Condon globe. (Condon, Gilliam Co., Or.) 189?-1919, May 27, 1892, Image 2

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FRIDAY. MAY 27.1892.
We re-print this week section 59
of the Australian ballot law of Or
egon. There eeeuia te be some con
fusion as to the way this thing is
to be done. Some insist that it is
necessary to mark with a cross the
name of the person voted for. This
is ati errror. You , must simply
scratch out the name you do not
wish to vote for run a pen or pen
cil mark through it. The name
you wish to vote for, do not mark
in any way. . . '
Smv 59. "On receipt of his white
ballot, as aforesaid, the elector shall
forthwith, and without leaving the
enclosed space, retire alone to one
of the compartments or places pro -
Tided, and shall there prepare his
ballot by cancelling, crossing or
marking out the names ot the can -
didates he does not wish to vote
for, which shall be done with anin
dellible copying pencil, to be fur
nished for the purpose, or by
scratching with pen and ink for
each office to be filled for which he
is qualified to vote, and if necessary
he may write into the blank space
provided therefor the name of the
person of his choice for each of any
mich office; and, in case of a ques
tion submitted to the vote of the
people, by cancelling, crossing, or
scratching out the answer he does
not wish to make or give. Before
leaving the compartment or place
provided, the elector shall fold his
ballot so that the face thereof shall
be concealed, without displaying
the bollot or informing any person
how he prepared it; and he shall
fold the ballot so that the initials
of the first clerk may be seen on
the back of the ballot, and so that
the .remaining stub may be readily
torn off, without exposing the con
. tent6 of the ballot or the marks or
crosses thereon. He shall then de
s liver the ballot to the chairman
and state his name and residence."
On going to the polls on election
dav, pass through the door, and if
challenged swear in your vote or
stand aside. The necessary forms
for affidavits will be supplied by
the judges. If not challenged, or
after swearing in your vote, pass
on through the railing to the vot
ing booths. When you enter the
election room, announce your name
to the judges having the ballots,
and they will furnish you with a
proper ballot. If you do not un
derstand how to mark your ballot,
ask the election judges. If you can
not read English, or are physically
unable to mark your ballot, the
two judges of opposite politics will
mark it for you, and upon request
will read over the names marked.
Upon receiving a ballot from one
of the judges, you will retire to one
of the compartments and there pre
pare your, ballot by; cancelling,
crossing or marking out the names
of the candidates you do not want
to vote for; or you are at liberty
to write the names of persons for
whom you may want to vote, whose
names are not on the ticket. If by
accident you tear, mutilate, deface
or spoil your ballot, take it at once
to the j tidges from whom you re
ceived it, explain how the accident
occurred and ask for another bal
lot. You are allowed but three bal
lots in all. You are allowed to oc
cupy a booth but five minutes in
preparing your vote. Before leav
ing the booth, fold the ballot so all
the printing on the back will show,
taking care that no part of the face
of the ballot can be Keen. When
your ballot is marked and folded.
conievout of the booth and hand
, the folded ballot to the iudes of ;
, ,. , .... . J.".ec,
tn-viiun, wuo win piaue ii in ine
ballot box in your presence. Then
look as though the whole election
- depends upon your vote, and quietly i
leave the room.
Settle Up Notice. I
1 hereby reqiint all iierHono knowing i
ineiiist'iveu indebted to me to settle the
one lfare June 10, K92. I need all
tlie money that is due me.
, Jr.'J. Nicklin.
: 1 .j
' Card of Thanks,
I rleBire tothiinlc, tlirouli the coltirnnii
of tlie (iLOBE, the three arbitrators
Meers. J, JI. Downing, Dr. Nicklin and
J). Ma.on, for their time and trouble in
settling the land dispute between C. V.
piftun find myself. Their decision is
entirely satisfactory to me.
4l0. otIKOK.
, A Card.
