THE- GQilDQH GLOBE. FRIDAY, APRIL 15, 1882. THE OFFICIAL PAPER OF GILLIAM COUNTY, OREGON. CIRCUIT COURT PROCEEDINGS. Grand jury t Albert Henshaw, fore man ; F M Shannon. John Myers, Wm Nortridge, J II Telson, E A Putnam and D F Ball. ' Court bailiff, G L Neale; grand jury batliflV H C Strtckliri; jury bailiff, Frank Stricklin. In attendance; ,Hon. Vt L Bradshaw, Jtdgej Hon. V H Wilson, ; prosecuting attorney ; J. P, Lucas, clerk ; W. L. Wil cox, Bliei-lff. Attorneys: Hon Gen Watkins, The Iallea; HS Wilson, The Dalles, Milton W ginith, Portland; H II Hendricks, Fossil ; A A Jayne and Jno A Brown of Arlington. Up to Thursday noon, the following business has been disposed of: . .- KQIUTY. ' D8 Sprinkle vsIR Dawson argued and L W .Wallace substituted as defend-1 an t ; taken under advisement until next term.. 8 D Hoy vs J L Robinson continued. American Mtg Co vs D lluber dis missed on motion of plff. Assignment of J A W Seoggin contin ued. Arlington Sat Bank vs Clara D O'Bri en etal confirmation granted. American Mtg Co ys John F Parrott sonflrnmtion granted. Am. Mtg Co vs Elijah D Parrott con American Mtg Co vs Chas P Cochran et atdismissed. - . American Mtg Co vs C L Cason et al dismissed. American Mtg Co vs S V Cochran et al judgment by default IVary H Coffin vs Geo H Thomas set tled and dismissed. P Skelly vs Geo A Thomas decree of confirmation. . firjnation granted. Belle C Varney vs W E Chapman- decree of foreclosure. O N Dennv vs C D Sennett co&atiti'd iiiuM, O N Denny vs Geo Young continued. J A Blakely et al vs C D Seiinett et al continued. '' T J Kirk va W J Kirkland dismissed. Geo Thomas vs Win Welch -continu'd. H Heppner vsWm Welch continu'd. E J Keeney vs.Frank Lyons disms'd. E Huber y-J'E Frick contiuued. Mrs E AWatson vs John Putnam judgment as per offer. Jphnson Bros vs W L Wilcox to be settled as pec stipulation. . Cora Service vs E Ilendrix et al con. Taeoma Grocerv Co vs J E Smith etal judgment. . " , ' " " Alice Weaver vs D 8 Sprinkle et al submitted. . E Pineense vs Jno A Brown judg ment of lower court reversed. criminal. 1 State vs Grant Wade jury's verdict, not guilty. State vs John Scott; plea not guilty. Trial to follow State vs Rose. State vs Geo Rose; plea, not guilty. . State vs Pat Lynch ; not a trne bill. State vs F M Jndd ; plea, not guilty. State vs B F Lackey; plea, guilty He was sentenced this evening Thurs day to ne year in the penitentiary. State vb Geo H Crane; plea of guilty f simple assault fined f50. State v Oliver G Ward; a true bill. State vs A G Johnson ; sot a trne bill. . Bute vs 8 Carlisle; not a true bill. fcta ie vs E E Wilson ; not a true bill. fctate vs Ed Wileoa and Mary Wilson ; not a true bill, Meiick Scfcerve, a native of Germany, and 'bo9 McPheTsonr a native of Great Britain, admitted to full citizenship. The trial of State vs Geo Rose ia now In progress, having commenced Wedes day morning.. Balance proceedings next week. Both county tickets are nomina ted, and it is fair., to aesume that from now until the irst Monday in Jane the political pot will boil and la!ble at an ' alarming tempera ture. Nearly two months will -V4.w wvtVlv tUV sVl UJASAJ; CkLllA UU1 " ing this time opportunities will be offered for candidates to become ac . quainted with the people and to harmonize- all differences in the ranks. Gilliam county has are publican majority of about 50 or 60 votes, the total vote being some thing over 1200. V We are reliably informed that The Butte Creek Land, Live Stock & Lumber Company hag a fine stock of, 250,000 feet of seasoned lumber on the yard at its "will six miles east of Fossil ?fl miles from Condon. It has an excellent lot if Reasoned rustic, flooring and ceiling, that ie and ban been under shelter all winter. They are selling t the usual prices, with ten per cent off for cash. The roads fro Condon to this mill are gwd, and ttoae. -needing lumber before th Lost Valley mills have a stock of fiu&Kooed lumber on hand, will no doubt fce interested ia knowing: these fact?. By no twftn send money out of the tti'irrty for lumber. - Talraa Sola Preeideotes Repu-i51-gaijtes Cuban Bios Try ihara. h W. Dar Co., Cczioz, Dregcrj. BUSINESS LOCALS. ', Good batut t Downing'!, U'c per lb. "Uncle Tom' Cabin," 25c, at Parllnfr't. . 