THE CONDON GLOBE FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 3,1893. ' NOTICE? " Theyonrly utn'rlptim to tho fll,onB Isfl.M, lit vnrltilily In Hdvnni'fs, No duvliitloti (rum thin rnlo. 'i'lio piipr will b hmi'il nt tlm end of tlir tltii (or which It In ild inili-H fnrttii-rnr l-rl unci )mlil lor. A liluu h-m;II murk round till riodfc liiiHi nti' tlmt your suliwrlptlon tin explrml, mid it you wish tlii'l't'''r oiitlmmdyou should ri'inll the Hiiiotiiit a. noon n jiobbIIiIp. - GLOBOSITIES. Hon. G. W, Rlnehart . Is at TortlRnd and Htilem thin week on bualncHU. Father Mercier of Umatilla county, formerly of thiw circuit, in vUiting his friends in thla section. Al Moore returned home thin week from Uilkiiio, Idalio, where he had been at work since last spring. Loron W, Bailey came tip from Polk county thisiland made proof on his railroad land, starting back Thursday. Some time ago the county court of Jo enhene county fined the sheriff $50 for not returning the delinquent tax roll on time. Thp fine has Juttt been remitted. A pleasant eurprine party was given at Maddock's hotel , Saturday ' evening, which was greatly enjoyed by the nu mcrou guests. : ; Mrs. . J. McMorrls left Thursday of last week for a visit to her relatives on Pnake river in Washington, to be aboent several months. i" We are glad to state that Herbert Hal stiiad will be able to be around again in a few days, having about recovered from bis severe spell of sickness.... Miss Rebecca McCubbin of Wallowa county is visiting her uncle and aunt in town, Mr. and Mrs. T, J. Young, and ex pects to remain several months. The bill for incorporating Condon has paaHed its third reading in the senate and is ready for the governor's signature. Condon office fiends who are on the look out for "fat Jobs" may as well begin 'leu tioneering already, (iuHtson's bill asking for an appro priation of f 40,000 for the maintenance of the Oregon militia has patted the House of Hepresentatives by a vote of 39 to 16. It will probably pass the Ben ate also and become a law, providing the governor does not veto It. There was no school during the taut couple of days, owning to the extreme cold tttormy weather, which has been the most severe experienced in this section for years. Tuesday and Wednesday the mercury flickered with a vengeance around the 20-bclow-xero mark. Thurs duy it is more moderate, with indica tions for a chinook. "Why, Willie Oreen, you don't know what a Iwaster is ! Buppoe Tommy Too dies were to come to you and say he ex culled all the other boys In their studies; that he could jump higher, run faster, swim hotter, aud could outdo every boy in the school at everything. Now, what would you call Tommy Toodles?" Wil lie Un en (with decision) A liar. . Mrs. E. L. Smith, a widow of fiattle, asks f 15,000 from the Union PaclGc be en une one of its conductors kissed her witboutconsent. If the offending con dector has any sense about him he will aid Mrs. Smith in securing judgment for the full amount and then marry her. Kite has a business head and precious lips on those shoulders of hers, says an exchange. In considering the utility of the laws regarding the workings of the justice c urts, it has been suggested that one im portantitein should be remedied. These laws should be soamonded that justices of the peace cannot issue warrants for ar rest without an order from the district attorney, except the complaining wit ness be first required to file bonds for costs. .This would result in the saving of hundreds of dollars to the several coun ties In cases 'where the cause for com plsint is not sufficient to satisfy the pros ecuting officer. Times-Mountaineer. Salem Journal : Mr. Ford has intro duced a bill for county attorneys, which, if it is acceptable to the counties of this judicial district, will abolish the present office of district prosecutor, and give each county an attorney. Most of thecountios now pay out from one to two thousand dollars a year for prosecuting attorney eevlces. Under this bill they would not pay so much and perhaps get a cheaper grade of service, as the attorneys who will give all their time for from (000 4:000 a year would not rank in ability with the present public prosecutors. The richest man in Oregon has 'join ed the silent majority," and some Port land papers are holding his career to pub lie gaze as an example of the success which attend shrewdness, good judgment ' and perseverance. 