Condon globe. (Condon, Gilliam Co., Or.) 189?-1919, May 06, 1892, Image 1

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Editor and Proprietor.
Ai " Subscription Bates.
: One your (Invariably lu advance) ...11 M
' Six miiutns 1 "0
Throe mouth 'r
1 S.ugl coului IU
Professional card)..... $1 00 per month
One square , I 50 per month
One-quaitfr column..... St SO per month
One half column 6 00 per month
One column lo 00 per month
Business locals will be charged at 10 cents per
line lor first Insertion and ft cents per line there
after. Legal advertisements will In all cases be
charged to the party ordering them, at legal
rates, and paid for before affidavit is furnished
VOL. 2.
KnttrtA at the Ponlnfflce at Condon, Oregon, at
itcoml-eUui mall mutter.
United fltates.
President Dknjamin Harrison
Vice t'reslilent Ivievi 1. Mohtom
Secretary ef Htate Jamkn ii Hi.aink
8wretry of I reasurjr Ciiah. Kostkr
Becretarjr Interior..,.. i. W Komi.k
rionretaryof War HuciiiKN H. Ki kinh
Horetay or Navy H, Tkaov
foatmasUtrdimvral Jott M Wananakkh
Attorney-General ..W H. II.
beoretaryof Agrluulture. , Jkkkmiaii turn.
fltate of Oregon.
Oovemor ,t H. I'knkoyrr
Becretarv of Htale W. McHhid
Treasurer fmi. Mktbohaw
Bupt. of r-ubllo luatrnu Ion K. H. McKutov
Oong'essman.';...;."....'.' B Hkkmahh
Printer . Kmawk Kakih
iK. H. Hiraiiam
W. P Uau.
Seventh Judicial District.
Joint Heimlor ( IIii.ton
Clrmalt Jhi1k W. Hraiwmaw
Prosecuting Atoruty W, II. Wu
flllllain County.
RenresHDlatlve .....W. 1, Mulkry
Jndgo W. J, Mahinkn
Commissioners Jw kowamos
Clerk Jay P. I.ihja
Hherlir. W. I, Wilcox
Treasurer , II. 8. Kwimo
Assessor David Ma win
Surveyor H. (i. HtiKi.Buar
8,ihfol Kunerliikmilviu I.IX'IKH Farrk
Coroner , U. It. If akkin
Heck Inspector Awe 1)i;thii
. 2 Condon Preclnet.
i ( f Justice of the Peace Grotto:' Tatom
rf I Constable..... Dam Kinshamt
Union faol fie IUII war Time Card.
Tailnt effect January I. lWi. trains will arrive
and leave as follows vis.:
Train Ne. I, fast mall, 'eaves Arllagton dally
II Ma. m.
No. , I'anlflo express, leaves Arlington dally
ali tor, m.
Trala No. 1, fast mall, leaves Arlington daily
at 1:63 a. M.
No. 7. Pacific exprvss, leaves Arlington daily
atl:M r. m.
uarrNRa branch train.
Train No. 31 arrives from Hcppnor dally, ec
etHndy at II a. m.
fix. 82 leaves lor Hvapner dally, except Han
day, at I :M r. n.
'lbr.ugh tl sets sold and btggage checked
throagti to all points In the United HtaUts aud
Caaala. 8. COl.UNH, Ticket Agut,
Arlington, Or.
At. Ilk. M. MT. MOKIAH LODOE. No. 5
, Slated command atUins on 8rt BstMrday
veiilnga after first Mondas of racb month, bo
lonrulm brethren In good stand ug are cordially
Invltcl to attend. I, f CAtSON, W. M.
HasBraT llLSTKAi), Secretary.
very J I and 4th Stinday Imaoh month at
tdon, morning aud evening, and at Matney
scboolhoiise at 2 n. m. Every 1st and M Huuday
be will proarhat HayvlUe.mortiiwgan evening
For gentlemen, worth t20 for wear. Twelve cloth aampleB, faahion plate
and measurement blank free. Postage, 6 cent".
