Condon globe. (Condon, Gilliam Co., Or.) 189?-1919, April 08, 1892, Image 1

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t USUBaaD KVKHr IKIllAf BY ' . Vi
Profeulonal crd... , f l 00 per month
One qnare 1 50 tier monrk
One-(ii!U r column H So er month
One half col am n 6 00 per month
One column io oo per month
Butlnm localu will be charged at 10 rent, per
line for flmt lnaertlou and 5 cent, per line there
after. Legal advertisement will In all caw be
charged to the party ordering them, at legal
ratea, and paid for before affidavit la furnlihed
E4Hr Mild Proprietor,
f Wfoyenr (Invariably lii advance) II 50
Mil OKiiitlm , i oo
, Thro aiuiiilii 76
mule eople .,., 10
" i
" Kntrred at tht iVii(fl; at Condrni, Qrrgon, at
lt(iuiul-clnt$ nuttl mutter.
' United Slate..
Prel(1cat,.. ; llKNJAMIH If ammo
vice I'renlUeut I.KVl P. MoktoH
Heoretery ol mate Jankn O Hi.aink
Hwrolary of TreaMiry (,'iia. Foitkh
nonrotary ot Interior t J. W. Noiil.c
neorotaryof War........ Htri-iikm H. Ki.kikh
Heoretary of Navy B. K Tracy
PiwtmanUjMidueral ...Joiim Wamanakkh
Attorney-General W II. II. Mim.ks
Bwireuryoi Agrluulture Jkhkmiaii Ki'nu
State of Oreaon.
Oovernor , , h. Pkmnov
rmriry ol slate U W. McHhiii
Trea.rer..... full. Mkthi.'Iiak
bum. or ruttiio luitriiolou K. II. Mi ki.hov
Senator. )J. H. MiTHKl.t
... I J, N. piil.pii.-
CotigfM(mau B Hxkmahn
rrmter.. ..,. Fhakk (!. Bakkk
. K. H. Hi ha II All
oopreme Jungi w. I' Ubu.
IK. 8. Ill;
seventh Judicial nialrlct.
Joint Heuator Hilton
I'roaooutliig Atturuey W. H. Wii.n
7 Ollllam County.
Retreaenutlr W.J. Miii.urt
Judge. , w. J. Mahim
Clark..,...,,.... jAt y, ,i A,
HlierlfT. , w. I, Wimox
Tn'aurer..... ., . II. 8, Kwimi
A.iHwtor .....Davio Ma.on
Surveyor . II. . Ili'w.m nr
Mohool Kuperluteailuut Let in Harkkk
Coroner It, It. Hakkin
Block Inspector Alki Dutiiim
Condon I'rerlnrt.
Ji ceof tho Paava Hroiuiii Tatom
' t'Vnauiale Dan Kinkhamt
Villon Pitclllu Railway Tim Card.
Taklnt rTtt January I. wn. train, will arrive
and leave Ariluuui.i aa follow, via.:
Train Na. J, faat mall, :ve Arlington dally
ftt 2:H A.M.
Ki. , I'aolllc ipreaa.leavea Arlington dally
at 8:10 r. M.
Train No. 1, font mall, kavei Arllugton dally
at 1 :6 A. M.
No. 7 Paalflo axpreao, leave. Arlington dally
at.Mr. N.
iiarrma kanck train..
Train Mo. 3! arrlt o from Heppner dally,
eetrlunily att . m.
N V W li-ava lur ileppuer dally, exct-pt Han
day, at I'M r. .
Tor lugh tl- ket. aold and luggage checked
thmugli u all point. In the Oiiiuxlmet. atU rl. COl.USrt, lirk.t Ag.nt,
Arllogtan.Or. '
F. 4 A. M.-MT. MOKIAII IXlXiK. tin. N
i'V, Hfaled co-nmenli atlnna on flr.tHaturday
eveiiltig. altvr Scat iltrv. of roch month. Ho-
oHriilii. br.'hren In good aland ng ara cord tally
nvltwl U atli-nd. P. F. CA.4UK, W. M.
