What the Faculty of the University of California Has to Say. Your committee have made a very careful examina tion of the ROYAL BAKING POWDER and are satisfied that it fulfills all the requirements which tho public can make of a baking powder. For purity and care in preparation it equals any in the market, and Our test shows that it has greater leavening power than any other of which ve have any knowledge. vf. Chemistry Unhersity of CaUfoma and State Analyst., prof. Chemistry, College Pharmacy, of the Untvenity of California, THE MILLION DOLLAR . MaNTLE, I A Prloelesa Garment Thai Has F.nrel- opad tbs Form of Hawaiian Rlnga, A valuable collection or Hawaiian feather war cloaks and capes is on ex bibition at the National museum. One I of the cloaks, the largest in the col lec tion, is of immense value. It is known as the "million dollar mantle. It once enveloped the kingly form of Keknaska- lian, one of - the ulgnest enters or the Sandwich islands, in whose reign it was completed nearly a hundred years after it was begun. Upon tne aeato or tie kuaskalian, who fell in battle, it be came the property of his enemy, King Eamehameha III, by whom it was pre sented to Captain J. a. Auhck, of the United States navy. The foundation of this most remark able cloak is a network of olona or "na tive hemp." and to it are attached by ; I threads of the same material feathers of native birds found only in the Hawaiian Catcher Flint's Wonderful Hands. Charles Seymour, the uewspuper man. used to tell a story about Catcher flint When the Chicago Ball club called on the president in Washington each mem ber of course shook hands with the ex ecutive. When the president's hand was released by "Old Silver" the president was seen to quickly turast It Into the pocket of his coat Then he felt about in his pocket a bit, took his hand out and looked at it with some surprise, re marking, "Oh, 1 beg pardon; 1 thought you had given me a handful of wal nuts," Chicago Post Threw Small Trees, Keampfer is quoted as describing a triosof trees he saw in a box 1 inches broad, 4 inches long and 8 inches deep, for which the owner asked the traveler the modest sum of 300. The three dent cons of the box were a bamboo, a monthly blooming plum tree and a blue leafed ACROSS THB DEKP, TO WEST, THB FAR On steamboats, oars and stage coaehaa, Hortet UT'sUtomacb Dinars is oarrlud as the most Im portant Hem la the materia roeillca of tu trav eling public. It deprives 'Vitiated, brackish water of lt hurtful proiwrtio ana execrable flavor, eounternois the pernicious effects upon tlie toniaoh of bad r ludlResUble food, reme dies cramps, hea tburnaud wind upon the stum ach. It U a fine deftmse against malarlitl illsor doia, nullifies the elleots of exevnatve heat, cold aud damp, relieves l k headaches, and 1 au In com parable cure for oostlveness and biliousness. The latlgue of ttavel often toll moat disastrous 1 unmiluvalldaaud convalescents. Q4'aloually to such an extent aa to Jeopardize life. Persons In fhl hualth anniah..!!.! Vu nl l ad Vll'ttOta trOIH travel, will, If Brovldnd with the Bitten, be tar less likely U have their tears reaiued. A Small Mistake. "That's an A t dog of yours," aald a bystander. "I thought he was a K V, said the owner. There la more catarrh In this motion of the country than all otherdlaeaaui put together, and until the lnt few yeari was supposed to be la curable. For a great man years doctors pro nounced It a local disease, ana pretcriDeu local remedies, and by eeustantly falling to cure wl'h Iim.uI irMitttunt nmiinunniMt it Incurable. Her euce has proven catarrh to be a constitutional dlseaso, and therefore require constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured islands The entire body of the mantle Pine u PerfecT formed and seemingly by F. j. cheey a Co., Toledo, Ohio, Is the only Wnaa,-. . ! vTiU - JV ! eniovino; their dwarfed existence,St constitutional cure on the market. His taken Bhe You say that you have never been in love. How near have you come to ltT He I was married once. No safer remedy can be had for conghs and