HAS THREE TIMES THE CIRCULATION OF ANT PAPER IN THE COUNTY.' - ADVEKTI8ING BATES. PUBLISHED ItTIBT FBIDAT BY SLOAN P. IHUTT, E4llar an4 PreprUter. . Profenlooal card..... $1 00 per month On iqiMre 1 90 per month Un-quaiU-r column S 60 per month One half colamn 6 0(1 per month One columu 10 00 per month Butineu locali will be charged at 10 centa per line (or lint insertion and 5 centi per line there after. Legal advertisement will in all raaei be charged to the party ordering them, at legal ratea, and paid for before affidavit it furnished s Subscription IUtei. 6n yew (Invariably In adYauca) "" M Six moutu .,...,....,.....,............' 1 Jjo 'J llftH) BltlUllll.,,. ? H.uxl ooiilti 10 VOL. 2. CONDON, GILLIAM CO., OREGON, FRIDAY. JULY 1, 1892. NO. 15. THE OFFICIAL AND LEADING PAPER OF GILLIAM COUNTY. CONDON Knttrrd at the PoitnJJlce at Condon, Oregon, oj rcvnj-cla mult matter. OrMCIAL IUIIECTOKV. United States. ......Hkkjakw IIrihoii Prealdeat Vltwl' resilient ... Secretary ef Htaie Secretary ef Treasury.,. Secretary of Interior utvi e. MOKTO Ciiah. Koirraa J. W. Now.a MKrUK H. F.LK1NS B. V Tbcy .JOIIN WAMAMAKKH ,..W II. If. Mlf.LlR JlHKMUH MUSK neorwiary or war... nocreiaty or Nvy..,.. foatmaster-doneral Attoriiey-Oeneral Secretary of Agrleulture. - "f ate of Oregon. flofemor I'kwkoykh SocreUrr of Stale W. Mt HKiim Trtnrer Phii, Mktsohah Alt irtiey-Ueneral Oko. K Cimmkkki.ain HitpLof rubllo Instructor! K. . MciaiwY Be Lnn jj. H. MlTI.HKU. MUU)r - j. N IU.fH. Congre..m.n,....;...;...;........... &TEX Printer Fa C. Bab SK. A. MMH W. p I-okd. H. 8. limn. ' Seventh t uillolal Ulstrlnt. Joint Benator W. W. HritM A Circuit Judge w. I,. UnlmiAW 1'reeeoutlKg Attorney .W. It. Wilson Ollllam County. IltreitcnUtlve J. Ooonmni Judge. ....,. W.J. MAKiNaa r.,,. IVY. J. KUWAKIM Comminionert j, R kjuiok, Clerk .., ,.Jt P. Lucas HherlfT. W. t, Wimox Treasurer , Hkht IIamtkad Aiww.r.. .,,...., .....Val Wmkki.kh Htfyeyor M Lkb It,wart MihO'.l Huuerinteaileut Lccicn Paiukk Coroner i, Da John Nickmn Block Inspector ,. ..Alkji Uothib . Justices of Peace. Arlington W. O. Zaim.aa H'aliH'k O. Pakmh HnekCrotk , II D. Kahhaix Cllll.ll ll . J. R. CMRK1 Kerry '"siiyou H. V. Cason l one Hock - M. O. tKK Mayvll e H. J. Q-hkw Koll .. Bam Donaldson Howe Creek..... .... Z. J. Maktin Crown Hock . Krali totk T. K. Babtom I'nlon Paelflo Hallway Time Card. Traltu arrive and leave Arlington aa follow.: Ar-Bouni. Train Ne. 1, fait mall, 'eavea Arllagton dally at 1:6 a.m. ' .No. a, Atlantic xpruM, leave Arlington dally at:S7 t. m. r wkkt rodmo. Train No. 1, faat mall, leavei Arlington daily at 13 o a.m. No. 7 Atlantic expreai, leave Arlington dally at 1 -Ml M . Himilt BMAItCM TKA1X". Train No. 81 arrlvna from Huppner dally, ec erptKniiiUy at II :U0 A.M. No. m icvm tor lleppner dally, excrpt Bnn dy, at 3:47 p. M. Tar.ugti tli kef old and bgj(e ehecked throngri to all polula In the United Hlate ana Canada, 8. COLLINS, Ticket Agent, Arlington, Or. A T .4A. . M.-Mf. MORiAH tXtne.K No. S- n. b teuln B ated i-o nraxnl atl u ou nrt 8trrlay ete'ilng alter flrar Mono' tot tarn motiin. no Jo.rnlmbr. hr.n In gootli'and nur cordially invifml to ai'nu. r. r wavmi n. HiKRtaT Halatxad, 8ocrUry. -TRY ONE OF- ED It. PSTIiEY'S $10 SUITS For gentlemen, worth $20 for wear. Twelve cloth i-amples, fashion plate and measurement bUnk free. Postage, 6 centa. Ed L. Hontley & Co., Wholesale Gentile Tailors, 184 MADISON STREET. CHICAGO, ILL. ' When ordering samples please D. CANTWELI- Lost ' Valley CANTWELL BR08., Proprietor. All Kinds of Surfaced Lumber, Rustic, All timbers 4x6 and larger discounted 10 per foet. All lumber discounted 10 per cent, for cash. Condon Livery SOUTH MAIS STREET, COHDON, OR. Charles Fix, Good horses for hire at reasonable rates. . Special attention given to transient stock. Fat cattle for mv meat market respectfully solicited. EXCHANGE P. SKELLY, Proprietor, KEEPS OS HAND Fresh Beer, Wines, Liquors and ; Cigars. FRESH WALLA WALLA