Condon globe. (Condon, Gilliam Co., Or.) 189?-1919, June 17, 1892, Image 2

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FRIDAY, JUNE 17, 1892.
Three Years Allowed Settlers
to Pay For Forfeited Lands.
Captain Lewis, Register of the
United States land office at The
Dalles, received the following tele
gram Friday:
Washington, D. C, June 10, '92.
Captain John W. LEwrs,
The Dalles, Or.
Just passed through the house
the bill extending the time for
three years to settlers for payment
for forfeited lands. The act will
become a law next week.
Binger Hermann.
;: To this the captain sent the fol
lowing reply:
Hon. B. Hermann, Washington,
D. C. Your telegram announcing
passage of the act extending for
three years the time for payment
on forfeited lands, just received,
It will afford me great pleasure to
give the news as Bp&ody publication
as possible, knowing as I do that it
will lift a heavy load from many a
weary back. This is only one more
instance of the fruits of your untir
ing labor on behalf of the people of
Oregon. Last Monday's vote shows
their appreciation.
Very truly,
John W. Lewis
The bill referred to was introda
ced in the senate some time ago by
Senator Dolph, and passed that
body. It has now, happily, and
contrary to general expectation,
passed the house. This law will
be a great help and accommodation
to thousands of poor settlers.
At the republican national con
vention held at ' Minneapolis last
week, B. Harrison was nominated
on the first ballot for president,
Whitelaw Reid was nominated by
acclamation for vice president.
Jim Blame s fake" scheme to get
the nomination failed to connect,
and he received only 183 votes out
of about 1000, which about sizes up
the people's appreciation for him as
a politician. We believe the nom
inations made meet with general
approval among the republicans
throughout the West. The demo
cratic national convention will meet
at Chicago next Tuesday, 21st
G. Cleveland will get the nomina
tion without a struggle.
We are very careful to bolt our
back door against China, but we
leave the front door open to the ig
norant, vicious and degraded classes
of Europe. During the month of
April, 64,565 steerage passengers
were landed at New York alone,
They were largely from Italy and
the Slavonic provinces of Russia
and Prussia. Steamship competi
tion has reduced the fare to 111.
: Those countries derive great advan
tage from getting rid of the least
desirable of their people, and we
suffer correspondingly. Will our
country ever deal with this prob
lem? Oregonian.
There-election cf Hon. V. II.
Wilson prosecuting attorney for
this district by over 500 majority
should be considered in the light
of a compliment to that gentleman
and a vindication of his capacity
in the performance of the duties of
the office during the past two years.
He was elected the first time by a
small majority; but this election
has more than doubled the former
figures. Times-Mountaineer.
, The next Oregon state legislature
will stand: Senate republicans
18, democrats 12; House repub
licans 36; democrati.
The political issue of this state
was on member of congress, and
shows that the republicans have a
majority of 9000.
Given 'His Time.
I hereby notify all persons that I will hot be re
sponsible for anv debt or liabilities contracted
by my son. Kert Crawford of .Mayvillc- He has
been giveu hi time and is his own. free agent.
Dated May 2, 'iri. E. A. Crawford.
Bert rrawford of Mayville Imnrds horses C5
ttv.i "SetifillB. Cattle, CS on left hip: ear mark,
i cropped off and two npperits on left
; Blaine, Blaine, Blaine of Maine,
has fallen never to rise again. It
may be truthfully said that Mr.
Blaine was the architect of his own
ruin. A clearer case of political
hari-kari has never been known.
He dug his own grave, then plung
ed into it. Yet the ruling passion
was strong in death. He died as
dramatically as he had lived.
Blaine's public career is ended, and
it is to be regretted that it has end
ed so miserably, we might almost
say dishonorably, Blaine was al
ways a shallow, tricky, "faking"
politician, but it is pitiable that he
should make so monumental a
blunder at last, when there was no
occasion for it, no excuse for it
Portland Telegram.
Junction Jottings.
Walter Cason and family are visiting
relatives iu Grant county.
"Grain dry and brown; think we hear
the fanners sighing all round."
School is progressing nicely under the
management of Miss Ida Baker of Baker
Mrs. Cooke and daughter spent several
davs last week , visiting friends on the
John Day.
