THE C0HD0I1 GLOBE. FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER ,1802. GLOBOSITIES. lie, 'Corbett was "properly In It." He knocked Sullivan out In 21 rounds at New Orleans on Wednesday evening. J. 11. Miller made a business trip to l'ortlaud thin week. Miss Carrie Danneman of Cletn visited friend In town this week. Geo. Keale and wife moved Into their new house Just cant of town this week. Judge Rradshaw held a term of circuit court at Hepnner this week, beginning Monday, W, A. Goodwin purchased lot on the hill in EitHt Condon and moved his house onto It. Miss Susie' Dunn has len engaged to teach the Olex (school thia fall, to begin next Monday. j Arthur Myers and , family of P.utte ercek vtsfted their relative in thia sec tion tiiia Week. Johnny Maddock aud daughter, Miss Louella, visited relutives at Ileppner the llrat of the week. I). 8. Brown and family returned home this week from their trip to the moun tains near Hitter, Mias Neva (Jraham of the John Pay rlvor Is visiting her friends, the Misses' Fltzwater, at Condon. Geo. VV. llinehart of Condon, Gilliam county, arrived here Friday for a short stay. Eugene Ouard. r The Ilejipner Ueeord" has changed Itianda, Vawter Crawford of that place having purchased the plant. Couture Bros., Geo. 8chitt and Frank Billiard delivered a bunch of fine beef cattle at Arlington Thursday. Alex Berry has been very sick the last few days with biliousness, caused prob ably by an over-dose of melon. The G tonic is indebted to Mr, George Colli n of Tbirtytiiilit for a splendid melon of great bight. Thanks, awfully! Mrs. Frank Palmer and child of Fossil are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lam hereon in Ferry Canyon this week. Mrs. E. 3. McMorris returned home thia week from Snake river, where she had been visiting relatives since spring. County court is in session this week, Judge Mariner and Commiasioners Ed wards and Ralston being in attendance. Dr. Weldon, the dentist, expects to re turn to Condon In about three weeks, and wants all who need work in his line to wait for him. Miss Julia Couture left Saturday, ac companied by her brother Ed, for The Italics, where she expects to attend the ft. Mary's Academy. Are we of Condon to have a visit from any of the nntioital speakers during this political campaign? Don't overlook us; we're a power in the land. W. L. Barker is having another new dwelling house built on his property near the school house, by Squire Clark and his force of carpenters. "Nancy Hanks" is surely queen of the ' turf. On August Slat, at Independence, Iowa, she troted a mile in 2 ;51', beating her ow n world record of 2 :7. Edgar Moore, the steady, bright young clerk for L. W. Darling A Co., left on Thursday for a week's pleasant visit to friends at Kelso and Catlin, Wash. See the new B. B. ad, "Judge Nelson's Decision." The 8. B. medicine is among the best remedies in the world, aud is becoming more popular every day. The smoke has been so dense this week that at 6 o'clock in the evening the sun looks like a bright '2Q gold piece if our memory of the coin serves us right. The Globs thankfully acknowledges receipt of a complimentary ticket to the Portland Industrial Exposition, which ojiens Sept. 21st and closes Oct. 22d. 1 Owing to a very Important engage- ' meet, Rov. Wise will not be able to preach at Matncy next Sunday, but will preach at Condon in the evening at 7 :45. V. A. Goodwin, our painter, is paper ing and painting Herbert Ilalstead's new house this week, and Is making a splendid job of it. lie is a good work man. The lumber is being hauled this week for the largo armory building, also for the residences of Squire Clark, A. Hen shaw, Win. Dun lap 8. V. Shtitt and sev eral others. . Several of II. Greenfield's children on I Trailfork were very sick with summer complaint during the lust week. Dr. s Meklin was called over to prescribe for ' 'ws(- them, and they are Improving. r ; ' An agent is expected through this sec tion soon, selling a non-explosive pow " der to be used in coal oil. He is a fraud and should be aided out over the fence by means of a No, 13 brogan. . Our friend Jno. A. Brown has returned home from Forest Grove whore he took y a course of treatment in the Keeley In- stitute for the liquor habit. He seems to be much benefitted thereby. Mr. Cole, and wife, II. G. Hurlburt mid Juo. A'. Brown all were up to the .comity seit, the first of the week, on