STEAMED XEQ BEER UPOI IOE. A fine billiard parlor in connection. When you feel like having A little amusement call around and JOHN NICKUN, Condon, Or. Offlci avenue. at reildeno of Major I.uca, Oregon J AY P. LUCAS, County Clerk, DOM ALL LINB of LAND AND NOTARY BUSINESS In a neat and careful manner. W. rtARLINO, -Notary Public and Conveyancer, . . Condon, Or. Collection mad with dfipatch. RnpreMiiit ilia Onrinan-Amerlcan and the Kortnweit Klre and Marine lu.urani Company. pOR ItKUABLE FIRE INHURANCK AfPLY 10 TUB "PHCeNIX Of HABTFpRD."' Cath AntU,V,m,lt.1S. Herbert Hnlatead, Agent, Condon, Or. QOKDON-LOME ROCK DAILY BTAOE LINE. D. M. Bloehart, Proprietor. Leave Condon every morning (finnday ex cepted) at e.HO o'clock, and a' rive, at Loue Ro:k at 12 m. via Matney and Loat Valley. Fare, S3.00. Round Trip, 93.60. y A. GOODWIN, Paintir and Paper-Hanoeb, ,.:",. Condon, Or. - All kind of painting and papering done at moderate rate, (live me a chance. I OBTOmCE VARIETY 8TORK, Loki Roc, Oa. ' 4. B. OotT, Proprietor. Keep alway on baud Mellelne, Cigar and Tobacco, fine CandlM, School Hunplleo, To let Article, Htntlonery. Harp and Toy, and every thing ele uiually found in a country variety t"r. . Kvery'hlng I handle I ftrat-eia, aud my prie are the loweat. tilve me a trial. J. WALKER, CONTRAOTOR AND BUILDER, Condon, Or. I have learned thl bulne thoroughly, and am prepared to do all kind of woik in tbl Hue at moderate rate. Try me. JOHN R. CLARK, . GENERAL CARPENTERING, Condon, Or. Ail kind of emrpenter work done with ne ne and lliU'b aud at verv moderate ret. RLINoTON-rOSilL DAILY 8TAOE LINB. K. A. K1.n, Proprietor. y ABB VBOM AtLlNOIOK TO PowU t" 00. Retam, 410 00 Mityv He 6 00 .....He urn, 9 00 Condon M.. 4 00 Return, 7 to Clem i (Ml...................Ketnro, 6 00 Olfl X 00..... Return, t 00 Lavea Arllng on every mornln (Bunday ex--epted at:80oYl irk. I da at Condon M r. a , aud arrlvt-a at roll at 7 r. . mention this paper. ' A. CANTWEIX. v Saw: Mill. Celling and Flooring Always on laid. cent, in number of and Feed Stable, Proprietor. taken on accounts. Your tradt n V SALOON. Pat. Ha will treat you welL EDUCATIONAL, NOTES. Last Year's Total School Enrollment for the United States Munificent Gifts of Mrs. Hotchklss. Canada has 13,420 Indian children of school age, of whom 7,574 are in attend ance. The income of the English University of Oxford for 191 wag (334 ,000, and the expenses $324,000. " Some poBsibly prejudiced person says that they do not Unf h German In any of the yonng 'ladies' boarding schools in France. The bipfrest university In the world is at Cairo, Ejrypt a country which Is not mentioned at all in the statistics and has 11,000 students. The total school enrollment for the United Btates laat year was 14,200,000. This included universities. Private and parochial schools have 1,600,000. The teachers and School Superintend ents of the United States receive $30, 000,000 annually. This amount increases $2,500,000 each year, or Z per cent Senator Stanford hss divided the $12 v 000 received for Arion into 125 equal portions, to be given to that number of destitute boys to educate them at hit new university. The munificent ftlfls of Mrs. Hotch kiss, the widow of the inventor of the machine gun, to Yale College include a building fund of $150,000 and an endow ment of 1 900,000 for the establishment of a preparatory school. Hulda Freidricbs, a young German woman, has been engaged by the Pall Mall U ait tie to make a tour of the United States for the purpoce of writing up the educational institutions of the country, especially in their effect on woman's conditions. iyt. J. JHOOAS, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Condon, Or. once Oregon ave., next door to Olobe office. BENNETTS DEPOT 7 HOTEL, AIU.INGTON, OB. Headquarters for T. P. A. N. W. Adjolnlnc tb depot, It I v rr convenient tor paaeeiifera from trie bark country who have to leave by night train. - Ilitr wird Dtuttch