- i 4 BEST WASHINGTON T7 T7TT- IN THE WORLD IS '' r ' l I4T TRF i Justice of 6 t 6 Do your banking tusiness whose Dirtttor3 and Stockholders are Borne oi me sron. a est men morally and financially in the community. J Four per cent raid on time aeposus. in voiiara wui a tart a checking account and a check is the best kind oft y a receipt for bills paid, All business intrusted to us will receiveour careful attention. ' y ramily Remedies OUABANTCtO HOUSEHOLD REMEDIES I THE CITY Beaverton B AGLEY & HARE LAWYERS Amtrku National Bank Bmlui.iQ HlUsboro ' Oregon IM R. BUMP. D. D. BUMPf IAttorneys-at-Law Hillsboro Oregon Allen & Roberts LAWYERS 715 Shetland Bid. Cot. 5th and Washington PORTLAND, OREGON ABSTRACTS CAREFULLY EXAMINED fur tflotSsa rs. ROBINSON & BARItTiT" I "Physicians and Surgeons I Oiliee at Bsavertoa Pharmacy! tiles. Phones. Beaverton, OnJ DR. PAUL W. E. CARSTENS Physician and Surgeon Div. SurzoonS, P. and P., E. & E. R. R phone 15-7. Eeaverton.O' We are not running a gro- I eery, but we qo Keep me oa kery line. THE RAKERY. "THE JUST RIGHT STORE" General Line Merchandise Everything in Hardware Prompt Delivery every day FENNEY & JOHNSTON I BEAVERTON OREGON j mm fBeaverton Mercantile Col I Groceries & Gen. Merchandise I w.. n l I l I We deliver all Good. " SHINE 'EM UP" Your Slues Neatly t!u Eeaver'tvi B S:.:neu a Shop. By -.IT TT t- lKrT LVjIlIVlm II V 1 1 . iZa x II W. E. PEGG Undertaker and Funeral Director, Sto:k Always on Hand Thone 37. BEAVERTON OREGON. . - I II i withthe Bank of Beaverton THE GITY PHARMACY Now occupies the Cady-An- derson store. Prescription filled. Stationery and Drug gist's Sundries. Hours week days, 7;30 a. m. to 8:30 p. m. PHARMACY Oregon "Electric EAST GOiNG WEST No. 80 7-07 A.M. No. 31 7-23 A M 32 7-33 34 8-CO 36 11-12 33 1-37 P.M. 40 4-22 42 6-31 44 8-32 id 10-17 33 8-00 35 11-02 37 1-53 rM 39 4-12 41 5-57 43 7-07 45 9-62 47 12-07AM NO LIMITED O. Li. THOMPSON, Aswrt. School News Superintendent B. W. Barnes will be assisted next week by N. C. Maris in organizing School In dustrial clubs. Mr. Maris (s sent out frpm tie state superintend ent's oilice. ' The officers at Harrison are: President, Ruth Muller; vice, president, Gene Muller; secre tary, Margaret Brandenberg; treasurer, Mary Conley; adviser, Mrs. Rose Truitt. Laurel school organised by electing officers, as follows : President, Cecil Smith; vice president, James Will; secretary, Grace Dailey; treasurer, Amelia E. Carrow; adviser, Mrs. Celinda Deford. Fir Grove elected as president, Raleigh Whitmore; vice-president, Arlie Everest; secretary, Hazel Whitmore; treasurer, Floyd Whitmore; adviser, Linda D. Koch. Midway school : President, John Shay; vice-president, Esth er Boleen; secretary, Mabel Bart Ictt; treasurer, Emma Wenstrom, adviser, M. N. Bonham. AMONG THE SICK William Masters ing from an attack Is recover of the la grippe or orotusmiis. Frank Kline has ha J a severe time with tin) rneaslci. having ettled in his ear. H u now im proving, comteg to town, Wed nesday. J. Stroud has had a bad time with the rheumatism, of late. I. S. Barnes is improving. Re comes down town quite often, lately. Downing Bros., cf PrcgrefF, J lmes and Parker, have beon il! f ,r quite a time with the measles. but are getting better at this wr tin Francis Allhands has beeasick nth the munps, of late. -Nel'. Pernis is feelinc hHpr lretJy. The Huber Social had an enjoyable meeting Thurs day afternoon at the home of Mrs. W. J. Lang, Hillsboro road Mrs. Niepert read "The Autobi ography of Charles Dickens.' The meeting was well attended and the reading greatly enjoyed, Following this, refresments were served, while Mrs. F. M. Cong don favored the club with music during the social hour. The next meeting will be held in tsvo weeks at the home of Mrs. Nie pert, Huber avenue. BACK TO THE FARM U : (Chapter 2.) How to keep country boys and girls at home during impression able years, therefore, has become a vital issue In the work 'of our association. This 'means 1 boost the country town, and to this end the rural community must be in duced to patronize itself in the two great Bpheres of human in- terest-BUSINESS and PLEAS' URE. First, to secure the for mer, merchants must display their wares attractively in their win dows and fill the space of their local papers with catchy sugges tions. The very things that are now drawing country trade to the city. Nothing gives a town ;i more thriving appearance than attractive windows of business display. If you haven't a good window, tear out the end of your store and put In one. It will pay you big in interest. ' Second) provide the young peo ple with wholesome amusements. Promote clean, legitimate recrea tions of every kind. Remember there are children's games) young ladies'1' games, young 'men's games and old people's games. (Alas, for the person who has grown too old to play.) Do not try to make an did lady, how ever, out of a young man. That only disgusts him and drives him to the city. Young couples want someplace to go in the evening. If you have no theatre, why not build one : At least, you could main tain a moving - picture show. Young men lpve to play billiards. 