1, 2, 8. 4, 5 and 6-pil. stone Jam. L, W. D A Co. Genuine rider vinegar al Hutateaci, Rlnehnrt A Co.'. Fosull flotir reduced from 6 to $5,25 rash, at J. H. Downing'. A line of One, fnnhlonnMo jwpetorle, flrst-cliisi. L. W. Darling & Co., Condon. We are Jnatbiintlng forrhronlc couphi to cwre. "3. B," for sale by D. W. Darling & Co. Hoimetecpeni, try aome of Uie Liquid Wanning Bluing, at Darling', Condon. Fine mai of Orvcron. folded for pocket Hue, 60o eaon, at L. W. Darling it Co.'. All kind of clocks so H.ilBtead, Klncharti Co.', at prices to ftuit the time. Your llrd would sins better in a new cape. Get one from I W. Darling & Co. ladies, try our "Ket for the Weary" ahoea, and uft'er no more with sore or tired leet. If you aee It In our advertisement you will find u in our aiore. tiaisteau, i-cmenart & c:o. J. H. Miller will aatonlah you by hla exceed ingly low price. Go and aee for youmdf. Barrels, did yon tayT Yes, we have a few 5, 10 and dO-gallon aiie, L W. I), i Co., Condon. Windows, door and all kind of builder' hard ware, at Halstcad, Hinehart & Co.', Condon. Chain), table, bureau, bedsteads, and wool and wire mHttree, at L. W. Darling Ji Co.'. Coffin & MeFarland'a Cheyenne saddle fit the hone aiu rider perfect. Don't buy till you see it. Toilet aoap in endlewi variety, also the beat laundry oap in the world. L. Vt . Darling & Co. The 8. B. Cousin Cure is (imply perfect. Spend 60c with h. W. Darling, and yoa will be ready to aim;. Carta, hacks, huckboard and llKht snrtntr wag. j on always on hand at Collin & McFarland's, Ar Ungton, Something worth neelnc and nwnins thnun splendid hanging lamps, now displayed by L. W. Darling & Co. Pure strained honey "Old Oaken Bucket" brand. The fluent iu the market. Ilalktead, Rlnehnrt & Co. The German-American Insurance Co., of New York, has established an office at Condou with L. W. Darling as agent The fact can no longer be concealed that you can get the most gooug for the least money, at I. H. Downing' store. Ask at L. W. Purling 4 Co.'s drug store for the S. B. Headache cure, and yon will be given the beat headuchc medicine known. Ladies' shoes during court reduced from 12 to II. 25, cat h: and W boot reduced to fj, warranted to equal any Buckingham it Hecht. J. H. Miller hat the finest and best line of shoes in the county, and his prices also are the lowest The Buckingham & Hecht are the best. '. ' We carry a full stock of garden seed from the well-known and standard garden med house of D. M. Ferry & Co. Halstead, Rinehart fc Co. The freshest purest and best stock ct descrip tion medicines in the country cai be found at the drug store of L. W. Darling & Co., Condon. The famous "Williams Barber Bar Shaving Soap" the best in the world for the toilet and for shaving. For sale by L. W. Darling & Co. Ladies, the w.'y exart-fUtting French kid shoe is "The Vortland.11 t"nce wear a pair and vou will al-ways re-order from Collin & McFarla'ud, Arlington. , ' Jhsi received a new and complete line of deco rations in the latest styles and patterns, at very low prices. Call and be convinced. Halstead, Rinehart A Co. We have added a full line of patent medicine tooirsUM k and are now prepared to furnish anv thing in this line needed by man or bea3t