gttprochin. Fiancaii. On parle Ho Chtneie. Meet aU train. J. W. BCXNKTT, Proprietor. Tba MelratedFrencKura, Warranted till DUOOniTINC" wtnoney to cure rui"iviiiiH reiunaoo. Is Bold o a POSITIVE GUARANTEE toenreanrform oInervousdleaio orany dlaorderoi the generative or ganiot either aex, whether arlilnc ffmmf heeVMMialvA. BEfflRF usoolStlmulanbi. AFTER To bacoo or Opium, or through youthful InJjsCTO. tlon. over Indulgence, io . ucl Power, Walter nine. Bearing dmrn Palnatntha beck, Seminal Weak ncu, Uyterla,Nervou Pro. tratlon, Noctnruol Emlrsloui, Leicorrhtra, Dl- alnea,weaK lemory, Loncl rower and Impo ency,whlchUneRlecteloIten lead to prematura old are and insanity. Price 11.00 a box. Sboxca lurfj.10. fent by mall on receipt of price" A WRITaEMGVARANTEB I (Iran for erery i00orderrecelvcU,torefnnd the money il a rirnunni euro i not enerrra. we nave tlioasandiol teatlmonlala frorao'd and younr, t( bol h eexea, who h ave been permanently cored by thence otAphrodltine. Circularise. Addres THE APHRO MEDICINE CO. W altera Branch, BoxS7.roBTL4iiD.Oa. roi tklt BY I,. W. DARLING A CO., Condon, Or. Eoldsn Female Pills Relieve Bappretaed llenttrna tlon. U a ed aacceaafully by thoa and ol prominent la dle um(Aiy. Thor oughly rellaol and aaie. Worth twenty time their weight In old or frmale irrto- ularitt$. Never known to tatL Bent by mall eealed lor vs. Aooraa Tbe ipbro Kidleln COMPANY, ITettern Branch. Bos 7. . rortland, Oregoa. FOR ALI BT L. TP. DARLING A CO., Condon, Or. Fairs r, Our Wowderful Remedies. Dr. Grant's Ovruo of Wild Crape Root. The great blood purifier and is the product of Oregon soil. Dr. Grant's Kldnev and For the cure of Bright'a Disease, Diabetes, Biliousness, Sick Head v. ache and all kidney troubles. Ketau price, Dr. Grant's Native Discovery. 1 Tha treat female remedy. For in fiimnlea. Sold ' v jrice, $1. Dr. Grant's Cloalo. Tb great dyspepsia conqueror; v all its kindred ailments. Every bottle Boia unaer a poBiuve guar antee to effect a cure or money refunded. Ketau price, 91. Manufactured bvO.W. R. CO., Portland, Or. For Sale bv L. V7. Darling & Co., Condon, Or OCCIDENTAL MELANGE Torrents of Rain Fall Upon the Nevada Ranges. THE SUNSET IRRIGATION COMPANY. Work Begun on the Big Mining Tunnel Near Wardner A Faith Cure Doctor Other News. TUe Yuma militia is to build an armory. . The turquoise beds in Arizona are at tracting much attention. A sealing expedition has gone from San Diego to the Cedros Islands. Torrents of rain have fallen on the Nevada ranges, and ranchers and cattle men are greatly benefited. The owners of sealing vessels are alarmed, and have sent a courier vessel to warn the fleet not to enter Behring Sea. :. ' v ' ' The new mineral discovery sixty miles north of Kingman, A. T., is attracting great attention. The ore veins appear to be permanent. The Arizona Sheep Company has es tablished a big wool and meat head quarters at Flagstaff, A. T. The capital comes from Boston. A yellow fish called Alaskan mackerel, and fully equal to the mackerel of the Atlantic coast, is found at the west end of the Alaskan Islands. They move in large schools and are finely flavored. Through the peculiar attentions of a faith-cure doctor named Elliott at Santa Barbara, a young man named Fred Uein died and the people are very indig nant They propose to prosecute Elliott. O. P. Miller is charged with forgery at Saa Diego. He deposited a falea cherk for $875 on the California National Bank and proceeded to draw money on it He victimized several merchants before he was arrested. The uprising of the Mayo Indians in Sonora. Mexico is attributed to the im prisonment and banishment of the Saint of Coborca. Teresa Urrea, now in exile at Nogales. A. T. The " Tuscarora Society " of Utah sends 100 members to Chicago to accom pany the (Jentile delegation from .that Territory. Adrum corps of twenty pieces was taken along with them. County business at San Diego is repre sented to be at a standstill, owing