THE OFFICIAL AND LEADING PAPER HAS THREE TIMES THE CIRCULATION OF ANY PAPER IN THE COUNTY. OF GILLIAM COUNTY. NOON PCHMHHEO KVKHY fKIDAV BY SLOAN P. 8HUTT, ' Editor and Proprietor. ' f ... ADVERTISING KATES. Profewlotial card.... j oo per month Oneqnre i M wr month One-quaiter column a so per month One half column g 00 nor month One column i0 oo per month Bwinei local will be charged at 10 cent per line for first insertion and 5 centi per line there after. Legal advertisement, will In all caea be charged to the party ordering them, at legal rate., and paid for before affidavit la furnished . -unacripuon Kate. vOn roar (Invariably In advance) 11 60 (tlx month. , , 1 00 lliruo month.,. 76 BiUKla vuvlf , 10 VOL. 2. CONDON, GILLIAM CO., OREGON, FRIDAY. AUGUST 26, 1892. NO. 23. GLOBE. Euterril at tint VmUiJlct at Condon, Oregon, at ti.-1im-rifjif mmi twiner . OFFICIAL DIUKCTOUV. United State. Prtnldent IIknjamim Harrihon Vine Tri'ulilent , I.avt Y. Mohtom Hwretary of Hiale , John W, HWtkk Buoretary of I reamiry ...Chan. Xohti! Hwirtttary ol Interior i. W Nohi.k HonrHtary of War ......Wikpiikn II, Ki.kinh rela?y of Navy H. F Tracy ru.l inatr-(Jenral Jon N WanaMakkm Atfcjriiey-detieral.. W II. II. MilXKa twervtar of Agrlvulture Jiiikmiah KuaK "tats of Or it on. Governor H. Pkhnoyhh Hwreturv of Htate ( W. McHiiinn lronrr mil, M k.thuh N Ait jriioy-()Htirl Oao. K Ciumhkki.ain Htipt. of rublio lu.trno Ion K. it. MclUaov MI,"or " "" i, N I)ol.HI. Cong'emon j 5.,'K't.KJI" Printer,. ..,. ,,... ,m..Fmaki( C!.JUkm (K, A. M m. Supreme Julie,,,., , Jw. Y f,oa. (K. 8. IUam. vnth Judlnlal Dl.trlrt. Circuit J'tdge..,, ,.,.W. I Hhadkiiaw l'r..x'u:ni( Altoriiey W, II. Wii.hok Mum lir Nlale Hoard.... . lM l.UiKKY (ill I lain County. Joint Senator W. W. SmiwrB UenriKOIlUtlV. , I. (icHM.KK H JodgM W.J. Mahinkk Commoner. j ,,. lurk . , ..Jat I. Lucas HhorirT...., , W, I, Wiuox Trt-aitirtir ..Hkkhkkt If alhtkad Aa4Mnr Vat.WHKKi.ita Ktirvoyor If, tt, lU'itkHUHT rVimnl U'mii FaSkkk t ornner , im John mckmn HlcK k lniv to.... alx Uuthi Jn.tlona of tha l'ar. A.lliiMt,., ur r v......... k- i ll'allll'k O. I'AHKI.II j hock t-reua . i n. kiiui l , ;oil. II ,. J. K. CLANK .,-' K. rrv Cmiyuu ,. ..l. F. Camn Jiiitt H(H'k ,...M. O. I.KKK siayvll .,., r-iil Howi frk Crown KiH'k Trail Fork.. I . J, UIIINN ...ilAM HriNAI.DMIN , Z, J. MAHTIN I. II. IIAI.R T. f. Banton I nloii I'aelfle lull war Time Card. ' - TraSnaarrlta and leave Arlington ai followi: lAKf-BOUKO. Train Na. 2, fait mall, 'eave Arllugton daily 13:16 a.m. No. a, Atlantic eiprM, leave Arliugton dally l;il7 t. h. WKXT ROUND. Toaln No. 1, faat mall, leave Arlington daily '12:10 a.m. No. 7 Atlantlo expre, leave Arlington dally tl .60 r.M. uarrxK bhancm tbaimr. Train No. SI arrlvi from Beppner daily, et'pt Mtidilay at II: a. m, N . : Icavwi lor iieppuer dally, except 8nn dav, at:47 r. m. fnrniKh tU'keU aold and btggage checked thmuxh to all point In the United mate ana Cauaila. 8. COLLINS, Ticket Agent, Arlington, Or. AF. A A. M.-MT. MOKIAII I.OIKiK. No. -i Hialeil eoir.mimli Ktlwn on tlr.t Hlurday evenliiK. alter Drat Miiiulara of ach month. Bo 1'ittrnlnic breUireu In good aiand'HK are cordially lltviiH to att-nd. I'. K. CAtjN, W, JJ. IUkkkbt IIauitkad, SwruUry. TRY ONE OF ED It. ppliEY'S $10 SUITS For pentlemen, worth $20 for wear. and measurement blank free, rentage, U cents. Ed L. Huntley ft Go., Wholesale Gentile Tailors, 184 MADISON 8TREET, CHICAGO, ILL. When ordtTing samples please mention this paper. p. can rw ell. Lost Valley Saw; Mill. CANTWELL BROS., Proprietors. All Kinds of Surfaced Lumber, Rustic, All timbers 4x6 and larger discounted 10 per cent, in number of ft;et. : All lumber discounted 10 per Condon Livery SOUTH MAIS STREET, CONDON, OR. Charles Fix, Proprietor. Good horses for hire at reasonable rates. Special attention given