Condon globe. (Condon, Gilliam Co., Or.) 189?-1919, July 01, 1892, Image 2

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FRIDAY. JULY t. 1893
- till- :
Npt Monday will be the one
The Philadelphia Press, a repub
lican papef, says; "The people
who ignorantly talk of the decline
of Cleveland's popularity from 1884
to 1888 would do well to take a
glance at the election returns. In
New York Cleveland received ?2,
811 more votes in 1888 than in
1884: In ftew Jersey, 23,710 more;
hundred and sixteenth anniversary m Indiana, lb.uJ more, ana in
of the declaration of Independence Connecticut, 7,721 more. New York
Afrit Amerinm colonies from the cave him 100,000 more totes in
An;ftin nt Great Britain. It dost 1888 than in 1882, when he was
many long years of hard fighting elected governor of that state by a
.nAthUit hundreds of thous- plurality of 193,000. Although de-
. J, nf We men to secure na- feated by the electoral college sys-
i-i Knt xrhon itmm teitinia total vote in 1888 was
LIU lint CAWTOUVD " I (It!
ftfeftml thA neonle torooerlv ore- 5,536,242 an increase of 661,256
pared and developed to appreciate over bis tote In 1884, and a popu
free institutions. Over a century lar plurality of 95,534 over Harri-
of remarkable change and advance- aon
tnent has passed, and the eve of the phifadelDhia times: There are no
twentieth century finds the people perfect men. We have been men
better adapted to self government , understand the whole tribe.
than ever before.- Grave emergen- Qn ft cleftr morning when they are
eiesv haver arisen and have been n jrPRBWi nj the road is clear
overcome; and the future portends yi admirably; but none of
noining oi tu u a,FFmuS them enjoy having a passing vem
ture as has been; successfully en- de Bplaeh mud 0n their newly
countered in the past The repub- Wackenej boots, or enjoy having
He of modern Jnistofy, tounaea on Bome Qne trea(j Qn their corn8; i
the Universal brotherhood oi man, yQU wjmt fin(j out tnat n0 man
is a; grnd success, and the elimi- .g just marry the one you
uatfotii of tber equation of seil-gov- think -8 But j think that the two
ef ttffient has been solved by the 8exe8 are about equal so far as be
if ftiiav Rtata Perfect freedom, in ir nerfect is concerned. Ifyouse-
trimta! .uffrtge and equality to cure for lift , th, .JTiT
.,,,. and AnU cituen, -3254
the mottoes oi our government, uu -. . th tw0 blades of a pair o
these have attracted to our flag the gciS80rs as nearly alike as possible.
oppressedof all nations. If to-day
a foreien foe were to land upon our According to the late decision o
noil, in the ranks of the army and the Oregon supreme court, each
tiavy would be found Germans, county will have to pay its state
Trishmen. Frenchmen and Italians, tax on the basis of the levy made
all willing to risk life and limb for by the state board of equalization
h nfirmanenev of these institu- This decision will effect many coun
tinn Tn this is the strength of ties as to mortgages, city and town
the government, and while all can property and counties like Mult
claim a heritage under the stars nomah, which have been assessing
frv will nrntu Imortcraffes at 50 ter cent. This is
ner and advance. There may be certainly neither equality nor uni
problems in the future to solve, the formity, so long as other property
tnopt comnlicated of which will be is assessed at a much lower . rate.
A..fMn;iil indiilwr! hut the But since the supreme court has
I1JUCC V Vri vt J - .
solution will be dictated by the spoken, it must be accepted as an-
purest of patriotism and obedience other absurdity of our most absurd
to established authorities. After system of assessment.
over a century of experience, with
knotty questions, . disturbing the
even flow of free government, an
observer can say that the attempt
at self-government on the western
hemisphere has been more success'
OoM hama at DowntuK'a, 1240 per lb.
"CncleTorn's Cabin," itfc, at Darling.