bus iness coimYctfd with the estates of VV, lirovkii fnd, Mrs, Uuilbun, devcaM'd, In the wilds of Borneo the thirsty can nibal throws a knife, sticks a man and drinks blood; at Condon the thirsty man throws dice, sticks his friend and drinks beer. ' The directors of this district request us to announce thHt our school will be gin next Monday, I2th inst. Mr. Hill, the teacber.'ls having t he lumber hauled for a new house, which will be built at once. Twenty more dwelling houses could be rented here within a week by families who are anxious to move here this fall to get the benefit of our excellent school, which is by large odds the best in the county. Both of the strayed horses advertised last week by Dr. Nicklin, have been found In the lvone Rock country, Stockmen, it pays to advertise for your lost stock. The rates for this kind of advertising are very low. J. II; Downing, Mauley and Jim and Btevo Couture returned home this week from their trip to the mountains, not having struck anything very rich in the way of mines. But they had a splendid time, anyway. , ' ' Grant County News: We have a man over here who won't subscribe for the News because he can Iwrrow his neigh bors'. And that same man lifts invented a method of using tobacco by the smoke from his neighbors' pipe. Conconully, county scat of Okanogan county, Wash., ami Rocky Bar, Elmore county, Idaho, were both totally destroy ed by fire last w'ek, the former's loss being over 1()0,(M) and the hitter about 1200,000, with but little insurance. A. Vinson, of the firm of Niles A Vin son, tombstone dealers of Walla Walla, visited Condon this week and took a large number of orders. This reliable firm believes in advertising, and their business is rapidly increasing in conse quence. The annual State Press meeting will lie held this year at The Dalles, Octolier 4th being the date selected. A full at tendance of the members of the press throughout the state is desired, so we are informed by the secretary, Albert Tostier of Portland. A young man, jtiBt from Ileppner, re ports that potatoes sell there at Ik; per lb and that the town is literally dried tip, and that all the gardens are withered. A conflagration would sweep ileppner from the face of the plain, as there is no water to put out a fire. Eugene Guard. Brigadier-General Compson has re turned to his home in Klamat h county, after inspecting the entire militia of the stale. He expresws himself highly pleased with the condition of the Oregon soldiery, but admits that there are sev eral Items in the matter of equipments that should at once be looked after. Jas. Royse of Gooseberry was in town Monday, and informed us that be has just sold one of his claims near bleu, to Davidson Bros. As soon as he dishes of his other proerty over there he ex pects to leave that section for the lienefit of his health, as he says the alkali water does not agree w ith him. Mrs. C. Bchott and daughter, Missj Annie of Rock creek visited their friends in Condon this week. Miss Schott has been engaged to teach the fall term of school at lone, to commence next Mon day. After her school is out she ex pects to go to Boise, Idaho, to visit at the home of her uncle, Mr. Moblcy, until spring. A privete letter this week from our old friend John Brandenburg of Keswick, Iowa, informs us that he is in the mer chandise and grocery business at that place, and that he has a large trade and is doing well, which his many friends out here are glad to learn. He sends his best regards to all his old friends in this section. Senator J. A. Smith and attorney J. C. Burkes of Wasco, Sherman county, were in town during the last week, ab stracting the entire Blaloek ranch in this county,. consisting of about 7,000 acres. Senator Smith and his brother recently purchased this vast and valuable tract of land. We are glad indeed to have these enterprising gentlemen identified with our county. Sheriff Wilcox and bis deputies have been busy the last we?k summoning the 81 jurors for the Kcptemlicr term of cir cuit, court, the list of which is published elsewhere. A more honorable class of men could not have been selected, and as all of these gentlemen have the beet interests of the county at heart, it is safe to conclude that the people can depend upon getting justice at their hands, Wasco Nejws: Last Wednesday J. C, Burkes, our genial lawyer, abstractor, cook, hash-slinger and all-round man, accompanied