to transient stock. Fat cattle for my meat market taken on accounts. Your trade is respectfully solicited. EXCHANGE .A P. SKELLY, KEEPS OS HAND Fresh Beer, Wines, Liquors and Cigars. IBESH WALLA WALLA STEAMED KEG BEER UPON ICE. rp A fine billiard parlor in connection. When you feel like having a littlo amusement call around aud see Pat. He will treat you well. JjK. J. :. HOOAN, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Condon, Or. OlDco Oregon avo., neit door to Ohbe offlco, JjR. JOHN NICKUN, Condon, Or. omcoKlriit door weit of Oi.oiik office. ROUGH W. OOODK, Attorney t! Law, Kotary Public anil Collector Condon, Or. AY P. LUCAS, County Clrk, DOKfc nt, u nun or LAND AND NOTARY BUSINESS In a neat and careful manner. IW. OAKI.INO, J. . . Notary Public and Conveyancer, Condon, Or. CollccMon made with dl.iatch. KtrfM'ii' the lrinau Amorlcan and the North et Fire and Murine luiuram eCoaipany, J10H RKI.IAULK FIttK INHURANCE ATPLV TO THB " Phoenix of Hartford." Cah AueU, i.6, IS. Herbert Halalead, Agent, Condon, Or. a. ooodwin, Painter and Paper-Hanoer, Condon, Or. All kind. of painting, and papering don at moderate rate. Give uie a chance. Postoffice variety btore, UiN Rock, Or. J. B. Ooff, Proprietor. Keen alwavi on band Medlelnea. Clear, and TohacnM, One Canillf, HchiKil Hupplle., Toilet Article. Htatlonery, llarpa and Toy., and every thing elae uaually found in a cojntry variety tore. Kvorythlnr I handle I flrat-elaa. aud my prlue are the lowe.t. Olve me a trial. . JOHN R. CLARK. - GENERAL CARPENTERING. Condon. "Or. . , m ' i ft ; All kind of oarneuter work done will aeat ne ana aupatcn ana at very moderate rati.. ARLINUTOX-FOBUIL DAILY STAGE IJXIV" E. A. ?lan, rroprltor. ' i ( . f ABB FROM AKUMUTONTO Foul) ...ttt 00 Iteturn, 110 00 Mnyvdle 6 00 He Mm. 00 Coiidnu 4 00 Return J W t'lem 8 oo..,.,.. KMiiruC HtflO (ilex. . ,. 2 00 Ketiirt 8 00 l.-ave. Arlington every morning (Kuaday ex cepted at :30 o'elX'k. I dae at Coudoil at 3 f. m., aud arrives ai ro.u at ? p. m. Twelve cloth samples, fashion plate A. CANTWEI.L. Ceiling and Flooring Always on Hand. cent, for cash. and Feed Stable, SALOON. Proprietor, QONDON-LONE ROCK DAILY STAGE LINE, I. M. Blnehsrt, Proprietor. Leave Condon every mornlnt Hundava ex ccptcd) at 6:H0 o'cloi lt, and arrive, at Lone Uock i u m., via Matuey aud Lxiat Valley. Pare, .00, Hound Trip, 93 SO. YENDOME HOTEL, ARLINGTON, OK. Headquarters for T. P. A. N. W. Till popular hoiuc I the ncareat hotel to the depot, ami belter aeeommtHlatlon can be had at thl. hotel, for the rate., than at any houae In the city. All who have to leave by night train itup at thl hotel. 7r uird Deulich genprochen. On parle Francaii. No Chlnene. Meet all train. J. W. 11KNNKTT, Proprietor. Tfc9 Melrated FrencHure, "APHRODITINE" SS Is Bold o a POSITIVE C'JARANTCE to euro any form ofncrvotiadlscuko oruiy disorder of the renorativeor- gntiaof either uer, vhet!icr arUlui;' from thrjexceui vo DEFOtlE jof Stimulant", AFTEFi !TobaccoorOnIum,orthrouKhyou t!on, over 1 nuiilr;enco, tc. , ue a a J'owtr, Wakef iilncti, L'caring Cnw omniui)ndiMrv ft Lns Of 1'riHn nffflmvn Pntnal.. .1.4 vu.a,nvniiuui itcaiinwi.iiybteria.Kcnou Pro. trntlon,N(X'turncl tmiMilon, Le ;corrh(i a, Diz tine, Wcok Mompry, lxsot l'owernud Impo teney, whh hlf ncr;ltx:tcl often load to prematura old n-70 ncd inmnlty. Price $1.00 a box, 6oozci fur .) (10. fent by mail on rwelt.t of price A WRITaEN iTAItANTEK I given for every j.00onler rwolvcd, torcfiiud tlie money If a Permanent 1 not efTected. We hive thouxawiiof tertlmoniu! fromo'd and young, M both aex'-a.whohavo bepn permanently enred ly theueof Aphroditlne. Clrcularfree. Addres THE APHRO MEDICINE CO. Wiiaturn Uranch, . Jiox 27. Pobtlasu. Ob. FOB ALE BT W. DAKLINO CO.. Condon, Or. Female Pills Relieve Bnppreaied Meutrntton. Uied aeetujifully by thoa anda