In view of the riorta which have been
circulated, 1 wish to state to the voters
of Gilliam county that 1 have made no
contract, promise or agreement of any
kind, with any person, relative to acting
as my rteputyi in case I am elected sher
iff of said cotinty. It. M. Johnson.
Treasurer's Notice,
All county warrants registered prior
to .April 1. 18112, will le paid on present
ation at my office. Interest ceases on
and after tins date. H. S. Hwing,
1 County Treasurer.
Bv IIkkhrkt Halstead, Deputy.
lated May tt, 1892.
' For Supreme Judge, ,
F. A. Moore.
For Attorney General,
Lionel R.Webster.
For Member of Congress, 2d District,
W. R. Ellis.
For Circuit Judge, 7th District,
George Watkins.
j For Prosecuting Attorney, 7th District,
j W.H.Wilson.
For Member State Board of Equalization
7th District,
John L. Luckey.
1 For Joint Senator, 18th Dist. (iilliam,
' Sherman and Wasco Counties,
W. W. Steiwer, of (iilliam.
For Representative,
L. J. Goodrich.
For Clerk,
Jay P. Lucas.
For Sheriff,
R. M. Johnson.
For Treasurer,
Herbert Halstead. ,
For Commissioner,
P. C. Martin.
For Assessor, ' ,
H. C Dodson.
For School Sujt.,
W. W. Kennedy.
For Surveyor,'
Lee Stewart.
For Coroner,
Dr. J. Nicklin.
Condon Precinct: For Justice of the
Peace, Geo. Tatoni. For Constable, W.
F. Thurnagle.
Good hams at Downing1, 12'c per lb.
"I'ncle Tom's Cabin," 25c, at Darling's.
1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6-gal. stone jars. L. W. D & Co.
Genuine cider vinegar at Halstead. Rinehart A
A line of fine, fashionable papetsric, tirst-class.
u ; iMriing io., ..onuon.
Housekeepers, try some of the Liquid Washing
Bluing, at Darling's, Condon.
Fine maps of Oregon, folded for Docket use. 50c
each, at L. W. Darling A Co.'.
AH kinds of clocks at Halstead, Klnehart &
Co. 's, at prices to suit the times.
Your bird would sing better in a new cage.
ties one irom u. n. uarisng at to.
We are jmd hunting forchronic coughs to cure.
"S. B," for sale by L. W. Darling & Co.
If you see it in our advertisement von will find
it in our store. Halstead, Klnebart i Co.
J. H. Miller will astonish you by his exceed
ingly low prices, oo and see for yourself.
Barrels, did you sa:
lay? Yes, we have a few 6, 10
L. W. 1). St Co., Condon.
and aO-gallon size.
Windows, doors and all kinds of builders' hard
ware, at Halstead, Kinehart i Co. 'a, Condou.
Chairs, tables, bureaus, bedsteads, and wool
and wire mattresses, at L. W. Darling 4 Co.'s.
Saddles, bridles, harness, silver bits and spurs,
of best make, at Coffin & MeKarland's, Arlington.
Toilet soaps in endless variety, also the best
laundry' oap in the world. L. W. Darling & Co.
We are headquarters for carts, hacks. httmHes
and buckboards. Coffin & McFarlund. Arlington.
The K B. Cough Cure is simply perfect. Spend
50c with L. . Darling, and you will be ready to
sing. ;
Pure strained honey "Old Oaken Bucket"
brand. The finest in the market. Halstead,
Kinehart & Co.
Ladies, try our "Rest for the Wearv" shoes, and
sutler no more with sore or tired feet. Halstead,
Kinehart 4 Co.
The German-American Insurance f'n. of New
York, has established an office at Condon with L.
W. Darling aa agent.
The fact can no longer be concealed that voh
can get the most giaals for the least money, at
J. H. Downing'! store.
The "Bain" is the best wagon on wheels. The
'Oliver Chilled" Blow has no eoual. Coffin &
McFarland, agents, Arlington.
Ask at I. W. Darling & Co.'s dnie store for the
S. B. Headache cure, and you will be given the
best Headache medicine known.