1, 2, 3, d 6-gHL.itone Jam. UW.DiCo,
Genutna cider vinegar al Halotead, KineUart &
?. . . 1. 1
A IHlfOl IrnOi IBnilinn5 WVUIIC, uibipvikm.
, W. Darling 4 Co., Condon.
wniuuktwnpn. trv iora of the Liquid WubliiR
Bluing, at Darling's, Condon.
Fn mini of Omron. foidoa lor pocMt o. nx
each, at L. W. Darling & Co.'a.
All klnda of plooki at Halntead, . Rlnohart
Co.', at prlcea to stilt tlie timt.
Your bird wold lnsr better in ft new cage.
Get one from L W. Darling & Co.
We are Jnrt hunting forohrohio conghl to cure.
S, B," for sale by I W. Darling S to.
If you tee it In our advertisement you will find
It in our store. Halstead, Klnehart A Co.
J. H. Miller will astonish yon by his exceed
ingly low iiriees. Go and see for yourself. -
Barrels, did you say f Yes, we have a few 5, 10
ud W-gHllon size. U w . u. n to., tonaon.
Windows, doors and all kinds oi builders' nard'
ware, at Halstead, Kinehart & Co.'s, Condon.
Chairs, tables, bureaus, bedsteads, and wool
and wire mattresses, at L. W. Darling & to. B,
arf,itn hriHioa ViHmeiis. silver bits and snurs.
of best make, at WUin ei aicrauuuu m, jiiuiigiv"
Tniiet anitna In endless variety, also the best
laundry aoap In the world. 1 . Darling A Co.
We are headquarters for carta, hacks, bHgirie
and buckooanu. tonni oc mviarutuui nuiuiom,
Th m n foMffh Cnre la xlmnlv perfect. Hrend
80c with L. W. Darling, and you wUl be reauy to
Bi??. .wnii hnnnv "Old Oaken Bucket"
brand. The finest in th market, Halslead,
Kinehart & Co.
Something worth seeing and own',,P!noJ??
sniendid Hanging lamps, uow uiij j .
Darling & Co.
ijwHen. trv our "Rest for the Weary" shoes, and
' - - ti, i . . I ' . . i ..
BHtrerno more wiiu sore or urcu iwu uvi
Kinehart & Co. -
Thfl aman.iniAHpui I nanrance Co.. of New
York, has established an office at Condon with U
W. Darling as agent. 5
Thn lui-t nan no Ion ear be concealed that you
can get the most goods for the least money, at
j. H. Downing-s siore.
Wagons, hacks, buggies, bHckboards, carts and
all kinds of farming implements, at greauy re
duced prices, at Downing s.
The "Bain" is the best wagon on wneeis. i ue
Oliver Chilled" plow has no equal. Coffin St
McFarland, agents, Arlington,
Ask at L. W. Darling & Co.'a drug store for the
B. Headache cure, and you will be
best headache medicine known.
r t.ur okhcic. Th Dali es. Ob.. May 28, iri
r,).,i.,lint havtnar been entered at this ofllce
by John . Tpper against K. Nelson for failure
to comply with law as to timber culture entry
No. 21 Hi upon the bw4 and n se of
simj 14 tp 4 s of r 1 e, W, At., in Oilllam county,
Oregon, with a view to the cancellation ol said
entry; contestant alleging that the said K. Nel
son did not plant trees or aeeiln on, or cultivate
Hve acres or any amount wiring uro wunu
of said tract, or cause same to be done. The said
parties are hereby summoned to appear at this
olltce on the 21st day of July, 1W, at 10 o'clock
a, m., to respond ana mrnisn testimony conuuni
,,., ...Li niii.u'wl fHlhira. Jmv 1'. Lucas, county
olrk, is authorised to take testimony in this
case ai nis oruce in touuou, vr., ou uw j
of July, WL ,
JHM0 JTItH T . Ll-win nrgww .