of prominent la dle monthly. Thor oughly reliable and le. Worth twenty time their weight in gold for ffmate imp vlaHUet. Merer known tofalL Sent by mall aealed for. Addreu Tbe Apbro Kediclm COMPANY, Wectern Branch, Box 37. Portland, Oregon. FOR CA1.B BY W. DARLING A CO., Condon, Or. MM PACIFIC- RY. SYSTEM. Tickets ON SALE TO- Denver, Omaha, Kansas City, Chicago, St. Paul, St. Louis ' ' AND ALL POINTS East, North and South. Through SI sepers, Reclining Chair Cars and u ners. Steamer from Portland t Sua Francisco every louruay. TICKETS TO AND FKOM ECROPrT. For rate and Kenorai Information call on or addreu W, 11. HUH I. BURT, Anal tmit General Paaaeng t Agent, 26 Washing- Ion afee', Portland, Or. -Local Ag.-nt: 8. COLLINS, Arlington, Or. Filer's Golden Condon Blacksmith shop. G. S. CLARK, IB llliii mm n The only first-class horseshoer in the county. Come to my shop if you want first- ciass wora. MAIN STRKKT, CONDON, OKKGON. Hv Klanchi over the advertUlns column of the (uhb you wlU notice that I am tlm nniv hwtr. amltb In t'oiulmi. Our Wonderful Remedies. Dr. Grant's Syrup of Wild The great blood puriher and eyetem tonic. Purely vegetable, and is the product of Oregon soil. Retail price, $1. Dr. Grant's Kidney and For the cure of Bright s Disease, Diabetes, .Biliousness, Sick Head ache and all kidney troubles, lletail price, $1. Dr. Grant's Native Discovery. 1 he great female remedy. For peculiar to temales. bold under a positive guarantee. Retail ,ilVjC,i" Dr. La rani 8 UlOaiO. The great dyspepsia conqueror; will positively cure dvspepsia and all its kindred ailments. Every bottle sold under a positive guar- anteo to effect a cure or money refunded. Retail price, $1. Manufactured by O. W. R. CO., Portland, Or. Cnr finlA hv I . VJ. n n vll v. w.w j ww m THE CHICAGO EXPOSITION. Quite a Number of Foreign Yachts Likely to Be in Chicago at the Time cf the World's Fair. The Board of Trade of Dubuque, la., nan appointed a comtrittee to prepare an exlrbit for that city to be sent to the f he architects of the world are to be invited to a congress at Chicago during the World's Fair to discuss architect ural subjects and the interests of the profession. ( , Canada wili erect a World's Fair build ing at Chicas-o NX) feet lonir bv 44 feet Wide, with a len-foot veranda aurrnnnd. ing it on all sides. Plans have been sub mitted for approval. The World's Fair Commipeion of th btate of Hew York has aDDlied to the exposition throngh the department of transportat' Ti (or 1259 eauare feet of space for thu ex.iibition of a great relief map ot the cauci eyetem of that State, The larifeet American flair ever mnrln will float from the top cf a very lofty uueriy poie -in iront ol tne adminis tration tiuildins at the World's Fair. Upon request the Mate of Wafthincrtin in . . i - " win luniiB . ine Dig nagstan, as well as two or three others of the larirest that are require oy the exposition. Micttijzaritecneof the moot enthusi astic of the States in the preparation of the World's Fair exhibit. The State's appropriation is 1100,000, but; it is au thoritatively announced that the total sum contributed toward making an ex hibit by the "State, counties, cities anJ private individuals will reach islly $500,- The World's Fair Commission of New bouth wales has decided to send to Chi cago for exhibition in the horticultural department of the exposition tbe follow ing typical representatives of Australian vegetation and flora: Tree ferns, stag- V 1 L. ' .1 , . , 15 uuru ierun, uini s-neBt lerns, toaea terns, macroiiatnias of two distinct kinds, gi gantic lines ana griBS trees. The flora of Montana will be shown at tne World's iair by a collection aa con piete as it is possible to make it. The State has about l,f:0J different varieties of wild flowers, and of these 8j0 have already been collected. The