colds or any trouble of the throat tha "Brown') Bronchial TrocKa." Price, 25 cents. Sot4 only in boxes. - The summer bids fair to run mostly to poli tics and grata. rjse Enamellne Stove Polish; no dust, no smell. Tst Oirmxa for breakfast . cin Wl II VII I I, I II UW v WIW,I lobacco. is man s most , uni versal luxury ; the fragrant aroma of MASTIFF PLUG CUT starts people to pipe-smoking, even those who never used tobacco before. J, B. Pace Tobacco Co., Richmond, Virginia. Tower? Improve 5L.ICKER 'ill $ Guaranteed 4 Absolutely Water. AU SBckenhavt besidetheRjh Brand m Avproor f ce Brand Oj. 5of t Woolen .'ty. WatCll OutI Collar. ii - i i ii ' Stud lit A J- TOWER. MFR. BOSTON. MASS Outojus TLcy all Testify To the Efficacy of the World-Renowned SkIH's Spssiftc. "Til IWI I 1 He mi i i n u j mi m m tt ' 1 The old-time simple I remedy from the Georgia swamps and fields has astonishing the skeptical and I confounding the theories of ' those who depena solely on ine I physician's skUL There Is no blood ' taint which ltdoesnot Immediately eradicate. Poisons outwardly absorbed or the result of vile diseases from within all yield to this1 potent but simple remedy. It Is an nnequaled tonic, bnlldsnp the old and feeble, cores all diseases rising from Impure blood or weakened vitality, end for treatise. Examine the proof. Books on " Blood and Skin Diseases " mailed free. swin SPECIFIC CO., Drawer g, Atlanta, Ga. Analysing Motion. The method of analyzing motion by tho chronophotograph, which has been so happily applied by M. Marey in the case of moving animals, such as horses running or birds and in sects in flight, has been employed by M. Q. Demeny to examine the move ments of the lips in speaking. He has obtained results which show that the form of the mouth is quite defi nite for the different articulate sounds. With these photographs combined in a zeotrope he has reproduced the movement of the hps by synthesis. An ordinary person finds it difficult to read the words by the animated pic tures; but a deaf mute who has been accustomed to read from the lips of a speaker finds it easy to do so from photographs. -New York Telegram. Yeast and Typhoid Fever. Yeast has been successfully tried as a remedy for .typhoid fever by Drs. Embling, Lempriere, and Thorn son, of the Alfred hospital, Mel bourne. Thirty -seven cases were treated, ten being severe, the tem peratures reaching 104 degs. ; eight were moderate, the temperatures being 103 degs.; eleven were mild and eight were very mild, the tem peratures reaching 102 degs. In every case the recovery took place without a relapse. There is a theory to the effect that relapses are due to re-infection from the intestine, and Dr. Thomson remarks in his report that yeast should destroy the bacilli in the intestinal tube, and so prevent reinfection. - London Tit-Bits. How Birds Kill Snails. Thrushes and other birds crush thr shells of land snails and extract their juicy bodies, as do also raccoons and wood rats, but woodland birds wiU not eat naked snails, because the slime on them sticks to their beaks andBpoils their feathers. Washing ton Star. ' ' ' The Wrong Prescription. A Conneeticnt woman sent her little son to the drug store for paregoric and licorice, and the youngster somewhat startled the clerk by requesting a fifteen i cent nair or carters and a necKiace. I Pharmaceutical Era. Ask your doctor wnat nap- pens to cod-liver oil when it gets inside ol you. He will say it is shaken and broken up into tiny drops, becomes an emulsion ; there are other changes, but this is the first. He will tell you also that it is economy to take the oil broken up, as it is in bcott s Emulsion, rather than bur den yourself with this work. You skip the taste too. Let us send you an inter esting book on careful liv ing; free. Scott BoWM,Chmi,!3 South 5th Arenus, Nw Vorlc. Your druggist keeps Scott's Emulsion of cod-UVer 60 JI drugguts eroywMrs ao, ft. J INDIAN DEPREDATION t PENSION I PATENT8 LAND HOMESTEAD f OiLAi MS .The "EXAMINER" BUKEAC of CLAIM? UNDB TJta BTKJCOTIOM Of San Francisco Examiner, " yon bare a claim of any description whatsoever against the United Btates Government and wis!) It speedily adjudicated, address JOHN WKDDKRBUKN, Manager, 1( F street. N. W. Washington, ft. O. IN. YIDL'WeMermmlln. for sheeting or general family use. 40 Inches wide: we sell it iii )rds for ft; you would rail It l.'k cent goods anywhere. We are always able toglve (rood value on Mcachea and brown coitons. Beud lor full list ana see prices. SMITHS' CASH 8T0SE, e!