Assessor Mason is slowly recovering
from injuries received by being thrown
from a horse.
Miss Ora Vining of Ohio, who lately
came out to make her home with her
brother, has gone to Portland to visit
her father. Twin.
A Good, Old-Fash ioned, Fam
ily Celebration.
The people of Condon and vicinity
have decided to have a basket picnic on
July 4th, and will utilize the large new
livery stable for shelter, which will an
swer the purpose just as well as a grove.
There will be barbecued beef and mut
ton, and everything else that goes to
make op a first-class celebration. The
exercises during the day will consist of
racing, dancing, Binging, plug-uglies,
and grand fireworks in the evening. At
night there will be a grand ball, the pro
ceeds of which will go to the school.
Everybody cordially invited.
Jones I tell yon I caused a commo
tion among the fish in the creek to-day.
Smith Caught a few, did you? Jones
Thunder no, I fell in.
."Johnny, are yon teaching that par
rot to swear?" "No'm. I'm just telling
it what it mustn't say." Ex.
For Sale at a Bargain.
A first-class Upright Piano. Cost
$500; will sell for $350.
Coffin & McFarland,
jl7 " 1 Arlington.
The Best Wagons.
The best wagon in the world is the
new Peter Scbuttler tabular axle wasron.
The Steel Skein Schuttler wagon has
been in the lead for the past 50 years ;
the new tabular axle Schnttler will be
in the lead for the next 50 years. F ir
sale by L. W. Darling & Co., Condon, f r.
I hereby respectfully request f'l
are indebted to me to settle by .
1892, as I am building , and must tmvo
my money. Prompt payment will save
you extra cost and trouble.
Geo. Knox.
Treasurer s Notice.
All county warrants registered nrior
to May 7, 1892, will be paid on present
ation at my office. Interest ceases on
and after this date. H. 8. Ewino,
County Treasurer.
By Herbert Halstead, Deputy.
Dated June 3, 1892.
Settle Up Notice.
I hereby request all persons knowing
themselves indebted to me to settle the
same before June 10, 1892. I need all
the money that is due me.
1R. J. NfCKLW,
Commuted Timber Culture Fiual Proof.
U. 8. Land Office Thb, Ob., June 14. '92,
Totice is hereby given that James A. Gordon
haa filed notice of intention tn make final nrnnf
oeiore jay v i.ucaa, county clerk of Gilliam
county, at his office in Condon, Oregon, on Hat
urday. the 80th day of Julv. M92. on timhrr milt.
nre application No. 680, for the ne sec 24 tp 1
of r 20 e, undar act March 3, 1891. He names aa
witnesses: Daniel B. 1 homes, HamHel 8. Thorn
as, Aibert Miller and Alex Gordon, all of Olex,
J17-18 John W. Lewis, Register
Land Office at The Dam,e, Ob., June 10, '92.
Notice la hereby given that the following
named settler has filed notice of bis intention to
make final proof in support of his claim, and that
said proof will he made before Jay P. Lucas, coun
ty clerk, at Condon, Or., on July 23, 1892, viz,
AUGUSTUS N. 8. COTTIK, Hd. 3305,
for the M nw4 and w sw sec 8 tp 3 s of r 20 e.
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultivation of,
said land, viz: C. N. V Ilson, Jean N. LaBous,
Geo Hansen and Fred Monroe, nil of Condon, Or.
J1"-! John W. Lkwih, Register.
Land Office at The Dalle, Ob., June 1, 1892.
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has filed notice of his Intention to
make final proof tn support of bis claim, and that
said proof wlii be made before J. P. Lucas, county
clerk ofGillinm county, at Condon, Oregon, on
August 4, 1HU2, viz:
JOHN. MIKKALO, Hd. 2091,
for the sw'4 sec 20 tp 1 s of r 21 e. He names the
following wltneKses to prove his continuous res
idence upon and cultivation of, said land, viz:
W, W. Wheeler: John A Miller dllnn urnrfHuni
and W. E. Kcod, all of f ilex. Oretron.
J3-16 John W, Lewis, Register.
