EVERY TOWN IN WASHINGTON COUNTY IS A GOOD ONE! EVEN BEAVERTON! THE M OWL Pubh'ahad every Saturday. THE NEWS IS Beaverton now has four d tors, the last arrival in town "No 348." Kobt. Johnaon threshed 41 bu or wneat ana to Du. oi oaw per acre near Cedar Mill. Here is a necuhar nuestion to Untered as becond Class mail answ-er: "Who ate ths Bi? Pie THE OWL PUB. CO. EAEL E. "FlSHER. Editor. matter, under the Act of March 3, 1879. Beaveri At the Post Office, in :n, Oregon. July 20, 1912 Subscription $ 1.00 Per Year. ADVERTISING liATES. Display ads. 75c an inch per month; readerslOc por line fcr 1st ,.nserte":ni,5c per line for all sub aejaent insertions. CIRCULATION at the Grange last Saturday? ? ? 812 "COMING UP" EDITORIAL WITH THE HIGHEST. Dr. Robert Bridges ape G9 ha: been appointed Poet Laureate of England, two his popular works are; "John Keats" and "Milton's Prosody." Why not America en courage the1 advancement of writers in the realm of American Literature by establishing a sim ilar Post of Honor for the best of our Artist of the Pen. WILL IT PAY? Every person whoridea to Port land on the Cars through the Tunnel will save 15c each way from Beavcrton (o Portland on every trip you go to the Metrop olis. "Dig the Tunnel." PROGRESS George Blasser was in Beaver ton Tuesday on business, C.Richardsen of progress attend ed the Deucher Verin Sunday at Jake uiinger s place near Eeaverton. Harry Robinson our Road Super visor has the roads in good shape around here for the Winter. H IT TTi . I 1 T11 d-i 1 :uiss reari ana riorence snyaer went to Reedville on a visit the first of the week. Emii Miller went over to the G irden City Monday. James Jamieson has been haul ing rock on the Canyon Road. Howard Hingley 27 and Esther Justine Haag 27 were granted a a licenso to wed Saturdav. Mr.llingley spent "his boyhood days around here. May his new venture be one "long sweet jour ney" is the wish of his old time friends. SCHOOL BEGINS ON SEPT. 22. The Beaverton Public School will open on Monday Sept. 22nd. with the following corps oi teachers: Geo. R. Mc Intire Prin. Miss Lelah E.Chase Room 2 Dora Van B'aricom Ivy Van Blaricom 4 I S. P. Co. HITON H.Kuehne of Tigard is thresh ing in this vicinity, with a new machine, which does No.l work. Miss Elsie Caldwell will con tinue her course of study at the Monmouth Normal this Fall. Miss Workman who taught the school here last term will attend the Normal at Monmouth this oming Winter. Messrs. Hite and H.Mctzontinc had big threshings. ' w.ii. wont man nas his new dairy barn competed. Looks fine Mr. Hite got badly shook up al Dr. Smith's place while threshing but is recovering at this writing we are glad to say. EAST GOING WEST No. 6 7-12 A.M. No. 1 &-01 AM 4 9-02 39 9-33 40 1-31 PM. 175 2-02 PM 2 f -23 3 4-42 17G 9-17 5 6-22 A.S.Markee Agent. Oregon Electric cAST GOING WEST No. 30 6-48 A.M. No. 31 7-24 AM 33 '8-42 35 11-02 37,2-02 PM 394-21 415-53 43 7-13 45 9-02 47 12-14AM ROBBING THE POOR One of tho greatest robberies upon the citizens of Oregon is the present Text Book Law, whereby nil parent have to "Dig Up" again this Fall for new school books. There is no logical reason under Heaven why the school books of Oregon have to be changed, except to put more money in the pockets of the Big Book Corporations, that ehould be spent for food clothing and shoes for many a child. Just think of it! All children doing First grade work last term, will have three different sets of School Books before he or she feraduates, under the present system. It is high time that the citizens of Oregon knock out this abominal Text Book Law that robs many a child who is striving through poverty to obtain a pommon School Education. Mil SOCIETY. Mr. Craig the Electric Light nan arrived home from his out ing at Newport, he reports a dandy trip and looks pretty good. Etta Butterfield formerly of Forest Grove was in town last Monday. Mis Zola Hedge has been spending a two weeks vacation with her folks here. Arthur Allen went to Stevenson Washington on Labor Day to see liow the saw mill is running. Miss Vallio Stitt one of the popular members of Beaverh n 7 BARGAINS No. 1. 