exhibit will include also a display of erasses and for age plants. Many of the States are pre paring similar exniDits ol their flora. Quite a number of foreign yachts are likely to be in Chicago at the time of the World's Fair. Robert S. McCor- micfc, representative of the exposition in England, makes announcement to that enect. All depends on how favor able are the facilities for getting through the Canadian canals and for safe anchor age in Chicago, At ms request full par- iiLumra uu mese points win De lurnisned. Mrs. Paul and Mrs. Wise, lady mana gers for Virginia, together with their auxiliary board, have undertaken to raise $16,000 for the Virginia building at the World's Fair, which is to be a full-sized reproduction of Washington's home at Mount v ernon. To raise the money the women of Virginia aw selling certificates of membership in the Mount v ernon Association at fl each. They are also asking the County and City Su pervisors, Councils, etc.. for levies of 1 cent per capita, and are giving enter tainments of various kinds. The crop returns to the Department ot Agriculture show an improvement in the condition of corn, raisin the monthly average from 81.2 in July to 82.5 in August. In only four years since the initiation of crop reports has there been a lower August condition. The following ftvf-raes of the principal mates are given : aew lork, 90: Ten nessee, 2j Iowa, 79; Pennsylvania, 86; unio, 61 ; Missouri, ej; Virginia, 9; Indiana, 84 ; Kansas, 81 ; Georgia, 96 ; Illinois, 73 ; JNenraeka, 80: Texas. 94. Most correspondents indicate a tendency to lurtner improvement. Ke turns re lating to spring wheat show a lower average, declining during the month from a general average ot 90.9 to 87.3. tn the mountain States the condition is generally bitch. In Washington a de cline is reported from 9J to 78. and in Orfgon from 91 to 76. Proprietor. Grape Root. Liver Cure. the cure of diseases and complaint n tr i. Cin nnnHnu f anil foo m ww w.a wwiivaviii w I a I OCCIDENTAL MELANGE Good Rains in Arizona Improve the Stock Industry. - GRASS FIRES CAUSE MUCH LOSS, Editor Visits the Top of Mount Shasta Result of Anti-Debris Conven tion at Sacramento. The electric tram war Dower-honA at v ictona. a. u.. was bnrned. loss. 200.. uuu. The Boston will join the Charleston at Santa Uruz, and will afterward sail lor Honolulu. The bop vines in a twenty-acre tract near oacramento were laid flat by heavy south wind. Charles Crew, of Port Orford. killrl fine sea otter last week, lie was offered and received $160 for the skin. Good rains in MaricoDa countT. A. T. nave improved tne stock industry, rain famine has been threatened. The Progre8so. the first of the Atlantic and Pacific Steamship Company's line irom new I one. has arrived at Kedondo The Siuslaw Railroad Company sent out engineers last week, to cross-section and set grade stakes on the first fifteen miles ol the survey. Tbe seal hunters killed in the neigh borhood of 200 seal ions at Blanco reef made a verv j - ' ' guuu season a wora 01 it. The remains of a man. about fiftv years oiu, were iouna between Uld Sau salito and Lime Point. The laree toe on tne r:gni loot naa been cat on. A considerable Quantity of Salmon Mountain quartz wai shipped by the last steamer to San Francisco for assay. An extensive ledge has been discovered. Considerable alarm exists at San Diego over the smallpox cases at Chula V ista, as proper measures to nrevent the spread of the disease have not been taken, Benton county (Or.) householders and others are in despair over the growth and rapid spread of the thistle. Its purple bloss mis are to be seen every where. Extensive grass fires near Fresno have caused much loes to hay, grass fencing ami exposed houses. The tire will make feed scarce in that immediate section. The bounty upon covote and