. . m.a. t ... ... rtM t..n 1ti(V)
Motto in hereby Kiveu that the foliowltiff
ttw linn HltMl notice ol his intention to
make final proof in supportof his claim, and that
said proof will be made beioro J. P. Lucas, coun
ty clerk of Ullliain county, at Condon, Oregon,
on August , vis:
JOHN A. MILLER, Hd. 2595,
for the seW sec 24 tn 1 Of r 20 e. He names tha
ii.llrvwlim wttnenHea to nrove his continuous res
. Uii.ia nnnn min nil mvrttmii ni. hhiii ihiiu. vii:
i, u Ua... l..V. lll.t.ul filial,,,! UtnrllluFll
and W. E. Keed, all ot Olcx, Oregon.
J3-18 JOHW w. lkwis, negisror,
Nntlpa la herebv alven that the
named settler has ttlod notice of his Intention to
make final proof in support ol his claim, ana mat
said proof will be made before Jay P. Lucas, coun
ty clerk, at Condon, or., on J my 11, vm
FRANK M. I LITER, Hd. 8820,
for the ncVf see 27 tp 4 of r 22 e. He names the
following witnesses to prove his continuous res
idence upon ana cultivation oi, sum ihiiu, via
H. D. Fletcher, Jas. Shields, J. E. Downer and J
A. McMorrta. an ol conaon, uregon.
w. w
John '
Lkwib, Rpglster.
Several persons have inquired of
ub why it is that several candi
dates at the national conventions
received so many votes and a frac
tion. The way it happened is thus:
1 I 1 Jl ..VIinMM AAnTTAnllAn tli a
ful than anv of ancient or modern Al ine V"
times. To-day the United States tn ? an
dation than was Athens under the
golden age of Pericles or Rome un
der the Tribunes. Law and liberty
are maintained, and the full rights
f man are more nearly protected j
than in. any government on which
the " sun ever shone. On July 4,
X892, citizens of this great republic
can look with pride over more than
a century of history, and can re
joice in a country in which there is
bo monarch or titled nobility, and
where the humblest laborer has
equal rights with the wealthiest or
the descendant of a dozen genera
tions of natives of the soil.
As predicted all along, by this
strictly independent paper, Grover
Cleveland received the nomination
for president without the slightest
struggle. He was nominated on
the first ballot, receiving 618 vote
ut of the 896. The balance of the
votes were divided between Hill,
Boies and four or five' other smaller
fish. Hill of New York wanted to
be president "awful bad," but it
did not seem to have ever occurred
to him before the convention that
the people don't want him for pres
ident. He is thoroughly aware of
it now, however. General Adlai E.
Stevenson of Illinois was nomina
ted! by acclamation for vice-presi-tfenlp
Gen'. Stevenson was born in
Kentucky in 1839 and removed to
Bfooniington, 111., in 1856, where
Be read law and was admitted to
thba;r; He held variouetate ju
dicial offices and was a candidate
for presidential elector on the Mc-
Clellan ticket in 1864; In 1874 he
was elected to congress, serving one
temn As a delegate to the demo
cratic national convention of 1884,
he voted en every ballot for James
E. McDonald; He is a close per
sonal friend of ex-Postmaster Gen
eral Wm. P. Vilas, through whom
h became first assistant poHtnias
fie general;.-
and Utah were settled by giving
each side half a vote. At the dem
ocratic convention, Maryland and
North Carolina settled their con
tests in a similar manner.
1 XT Millnr haa thn flneatand best line Ofshoes
in the'eonntv, and his prices also are the lowest.
The Buckingham & Hecht are the best , ;
Osborn" and "Champion" mowers and reap-
era. Frices greauy reoucea. iron t nuy uuu
you see us. Coffin & Mcr ariana, Arlington. f
' We carry a full stock of garden seed from the
well-known and standard garden seed house of
D. M. Ferry & Co. Halstead, Kinehart & Co.
The freshest, purest and beat stock of prescrtp
Hon medicines in the country can tie found at
the drug store of L. W. Darling Co., Condon.