-l Front (Street, Sao Franelseo. 40 is made np of small red and yellow feathers, the latter ones being obtained from the Oo or Uho (Moo nobilis), a bird extremely rare aud possessing bnt ono or two oi inese yeuow reamers which are found nndor the wings. This bird is captured alive by means of the "lime trap." ami when deprived of the precious feitthei-s is set at liberty. Groat prize is put on these feathers by the crown. They are used as money in buy ing and selling, and are accepted by tho government in payment of taxes. The red feathers are obtained trom tne most abundant bird of the islands, the Dre ponis coccinea. In the "million dollar mantle tno feathers are placed so as to overlap, thus giving a smooth surface to the exterior of the cloak. The upper and lateral borders of the mantle are decorated with alternate tufts of red, yellow and black feathers, but only on the margin are the black feathers used, which are obtained from the Uho. In the center of the mantle is a large crescent shaped figure of yel low feathers, surrounded by a belt of red, which btends in the middle of the belt on either side with a succeeding stripe of red. the outer margins of which are di vided by two wedge shaped processes of yellow. From this last named figure on either side to the circumferences are alternate parallel stripes of yellow and red about six inches broad. The upper circum ference of the cloak, where it fastens about the neck, is about twenty inches, the lower one being seven or seven and a half feet, thus forming a cloak capable of amply enveloping a very large per son. The mantle is protected by a hand some case and its beauty advantageously displayed by a background of blue vel vet There are two other capes in the col lection, very much smaller, and two boas. The larger of the capes is little more tnan a collar, its upper ana lower circumferences being bnt seventeen and sixty-sis inches, respectively. The entire body is of yellow feathers, having but two small crescents of rod in the center. The remaining cape, virtually a red one, has only two small designs of yel low, feathers and consequently is much less valuable. ". The boas made from the feathers of the Uho are about two feet in length, and fasten about the neck with hempen cords. The feather garments were at one time considered the greatest possessions of the crown, but the costumes of Eu ropean and American manufacture have superseded them, and they are no longer manufactured on the islands. Wasn ington Post Otter Writing In America. ' Americans are the greatest letter writ ing people on the globe. Of the fifty odd billion pieces of mail which are posted in the world every year nearly 8,000.000,000 go through the postofflces of the United States. We spend every year more than f.52,000.Q00 for postage, and during the year I91 American tongues licked the backs of $37,000,000 worth of sticky stamps. The postage stamps sold every year the world over far surpasses in value the riches of Jay Gould or the Roths childs, and the postage stamp industry of the world is one of the greatest fac tors in the machinery which moves the universe today.' And yet postage stamps are of comparatively recent origin. 