J. H. Miller has the finest and beat line of shoes
in the eountv. and his "brices also are the lowest
The Buckingham & Hecht arc the best
Osborn" and "Champion" mowers and reap
ers. Prices greatly reduced. Don t buy until
you see us. Coffin 4 McFarland, Arlington.
We carry a full stock of garden seed from the
well-known and standard garden seed house of
I). M. Ferry & Co. Halstead, Kinehart & Co.
The freshest, purest and best stock of prescrip
tion medicines in the country can tie found at
the drug store of L. W. Darling 4: Co., Condon.
The famous "Williams Barber Bar Miaving
Boap" the best in the world for the toilet and
for shaving. For sale by L. W. Darling & Co.
last reeeled-jLiiew and wmptote line of deep, f
rations in the latest styles and patterns, at verv
low prices, ( all and be convinced. Halatcatf,
Kinehart 4c Co.
Indies' shoes, best quality, reduced from 12 to
$1.23, cash; and $1; hoots rediiccxl to $.',, warranted
toeqHiilany Kuckingham A Hecht. At J. II.
Djwuiiig's store.
We have added a full line of patent medicines
to our stock and are now prepared to. furnish an v
thing Iu this line needed by man or bea;it. Hal
stead, Kinehart A Co.
When you are in town don't fail to call at the
store of J. H. .Miller and see how mucn cheaper
he sells goods than the prices you have paid here
tofore. It will pay yon to do so.
Why lie bothered with a burnt-out. hroben nr
j warped lire back in your cook stove when vou
j can buy one of those patent adjustable back's at
1 Halstead, Kinehart & Co.'ato tit an v size stove?
The best place In the county to buy first-class
ood" Kt Yril?' iB Mt iwnW-
says so; and "what everybody says
mtiut Ka nn '
All the men and boys go there for their clothing.
Ion,t forget the Oliver Chilled when vou want
a plow. They arc the best in the market. We
are the sole agents for Condon and are selling
them at Arlington prices. Halstead, Kinehart &
Co. .
A complete line of ladies' tri
I latest imported patterns,, ladies sunshades and
I sailor hats, trimmed and untriinmcd, also a neat
assortment of children's straw hate, Halstead,
mncnari K io.
Subscriptions lor all the newspaiiers and mag
azine in the 1'nited Htates and also the lending
papers of the Old countries, received bv Herbert
naiMcaii, ai mo uosioince, at pUDlistiers'
.b noi in,? juu nn uitu ironuic. .
Good shoes cost a little more, but the wear Is
out of all proportion to the cost. Kememher this
when buying and take nothing hut the genuine
Bu'kiiir.'ham A: Hecht.- Thev have a. world-wide,
reputation lor over a quarter of a century, for
solid merit
',1,4 uiciih tiajntuoo
Kinehart &. Co.
We m e agents for
Knapp, Burrell & Co.'s corn-
inetft line ot goods, consisting of wagons, car
riages, hugjjies, hnckhoards, liarness, gang, sul
Lcy and common plows, harrows, seeders, iirills,
hfiidem, self-binders, mowers, reapers, rakes and
all kinds of farming machinery. Descriptive
, .rnWrtn. lull r.t i n f.-.wn,,. nn,l, .i.v....
aVi'liCalion. Halstead. kiueauirt it Co.
? Regular Republican Nominee (or
District Attorney
For the 7th Judicial District.
Toth Public.
I respectfully announce to the public
that I keep constantly on hand a large
quantity of the very best quality of flour
at my flouring mill, which I am now
selling at f4.50 per barrel. In exchange
I will give 38 lbs of flour for one bushel
of good, merchantable wheat.
' J. A. Cri m, Olox, Or.
1J.,!l!!..fIJHk.t,he,,ial"),V;uh '"y twohomim,
'KIJ1 h SWtl, black French dm ft stallion, weight
'.WO lbs; oire, (Sarahalda, No, :t), he bv Marouta
77-i (Ntt), he by Superior. TM), he bv Kavori. 71 1.