1 he time la coming when the accumulation of twenty mil lions will be looked upon moro as a mis 1 fortune than a success. To acquire that much property is to enslave one's soul in protecting and adding to it, and the un fortunate possessor of millionaire is the one to whom good wholesome sleep is a , sT.'anger. The millionaire is harassed;' ' by TK'ggars, waylaid by fanatical assap-. sins, and surrounded by false friends who stick to him for his money. There is nothing in a millionaire's success for young men to emulate. That nation is on the surest footing whose sons are not millionaires but honorable eiticens whose 'daily toil at labor or in 'business' yields a fair Mopetency "but yields no more." It is easy for poor editors to philosophize thus but tlic ! iiHfic is none the lean correct and true. Granul ans Uuui'ier. ! The local newspaper is universally rec ognized as the chief factorn .furthering the enterprise and giving substantial support to the industries and business of the town in which it is published, and although it does not pay directly in re turn a stated amount of collateral for the patronage it receives from its sup-" porters and ad vertisers these constituents do receive dollar for dollar, and more, through the influence it exerts in bring ing new residents to the community and posting the people in general on the pro gress of the town. -Exchange. In preparing for the neck-tie ball on Feb, 14th, it is not necessary for the la- dios to prepare an entire costume for the occasion. Each lady is expected to make 'two ties, using any kind of cloth or rib bon, exactly alike, one to be worn by herself, the other to be sealed in a blank envelope. All the envelopes are then placed in one basket, and as the couples pass b the basket during tm grand inarch, each gentleman will reach in and get one. The- lady wearing the dupli cate to It will lie his partner during the evening. All those having partners will be served first, and thus all, the ladies are sure to get partners. Once upon a time a certain man got mad at the editor and stopped his paper. The next week he sold his com at 2d cents below market price. His property was sold for taxes because he didn't read the sheriffs sale. He was arrested and fined (8 for hunting on Sunday, and he paid f 300 for a of lot forged notes that had been advertised for two weeks, and the public cautioned not to negotiate for them. He then paid a big Irishman with a foot on him like a forge hammer, to kick him all the way down to a news pupe.r office, where he paid four years subscription in advance and made the editor sign an agreement to knock him down and rob him if he ever ordered his pBjr stopped again, (such is life with out a newspaper. Exchange - ' The governors of the several states receive salaries as follows: New York. New Jersey and Pennsylvania $10,000 each; Ohio 8000; Illinois and Cali fornia (6000 each ; Colorado, Kentucky, Indiana, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Mis souri, Morituna, JJevudii, Viginia, Wis consin fnOOO each; Maryland $4500; Connecticut, Louisiana, Mississippi, Tennessee, Texas and Washington flOOOi each; Florida, South Carolina and Utah f.'JJjOO each ; Alabama, Alaska, Arkansas, Georgia, Idaho, Iowa, Kansas, North Carolina, North Pukota and Rhode Is land $3000 each ; West Virginia 2700 ; Arizona, New Mexico and Oklahoma 2i00 each; Nebraska, Houth Dakota and Wyoming $2'00 each J Delaware, Maine, Michigan and New Hampshire 12000 each ; Vermont and Oregon $1500 each. ,v , ; Cal Hale Positively Identified. A telegram from Ellensburg, under date f Jon, SOth, says: ",Cal Hale one of the men arrested for robbing the, Roslyn bank last Septem ber, was placed ou trial here in the sup erior court this morning . The courtroom was crowded. The jury was secured with very little trouble, and the examination of witness began immediately after the noon recess. F. A. Aheriietliy, the cash ier, positively idmtified Haleasthe man who took the money from the vault. lr. Lyons and Professor Jenkins hIbo pos itively identified him as the robber who handled the monev. The defense failed to taugle them up or shake their testi mony in the least. About 50 witness have arrived from Oregou to testify for the defense, and it is understood a strong effort will 1 made, to prove an alibi. Hale has local attorneys conducting his case, assisted by one attorney from Ore gon. Prosecutiug . Attorney Wager Is lieing assisted by H. J. Snively. The in dications are the trial will last several days, possibly all the week. Great in terest is being shown in the case, and some heavy legal lighting is ex peeled as the trial progresses." ; , J. H. Downing gets a telegram every day from Sheriff Wilcox,' who is in at tendance at the trial. . The dispatch Wednesday stated that the case had to be postponed, owing