Condon globe. (Condon, Gilliam Co., Or.) 189?-1919, May 27, 1892, Image 1

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8 L O A N P. SHU T T,
editor and Proprietor.
Profeaalonal card
One 'imre
in-qnaiUr column.,..;
Ouo half colurjnu.
One column
J1 00 per month
1 SO per month
.,... . ... 3 f tr month
: S (10 per month
id CO per mouth
Business local will be criarKod at 10 cpntt per
lino for firxt tuncrlioD. and 3 font per lino there
after. Legal advertlaomcnU will in all oaies t
charged to the party ordering them, at lceal
rte, and paid lor before affidavit ia furnished
Suljatirlittlon llatva.
rim ye'ir (In variably lu advance) , ,.i m
aix mmitim .' i 00
1 lirixt innulbn , Vi
B.UI CODlt'H 10
Knlfrtd at the. " Pnnlnfflet at Condon, Oregon, at
trcond-clun miU vuiitcr, , .,
United Htatea.
Praalitaat Dkn.mmik Hnni()N
Vioa I'roalilttiit I, kvi K Mokton
Boorr tary of Btata Jamb H Mi.ainb
Hmiretary of Trcaatiry,. ...C'han. Kiimtkh
Hw retary of Intarlnr J. W. Nohi.b
hecretarjr of War Hrai'MBNH. Ki.kinh
H'r.ta'y of Navy II, F. Tbacy
l'oliiiaierimiural... ....John Wakamukkb
Attorney Ouiieral W II, II. Mn.i.ra
boorolary of Agrlultur Jihkmuh KtiaK
(Hate of Oragofi,
Governor .... .....H. 1'kwsovbk
HeflraHry of Heats i VV. MiHwds
Treasurer fllil, Mbtmciian
Bupl, of fubiio lutruo,lou....,....K. H. Mi Kt.iiov
Coug-oniHti , , B IUkmann
Printer....,.,, , Kiunk (!. Hakbk
ill. H, HlfttHAN
W. I' I.OKU. ..
U, . liKAN,
Seventh Judicial IH.trlct.
Joint Swialnr CiuiiLica Hii,ok
Circuit Jndf. .....W, l itiiAiiiiw
fraovuttuK At.uruey W. II. Wilmin
Ollllaiu County.
nepreaeuUtlve . W.J. Miilkky
Judav, .. W. J. Marin
CommUa.oa.r. ...... ftVS
Clerk JaY If. Lucas .W. I, Wtw:ox
Tnaurar...,. , , II. H. Kwimi ,..,,.,. invio Mason
H irveyor , ..H. it, MiiHi.Mt itr
H iho-il SuptrliiU'Mclvul .I.Ccikn Pa rkkb
Coroner K K. IUkini
Block iDspatlO...... m.ALKX iHTItl
, Condon Precinct.
Jnatlc of the Peace .....Okoroi Tatow
Ct,imaul ...... .......Dam Kinchart
I'nUn I'aelne Kail war Time Card.
Tra:n arrive and leave Arllngtoa follows:
: SroCHr. t
Tra'a No. 3, faat mail, 'OAVea Arliugton daily
at 2: & a.m.
N i. M, A lautie expreti, leave Arlington dally
at 11:37 r. M. ,
Trila S'o. 1, faat mall, kavei Arlington dally
a". 2:40 A. H.
No. 7 Allaotlo oxpreaa, leave Arlington dally
at 1:&0 r m.
iiirrvia naAHCii train.
Tra'nKo ill arriva from Heppner dally, c
C' ptH indiy at ll.i0 a. a. Wave jr lluppuer dally, except fan
day, at J.tJ r. M.
Turitua tl iti aold and h-ntti chei ked
thrntigt) to all point In the I'nifd Slte anil
C'atiaJM. 8. COLUNK, Tieket Agent,
Arlington, Or.
AT. it A. M. JIT. MOK1AH LODOR. No. 5
, H ated ro'nmnnl on ttr,t S.tMrday
fevai.iluxa atter flrat Moiulav a of a'h month. H.h
)narmu bra brou lu gooUa'aud nuar cordially
lnvltixl U at'Uil, P. K. CXtioS, W. M.