3ee that they have a good clean room for that purpose. Open up a large, well ventilated hall. See that it is properly supervised. Do not become, hostile and pro hibitive. But appoint a sane censor committee to inspect all public places of recreatton, some thing like the recently establish ed commission in Detroit, Mich. These two things, gentlemen, advertise your business and en tertain your people I Therein lies the hope of the country town. F. J, MILNEB. Pres. Nat. Indoor Game Ass'n, Evanston, Ills Big Dairy at Raleigh Raleigh, Ore. Ole Olson has rented 90 acres, west of town, for ten years, to be used for a large dairy. The rental will be $10 per acre per year. A $2,000 birn will be erected. fUE FISHERMAN'S PRAYER Lord, let me catch a school of fish So large that ever I Wher talking of it afterwards ?i!l have no cause to lie, And let the weather be so nice That I can ship them without ice. Sind me a buyer who'll pay freight And furnish boxes free. And then. Lord, put the prices r.p And I'll contended be. Peace. District The following jusice of the" peace districts were established : Hillsboro Four Hillsboro pre- cinets. U . Forest Grove Four Forest Qrove precincts and Purdin. Beaverton Both Beaverton and Cedar Mills. . . Sherwood Sherwpod and Mid dleton precinctsi - Reedville Reedville and Aloha Orenco Oreneov and Connell Tualatin Tualatin and Mulloy Tigard, Timber, Buxton, Gales Creeks and Dilley each are dis tricts. Scholls Scholls and Laurel. Cornelius Both Cornelius pre cincts, Vt-rboort and Blooming. Banks Banks and Manning. Carl-Iler, of Road Distriet No. 42, Timber, has resigned as su pervisor, and A. B. Spitler of Timber has been appointed to fill the vacancy. CIRCUIT COURT F. C. Miller is sueing Anna L. Miller f ot divorce; were married at Kingston, Ontario, April 28, 1884. Miller claims that his wife is not a resident of Oregon; He charges cruef treatment and un printable language, which fell Irom her lips with apparent ease If his' allegations an& true, will probably walk forth soon , with Jivorce. He charges, also, that she has been untrue to him, and asks to be forever freed from the woman. There "are 'no' minor children or property, either real or personal mentioned. Suit to quiet title; Geo. D. Wil- lamson and John -Ironsides vs John Fritz et ah the suit involves NE 1-4 of SW 1-4 and the NW 1-4 of SE 1-4 and SW 1-4 of SE 1-4 of Sec 1, T; 2, R. 3 W., Willa mette meridan, containing 120 acres. granted, will be entered in Torren'i Records by order of Court. 1 F. L. Brown also sued John Fritz to quiet' title on 14 acres in See 1, T. 2, S. 3 W., Willamette meridan, in this county. Mortgage foreclosure proceed ings; H. A. Webber vs Unas. G. Oberg, in east half of lots 13 and 14, and all of lot 2, in Bohart's subdivision of the Geo. W. Eb bert's donation land claim, being about 20 acres, and the amounts are respectively $1200, 1300 and and 2500 with other claims incor porated, as well as interest and costs. RALEIGH People are digging out auto mobiles near every day at bot tom of Jordan hill. H. J. Nelson of Beaverton ha? job hauling lumber from whit- ford to Olson a new barn. James Jamieson nan to use four horses to haul 20 sacks po tatoes to Beaverton over the Ra leigh Cutoff road. COUNTY COURT Guardianship matters; C. Blas er files verified petition as ap pointment as guardian of Fred Geisler; was set for hearing Mon day, April 12, 1914. Guardianship of Alex Beimrchr comes up; is property owner and a resident of this county, and was recently declared insane, as mentioned in this column recent ly. About March 23, was sent to Salem to receive proper care. Beimrohr is unmarried, and the court set Wednesday, April 22. fur the time to hear objections ii any, why Geo. R. Bagley should not be appointed guardian. Administrator petition . per taining to Wilson B. Muit'.ard, deceased, Frank Maitland files same; asks to be appointed. Es tate is probably worth $559.79, personal, in bank at Hillsboro. Heirs are Frank Maitland 41, Hattie Maitland, Harry, age 21, Walter, lohanny, Alfred, Wilsie, Wesley, children of deceased, and each are ever 21; there are fonr sons and one daughter, who caa't be locate'' Rt thip it .p. iLESS THAN Trices'.. 4 Wall Paper, Paints, Oils, Lawn Mowers, Garden Hose, Bulkl CI J T 1 J. Tl :. T.l 1 A ..i. u : 1 I D.eeus, implements, r urmiure, ?yru vuiuiuuuues, . , g Tires, Inner.Tubes, Bicycle Suppljej, , I l , an0ltHpuafl furnishing Uoeds, ' n Complete Lines , , 'At less than Portland Prices, Come in and-see our nice BEAVERTON 'HARDWARE sBeaverton LAUNDRY LAUNDRY GOES OUT WEDNESDAY MORNING; " l- RETURNS SATURDAY MORNING. " ' ; ! Beaverton Barber Shop $ 'LANES MEAT MARKET jBeef Mutton Pork Veal Best Meats jRight Prices -GlVE US A TRIALS (LANES MEAT MARKET Fruit Trees Shrubs and Berries 1ALL BEST - STOCK Low Prices Roeber Bros. Nursery C PHOTO O VINCENT (7 Beaverton Jo. 6. or just "bread?" Try TIP-TOP and Do you eat TIP-TOP PORTLAND line - oi - Dressera from $8.50 up & IMPLEMENT COI Qregonl: AGENCY A V 9 3 J BEAVERTON, - OREGON STUDIO h MAZZEIJ g Oregon. learn the difference KiNOSf