Ed It. flantley 1 Go., Wholesale Gentile Tailors,
When ordering samples pleat mention Codon (Gilliam eounty,
Or.) Gloii.
Lost v Valley .Saw: Mill.
CANTWELL BR08., Proprietors.
- All Klsds "of Sarfaced LamDer, Rustic, Celling and Flooring Always on Kasd.
All timbers 4x6 and larger discounted 10 per cent, in number of
feet. All lumber discounted 10 per cent, for cash.
Condon Livery
Charles Fix,
Good horses for hire at reasonable rates. Special attention given
to transient stock.
Fat cattle for my meat market taken on accounts. Your trade is
respectfully solicited.
' i -
P. SKELLY, Proprietor,
Fresh Beer, Wines, Liquors and Cigars.
A fine billiard parlor in connection. When you feel like haying a
little amusement eall around and
JjR. J, 1. IIOGAN,
Conduit, Or.
ORIce Oregon are,, neit door to Qlobt office.
Condon. Or.
Office at residence .of Major Lucas, Oregon
AT P. LUCAS, County Clerk,
In a neat and careful manner.
Condon, Or.
Collections made l'fPif.5i,J?iyIli
'Notary Public nd Conveyancer,
Condon, Or.
Cotlectlons made with dispatch.
K'tprt-sems the Oermau-Atiiericau and the
Northwest Klre and Marine lnsman' eC'oaipany.
AfrLY TO Tim
Phcenix or Hartford."
Cath Aueti, f,,..
Herbert Halstaad, Agent, Condon, Or.
I. M. Rlnabart, Proprietor.
leaves t'nndon every rooming (Sandays ex
cepted) at 6:.'0 o'clock, and a rives at Loue Rock
at 1'a at. via Matney aud Jjost Valley.
fare, 1)3.00. Round Trip, S3. BO.
H. m. uosa,
Carpenters and Contractors,
Condon, Or.
All kinds of carpenter werk done with dis
patch at the most reasonable charges.
office-On street wherever you can Bad there.
Condon, Or.
AH kinds of painting aud papering done at
moderate rates. 01 ve me a chance.
IiosTorricK variety store,
I.OKC Roc, Oh.
J. B. OolT, Proprietor.
Keeps always oa hand Medicines, C'gsrs and
Tobaccos, fine Candies, School Supplies, Toilet
Articles. Stationery, Harps aud Toys, and eveiy
thing else usually found In a country variety
Everything I handle la first-class, and my
prices are the lowest Give me a trial.
I have been on the bench over twenty yesrs,
and am master at the business. Bring on yoar
orders. All my work guaranteed.
Shop In the Fix balldlug, at scales, Condon,
and Feed Stable,
see Pat. He will treat you well.
Mrs. Anna H, Wilsatch Bequeaths a
Valuable Art Collection to
s Philadelphia.
Robert Louis Htt-venson is so much
iike'l in Kamoa that the natives have a
notion of making him King, it is said;
Senator Carlisle -recently received a
$25,000 fee for winning a suit Involving
$21)0,000 before the Kentucky Court of
The mother of Miss Francis E. Wil
lard cast her first vote at the Evanston
(111.) school election last week. 8he is
now 90 years old.
Senator Plumb used to be the greatest
newspaper reader in Congress. I lis place
in that respect is now partially filled by
Senator Palmer of Illinois.
Parnell's widow is said to be very fond
of birds. Her house in Walsingbam
Terrace, Brighton, is full of songsters.
Even in her boudoir she keeps breeding
cages for canaries.
Bpurgeon's grave in Norwood cemetery
is marked by a simple marble slab bear
ing the inscription "O. H. Spurgeon."
Mrs. Spnrgeon has snggested that the
word ' Waiting" be added, and the sug
gestion is to be carried out.
M. Deibler, the executioner of France,
has expressed the official opinion that
the murderers whom he executes nowa
days are a much more elevated class in
tellectually than those on whom he prac
ticed at the beginning of his career.