The famous "Williams Barber Bar Shaving
Soap" the best in the world for the toilet and
for shaving. For sale by L. W. Darling i Co.
Tua muvIvmI a new and comolete line of deco
rations in the latest styles and patterns, at very
low nrices. Call and be convinced. Halstead,
Kinehart & Co.
Ladies' shoes, best quality, reduced from $2 to
11.25, cash: anaxt boots rwmeea to ,, wnmuii
toeaunlany Buckingham dt Hecht At i. II.
Downing' store. .
We have added a full line of patent medicines
toourstoik and are now prepareaioinrnwo any
thing in this line needed by man or beast Ual
stead, Kinehart & Co.
When vnn are In town don't fait to call at the
store of . H. Miller and see how much cheaper
he sells goods than the prices you nave paw nere
tofore. It will pay you to do so. i
Why be bothered with a burnt-out, broken or
warped lire back in your cook stove when you
can tray one oi those patent adjustable backs at
Halstead, Kinehart St Co.'s to fit any size stove?
. The best place in the county to buy firat-clasa
goods at low prieee, is at Downing'. Everybody
savs so; and "what everybody says must be so. '
AU the men and boys go there for their ciotniug.
Don.t forget the Oliver Chilled when yon want
nlow. Thev are the best in the market vt
are the sole agents for Condam and are selling
them at Arlington prices. Halstead, Kinonart St
A complete line of ladies' trimmed hats In the
latest imported patterns, ladies sunshades ajid
sailor hats, trimmed and untrimmed, also a neat
assortment of children's straw hats, Halstead,
Kinehart A Co.
SHbscrintions for all the newspaper- and mag
azines in the Tnited States and also the leading
Fapers of the Old countries, received Dy nernerx
lalstead, at the postotlice, at publishers' prices.
It will save you risk and trouble.
Good shoes cost a little more, but the wear is
out of all proportion to the coat Remember this
when buying and take nothing but the genuine
Buckingham & Hecht They have a wotia-wiue
reputation for over a quarter of a century, for
ilid merit Halstead, Kinetutrt dt t o. -
We are agents for Knapp, Burrell St Co.'s com
plete line of goods, consisting of wagons, car
nages, UUggiea, OUCKOOarua, jiarueaii, gmiKi
Key and common plows, narrows, aeeuere, uium.
all kinds of farming machinery. Descriptive
catalogues full of information ana price upon
application, liaisteau. itinenart at o.
Commuted Timber Culture Final Proof.
TJ. 8. Land Ornci Tm Dalles, Ob., June 14. "92.
Tntlee is herebv aiven that James A. Gordon
ha Hied notice of intention to make final proof
before Jay P' Lucas, county clerk of Oilllam
county, at his oltice In Condon, Oregon, on fcut
urday, the tb day of Julv, 192, on timber cult
ure application No. 60. for the uCf sec 24 tp 1 s
of r 20 e. uudar aet March 8, uw. He names as
witnesses: Daniel B. Thomas, ttamuel S. Thom
as, Albert Miller and Ales Gordon, all of Olcx,
117-1S JOHN iy , l,H ih, m-jiawr
Land Officb at Th Dallks, Ob., June 10. '92.
Notice is herebv given trial trie lonowing
named settler has filed notice of his intention to
make final proof in support of his claim, and that
said proof will be madebefore Jay P. Lucas, coun
ty clerk, at Condon, Or., on July 2H, 18M, vii,
AUGUSTUS N. 8. COTTIN. Hd. 3305,
for the tli n wU and wtj sw'ij sec 8 tp 8 s of r 20 e.
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultivation of,
said land, via: C. N. t ilson, Jean N. 1-aBotis,
Geo. Hansen and Fred Monroe, all of Condon, Or.
j!7-l John W. Lkwim, KeglteT.