to the absence of services of deputies needed la the various departments. This is the result of the recent decision of the Su preme Court. The litigation over the Sunsei. Irriga tion Corrpany at r resno baaenaea ana the interest of tbe company has been surrendered to parties who have Becured right-of-way tnrougn tne Laguna ae Tache, and will organize the largest single irrigation district in the world. At a meeting of the creditors of Alfred Qreenbanm, the insolvent liquor mer chant of San Francisco, it was ascer tained that his liabilities were (300,000 and his assets only $37,000. The credit ors claim that Greenbaum bought iarge quantities of goods out of his line of bus iness ana nypoiuecatea mem. Governor Toole has issued a proclama tion forbidding the bringing of sheep into Montana from Oregon, Nevada, Cal ifornia. Washington. Idaho or Utah. The proclamation was made on a show ing made by Veterinary Burgeon Hollo- way that sheep from tne states namea were infected with scab. From 4,000 to 5,000 sheep from outside points are held by liolloway at xsuue. Montana eaeep have not been affected with scab or other disease, and it is the intention of the authorities to keep up a good record. Work has been begun on a mining tunnel near Wardner, Idaho, which will he over two miles long, and will tap sev eral of the principal mines in the Coeur d'Alene district. The tunnel will take the place of tramways and railroads in transporting ore to concentrating plant. It will cut the Sullivan. Bunker Hill, Stemwinder. Last Chance, Tyler and Sierra Nevada mines over 2,000 feet be low their present workings. Complete returns have been received Irom all but tour counties in uregon which sive the following pluralities o: Consrresmen: First district. Herman (Rep.), 6.242; Second district, Ellis (Beo.). 3.048. Chamberlain (Dem.) has S37 majority for Attorney-General, and the Legislature now stands: Senate Republicans, 15; Democrats, 14; Tu ple's party, 1. House Republicans, 32; Democrats, 20; t'eople's party, z. system tonic. Purely vegetable, and Retail price, II. Liver Cure. the cure of diseases and complaint1 under a positive guarantee. Retai! ' , ' ' will positively cure dyspepsia and PURELY PERSONAL The Last Male Heir of Pulaski, the Dis tinguished Pole of Revolutionary Fame King Malietoa. Princess Louise will bring a parly of prominent English ladies to visit the World's Fair next year. Prof. Henry Shaler Williams, now of Cornell University, has been appointed to fill the chair of geology at Yale. Lord Tennyson is said to have made more money from the sale of his verses than any other poet who has ever lived. Mrs. P. T. Barnam, widow of the showman, ia annoyed by a Bridgeport crank, who thinks that she wants to marry him. Prof. McMasters is at work on the fourth volume of bis " History of the American People," which will probably be published in 1894. George Fred Williams, the distin guished Massachusetts Congressman, is the son of a German. Most people think he is a full-blooded Yankee. Mrs. Hungins, wife of the English as tronomer, ia a mo3t able assistant to ber husband in his astronomical labors, and keeps a record of bis observations. Willliam Lloyd Garrison preached the other day in one of the largest churches in Boston, and denounced the Chinese exclusion act in no uncertain terms. Mr. Gladstone is strengthening him self for a prospective return to the Prime Ministry by trying to prove in the Nine teenth Century that Dante studied at Oxford. . James Richard Cocke, graduated from the Boston University school, of medi cine recently, is the first person totally blind from infancy to receive a degree as a physician. The last male heir of Pulaaki, the dis tinguished Pole who aided the patriots of the Revolution, lives in Savannah, Ga., where he earns a scanty living ped dling small wares. Mme. Marchesi, who has long been famous as a teacher of vocil music, never takes pupils of the sterner sex. She