Charles Bradley of Newark, N. J., a
on of the late Justice Joseph P. Brad
ley, has signified his intention to con
tinue the Bradley mathematical prize
that was established by his father at
Ru titer's College.
Mrs. Anna II. Wilsatch of Philadel
phia left her valuable art collection and
f500,000 to be spent in caring for it to
the city ef her residence. The pictures
will lie placed in Memorial Hall under
the supervision of the Commissioners of
Fairmonnt Park.
Emperor William would not allow the
death of his cousin, Duke of Clarence,
to interfere with either his own amuse
ment or with the court entertainments,
and now at the death of his uncle, the
Grand Duke of Ileese, he has shown the
same indifference, and has permitted his
own court, alone of all thoe of Europe,
to continue uninterrupted in its festiv
ities. The Countess d'En, only surviving
daughter of the late Emperor of Brazil,
s aliout to tske up her residence defi
nitely in England. Vhe has just con
cluded an agreement with the republican
government of Brszil whereby in return
lor her abandonment of her pretensions
to the crown of Brtizil the whole of her
1 father's private estates and property are
rer-tore. i to her.
E. A. Nelson, Proprietor.
raa mux ahunutoh to
rosa'l... W 00 Return.HO 00
Mayy 1J 6 0t He' urn. sou
Condon 4 00 Return, 7 (0
t'lem 3 si. Keturu, t 00
Olel K 00 KMiirn, 8 00
L'avfs ArllnK on evrrv morning' (Sunday ex-
"tptelat:30oVlH'k.tdiieatCondon at $ r.
a . ana arrive at rami at VP..
Headquarters for T. P. A. N. W.
Adjolnlm the depot, It Is Try convenient for
passenger iroui me Dae country wno
have to leava by night trains.
tr it'ird Deutteh getprochen. On parle
r tancau.
Vo Chinese, Sleet all train.
J. W. BENNKTT, Proprietor.
G. T, WELLS, Proprietor.
Baiter accommodation lor families con be had
at this house thau at any other hotel
In town.
Hoard and lo lgHig per day .'. II 00
Board without loilgluK per wee 5 00
Meal , 25
Bed , 25
Give this hotel a trial and be convlncid that It
1 the beat place to stop at lu Arlington.
Main Street. One Block From Depot.
Our Wonderful Remedies
Dr. Grant's Syrup of Wild Crape Root.
The great blood purifier and
is the product of Oregon soil.
Dr. Grant's Kidney and
For the cure of Bright's Disease, Diabetes, Biliousness, Sick Head
ache and all kidney troubles, lietau price, 11.
Dr. Graft's Native Discovery,
The great female remedy. For
peculiar to females, bold
price, $1.
Dr. Grant's Cloalo. -
The great dyspepsia conqueror; will positively cure dyspepsia and
all its kindred ailments. Every bottle sold under a positive guar
antee to ellect a cure or money refunded. Retail price, an.
Manufactured by O. W. R. CO., Portland, Or.
For Sale by L. W. Darling & Co., Condon, Or.
Deeming Said to Have Once Been a
Resident of Los Angeles.
The Anaconda Mining and Smelting Works
Receive Order to Continue
Operations lite.
Eureka, Cal., ia to have free mail-delivery
service after Jane 1.
The Printers' Digtrict Convention met
at Whatcom, Wash., last week.
The new mill at Needles has begnh
work. The process is the cyanide meth
od, and is pronounced a success.
Taylor, one ot the Boise City (Idaho)
postoiTice robbers, has confessed his ipiilt
and turned State's evidence against his
pal, 11 in ton.
The two men who kidnaped Norman
St. Claire at the Harqna llala mines in
Arizona recently have been held in $1,
OUO bonds each.
Chinese are being smnpgled into the
country at TiaJuana. The border line
to be guarded Is very long, and but t7
deputies are doing the work.