It is estimated that 90,000 Amer
icans will cross the Atlantic this
season for travel in Europe, and it
is figured that these people will
spend at least . $100,000,000 in get-
tins there and in eoine about. If
these pleasure-seekers would spend
their summers at Gilliam's capital
instead of going abroad, they would
perhaps enjoy themselves just as
much, besides it would help out
our town considerably.
' After one of the banks in a Col
orada town had announced its sus
pension the other day, a man who
had $10,000 on deposit went into
the concern with a horse pistol and
very politely induced the cashier
to hand over the money. The event
suggests that it is sometimes more
effective to draw a revolver than to
draw a check.
Our worthy contemporary, the
New York Tribune, has made the
very important discovery that there
are 4204 of . us millionaires in
this country. We were highly
pleased the other day to receive a
New York paper, entitled "The
New York Millionaire." It is sent
only to the class it represents.
This is a great country. No na
tion on earth ever had such politics
as the American people have
These great political conventions
the strained attention they attract
and the intelligent criticism they
evoke are the most significant signs
of the strength, vigor, vim and vi
vacity of this nation.
The state has sued Baker county
for $12,000 miscellaneous taxes
which have been accumulating
Commuted Timber Culture Final Proof J.
Lakd omcf at The Dallbb, Oh., June t, 1892.
la hemhv irivAn that Autrust Seekamn
has filed notice of intention to make final proof
before J. P. Lncaa, county clerk, at his odlce in
Condon, Oregon, on Wednesday, the 20th day of
July, 1892, on timber culture application No. 1192
for the sc'i sec '28 tp 3 s of r 21 e, under Act March
3, isl. He names as witnesses: Amon Hart
man, A.J. Moore, O. O. I'arman and H. C, Strick
land, all of Condon, Oregon.
J3-16 Jons W. Lewis. Register.
The monkey is not afraid, because his tail is a good one.
We not afraid, because our tale is a good one too.
IT - IS - NO - TAIL - OF - WOE.
- We tell of bargains, splendid goods, fair treatment,
satisfaction to customer and merchant; and of
reasonable prices and good money values.
A tail without end, because ""
it is a tail that will hold.
Land Omcg at Th ruuts, Or., Juna 1, 1812.
Notice is hereby given mar joe iniiowina
named aettler has filed notice of his intention to
make final proof in support of his claim, and that
said proof will be made before J. P. Lucaa, county
clerk of Oilllam county, at Condon, Oregon, on
August 4, 1892, viz:
for the sw4 sec 20 tp 1 s of r 21 e. He names the
following witnesses to prove bis continuous res
idence Hiion and cultivation of, said land. vi:
W. W. Wheeler. John A Miller, Gilson (Stoddard
and W. E. Keed, all of Olex, Oregon.
J'6 JOHw " I--EWIB, cvfRimcr.
Commuted Timber Culture Final Proof.; .
V. S. Land Omcg, Th Dailm, 0., June 18, '92.
XnHra la henhv fflvpn that Geonre Perry has
filed notice of bia intention to make final proof
h.fnr lav P. t.neHa. ciiuntv i-lerk of Cillllnm
rnnnir at h! nffii-e In Condon. Oregon, on THes-
oay, tne m aay oi August, iov, on umnxnuian
application No. 1274, for the nw4 ae and ne
nwi-i uee la tpo a oi r e. Biianie
aea: Iaaae if. Hmlth. If. J. Neel. Nathaniel Scott,
and Albert Henabaw, all of 1-one flock, Oregon.
124-19 JOHM W. 1.KWIS, ttCBiaier.
Lawb Onriri! atThb Dalles. Oa,. June 34, '92
Nntici. ! herehv eiven tbat tne louowmg-
named settler has filed notice of his intention to
make final proof in-support of his claim, and that
said proof will be made before J. P. Lucaa, coun
ty clerk of Gillinm county, at Condon, Oregon,
on August 13, im, vm: .