by Senator J. A. Smith, went to Condon to make an abstract of the entire Blaloek ranch, belonging to Smith Bros. Senator Smith was not able to secure a man in Gilliam county competent tj do the work, hence he se cured the services of Mr. Burkes, who is an old hand at the business, Archbishop Gross delivered a very learned and interesting discourse in the Catholic church at this place Tuesday evening, also nt 10 o'clock next morn ing, to large congregations. He is in deed a brilliant and gifted .speaker, and it is a pleasure and treat for any one to hear him, whatsoever denomination they belong to. He went to Mnyville and preached there Wednesday' evening and expects to return and preach bete again this (Tbtji'Miuv j evening at 7 o'clock. East Oregonian (Dem): It is idle for the democrats of this state to talk about carrying it for Cleveland and Stevenson this year, although we would like to see it done. The best thing for the demo crats to do is to fuse with the Peoples party men and wrest the state from the republicans by such combina tion. This is feasible and practical, and we believe the result would be vic tory for the fusion ticket. Otherwise the republicans will carry the state by at least 6000, if not 10,000, Somebody kindly rememliered the ' GwniK Tuesday by sending a 40-poirtid watermelon, carefully packed In a keg, which came in on the morning stage. Whoever it was, evidently has a heart aslargeas the tnelon.'and has our pro foundeet thanks. It was the largest melon we ever saw, and . bad the kind donator seen us back olf a rod or two and make a dive at it. he would have no doubt of our appreciation of his present. Later. We have since learned that it was Mr, Geo. Hamilton of Ro we creek Who sent the melen, and we hereby ex tend our most polished thanks to htm. Hugh Strickland returned home this wren irom me vancy, wncie ne uisposei i 1 A 1 - It t .. . - -I . oi trie nortfes ne iook io marset. no in forms us that the "lively attachment suit" article as published in last week's Journal grossly misrepresents the true facts of the case. He says that, not withstanding the selfish disposition of some Kople "who glory in the downfall of their more ucissful neighbors," be expects to 1 able to meet all his obli- .tlihb U'illi.ilit nnlf ttlfVititfAlillinix t it hope Hugh will get out safe, even if he J was "kicked while down," as be terms it. j We have just learned that Mr. Strb'k-! land hasefJecU'd a settlement with the! parties who were about to commence j suit against him, and that the matter is I amicably settled, which we are indeed ; glad to hear. j I We aro very glad indeed to note that . the Fossil Justice and all interested par- j iook toe vlobb s concerning the Alderoti-ewman elopement case, j As per our Advice, legal proceedings! against Mr. Alderson were dropped and ! he was allowed to marry the cirl. Mr. ! Aklersoii came over to Condon Saturday ' light fully cool again, which fact most of i -and procured the license and next day you have noticed no doubt. j at 11 o'clock he and Mixs Newman were j l. , Ralston is again at Olex, better 6 i married in the church the Baptist tt,h VVcr prepared u sell aitcla6 gods i minister, Rev. Howertoii. It appears j at "way down" figures. that they couldn't make much of a caw against Mr. Alderson, anyhow ; but in order to let the county "in forthe costs," he was (for a blind) bound over to ap pear before the grand jury in the sum of $100, which was promptly furnished. Thia practically ends the case. After court, it is probable the somewhat noto rious but happy couple will go to Port laud where they expect to reside. Distressing Accident. Early Tuesday morning while hunting along the river a short distance east of Arlinfyfnn Atf.inipv V A- .fnviip niit.l w ith a frightful accident. His shot-gun was accidentally discharged, the load going through his right arm between the wrist and elbow. He was in a lioat and alnnn at thn timp. Ttr liinplinrt off time. Dr. The Dalles was telegraphed for, and MrJ?'1""1 c1 W. n."n1Wer ' '"l.'W : Jsyne was removed to his home in Ar lington. Amputation was found to be necessary and his arm was taken off lie low the elbow. At last accounts he was resting easy, with no fear of serious results. It is an extremely sad ac cident. Mr. Jayneisan energetic, young attorney of unusual ability, aud this will indeed 1 very discouraging to him. He and his family have the entire sym pathy