Good hams st Downlng'a, ja'g'c per lb.
"Uncle Tom'l Cabin," 25o, Ht Darling'
1. 2, 3, 4. I and -gnl stone Jars. L. W. D A Co,
Genuine cider vinegar al Halatead, Rinehart A
Co. 'a.
A line of fine, fashionable papeterie, Brst-chus.
jj. n. iwnuiK uj., minion.
Housekeeper, try some ot the Liquid Washing
Fine map of Oregon, folded for pocket me, Swc
each, at l n . xiarung & to. a.
All kinds of clocks at Halstead, Kinehart A
vo. s, ai pnees 10 aim mo uiue.
Your bird would sing better In a new cage,
Get one from L. W. Darllug & Co.
We are Just hunting forehronic cornrh to care.
B," for tale by L. W. Darling A Co.
If yon ee it in our advertisement you wilt And
it in our -tore. Haisteaa, Kinehart & Co.
J. H. Miller will astonish vou by hla exceed
ingly low price.. Go and aee for yourself.
Barreli, did yon say ? Yea, we have a few M0
and 60-gallon site. L. W. D. at Co., Condon.
Windows, doors mid all kinds of bulkier' hard'
ware, at Halstead, Kinehart & Co.', Condon.
Chain, tables, bureaus, bedsteads, and wool
and wire mattresses, at I W. Darling k Co. s.
Baddies, bridles, harness, silver bits and spun,
of best make, at Cottln & McFarland', Arlington.
Toilet soaps in endless variety, also the beat
laundry soap in the world. I w. Purling A Co.
We are headquarters for carta, hacks, buggies
ana Dae mam. com n s aicranana, Arlington
The 8. B. COHKh Care is simtilv nerfect. Hnend
SOc with L. W. Darling, and you will be ready to
Pure strained honey "Old Oaken Bucket"
brand. The finest in the market. Hahtead,
Kinehart A Co.
Something worth seeing and owning those
splendid hanging lamps, now displayed by L. W.
imruug a vu.
Ladies, try our "Rest for the Weary" shoes, and
suffer no more with sure or tired test. Halatead,
mueaan at 141.
The German-American Insurance Cf., of Sew
York, hits established an office at Condon with L.
W. Darling as agent.
The fact can no longer be concealed that you
can get the most goods for the least money, at
n. iowumg s store,
Wagons, hacks, biigirle. backboards, carts and
all kinds of fanning implements, at greatly re-
uuieu prices, ai uowning s.
The "Bain" is the best wagon on wheels. The
"Oliver Chilled" plow has no equal, Cofflu St
ucrarianu, agenu, Arlington.
Ask at L. W. Darling & Co.'s drug store for the
8. B. Headache cure, and you will be given the
Deat neauacne memcuie Known.
3. H. Miller has the finest and best line of shoe
in the county, and his prices also are the lowest
1 ne tracaingnam at uecm are ine nest.
"Osborn" and "Champion" mowers and reav
ers. Prices greatly reduced. Don't bny until
you see us. Coflin A McFarland, Arlington.
We carry a full stock of garden aeed from the
well-known and standard garden seed bouse of
11. a. reny at uo. ttawieaa, lunenart ijo.
The freshest, purest and best stock of res
tion medicines in the country can be found at
the drug store of L. W. Darling A Co., Condon.
The famous "Williams Barber flar Shaving
Soap" the best in the world for the toilet and
for shaving. . For sale by L. W. Darling 4 Col
Just received a new and complete line of doeo-
rauons in tne latest atyiea ana patterns, at rer
low prices, van ana te convinces, uaM
Kinehart & Co. ,
Ladies' shoes, best quality, red Heed from $2 to
il.&, casn; anase boots rem
to equal any Buckingham A Hecht At J. H.
Downing s store.
We have added a full line of patent medicine
to our Htor k and are now prepared to furnish any
thing in this line needed by man or beaut. Hal
stead, Kinehart 6 Co.
When you are in town don't fail to call at the
store of J. H. Miller and see how much cheaper
he sells goods than the prices you have paid here
tofore. It will pay you to do so.