1 1 is barely fifty years ago since they were first nsed in England, and in 1817 con gress hrst authorized tneir use in tne United states. Louisville Uonner-Jour- nal. niggest Umbrella In the World. It is said that the biggest umbrella in the world has been made for tho use of a west African king. The umbrella, which can be closed in the osnal man ner, is twenty-one feet in diameter and is affixed to a polished mahogany Ktaff of the same length. The canopy is made of India straw, and has a score of straw tassels and a border of crimson satin. On the top is a pine shaped straw orna ment which terminates in a gilded cone. When in use the umbrella is fixed in the ground, and under its shelter the king is able to entertain thirty guests at dinner. Dry Goods Chronicle, enjoying their dwarfed existence. St Louis Republic ; Taking Ber Down. Little Dot Ma, may 1 take the baby out In my doll's carriage? Mamma Why, what for? - Little Dot Susie Stuck up has a new doll 'at shuts its eyes an cries "Wan, wan!" I'm dSin to bctend the baby la a doll and let her hear him yelL Then I desa she'll stop puttin on airs. Good .News. Horse Sense. As regards color, gray horses liva long est, roan horses nearly as long. Cream colored horses are deficient of staying power, especially in summer weathor Bava. on an average, are the best Horses with black hoofs are stronger and tough er than others. Rider and Driver. Intvrnallv lii ilmes from ten drnns to a teaspoon' ful. It aots directly upon the blood and diuoohi surfaces of the system. They offer 1100 for any ease it fails to cure. Head for rl-oulars and testi monials. Address IP. J. CHKNtY A CO., loieuo, u Bold by druMistSi 7V). canrmcKT l rtitli tha method and rcstilU when Syrup of Figs Ifl taken it in peasant and refresbinir to the taste, and acU ceutly yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispel colds, head iches and feven and curea habitual constipation permanently. For sala in 50o and $1 bottles by all druggist CALIFORNIA FI0 SYRUP CO. tsi mHomc. tin. toumvtue. r. vr rw t; Season for TrcutOpahs April U t . If Ton Are In Need f Tront riles, e tbe Best. Wanted tha Needles. ' A man customer in a Boston store would not purchase an electric belt be cause it did not have all those needles sticking out in every direction from it such' as pictured in the papers. Phar maceutical Era. The earliest coinage that can be called American was ordered by the Virginia company, and was minted in the Ber mudas in 1613. But then, and for long afterward., the standard currency of Virginia was tobacco. Conch shells, when ground, enter Into the manufactnre of porcelain. The rose colored nearls of the pink conch are verv valuable, and have a beautiful wavy, sheen like that of watered silk. An English clergyman whose adver tisement has more than once appears in a London paper nets a nice sum an nually by the sale of a special breed of puppies. "Gem nan Syrup" J : A. My acquaintance with Boschee's German Syrup was made about four teen years aeo. I contracted a cold which resulted in a hoarseness and cough which disabled me from fill ing my pulpit for a number of Sab baths. After trying a physician, without obtaining relief I saw the advertisement of your remedy and obtained a bottle. I received quick and permanent help. I never hesi tate to tell my experience. Rev. W. XL Ilaggerty, Martinsville, N.J. O The Phflsnlx of Arabia. In olden times a bird called a "phoe nix" was thought to live in the deserts of Arabia. His lease of life was said to be 600 years, at the end of . which time . he built a nest of spices and fanned it into a flame with his wings. ' The flame reduced the bird to ashes, out of which he sprung to live another 500 years. Richardson says that he had fifty orifices in his beak, through which he sung me lodious airs. St. Louis Republic, An Abbe's Retort. x Some of those terrible market women of Paris were "cheeking" the Abbe Maury good humoredly. "You speak like an angel, M. l'Abbe, but spite of it all yon are a fool." "Quite right, mes- daraes," he replied, "but one does not die for thatf Gentleman's Magazine. Don't call the Chinese "Mongolians. It is better to reserve the latter name for the people who live north of China proper. tttJ 4 "lanflarfl quality, sios nn . . . . Want Ojr Oregon Trout We. 4 to S disease by removing the cause of it. niVoVTMmeT It's with the liver or the blood, nine times out of ten. A sluggish liver makes bad blood and oad blood makes trouble. Dr; Pierce's Gold en Medical Discovery makes purt blood. It invigorates tho liver and kidneys, rouses every ' organ into healthful action, and cleanses and renews the whole system. Through the blood it cum. t ot uysncpsia, Indigestion, Biliousness, Scrofulous, Skin and Scalp Diseases- even Consumption (or Lung-scrofula) in its earlier stages, it's a certain remedy. Nothine else is "just as good." Anything M just as good" could be blood-purifier that's guaranteed to benefit or cure, in every case, or the money is refunded. .Sfl.tt .Ml Standard quality. to hnok. per dos. ... n s whikh, pi-r uti. IIks. 4 ti lunik, ner diis 1. 