HAS THREE TIMES THE CIRCULATION OF ANT PAPER IN THE COUNTY. THE OFFICIAL AND LEADING PAPER OF GILLIAM COUNTY. DON ADVERTISING KATES. PUBLISHED KVCKV FRIDAY BV LOAN P. 8HUTT, Editor and Proprietor. Professional cards.... 1 00 per month One square , , , 1 60 per month One-qnaiter column.. ft 60 per month One half column 0 per month One column 10 00 per month Baaineaa localt will be charged at 10 centi per line for flrrt Insertion and 5 cents per line there after. Legal advertisements will In all cases be charged to the party ordering tbem, at legal rates, and paid for before affidavit l furnished fa Subscription Kat.a. One your (Invariably In advance) - II 5? Six monttia 1 "0 Tlireo months... , , 7 e.iiKle coplei.f. 10 VOL. 2. CONDON, GILLIAM CO., OREGON, FRIDAY. JUNE 3, 1892. NO. 11. CON GLOBE. CO Knitted at Pottofflct of Condon, Oregon, at tetvHil-clutt mail matter. OrriCIAl DHIKCTOHV. United State. President HkiuaMIK rUaamort Vice I'resldeiit Uvi P. Mohton Heerttary of Htate Jam km (1 Hi.ainc Secretary of Treasury .I!has. Kohtkb Seorelarr ot Interior .'. J- W. Now.a Hertaryof War ........HTKi'liKH H. Ki.kik Secretary of Navy ,. B. T. Tai;v Post masteMienerat .Jon N Wahamakkr AttomeyouHeral ..W II. H. Mu.i.aa becretaryof Agrlsalture. JaKr.MMM Kusk J Blte ttt Oregon. Governor ,. ..H. 1'KMNovaa Secrslarvol Stat O W. McHkiub Treatarer ...fun, Mxthchah Bupt of rubllo lustruclun B. M. McKi-ho Cong-eMman......; ...,........ B IIkmmanh frtuter KkahkO. Hak aa (K. H. MraAHAM Supreme Juliet w. I" I-""- i ss Ukak. Seventh Jndlelal lllatrlet. Joint Senator .,... ....Cn a ai.HH IIii.tok t'lrcuit Judge W. I Hmai.hhaw I'rMucutiiig At.oruey W. II. M ii.hon Ullllam County. Representative W.J. Mui.asr Judge , W.J. MaaiNaa Commissioners Wi j, k.owakos Clerk , ,.Jat P. Lucas Hherlff. ..... .W. I, WiixoX 1'rraiurer II. 8. Kwmo Assessor David Maiki Surveyor II. M. Huw.&uar Bihool Huperlnteadent I.vcikn Pa Kuan Coroner ,.R. K, Ha a am Stock loapector Alkx Duthis Condon Preclnet. Justice of the Peace ..Qaoaia Tato Constanta , Dam Kikbmakt ttnlon FMlfle Hallway Tltne Card. Tralnaarrlva and leave Arlington aa follows: tAsraotiKO. Train Mo. 3, fast nail, leaves Arlington dally t a. a). . .. . No. a, A i Ian tic express, leaves Arlington dally ata H7 r. m. WIHTBOOSB. Train No. 1, fast mall, leaves Arlington dally atia;40A. n. ... No. 7. Atlautlo express, leaves Arlington dally at 1.60 p.m. Hirrxta branch tsains. Train No. 31 arrives from Beppner dally, e cent Ku iid ty at 1 1 :d0 a . m . No. 82 leaves (or lieepner dally, except flan day, at 3:47 P. at. , , t nrougtt keta sold and baggage cheeked tkroiiicb to all poinu in the United Mate ana Canada. S. COLLI NH, Ticket Agent, Arlington, Or, AT. A A. M.-Mf. WORIAH IX)IKiE. No. 5 , Hiated cominnnl' atL.iia on flnt Haturday evenliiga alter flrat Moudava of each month. Ho Joarnlng brethren In goodatand ngare cordially Invited to att-ud. I. r. CAiJON, W. M. HxKBKaT Hawtkad, Secretary. REV. W. C. WIHE WILL HOLD 8IRVICK8 every 14 and 4tb Humlay luaeh month at (.midon, morning and eveulng, and at Matuey aeboolhonae at 2 t. m. Kvery lat and sd Sunday be will preach at May ville. morning an a evening. Economical Men, TRY ED Ii. flWTliEY'S $10 SUITS For irentlemcn, worth $20 for wear. and measurement blank free. Postage, 6 cents. fed It. Hontley & Go., Wholesale Gentile Tailors 184 MADISON 8TREETCHICACO, ILL. When ordering samples please Or.) Globe. D. CANTWELL. Lost .Valley; Saw: Mill. CANTWELL BROS., Proprietors. All Kinds ot Surfaced Lumber, Rustic, All timbers 4x6 and larger discounted 10 per feot. All lumber discounted 10 per cent, for cash. Condon Livery SOUTH MAIS STREET, CONDON, OR. Charles Fix, Good horses for hire at reasonable rates. Special attention given to transient stock. Fat cattle for my meat market respectfully solicited. ' H M EXCHANGE P. SKELLY, Proprietor, KEEPS ON HAND Fresh Beer, Wines, Liquors and Cigars. FRESH WALLA WALLA STEAMED KEG BEEE UPON ICE. A fine billiard parlor in connection. When you feol like having a Uttle amusement call around and see Pat. He will treat you well. jar. 3. J. 1100 AS, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, " Condbn; Or. Ofllce Oregon ave., next door to (llubt office. 