THE BEAVERTON TJMBS FRIDAY, JUNE , 1SZX. L-I-N-E-R-S Mac Cor mac Snow, ..n(t;irnoy-at-lav, Beaverton... Office, Plait Building. FOR RENT 3 acrea mile from Huber on Beaverton road, $5.00 per acre. M. E. Smart, 1200 Borthwick St., Portland, Ore. PIANO MUST BIS SOLD Will tac rlflce fine grade piano now In storage near here for Immediate sale; can give easy terms If want ed to any established borne. For full particulars addreas Wholesale Dept. Oregon Eilers Music House EUers' Music Bldg., Portland, Oregon, Get in on the ground floor for your next winter's Fir and Oak Wood Get the cash price now. See O. H. Wolf, manager. You will find him arfound the office after 5:00 o'clock P. M. every day, SOUTH OF S. P. DEPOT Beaverton Wood & Coal Yard BEAVERTON, OREGON. You Can Buy WHATEVER YOU MAY NEED IN GARDEN SEEDS, LAND PLASTER, FERTILIZERS, STOCK OR POUL TRY SUPPLIES, OR ANYTHING OF THAT NATURE. With perfect confidence at Chas.BerthoId'sfeed store You will make no mistake if all your purchases are made from W. P. McGee General Merchandise William Gladstone said: "The boy who is taught to save will rarely be a bad man or a failure' Increase your boy's and girl's chances of success by teaching them the value of systematic saving, by the use of a Nest- Egg Bank. 4 per cent on time deposits. Bank of Beaverton Beaverton, Oregon FARM WANTED Wanted to hear from owner of a farm for sale, give lowest price, and full partic ulars. L. Joiiob, Box 651, Olney, 111. TEACHERS' EXAMINATIONS Notice is hereby given that Em ma Bryant, the County Superintend ent of Washington Cbnuty, Oregon, will hold the regular examination of applicants for 8tate Certificates at Hillsboro High School as follows: Commencing Wednesday, June 14, 1922 at 0:00 o'clock a. m, and con tinuing until Saturday, June 17, 1922 to 4:00 o'clock, p. m. Wednesday Forenoon. U. B. History, Writing (Pennmau shlp,) Music, Drawing. Wednesday Afternoon. Physiology, Reading, Manual Training, Composition, Domestic Science, Methods in Reading, Course of Study for Drawing, Methods in Arithmetic. Thursday Forenoon. Arithmetic, History of Education, Pyschology, Methods in Geography, Mechanical Drawing, Domestic Art, Course of Study for Domestic Art. Thursday Afternoon. Grammar, Geography, Stenogra phy, American Literature, Physics, Typewriting, Methods in Language, Thesis for Primary Certificates. Friday Forenoon. Theory and Practice, Orthography Spelling,) Physical Geography, English Literature, Chemistry. Friday Afternoon. School Law, Geology, Algebra, Cfvll Government. Haturday Forenoon. Geometry, Botany. Haturday Afternoon. General History, Bookkeeping. Eighth Grade final examiations will be held June 8th and 9th, 1022, Program for Examinations, -Thursday Morning . Arithmetic, Writing. ' Thursday Afternoon. History, Spelling. Friday Morning Physiology, Language. Friday Afternoon, Geography, Civil Government; Reading. EMMA A. BRYANT, County School Superintendent. FASCINATION IN AIR FLIGHT Varloua Reasons Advanced Why P pie Will Pay High Price for Short Trip Through Spaes. Why do people fly? Would you care for a spin in the air so much as to spend $15 for a 20 minutes' flight? If so, what is your motive? Interviewing a half dozen commer cial aviators along Mlumi's water from on this subject brought the fol lowing facta to light: About (JO per cent of all piissongeis carried on tliu short 20 minutes' sight seeing flights are women. According to ttvinlors the types to whom scraping the clouds appeals are: The wealthy man the business man. He wants to see what flying is like. He sees the future of commer cial aviation. The short flight offers also a uovel method of entertaining friends. The "sport." He flies for the ex citement of the thing. He usually In sists on stunt flying. Then, too, an occasional flight provides a way of demonstrating to his friends his sport ing self. The average man. He finds in the short flight at $15 for himself or $25 for himself and a companion a method of realizing the thrill and pleasures of the air. He is presented with an op portunity of realizing an overwhelm ing desire at a minimum expense. 