Hrbmicht llALHTMAn, Rtretry.
rve y 2 1 and 4th Hmidav lu a"h nioti'h at
loniinu. morn og aud cveulnr, and at Matnr)
li'boolhonae at i n. u. Kvery lat and 3.1 8unda
lie t ill pnach at May v.lle, morulngau j evening
Economical Men,
For gentlemen, worth $20 for wenr. Twelve cloth samples, fashion plate
and measurement blank free. Postage, 6 cents.
Ed It. Huntley & Co., Wholesale Gentile Tailors,
lift . .1 : r. manllrtn fAVnnu (d 1 1 1 1 11 tvl fAll n i V
V lien wruuilllg Buuipivs jpicaow
Or.) Globe.
Lost V Valley Saw: Mill
CANTWELL BROS., Proprietors.
. - 1 - -----A-jr
All Kinds oi snnacea umDer, kusuc,
All timbers 4x6 and larger discounted 10 per cent, in
feet. " All lumber discounted 10 per cent, for cash.
Condon Livery
Charles Fix,
Good horaes for hiro at reasonable rates Special attention given
to transient stock.
Fat cattle for my meat market
respectfully solicited".
Y" 1 Jl VVJ J. LL1 VJ -J
''v'..;;: ' -KEEPS
Fresh Beer, Wines,
A fine billiard parlor in connection. When you feel like having
Uttle amusement call around and see Pat wjll treat you well.
jyt. J. J, HOOAN,
Condon. Or.
Office Oregon ave., next door to Globe office.
Condon, Or,
Olflce at reildunce of Mtijur I.urat, Oregon
aveiiuu. :
JAY P. LUCAS, County Clerk,
1)0101 ALL L1NHH Or
In a neat and careful manner.
Condon, Or.
Collection made atid prompt reliirita ftln
'Notary Public nd Conveyancer,
Condon, Or. ,
Collec'lmn made with dlnratch.
K"tirraeir the Orinan-Aineilcan and the
Sorlhoe't Fire and Marine Inaman e Company.
Phcenix of Hartford."
, Co. Ami; tr,,03i,H J.
Herbert Halatnad. Agent, Condon, Or,
II. M. ftloenart, Proprietor.
Leave Condon every ruornlng (!unday ex
cepted) at 6: o'clock, and a rive at l-nne Rock
at 12 v. via Matney aud imt Valley.
. rare, 2 00. Ilonnd Trip, .t.50.
g B. oniDEK. I'- M. UOS9,
Condon, Or.
All klndt of cariti'erwark done with di
pal'hatlhemo.traonablechaigea. office On airjtt wherever you caii find tbem.
y a. oooi) wis,
'painter and Paper-Hanoer,
Condon, Or,
AH klnda of painting and papering done at
mod'rae rate. Give me a chance.
Lo.iB Rock, On.
JT. It. OofT, Proprietor.
Keep alwaya on hand Me Heine, C'gara and
Tiiliaccua, Sue Caudlea, School Hunplle., To let
An Idea. Stationery, llarpa and Toy, ami every,
thing elae uanally fouud in a co-iiiry variety
Kvery'hln I handle I flrt-cla, aud
prise are the lowent. Cilve me a trial.
Contractor and Builder,
Condon, Or.
I have learned thl bualnea Ihoronghty. and
im p-epared to do all kind of woik lu thl lino
at moderate rate. Try me.
iwuuvu vw.v. w..vl
T in 3 J TfT7rT jf I an tTWrl
teuing ana nuunug w aouu.
number of
and Feed Stable,
taken on accounts
Your trade is
' sA I f II IN m
.A-Vxi J
Liquors and Cigars.
Baron de Jenne's Valuable Collection
of Prthistorlc Relio3 to be
Secured Etc.
A Racine (Wis.) firm ia planning to
have a complete tannery plant in opera
tion at tho exposition,
Chauncey M. Depew has heen elected
President of the Kew York Worltl'e Pair
Board, Commissioner Gorton W. Allen
is Vice-President,
It is reported that 100 tons of exhibits
for the exposition have already been col
lected and are awaiting shipment at
Lima and Callao.
The steamship lines covering the west
coast of South America have agreed to
carry government exhibits at half price
as fur as Panama. PaRsengcr rates have
been greatly reduced.
. A monster panorama, 445 feet long and
61 feet high, representing the Bernese
Alps with the Junefrau in the iack
gronnd, has bpen painted for exhibition
at the fair, A private exhibition of the
work was recently given to the press in
Berlin. , .