1) R. JOHN NICKUN, Condon, Or. office aveuue. at retldeiice of Major Lilian, Oregon AY P. M'CAH, t'oimty Clerk, woies ALL LINM op- LAND AND NOTARY BUSINESS In a nrat and careful manner. ' JEORGK TATOM, JUSTICE Or THE PEACE, Condon, Or. Collectlonsjnie audjromp W. DARLING, 'Notary Public and Conveyancer, Condon, Op. Collections made with dispatch. Renreaents the (Inrmaii-Amerlcan and the Northwest Kir and Marine Insurance Company. ,10R RELIABLE FIRE INHURANCK APPI.T TO Til PMCNIX of Hartfobo." CoiA tafa, .;,64.t. Herbert Balstead, Agent, Condon, Or. pONDON-LONK ROCK DAILY HTAOE LINK. I). M. Itloehart, I'roprletop. Leaves Condon every ntorulng (Bnndaya ex cepted) at 6 o'clock, and a'rlveaat loue Rock at lit M. via Matuey and Lost Valley. Fare, 03.00. Round Trip. S3.no. S." It 8. OR1DER, II. M. HOH8, Carpenters and Contractors, Condon, Op. All kinds of cannter wark done with dla-paU-hatthemotreaaonablechaiges. Office On street wherever yon can And tbem. xy A. GOODWIN, ' Painter and Paper-Hanoer, Condon, Or. All kinds ot painting and papering done at moderate rates, uive me a cnauue. i-wia-mPPII-lt VARIETY STORE. I LoHg Rock, On. J. B. Oon, Proprietor. irna alwava on hand Mellclnea. C'gara and Tnbaccoa. One Candlea, School Huppllen, Toilet Articles. Stationery, liarns aui ioya, ami etiry thing elae naually found In a country variety torM. Everything I handle Is flrat-cUaa, and my prtuesare iho lowest, tilve ine a trial A.J WALKER, CONTRAOTOR ANO BUILDER, Condon, Or. I have learned thla bnalneas thoroughly, and am prepared to do all kluda of work In this line at moderate rates. Try me. ONE OF- Twelve cloth samples, fashion plate mention Condon (Gilliam county A. CANTWEI.L. Celling and Flooring Always on Hand cent, in number of and Feed Stable Proprietor. taken on accounts Your trade is 7 SALOON, m PURELY PERSONAL W. A. Chandler Will Accompany German Officer on an East Africa Expedition. C. 1'. Huntington lias given $25,030 to the Golden Gate park, San Francisco, (or an artificial cataract with a fall of seventy-fly feet nrSSn - mar i M l'T1 will visit that place next fall for a few, days' tarpon niihtng. Hi nee the death of the celebrated sur geon. Dr. Ilanea A Knew, the instances of his humane kindness and charity are fast multiplying, lie made a rale to charge his patients strictly according to tneir circumstances, xnoseoi moderate means paid $2 for each visit, while the eaitny patient was often charged from $1,000 to $2,500, and the wife of an Eng lish nobleman once paid $20,000 for a single operation. William Astor Chandler of New York, who is to accompany a German officer on an important exploring expedition in East Africa, brought back from his last African trip probably the finest col lection of trophies of the chase ever im ported into the United States. Many of the specimens were made op into arti cles of nse or ornament. An elephant's foot was silver-mounted and converted into a champagne cooler; the hide of a rhinoceros formed the top of a table, and there were many object of ivory. Ihe importation paid $25,000 dntv. JOHN R. CLARK, . GENERAL CARPENTERING, Condon.. Or. All kinds of carpenter work done with neat nam and dlapatch and at very moderate ratea. RLINtiTON-POBSIL DAILY STAGE LISE. K. A. Nelson, proprietor. VAI1I raoM ARLINGTON TO roMlI....... ...16 00 Return. flO 00 Maw He 6 00 Ke urn, 00 Condon 4 00 Return, 7 60 Clem .,...,..,.. t on Keturn, B ou Olex.. 2 00 Return, 8 00 Lavca ArlliiK'on everr morning (Hunday ex- ceptedi at 6;:0o rlx-k. la dae at Condon at 3 r. .. ana arrives at r oaau at 7 P. a. BENNETT S DEPOT 7 HOTEL, ARLINGTON. OR. Headquarters for T. P. A. N. W. Adjoining the depot. It la v. ry convenient for pawiengeni irom me wi couinrjr k mi have to leave by night trains. Uitr u ird Deutseh gtgprochen. On park rrancatt. No Chinese. Meets all