WILEY E. MILLER, Hd. 3246, '
for the vr4 nwVi, el4 nw'4 and n ni sw4 sec 22
tp 3 s of r 21 e. tie names the following witnes
ses to prove nis continuous resilience upon mm
cultivation OI, pain lann, viz: Amon nnnman
A. J. Moore, H. V. Moore and Thomas Dillon, al
of Condon. Oresnn. .
Jl-'O JOHn VI. IjFWIF, n-yil.r:
and get prices of my new and choice stock of -
eneral : Merchandise.
T am now nrpnareri to furnish the TlCOtlle Of
fnniion and viilnitv with the choicest of fresh
meat of all klnila, at aa times, i ran me
wagon daily. M y prices are the lowest in town,
and I respectfully solicit your patronage. Shop
on Main nextfloor to mhihoi-k s non-i.
r.iHnOrnra at The Dallks. Ob.. June 25. '02.
Notice ia herebv aiven that the following-named
settler has filed notice of hia intention to make
final proof In support of his claim, aiuntiat saia
proof will be made berore J. W. Morrow, county
clerk of Morrow county, at Heppner, Or., on
August 13, lt2. viz:
for the U e4, sw4 e, sw4 sec 20 tp 2 s
of r 23 e. He names the following witnesaea to
prove his eontinuoHs residence upon and culti
vation of, said land.-vis: Chas. Iavis and John
Coleman, of Gooseberry, and C. lloblnson and
kock. tweon.
EWis, Rcgfyter.
Through Sleepers, Reclining
Chair Cars and Diners.
Steamert From Portland to San Francisco Every
Four Day.- ,
For rates and general information call on or
addreaa, - -
W. H. HtiRLRirar. Asst. Oenl. Pass. Agt.,
64 Washington St., Portland. Or,
Local Agent, 8. Collins, Arlington, Or.
Geo. Perry, of Lone Bock, Oregon,
jl-201 John W. Li
For Sale at a Bargain.-
A flrsfc-claes Upright Piano ; Cost
J600; will sell for $350,
. Coffin & McFarlanit, , .;
j17 ' Arlington.
' Treasurer s Notice,
All county warrants registered prior
to May 7, 1892, will be paid on present
ation at my office. Interest ceases on
and after this date, H. S. Ewing,
. County Treasurer,
By Herbert Halstead, Deputy.
Dated June 3, 18r'2. -
To Whom It May Concern.
The public ! hereby notified that I will not be
responsible for any debts contracted by ray wife,
Lucy Suekamp.- HeriTam Bkikamp.
Given His Time.
X hereby notify all personi that I will not be re
sponsible for any debts or liabilities contracted
by my son, Hrt Crawford of Mayville. Me ha
burnt sriven hln time and it his own, free agent.
Dated May !fli, '!. E. A. (IitA FORfi.
K you tflke pill it in bef mine you bave never
, nifU iiio
S. B. Headache and Liver Cure.
It works so nicely, cleansing tne i-iverariu
Kidrtcys; iwts as a mild jihysic wlthtrtit canning
pain or aickfiesa, and does not stop yon from eat
ing and working. To try It la to become a friend
to it,- ror saie ny
m. uooaiia, aJ.x,ML. orwkw
-I reppwtfully invite you to call nt my-
. I do not want to talk very loud through the press, but I
will say this much: I can nave you 25 to 50 per cent on
every dollars' worth you buycompared with former prices.
"Quick Sales and Small Profits. Live and Let Live,"
is my motto. Give me a call and I will prove to you just
what I bay. No trouble to bhow goods.
J. H. MIIvlvBR,
It will pay you to see me.
gene J. Smith,
t - ' : -DEALER
J, Oregon.
ftepairing a specialty. Call and see me when you are at lb? rwiMy seat.'