00 ny Or aOVS OUSIIUP" w"1 ny mailili riH-ripi in price. AlsoertMlliteoniuim, ur-r-iji, i.iaitn, eta., at TBS BEST IN THE WORLD. Senator Henry C, Nelson of New Vork writes: "On the 27th of February, 1883, I was taken with a violent pain in the region of the kidneys. I suffered su;h agony that I could hardly stand up. As soon as possible I applied two amcock's i'obocs labtebs, one over each kidnev. and lav down. In an hour, to my surprise and delight, tbe pain had vanished and I was well. I wore tne plasters lor a day or two as a precau tion, and then removed them. 1 nave Dean using ALLrocK's porous plasties in my family for tbe last ten years, and have al ways found them the quickest and best ex ternal remedy for colds, strains and rheu matic affections. From mv experience I believe they are tbe best plasters in tbe world." The catarrh that isn't cured costs 1500. Not to 1ou. but to ths pro prietors of Dr. Safe's Catarrh Rem edy. They promise to pay yon the money, if vou have an incurable w fc sy case. They don't believe that you hay one. . lZ eiT3 m A Neat Bam mine Up.' now loots as though lh In the Dr."BrlK(ts ease It ey had a creed to disagree. Tha GREAT COUGH CURE, this success- nil CONSUMPTION CURE is sold by droit 'ists oa a posmve guarantee, a test that no othei Cure can stand successfully. If you have a "OUGH. liOAKbbistiisar LAuiuncu ill cure you promptly. If your child has the "uni 'u a. vviiih i' n ; i.fiiji.ri. nw ii , . . it. ' v v ' V ft . - - tne time to tresi catarrn oi long -rti- .a -.ti-f u ji vou fear CON. '.d ttJ M PTION. don't wait until your case U hope. ess, but take this Cure at once sua receive lm- nediale helo. Laree bottles. ?oc. and f I.oo. fravelerr convenient pocket size 2JC Ask our dtweist for SlinJIl'S CURE. If you! unfcs arc sore or back lame, use bhvloh i 1'or mis riaster. rnce, 25c. Now is standing. EIv's Cream Balm reaches an .1 obstinate cases, where all other reme dies fail. Do not neglect procuring a bot tle, as in it lies tbe relief vou seek. Rev. H. II. Fairall. D. D.. editor of tbe Iuwa Mrthoditt. savs aditoriallv s " We have tested the merits of Elv's Cream Balm. and believe that by a thorough course or treat ment it will cure almost every case 01 ca tarrh. Ministers as a class are auiicteo with head and throat troubles, and catanh seems more prevalent than ever, we can- not recommend Ely's Cream Balm too hiirhlv." Apply Maim mto eacn nostril, it is memv aosorDoa. u ves reuer at once, rice, SO cents at druggists' or by mall. fjhJ 1, BOTH BBS, 56 Warren Street, New York, I CURE FITS! Whan I sar ears I do Dot swan manly tostnp then. lor a tuna sod then ban tnna return again. I msan s radical oara. I hare martn tlia dimu of FITS, Ki'l LKPHYorFAU.lNU siuamuMiaMra-ioBastuaj. 1 warrant my rrowxlr to ears tba wont eaass. Brrttu othsts Ban failed Is so raaaoo for sat now moalnns s ars. Sid at ones lor a traatias and a Fraa Btle ol at intailibla ramady. UK Iviprsaa ana ruat umos. U. U. ROOT. III. v., 1b3 s-eari sit.. Is. v. A GOOD PLACE FOR BOTH. Hoitt's School, near Millbrae, San Mateo county, Cal., In charge of ex-btate tiuper- iiiiiiueiiv jlio ui. Xftiiirb miu nun, to un doubtedly one of the best schools for Boys on the racino uoast. Pianos and Organs. WINTER HARPER. 