1 The large percentage of women passengers Is considered something of a) slap at those reveling In the thought that women were too timid to fly. Ac cording to pilots, In most cases wom en accept an offer of an aerial spin on the direct dare of their masculine companion. Miami (Fla.) Herald, SAFETY DEVICE IS INVENTED Signal Lamp on Roar of Automobile. f Enables Driver to Signify His Intentions. The Scientific American Illustrates and describee a signal lamp, Invented y B. R. Andreas of Manila, P. I as follows : The object of the Invention Is to provide a device whereby an automo bile driver may easily signify from the rear of his car to following auto mobiles or other vehicles his intention to slow down and stop, or of changing direction by turning either to the right Front View and Section of tho Device. or left, without diverting his atten tion from the proper management of his own car, thereby materially con tributing to the safety of his car at those of others following tn crowded traffic. How to Be Healthy The Cru$ade of the Doable-Barred Crou Practical Talke on Dieeate Prevention Prepared by th. OREGON TUBERCULOSIS ASSOCIATION (Practically evtryaitultpenon t infected wlthtuberculoels. This Infection need not be a aource of danger. To keep the latent Infection from becoming dlaeaae, bodily rail it-1 ance must e kept at ita nest. This aenea or articles snowe you now to Keep heattny.) EXERCISE FOR ADULTS GEORGE J. FISHER, M. D. THE history of man is that he has always been accustomed to vigorous bodily exercise. Consequently his muscles are numerous and large. About half the body weight Is made up by the mucltis. Thus they constitute a large part of his being. Furthermore, in his development the muscles came first. Heart, lungs, liver, nervous system, all came later. They came as a result of muscle contraction. When muscles were used In a greater variety of ways then there was need for richer blood, more elaborate digestion, and a nervous system to control them. Half the brain in fact Is given over to the care of the muscles. Thus we see that muscles are exceedingly important organs. They are relnted to all the organs of the body, They are most closely con nected with the nerves of the body and are very directly related to the brain. Well-toned, active muscles mean a good heart, strong lungs, good digestion, fine circulation, nervous control, and mental vigor. When the muscles get flabby and lose their tone the blood gets sluggish, the lungs lazy, the nerves Jumpy, and the brain dull. You cannot neglect the muscles without feeling the results at many important points. Now unfortunately most of our work today does not make sufficient demand upon our muscles. A great deal of It is done sitting still or standing still, nnd we were never made to sit still or stand' still. We were mude to be physically active. Most of the big muscles are quite closely related to the legs. We should concern ourselves with leg activity. Walking, slow running, leg bending, and body bending, and twisting from the hips are necessary, Note how quickly rapid walking or body bending affects our breathing, the heart rate, and if more prolonged, the digestion. Most of our ailments such as Indigestion, short wind, dullness of the head, are due to muscle Inactivity. Provide the activity and these will disappear. A brisk walk several times a day, indulgence in some favorite physical game once or twice a week, some muscle calisthenics in morning und evening, a dnily sponge bath with n brisk rub will put most of us in excellent condition If practiced regularly. On the other hand to neglect this practice may result In a tendency toward sluggishness, occasional bllous attacks, chronic colds, increuse of weight so characteristic now of mid-life, and shallow breathing. Some of us too are in lines of work which tend to contract the chest, round the shoulders, bring the head forward, or push the lower purt of the abdomen downward and forward, and thus lower the tone of muscles and the bodily organs which are closely related to them. In such cases exercises should be taken to counteract these conditions. All exercise should be taken with the head up, shoulders high, chest raised, and back slightly arched ; when this Is done It helps to keep the body In these positions. People who may be In occupations which overexercise certain parts should by relaxation rest the parts affected. Those who stand a great deal should lie down when resting with feet slightly elevated. Rubbing of tho tired parts in