Condon globe. (Condon, Gilliam Co., Or.) 189?-1919, April 15, 1892, Image 3

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Tlw fmtlr iwbwTlption to th Ok
Iiivarinbly in
dviinro. No dwvlntlon
Th TiHiw-rwlll b Mopped t (
Mm for whlh It l pit'l ''ie f
liilt notlr lnllont that your Mt;
tplPHi, and If yon wlh tb ppr co- -utionld
miDlt tti amount m on bi j
Excellent foal for reflection t'v ;
dinner you missed. -
Something nw In buslncH local',. ,
wui-k. Rood them. '
Gene Smith had a neat kitchen 1
onto fain house this week.
The county neat In exceedingly ful;.
people this week. So lire some of ; 1
people. f
The Condon Grange bad an enthuf
attic meeting Friday, eleven new met
hern being initiated. U
Mat;ley Downing returned home la
week from Palouse City, where be atj
tended whool all winter.
In England they stand for . office, in'
this country they run, and in both coun-W
tries they lie more or less.
The Globb has several thousand blanks
mortgage and warranty deeds, chattel
mortgage, etc., for sale cheap.
Harry Joslln, the cornetlst, is billed to
give a musical and comic entertainment
at Condon to-night Thursday.
Neit Sunday is Easter the day to
tnnko yourself sick eating Shanghai ber
ries, or in other words, bon fruit.
After their meeting Saturday night,
the Masons enjoyed an excellent supper
at the restaurant of Mrs. T. J. Young.
L. W. Halley came - up a few days ago
from McCoy, where he spent the winter.
of town. ,
Mrs. Belle Weatherford, who had been
"topping in Portland nine last fail re
in rned to her borne on Schuttler Flat
this week.
D. F. Ball has disposed of his saw mill
property near Fossil, to Mr. llunsaker
of Haystack,, who will take charge of
same In about two weeks.
Mrs. J. H. Miller visited the family of
Frank Strjcklio on Bock ' creek the first
of the weekreturning home Monday ac
companied by Mrs. Strickiin.
Lester Coflin came up from Arlington
the first of the week to subscribe for the
Uuihk, also to look after his extensive
sheep intetfi; In tbis section.
The editor of this religious xiper lost
a cuff button in Condon about two weeks
ago. The finder will be fabulously re
warded by leaving same at this office.
"Uncle" Tommy Watson and L. M.
Khixlesof Fossil were northbound pas
xengers Monday, the former on t he way
to visit his sister at Cosmopo!ia, Wash.,
and the latter to Arlington.
If you want to avoid .Umg and aggra
vating delays caused by - carelessness,
11. - I ... U . I.. If .II,.
vend your summonses and other legal ad
vertisements to the Um?br the reliable
and ofllcial paper of the county.
Tornadoes have begun their work of
destruction in the East. One town in
Kansas was swept from the face of the
earth, and many lives were lost. Now
ir the time to subscribe tor the Globe.
The happiest man in Condon Monday
was Pat Lynch whan the grand jury re
iiorted "not a true bill" in his case. lie
smiled all over. Pot expects to remain
in Condon awhile and "build" a few
The circuit court mill is buiszing away
411 BH alarming raw. vuuga uiwuhm
is rushing them through rough and tum
ble, court running until 10 o'clock every
night. It is likely he will dispose of all
the business this week.
Henry llartman, who left this section
nearly two years ago, was married on
April 3d, at Wheatland, Uba county,
Cal., to Miss Jennie Gilson of that place.
His many friends here extend hearty
congratulations to the happy couple.
Candidates must not forget to flle their
certificate of nomination with the coun
ty clork within the required time. If
they neglect this, their names vfttifiot 1
printed on the ballots, consequently they
will not be considered as running for of
fice. J. R. Fraser and family came up this
week from McCoy, where Mr. Fraaser
spent tlie winter with bis children. He
' was married Feb. 2, 18(t2, to Miss Clara
. Vronst. of Albany. Mr. Fraer lias a
pleasant home near Lone Rock, where
they will reside. ,
The official ballot at the coming elec
tion will be a long one. According to
the provisions of the Australian ballot
law the name of every candidate in the
field bat to lie put on one ticket instead
of there' being but tie ticket for each
party, e s formerly. ; .,
i , Hon, Geo. Watkins I The Dalles is
itu us this week, eerved one
term as judge in this district. And is the
ttep. nominee for that position at the
coming election. He is also noted for his
ability to rush court matters. JJe will
visit Fossil before returning home.
The Arlington boardof trade is prepar
ing to do ft !hig lot of Advertising all
through the eastern etates by means of
newspapers, folders, stickers, tc
a tnlnna a W js nnnA o,l
Immlnlion Jv fci,, -
fcjfiowfl abroad GjUjiuju eountj ' phDdld
rwn4 s fa
to clvii4
O. t iL. I...A.-11 1 . I
omver una leit 101 Muugtsr in me uiuiiaey
house of the Portland City Park, and it
will contribute it's bare of amusement
to the children of that city hereafter.
