Condon globe. (Condon, Gilliam Co., Or.) 189?-1919, January 06, 1893, Image 2

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It .. .t r .. :, .1. mi :l , .
Swi Uv of encb month; at MhvvIIUs on the 3d,
no At txmcion on the ai una 4tn Sundays.
the official paper OF CILUAM
county. Oregon.
The maximum number of soldiers
in active service in all the armies of
the United States at any time be-
tween bumpier ana Appomattox j ada papers to that the idea al
was 098,802, or, in round numbers, j reftdv ha8 a slrona hold UD011 the
700,000. This information is taken
from the government records.
While this is true it is also true
that there are 850,000 on the pen- j all her interegt8 plead with her to
sion rolls drawing pay for valiant : obliterate the border line that now
service iu defense of their country, j 8eparate8 her from the . United
It plainly reveals that there are a Stateg Nothing but a customs un
large number of thieves on the pen- ;iou with her ct,ionies eoulcl have al
eion rolls who have committed per-j Ieviated tne situation, but this has
jury in order that they might as-1 beeu deferred 80 iong that, as Lord
sist in robbing the people.
And to such men as these, politi
cians have thrown sops in exchange
for their votes for years past. The
country has been ruled by them.
It is time the pension robbery
should quit and the honest old sol
dier should be the first to meet the
duty in defense of the country and
his own rights.
The most effective way of purg
ing the pension list of frauds and
cheats is for congress to provide for
the publication of a list of pension
ers in. each county, in the most
widely-circulated newspaper in
that county. Together with the
name of the pensioner should be
given the disability upon which the
pension was granted and the
amount paid. We are confident
that the mere passage of such a
law by congress would cause the
striking or withdrawal of thousands
of names from the pension list be
fore publication could be made.
Swindlers should be made to feel
the heavy hand of the law. New
York Sun.
We are indebted to Hon. J. R.
Ralston for the following interest
ing intelligence: It is not generally
known that there positively exists
a marked boundary line between
Canada and the United States.
Most people suppose the line to be
'imaginary." But the fact is, the
boundary is distinctly marked from
Lake Michigan to the Pacific by
cairns, pillars of iron, earth mounds
and timber clearings. There are
about 400 of these marks between
the Lake of the Woods and the foot
of the Rocky Mountains. The Brit
ish have placed one post every two
miles and the United States have
alternated between each of the Brit
ish posts. The post 8 are made of
cast-iron, and on their faces are the
words: "Convention of London,
October 20, 1818." Where the line
crosses through lakes, small moun
tains of stones have been built, ris
ing eight or ten feet above the level
of high water mark. In the for
ests, the line is defined by felling
trees, making a clearing for a space
of a rod wide.
hill hna nncniin hith hrmcoa nnH 1
, , . ,, .j .
been sent to the president, provid-
ing that all filings and proofs can
bQ made before Commissioners of
the U. S. circuit court and county
clerks and county judges, under the
Act of June 3, 1878, for the sale of
lands more valuable for timber and
stone than for agricultural pur
poses. This will be a great conve
nience for person taking lands un
der this act, as heretofore it was
necessary to go to The Dalles land
office to file, and subsequently take
their witnesses there also to prove
up. The price of timber or stone
land is $2.50 per acre. Residence
and improvements are not necessa
ry in order to make proof. Simply
file, and the advertising then com
mences for proof, i which must be
made and money paid at same time
according to date of notice, after the
ten weeks and not less than ninety
days from filing.
The Astorian is the firtt. and as
yet the only paper west of St. Paul,
to use a type-setting machine. The
type-setter, manipulated by intelli
gence brick of it, of course, does the
on ( ire composing work of the pa-
-Vj.OOD emu per day. ,
in BE A
There is no questioning the fact
that the inevitable destiny of Can-
; aila
is annexation to the U. S.
-, . . .
How soon tho
time will come we
cannot say, but it is already a live
janj burning question in Canada,
and sentiment favortible to it is
growing constantly and rapidly.
The press of the dominiou is dis
cussing the question with great
freedom, and it is only necessary to
glance over the columns of the Can-
public mind.
In a sentimental sense, Canada
0 K
lis abolutely loyal to England, yet
Salisbury confessed, it is hopeless
now to attempt it.