Baron de Jenne's valuable collection
of prehistoric relics, it is believed, will
be secured for exhibition at the fair. It
comprises many rare specimens from
caves in France. De Maret, who made
the collection, spent twenty-8 ve years in
the work.
The lofty stone monolith, which Wis
consin will exhibit at the fair, will re
main at Jackson park permanently, the
t'ark Commissioner having given their
consent. TLe monolith is 107 feet high
and cat from a solid block of stone. The
contract for its erection has already been
E. A. Nelann, Proprietor.
fAK FROM Attl.lMirO.N TO
Fora'l 00 Return, $10 00
Mayv llu 6 01 , He urn, V 00
Coudou 4 00 ....Return, 7 10
Clem.. .. 3 0u. Kf turn, 6 00
Ol.ix. I 00.... Kfturn, 3 00
l.-evct Arllngou ever muriiln? ffiunday ex
cepted at :80 o'd wk. fa due at Condon at 3 r.
M . and arrive at Ko.iil at 7 r. M.
Headquarters for T. P. A. N. W.
Adjoining the depot. If In v ry convenient for
panaeiiRcm from 1'ic baca cnuniry v. no
have to leave by night traiun.
tr ttird Deutuch gftprochen.
On parte
1 1 ancai).
No Chines, Mcctaall train.
J. W. BENSKTT, l'roprlotor.
The GQleLratedFreocb Eure,
Warmatcd . A DM !?rTI! or money
to euro rt tirf icr-udco.
13 Hold ox A
tncuroany form
criu; (JiTOrJcrct
t!io generative o.-
C-.!iotciUierex arif.iui
fJEFOriC t;ool6::.-aulaatt. AFTER
!rot)accocrOni.::'i,cr through youthful indium.
tloi.ovcrlmliilrTcac j, Ac, such as Losof limla
I'oivcr, WiiiefiThK-si,! oariufrOown Pains iuti:j
bar k, Scm intil Vcnkiiess, I Iyttcrin, Kcrrou Pros
tration, Nocttirncl Dai.sloan, Loicorrhora,, Weak Jlcmory, Loiof I'oivcr and Itnpo-
leery, wuu'uii Jie-jiceieuo'.ieii icnuto promaiuro
c'd nr Bt'd Inittuitv. Prloo $1.00 a box, 6 boxes
fur Kjnt by mnilcnr-icciptof p-ice
A XVRirE.- ;trAUANlTR is elvcn for
every titOon:crrrolvoa,tirc?!!iidt!io money if
a I'rrmanent r-ro It rtot eirectrd. We bavs
trioutancso! testlmonw: imrao d ana younir,
of both aoxe,v.-!iohavo Iwon porr.ianently cur 1
iiyuiouteoi Apnroumua. circuiarirea. Auurccl
Wenlorn Lnuach, Sox C7. ro"iAxa. Ob.
I Vf. DARLING & CO., Condon, Or.
FaberY Golden Female Pills
Rcllovo Suppresse d
MeuBtruatlou. Uaed
ara!tsiifaii7iytti oui
and of prnmluent la
diea moitA'y. Thor
oiiRhly reliable and
aie. Worth twenty
times their weight lu
gold for trmnlr. irreq
vlatititt. Never known
to faiL
Sent by mall scaled
iory. Aaareaa
The Aphro Medicine
Weatern Branch.
Box 97. Portland, Oregon.
L. W. DAHLINO & CO., Condon, Or.
Our Wonderful Kehedies.
Dr. Grant's Syrup of Wild Grape Root.
The great blood purifier and
is the product of Oregon sou.
Dr. Grant's Kidney and
For the euro of Bright's Disease, Diabetes, Biliousness, Sick Head
ache and all kidney troubles. Ketail price, $1.
Dr. Grant's Native Discovery.
Tho great female remedy. For
peculiar to females. Sold
. price, $1.
Dr. Grant's Cloalo.
The great dyspepsia conqueror; will positively cure dyspepsia and
all its kindred ailments. Every bottle sold under a positive guar
antee to effect a cure or money refunded. Retail price, $1.
Manufactured by O. W. R. CO., Portland, Or.
I For-Sale by L. VV. Darling & Co., Condon, Or.
Books of the Kaweali Colony Show
Many Discrepancies.