Operations are being pushed on the
Southern Pacific's new wharf and har
bor at Santa Monica Canyon, which, it
is estimated, will cost $1,000,000.
George Montgomery, a rancher and
miner well known in Cochise county, A.
T.. has been murdered at his camp on
Silver creek in the Cbracohua Mount
ains. The Consolidated Wyoming has begun
suit against the Champion Mining Com
pany at Nevada City. The claim is that
the latter has been working on a vein
that belongs to the former.
The new municipal authorities at San
Jose have inaugurated a vigorous pol cy
toward the suppression of dives, gam
bling dens and all places suspected of
entrapping and fleecing the nnwary.
It is believed that Deeming, the Aus
tralian murderer, was in Los Angeles
between 1880 and 1888, where he mar
ried a Mrs. Nannie Catching and made
way with all her money and then disap
peared. The Southern Pacific is running a line
for a branch from the Palms on the banta
Monica road to Coldwater Canyon, and
work has commenced on the Santa Fe
extension from Inglewood to Santa Mon
ica, where trains will be running by
June 1.
Dick Bender and Captain Jim, both
full-blooded Washoe Indians, have left
Carson, Nev., for Washington for the
purpose of interesting the President and
the Indian Commissioners in the estab
lishment of a reaervation in Carson Val
ley, or if that cannot be obtained, a borne
for the aged and needy Indians.
Millions of wild geese, ducks, sand
hill cranes, curlew and snipe still remain
at their fine feeding grounds on the
Lower Colorado and on New river. Par
ties in from that section say that they
never saw them so plentiful as they are
this spring nor to remain so late before
starting for the North.
A California celery company has been
organized in Westminster, Orange
county, for the purpose of growing veg
etables ana establishing an extensive
pickle factory. Eighty acres of peat land
has been rented for the company, and
the land is naturally very moist and
rich. The peat land blackberry crop
promises to be a very heavy one.
A thriving business is being done by
smugglers who carry liquor from British
Columbia into Alaska. The liquor is
sold to the Indians in small quantities,
and the white population experience no
inconvenience in consuming what Is left.
The United States is thus defrauded of a
vast amount of lawful revenue. Cap
tain Wallace of the Bteamship City of
Topeka thinks that the only way this
illicit traffic can be stopped is by send
ing a well-equipped revenue cutter to
Thomas Y. Tallman, the manager of a
local drug store at Sacramento, applied
to the State Board of Pharmacy for a
.certificate of registration as a practicing
pharmacist, but was refused on the
ground tbat he was not what he claimed
to be; that he was simply conducting a
place for another person. Tallman then
brought suit in the Superior Court for a
writ of mandate to compel the board to
issue the desired certificate, and the
court has sustained the State Board of
Pharmacy in its refusal.
system tonic. Purely vegetable, and
Ketau price, 1.
Liver Cure.
the cure of diseases and complaints
under a positive guarantee. Retail
Any Increase in the River and Harbor
Bill Need Not be Expected at
This Session.
The President has approved the act in
regard to the construction of a bridge
across the Columbia river between the
States of Washington and Oregon.
The House Committee on Postoffices
and Post Roads ordered favorably re
ported the bill consolidating third and
fourth-class mail matter under the head
of third class and fixing the rates of
postage at 1 cent for each two ounces or
fraction thereof.
The majority and minority reports of
the resolution proposing an investiga
tion of the Pinkerton system will prob
ably be soon male to the House. The
majority report will be adverse, but the
resolution is to go on the calendar, and
the Alliance members will strive to get
it before the Hoase so soon as possible.
Representative Ryan has asked the
House Committee on Appropriations to
grant a hearing to the committee from
the Grand Army Posts of Nebraska, who
are in opposition to the appropriation of
$100,000 for the entertainment of the
members of the Grand Army at the en
campment at Washington. The hearing
will be accorded.
Several Senators have been notified by
the Senate Commerce Committee that
they need not expect any increase in the
river and harbor bill at this session.