Dam, Narrietta, iS770, she by Komnlous, aus. aai
he by Superior, . Terms: Niinrlo wr-vlce, fc.,
payable t time of service, with privilege of sen
ium ut 10. payable at end of season. Insurance,
fl.s, payable when mares are known to be with
foal, or disposed of or moved out of the eountv
The other horse. "TOP GALLANT," 170, Is a
dapple brown pure bred Clyde stallion, weight
17.VI lbs; he by Alarqiilsof Uirne, 'JiUi; dam, tiraee
Iiarliug, KS. Terms: Sinttle sonice, payable
at time ot service, with privilege of season at ,
payable at end of season. Insurance, $l,i .paya
ble when mares ure known to be with foal,' or
disposed of or moved out ot the county, Begin
ning ai i.ouuon rnuay aim furiiruav, Mavville
Sunday aad Monday until noon, r'ossil'untll
. MviHinunj ninjii, reuuit iu ..invviiie until lnurs
day uoon, and then return to Condon.
Edward Palmkh.
To Horse-raisers.
1 will make the season for my horse, "KOVER,"
at my ranch on Six Mile, two miles east of Mat
ney postottlce, and 1 mile north of Ulack Butte.
Terms: Insurance, mouoy due when mares
show to be with foal. Season, ti; nimiev due
July 1st. Mare will be pastured at $1 per month.
1 will not be responsible for accidents. Pedigree:
"Rover" is a dark brown. 5 years old, and weighs
Vm lbs. Sire, Sultan, l'Jl.i. Norman, grand sire
Monton lftttl; first dam. Mandy. of Morgan stock;
3d dam, .lubiue, T. 1). B. For further particulars
applyto J. E. Downkr, Matney.
Notice Is herehy given that sealed bids will he
received at the ottic of the county clerk ot (iilll
am coHiity, Oregon, for the construction of a
bridae on Thirty Mile creek ator near John Mad-diK-k's
place. Also one on Kock creek, at Hut
ler'a Ford. PlaiiB for the said bridges will be on
file at thtrclerk's office. The county court will
meet at said office on June 10, WW, for the pur
pose of owning said bids and awarding con
tracts. TIk contract to be let to lowest reapoii
ible bidder. The county court reserves right to
reject any or all bids. Jay 1'. Locah,
mia-12 County clerk.
Notice is hereby given that sealed bids will be
received at the office of the comity clerk of
Gilliam county, Oregon, for the construc
tion of a county jail, iu accordance with plans
and specifications now on tile at said office.
A meeting of the county court will be held at the
clerk's office on the loth dav of June, ltttu, for
the purpose of opening said bids and letting the
contract for the erection of said Jail. Contract to
be let to lowest responsible bidder. The eountv
court reserve the right to reject any or all
bids. Jay P. Lucas,
UU3-19 County Clerk.
LasdOffhkatThi! Dalles, Ob., April 21. 1R92.
i'wh i iiereuy given tuai me luuowmg- t
named settler has filed notice of hi. l,,t..,.H,, ?
v..,:-... t- w -i ii. .- . ,. .... . w
make final proof In support of his claim, and that
said proof will be made before J. W. Morrow,
comity clerk of Morrow county, at Heppner, Or.,
on June 8, 'lsitt, viz:
FRANK M. HOLMES, ltd. 4108,
for the nvl4 sec 18 tp 3 s of r 23 e. He names the
j billowing witnesses to prove his continuous resi-
deuce upon and cultivation ot, said land, viz: J.
ii. nan, r.Hgene Myers, jiuion -Maxwell and I. K.
Esteb, all of Gooseberry, Oregon.
aiSHl John W. Lkwis, Register.
Land Orricg at Tug Dalles, Ob., April 21. n02.