Why be bothered with a bHrnt-out, broken or
warped tire back in your cook stove when you
can buy one of those patent adjustable backs at
Halstead, Kinehart A Co.'s to tit any size stove T
The beat place in the county to bur first-class
goods at low prices, is at Downing'a. Everybody
says so; and "what everybody savs must be so.
All the men and boys go there for their clothing.
Don.t forget the Oliver Chilled when you want
a plow. They are the beat in the maiket. We
are the sole agents for Condon ' and are selling
them at Arlington prices. Halstead. Kinehart A
A complete line of ladies' trimmed hate fn the
latest imnorted Datterus. ladies annahadttir nri
sailor hum, trimmed and mitrimmed, hIko a neat
assortment of children's straw hats, Halstead,
Kinehart & Co. . -
Subscriptions for all the newsnanera and mnir.
azines in the United States and also the leading
papers of the Old countries, received by Herbert
Intend, at the nostotHre. at nublithera
It will save you risk and trouble
Good shoes cost a little more, bnt the wear is
out of all proportion to the coat. Remember this
when buying and take nothing but the genuine
Buckingham & Hecht. They have a world-wide
repuiauon ior over a quarter 01 a century, tor
solid merit Halatead, Kinehart at Co.
We are agents for Knapp, BurroH St Co,'s com
plete line of goods, consisting ol wagons, car.
riages, buggies, buckboards, harness, gang, mil
key and common plows, barrows, seeders, drills,
headers, self-binders, mowers, reapers, rakes and
all kinds of farming machinery. Descriptive
catalogues full of information and prices upon
application. Halstead. Kinehart & Co.
Land Ofticr at Tub Dai.lks, Ob, April 29, '92.
Notice is hereby given that the following-named
settler has filed notice of hla intention to make
final proof in support of his claim, and that in Id
proof will be made before J. W. Morrow, county
clerk of Morrow county, at Heppner, Or., on
June 18, 102, viz:
AXDRO P. LOVGREN, D. 8. 6742,
for the neJi sec 7 tp 4 s of r 24 e. He names the
following witnesses to prove his continuous resi
dence upon and cultivation of, suid land, viz:
Charles Repass, Jacob Young, J. W. Cradick and
J. H. Inskeep, all of Eight Mile, Oregon.
mft-12 John W. Lbwiw, Register.
Notice is hereb
ven that the follow! nr
named settler haa nl
notice f bis intention to
make final proof in support of his claim, and that
said Droof will be made he (Vim J P. I.iu.aa vun.
ty clerk of Gilliam county, at Condon, Oregon,
on June 27, 1892, viz: ,
for the swJi sec 32 tp 1 i of r20e. He name the
following witnesses to prove his continuous res
ilience Hpon and cultivation of, said land, viz:
Albert Miller of Olex. Chas. Wleean of A rll nirtnn
rs. a. vuapei oi A)Ulx, ana
of Condon. Oregon.
C a fit -i.i . . . .. . . '
August Buinmerneld,
U120-14 John W.Lewis
Laud Office at The Dalle, Ob May 13, 1892. '
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has filed notice of hi Intention to
make final proof in support of his claim, and that
said proof will be made before J. P. Lucas, county
clerk of Gilliam county, at Condon, Or., on
June25, 1892, viz:
for the rx seJi sec 10 and w swi sec 11 tp 8
ofr24e. lie names the following witnesses to
prove hi continuous residence upon and culti
vation of, said land, viz: M. O. Clarke, G. H. :
KeeL of Lone Rock, and A. Henshaw and E. E. i
emun, oi uonaon, Oregon,
JOHit w. lewis Register.
Land Opfick at Thb Dalles, Or., June 1, m.
Xotlee Is hwrahv irivMi, kt ,K. r..ll....,
named settler has filed notice of his intention to 1
maae nnai nrooi in snnnortot his n iniiih.t
huh pruui win ne Tauai; oeiore i. r. Lucas, coun
ty clerk of Gilliam county, at Condon, Oregon,
on August 4, IWi, viz: '
JOHN A. MILLER, Hd. 2695,
for the ei sec 24 tp 1 s of r 20 e. He name the
following witnesses to prove his continuous re-
jnce upon and cultivation of, said land, via:
w;,lUle.el'r! John J'lkkalo, Gllson Woddard
4 W. E. Reed, all of Olex, Oregon.
H 1 - Johk W, Lkwih, Kegister.