The Edmunds-Tucker Law Accomplishing
Its Purpose .in Utah Oiher
Coast News.
An electric road from Trackee to Lake
Tahoe is talked of,
San Diego's street-car system is to be
tamed in'o an electric one.
Violators of the Edmunds-Tucker lay
in Utah are on the decrease. .
C. L. Blazier has been arrested at Og
den, If. T., on the charge of forgery.
The North and South railroad will be
completed to Trescott by September 1.
Deputy Coroner J. A. Buck at 8an
Diego is charged with robbing the dead.
King Ussery, the notorious Arizona
stage robber, baa been bound over at
Ulobe ia 5,0J0.
The war ship Iroquois hauled down
her flag at Vallejo the other day and
went out of commission, and U likely
never to be used again.
Kid, the notorious Apache renegade,
made his appearance in the Ban Carlos
reservation and as suddenly disappeared.
The people in that section are alarmed.
A letter from Alaska contains account
of several projects for the development
of the Alaskan coal mines, and it also
says that gold mining will be actively
prosecuieu mere inis summer.
The Hidden Hill, twenty-four miles
southwest from Fenner, a station on the
Atlantic and Pacific road, and about
twenty-five miles west of fieedles, ia the
latest big gold-mining find in Arizona.
The Klamath Indians have caught
great quantities of mullet this season.
Thev dry them, pile them aa high
cord" wood and haul them to their homes
on the reservation for summer eating.
Three masked men entered the rooms
of two ladies at Salt Lake, who had just
returned from a ban, and witn pistols
forced them to eive up their jewels. The
ladies lost something over 6,000 in dia
A dispatch from Virginia, Nev., says
Charles Fair, a son of cx-United States
Senator James u. fair, Das been onered
the nomination aa the Democratic can
didate to represent the Lower House of
The books of the Kawean colony.
which are being investigated in the em
bezzlement trial at Los Angeles, show
many discrepancies and the absence of
many needed vouchers to explain inti
mated expenditures.
Great excitement prevails among the
Catholic population of British Columbia
over the sentence of Father Cherouse to
one year's imprisonment for ordering an
Indian woman on tne La rontsine res
ervation to be flogged.
The State Board of Equalization of
California declines to rescind its action
in directing County Assessors to add $15
per acre to the assessments on bop and
alfalfa lands. These lands are to be
classed separately.
British Columbia sealers are begin
ning to realize that the United States is
in earnest, and they count on the British
Minister oi Marine to see tnat vessels
are duly nouned ana not summarily
dealt with as by instructions given by
Secretary Tracy.
Countv Court Judge uornwau ot Lai-
lolet, B. C, has sentenced father Cher
ouse to one year's imprisonment, Chief
Kille-Poot-Kin to six months and four
Indians to two montha each for cruelly
whipping an Indian girl, who was caught
wltli her paramour.
1. J. Buttle of Kingsley, Wasco connty.
Or., reports a Bingularly fatal disease
that has attacked young pigs, causing
the death of eight head. Tne animals
swell at the knees and ankle joints, and
these when opened after death exude.
Tanre Quantity of yellow matter.
The river and harbor bill as it passed
the committee of the whole in the House
authorizes preliminary surveys at the
following-named localities in Califarnia:
Old river, branch of the San Joaquin ;
Sau Joaquin river from Hill's Ferry to
Firebaugh s Ferry, including the closing
of the sloughs on the river above Stock
ton ; Navigable Slough, the Bay of San
Francieco, Merced liver, mouth of Na
varro river, Tuolumne river, harbor of
Crescent, Stanislaus river, Alviso Slough
and the entrance to the harbor of San
Francisco (Golden Gate).
system tonic. Purely vegetable, and
Retail price, f 1. '
Liver Cure.
the cure of diseases and complaint
under a positive guarantee. Retail
Pot-pourri of What is Transpiring
at the Capital of the United
j States of America.
Mr. Scott of Illinois has Introduced a
bill to apply the same provisions of the
Interstate Commerce Commission to
sleeping-car companies as are now ap
plied to railroad and steamship com
panieS. On Senator Mitchell's recommenda
tion the Postoiiice Department has is
sued an order authorizing a contract
with E. Wigle to carry the mails from
Prineville by Desert and Haystack to
Warm Springs, Or., and back twice a
week from Juiy 1.