says : " Teach men T Why, all the ten ors would be marrying off my ronranos, and I should not have a contralto left after admitting baritones !" CONGRESSIONAL MATTERS. The President to Transmit to Congress a- Message on the International Monetary Conference. It Is said the resident bas filed no tice that he will veto the river and har bor bill should it exceed the sum appro priated by the House. The President will" soon transmit to Congress a message on tbe forthcoming international monetary conference, to gether with the correspondence. With but one or two exceptions, all the baro- pean countries invited to the conference have sent in tavorable responses. Postmaster-General Wanamaker, At torney-General Miller and Secretary coster, acting as a commission, nave agreed upon the selection of the prop erty at Stventh and Mission streets as the site lor tbe new public Duuaing at San Francisco. The President has approved tbe act making an appropriation to supply tne deficiencies in tbe appropriations for the payment ot pensions lor tbe fiscal year 180 J. (jommissiOQpr Kanm has made requisition for $7,253,000 for the pay ment of pensions. Mr. Fowler of New York has prepared report recommending the passage of the bill introduced by Mr. Ueary 01 Cal ifornia to encourage American ship building. The bill "grants the same privilege to the British-built ship China. owned by the Pacific Mail Steamship Company, as was recently granted to the Inman steamships Uity ot fans ana City of New York. It is likely that a court of inquiry will be ordered to meet at Mare Island to ascertain why the Banger was permitted to start tor JJehring rjea with ber machinery in snch bad shape as to ne cessitate her putting into Port Towns end in violation of her orders to proceed direct. The Secretary of the Navy has received a report of the court of inquiry appointed to examine her machinery at Port Townsend, and the report says her Captain was justified nnder the circum stances m putting into fort lownaend. A crumb of comfort to the Mare Island folks is the fact that the blame for the Ranger's condition may be fixed on the Navy Department, as peremptory orders were received to sail on a certain day, and it was impossible to get her ready in that short time. It is understood that Secretary Tracy has finally decided, after a review of all the testimony, to sustain the action of the Naval Examining Board in finding Commander Frederick R. Smith morally unfit for promotion. Theactioaof the President is still necessary to tinaiiy complete this long-pending case, hut with the approval 01 tne board's nndinp bv the bead ot tbe JNavy Department, there can be hardly any doubt as to the result. Tbe rrexident has no aiterna tive but to drop Commander Smith from the rolls of the navy if be approves th proceedings of the board. If he disap- nroves. another board would have to re verse the findings of the first board before Commander Smith could be pro moted, and inasmu b aa all 01 bis seniors, with but few exception, have already officially stated that they do not consider mm nt lor promotion, it wouia do f rather difficult matter to get a board that would make a report favorable to the candidate. The Judgt Advocate- General who first reviewed the repor approved it, and both Secretary Tracy and Assistant Secretary fieeley have done likewixe( after a most exhaustive review o' all the testimony and of the capers filed in behalf of the candidate since the board made its report. THE ROCKIES The Exports of Silver This Year Larger Than Ever Before. EMIGRATION TO AMERICA THIS YEAR Carnegie Steel Company Issues a Circular Calling for a Reduction in All tae Departments. Springfield bas the largest United States arsenal. A contrre8s of beer brewers will b held next year.' There are 11.008 more women than men in Maryland. The Chicago posfoffice makes a profit of 2,000,0d0 yearly. There are 1.025 patients in the insane asylum at Norristown. Army worms