This is not the case so far as the Wash
ington Senators are concerned. As they
were invited to present the needs of their
State to the committee, it is thought in
the committee Washington has not been
very well treated in the present bill.
There ill be no appointment made
for tha Supreme Court to fill the va
cancy caned by the death of Justice
Bradley unta December. The President
wants to appoint Attorney-General Mil
ler to the vacancy, and be evidently be
lieves the appointment bad better not
be mad - before the election. The same
authority for the above says there will
be noUabinet changes until niter the
On application of Senator Mitchell to
the Secretary of the Navy, requesting
that the naval vessels present May 11 at
the centennial celebration of the discov
ery of the mouth of the Columbia by
Captain Gray be ordered to visit Port
land, (Jr., the commanding omcers of
the new cruisers Baltimore and Charles
ton have been ordered to proceed with
the vessels under their command to the
mouth of the Columbia river by May 7,
to take part in the centennial celebra
tion, and from there proceed with these
vessels to Portland.
The New York delegation of colored
men sent to Washington to memorialize
the President regarding the Southern
outrages was introduced to President
Harrison by Hon. John D. Lvnch. fourth
Auditor of the Treasury. Dr. William
B. Derrick stated the objects of tne del
egation, and presented the resolutions
adopted at the recent mass meeting at
Cooper Union. In replying the Presi
dent explained just how far he could
exercise his authority under the consti
tution, stating very clearlv the difference
between the State and Federal authority
in regard to crimes committed in any
particular State. The President advised
the delegation to collect the details of
lynchiogs for the year and pre
sent them to him and the public press,
and said he would assist in creating pub
lic sentment against the lawless methods
of punishing colored men in the South.
The House Labor Committee has
agreed upon the bill relating to the lim
itation ol hours for the dauv service of
laborers and mechanics employed upon
public works. It limits and restricts to
eight hours in any one calendar day the
service and employment of all laborers
and mechanics employed by the govern
ment of the United States, by the Dis
trict oi uoiumbia or by any contractor
or subcontractor upon anv public works
of the United States or District of Co
lumbia. Violations of the law are to be
punished by a fine or imprisonment.
The vote on the bill was not unanimous,
several members dissenting.
In anticipation of the passage by the
House ot the river and harbor bill Sen
ator Squire is strenuously urging upon
the Senate Committee on Commerce the
necessity for speedy action upon his bill
to appropriate fooo.uuo to begin the con
struction of a canal (which will uiti
mately cost $2,500,000) to connect the
waters of Lake Union and Lake Wash
ington with Puget Sound. The commit
tee will report favorably upon the bill,
and at the instance of Senator Squire
will incorporate it as an amendment to
the river and harbor bill when that
measure reaches the Senate. The prin
cipal objection is said to come from Sen
ator Dolph, who fears Congress cannot
be induced to embark upon another pro
ject of this magnitude without interfer
ence with the scope of the Columbia
river improvements, but Senator Squire
feels he has secured a majority ot the
Committee on Commerce for the project.
While it is an open secret that the
President is endeavoring to secure an
international conference on the silver
question, the closest reticence regarding
the whole subject is maintained at the
White House and 1 reasury Department
S. Dana Morton, the confidential repre
sentative of this government, spent a
year or more among the financial offices
of the governments of Great Britain,
France, Prussia, Austria and Italy for
the purpose ot obtaining their views on
the subject of bimetallic standard. He
made elaborate private reports of his
mission. He is now in Washington,
and is a frequent visitor to the State
and Treasury Departments. It is said
the reports received from the different
countries satisfied the President of the
advisability of an international confer
ence. He has practically decided to take
the initiative in the matter, and it is
understood tbat be will soon send a spe
cial message to Congress transmitting
the correspondence oa the subject.
Judge Maynard Indorsed by the
Majority Report..
Delegates From the Seamen's Unions Meet
for the Purpose of Forming a
National Body.
Railroad rates at Chicago are in the
worst shape for years.
A Chinaman in Lynn, Mass., asks to
take the poor debtors' oath.