to the sickness of tho Judge, and no one had any idea when the trial would commence agaih. A Welcome Addition. A correspondent writing from Waener, Grant county, to the Long Creek Kugle, savs ; ''And still they come! Another jeti tion is being circulated in this neighbor hood asking that four townships lie cut off Grant and annexed to Gilliam coun ty. We undcrstond it is being quite largely signed by citizens of the fonr tow nships, they believing it would lie to their benefit financially to be annexed toGiliam county, thus making them much nearer to the county scat of Gil liam than thoy are at present to the county seat of Grunt, which is quite a consideration, especially during winter months." . ". "What are you doing around here?" said the woman to the tramp who had got over the fence just in time to escape the bulldog. "Madam,"' he said'' with dignity.' "1 did intend to request soae thin' to eat, but all I ask now is that in the interests of humanity you'll feed that dog." Washington Star. V . 7 Cood Houce To Let.1 ; Tho seat dwelling house of W., L, Bar ker in Condon can be rented after March 1st. For information apply to Mr. Iiar k'er or at this oliice. The Chinook Wind. It is a wind peculiar to this part of the world. It is only characteristic of this region in its greater prevalence and Its more distinctly traceable and widespread effects. I might add that it also has a peculiar name here, but it is nothing more and nothing less than the west wind of the world west wind that Vir gil so often refers to, the wind that Hom er discribes in tho Odyssey as blowing soft from tho ocean upon those fabled is lands where winter is not, nor any horn ing summer boat, It is also noticed by Longfellow as descending upon the coast of Norway, and he and other writers of poetry and prose have often noted it in descriptions of New England. I was fa miliar with it during my early life in the Connecticut valley, and when I first felt it on the Columbia I recognized it as an old acquaintance. Whence it comes or whither it goes is to a certain extent mysterious but it be longs to no one quarter of the globe. It is more distinctly of this region, I be lieve, than of any other. It is many times more abundant and prevalent here than on the Atlantic coast, or iu the In terior of this country. But I think I am not mistaken in saying that we are fa vored lieyond many other parts only in having more of it, Hwecpingin from the west in these latitudes, it gives Eastern Washingtion and Montana an earlier spring than Minnesota, and it is not ex hausted entirely in crossing the 'conti nent, but touches the New England hills and valleys to unlock the rigors of winter still later there, saysGovernor Semple in the leattlo Post-Intelligencer. Tho San Francisco Examiner says they are due to the drawing in of the. warm, moist air that hangs over the Japan current onto the cold region between the Pacific ocean and the Rocky moun tains. Their effect is to moderate the climate. ' . Lone Rock Rumblings. Mrs. Meador went over to Fossil on Monday's stage. ' Mr. Win. Pcott of Creswell came up last week and is visiting his sister here, Mrs. W. C. Brown. r This is rather out of season for lamb ing, but Tom Barton's sheep do not ap pear to think so. Out of a crop of about ! 150 Jaml, fully f have "toughed It through" and seem to be doing well. Tuesday night was the coldest of the winter, so far, being 10 deg. below lero. During the last week snow fell to the depth of aUmt 10 inches, but owing to the terrific winds most of it was blown off the ridges into the low places, mak ing frightful drifts. Stockmen are just rolling the hay out to their stock, feel ing confident that the backbone of w in ter is at lust broken. It has been an ex tra hard winter, but we have not heard of any loss of stock as yet. The revival meetings closed Sunday evening. Considering the fact of this being a small community and as "tough as a boiled owl," these meetings were tiie grandest success on record.' During the two weeks there were 23 eon versions, among the most prominent and influen tial citizens of the community. Among those converted and w ho united with the church Sunday are: John M. Drow n and wife, R. G. Robinson and wife. It. M.Johnson and wife, Geo. Perry arid wife, M. O. Clarke and wife, and many others who are also among our most in telligent people.. 