 eta. CElLOH'SlCATARRH Have you Catarrh? Try this Kemedy. ItwlU relieve and Cure you. Price 60 cw. "This In jector for Ita suooenshll treatment Ik furnished Ires. Sbiloh's Remedies are mM by us on a snianmtee to give saUsf aotloa. .Tie Best fatorpcf Coat In the WORLD I K i L3 Th FISH UKAND 8L1CKXR Is wamuitcd wtw .proof, snd will k rou dry In the hsnlntttorra. TM new rOMMKL 81.U KEU I s perfect riUlrif cost, sn1 cnrrlieiiilrau.ull. UowsrsxrlinJUUiiis. IhHiU Imr s exit If tlta " i nn ltrsnd" In not on It. Jllu.trs- Imy i IcJt tuafye frr. A. . TOWEK, Btn, Him. PRINTERS AND PUBliISHEKS -WILL FIND A FULL LINE OF- TYPE Printing Material and f.!ach'nery For sale at lowest prices and most advantageous terms ai Palmer & Rey Type Foiindiy, Cor. Front anil Alder Streets, PORTLAND, OR. Write for prices and terms before bujrlnf elrs- wnere. I9TBII1 Miarn br hwedibh asthma AS I R MA LUntU CURE. Sample maiUAJn. !Morphln Habit Onrnd in 10 ito 90 days. Wo uajy till onrecu DR.J, STEPHENS, Lobsnon.Ohio. lifiEGREAT 1 -mmtL "" . f t JJI--JJLXI reef dven woman by MCOEE'8 w v sa,rf.ati mim bBVaLD EEMEDY has Riven it the name of Woman's Friend. It Is i asm. uniformly saocets- falin relieving the backaches, headaebft HI C 'J..TT"Sr. d weakness which burden and shorten a woman's" '- "" life. ThouR.-.bds of women testify for it. It will pive health and strength mw -mm mmm and make life a pleasure. FOR BALE BY ALL " f ) Tj DRUGGISTS. , N" ' A FOOTHOLD for Consumption is what you are offering, if your blood is impure. Consumption is stmp- Oly laiug rwoium. n. lous condition, with a slight n r.r.1,1 lii all that it wukii v. ' - nels to develop it. But lust as it depends upon the blood for its origin, so It dmiends urn the bl mxn tue iiiooa ror It cure. The surest remedy fnr Hnmfula In every form, the nioatefTwtlvs blood-cleans-flrah-liullilnr. and strenicth- restorer that's known to medi cal science, is Doctor I'lcrce's Golden Medical Discover. Ik i Vnr 1'iiiiHAnititlon in all earlier stages, and for Wea Lungs, Artuiiia,BevereCouglia, and all Bronchial, Throat, and Lung airec tions, that is the only remedy so unfailiiijr that it can be guaranteed. It it doesut benefit or cure, you have your money back. ... . , , i rt.iwk mo matter now long you t uau y""' "t or how severe, Dr. Sage's ttemedy will effect a permanent cure, sow ia by the proprietors of this medicine, for an UaauraUle oaaa of Catarrh, PruneTfees. Italian and retlto, one year old: to 4 f't blKh, I'JO per 1,000s 4 to 8 feet high, B pr l.uw. Packing done at cost. All trees warranted Ime to name and free from Insects or st ale. Hmid orders to TH0H. J. DAVIS, attorney lu fact for (1. K. Watklns; address, I'ortlaud, Or. "i .rain in; A monthly journal of Bpe cial interest to Printers, Reporters, Publishers. Editors and If you don't receive and want it, write it Palmer & ReyTyps Foundry, PUBLISHERS, PORTLAND, - OREGON. Plane Ferry's Seeds nd rfHD s rl-ti hsnrwit. Tliry ur alunvn rvtliilils. nlways In dviiiiind. kl wuy t h iM-nt fFERRY'SSEED ANNUAL! lN:l l In vultiHtilr to pvcry I'lanli-K H ia an ewwhtimllu ot thi luu-bt tirumm j luiuruuiiiuii iniiniuiiiisiiMiiuiiu'iut.'. ' . riiaiu-a ttvu. .D.M.FERRT0V DETROIT,, Mien. Hercules Gas Ennina (OAS OK OASOUKE) Made for Power or Pumping Purposes. a tlx MsrllSk Our op Enoini am Pump Vo aimpUolty II Beats the World. St oils Itself irona a Beservolr, JXO Csrbnretor to get on of order. Vo Satterlss or Eleetrlo Spartu It rans with a Cheapor Orsd of OssoUns thsa ttaf smd ro cttAUtuvn to PALMER & REY, MahufacturssiSV 40S Umm Stmt,lai fraacijci. W.. AND ; POBTLAHD, OKKGOK. M ANM QON QUTTEf will ent Dry or toreeu Bones, Meat, tirtstln aud alt tireen Cut BuNErt will double the nnmher of etcni will make them more fur tile will carry the hnl safuly through the moltliij perlra and put them In condition to lay when ea;irs command the highest prioe snd will doveloiie your chicks faster tltaa any other food. Fwirl flreen Bones and ne Oreoaosieiia to kill the lice, and you will maks fifty per eenl mors prollk. Send for Catalogue and prices. PETAUHl INCUBATOR C0IP1, PETiLUlA, CHI,' Rl( ft tathaarknnwlMt lcadlna rsinody tor U it 9 Innnaiural tflsnbarfM a prlvatadlimMHisor dio. A Mrtalaeur tor th4b!' s ' tatlng waakassa Boaum to womn. I nMnribaltanA faal ' NtMlildA. In racommaadlAa; Us) iirjiNTl.o! "1 all surrrra. YOUNQ MEN! The) Specific A No. I. ttarss, without full, all rants of Moaorr kw and Wlt, no mattvr ol imw lona; tundlng. PrevenUi strlnturs, It bnlnir nil In tnriiHl rmely. Curfs wIipii cvnryUJiig ela tins lallml. Hold by ail UhikkIbk MaiiulaoturenK The A.ttclKwnholMlvllcrna rrlm. SS.OO. f o., Ban Jose, tW. IsstiistlsWorld! m tha mm Sc!d Evsrywherei f mSsuavXJ f JtiuuMlKial tl tmu M I lTuifni6 RIAZE It AXLE ineililt-M ' ' '