Hal stead, Rinehart & Co. When von are in town don't fail to call at the tore of J. H. Miller and see how much cheaper he sells goods than the prices you have paid here tofore. It will pay yon to do so. We make a specialty of ladles' dress goods, men' clothing and hat. When anybody want the latest styles and nicest goods they go or send to Corli n Ai McFarland, Arlington. bothered with a burnt-out, broken or warped fire back in your cook stove when you can buy one of those patent adjustable hacks at Halstead, Rinehart & Co.' to litany size stove? ' The best place in the county to buy first-class goods at low prices, is at Downing's. Kvcrybodv says so; and "what everybody says must be so.'' Ail the men and boy go iuer fur their clothing. Don.t forget the Oliver ChiJ-ed when you want a plow. They are the best in the market. Vt e are the sole agents for Condon and are selling them at Arlington prices. Halstead, Rinehart & Co. A man near Arlington recently heard a comic song which tickled him nearly to death, and he is now in a critical condition. The title of the song is, "We Purchase Goods so Cheap at Down- Illg'S." A comnlete line of Indies' trimmed hatu In the Hatest imported patterns, ludie sunshades and aiior nata. trimmed ana nntrtmmea, also a neat assortment of children's straw hats, Halstead, Rinehart A Co. Subscriptions for ail the newspapers and mag azine in the I'nited states and also the leading papers of the Old countries, received by Herbert Halstead, at the postothce, at publishers' price. It will save you risk and trouble. Good shoes cost a little more, but the wear is out of all proportion to the cost Reinemberthis when buying and take nothing but the genuine Buckingham & Hecht They have a world-wide reputation for over a quarter of a century, for solid merit Halstead, Rinehart A Co. We are agents for Knapp, Burrell & Co.' com plete line of goods, consisting of wagons, car riages, buggies, buckboardB, harness, gang, mil key and common plows, harrows, seedem, drills, headers, self-binders, mowers, reapers, rakes ana ail kinds of farming machinery. Descrinlive catalogues full of information and prices upon application. Halstead, Rinehart & Co. N OTIC E. Sealed Droposals will be received at the office of the county clerk of Gilliam county, Oregon, ior ine erection oi a jaii ana court notise, to De built according to plans and soecifications now on file at said office. Bids to be opened by the county court on Wednesday, May 4, una, at one o'clock, p. m- Dated at Condon, Oregon, March id, um. j. r. lucak, comity Clerk. HORSEMEN, ATTENTION I I will make the season for mv horse "Usurner" at Condon, commencing ApriU, 1892. Theborse wiuoeatKnox s livery stawe at Condon, Mon days, Tuesdays and Wednesday of each week, and the balance of the time at my ranch on Huy creek. Horsemen . wishing to raise heavy draft horses will find it greatly to their advantage to see my horse before making arrangements else where. "Usurper" is a sure foal getter and and an excellent breeder. Terms: Insurance, $18. monev due when mares show to he with font Season, $12.50; money due July 1st Persons breeding four or more mores will get reduced rate. All money due when mares change hands or leave the country. Ms re must be fed and cared for during winter, and In rammer mare at a distance win be pastured atfl per month, but I will not be responsible for unavoidable acci- uv!lt5. V i4i0uirc ie iCiiCcu IfV u.i i I .V n i . i is ia excellent order. Pedigree: "Csnrper" (No. 3888) is a Scotch Clydes Juie, bred by Powell Bros., Springimro, Pa., and registered In the American Clydesdnle .Stud Book. Sire, "Canda bar," m. VoL (im) by "Lord Derby," 45; dam, "Bell of Scotland." "Volunteer." 