The river and harbor bill as it passed
the House carried an appropriation in
round numbers of 21 ,300,000. In addi
tion the Secretary of War is authorized
to contract for the completion of impor
tant projects involving an ultimate ex
penditure of about $26,000,000.
No agreement has as yet been reached
between the Washington Senators as to
the course to be pursued on the Pnyal
lup reservation bill. Senator Allen is
very anxious that the Senators slmll
stand together in support of his bill
and in opposition to that reported by
the Indian Committee. No time has
been set for consideration of the bill.
The bill to exclude political influence
from the appointment of the 61,000
fourth-class postmasters in the country
was agreed upon at a meeting of the
House Committee on Civil Service Re
form recently. The bill provides for a
division of the country into postal dis
tricts, and that where vacancies occur
open competition' shall be announced bv
the l'ostoffice Inspectors, who shall
recommend the best man to the 'Postmaster-General,
after receiving the ap
plications and examining the facts.
Representative Hermann has been
trying to Eecure a larger appropriation
for the Siuslaw river, which in the river
and harbor bill is for $10,000. No
amount of pleading by him in the House
would induce it before, and it was only
in deference to hie earnest work that
the small appropriation was allowed.
The committee held that the commerce
did not warrant a larger appropriation.
A bill was reported to the Senate the
other day as a substitute for a number
of bills, making the act to settle certain
j accounts between the United States and
State of Mississippi apply toother States,
so that Minnesota, Oregon, Kansas, Ne
braska, Nevada, Colorado, South Dakota,
Washington, Montana, Idaho and Wy
oming shall receive 5 per cent, of the
sales of pnblic land in their respective
The report on the substitute Colville
Indian bill, prepared by Senator Allen,
has been given to a member of the In
dian Committee to be placed befofre the
Senate. Senator Allen says there is
only one way to deal with the Indians,
and mat is by refusing to consult with
them as to the disposition of their reser
vations, and that so lone as thev are
wards of the government the government
should deal with them, not as if the
tribes were nations, but as its proteges.
Representative Wilson has been inter
viewing various members of the Senate
Indian Committee in relation to the Col
ville bill. There is a disposition on the
part of the Senate Committee to amend
the bill by refusing to Bend the treaty
back to the Indians for ratification.
Some of the members of the committee
declare that the treaty is all right as it
stands, ana it is poor policy on the part
of this government to treat with, the In
dians upon subjects which are for their
own interests and of which the govern
ment and Congress are the best judges.
So it may be that the reservation will be
opened by a simple act of Congress.
Representative Wilson has offered an
amendent to the sundry civil bill, in
creasing the appropriation for the Gray 't?
liar oor ngpttiouse Irom the Jlo.'tw
previously appropriated to $75,000. This
was ruled out of order as new legisla
tion, although one of the members of
the Appropriation Committee statad that
tne objection to tne amendment was
that it "raised the limit" Wilson re
torted he understood the language. Al
though the amendment was defeated.
llson had read and printed in the
Record the memorials of other docu
ments, showing the loss of life and
property which llHJ resulted because the
lighthouse had not lieen established
The provision ib covered in an omnibus
bill, which is now pending in both
The Committee on Naval Affairs has
reported to the Senate with a favorable
recommendation the bill providing that
any naval olhcer now on the retired list,
who has been retired alter serving lortv
years or on attaining the age of 63 years,
sbail receive the rank and pay ot Uonv
modore. provided he had served credit
ably the full term of four years as chiel
of a bureau in the Navy uepartment
The committee also reported favorably
a bill amending the revised statutes so
as to provide that any ordinary seaman,
landsman, fireman, coalheaver or ddv.
who has been honorably discharged and
and shall re-en list for four years within
three months, shall be entitled to pay
for the three months, provided the men
enlisting for continuous service must be
effective and able-bodied men between
the ages of 18 and 35 years at the time
of enlistment, but the age ot limitation
is not applicable to persons re-enlisting.
The bill also provides that enlisted men
of the navy or marine corps, who have
served thirty years, may be placed on
the retired list and receive 76 per cent.
of their pay and allowances. War eery
ice is to be computed as double time in
computing thirty years. The President
is given discretion to permit enlisted
men to the navy or marine corps to pur
chase their discharge, and pensioners
who are inmates of the soldiers' homes
are allowed to have their pensions paid
to their wives, children or parents,
Aliens who have served in the army or
navy by the bill are entitled to citizen-
Al f . 1 a ; -J 1
snip wiuiuui previous uwtarauuo.