are doing itreat damaee to hay fields -in Bartholomew oinntv. Ind. The immigration to America this year gives promise of beating all former rec ords. The American dress reformers are pre paring to renew their crusade at Chau tauqua this season. . . . , , The method of making tin pkt will soon be taught the colored students of Hampton Institute, Va. Tbe Federal grand lurv at Springfield has been dismissed for lack of funda with which to pay them. The wife of 8ecretirv Elkins bas foanded and endowed a noma for poor children at Deer Park, Md. The railroads are fighting the Erie canal by hauling grain o low the fojt- men cannot afford t'i jiwudie it. The dullest times ever known in the Little Rock (Ark.) country exist now. aud the direct cause is the floods. Bucks county (Penn.) farmers employ over 200 of the Indian boys and girls graduated from the Carlisle school. Wisconsin Odd Fellows spent $33,236 in relief last year. There are 1(5,060 members of the order in the State. Despite a rainy May, Lake Ontario is said to be several feet lower now than it ordinarily is at this season of the year. The New York grand jury has indicted a wealthy real-estate owner for renting a house for illegal and immoral purposes. Dr. Cyrus Edson has reported to the Board of Health that five of the public schools in New Vork are badly venti- -lated. The Kansas Republicans assert that the mortgage indebtedness of their 8 -ate has been reduced $5,000,000 in twelve months. -All but one of the forty-two cities of the Unitad States with populations of from 50,000 to 200,000 have electric rail ways in use. There is a bitter fight in the Kansas Alliance ranks over the Governorship. Jerry Simpson ia mentioned as a possi ble dark horse. Professor. John B. McMaster of the University of Pennsylvania has declined the offer of the Presidency of the Uni versity of Illinois. The Carnegie Steel Company (limited) has issued a circular calling for a reduc tion of from 15 to 60 per cent in nearly all the departments. When tbe new United States ironclad Texas is a afloat and ready for business, it will represent the biggest State in the Union and about $3,000,000. , An Insurance association is being formed at Memphis, Tenn., by cotton merchants to protect themselves from unjust cotton insurance rates. . Professor Burnham. who has left the Lick Observatory, is to assume tbe office of Clerk of the Federal Court of the Chi cago circuit, a position he filled before. The Grand Trunk will hereafter be permitted to bond all baggage g ing rom Toronto to the United State, thua enabling it to check direct to American points. 5 " The list of dead so far bv fire and flood at Titusville and Oil City, Penn., is sixty-five at the former and fit ty-four at the latter. Several persons are still missing. - The grand jury of Chattanooga, Tenn.. has brought true bills against all who attempted to lynch Frank Weems, the negro rapist. Borne prominent men were witn tne moo. The pound nets are ruining the shad fishing in the Connecticut river. The decrease last year was fully "0 pr cent.., is estimated by the catch during l-9, and this year it is no better. . The metiers from Wyoming held a mass meeting at Caspar and denounced the interference of the Federal govern ment with their affairs. They claim the State is amply able to meet all trouble. Financiers in New York are calling the attention of the promoters of rail way-building to the probability of in creasing absorption by Europeans ot American railway Bet-urines in tue next year or two. The lateBt New York bank statement -hows the surplus reserve is $23,600,000 an amount nearly four times as reat its at this time last year. The ease of money seems to be assured for several months at least. Tbe Missisoippl levees, with' all the iamage their breaks are alleged to have done, placed at $32,tKK),0O0 bv BraMreet'i ind $40,01)0,000 by the New . Orleans Times-Democrat, have stifl stood better than in the past.