10 acres 2 blocks from Fanr.o Station on the Cut Off and about 1-4 mile from Whitford on theO. E. Ry. New ground recently grabbed lays rolling, fine build' in;; sight about 3 blocks frcm good school, rock "road to Port, land Ideal location for a home. $400, per acre. Part cash. No. 2. New two story 8 room house newly papered and painted with two lots, good garden patch, Electric lights and side walks only 7 blocks from depot located in the residence part of Beaverton. Will sell for $1500, $300. cash balance on time. . A fine home for somebody. No. 3. " 5 acres fine garden land short distance from 3 railroad stations best of soil on -the Sholes Ferry Rock Road. R. F. D. goes by your gate. ?400. per acre about 1-2 cash . No. 4. 60 acres timber land 93;-4mi. from Beaverton and 5 1-2 miles from Sherwood, or 3-4 miles South of Rowell's store Scholl Ore. all level land, living Spring of water on place. Red Shot Soil 1 1-2 miles from the famous Ferd Groner's place. Portland Eugene and Eastern R. R. has survey through place 1 ill -wv last i'eDruary. iuu. per acre $2000, cash balance for 5 years at (! per cent. Small Saw mill and Planer goes with place. No. 5 1 1-4 acres laying high in good location fVr building sight on North side of street. No dust. $700 per acre Good terms. 2 1-2 or 5 acre tracts running North and South high elevation for residor.es, 1-3 Onion Land Onions growing now for garden, and rolling slope for strawberri es toward the South. No. 6 1 o-l miles West of Beaverton 5. OS acres. Part of Huber tract over 2 acres of Logan berries 2 acres oats and vetch, nursery stock. $550 per acre. $500 Cash Good terms. Will divide to suit No. 7 FIRST CLASS STOCK HOGS WANTED B.R.GALBRAITH Beavertor. FOR SALE CROWN ORGAN 6 OCTAVES GOOD AS NEW Owl Land Co. Beaverton. TEAM FOR SALE-1 mare wt. 1350 1 Colt 2 months old 1 horse 1200 All goes for $200 Will sell ona horse if desired S.H. Zimmerman Beaverton. Get a Hot Cup of Coffee At tho Bakery Lunch Counter WANTED- Heavy Milking Cow Fresh State age, price and quantity of milk. Call at the Owl Office or write Box 33 Beaverton FOR SALE 3 1-2 Birdsell Wagon with Bed Complete almost new. Heavy Double Hand made Harness. Fred Leasia, Beaverton Ore. One and one half H.P. Gasolina Engine Good rs New FOR SALE By narald Joh&nsen Beaverton Oregon G Room Hosue water piped in Large chicken yard -Fruit For Rent -$10. Per month. Owl Land Co. Beaverton Oregon WILKES ABSTRACT Co. HILLSBORO, OREGON 32 7-24 34 9-09 3G 11-17 38 1-46 P.M, 40 4-21; . . 42 6-41 44 8-44 46 10-17 NO LIMITED G. L. THOMPSON, ftgoot M. E. Church Sunday school at 10 a. m. Preaching 1st. and 8nd. Sundays of each month, morning and eve ning C. B. Rees Pastor. ROUND TRIP 7 Excursion Rates To The t t t Spokane Interstate Fail TICKETS ON SALE SEPT. 13 TO 17, 1913 1 15.35 SPOKANE & RETURN V" Return Limit Sept. 23, 1913 One Week's Carrnival Kingly Sports? Ui' S. Troops manuevers-National Indian Congrcss-Poul-.-J . A ' T1 . 1 T , . o men s oiiveiition-jjorDy uay-ouster S Last fctanJ-Polc J' amps-warer l .armvs Mhsk Ym? t'h ers Band-Big Races. 6 e A ers w Quickest and Most Comfortable Route is Via (a The North Bank Read nci. beaiorth Kit-h and-- 9 L, ne of Superior Service t Congregational Sunday School at 10 A. M.. 3very Sunday. Christian En deavor at 6:30 sharp. Preaching cond and fourth Sundays of each month. Rev. Upsher Pastor. LIMITED TRAINS DAY AND NIGHT R.H.CROZIER A.G.P.A. G.L. THOMPSON Agent Portland, Oregon. Beaverton, Oregon. 