Referring to W. W. Steiwer's nomina
tion for joint senator, the Times-Mountaineer
says: "Mr. tsteiwer is a mer
chant at Fossil, where he has been en
gaged in business for a number of years,,
and enjoys an excellent reputation. He
is thoroughly conversant with the wants
of this portion of the state, and the in
tetests of Gilliam, Bhermun and Wasco
counties will be carefully and conscien
tiously considered by bim."
The Athena Press (independent) voices
the sentiments of this popular weekly
exactly, when it says: "We advise the
leading lights of the diflerent political
parties to see the finance editor of this
paper at once on a matter of business
that would not do for our readers to know
or in other words, somebody has got
to "whack np" shortly. We want a
brick building and a power press out of
this campaign."
During our ten years' residence in the
West, we have met only four or five per
sons from our native county in Pennsyl
vania Armstrong. This week we had
the pleasure of meeting one of them
Mr. Harry Burnham, an intelligent and
industrious young stockman who lives
just across the river from Arlington.
He came out with bis step-father and
family seven years ago from Mauorville,
Pa. His step-father, Mr. Peters Is now
one of the prosperous stockmen of Ore
gon. Thirty-seven new subscriptions this
week. The Globb feels proud of the
fact that it has nearly four times. more
bona fide subscribers in this county than
any of its contemporaries, and we have
never asked a half-dor.en people to sub
scribe for the paper. It makes itself
worthy of the hearty patronage it re
ceives, Its publisher does not have to
beg of the people as if he were in the ag
onies of starvation, to get them to
take the paper. A paper that has to be
forced onto the people, is not worth the
price of subscription. As above stated,
we are proud that the Globe does not
have to force Itself onto anybody.
Arlington Antonatlona.
Heald, the bank inspector, spent a few
days in town last week.
The new 111 for the A. F. D. has "ar
rove," and it's a jimdoudy.
Geo. Wi throw is acting marshal this
week, during Carlisle's absence.
Our city is well represented at Gilli
am's capital and metropolis this week.
Arlington is without a lawyer, both of
our deciples of Blackstono being at Con
xion. : ,
Sunday last at the M. E. church, Mrs.
IJai.'ani and Miss Doiiie Lyons were bap
tised. The grading of Main street extension
is progressing favorably, under the able
supervision of street and side-walk com
missioner E. B. Frum.
Mrs. D. H. Gager, milliner, has re
moved to more commodious quarters,
having rented the place formerly occu
pied by Ed Miller, jeweler.
Arbor Day J. W. Smith presented our
school children with some fine trees
which they planted Friday afternoon,
with appropriate exercises.
Frank iiurlburt, formerly a resident
of this place, secured the position of as
sistant cashier in the Arlington National
Bank in place of II. T. Hawson, resigned,
Gilliam county seems to lie taking the
lend for the production of fine horses,
Ed Palmer's contingent, of fine-blooded
horses having arrived from the East this
week, and were taken out to Ajax.
Notice to School Officers.
Taxes this year will not 1 delinquent
until May 1st, one vow Inter than usnal.
Should I" aniwrlioa itw second Mond
j in Ainril, thore would be vcrv bale to
i niWtion
nteretoixj i nave oeciuea to
Ot BptWB it Until the CHVd Moil-,
i iA pA,,wic, School Pupt
i TVifMat Fotl, Or.. pnt VI.
d Before
-, Wy.
:. : rta.
1. -.
' I
: A'ood, w.
t'erkins, D. Cam
eron and W. E. Vwler.
Blalock-II. C. Myers, C. M. Walker.
Bock Creek Josephus Martin, Frank
Strickiin, C. Schott, C. W. Wester and
Tom Malanaphy.
Condon W. L. Wilcox, D. B. Trim
ble, D. 8. Brown, S. 8. Grider and Wm.
Ferry Canyon Ray Uenson, Thomas
Young, Ed Dunn and Jas. Fix.
Matney G. Schilling, Jos. Wbyte and
J. A. McMorris.
Lone Rock J. It, Ralston, Wm. Mil
ler and Morgan Ward.
Idea J. E. Coleman, Wm, Picfe.
Trail Fork Henry Hawk, John Gross
and Frank Couey.
Mayvllle R. W. Crane, Chas. Lillie,
A. Greiuer, J. M, Curl, Jas. Thornton
and Ira B. Carter.
Fossil 1 Parker, L. M Rhodes, W.
W. Hoover, Thompson Scoggin, B. F.
Nott and A. C. Herndon.
Rowe Creek J. H. Parsons and R. A.