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has tiled notice of his intention to
make final proof in support of his claim, and
that said proof wiU be made before J. W. Morrow,
county clerk of Morrow county at Heppner, Or.,
on June 8, imi, vii:
WILLIAM C. AKER8, Hd. 3122,
for the aeW sec 14 tn 3 s ot r 23 e. He names the
following witnesses to prove his continuous res- i
K.ence upon and cultivation ot, said land, viz:
J. D. Ball, Eugene Myers, Milton Maxwell and I.
K. K. Esteb, all of Gotweberry, Oregon.
a2-Il i0"1 w- I'KWla. Register
Land Office at The Dallf.s, Or., April 29, '92.
Notice is herebv given that the followlnir-tiHiiii'd
settler has tiled notice of his intention to make
final prMif in support of his claim, and that said
prooi win nemaue oelore J. W. Morrow, county
clerk of Morrow County, at Heppner, Or., on
June 18, NW2, vji:
ANDRO P. LOVGREK, D. B. f,742,
for the ne'i sec 7 tp 4 s of r 24 e. He names the
following witnesses to prove his continuous resi
dence upon and cultivation of, said land, viz:
Charles Repass, Jacob Young, J. W. Cradick and
J. H. Inske'ep, all of Eight Mile, Oregon.
iui-12 John W.Lbwik, Ri-gistiT.
I-and Office at The Dalit, Or, April 30,
otice is hereby given that the following
Notice is hereby given that the following-named
setUer has filed notice of his intention to make
final proof In sHpport of his claim, and that said
proof will be made before J. P. Lucas, county
clerk of (iilliam county, at Condon, Or., on June
lb, 1XM2, viz:
for the ne'i.ii? se'4 sec 4 tp 4 s of r 22 e. He
names the following witnesses to prove his con
tinuous resilience upon and cultivation of, said
laud, viz: 8. A. Thompson. Oeo. Robinson, II. h.
Tola-y and Waiter (iammcll, all of Matney, Or.
mt-12 John W. Lewis, Register.
Land Office at The Dalles, Or., May IX 'as.
Notice is hereby given that the. following
named settler has filed noticeof bis intention to
make final proof in support of his claim, and that
said proof will be made before J. P. Lucas, coun
ty clerk of (iilliam county, at Condon, Oregon,
on June 27, )t2, viz:
-AKXKS'f eEKKAMP. itd72.1t56r
for the sw! sec 91 tp 1 s of r 2ft e. lie mime the
following witnesses to irove his contiiiHoits res
idence upon and cultivation of, suld land, viz:
Albert Miller of Olex, Chas. Wicgan of Arlington,
h. A. Chapel of AJax, and August Humraerfield,
of Condon, Oregon.
11120-14 John W. Lkwm, Register.
LanoOkficb at Tub 1).iu,ks, Ob., Mav IS, mr.
.Notice is herehy given that the following-
namen. settler nan nieii nonce of His Intention to
make final proof in siit.iiortof his claim, and that
said prooi win ue mauetielore 1. V. Micas, county
clerk of Gilliam coiinty, ut Condon, Or., on
June 'lit, W.U, viz:
lor the xK scj set; 10 and ' sw'4 sec 11 tp 5 a
01 riHf lie names the following witnesses to
prove his continuous residence Hpon and culti
vation of. aald land, viz: M. O. Clarke, (i. II.
Neel, of Lone Hock, and A. iienshaw and K. K.
Hmith, of Condon, Oregon, ,
mO l t John W. Lewie Keglster.