trains. J. W. HEXXKTT, Proprietor. The GekkatedFrencft Kure, Warranted I "APHRODITlNL ' SfSSS to cure la Bold ox a POSITIVE CUARANTEE to cure any form ol nervous uleao or any disorder of the generative or- grmsoteiincrsex, v.bothcr arialuK' frorathoexcculve u: ool Stimulants, BEFORE AFTER TooaccoorOplum.orthrouRbyoutblullnilliiere. Hon, over lnuutrcneo,t:e.,suehaa Losa ol Brain fower, Wu!ieli:lness,rieorin;dovn Pains In tha bark, Seminal Weakness, Hysteria, Nervous Pro, tratioa, Noeturnul Emissions, Leieorrhtra, Dli ainesa. Weak Jlemorv. Lom ol l'owerand imno. teney,whl taltneglectedoften lead to premature old a?e and Insanity. Pries 11.00 a box, 6 boxes lorl.voa Pent by mall on receipt of price A WRITaEJf iiUAUAXvTEE Is given lot every ,cOorlcr received, to refund the money it a Permanent rv.ra Is not effected. We bave thouaamlaof teatimoniula fromo'd and younft. of both aoxea-vrhohavo been permanently enrrd by theuseof Apbroditina. Clreularfree, Addreta THE APHRO MEDICINE CO. Western Branch, Box C7. roaTLxxo, Oa. roit als by L. W. DARLING A CO., Condon, Or. Faler's Golden Female Fills Believe Suppressed Menstruation, usea successfully by thous ands of prominent la dles monthly. Thor oughly reliable and Worth twenty times their weight in (told or female irreg ulariUt$. Never known to fail. Sent by mall sealed toraja. Aaareas Iba Apbro Medicine COMPANY, Western Branch, Box ST. . Portland, Oregon. FOR SALX BY W. DARLING CO., Condon, Or. Our Wonderful Remedies Dr. Grant's Syrup of Wild Crape Root. The great blood punner ana i t hft nrodufit of Orecon soil. - i cj - Dr. Grant's Kidney and For the cure of Brieht'B Disease, Diabetes, biliousness, Sick lieaa- ache and all kidney troubles. Dr. Grant's Native Discovery. TVin o-rofli. ffimftlfl remedv. For nflrvnlinr to ffmalcH. Sold price, $1. Dr. Grant's Cloalo. - . , ,,, ... , , . j The great dyspepsia conqueror; will positively cure dyspepsia and all its kindred ailments. Every bottle sold under a positive guar- .i nnu rofnnArl Retail nrif A 1. 1 wuw w' c v r Manufactured oyw. aaasai aMk FOr uaie Dy U. Vie waning vu. vunuun, wr. OCCIDENTAL MELANGE Vast Beds of Iron Ore in Hanover Valley, N.M., Soli ARIZONA'S CATTLE PROSPECTS GOOD. The Washoe Indians to Hold a Seven-Day Fandango Mining Trouble in ; Idaho Other News. Bait Lake is warring with gamblers. Sacramento has voted for the new charter. Near Kinsman, A. T., is a wonderful alt deposit. Arizona's cattle prospects are better now than for years. Phoenix. A. T.. is pnttinz in a sewer system that will cost $126,000. Oregon's new settlers for the vear end ing May 1 amounted to over 100,000. The Washoe Indians are to hold a grand seven-day fandango near Carson. A religions sect called the River Breth ren from Pennsylvania have settled near Phoenix, A. 1. Secretary of War Elkius has directed that the new military post at Helena, Mont., be named Fort Jlameon. A. . McDonald has been sentenced to ten vears at Folsom for robbing the cathedrals at Los Angeles of sacred ves sels. . Work on the Wolfley canal In Gila Bend. A. T.. will begin at once. The canal will water 200,000 acres of frnit land. A force of men have at last been set to work closing the eao in the Southern Pacific coast line between klwood ana Templeton. The Hillside group of mines in Arizona has been purchased Dy an A as tern syn dicate. The agreement was consam mated at Prescott. It is announced that on and after Jnly 1 trains on the Canadian Pacific will carry all mails and passengers between Montreal and the uoaat in nveaays. Nicholas Grosbeak, who was pardoned br President Harrison, he having been convicted of violating the Edmunds law at Salt Lake, has been convicted of a similar offense. The purchase of the vast beds of iron ore in Hanover Valley. N. M.. is an nounced at Chicago by a company of very wealthy men, and the property is valued at nearly fW.UOU.UW. George Burnett, a young man, once a student at Berkeley, is under arrest at Chihuahua on a charge of murder, he having killed the superintendent of a mine at that Mexican town. ' An investigation into the affairs of C B. Seeley, Treasurer of the Napa Insane Asylum, which was demanded by parties . V. I 1 . 