9 W. E. PEGG Undertaker and Funeral Director Stock Always on Hand Phono 37; BEAVERTON OREGC N Dr. Paul M. E. Carstenr. PHY8.0M AND uhgeoh PHONE 15-7 BEAVERTON OREGON V. C. DUEBER DEKTI3T ocated at the Commercial Hotel Practice limited to Operative Dentistry. Hours 10-12 and 1 to 3 ktico . ""--- i i-m nocsaway 2 1-2 or 3 acre tracts uncleared the sad waves tell sweet stories 'land about one to two Hock, they say. from two Railroads best of soil Wm. Sweeney and mother tho ; esy to clear fine for berries and I.Irs. James Barnes of Portland J orchards making ideal heme were in town Sunday greeting $150 per acre can get you the old time friends. yery be3t terms on this property There is only one thing better than a crawfish, and that ia two crawfish! Pete Van De Iley. OREGON AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE BEGINS i forty fifth ichool year September la. leu. DEGREE COURSES in mnypli9of AGRICULTURE. ENQINEERINQ, HOME ECONOMICS. MININO. FORESTRY, COM MERCE. Pharmacy. Two-year courses in aohicul. TURE. HCME ECONOMICS. MECHANIC ARTS. FORESTRY. COMMERCE, PHARMACY TEACHER'S COURSES in manual training, sricuUure, domestic science ond art. MUSIC, mcHuling piano, string, band instruments and voice culture. A BEAUTIFUL BOOKLET entitled Thr Enrichment o Rurl Ltkk" and a Cataur.UK will be mailed free on application. Addrets II. 11. TkknaxT, Registrar, liw-MiioM) Corvallis, Orecon. 700 CORDS All Kinds of Hard Wood Old & 2nd. Grovth Fir FORSale In the woods or delivered Small or larjje quantities at market prices Paint! Paint! Paint! ! ! ! Paint! ! ! Good people Listen. Look at your house. It needs paint. Now is the time to paint it while the sun shines. See Arch Chisholm the man who carries the best grade of paints, oils, varnishes etc. In the City of Beaverton. He Will Give You A Good Job And Use Good Material. gent BasR Heuter Paints And Varnishes "Made On The Coast" Beaverton Orepron. M. C. HARGROVE Complete Line Groceries Hardware Feed & Drugs Greenburg Ore. pa LVi POOL HALL A.VV.KRUGER TIGARD GF.EGGH Graves & Ruffner Groceries Ie!zg2r Oregon Owl Land Co. Behm & Gaskill Beaverton Oregon Beaverton O Meyers Pumps, PIPES AND REPAIRS P. H. Van Dehey. Beaverton Oregon reeon Spend August at "Natures Playground TILLAMOOK CO. BEACHES New hotels with every modern accommodation, cozy cottorres and camping grounds at nominal cost. " The trip down there Through the Virgin Forests cf Tillamook County Is one that should not be nrsscd 1 Two Daily Trains-Chair Buffet Car Service On the afternoon train. Low Season and Week End Fares . V From various points on the Southern Pacific. splendid fishing along the Nehalem and Salmon-: erry rivers, as well as on the briny deep, FoIJers and full inforrruticn fi-jm any S. P. Agent cr at City Ticket Office SO Sixth Strsct Ccr. Oak. John M. Scott General Passenger Agent Portland, Oregon. f OSUNSET iS' I 1 ROUTKS I Meeting of Board of Equalization. To taxpayers of Washington County, Oregon: Notice is hereby given, that the board .oi iqunization ot Washington County will meet on Monday Sept. 8th., 1S13, at the Court House in Hillsboro in Washington County, that being the second Monday in Sept. and th.3 time and placj provided by law, to publicly examine the assessment rolls of said County for 1913, and correct all errors in valuation and description or quantities of land, lots cr other prop erties end i,t is the duty of all persons interested to .appear at the t!rne and place appointed, and if it shall appear to said board of equalization that there ars any lands, lots or other property assessed twice or in the name of a person or persons not the owner of the same, or assessed under or beyond its value, ' or any lots; lan I or other property not assessed, said board of equalization shall make the proper correction. MAX GRAND ALL Assessor Washington County Oregon. M sri-sa. THIS SPACE FOR RENT. 5 s 5 i vr ct -- -a. 9 t&. t':y-rt cVwVcVVfi Fancy Butter Wrappers-At This Office