The International Association, of
Machinists in Session.
Small Chicago Packers Combine Against
Armour, Swift and Morris A
' Glganiic Deal.
Sugar refiners threaten to move
Europe if the bounty is withdrawn.
The wall-paper manufacturers have
formed a combination with a capital of
The receipts of the actors' fair at New
York were $2J0,000, three-quarters ot
which is clear profit.
There are rumors of an attempt on the
part of the Reading railroad to weed out
all labor organizations.
The National Cash Register Company
has obtained decrees in its favor against .
infringements of patents.
The small packers of Chicago have
combined, the better to carry on their
fight with Armour, Swift and Morris.
Webb City, Mo., proposes to get ahead
of all the world in being the first town
to pipe natural gaa direct to a smelter.
Philadelphia has jnst deposited $1,
720.33J in tho treasury on account of
liquor-license fees for the current vear.
Levees on the Arkansas side of the
Mississippi river below Greenville, Miss.,
have broken, and the water has covered
a large area.
The Massachusetts House has nasseel
a bill providing a penalty of $100 for in
timidating laborers either by employers
or employes.
k. C. Branson, agent for a school-book
publishing company has been arrested
at Chattanooga, Tenn., for bribing
School Commissioners.
A nninn rt iVia PoAnlft'a w. 1.A
Prohibitionists is proposed, and a con-
ference with that object is to be held in
incinnau on June zo.
Measures are being taken at Washing
ton to better protect the whites, as well '
as tne Indians, in Alaska from violations
of the liquor law by saloonmen.
Ferdinand Ward has disappeared from
Putnam, Conn., leaving his boy with
friends, and it is thought he will seek
employment where he is unknown.
Army engineers under the direction of
General Miles are preparing a map of
the country's coast defenses, showing
the location of the navies of the world.
The House Committee on Commerce
will grant hearings to Boards of Trade
and counsel for railroads on the bills
providing for the use of uniform bills of
lading on May 31.
Cincinnati evening papers report a gi
gantic deal by which an English syndi
cate obtains control of the Bourbon
whisky distilleries in Kentucky at a cost
of over $10,000,000.
The Mississippi river is so high at New
Orleans that strong winds dash the wa
ter over the top of the levees. The rise
in the upper valley gives ranch cause for
alarm at all points above New Orleans.
It is estimated that the State of Ver
mont ia $1,000,000 better otf because of
recently adopted policy of liberally
advertising its many attractions and re
sources for permanent and summer resi
dents. It is estimated by the agents of the
steamship companies that more than
100,000 Americans will visit Europe this
year, and that at least six times as many
Europeans will come to the United
It is reported that a movement will be
made with excellent financial backing to
obtain a charter from the present Legis
lature tor an elevated road with accom
panying tunnel through the heart of
TJlft authorities of NewwrV. . J.. hav-
refused to accept a new water supply
provided under contract by a company
at a cost of nearly $4,000,000. It is
claimed the work is not completed ac
cording to contract.
It is said that the enforcement of the
Missouri law which provides that ne
groes convicted of vagrancy shall be sold
lor a stated period is having a whole
some effect, there being fewer vagrants
in the Mate tnan ever before.
Senator Teller has introduced a bill
granting the Yuma Pumping and Irriga
tion VJompany the right ot way for a ca
nal across the Yuma depot Quartermas
ter's reservation. It was referred to the
Committee on Indian Affairs.
The Mount Vernon Baptist Charch in
Camden, Pa., has been seized on an ex
ecution held by the pastor, Rev. J. D.
Allansburg, for $3,728 for moneys ad
vanced by him to run the church. The
property is said to be worth $22,000.
Duluth, Minn., has interested English
capital in her development, and haa
made arrangements for great railroad
terminal facilities and new monster
The overflow in Iowa and Illinois,
caused by excessive rains, has done
much damage, but the waters are falling,
and the injury will not be as great as at
first represented.
The International Association of Ma
chinists in convention at New York has
refused after a lively debate to strike
from the constitution the clause limiting
the membesship to white men. The
Southern delegates unani monsly opposed
any change, aud enough Northern dele
gates voted with them to overwhelming
ly bar oat any colored men.