88 hp byl'rlnce Charley," 629, also many prize win ners, -usurper" weigni is vjw pounds, for further particulars apply to the Htuierslgiied. H. C. Strickxakd, Condon, Or. Of Interest to Horsemen. 1 will make the Beason for lny pwre Tired Per- cheron stallion. "PROCOPEj Ing pliices: At I). Livingstone's nlnce at Ma. ville, beginning Saturday, April 2d, and at P. A. Fry's ranch on Beecber flat on April 3d. The horse will be at each of these til;iee turn riv in each week, beginning one day later each week. The balance of the time he will stnnd at my place at Fossil "PROCOPK" 1 a oapiile grav, weight 1500 pounds; good style and remarkably fine ac tion; aud is a sure foal getter. Terms, $10: in surance f 15. L . Hoffman. 'oks)L NOTICE l'OR PUBLICATION. LakdOtficb at The Da lle,()k., April 25.1S92. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler him filed notice of his Intention to moke final proof in support of his claim, and that aid proijf will lie made before Jay V. Luchs, eotin ty clerk, at Condon, Or., on April 11, '92, vU: GISK H. KEEL, Hd. VH3, for the neii nej sec 13 tp 5 of r 28 e, and ne'4 n w . lot 1, and nw1 nefi sec 18 tp 6 s of r 24 e. He name the fallowing witnesses to prove his eontlnuon residence upon and CHitlyatlon of. Mid laod. vuj: J. it. ftMlstou, il. O. Clarke, of Lose Kot'k, and Al Henshaw and E. E. ttinith, of Condon, Oregon, m- ' John W. LitwiS, Register. TO THE BEEF EATERS! Charles Fix, the Condon butcher, now fur nish e the people of Condon arid vicinity with the oholtest of tender and Juicy beef, f make it speciuity to send beef i!i ever tue eonntv ry stige. My prl'y.s are vjry r smtmble. 'nve'iae KurpanoiMgc. m4 fair tr-satntcnt will b jrtmr- XOTICE.-TIMnER CULTURE, V, S. Land (HTtCK, TllK DaU.ks, Or., Xtch'15, trj, Coinpluint having boon entered atthisolliceliy James H. Oriiter against tMiitre II, Thomns Tor fiiiltire to comply with law us to timhe-r culture entry No, '.'Kiti, tinted Dee. 27, lf7, upon the sl iic'h, s''i nw'..i and ne'-j sw1,, sec r 4 s, it r 21 e, in tiilliiim county, Oregon, with a'view to Uie CMiieeliHlion of snjd entry; coiiteHtant ullegtng thatlieo. A. Thomas did not. during the fourth year, or nt any time since plant or cultivate any ol said tract to timber or otherwise, snd that he hits totally abandoned said trai t.- The said par ties are hereby summoned to appear nt this othee on the SOt h day ot April. at one o'clock p. m., to respond mid nirnlsli testimony concern ing said alleged failure. .1. P. Lucn's, cotnitv clerk. Is authorised to take testlmonv in this case at his oltice In Condon, on April 2i, isai, at lUo'cltH'k a. in. nt IS-4 John WJI.bwis, Register. NOTICE. TIMBER CULTURE,; U. S. Lank Omcts.lHS DAixtts, Oh,,'Mc1i.23, 'id. Cotnplnint having tieon entered at this idllce bv John W. Miller, Matnoy, Oregon. against Krinitt Wilson lor fiiilnre to comply Ith law hs to tln btr vulture entry So. SiHi-l, dated Jannnrv 4, W. upon the nw4 sw1-., s'j, sw'i', sw' i se1 sec 22 tp 4sofr21e, In tiilltnin county, Oregon, with a view to the cancellation of said entry; cotitcstiint allcsing that Kmnk llson did not l.lnw R seivs during the 1st and 2d years, and ho did not plant 5 acres ot trees or seeds or cuttings during tlic :id year. The said parties are herebv sunnnoned to appear at this oillee on the 14th dnv of Ma v. imi at 10 o'clock a. m., to respond and" furnish iestl mony conueriitng said alleged failure, .1. P. Lu cas, county clerk, is authorised to take tcttlmonv in this cuso at his olllce in Condon atltla, m', May 7, lwl m-2."-4 John W. Lkwis, Kcgistcr. ' NOTICE l'OR PUBLICATION. (Timber Und, Act .Hine 3, 1H7S). : U. 8. Land Omen Thr Dalles, Or., Veh.2i). 