IUrhkbt HaLntkad, Mwrrtary. . '
very 31 anil 4ili Hbii Uv lut.'-h rooinh at
i ondnn. mornng and eveufng, aud at Matncy
. echoolhuiiM at i t. m. Every lat and Id Kumlay
will )ifTaciia& inm vine. tnurwwmw avvuiNK'
for gentlemen, worth $20 for wenr. Twelve cloth samples, fashion plte
i and measurement blank free. Postage, 6 cents.
v Ed It. Huntley 5 Co., Wholesale Gentile Tailors,
When ordering samples please ' mention Cokdon (Gilliam eounty,
Is five miles east of Fopsil and fifteen miles southeast of Condon. This
large new mill turns out, and has on the grounds at all times, sb good
and clean lumber as can be found on the Pacific Coast. First-class
seasoned lumber of all kinds in any quantity. This mill is the most
r accessible for the people of Fossil and southern Gilliam county, and
1 keeps better lumber and sells cheaper than any other mill in that sec
tion. Lumber will be delivered on top of the hill without extra charge.
' Clear surfaced per M, $25; second-class. $18; rough, $10, ..
GEO. J. METTEER & CO, Proprietors.
Condon Livery
Good horses for hire at reasonable rates. Special attention given
to tran8ieriitod ,
If you have a horse or anything else that you want to trade, be
sure to see Billy. He makes a specialty of trading horses, etc.
P. SKELLY, Proprietor,
Fresh Beer, Wines, Liquors and Cigars.
A fine billiard parlor in connection. When you feel like having a
Httll amusemen call around and see Pat. He will treat you well.
K. 1. 1. HOOAN,
Condon, Or.
Office Oregon are., nest door to UUibt olllee.
Condon, Or.
Office at retldence of Major I. in an, Oregon
AY P. MfC AH, Comity Clerk,
In a neat and careful manner,
Condon. Or.
Collection, made and prompt return, given.
Notary Public and Conveyancer,
Condon. Or.
Collection, made with dl.ratch.
Kcpri-Miii. the Herman-American and the
North et Fire and Marine InantaH'C Company.
AfM.T TO tllR
Phcenix of Hartford. "
, , Cath Attn, $r,fiti,,Hli,.i$.
Herbert Hal. lead. Agrot, Condon. Or.
Contractor and Builder,
Condon, Or.
Katlinatc. turnl.hcd on application. Will guar
antee to make anything In wood from a teu-
tory building down to hornet.' net.
s.aKUERr - if. mThoms,
Carpenters and Contractors.
' Condon, Or.
. All klndi of carpenter wark done with dla
patch at the mint reaionable chaige.
Olllceln .iroet wherever you can find them.
'Painter and Paper-Hanoer,
Condon, Or.
All kind, of painting and papering dona at
mm!ra ratee. Give me a chain).
I have been on the bench over twenty rear..
ami am matr at the hu.liiM.. Bring on your
order.. All my work guaranteed.
Hluip In tho Fix balldlng, at ecalei, Condon,
Or. ,
KI.IN(jTON-FOK1L, daily btauk use.
E. A. Nfl.on, Proprietor.
Foul I 6 oo Return, 10 00
Mayv lie ft (W Ke urn. 00
Condoii . 4 00 Return, 7 N
Clem II Oil ...Return, I 00
Wet 2 00 Return, 3 00
l.oavce Arlington every miming (Snnrtay ex
ccpted" at a-.WoVI'Wk. daeat Condon at S r.
m , aud arrive, at at 7 r. .
and Feed Stable,
The Senate Passes the Bill Making an
Appropriation for Completion of
Cascade Improvement.
The House Committee on Agriculture
nai authorized a favorable report on the
raaaoeK pure-liXKl Mil, with some
Tho Ptivnlltin nncitstffi.a ham tiaan Bt.i-
tied by the resiirnation of Mrs. Clare
1 ..... .1 .1 . . .. 1 1.
icarwjy aim uib revoinmenuauon vy an
factions of Mr. Jolmuon.
Representative Geary of California
has introduced in the lloase a bill to
prevent the ue of substitutes for hops
or pure extract of hops in the manu
facture of ale or beer.
An appropriation of $81,833 is carried
in a bill introduced by Senator Vilas,
nmvidinir for thn miri-lmaa nf tha Ktnr.