V. S. Land Omen, Thk, Ok., April2fi, '02.
Complaint having been entered at this orlice
by .1. C. Meek against K. Conrardy for abandon
ing his homestoad entry No. im, dated January
1, iwti, iHMin tlie se4 sec 32 tp:t s of r 20 e, iu (il
liam comity, Oregon, with a view to the cancel
lation of said entry, the said parties are hereby
summoned toappearat this office on thcl-ithday
of July, mi, at 10 o'clock a. m., to respond and
furnlsh,testlnioiiy concerning said alleged ahan
donment. Jay I'. Lucas, county clerk, is author
ized to take testimony iu this case at bis ollice in
Condon, Or., July 7, W.t, at 1(1 o'clock a. 111.
iul;l-i:S John W, Lkwik, Itegistei',
Auction Horae Sale. '
I will Hfll at auction mtle at Condon
on Friday, June S, I8i2, 15 lieitd of excel
lent JioriKstj, nil in gijod older, ranging in
age from 1 to (J years. Will nell on six
tnoiitlis time with good necuritv, at ten
per cenl., or 0 jkt n ut oil' for cnali.
U. 1j)u,i.'(i.
By virtue of nn execution Issued oat of tht
honorable circuit court of the State of Orcgou for
the County of Ullllam on execution In forecast.
Mreon the 27th day o( April, lw, in favor of
American Mortgage Company of Scotland, plain,
till, and against Samuel V. Cm limn, Theresa U.
Cochran, M. V. Harrison and Sophia Harrison,
defendants, for the sum of eight hundred and
twenty dollars ($HJ0) gold coin, and clghtv-two
dollars (.si) attorneys fees, and fifty-two dollar
and nine eenta (WM) costs, together with ten
percent per annum intcrst and accruing costs, I
have levied upon and will sell at public auction
Saturday, June 4, 1692,
at one o'clock p. in., at the court house door In
Condon, county and state of Oregon, all the right,
title and Interest which the said Summ-l V. Coch
ran and Theresa Cochran, defendants, had on or
after the 14th day of April, 18V2, In or to the fol
lowing described pram Ises, to-wit: The north
east quarter ot section fourteen in township one
north, of range twenty-one east of Willamette
Meridian, In (iilliam eountv, Oregon.
Terms of salecash in hand.
Hated at t'otidou, Oregon, this .Id dav of Mav,
WW. W. U Wilcox, '
"t'-12 Sheriff of (itlllum County, Or,
By virtue of an execution Issued out of the cir
cuit court of the state of Oregon fortiilliani eoiiii
tv, in an action entitled L. V. Darling vs George
W. Stephens, and to me directed and delivered,
I did on the 17th day of May, lhW, levy upon and
will sell at public miction, to the highest bidder
for cash in haud, on :
June 18. 1892. t 2 o'clock,
p.m., of said day, at the court house dimrln
i oiiuou in saui county, Oregon, the following de
scribed property, to-wit: Lots one, two, four and
nve, ot section eighteen, In township three
south, of range twenty, east Willamette Merid
ian, In Gilliam county, Oregon, and containing
iiuimrvu aim sixiv-iour anil mtH-tv-ttiri-e
one hundredth acres; orso much thereof as shall
be sufficient to satlsty the sum of one Imndrod
and flfty-alx dollars and etghtv-nve cents (ll'ai.M)
with interest thereon at the rate of ten per cent
per annum from April 15th, ISM. Taken and
levied upon as the property ot George W, Ste
phens to satisfy said sum of t56.S.) and Costa
tuxed at ..77, and Intercut thereon in favor of
L. W. Darling, together with costs and accruing
costs. itness my hand at Condon, ( regou, this
17th day of May, 1W2. W. L.,
mai-lH Sheriff of Gilliam County. Or,
In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for
the County of (iilliam.
In the matter of the estate of Jesse Spuryer,
To the heirs of said decedent and all persons
interested iu said estate, greeting: In the name
of the State of Oregon, you are hereby cited and
required to appear in the county court of the
State of Oregon, for the county or (iilliam,
at the court room thereof, at Condon in the
county of (iilliam on Tuesday, the ith dav of
July, 18K, at one o'clock iu the afternoon
of that day, then and there to show cause, if any
exlsta, why the administrator of said estate
Bhould liot be ordered to sell tlia followlug-de
scribed real estate belonging to aald estate, to.
wit: The mii of the nuU and the eU of tlie wL
see 10 to 4 s of r 21 e, W. M.