'OS: Notice is hereby given that In compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 8, 1S78, entitled "An act for the sale of tlmlier lands in the ftatcs of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Teriltory," DKW1T C. TlOWXKR, of Matney, county of (Jill lam, state of Oregon, has this day Med In this office his sworn state ment No. 110, for the purchase of the nw'f of the sw sic 6 tli 4 s of r 23 e, and will offer proof U show that the land sought is more valuatde for its timber r stone than for agricultural punwe, and to establish his claim to said hind before the register and receiver of this otllce at The Dalles, OregiMi, on Tnesdiiy, the 17th dav of Mav. lMrj. He names as witnesses: Charles Wilson, Charles Stevens, E. A. May, Wm. Smith, of Matney, Or. ,' m4-7 John W. Lewis,' Remsler. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office atTh Dai.i.ks, Ob., Men. 2, '92. Notice is hereby given that the following-named settler has tiled notice of hi Intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and thntsuid proof will be made before .1. W. Morrow, county clerk of Morrow county, at Heppner, Oregon, oil May 14, lt2. vis: 'EUtiKNE MYERS, Hd. 41 id, for the n'i se'i and n'4 svl see 23 tp 3 s of r2S . He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous resilience upon and cultivation of, said land, vis: ". K. MeVav, Krank Holmes, 11. L. Akers and C. K. Esteb. uli of CiiKisetxirrv, Or. a 1-7 John W. Lewis. Kcgistcr. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at The Dalles. Or., March 21, is:t2. Notice Ib hereby given that the following-named sct'ler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will lie made liefwre J. P. Lucas, countv clerk of tillliam county, at Condon, or., on May 6, ISM, vii: JAMES K. KITZWATER, D, S. 7240, for the wU sw'4, m-li sw)i, sw! se' see 20 tp 3 s ofrl9e. He mimes the following" witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and culti vation of, said land, vlr: Frank Palmer, Jas. II. Nelson. J. A. Richmond and W. C. Caldwell, all of Condon, Oregon. m2.'i-B John W. Lkwis, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at The Dalles. Or., Feb. 2fi. 1892. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has tiled notice of his intention to make Dual proof in support of his Cii'im, and that ssid proof will be made before comirv judge of Gilliam county at Condon, Or., April Hi, 'H2, vut CHARIES W. Bl'RTOJT, Hd. 4287,'" for the w-J neVj', ne' sec 1 tp 4 s of r 21 e, and lot 5 sec 6 tp 4 s of r 22 e. He names tiie fol lowing witnesses to prove his contiimo'is retd deuce upon and cultivation of, said laud, viz: Oeo. Tatom, O. W. kinehurt, 8. A. 1). Hurt and Manley T, Keizur, all of Condon, Oregon. ni4-3 John W. Lewis, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at The, Or., March 21, 1S92. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of bis Intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before J. P. Lucas, county clerk of Gilliam county, at Condon, Or., on May 7, 18Sr2. viz: HENRY RENNER, D. 8. 5315, for the w'A sw'4 sec 8 tp 4 s of r 21 e. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of, said land, viz; John Palmer, VV. 8. Mvers. D. B. Trimble and J, C. Cooney, all of Condon, Oregon. m2-6 John VV. Lewi Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICVTION. The Dalles, Or., Feb. 25, 12. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to mr kf flu, 1 proof in support of his claim, and that st id. proof will be made before Jay P. Lttess, county clerk, at Condon, Or., April 11, '92, viz: JOSEPH R. RALSTON, Hd. 2033, , for fue w4 nw'4 sw sec 22, and nrti se'4 sec 21 tp 5 s of r24e. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of, said land, viz: hi. O. Clarke, O. H. Noel, of Lone Rock, and Al Henshaw and E. E. Smith, of Condon, Oregon. m4-3 John W. Lewis, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at The Dalles, Or., March 21, '92. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of her Intention to make final proof in support of her claim, and that said proof will be made before J. P. Lucas, coun ty clerk of Gilliam county, at Condon, Oregon, on May 6, 1S92, viz; BLANCHE FITZW'ATER, D, 8. 7326, for the n nVt sec SO tp 3 of r 19 e. She names the following witnesses to prove her continuous res idence upon and cultivation of, said land, viz: Jos. H. Nelson, Ernest Jones, J. A. Rlchmoud and W. C. Caldwell, all of Condon, Oregon. m25-6 John W. Lewis, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. s. Land Office at The Dalles, Or., AprH 6, 1892. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has tiled notice of his Intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will tie made before J. W. Morrow, county clerk of Morrow county, at Heppner, Or., on May 21, 1W2, viz: JOHN W. CRADICK, Hd. 3101, for the sw'4 sec 17 tp 4 s of r 24 e. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous renl dence upon and cultlviitiotl of, said land, viz: H. E. Warren, Eight Mile, Herman Meissner, Gooseberry, J. H. inskeep and C. A. Repass, of Hurdman, Oregon. a8 - John W, Lewis, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at The Dalles, Or., Aprils, Jft92. Notice is hereby given that the following numed settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in rapport of bis claim, and that said jiroof will lie inad) before J. W, Morrow, county clerk of Morrow county, at Heppner. Or., on May 21, 192. viz: HENRY K. WARREN, lid. 2238, for the r 't iieU, nw' eV and neVi sw see 8 tp 4 s of r 21 e. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cul tivation of, said land, viz: H, E. Warren, Eight Mile, Herman Meissiier, Gooseberry, i. II. ln ktep and C, A. Repass, of Hurdman, Oregon. ag-8 John W. Lewis, Register. ;- ; Nona;. U, S. LaKDOfpice. Or.. Mch. IB. ! Comol'dnt having Iieen entered nt thl olliee I jf '. S. Hayes, Condon, Oregon, against Mm of I 1. iaru. aeetsasco, ibruratudouiiur Un Itoiuo stead entry No. 2313, diiteii ict. 1, tiion the n'4 14 M tj5 of r 24 e, in (iillium countv, Oregon, with view to- the catieellaUori of snid entry, the nuid'partiex are hereiry snminosicdto Uppir at tnis oillee 011 the 14th flay of May, lit 10 O'cim-k tf. m.. to rr-Arioii,! imri ft,.r,;h j mony con"ermng Md nllugert abiiii'iotimi-Ml, M O iark, ,. P , is utly's"il to''l I mony in lm ei:M) id biaotitiv 111 Lone liix'k, ir ! wm, lit )0'nlx!k . m., Mny 7, 1H1C ' i r,w-i J-xiN W, Lnwis. Pci'lsler SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of lho State of Oregon for Gilliam County, , I,. W . Darling, Pbilntltf, vs, George W. Stephens, Defendant. To (kcorge W, Stephens, the shove-named de fendant: In the niiiiio of the tate of Oregon you are herebv required U appear fn theiilxivu-iiaihed court and answer the complaint tiled against you in the above-entitled action by the above named plnlntlll within ten days from the date of the service ol this summons upon you, If served upon you In Gilliam countv; or it served upon you in any cither countv in the Stale of Oregon, then within twenty days from the date ot the servlceof this summon upon yon; iiiul if surved iHHin you by publication, theu'von are hereby re quired to aptiear and answer by the first day of the rnn of the above-numcd court following the expiration of the time piesciitx d iu the order for puliliciitioii nf this siunmotis, to-wit: The 11th Day of April, 1892. and If you full so to answer, the said plain till will apply to the said court for the relief de manded in said complaint, whleh Is for Judg ment and decree ugaiiist you for one