1 J A I apa.nasresmienp. tlemanina better position before the people. Last year two carloads of new potatoes u: I I T i. Oklnn. were auipitm iruui caii ww w vuivAgu, This vear seven carloads have been al ready sent, and orders ate coming in for more. Fancy prices are paia iot tnese potatoes. The Committee of One Hundred at San Diego has begun war on the Santa Fe road. Suit is to be brought for a forfeiture of the railroad franchise. The lands and franchise granted to the road are estimated to be worth $5,000,000. Edgar A. Martin, alias Edgar A. Mc- Dnffee. has been rearrested for forging the will of Frederick Heldt of Fort Bragg, who died suddenly in Martin's saloon. New evidence points to the fact that the will was made after Heldt's death. It has been declared a forgery. At Flagstaff, A. T., the residence of Mrs. Mary Hoffman caught fire-while the lady was visiting a neighbor. A child had been left in the building, and the mother rushed in to save it, but lost her life. The bodies of mother and child were found side by side. Wells, Fargo & Co.'s detectives have established the identity of the murder ous stage robbers who held up the Red ding stage and killed Messenger Mont gotuery. The wounded robber wliowaa captured has confessed that he is Charles Buggies, son of L. B. Buggies, a wealthy farmer living at Traver, Tulare county. The other robber is John D. Ruggles, an elder brother of Charles. The latter was sentenced in 1878 to seven years at San Quentin for robbing a man and woman in San Joaquin county, but was pardoned in 1880. In the Redding rob bery he got away with gold valued at (3,375. system, ionic, ru.eiy vegeiauie, aim Retail price. $1. LiVer CUre. Retail price, $1 the cure of diseases and complaint under a positive guarantee. Retail ' Z ' ' " yv. t. v, rsniano, vr, V. sTTl sk aW av sa mM av Sk, .TTk sa CONGRESSIONAL MATTERS. Bill Introduced in the House by Mr. Bryan to Put Rough Lum ber on Free List. The Senate Committee on Military Af fairs has reported favorably Senator Al len's bill for a wagon road through the Fort Canby military reservation in Wash ington. In the Senate the bill has been passed extending for a term of two years the time for completing the Spokane and Palonse railroad through the Nez Perces Indian reservation in Idaho. The Senate has passed Mr. Allen's bill, authorizing the construction of a bridge over the Columbia river at some point netween tne counties ot iougias and Kittitas, in Washington, by the Great Northern road. The Senate has passed the bill provid ing that jurors and witnesses in the Dis trict and Circuit Court s of Oregon, Wash ington. Montana. Idaho and Wyoming shall be entitled to receive 10 cents for each mile actually traveled in coming to and from the courts. General Saint Clair has presented to the House Committee the special World's Fair souvenir bill, it provides lor the issue of Treasury notes under the exist ing silver law in payment for bullion ltb which to mint souvenir coins. There is appropriated (100,000 instead of (700,000, as proposed in the original measure, lor medals and diplomas. Wolcott of the Committee on Civil Service and Betrenchment reported to the Senate the joint resolution proposng an amendment to the constitution, making the term of office of the President and Vice-President six years, and making the President ineligible for re-election. The change to take effect March 4, 1897. In the House the other day Repre sentative Wilson introduced the Senate bill providing for the removal by the Legislature of the State of Washington, the restrictions upon the power of alien ation of a portion of the Pnyallup reser vation. This bill, it win be remembered, is practically a substitute for the one in troduced by Senator Allen some weeks ago. The joint Immigration Committee of the two Houses of Congress is mak- in ir rADid DrogTess in the consideration