WITSKSS, the Hon. Win. J. Mariner. Judge of
the county cimrt of the state of Oregon, for the
county of Gilliam with the seal of said court af
fixed, this lutb day of May, IWi.
in 13-14 . ATTEST: Jay P. Lt't as, Clerk.
Land Omr at Thk, Ok , April IS, 92.
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has filed notice of his Intention t
make final proof iu support of his claim, and that
said proof will he made before Jav P. Lucas, coun
ty clerk, at Condon, Or., on June 1, Usui, vis.
KOBEKT W. COOKE, D.S. 701.1,
forthese'i sec 32 tp 8 s of r22c. He names the
following witnesses to prove his continuous real,
deuce upon anil cultivation of, said land, vis: A.
t. ii . . j L.- i i
? K"T.' Ji A- ', K Grider
a nice, j. a. Mscr, n. s. (irlder and C. W. Bur
ton. an oi conuon Oregon.
22-10 J""' w- I'w""i Register.
Lamp Office at The Dalles, Ob., April 22, Iay2.
Notice is hereby given that the follow linr-
named settler has filed notice of his intention to
make tinid proof in support of his claim, and that
said proof will lie made before Jav P. Lncaa,
county clerk, at Condon, Or., JunM,'lwu, vis:
for the nw'4, ne! mi and U sc4'W 36 tp
4 a of r 22 e. He names the following witnesses
to prove his continuous resideuceHpou and cul
tivation of, said Intnl. vis: J. E. Downer, If. F.
Downer, J. A. McMorria and F. M. Pliter, all ot
Matney, Oregon.
a-.-U John W. Lewis, Register.
Land Office at The Dali.ei. Or., April W, IKt2.
Notice is hereby given that the following-named
settler has tiled notice of his Intention to make
final proof in support of his claim, and tlmtnald
proof will be made before A. A. Jayne. C. Com
missioner at Arlington. Or., on May 2t, WM, viz:
for the uw!j' sec 36 tp 1 s of r 20 e. He names the
following witnesses to prove his continuous
residence upon and cultivation ot, said land,
vis: Albert Miller, Orvllle Rltchey, id (Hex, uml
Chns. Wiegand and John .Morman, ArllngPin. Or.
H22-10 .InHS W. I.KWIH, Register.
Through Sleepers, Reclining
Chair Cars and Diners.
gtearners From Portland to San Francisco Kvcry
Four Days,
For rates and general Information rail on or
W. H. Hi'RLHirRT, Ast.(;"iil. 1'ass. Agt.,
W Washington Mt., Portland. Or.
Local Agent, H. ( '01,1.1 Ns, Arlington, Or
tLS? NO ! I
If you take- pills tt is because you have, nsver
... tried the
S. B. Headache and Liver Cure.
It works so nicely, cleansing the Liver and
Kidneys; acts a a mild physic without causing
taiiii or sickness, and does not stun you from eat
ing and working. To try it is to become a friend
to it. For sale by
oacaoN. tveav roNM ouASAaTsio cosmor. aoou
(l rat A 1H
I '
MEANS : OF : A :
The monkey is not afraid,
We are not afraid, because
IT - IS - NO - TAIL - OF - WOE.
We.tcll of bargainR. pnlendid goods, fair treatment,
natisfaction to cuntomer and merchant; and of .
reaBonable prices and good money values.
A tail without end, because
it is a tail that will hold.
-I repnectfully invite
-and get irieen of my
General -:-
I do not want to talk very
will Hav this much: I can
every dollarB' worth you buy
"Quick SaleB and Bmall Profit b. Live and Let Live,"
iu my motto. (5ive me a call and I will prove to you jiint
what I ay. No trouble to bhow good.
It will pay
bugene K. Smithy
Repairing a specialty. Call and see lue when you are at the county neat.
his tail in a good one.
title in a good one too.
you to call at my-
loud through tlie prcsH, but I
nave you 2r) to "rf) per cent on
compared with former priccH.
to wait.