hundred ami twenty-seven dollars and eighty-seven cent (J127.S7) and interest Horn Decemlwr 17, 1WH, and for twenty-live dollars (f2."0 attorney fee and fur the costs mid disbursement oi this action. The. dntenf the order fur pnhlieitllou of the above summons ia February 9, wA m H I.. W. Paulino, Plaintiff, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at The Dalles, Or.. Fob. 25, 1892. Notice Is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his Intention to make Hun! proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before county Judge of till. lid iu county, at Condon, or., on April .10, 12, via: ' HENRY 0. DOD.SON, Hd. 2.M7, for the swl, sec 20 tp 2 s of r 21 e. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous resi dence upon and cultivation oi, suld land, vix: Chas. W. Wester, Grant Wade, Fremont Wudoand C A. Danucinun, all of Clem, Oregon. iiit-H John W. Lewis, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at The Dalles, Or., Feb. 25, 1892. Notice Is hereby given that the following named settler has tiled notice of his Intention to make final proof in sujiport ot his claim, and that said prnot will be made before countv Judireof Gilllum county at Condon, Or., on April IU, lt9J, viz: CHARLES W. WESTER, Ud. 2,ril9. for the M'i-4 see 20 tp 2 of r 21 e. He names tho following witnesses to prove his continuous resi dence upon and cultivation of, said land, viz: Henry (.. Dodson. Grant Wade, Fremont Wado and O. A. Danneman, all of Clem, Oregon. ni4-a John W. Lewis, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at The Dalles, On., Mch. 21, '92. Notice is hereby given that the fol lonlng-named settler has tiled notice of his Intention to make ftnul proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before J. W. Morrow, county clerk of Morrow county, at Heppner, (Jr., on April SO, 1892. viz: FRANK WARD, Hd. 4288, for the swl4 see 28 tp 8 s of r 2:? e. He name the fellowtng witnesses to prove his continuous resi dence upon and cultivation of, said land, viz: John If. Tttrley, J. O. Mcggs. Tom Purnian and George Parmttn, all of Gooscbcrrv, Oregon. m2.r-f , John W, Lewis, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at The Pallks, On., March I, 1892. Notice is hereby given that the following-named settler has tiled notice of bis intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that antd proof will he made before W in. J. Mariner, coun ty judge of Gilliam county, at Condon, Or., on April 21, IsM, viz: WILLIAM 3. SMITH, Hd. 2925, for the eV ne'i, nw'4 nA see si. seV w-14 see 27 tp4ofr22e. He names the following witnes ses to prove his continuous resilience upon and cultivation of, mild land, viz: W in. F. 1 hurnn gle, of Condon, John Harrison, Jas. (.'odd and E. A. May, of Matney, Oregon. tn4- John W. Lewis, Register. Petition for Liquor License. To the honorable county court of Gilliam coun ty, Oregon: We, the I'tiderslKiied legal voters of Condon -precinct, Gilliam county, px-tition that license he gran ted Pat rick : ki llv to sell spirit tons, nu ll and vinous Hip or- In hKs qv.antitk'K t mn one gallon. In ssid precinct ior the penod of six months. Dated Jitiiiiarv 28, 1W2. C VV Htirt'in, Al Moore, W F Thurnagle, H M Hos. J (' Coimey, T Kelz'ir, John Madilock, J W Wake, .los 'lrevetr, T (.' Keizur. h N tirliler. j F Cooke, R Seeknmp, J M Urown, Harry Halstead, H-rhert Halstead, G, W. Rine'mrt, H I Kliutl, ii N Fnizer. W. ft Myers, TIkmi Dillon, Matilev kei zur, Jacob Hlebl, 11 r-cekamp, AtU-'tlst Keckamp, J A Potter, John Palmer, I) C Henry. H Hilling, A Hsrtinun, F Ward, C Glasgow, Wm lumliip, J W Uurr. J P Uxmev, J A Riser, fl M Moore, 8 V Moore, A J Moore. 