'Our jieople extend sincere thanks to their Condon neigh bors for their valuable assistance during the meetings. Rev. Raw lins, "the jo ker," as the hoodlums style him, is one of the few w ho can "dehorn" Satan without having him held down, in spite of his imps trying to kick him off. Cowboy. "Woman's Rights." . Beecukk Flat, Jan. 27th. En. Glow! : -Through the columns of your paper I wish to say a few words to the public: Some of the business men of Condon have spoken disrespectfully of me con cerning a paper which I circulated in that town recently. I would inform these gentlemen that it was not a re monstrance I was circulating. I give myself credit for having better sense than to attempt anything of that kind at the present time, at least. It is a true saying that "large bodies move slowly." What I was doing then was simply getting the ladies of Condon, Mayville and Fossil and the sourrounding country to sign a petition praying our governor to recommend that the laws of Oregon be so amended as to give ladies the right to sign petitions for liquor license, also remonstrances against the same. Can any fair-minded parent or anyone else who have the best interests of them selves or homes at heart find any reason able objection to such a worthy move as this? I sincerely hope not. , I fully realize the unjust law that lim its "woman's rights" in such matters, but in common with millions of others who are trying to do what good they can while on this earth, I trust and hope to to sec this law righted,. and ladies given the rijilit to aid iu such matters which really interests them more than it docs the men. That I may live to see the day when women have, these just rights, is the earnest hope of ' '' Li'iia Searcy. ' We are agent for Kunpp, Butrall & Co.'s com pk'ti! line of Rood. coiimmIiik of wut. our rltiuin. buifi?ii, Imcklioiti'iiH. . Immt'im. eiinu. mil- I kny nl i.onnnoii plows, luirrowK, etl"is. liiill, j hoiwi'-ro, wtf-blmlt in, )uowtm, ivupem. rnki unit all kinds of farming mu liinvry. HoicrtpUva I couloir's' full of iii.'urrmr.lon ii'iid nriitu iipou I mu'lusiiou. II)fcWMm, Kimihan it Uu, The Louisiana state lottery has been granted a charter by the re public of Honduras for the next 20 years, and will remove to the city of Tegucigalpa, Jan. 1, 1894, when its charter from the gtate of Louisiana expires. Teachers' Examination. Notice is hereby given that the regu lar quarterly examination of candidates for teaehers' certificates for Gilliam coun ty will be held at Condon, beginning on Wednesday, Feb, 8, 1893, at 1 o'clock, p, m. Examination for state certificates and slate and life diplomas will be con ducted at the same time. L. Parker, County School Sup't. Fossa, Or., Jan. 24, 1803. A Great Offer. From now until Feb. 5th, next month, wo are prepared to send the weekly San Francisco Examiner and the Condon Giaiie one year for the trifling jum of $2. The regular price of both pa pers is 3. The Examiner Isthe leading paper of the United States, and the Globe comes next on the list. Important Notice, '... Look here 1 Do you know R. L. Sabin? We do. We must have what is due us, and unless prompt payment is made, we will enforce collection at once. No fool ishness; we can not wait any longer. L. W, Dabuxo & Co. For Sale Cheap. I desire to Bell my team of mules, har ness, wagon and complete outfit, also a sewing machine and a number of other household and farming utensils. They will lie sold at a bargain if applied for soon. J. M. Campbell, Condon. Treasurer's Notice. All county.warrants registered prior to July 1,3892, will 1 paid on present ation at ray office. Interest ceases on and after this date. Hekbert, County Treasurer. Dated Oct. 14, 18f2. The Best Wagons. Thbest wagon in the world is the new Peter ftahn tiler tahnlnr avl macron The Steel Skin Sclmttler wagon has oeen in tne leaa lor tne past 60 years; the new tabular axle Kchntller will be in the lead for the next 50 years. For sale by L. W. Darling k Co., Condon, Or. Something Worth Reading. Th Sunday Mercury, the leadinRaport Ing and independent politiciil newspaper In the Northwcut, is publfuhod at Portland, Or. Over 11,000 copies old each week. Price. fi50 s year. Ne'wsboyn wanted In every eity and town In the United States. Prise to newsboys, 5 cents s copy. Prl to oustomm, lO cents a copy. Any person getting a boy In a town where The Mercury U not alresd? sold, will be given a eopy tne of charge for lx month Samples tree. Wrilo to B. P. WATSON ,1 nop., 94 East Morrison St., Portland, Or. BUSINESS locals: Books of ull kinds. L. W. Darling t Co. . Dlnhes and glassware at U W. Darling A Co.'s, Onuine cidw vicegnr at Haletead, Rinehart A Co.'s. A line of fine, fanhionnWe pgpeterie, first-tings. h. W. Df.rli)ig A, Co., Condon. Ihnieekof.'Tn'ni, try torn? of the Liquid Washing Bluing, at Darling's, Condon. Fine maps of rtK.)n, folded for pocket Hue, 50c