Keon Bay ship canal. The canal is to be
ueuvereu to tne government tor use as a
ree-water bay upon payment of the
amount annronriftUxl to thn rrm nan v
owning it.
The Senate naaied witfirmr. anv HnViafa
except an argument from Senator Frye
upon the Columbia river Senator Dolph'a
bill niakinflr a llimti annrnnrintinn Inr fha
completion of the Cascades imnrove-
TT .I. .1 A a L
ucuv. uuncr nio cuiurm-i. nvgiflm in lue
river and harhnr hill thia trill raniU.
Senator Dolph's bill inoperative, but
there is a possibility that Senator Mitch
ell may secure the adoption of his bill as
an amendment to the river and harbor
bill in the Kpnata. If ,la
yreat work will be accomplished for the
uoiutnma river, ine votes for these im
Drovemnnta warn rirnptinallu iininimnni
onlv four bninir airainHt. nna anil niuM
against the other. The Oregon Senators
are leenng very goon over the victory.
Senator Squire, although he voted for
the bill, seemed to think that Oregon
was getting the best of it. He said he
thought it was about time Washington
should receive some consideration, as
the shore line along Puget Sound and
other nlacAa were r.t
imnortance commerciallv than thn f".n.
lurabia river. Although the Columbia
river divided Washington and Oregon,
and even if it should Via nnonnH It n an
that the wheat of Eastern Washington
could go down the Columbia river, it
would be of some benefit to the eastern
nart of the State, vpt it wan nf fvtm m or.
cial interest only to Portland.
i. M. Klilnebart. Proprietor.
LrtTti t'linlnB errr mnrnliif rpHnilat. i
eepladi at :)0 o'clock, and a iie at Un Rock
at VI M. via Matner and L,ot Vmlley.
Fare, ll.OO. Round Trip, S3. AO.
lr. Ruck, OR.
J. B. OolT, froprletor.
KeODI alwavl Oil hand M 11.ltia P.mrm nA
Tobaccos, Dns Caodlen, Hcbonl Buppliex, Toilet
Artii'lri. KtHtli.nery, liarv and Tovi. and evaiy
tliltig' elm utnally lotuid In a nountry varialy
Kvuryiblnn I handle U flrt-clni. and my
prlr ar the lowcitt. (1t me a trial.
G. T. WELLS, Proprietor.
Belter annum modatinni for famine run be bad
al tlila nutiM- tnmi t any other hotel
in town.
Board and loigliigperdny n oo
Boanl without louglug pr week b 00
Meali , 25
Bid 2i,
Qlre thlt hotel a trial and be rooTlnred that It
la the bcit place to (top at In Arliugioo.
Main Street. One Block From Depot.
Headquarters for T. P. A. N. W.
djolutnir the depot, It U very convenient for
paucuiure irom me oar i country who
have to leave by nlgbt traliu.
Ifier wird Deutsch gtsprochen. On park
No Chinese. Meeti all train n.
J. W. BENNKTT, Proprietor.
Our Wonderful Remedies.
Dr. Grant's Syrup of Wild Grape Root. -
l no great blood purifier and
is the product of Oregon soil.
Dr. Grant's Kidney and
or the cure ot .Bright s Disease, Diabetes, Biliousness, Sick Head
ache and all kidney troubles. Retail price, $1.
Dr. Grant's Native Discovery.
l no great female remedy. For the cure of diseases and complaint
peculiar to females. Sold under & positive guarantee. Retail
price, $1.
Dr. Grant's Cloalo.
The great dyspepsia conqueror; will positively cure dyspepsia and
all its kindred ailments. Every bottle sold under a p'ositive guar
. antee to effect a cure; or money refunded. Retail price, $1.
For Sale by L. W. Darling & Co., Condon, Or.
Nevada's Wool Clip Clean
and Heavy.
Large Acreage of Wheat and Barley in
e Southern California, CoBur
, d'Alene Mines.
A new opera house for Tab Angeles is
one of the early possibilities.
A gang of clever burglars and sneak
thieves ia doing Idaho towns.
The water is so low in Sal ton Lake
that the salt company has begun taking
out alt.