Many negroes are leavinir Oklahoma
on foot, saying they are sick of it.
Building and loan associations of fif
teen States are forming a national organ
Reports show that nearlv 30.000.000
bushels of wheat are in Northwestern
Mrs. Colis P. Hnntinzton has sub
scribed $1,000 toward the actors' fund
fair at New York.
Bob Ford, the slaver of Jesse James.
has been ordered out of Creede bv a
committee of citiseus.
The Standard Oil Company is endeav
oring to gain possession of the natural
gas plants and form a trust.
Colonel Frank Wheaton of the Second
United States Infantry, it is said, will
get the Brigadier-Generalship.
Chicago men interested in mining en
terprises are endeavoring to establish a
mining exchange in the vVindy City.
An English syndicate headed bv Lord
Brook is buying ud mines in Mexico.
and, it is said, will invest $80,000,000.
A plan has been nearly perfected for a
great car-service association to cove all
junction points in Missouri and Kansas.
Assistant Cashier Carl Nelson of the
Union National Bank ot Grand Forks.
N. D., is under arrest for extensive de
falcations, v
The coal-carrying com Danies have de-
cided to advance freight rates on coal to
'he Lakes and to the Mississippi 25 cents
and 30 cents per ton.
The people of the United States con- - ,
sumed $5,000,000 more of woolen goods
and imported $20,000,000 less last year
man iney am in law.
The Sheriff of Star county. Tex., has
had a fight on the border with a party of
revolutionists or smugglers. The Sher
iff's party was worsted.
The net export of gold from January 1
to April 2, this year, was only $7,026,361.
as compared with $13,668,846 in the cor
responding period last year.
Opposition to the opening of Mon
mouth Park racetrack has developed,
and mats meetings are to be held in
Monmouth county, N. J., against it.
There is great excitement among the
inhabitants of Columbia county, Ark.,
in the vicinity of Buckner over a discov
ery of gold near that place. People are
nocxing mere.
The Dubuque (Ia.) Malting Company
has been organised for the purpose of
driving beer from other States out of the
market. Prices will be reduced and the
output increased.
The Senate has passed the bill grant
ing to the State of California 5 per cent,
of the net proceeds of the cash sales of
public lands in the State. The amount
involved is $500,000.
Delegates representing the different
seamen's organizations of America con
vened at Chicago recently for the pur
pose of organising all American sailors
into one mighty society.
A controlling interest in the Anaconda
mines at Cripple Creek. Col., has been
sold for $1,600,000 to a syndicate of local
capitalists and agents. The property
be the richest gold mine in the United
The Society of the Army of the Cum
berland has changed the date of the re
union to be held on the battle field at
Chickamauga to September 27 and 28,
in order not to interfere with the annual
encampment of the Grand Army of the
hen all the ships now under contract
are completed, the new navy will have
forty ships, including the practice ves
sels, and the general opinion is that
Congress will continue the present prog
ress tor ten years and the number ot
vessels will reach 100.
The government officials have arrested
at Wilkesbarre, Pa., George Billings,
alias Lewis Van Houghton, and Emma
tioiton, ma sister, tor committing for
geries in order to obtain pension money.
They admit seventeen forgeries, amount
ing to thousands ot dollars.
Ten "whalebacks" are under construc
tion at West Superior. The total length
of vessels under construction or under
contract at West Superior is one mile.
Numbers of vessels for freight and pas
senger traffic are building at Cleveland,
Bay City, Detroit, Milwaukee and other
lake ports.
The License Commissioners in eleven
of the counties of North Carolina have
decided that "no man who proposes to
engage in the retail Bale of liquor is a
man of good moral character." For this
reason they have refused to grant liquor
licenses to any person applying for them.
The suit brought in the District Court
at Houston by stockholders representing
$24,000,000 to have the Galveston, Har
risburg and San Antonio road, part of
the Southern Pacific railway system,
placed in the hands of a receiver has
been transferred to the Federal Court at
-1 -
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