of the community. Jury List. Following is a list of the juror drawn and summoned for the September terui of circuit court for this county, which convenes the 10th : P. Potterton, A. C. Herndon, Chns. L. 1 Prindle, Harvey C. Martin, John Max- ! well and Jas. I). Fredonburg of Fossil j j I. A. Henderson, Chas. B. Scars, H. W. Pentecost, J. P. (ireiner, Uoo. tjiblams, F. B. Moore, Chas. E, tiolden and Sam'l Llewellyn of Mnyville; II. F. Downer, T, C. Keir.ur, V. JS. Ilrown, -eo. Han sen, V. L. liarker and D. C. Henry of Condon; John Herthold, John W.Brown ami viayion cnane ot Arlington ; .v . V'. Brown and Iwis A. Miller of Lone ' R'K'k; I. J. Nott and Pone Catlin of 1 Olex ; H. C. Dodaou mid II. T, Propst of Clem ; Jas. Itoyse of Idea, and J. J. ltash of Blaloek. Take Notice. The speiual school tax recently voted will become delinquent todav, Pridav, 9t h inst. If not paid at once, 10 per ecu t will be tidded.-' It. W. Cookk, District Clerk. Pictures Enlarged. I wish to announce to the public that I am now prepared to .enlarge photo graphs in crayon, I invite you to call at the drug store and inspect my sample work. Satisfaction guaranteed or no pay. My charges are very reasonable, Makv L, W aud, Condon. , Notice to Stockmen. ' I have appointed as my deputies, fleo. Perry of Lone Hock, Fred Hale of pine creek, Harry Clay of Olex, and Jno. Cun ningham of Arlington, A. L. DuriliK, Stock Inspector. J Condon j On., Sept , 1 , ,. Settle Up Notice. All those knowing themselves indebted to me are requested to settle at once, as 1 aim building and must have what is due me. Please d'Miot dlny, ', : ,' K. li. Ski'nt, Cmidmi.. Lone Rock Rumbling. Dr. Nicklin was with na Humlay, 'J Chits. Mote moved his family to their town resilience Monday, The Brown families returned last week from their' mountain pleasure trip, and report having had a splendid time. Married, at Lone Rock oh ! they're not exactly married yet ; but the way they are brushing and rattling around here, the event isn't far off, now I tell you. D. M. Rinehart, the Condon-Lone Rock stage uiim, has employed Arthur Harlow, a young man who recently came out from Iowa, to carry the mail. Mr. Pre'ssler has gone to ileppner. Boh Johnson informed ua by letter a few days ago that he would start home shortly but ve noticed that he did not indicate by any visible signs that we would fail heir to any fruit upon hi re turn. Would it not 1 as well perhaps wel ler for the petitioners for the promised Fossil-Lone Rock mail route to lirst see to gelling a public road between the two places, er which to carry the mail? vVedo iiut'tliink the If. S. 'mail caii le- eaiv u cumfclj over any but a pubiic highway. ' lion. Joe Ralston returned home thia week from a two-months pleasant visit to his relatives in the valley and on the Sound, ilis daughter, ''Mr. A. At. Ad ams, lives at Tucoma, where her hus band bus large intercuts; and his moth er and two brothers live at Albany and Lebanon, w here his brothers do a large al' ,"f1 " B J LT. Grithu came up a few days ago ini" Arlington Vl expects to rusticate ! iT1 vicinity a couple of weeks. In i u,e meantime he wiil be prepared to fix ' UP "" u( liie "wuths i ti.iB vicinity j t,mt lhe.v U1 iook a liul better iind j some of them eurely need improvement ; in that direction. It would be a bleu-' j( fl fUJjbt;r o IjJO(Ub- , (jver tlm purt o( the coantry t.ouki lie fixed m thev couldn't gofesipso much about other jpjy'g business. Cowbov. . Rock CreeK Culiings. The evenings and mornings are de- ; Sunday school at Ulex has lieen re-or- ! j ganized, with Mrs. D. B. Thomas Supt. I j and Miss Annie Scbott, Sec. I Your correspondent helped to inter-j sect the largest melon ever raised on the creek 'tot her day," also helped to eat it. ' It was raised by Tip Mobley, and tipped i the scales at Ihs. Coh. j Hay For Sale. I have 500 tons of excellent hav. all kinds, for sale at mv ranch on the John Day. which I vyili sell very cheap. I will j take any kind of stock to feed this win-; ter. Adilrecs J. H. Parsmts, Fossil, or tnqnire at this othoe. 1 will pay cash j for about BOO bead of calves. .1. H. Pakooks. Lost, Strayed or Stolen, One dark brown pacing horse about , 15k hands bilfh, 14 vears C'd. (jramicu ; 15 or 10 hands high, 1) years old, branded IK (connected) on tett unsrii; raisea nv i S. A. Thompson and is supposed to be Address Db. Njckux, Condon. The' Famous Ross Bucks. i will have for sale her at Ariinj tirades and Thoroughbreds. Sln-epj owners will find tliese bucks to be t.J.e ; - -yr-yrT very best, and were the choice of 3000 j j fl bead. They are noted for the d'ue j j Vy -whi1, length of staple and whiteness of i - yolk, and will increase the weight of r.