U.S. Land OFncB, Thb Dalles, Ob., AprH2S,'92.
Complaint having been entered at this office
by J. C, Meek amilimt K. (Vinrnriiv for .,l.,LH,.n.
ing his homcsu-ad entry No, 14MH, dnted January
1. m, upon the sei sec 32 tp X s of r 20 e, fn (ill
11am county, Oregon, with a view to the cancel,
latlon of said entry, the said parties are hereby
summoned to appear at this office on the 14th day
of July, ltm, nt 10 o'clock a. nr., to respond and
furnish testimony concerning said .illeged aban
donment Jay f Luchs, county clerk, is anther.
Ued to take testimony in this caseat his office in
Condon, Or., July 7, 1082, t 10 o'clock a. m,
m13-18 Jown W. Uwis, Kegister.
By virtue of an execution isswd out of the dr.
cult court of the state of Oregon for iiiUtcm coun
ty, in an action entitled L. V. Darling vs (tenrgo
W. Mephens, unit to ie directed and delivered,
1 did on the nth day of May, ma, lew nmn ami
wilt sell at public auction, to the highest bidder
for cash In hand, on
June IS. 1802. at a o'olook.
?. m., of said day, at the court bouse door In
ondon In said county, Oregon, the following de
scribed property, (o-wit: lits one, two, four and
live, of section eighteen, in township three
south, of range twenty, east Willamette Merid
ian, in UlUiaiu county, Oregon, and containing
one hundred and sixty-lour and ninety-three
one hundredth acres; or so much thereof asshsU
lie itifllctcnt to satlsty the sum of one hundred
and llfty-slx dollar ami elghty-Hra cents (156.ft)
wfth interest thereon at the rate of ten per cent
per annum from April 15th, 1W2. Taken and
levied upon as the property of George W. Kte
phens to satisfy said sum of ttAA.sIS and coats
taxed at 5a.77, and interest thereon in favor ol
L. W. Darling, together with costs and accruing
costs. Witness my hand at Condon, Oregon, this
17th day of May.lStt. W, L, Wim ox,
0120-18 Sheriffof Gilliam County, Or.
In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for
the County of Uilltam.
In the matter of the estate of Jesse Spuryer,
To the heirs Of said decedent and all persons
interested in suid estate, greeting: In the name
01 the Mate ot Oregon, you are hereby cited and
required to appear In the county court of the
State of Oregon, for the county or Gilliam,
at the court room thereof, at Condon In the
county of Gilliam on Tuesday, the Sthdayof
jiiiv, icw, ai one ociock in tne aiternoon
of that day, then and there to show cause, if anv
exista, why the administrator ot said estate
should not be ordered to sell the foi owtnsr-de
scribed real estate belonging to said estate, to
wit: ThaeoitheneU and the eU of the se'-i
sec10tp4sof r21e,W.M.
t WITNKSH, the Hon. Wm. J. Mariner, Judge of
the county court of the state of Oregon, for the
county ot Gilliam with the seal of said court af-
nxea, mis win aay ot May, um.
inia-14 ATTEST: Jay P. Ll'CAR, Clerk
C, 8, Land Orricg. Tin Dallks.Or.. Mav 28. '92.
Complaint having been entered at this office
by John 8. Topper against K. Nelson tor (allure
10 comply wnn taw as to ninoer culture entry
no. ji-tfl upon tne nf iwi ami n'i seu ot
see 14 to 4 s of r 1 e. W. t hi milium ,n,.tv
Oregon, with a view to the cancellation ot said
entry; contestant alleging that the said K. Nel
son did not plant treea or seeds on. or cultivate
five acres or any amount during the fourth year
01 sam inter., or cause same to tie aone. Tne sam
parties are hereby summoned to appear at this
oillee on the 21st day of July, 1S92, nt 10 o'clock
a. m., to respond and furnish testimony concern
ing wild alleged failure. Jay P. l.ncaa, county
clerk, is authorized to take testimony in this
ease ai nis omce in uonaou, lit., on tne 14m any
01 amy, inw.