eouirrel scaips in roiK county, or., expired Sat urday. Dunne the term of its va hditv. from February 1, there was paid out in scrip upon tne county tne sum Ol I, 778.85. A dog owned by W. H. Haieht. near Traver, Cal., was bitten by a rattlesnake ana toe wound was bathed with coal oil, Mr. Haight not having any known remedy on hand. In about two hours the dog was out of danger. necentiy a v ictoria biood landed a dozen Chinese near Point Wilson, Wash., and hastily sailed sway. The customs officers captured four of the Chinese in the woods near Port lownsend and are on tbe trail of the others. The farmers of Crook county. Or., are fast getting in their hay harvest, and all report a good yield. Hay on the wild meadows is not as tall as usual, but it is mucn thicker on tbe gr and, which more than makes up for its lack of height. Game is seen quite plentifully, accord ing to reports, up Ashiand creek canyon. Two cinnamon bears came close to the camp the other day while only the ladies and children were there, and a panther was seen at a. distance bv some of tbe campers. The Sisson Mascot editor has been at the top of Mount Shasta, lately. He says the government monument is out of plumb, leaning to the southeast on an angle of 80 degrees. The force of the severe winter storms is probably the cause of its getting out of perpendicular une. Joe Wright, aged fifteen years, while smoking some bees ont of a tree in ordt to get tbe honey, on the Llaeas. eighteen miles from San Jose, Cal., accidentally set the brush on fire and was so badly burned in his efforts to extinguish the flames that he will probably not recover. Fifteen thousand sacks of wheat have been threshed at the Reservation ranch, near Cayuse, Or., and the grain in the surrounding district is yielding about twenty-five bushels to the acre, and is of fine quality. Eleven acres of the California Golden" variety averaired forty -six bushels, a heavy yield for this season. Fred W. Young and C. F. Hinklev. of Union, were out five days last week on fishing, hunting and prospecting? triD to the Grand Rondo lakes. They found two promising quartz ledges, an anti mony ledge, and a meadow of about sixty acres that prospects well in gold. Much of the evidence taken at Boise City has been direct against the Cceur d'Alene miners. Charles A. String, alias Allison, the Pinkerton spy, gave his story, much of which consisted of "peculations upon what was to be done Thn MWiitr of the, lnM.rk,K.l. n..- Ition at Sacramento was the onraniia aiw a. Jt.ithe ?'T SmpoS tt SS53l &5 Yuba, Sutter, Sacramento, Colusa.Glenn nd, Y?1( counties, with an advisory poayoi one citizen eacn irom the same cnvtnr.ina. EDUCATIONAL NOTES. Japan Has Now a School System Some what Similar to Our Own The Largest Dormitory. Oxford University has 2,240 students. Fifty-four women rraHnafjirl frnm V. ear this year. Hopkins University has a $10,000 ther mometer. Kentucky h aa arnWa1 Btats T. Al J " vu..uu AUM-UCIB Association. DancinfF is tincrht in anma nf tl.a nnk. lie schools in Scotland. The oldest Knolish TvnW; ov.t i. - - - - ,'..,, iv n.uwi lo Winchester, founded in 1387. Two hundred and four of the 365 col leges in the United 3r.taa nl, tional. Cornell TJniveraitv will , - - j " - c wui w 111 Russian lanariiflirA and litoiatnri via.- 0 D - mhvikvuiv UVA V school year. Dunne the riant, rear there were m-aA. uated from the medical colleges of the United States about 6,000 young doctors. Betbanv College. f.inrlNtv.rv k'an said to be the only Swedixh cllee in America having as its President a man born and educated in the ITnirH Hrot.a and having ail his degrees from institu tions in this country. A DniloWiet aava: Tt ia called "nnm. mencement" not because the graduate then beeins to learn hia firaf rod irnna,l. edge of life, but because in the old days the graduating exercises were held at the beginning of the college year. In the old country the school children are early eiven lesions in eponnmtr Pennv savings banka are rnnnaoroH nlth the DnbliC Schools of Relvinm mil ITfl . 