The Buffalo Express says: "Ca
nadian annexationists should re
member one thing, however. So
long as there is an element in their
country which is intensely hostile
to the United States, this country
will not admit Canada. If they are
ever going to join their fortunes
with ours, they must do it unani
mously. The United States could
not afford to annex a land in which
there would be an opposition party
always fighting to secede."
An exchange says that the post
office department has refused to ac
cept the resignations of fourth-class
postmasters or make appointments
except in places where the post
master dies or absconds. The de
partment has learned that postmas
ters are resigning and securing the
appointment of democrats or mug
wumps, and oftentimes selling
their business to the new man as a
part of the consideration. Fourth
Assistant Rathbone who has charge
of these matters, says that it is un
fair to the new administration, and
the department does not care to be
a party of such bargains and sales
as many of them seem to be.
The state board of equalization
Monday discussed the mortgage as
sessments. Attorney-Gen. Cham
berlain was before the board and
gave the opinion that the law con
templated that all real property,
including mortgages, should be as
sessed at its full value. He believ
ed that the board had the power to
add to or deduct from the several
classes of real property such per
centum as would bring the property
to its full value. The equalization
of real property commenced 'Tues-
I day. No final decisions have yet
been reached on personal property.
Salem Statesman: In a letter to
the state board of equalization,
the asseasor of Wasco county said
his aim had been to assess mortga
ges at 75 per cent of their face. The
Malheur assessor says he assessed
mortgages at their face. As usual,
tkd MttUnAtnnl, r.... 4 .,,,1 ltAI
at 50 per cent, while nearly all of
, f . -i i
the other counties considered mort
gages worth dollar for dollar and
so assessed them.
The law to make train wrecking
a capital offense would meet with
general approval. The recent at
tempts to wreck Southern Pacific
trains have intensified popular feel
ing upon this subject. It is not
easy to imagine the horrors that
might result from the wrecking of
a passenger train. No mercy
should be shown a fiend that would
deliberately endanger innocent
Susan B. Anthony thinks we are
on the verge of an era of unmarried
women, because young men do not
make enough money to support
their wives, and there is such a
craze for dissipation among there
that the women would rather go
into a store for almost nothing than
to take chanees on marryj ng.
It must be dreadful when a pro
fessional singer knows that she has
lost her voice. But it is still more I
dreudful when she is not aware of
the fttfttExchangd.' ' I
n I n o
Out Sale !
I am closing out my entire stock of gen
- -oral merchandise
I must have money, and you can buy
anything in tny store at
Your Own Figures,
For cash, if called for loon.
Please call early while there is yet an aa
, Bortment to select from.
Land Omen at Ths Oallk-i, Ob., Nov. 80, IW2.
Notice in hereby given that the folluwhiK
nametl settler hnsllled notice of his Intention to
ruHkefiiiHl proof lnmipport of hiscliii:n,iml that
emit proof will be made before H. H. Huniirickii,
U. S. Com., at Frwuil, Or., on Jan. 11, ltt, viz:
DAVID V. COLE. Hd. 466S,
for the nw and '4 ne'i tec IS tp 5s of r 21 e.
He names the following witnessea to prove his
continuoMS residence upon and cultivation of,
said land, via: John McConncll, l.has. E. Oav
eiioort. Will Davenport and W. H. Francis, aU of
Mayvillo, Oregon.
U2-42 John W. Lewis, Renter.
Land Offick at Ths Dau.kk, Ob.. Nov. 24. '92.
Kotlceis hereby jriven that the following-named
settler has filed notice of his intention to make
tiiml proof in support of his claim, and that said
proof will be made before J. W. Morrow, countv
! clerk of Morrow county, at Heppuer, Oregou, on
' jMiitlurv lft IS via,
for the sc4 of sec 32 tp 2 a of r 23 e. He names
the 'following witnesses to prove his continuous
residence upon and cultivation of, said bind, t:
J. O. JInRits. C. M. Davis, Alex Young and Win.
Ward, all of Gooseberry, Oregon.
d2 42 John W. Lbwik, Register.
Land Office at The Dalles, Or., Nov. 19, 1892.
Notice Is hereby given that the following-named
settler has filed notice of his intention to make
final proof in support of his claim, and that snid
proof will be made before J. P. Lucas, county
clerk of iMium county, at Condon, Or., on Jan.