The Southern Pacific is replacing its
Chinese section men with white men in
the South.
San Diego will give its regular board
ers in the county jail employment in
packing oakum.
The Arizona Sugar Company has been
incorporated at I'txenix, with a capital
stock of $500,000.
The residence of Brighani Young, in
Salt Lake City, is now used as a Keeley
cure establishment.
The wool clip in Nevada is reported
nnuftially heavy and clean. The sheep
wmtereu spienaiuiy.
The Superior Court at Los Angeles has
sustained the validity of the prohibition
ordinance of Pomona.
The Cave Creek onyx mines, in Mari
copa county, A. T., have been purchased
by a flew York syndicate.
The Woman's Christian Temperance
Union and the saloon-keepers of New
Westminster, U. (J., have declared war.
The Consolidated Canal Company has
been incorporated at Phcenix A. T. Or
ange groves will be planted along the
The Cwur d'Alene mines are to be
opened soon. The resumption of work
in that section will give 1,000 men em
ployment. The natural gas well on I. W. Hell
man's ranch on the edge of Los Angeles
continues to give every indication of be
ing a stayer.
Citizens of Portland, Or., are demand
ing that that city secure four public
parks of 200 acres each in addition to the
one already owned.
East of Boise City, Idaho, are several
hot springs, and a scheme is incubating
to have the hot water conveyed to the
residences in the town.
Railroads at Los Angeles are cutting
and slashing rates to Eastern points.
Tickets to Kansas City cell for f 15 and
to New York for from 18 to f25.
The miners in Nevada county, Cal ,
are rejoicing over the prospects of Cam
inetti's debris bill becoming a law, the
House committee having favorably re
ported it.
The Bradstreet Mercantile Agency re
ports fourteen failures in the Pacific
Coast States and Territories for the past
week, against fourteen for the previous
week and ten the same week in 1891.
J. D. Smith has been convicted of
murder in the first degree at Sacramento.
He was connected with the conspiracy
to rob and murder R. Alien for his
money. Smith's two companions are
under sentence for murder in the second
C. H. Bane, President of the defunct
Silver City and Deming (N. M.) national
hanks; F. 11. Siebold, cashier of the
Deming bank, and Chase, cashier of the
Silver City bank, have been arrested on
a charge of embezzlement.
Every report says that such an acreage
of wheat and barley as is now in the
ground has never before been planted in
Sout hern California. Thousands of acres
in San Bernardino county that have
never produced anything but sagebrush
have been planted to barley because of
the big market there has been for that
grain this season,
Marcus Pollaskv's surveyors have
started by the Mad River route to ex
amine the country between Eureka and
Red Bluff, Cal., for the proposed rail
road construction. There is a division
of opinion at Eureka as to the earnest
ness of Pollasky and his backers in this
move, and the general disposition is to
aid the undertaking and give it a trial.
system tonio. 1'urely vegetable, and
Retail price, $1.
Liver Cure.
Philadelphia Will Contribute a Choice
Collection of Historical Relics
at the Exposition.
Newfoundland has decided to partici
pate in the exposition.
Wiarinain will ornanil rvm nnn
.. " ..... . v ... UJAIU 1 LB
horticultural exhibit. Cranberry culture
win do uiwie especially prominent.
S. J. Hunter nf Novaila tn V,o
collection of oyer 11,000 varieties of
wooas, petniactions, etc., which he pro
poses exhibiting at the fair.
The marble slab presented by the Em-
Dress Joflenhinfi tn Panama mill Ha in.
eluded in the exhibit from that country.
viiiuitti consent ior its removal has been
The limit of tha tlm In urhtoh SMa.
- - - " -. . v uvon.g
and Territories and foreign countries
must accept the sites allotted them on
the exposition grounds has been fixed at
June i, uregon will please take
The Cunard Steamahin rnmnmi, ha.
applied for space in the marine section
oi tue transportation Duililing to show a
Series of models illnatratincr tho annaA
of "ocean greyhounds" and the devel
opment of transatlantic travel.