of the bill for the better administration of the laws relating to immigration. The other day a very full meeting of the joint committee was held and some dis Duted points adjusted. They merely pro vide for the practical and efficient en forcement of the provisions oi tne exist ing laws. Senator Felton has proposed an amendment to the river and harbor bill, appropriating f 50,000 for restraining works on the American river, California. To remove the debris where it is now lodged will cost but a fraction of 1 cent per cubic yard, whereas it will cost 15 cents per yard to remove it after it has reached navigable rivers, according to a report of the Board of Engineers of the War Department. T . . TT ( ( ,1. n TT.tW.wl Ct.ta. and 8enator Morgan of , ho were b th Pre9. ident as arbitrators on tne part oi tne United States in the Behring Sea contro versy, have each accepted the appoint ment, and agree to serve. Justice Har lan said he would probably go abroad about the latter part of July. It will be next autumn at the earliest before the commission assembles, and how long it will take them to conclude the settle ment of the controversy is still a doubt ful problem. Representative Brvan of Nebraska has introduced a bill placing rouzh lumber on the free list and imposing duties as follows on partly or entirely finished lumber: Lumber. each side planed or finished. 50 cents per 1.000 feet: planed on one side and tongued and grooved, $1 per 1.000 feet ; planed on both sides and tongued and grooved, $1.50 per 1,000 feet. The bill was not introduced as the result of an agreement on the lumber bill bv the Democratic majority on the Ways and Means Committee, but it in dicates Brvan proposes to urge the com tmtiee to seme tne lomuer quemion, which has been before it for some time, by reporting a bill on those lines, ReDresentative Loud of California has introduced an amendment to the sundry .nnnAn,!.tiAn Kill infMOaini tha Civil (ii)iupiiiu .".""e appropriation for the enforeeroeat-otihe Chinese restriction laws irom sdj.uuu to $190,000. Most of this amount is to be used in furnishing Chinese registration certificates. He thought this was a rea- sonab e amount, as under Geary's Cm nese exclusion bill passed by the House a provision was made for taxing the Chi nese 3 oer head for certificates of regis tration. This would make a total of IS30.000 for this purpose, as there 110.- 000 Chinese in this country according to the estimate of the census bureau, and this estimate should be increased by about 50 per cent., he thought. By unanimous consent the item was passed over to give the committee time for fur ther Investigation. i&t Company vs. Mary Bardon settled a long-mooted point. The tract of land i, - . : u i u - . the Northern Pacific, but at the date of the grant was occupied by a pre eruption claim. Subsequent to that the pre emption claim was canceled and the land restored to tne pumic aomain. ine ruination was whether the right of the railroad company was men aitacneu or wnetner tne tana was Baujeui. io euiry bv a homestead. The court decided against the railroad company, holding that the land, having been appropriated ma, mo i.uv., .....UB -w- at the date of the grant, could not, al- though subsequently restored to the publio domain, inure to the benefit of the railroad company. There are many vmiUBbie land cases pending which this 1 . i A. I Jl 1 1 'case win senHJuasuv BEYOND THE ROCKIES Cost of the New Sault Ste. Marie Canal in Canada. SWINDLING ENDOWMENT CONCERNS. The Payments of the Sugar Bounty for the Present Fiscal Year Louisiana Confederate Veterans. Baron Fava says he is glad to get back to the United States. Mrs. Grant has decided not to publish her memoirs of the General. The prospects for a crop of cotton 15 per cent, less than that of 1891-2 is promised. The cost of the new Sault Ste. Marie canal in Canada has been estimated at $4,000,000. The annual reunion of the Army of the Cumberland will be held at Chicam;trga on September 15. Capitalists are said to be arranging to pipe ou irom rortland, lnd., to Chicago lor fuel purposes. The Confederate Veterans of Louisiana will ask that the Legislature pass a pen sion bill for them. A bill has been passed in the Ken tucky House making dealers in cigarettes pay a license ot $dju. The Rio Grande and connections will fight the Union Pacific by reducing its running time to the ast. The necessary equipment for six miles of electric tramway is now on its wav from this country to Siam. A change of venae to St. Charles county, Mo., has been grouted to Hedges- petb, the noted tr.