11, viz:
JOHN WEIMAR, Hd. 2794,
for the neVf of sec S3 to l of r 21 e. He names
t the following witnesses to prove his continuous
resmeai e nponnua cultivation ol, saw laml, viz:
Jas. E. Redmond, 0. R. Hnnna, F. A. Bauer and
J. T. Thomas, all of Olex, Oregon.
d2-42 John W. Lewih, Register.
LASpOmrR atThr, Or.. Jan. S. vm.
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler hits tiled notice of his intention to
make final proof in support of his claim, ami tiint
said proof will be made before J. K Lucas, county
clerk of Gilliam county, at Condon, Or., on
February 21, ISM, viz:
THOMAS J. YOl'NG, Hd. 4009,
for the wjj sw'-i, iv'i nwji and lot 4 of sec 3 tp 4
s of r 20 e. He names the following witnesses to
prove his continuous resilience upon and culti
vation of, said land, vU: P. F. Cason. C. K. Hen
son, Ralph Froinan and Oeo. Hansen, all of Con
don, Oregon.
)t-j .i"hm w, ihwt Kfgister,
Books of all kinds. L. W. Darling fc Co.
Dishes and glassware at L. W. Darling & Co.'t.
Oenuine cider vinegar at Hatstead, Ulneburt &
A line of fine, fashionable papeterie, first-class.
L. W. Darling & Co., Condon.
Housekeepers, try some of the Liquid Wsahlug
Bluing, at Darling's, Condon.
Fine maps of Oreeon, folded for Docket use. fiOc
each, at 1, W. Durling it Co.'s. (
All kinds of clo'ks at Halstead, Rlncharti
uo. s, prices to suit tne times.
your Dim would ami? better In a new cage.
Get one from L. W. Darling fc Co. j
We are just hunting forchronfc conghs to CHre.
"S. B," for sale by I.. W, Darling & Co.
Windows, doors and all kinds of bnlldcru' hard
ware, at Halstead, Kinehart & Co.'s, Condon.
Toilet soaps In endless variety, also the best
laumlry soap In the world. . L. W. Darling k Co.
The 8. B. Cough Cure Is simply perfect. Spend '
)c with L. W. Darling, and you will be reauy to
sing. ,
Ladies, trv our " Rest for the Wpwrv" ahopH nnd '
suffer no more with sore or tired feet Haluteod,
Rlsiehart it Co.
ladles' shoes, best quality, reduced from 2 to
fl.25, cash; andi hoots reduced to 15, warranted
to equal any Buckingham & HechL At 1. II.
Dowuiug's store.
The Oerman-Amerlean Insurance Co., of New
York, has established an otlice at Condon with U
W. Darling as agent
Ask at L, W, Darling & Co.'s drug store for the
8. B. Headache cure, and yon will be given the
best headache medicine known.
The freshost, purest and best stock of prescrip
tion medicines In the country can he found at;
the drug store of L. W. Darling dc Co., Condon.
The famous "W illiams Barber Bar Hhaving
Soup" tho best in the world for the toilet and
for shaving. For sale by L. W, Darling & Co. .
We have added a full line of patent medicines
to our stock and sre now preps red to furnish any
thing in this line needed by man or beast. Hal
stead, Klncbsrt Si Co. ,
Whv h hothfIYf1 lift til t,,mt-. V.,n1r.n .
warped lire back In your cook stove when you
,-rui HnyunriH iiioiH.' pnumi adjustable rmcks ai
Halstead, Kinehart fe Co.'sto iitany size stove?
Don.t forget the Oliver Chilled when yon want
a plow. They are the best in the market. We
ate the sole agents for Condon and are selling
them at Arlington prices. Halstead, Kinehart &
Co. '' '
Subscriptions for all the newspapers and mag
azines in the United Htntcs and also the lending
papers of the Old countries, received bv Herbert
llalsti'fld, at the potoice, at publishers' prices.
It will save you rink and trouble.
I am now prepared to furnish tho people of
Condon mid vicinity with the choicest of fresh
meat of nil kinds, at all times. I run a meat
wagon dully. My prices are the, lowest in town,
and I respectfully solicit vonr patronage. Shop
on-Miiln St., next door toMaddoek's hotel, Anv
one in ttie 'wintry wishing- meat brilliant to the
house, will pkaMj ivutli'v me u, tnat eflcet.