It is now considered rerfjiin that, tho
Drominent eto.hera in this mnntn
co-operate heartily with Chief Ives in
t ; ji i . .
luroiing ior aispiay in tne art depart
ment a collection of a retrospective ex
hibit of etf himra maAm ainr-o tho. timo nt
the Centennial collection in 1876.
Michigan ia vnina tn enmn nnt iimm.
in the World's Fair. Mn Mian tl imn .
000 worth of Michigan J amber will be
used in the buildings, and $450,000 will
go to Michigan contractors. "As to her
exhibit," says a Michigan man, "she
will have the best mineral, forestry, fruit
and flahery exhibits on the grounds.
The Arkansas World's Fair Board has
selected ten acres near Little Rock,
which it will have cultivated with the
view of raising various agricultural prod
ucts for exhibit at the exposition. The
board has made arrangements to send to
Chicago for the forestry building speci
mens of pine, white oak, red oek, sweet
gum, Cyprus and walnut.
The city of Philadelphia will contrib
ute to the Pennsylvania exhibit a choice
collection of historical relies now in pos
session of Meade Pist, G. A. R., George
W. Cliilds and the Drexel Institute;
representations of Benjamin Frankiin,
Stephen Girard and other old-time cele
brated citizens; the famous "liberty
bell," and other exceedingly interesting
objects. Applications for space for ex
hibits are verv nnmernnn frnm TVnnacl.
It is announced that the Charleston
(Mass.) navy yards will furnish the
eaninnientfl of thn imitnr.inn hottlo al,in
Illinois, which will contain the exhibit
of the government navy department.
These equipments include twelve ship's
boats, including two steam cutters, four
ordinary cutters, one sailing launch, two
dingies, one whaleboat. one gig whale-
boAt and ona hal.a anrl a mmnlotA oaf
of ship's furniture from navy camp stools
ivr cuiuww. aiuowarue eigniy pieces
King Humbert of Italy to Visit Eng.
land-Pivderewski the Recipient
of a Silver Wreath.
Ignatius Donnelly has ciphered out a
new theory about the grip. He thinks
it ia caused by star dust through which
the earth passes.
President Harrison get up his State
papers in a legal and red-tape stvle, just
as if he was preparing briefs. They are
neat, compact and concise.
General Gourka, Governor-General of
Russian Poland, is a hale and vigorous
soldier of 64 years, and he is not going
to resign his place aa has been reported.
The Czar knows his value too well.
. Bev. J.C. Schwerin, a Congregational
ist minister, who died last week at Eau
Claire, Wis., was a noted hunter, and
was for many years generally considered
the best rifle snot in the Northwest.
The birthday anniversary of the Em
peror of Russia, who ia 47 years of age,
is also the wedding anniversary of the
Prince of Wales, who has now been the
husband of the charming Princess Alex
andria for twenty-nine years.
King Humbert's approaching visit to
England is said to be due to the grati
tude he feels when he recalls that Queen
Victoria was the first of the European
sovereigns to recognize the young king
dom of Italy thirty or more years ago.
The only survivor of the brave band
of Texan patriots who signed the Decla
ration of Texas Independence at Wash
iagton on the Brazos river March 2, 1836,
is W. C. Crawford, who now at the age
of 86 is living in destitution at Alva redo.
Simon Newcomb, senior professor of
mathematics in the United States Naval
Academy and professor of mathematics
and astronomy at Johns Hopkins Uni
versity, has just received his diploma of
election as an honorary member of the
IiOyal Institute of London.
Paderewski has been presented by hie
Boston admirers wi h a beautiful wreath
of laurel in silver. They were consider
ate enough not to insist that he should
wear it as the Roman conquerors wore
theirs. They did not want to disarrange
his hair.
Some of the wisest scholars delight in
the collection of pamphlets. Indeed
there are pamphlets which attracted lit
tle notice at the time of their publica
tion a century ago that are now worth a
hundred times the price then asked for
them. Dr. Edward Everett Hale is one
of the pamphlet collectors. He keeps
his in a series of baskets suspended by
rope and pulley from the beams in the
ceiling ot his study.
John Brown's Fort Taken
to Chicago.
The New York Legislature Defeats the
Bill to Annex Brooklyn . .
New York City.