0 I. Raker, J A I.lnn, 1) Ward. T Thompson, R F Looney, Wm Cooke, Dal Rice! Wm Mvers. " To all persons whom It may concern: Take notice that 1 will apply to the honorable count y court of Gilliam county. W ednesday, the 4th day of May, WJi, at one o'clock, p. in., for the license mentioned In the foregoing petition. Dated at Condon, Oregon, April 2, 1H92. 8. Patrick fig em. v. UNION '.PACIFIC - RY. SYSTEM. TICKETS ON BALE TO DENVER, OMAHA, KANSAS CITY, CHICAGO, ST. PAUL, ST. LOUIS, -AND ALL POIKTH- EAST, NORTH AKD SOUTH. Through Sleepers, Reclining Chair Cars and Diners. Steamer From Portland to San Francisco Every Four Days. TICKETS TO AND FROM EUROPE. For rate and general information cull on or aUdress,' " ' ' .... W. H. HntusCRT, Asst. Cienl. Pass. Agt,, 54 Washington t , Portland. Or. REAL'M.ERIT PILLS? NOll If you take pills It Is because you have never -tried the S. B. Headache and LIverCure. It work so tiieifl, cleansing the Liver and Kidneys; actso a mil l physic without causing fiui or sickness uud docs uot stopyou from eat ug and working. To try it is to become a friend to it,., fijr gate .uy L. W. DARLING & CO., ccwnoN, - : -' - ohkoon. Cfi at-TOsi.-n'. ; I'sorsT.etSTSKOCHtsscsrwoosm V a'I.IABl.S,SCSOIORCArU3IU t.LKHa JV't W or emaT' near r tow nstc. istimuti eivtu. k f (I tsX rv loll) AN APRIL FOOL? NOT A BIT OF IT, -IF YOU HALSTEAD, RINEHART & CO'S. Nothing can Keep us Down. Open the Door, Up We Come. Our : Main : Spring IS PUBLICITY. The raoro people know our prices, goods ami fair dealing, the greater crowds we have in the etore. -CALL HALSTEAD, RINEHART & CO. CONDON, -:- OREGON. GREAT BARGAINS! -I respectfully Invite NEW - BARGAIN - STORE and get prices of my new and choice stock of , General Merchandise. I do not want to talk very , will say this much: I can every dollars' worth you buy DOWN WITH "Quick Sales and Small Profits. Live and Let Live," is my motto. Give me a call and I will prove to you just what I bay. No trouble to show goods. J. H. MILLER, CONDON, - : - OREGON. VV. L. McKenzii, Pres. 11. II. IIekorickh, 8ec. Chas. McKkkjb, Treat. Butte Creek Land, Live Stock and Lumber Company. (INCORPORATED). Authorized Capital, $50,OOQ, Paid Up Capital, $15,000. This company has at its steam saw ami pinning mills on Butte crock, 8 miles east of Fossil, constantly on hand a lurgo and well-assorted stock of S S 8 SS ST . . ' S S S S M . S s s s . . LUlVlbtK Uh ALL IUHUJ). It is the aim of this company to keep a full supply of eaioned rough lumber and flooring, ceilinj?, rustic and surfaced lumber, always ready for its customers. Its facilities for turning out lumber are superior to any in Gilliam countv, with sped to quantity, quality and variety. Tho best six miles of road in the county leads from this mill to FohhiI a slight down-grado from tho yard to town. Wo sawed 750,001) feet during the season of 1891, of which about 250,000 remains In the yard, thoroughly seasoned for the spring trade of 18i)2. We have a building 24xii0 in which is stored about 50,000 feetof fine rustic, flooring, ceiling and other dressed lumber, all which we sell at the customary prices... We are sparing nO pains nor eipense to furnish our customers with all kinds of seasoned lumber, at any season of the year. VSTWe will pay the highest market price for steers either calves, yearlings or two-year-olds, on old or new accounts; CHAS. Eugene B, Stti ith, Condon, i - s - j Oregon. DEALER IN HARNESS, SADDLERY, WHIPS, SPURS, CHAPS, COLLARS, QUIRTS, ETC. i HAND AND MACHINE-MADE HARNESS. f Repairing a specialty ,. Call and see me when you are at the county eeat. MY PRICES DEFY COMPETITION. ' DEAL AT- ON- you to call at my- loud -through the press, but I save you 25 tfa) per cent on compared with former prices. ' HIGH TARIFF I McKENZlE, Manager. i V" 4 - I ! I. ..vv. V