71 Morrison Street, Portland, Or, - KOK BOS. Hudson's Gun Store, S3 FIRST ST.. PORTLAND, OR. $r Band for lllustrald catalogue. ; IlinSnf Dynamite uuuuiiii a POWDER CO., IS CALIFORNIA IT., AN FRANCISCO. If von want TOWDER for Mining Railroad Work, 8tutnp lilastlng or Tree Planting, send for I'rio List. luOUflTAIll BUDS TEA A blend from the formula ol SB old English Tea Merchant Best Tea in tba World for the Price. CO rents per lb. at your dealer's or postpaid Irom tb sole Importers, .... CLO88ET DEVERS, Portland, Or. J II riCV Assarer and Analrtlital Clietnint, . II. llJr,' WaslituitUin K.. trtlnd. Or. 1HST1T0TE. a 111 tu Neit afslon will bruin August t. six teenth year: elutitwn tcar-lu-rs. For lllitstralod cstaloKtio addro s lisv. E, II t:iitrmH, A.M., , rrluclpal, ums Valencia nit wit rrauttsp, vsi. Mm III SELECT SCH ANY WEAK MAN Wholuflf.rln(!.tUhr lo bis mind of Vidy. ttitn ths hjjuiious cr w aka. Iu SaUs o lila on Uor t Miln, slant andmowarseanlaniilflill' ami inu uwitlycure.I. rmrrsfirl"-l'I):, nn rnin a, rn 131 biro ft. lilt. LULC a Vu., l'orlland.Ur. Ilwaa old Ticti Into b .it 30 an kaatwrwne ' lnlnrria, Wowl MoT mil and Dhtn tKiri r. Writ I'mLit. Rtllabls Reiasdltl snt prioataly le snj sddrti. FRAZER AXLE IsstintheWoridlfllirnOr Sold Ewnrwherel UifiL-iiUI- rilCTOR , ISSI S P tlmvsa TV - - " - Phlppml AnywhernonTrtal. ('Hiitlnvue Frre. OBO. BBTSI. at co.,8 Ity St. qCI.WOlf. 1U,B.I.A. f f UaaiaotMt ..I M U I i aaaai Sutmaia. 11 atrsaalt f 1 tTititsiiOHisiffiC V v D.a. A. A.ll trasa. ,,. .a-aH.l If O Is thaarltnnatladtad railing ramiwiy li)r all lot onnaiurai ntarnarsaa m frlvatdlaaaansof man. curiam cura lor tbt daBtlH Utlns waaknatt pacullM to wunriaa. I prasnnba it and rat! ssra . in rrtcommaudtof It M all suirarars. J. HTflNIB. H D .DroiTos.tlt. fcoM h ItraaxlsU. I'HICB flO. MAMY OUCH. A group of mechanics was seated in the engine-room when one said : "IIow was it TomT" "I was caught up, slapped 'gainst the roiling and whirled down to the floor. I lay there like one dead, and erery muscle was sprained. I was turod In one day." What cured him? QT. JACODG OIL with equal facility and certainty has cured promptly and perma nently worse coses. Here is one after suffering half a lifetime. MPumnorBt., Cleveland,)., Ang. 11,'SS. In 1&1 sprained my ana clubbing chestnuts; could not lift mr nnj eonstant jmin until 18b0, Wben Ht. Jacobs Oil cared roe. JACOB KIZENSPERGEJ1. . "ALL RIGHT I 8T. JACOBS OIL DID IT." plMdUlra. UfcS. 'i . j LOVELL DlflHOWn CYCLES or Ladles and Gents, 6lict.e. - neumatio cushion and solid Tires, a n u Pmona Ftsms, steal Drop Forging, 6tl T m JJ uDing,najuii.ciuioatringi 10 tu running parts, . w includme Pedalt. Xuiptnilon Stddls. ,, Etriotly man GRADE in Everv Panttmn IS zn " v,nla ,n sismps ror oar itw-psK uatratrd data, loirue of Haas, Hints, BawlTors, ...fewlsiTtl' tt"d?t jynrs r. iuku SKMia cq,, mm.,W Wathlngtoi St., BOSTON, MASS d I i A AjTsT 'W V-tv X.J' C.W. U or NT Of. CAWCJMPAHY.40 FIR8T STREET, PORTLAND, OR. Moll this double-edge rniner, snjf address, Sl.oO: aiao exj.rfki Dexter Diamond Chaiuplou Won der Kssor BUsol Crostmit Baws, 11.00 Itf-ttistcat cutter In the world. DO YOU WANT. A HOTEL WHEN VISITING THE' METROPOLIS? IF SO, L MoTO 11 I lati.in sioaasiiMiun-,iiT'"'' " f I THEQUlBflBY-HOUSE Corner of Fourth and O Street. Portland. nmn Is the only SI perusy hotel In the city with all modern Improvements. WK VKfY COMPETITION UNLOAD GONSUDPTIOrJ. I h s po.itiT remoci for tha sbortdisaaastbflta ass tboossnds of eases of tba worst kind and of long ittoi'iBt'aanbwmetind, tndaadaa strong is my faith In its slHoacr. tlut I w.ll sandTwo DOTTLtaj yms, wlih aVAXUABLB TKH ATIOK on this di sasat to anr sni. terar who will aondmath.tr Kzpnsaaod I. O. adilracs. T. A. fHoenab JI. 183 Pearl St Ii. V. Do you feel bad? Do you have a headache?' Does your hack ache? Yoll rnn't. ot nnA don' feel like work. The AfOI i R trouble ia V "ver is tor pid. You are full of bile. YyUll Get rid of it without delay. Three dsses of Moore'i Revealed Remedj will do it and make I lfpri you feel like a new person. For sale by all druftgistB. I U LLI I H. F. N. U. No. Ui-B. 7. N. V. No, 62S .... - . , hi.. ..viawuai. jiiHy n - ,.iia . Gimondo Crescent Ground Croso Cuts And All Kind, of MILL ftaiafsl a. Ur - SIMONOS SAW Col; WVVnV ESrr:- r