000 of the 600,000 primary pupils have deposited over 600,000 francs. Great Britain has also established the penny banks. Janan has nOW a School evatem anrr' a What Similar to onr own. Control ho local authorities are more than 28,000 schools, of which 2tt.ttno ftrA .l.mAnlarv The teachers number nearly 72,000, and the scholars 3,410,000, or newly half the total population of a.-hrv i ;t(,e. The total annual expense of ih system is about The immpnue fnnd in nAiuuninn a! -- fswwt-aoiuu VI V 1 J U State of Texas for edncAHnnal j , WVUUVAVa n tiivu the money for public works. The State Comptroller has invested over $3,000,0130 of the permanent school funds in the L. 1 - . . I , uanua 01 me various counties, and as vet no default in the payment of interest has been made. Cornell University haa tlOSAHO in Droductive funds, il. 171 024. i nvpfltAd in buildings. 1.538 at.ndnnta nd i-ji In structors, or an inetrnrrnr tn students. This funded capital is as little b a nrst-ciass university can be run on in these days, and while Homeil received $94,000 from tuition fee this meets only ueiweeo a imra ana a hall ot its ex penditure. PURELY PERSONAL Prince Bismarck Said to Be Partly of Slav OngnMJharles Sumner's Aristocratic Tastes. Justice Lamar's long locks are whiten ing. Francis Purlrman the hiai Avian i-tna been partially blind for several years. Four living ex-Governors of Massa hu setts were born in 1818 Boutwell, Claf lin. Rice and Butler. Alexander Rnaaell WehH TTnitad St.toa Consul at Manila, Philippine Islands, is reporteato nave become a convert to 1BIHU1. MoseS S. Beach, the former narna, the Sun, who died at Peekfkill recently, was one of the earliest advocates of the Brooklyn bridge. Samuel Sloane. the mill road President, has a dislike for tvoe- writnrs. human and met-han iral arid writes all hia letters in autograph. Mrs. Humohrev Ward ia a wonderful linguist: sh ia verowl in Vrarwh i!a.. man, Spanish and Itadan liWratu're. to say nothing of Latin, Greek and 11 R lid yard ICinlinu haa fnld tl,a tmih about Montreal, as he did about flew i ore, ana the swell clubs of that city have rIra nnt.rnniv.aA him Ma Dni', v.. u.u. .... UUCOU V seam to care much about it, however. V. S. Southard, now in hia R.irh .... is the oldest shipbuilder in Maine. He lives in Richmond, and has built over iw vessels, his name is a familiar one in shipping circles all over the world. One of the seven or einhf Imnniu., who have been elected to the new British Parliament is F. A. Channing, a Bon of Rev. V. H. nhanninar and a nonhonr nl the famous Unitarian preacher. William T7MI " ! ' ciiery vnanning. Nicknamed " Conorreanmon nraU nn means nonentities, as UBed to be thought. Kememoering "Kan" Tucker and "Snn- Bet" Cox. however, wa must anwt more than we've had yet from "Tom" Watson of Georgia. The Shah of Persia and the Knlt-n nt Turkey each possess a mat worked with pearls and diamonds, valued at over $2, 000,000. Prayer mate of such a value should give a powerful flavor to religious petitions in which humility is the lend. ing feature. At the recent weddintr in Dnhlln nf the Viceroy's daughter the Viceroy him slf looked quite bride-like in hisattire. no wore ine aiamona star ana collar ol Kt Patriik. and the mnltit.n.linnna a-httA satin ribbons attached to it suggested wedding favors to the unknowing. Fran Theresa Vogl, once one of the great dramatic sopranos of Germany, wife of the distinguished tenor, Hein rich Vocl. will retire in fWnVm (mm active work at the Munich royal opera, wnere ootn sne ana ner nueoand have been the leadins sinaers for the lat twenty-six years.