Keeps constantly on hand, at the
lowest prices, Ladies' and Gents'
Furnishing Goods, ladies' dress
goods, laces, gloves, underwear, ho
siery, notions, staple "dry goods,
lamps, fruit jars, crockery, glass
ware, knives and spoons, tinware,
boots and shoes, ladies' and gents'
hats and ties, patent medicines,
candies, nuts, etc. A full assort
ment of tlm best and freshest gro
ceries. Hardware, iron and steel.
Agent for Chai. II. Dodd A Co.'s machinery,
wngona, plows, : Alo for the Albmiy Woolen
j MtllR riofMi' and Piece Good K p on hand
tatockof harnea and saddle, br log, wliljw,
etc., nlko a Kill Hue of totMcio and oilcan; tho
Spur bruud ot tobacco, direct from the factory.
I Want Your Trade,
And Will Guarantee Satisfaction.
At the old stand.
My aim is to always keep the best
stock, best feed, and best
of everything.
When you are at the county seat,
call around and see me. If my
( treatment and terms are
not satisfactory it will
not cost you let.
Condon, Oregon. '-,
All kinds of photographic work
done in first-class manner and
at very reasonable rates.
I respectfully solicit your pat
ronage, and will guarantee
, entire satisfaction.
Gallery Over Smith's Harness Shop,
S. B. Headache and Liver Cure
s'aVe! PHYSIC IBgfp
If taken as directed, we guarantee
satisfaction or refund your money.
Don't Sicken. Don't Gripe.
50c per bottle, by
L W. DAHLIiiC & CO.,
B. 11, Mll.LKK.
J. 11. 1JUL.
Is about 20 miles southeast of Con
don, and 12 miles east of Fossil.
All kinds of lumber rough and
dressed constantly on hand,
: at the following low rates:
ED, SI6TS22.50.
We have also established a lum
ber yard at Condon, where we will
keep all kinds of hi ruber for sale.
J. II. Downing is our agent.
Easy' Access From All Points.
S Oil
ETlilf G f t
Has been discovered to have a mate.
A Woman
Has been
a sharp-eyed
When next the Moon is full, and meanwhile
come to Halstead, Rinehart k Co.'s and see
what they have that you want that is new
and fetyliuh. At
Store there Is always something attractive.
Are located in Lost Valley, Oregon, 18 miles
from Condon, 12 miles from Mayville, 12 '
miles from Fossil, 7 miles from Lone Rock,
In the Most Natural and Accessible Location
for a Mill in Gilliam County.
I have got my steam saw and planing mills in operation,
and am prepared to furnish lumber of all kinds and iu any
quantity. I shall make a upecialty of a fine grade of lum
ber, having especial facilities for supplying this trade.
TL. 1 X. 1 3.. P i.! 1 t?a: e
ine uest uuuy ui umuer in nasiern uregon.
It is my aim to keep constantly on hand, roady for immo
diate delivery, a full and complete stock of rough lumber,
dressed flooring, rustic, fiue finishing lumber, etc., etc.
A lot of Al Cedar Shingles in Stock at Condon.
Before purchasing elsewhere, you are respectfully invited
to call and see the quality of my lumber, get my priceR,
and I am satisfied you will buy vour lumber from me.
Proprietor -:- and -:- Manager.
Eugene B. Smith,
Condon, :
Repairing a specialty. Call and see me when you are at the county teat.
Geo. Knox.'
Knox &
Livery, Feed and Sale Stables,
. Large tow Bam on North Mnln Street,
Condon, ', - - .. . Oregon.
'First-class Rigs Always on Hand at Very Reasonable Rates.'
A share of the public patronage is very respectfully solicited.
1X1 ARE THE BEST Arfftrt KK,:, XQUhJ
FOR all soils
m 1 9THi.tid titv a. I,... u...ii..i.i
' ' ""'CrlBlth llnoBt evr publlhl In Amort.
. F - U.frlali-.Wi.ttrn. ri:!, VfKMnliKi wUl.M-'.t nl HI
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in the Moon
Detected by
for lier
: Oregon.
T. O. Johnson.
tokb or
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