Crown Rock Val Wheeler and John
It was then in order for the nomina
tion of candidates, and Val Wheeler and
R. N. Harrison were appointed as tellers.
For representative there were only
two names mentioned, J. II. Wood and
H.C.Myers. The result of the ballot
was, Wood 27, Myers 23, blank one.
C. A. Shnrte received the nomination
for cleik by acclamation.
W. L. Wilcox was declared the unani
mous choice of the convention for sher
iff. The names of J. R. Ralston, P. E. Mc
Quinn and A. Greiner were mentioned
for commissioner, the ballot resulting as
follows : Ralston 29, McQuinn 12, Grei
ner 10.
L. Parker received the nomination for
school Supt. by acclamation.
Nominations for treasurer were next
in order. G. L. Neale, J. H. Miller, D.
B. Trimble and L, C. Edwards were nom
inated. The first ballot Btfxd, Neale 24,
Trimble 13, Miller 7, Edwards 7. Trim
ble and Edwards then withdrew, and
the second ballot decided it in Neate's
favor, the vote standing, Neale 31, Mil
ler 20.
The stubborneet fight of all was for
assessor, the nominations being ai
Wheeler, Ed Dunn, J. M. Curl, E. New
man, J. A. McMorris ana v. u. yuinn.
It reqnired four ballots to decide it, Val
finally eoming out on top amid thunders
of applause.
There being no aspirant for the office
of surveyor, the matter was referred to
the central committee to select someone
who might want the nomination.
Dr. Hogan received the majority of
votes cast for coroner. The doctor re
quests ns to state that he will not accept
the nomination, it having been tendered
him without his knowledge or consent.
The following persons were elected del
egates to the state convention : Geo. W.
Rinehart, J. H. Pardons, Josephus Mar
tin and P. E. McQuinn.
Hon. T. B. Hoover of Fossil was elect
ed chairman of the county central com
That the reader may have some idea
what the candidates resemble, we will
give a brief personnel of them :
J. II. Wood, fur representative, is the
wide-awake furniture mon of Arlington.
He is fully alive to the interests of this
section, and would make a good repre
sentative. C. A. Shurte, for clerk, is the popular
manager and book-keeper for J.W. Smith
at Arlington. He U ft young man of ex
cellent character and reputation, and is
thoroughly competent to discharge the
duties of county clerk.
W. L. Wilcox, forshevilT, has conduct
ed that office so ably and economically
during the last two years, that the tax
payers st em to le almost unanimous for
keeping him where he is. He has made
an excellent ofllcial. '
J. R, RaIton, for commissioner, is a
prominent and successful fanner and
stockman of Ixwe Uook. He i a cart-ful
and shrewd financier, and if elected ill
serve our people in the umst; comjictent
I.. Pirkerof FoU1'', k r If" J ii't..
is our prcHf nt incumbent in that oMice.
lie has made an excellent record for
himself as an earnest and energetic;
worker for the advancement of educa
tion. ' .
G, L, Neale of Condon, for treasurer,
is well and favorably known throfghniit
the county as an honest and intelligent
young man of excellent habits. He is
fully competent to discharge the duties
of treasurer.
Val Wheeler of Pine creek, for assessor,
is so well and favorably known that
comment is unnecessary. There isn't a
man in the county better qualified for
this important office than Val is, and
judging from the manner in which he
was repeatedly applauded upon his suc
cess, it leaves no doubt as to his unmis
takable popularity with our people. '
i .
Republican Nominations.
The republican state convention met
Portland on the 6th and nominated
at following ticket:
r Congress Hon. Bingr Hermann
ppner in the second.
gales to National Convention Jos
J K. Bourne, jr., O C Applcgate,
ilton, T H Tongue, C M Donald-
E Wolverton and R R Haves.
it Judges First, W C Hale of
h j 2d, J C FulIerUm of Do;iglas;
j H Burnett of Marion ; 4th, Lov-
alB Hears and E D Shattuck of Mnltnc-
mah ; 5th, T A Mupride of Claekiuins;
6th, Harrison Kelley . of Harney; 7tb,
Geo Watkins of Wasco."
Prosecuting Attorneys FVrst district,
II L Vinson of Josephine; 2d, 8 M Con
don of Lane; 3d, Jas McCain of Ya tu,
hill; 4th, WT Hume of Multnomah;!
5th, W N Barnett; 6th, C H Finn of Un
ion ; 7th, W H Wilson of Wasco. !
Joint Senator Gilliam, Phermari and
Wasco, W W Steiwer of Gilliam; Sher
man and Wasco, H 8 McDaniei of Sher
man. '
Joint Representatives Wasco and
Sherman, T F Coon of Hood River, and
E N Chandler of The Dalles.
.; a
Lone Rock Rumblings.
, Days warm and pleasant, nights cold
and frosty.