J,iQ-5 John W, Lkwih, Register.
LAttaOrrtcg atThi Daixsk.Or., May 2tu8.
Notice is hereby given that the following.
namedsettler has filed notice of hla intention to
make flualpmof in support of his claim, and that
saw proof wiubemade before Jay I. Lucas, conn
ty clerk, at Condon, Or., on July 11, mi, viz:
FRANK M. PUTEK, Hd. 2820,
for the ttei sec 27 tp 4 a of r 22 e. Ho names the
following witnesaes to prove his continuous res
idence upon ana cultivation ot, nam bind, viz
8. D. Fletcher, Jaa. Hlih-kts, J. K, Downer and J
A. McMorris. all of Condon, Oregon.
14-16 John W. Lkwih, Register.
Land Office at The Dalies, Or April 30, 1892.
mice is hereby Eiven that the followlnir-imni
Notice is hereby given that the following-named
settler has filed notice of his intention ht make
final proof In support of his claim, and that said
proof will be made before S. P. Lucas, county
clerk of Gilliam county, at Condon, Or., on June
18, 1892, Viz:
for the U neV.nlf se'i sec 4 tp 4 sof r 22 e. He
names at following witnesses to prove his con
tinuous residence upon and cultivation of, mild
tana, viz: n. a. inompson. ueo. Kooinsou, 11. 8,
Tobey and Walter Gammell, all of Matney, Or.
m6-12 John W. Lkwih, Register.
(Commuted Timber Culture Final Proof.
Land office at The Dalles, Or., June 1. 1892.
Notice is hereby given that August Heekamp
has filed notice of intention to make final nroof
before J. P. Lucaa, county clerk, at his office in
Condon, Oregon, on Wednesday, the 20th day ot
July, 1H92, on timber culture application No. 1192
for the K'yl sec 28 tn 3 of r 21 e. under Act March
3, 1891. lie names aa witnesses: Amon Hurt
mini, A. J. Moore, G. G. Partnan and H. C, Htriek-
utriu, an oi vouuon, urcgon.
J3-16 John W. Lewis, Register.
To Whom It May Concern.
The public is hereby notified that I will not be
responsible for any debts contracted by my wile,
l.ukj eeeaamp. hkhman hkkkami'
HA 1,8
Through Sleepers, Reclining
Chair Cars and Diners.
Steamer From Portland to San Francisco Every
Four Day.
For rate and general Information call on or
W. H. Hubi.bubt, Asst. Genl. Pass. Agt,
64 Washington tit., Portland, Or.
Local Agent, S. Collin, Arlington, Or.
It you take pIHs tt is bttcause you have never
, tried the
S. B. Headache and Liver Cure.
It work so nicely, cleansing the Liver and
Kidneys; act a a mild physk; without causing
pain or sickness, and does not stop you from eat
ing and working, To try It in to become a friend
to it. For alc by
CONDON, ... - . . - , ORKOON.
tOanMi. (v(sv form ushtiio oosriot.aoou-
eawTm oons at low satis, htimatis oivin,
niMoai, A.r.BKd:, oxmaoM,
MEANS : OF : A :
Tho monkey is not afraid, because his tail is a good on.
We are not afraid, because our talo is a good one too.
IT - IS - NO - TAIL - OF - WOE.
We tell of bargains, pplendid goods, fair treatment,
satisfaction to customer and merchant; and of
reasonable prices and good money values. 1
A tail without end, because
it is a tail that will hold.
-I respectfully invite you to call at my-
-and get prices of my
General -:-
I do not want to talk very loud through the proas, but I
will sav this much: I can save you 2" to fiO per cent on
every dollars' worth you buycompared with former prices.
"Quick Rales and Small Profits. Live and Let Live,"
is my motto. Give me a call and I will prove to you junt
what I say. No trouble to show goods.
'.'' " '
It will pay you to wait.
Eugene B. Smith,
Condon, : - . . Oregon. "f
Repairing a gpecialty. Call and see mtf whor, you are at the county seat..
- : - OREGON.
new and choice stock of-