each, at U W, Darling it Co.'s. All kinds of dorks at Hulatead, Kinehart & Co.', at prices to suit the times. Your bird would sing better In a new cage, (let one from L. W. Darling & Co. We are Just hunting forehror.le eontrtu to cure. "U B," for sate by U W. Darling Co. Windows, doors and all kinds of btiilders' hard ware, at Ilnlstejtd, Kinelmrt & Co.'s, Condon. Toikt soaps In endless vnrictv, alo the best lauudrjr soup In the world. L. Vf . Darling & Co. The 3. B. Cough Cure Is simply perfect Sriond .Vie with U U . DurliiiK, and you will be rondy to slug. Indies, try onr "Itest for the Weary" shoes, and snlK-r no more with sore or tired feet HuUteud, Kiiie!;rt x i.o. The Ucrmiin-Ameriean Insuranee Co.. of Vew York. hn t-atnulistied an otBee at Condon with L. n , DuTliug a Ngcut. Ask at L. V. Darilnsr & Co's dniff store for the s. n. ueadaeiia cure, ami yon will be given the best headaehe medicine knoa n. THE HEW WEBSTER A New Book from Cover to Cover. mat ABREAST OF THE TIMES. eft -WEBSTER'S INTERNATIONAL DICTIONARY A GRAND INVESTMENT For the Family, I bo School or the Library. The Auiheitio-'WeljBter'a Una bridged Dictionary, comprising the issues of "19 and '84 (still oor.y- righted) lias beau f Uoroujclily revised and enlarged, and as a distinguish ing title, boars the it Bine of Web ster's International Dictionary, The work cf revision occupied, over ten years, more than a hundred etii toriali laborers having boen employ ed, and over $300,000 expended before the first copy vras printed. 6010 BY ALL bUOKSELlERd. A Painohlet of gDeeimen Inures, illustration.. ! testimonials, etc., atut free by tho publishers. Caution Is neodod In purchasing dictionary, ' as pliotovrspliio reprints of au olwofcte and eoni i pamtively worthless edition of Webster ar da j iug msrkftted under various names auii olton by ' Uiitiroiiresoatntion. GET THE BEST, The International, which bears th Imprint of G. A C. MERRIAM . CO., PUBLISHERS, SPRINGFIELD, tflass., U. 8. A. Palma Sola President ess Repu-- tacian ElofranteS' Cuban Blos Boms. Try thoxn. L. W. Daf- j ling A Co., Condon, Oregon. SAY! HEAR MEHQLL ixj. 'flit . r"! . . E2 - ml rW Ci .- s 5l ' MW- -: c I F YOU OOriT BELI EVE iTy TRY tl E, GENERAL MERCHANDISE, GROCERIES, DRY:GOODS, TOBAGGOS, HARD WAR E And Everything Else Usually Kept In a First-class Mercantile Establishment. , TKE BEST X fL0CR 1 yrLOUiiVtXOCR KJ FLOUR JlV. AT THE HIGHEST CUSTOMERS SLAUGHTERED ! won't pay. Our motto its to get all we can for as little as possible and charge war prices for everything. Come and see if we tell the truth; don't take our word for it, but price goods and see for yourselves. J. H. DOWNING. "LIVE AND LET LIVE" IS OUR MOTTO. "AN INCIDENTAL PROTECTIVE TARIFF" TFOR REVENUE ONLY.J IS OUR POLITICS. WE Assert Beyond THAT We have the freshest and most complete line of prescrip tion medicines in the country. ' Out ztocX of druggists' notions and sundries include all that the heart could wish for.. Our stock of stationery, books, etc., is the most complete in Eastern Oregon. ' Our stock of paints, oils, brushes, glass, etc., is complete and of prime quality. Our assortment of crockery, queensware, glassware, tin ware, graniteware and lamps give entire satisfaction. The Earhuff organ the best in the world. . Tho Korthwest Fire & Marine Insurance Company. The German-American Insurance Company. The Schuttler wagon. The Adriance binders, reapers and mowers; also Chas. II. Dodd & Co.s' entire line of agricultural implements. We are the Con don Ag'ts F O R We are here to stay, and respectfully solicit your patronage. L. W. DARLING & CO., Condon, Condon Hotel, Condon, Oregon. MRS..S. A. MADDOCK, PROPRIETRESS. , , ' This Large New Hotel Is the Most Comfortable and Best-Fur-, nlshed Hotel In Gilliam County, First-class Accommodation and Low Rates. The table is supplied with the host that the market affords. ' ALBERT -WHOLESALE ASD F U R N I TURF, UNDERTAKERS GOODS, ETC. Wallpaper and window shadas a specialty. I keep a complete stock of everything in my line, and am prepared to sell at city prices. .When yn are at the county seat, give me a call.- coiioon - miw - asd feeo - stable, South Main St., Condon, Oregon, CIIAS.jSTPropV. Baled Hay, Chop, Oats, Barley and Mill Feed Bought and Sold. , ALo all kinds of fcccond hand clothinjr, boots and fshoes bought ai'ri sold in connection with my laundry in adjoining building at hay-cak and f-hoe shop. . I am aiso a;ent for the Building. Loan & InveHtnient AscUat. ,i of bcattia, Wah. Your atroi,a) i re.j -Anfully uuiidtwl, DUALITY 0F POSSIBLE PRICE. No goods slaughtered, for that Oregon. HENSHAW, RETAIL DEALER IN-