-t.u ruber. A Boston syndicate has purchased eighty acres of land near Chattanooga, Tenn., and will mine for gold. Comptroller of the Currency Lacey will soon become President of the Bank ers' .National Bank ot Chicago. John F. Sullivan after a two weeks' theatrical engagement at Brooklyn will go into training for his match with Cor- bett. Two thousand pavers and stonecutters are idle in Vermont, and the dealers say the lockout will last forever, unless the cutters give in. The census bulletin giving the statis tics of dwelling hop sea shows that Phil adelphia has 187,000 dwellings, Chicago 147,000 and Sew York 81,828. Lieutenant Hetherington's father dis credits the story sent out from St. Paul that Mrs. Hethenngton returned to America under an assumed name. It is announced that an English syndi cate is after the Kentucky distilleries, with the intention of limiting the pro duction and sending up the price. Senator Cameron has introduced a bill appropriating $25,000 for the survey of the proposed ship canal from Philadel phia to New York across Sew Jersey. Archbishop Eider of Cincinnati has declined to allow the Elks' funeral cere monies in a Catholic cemetery. The Cincinnati Elks are making a great stir about it. Omaha bankers and railroad men have refused to subscribe money to entertain the People's party National Convention on the ground that its principles are in imical to their interests. The payments of the sugar bounty for the preseut fiscal year have amounted to iv.uuu.uuu, and the payment is practi cally completed. The estimate for the ensuing year is $10,000,000. The government having made no ef fort to remove the cattle that have been driven into the Cherokee Strip, the cow boys have established camps, and are preparing to remain all summer. According to the New York State Board of Health there has been in that State 35,193 deaths within the past three months, and that the present epidemic of grippe has already caused 10,000 deaths. The deal for the consolidation of four teen cotton presses in New Orleans has again fallen through. A fire interfered with the first option, and in the second the contract did not receive the signa tures in time. Mortimer F. Elliott, who was defeated by only fifty-one votes for Congress in the Sixteenth Pennsylvania district, has accepted the position of general solicitor of the Standard Oil Company at a salary of $ 2o,uuu a year. Swindling "endowment" concerns in Massachusetts seem to have a strong po litical "pull" in the Legislature. Ihe effort to protect certificate holders by proper legislative regulations has so far resulted in failure. The New York World publishes fac similes of dispatches and checks in sup port of Dr. John Trumbull's charges that Consul General McCreery speculated in tne vuiiian maraeia ourmg uie revolu tion, and that his profits were large. The Court of Claims has dismissed the petition of Elizabeth Watk, formerly postmistress at Emporia, Kan. This is a test case, involving the right of post masters to recover the balances of salary found to be due under the readjustment act. It is alleged that a number of govern ment employes at Ellis Island, together with the employes of several steamship wiui ine euipioyra ui several tiraiuouiu unes, are working in collusion to defeat the operations of the contract lalwr law, and an investigation into the matter has en commenced, which may result in the dismissal of some of the government I 'employes.