School in the upper Lone Rock district
began Monday.
Ed Coppner went to Heppner on the
stage Wednesday.
Bob Brown and Tom Smith came over
from Haystack Monday, out of which
trip this excellent item originated.
Lambing is in full blast, the per cent
so far being about 80, which is very good
considering the cold stormy weather.
Monday a Mr. Halverson bought
interest in Copner & Co.'s general mer
chandise business. This late partner
will stiffen np the firm about $2000, thus
enabling them to carry a coinpleteittock ;
of everything our .good people needs.
Work on the Lone Rock and Heppner
road will begin next Monday. If the
1000 big hog dollars that were donated
is projerly handled and Rvalue received
in hard labor on the road instead of in
the pockets of a few favorites, a good
road will be the result, and the donaters
will be satisfied. Cowboy.
Germany Gems.
Olevia Martin is teaching the school
on the head of Tine creek.
Sorne new epidemic must have seized
the cattle that are enjoying the excel
lent grass, of which our productive bills
abound so luxuriantly just now. meyj
have nearly all become hornless.
"Sam Weiler" has evidently got a bad
case of it, judging from the 'Tine krick
explosions" in latt week's Globe. We
imagine if Chas. Huntley were to "sit
dowo on him," aided by about 240 lbs
of avoirdupois, he would 1 spread out
woree than if he'd been welted a jolt by
a Kansas cvclone.
Like our distingnished namesake
"Z;u harv" Tavlor. we want to see the
, w
candidates come out a little stronger,
more visorouslv, as it were. We feci i
like shriefcini;: "A little more crape,
Cajit. Bragg !" or words to that effect
w hichever is the most applicable. e
hope, however, that the above brilliant
nhra.-e will not result in the utter down-
, i
fall of either of the great parties.
r nlMkx .
To the Publicl
I have decided to put my Condon prop
erty on the market during court week.
Those wishing to buy lots can do so by
applying to J. W. Blake, at Condon. '
J. A. Thomas.
Abusoto.n, April 5, 1892.
Settle Up Notice.
Tuaf aftnr vmrt. T vnpot. to rot.irf from
the stable bur'ines's, and I kindly ask all
who are indebted to mo to settle without
delay, as liuust have what is due meat
once". Respectfully, Hilly Mack.
$10 Reward I
My little black and tan Ixih-tailed Sliep
heil dog, "Bob," has been lost three or
four weeks; was lust whui at Yam-leave's
place on Trail fork. The above reword
will Iks paid upon his delivery to ma at
Condon. John Maddock.
' For Sale,
A band of .good cows and calves. Also
a hand ti extra good mares and colts.
These cattle and horses are all young
and gentle, most of the horses t'ing
broke to work, I will sell or trade for
sheep. Apply to H . T. Tropt-t, Clem, Or.
To the Public.
"I reswrtfully announce to the public
j that I keep constautlv on hand a la rue
quantity vit' the Trv Ix'rtt quality of flour
at my tlounng uun, wiiscn l ! tnjtv ikt barrel. In exchange
I will 'ive Hf of Hour for one btulxd
of g'Mid, werciiantable wheat..
J. A. Ckum, .)it.'X', Os1;.
y OH U
And Everything Else Usually Kept In a
First-class Mercantile Establishment.
A Few Green-eyed,
who are jealous of our guccess, will
But if you iraot proof that our prices are not . hih, mm an-.l see us;
and we wiirfurnish the proof. We admit that our prices
are war prices, but it is OUR war prices
on the old nn-American, mossback system
of selling you sugar "below cost" and cutting your throat
when you buy anything else. That is not our way of doing business.
and when you have anything to buy, and have the money with which
' to buy, we will challenge vour satisfaction.
Condon Hotel,
Condon, Oregon.
This Large New Hotel is the Most Comfortable and Best-Fur
nished Hctel in Gilliam County.
First-class Accommodation and Low Rates
The table is supplied with the lu-ht that the market arlords.
Oregon 'Avenue, Condon, Or. t
General Blacksmithing
A.XO -
The Only First-class Horse Shoei Li the County.
Come to my shop if you want first-class work
George W. Knox,
Livery, Feed and Sale Stables,
., ' At Ilinehart's barn, vet of the etore,
Condon, - - Oreon.-
A (share of tin- publii- pitirvna is very re-'peefnlly 'l'wlted.
G.. S. CLARK, Proprietor.
All kinds of Haokeniith wr'k dnie with ntnets and t liwert r&i
I kindlv desire ny friv-nils. whiMi
at n-y u'vi-
Condon, : : .
H. D O ISM Sil G,
Lazy Beer-guzzfers
tell rou that our prices are high--'-
ii ixed if any work in my lu-e, t
rh'nt on M&uj efr-'tt,
: : Orevn