-v f -1 your fleeces two pound to the sheep. v' li 1-JI1 al9 Cokkin & McFarlano. " : " Choicest Lots For Sala. During mv absence, llerhert ifalstead will attend to the selling of the Thomas property in Condon. This is the best aud' cheapest projierty in town. J. W. lil.AKK. Last Call, CentlDmen. j I heretiv notify all persons fhoowei me to settle - .immediatelv, or ttosta will' Ik added. I need money and must have ; what is due me. " u. S. Clauk; Lumber For Grain e wilt take anv html of -grain in ex change for lumber, at Arlington prices, j at our saw mill. ' M 11,1.1 a & 11 U.I.. . , Tha Best Wagons. The liest wagon in the world .is the new Peter fSchurt 'cr tabular axle wagon. The Steel ?kein Schuttler w.uron lias lieen in the lead for the past 5:i years; the new tabular axle Schuttler will be I ( jn t,H ad for the next 8;l vears. For; sale by L..W. Darlintroi: Co.. ()iiion,tr. Treasurer s Notice. .All county warrants registered prior to June 1, 1802, will U paid on present ation at mv oliice. Interest ceases on and after this date, ilhttllKMT Hal-ikvo. (. ouuty lreasuror. Dated July 21, 18ii2. For Sale Cheap, ' Hundreds of deadened drv trees on mv Ri,... ,!.,; 1J.r,, fM- i I l ml I) tK'-,'!','!!!! A.. ,,,,,,, at i-0c, 76.-and .11 per loud. Pasture f r noise, 2i:a span. - H, M. Hiutan. TliP fi.ono.i8 " Ultiiins R.irht r liar Shavian Hoiiv" tht' .bttl la ih' w'orH (r the toilet niid uimhuvlaj;. . I'm wik by 1.. W. li uliiiif Ve. , Whs botliircii with a burnt-out, hn.ka or WMtveit lire laok in ymir votU. dlov wliett ynu t'Mii iiiiy one of t hose jmti iit iitij i.i;ir U- tcii t,t ll (l"t'(Hl, liiuelmrt A t'o.'s to Htny iie Kiove? The fcft vlare in the eo.mty n hity flr.t-:;;nss KtMKis nt liw priecs, In itf !uvniiij's. Kvrryboil iii.y- ko; nmi "wlmi. i'Viuylwl tayii nu:it hp ho.' ' All tlieint'i) tml buys go there iov t.eij-i'k.thbiji, j J)tt.t furu'f t tlii Olivot tliilUnl Wiit'O voo wmt I plnw. Iliev v th lt in tli intuit. -1 i aoj thr Nt,it' i,tr:?ufs .f-f i oh'Iom mm ia. I m nt a rlmt.tii ),i'j(vit ll,ilt:tiil, n.i'. oi t JO H H ULi to CD UJ ' ' : H- '" F-YOU-DON'' -ZTKE BEST f0f -m 1T7' LIVE AND $4.50 348 50 PER IS OUR MOTTO. "AN -.INCIDENTAL PROTECTIVE TARIFF IS OUR IE Ve have the freshest and mot complete line of prescrip . ;tion medicines in the country. . ....... . Our stock of druggists' notions and sundries include' ail thut the heart c '.ild wish for. Our f tock of stationery , books, etc, ia the most complete in Eastern Oregon. Oar stock of paints, oils, brushes, plass. etc.. is complete and of prime quality. Our assortment of crockery, queensware. glassware, tin ware, granifgwareand lamps give entire eatislact on, Assert r-- , tSeyOriCi COiTLTcl- jdiction, THAT The Earhuif orgAii the" best in the world. The Northwest Fire & Marine Insurance Company. The 'German-American Insurance Company. The Schuttler wagon. , , The Adriance binders, reapers and mowers: also t'has; H. Dodd & Co s entire line of agricultural implements. We are th p Hon AK'tS F O R We are here to stay, your patronage. Co il cl oil Hotel, iff, . . . ........... Condon, MRS. S. A. t'Kui'UIKTUKS.I. ; . ' . . . ., - , , . , , . This Large New Hotel is the Most Comfortable and Best-Fur nishad Hotel in Gilliam County. ! First-class Accommodation and Low Rates. The table is supplied with the -WHOLESALE AND U R M H ! UNDERTAKERS GOODS, ETC. I - ; Wallpaper and window shades a specialty. : I k,e(.p tt coiuplete stock of everything in my lire, ana am prepared t- sell at city prices. Vhw"you are liKl). Km'X. K -r . o CX -I'liOl'KlKTOKl til' i Livery l.aijxc ,cw Farn onlorth Main Street, Coiuloh, - Oregon. HAY AND GRAIN BOUGHT AND SOLD. CIMKCKx VERY REAi OSA I.I.K. Special Rig for the Cpnveyanco of Drummer. A yharr' the 'piihlii; patrwn;: i.s ver r'.ec'uu;: uvUcit DOWN lit m CO CO rn BELIEVE IT, TRY ME. QUALITY OF n.orti'T' "Tn.tK limit Fuit i: R ATir- S4.50 EL. LET LIVE ?5 POLITICS. '"' "" . ' and respectfully solicit AO DARLING &" CO., Oreiroii, Oregon. XI AD DOCK, best that the market aii'nrds. KFTAIL I K f. K K IS- I T U R 2 at the county neat, irive me a call. M'iNT WaIMI. - " t l V V Feed and Sale Stables,