A scheme has been fnrmnlatArl for min
ing beneath the city of Aspen, Col.
A subterranean river of vast extent
has been tapped in Plainfield, N. J.
Ford conntv. Kan., looks for ftfui fami
lies of Danes to settle there this year.
A new cable to connect the Central
American States with Cuba is soon to be
laid. '
James Calhoun. Dostmaater at Rio-
Pine, Wyo., is a dofaulter to the govern
Franklin. Pa., is in the th
ligious revival, business even being neg
lected. A Kansas man armlied for a Hivnrc
because his wife would no lonirer snn-
The Minnesota license law has heen
declared void, and saloons may run all
Chicago has given no its war airalnat
the English sparrows. The sparrows
now me neiu.
Another vessel loaded with food for the
starving Rnssians will leave Philadel
phia on April 13. ,
Minnie Johnson confesses to having
fired the female reformatory at Indian
apolis on March I.
Railroad officials esMuiate that only
one-third of the Western crops of 1891
nave tuns lar oeen moved.
Secretary Tracy expresses fear that the
House will be parsimonious in the mat
ter of naval appropriations. ,
The Massachusetts House has decided
to make the salary of the Governor 8.-
OtO, the present figure being $r.,000.
The bottom and 8.000.000 gallons of
water one day last week dropped out of
tha niw mu,...-;.- o. T .V. j.-
The Commissioners rercrt in favor of
the entrance of the Baltimore and Ohio
railroad into Washington City by an ele
vated road.
Reports to the Philadelphia Board of
Health of contagious diseases and deaths
therefrom indicate a death rate far above
the norma. : , . , .
The Congressional Committee on Pub
lic Lands has reported favorably on the
projected Mariposa wagon road into the
loaemite valley.
Ex-Auditor Lavelle. indicted for at
tempting to burn the Daviess county
(Ind.) courthouse, is short in his ac
counts over $18,000.
Alleged boodle transactions are - re
ported to have existed among the Brook
lyn Aldermen in giving the elevated'
railway franchise of 18X6.
The Senate Mil to change the name of-.
the customs collection district and nort
of Wilmingtou, Cal., to that of Los An-..
geies nas pas sea ine senate.
Two rain companies in Kansas are
making contracts with the counties of
that State at $600 a county to produce
from one to two inches of rain.
According to the new count of the pop
ulation of Buffalo by the State enumer
ators the total will be 284.000. The cen
sus figures in 1890 were 255,664.
A bill has been introduced in the Ohio
Legislature to enlarge and extend the
Ohio canal so that boats can be towed
from Lake Erie to the Ohio river.
The State Department officials sav that
there is no truth in the report that the
United States has established an alliance
with the Argentine confederation.
The Legislature at Albany has defeated
the bill to annex Brooklyn to New York
city. Tammany rule in the latter place
is the chief impediment to the consoli
dation. 7
At present 2.691 students are attending
the University of Michigan at Ann Ar
bor, which is the largest number ever
attending an American institution of
David Wenger. who struck a rich vein
of silver-bearing ore while digging a
well at uucoin, Mo., several days ago,
has purchased machinery, and will de
velop tne lead. ' -
Testimony is being taken at Chicago
in the disputed heirship to the estate of
Samuel Sankey of San Francisco regard
ing the title to $60,000 worth of property
situated in Chicago.
The old Harper's Ferry engine-house
fort, which John Brown stormed and
captured, and behind whose brick walls
he bid defiance to a powerful force, has
been removed to Chicago.
The recent heavy disbursements have
reduced the treasury balance to $29,651,
325. of which $12,611,201 is on deposit
with national banks and $15,225,000 is in
subsidiary and minor coin.
The Jiicaraguan government is mak
ing the most liberal offers to intending
coffee growers. It gives to a married
man 240 acres and to a single man 120
acres of good coffee ground.
Governor Flower declined to sign a bill
fixing the salaries of the Brooklyn Alder
men at $2,000 on the ground that the
Legislature should only grant permission
to local authorities to fix salaries.
General Miles believes the great need
of this country is coast-defensive works.
He thinks too much dependence is placed
on the navy. Fortifications are necessi
ties, and they may save the country from
great losses, v