the direction toward the heart after a hot bath of the parts followed by cold will relieve the tension and the fatigue. Most adults need vigorous exercise of the muscles located between the shoulders and the knees. Those who wlBh a special set of exercises I hIioiuci advise to secure a copy of the Boy Scout Hsndbook. The chapter on Health and Endurnnce contains a gond drill for daily use. (, 1911, WHtirn Nowipapar Union.) Seldom, If ever, waa any knowledge given to keep, but to impart. The race of this rich jewel 1b lost In con cealment. Bishop HtU. WHAT TO EAT. It is not necessary to he a graduate of household economics to understand planning a well' balanced ration of palatable and nu trltous food; but it Is essential that study shnuld be put upon the se lection of foods; for a small amount of food rightly combined will ?ive more energy than a large amount illy conmineii. Some one has ;mlil that tho selection and organiza tion of food In (he diet is as iniper lunt as the organization nf ac army. A properly disciplined force of sohlinrs is more effective than an untrained mob, we will 'agree. On of the essential things to re member Is the different groups of fooda: '1. Foods which provide protein whMi builds muscle; thene are milk, eggs, cheese, meat, poultry, dried peas, beans and lentils, as well as fish. 2. Foods which furnish us starch and sugar'; these are cereals, meals, flours, bread, macaroni, potatoes and such starchy foods; gugar in varloos forms such as honey, molasses, can dles and sweet fruits, preserves, sweet cakes and desserts. S. Foods which furnish fat. Sun piled by butter, cream, olive oil, corn oil, bacon, salt pork, suet and other cooking fats. 4. Foods which supply mineral salts, vegetable acids and body-regulating substances. This is a most im portant group and has been slighted In the planning of the ration far too often. We find these substances in apples, pears, berries, melons, oranges, lemons and other fruits; In salads of green vegetables, such as lettuce and cress; In greens, like spinach, green peas, tomatoes and squash. When purchasing supplies for the family table tRlnk in terras of these groups. Some housemother will my: "My family will not eat such and such foods, or certain members ef my fam ily will not eat the kinds cf food necessary for them to keep in perfect health." With rare exceptions this la admitting your own lack of properly training the children to eat the things that they should eat "Hutu Chinese Wear Stove. Chinese women wear practically the same clothes In winter as In summer. In the most severe weather, however, they wear heating baskets under their cloaks. These baskets are plain wicker ones such as we use for trash. Inside the baskets charcoal warmers are placed. They will radiate heat for hours. The charcoal Is mixed with chemi cals that generate oxygen, and thus the charcoal will burn constantly, even I though it Is sealed in the containers, 1 Girdle Reminder of Ancient Times. Girdles of metal, adorned with brilliant ornaments, now quite com monly used largely for purposes of ornamentation in women's dress, is a reminder, or the revival of a custom of ancient times, when they were worn by both men and women to con fine to the person their long flowing garments. They were not always of metal, but often oz linen or leatner. Hie girdle also served bb the support of weapons, utensils, bags or pockets, etc. In the Middle ages books were sometimes bound with a strip of flexi ble Btuff hanging from one end of the volume, which could be drawn through the girdle and secured. Among some people, even In this day, the girdle is pnt to practical use. Being large and loose, the scab bard of a sword or long dagger Is passed through the girdle Instead of being hung from it, a hook or pro jecting button serving to hold it in place. CRANKCASE I , CLEANING . J S!M SERVICE pijjjjfl UUB-rtUMM on j iiroLuh j mk for this sim afCamfp and alher dtattrt Tbcy will Ifnah your crankcase with Calol Pluihinf Oil tafe, thorough end refill with Zarolenc lor Cor. ttct Lubrication. STANDARD OIL COMPANY C. J. SIMS BARBER LAUNDRY AGENCY Highway ami Watson Street Beaverton, Oregon IS. W. E. PEGG UNDERTAKER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR. LICENSED EMBALMBR Calls Answered Day or Night. Prompt Service BEAVERTON : : OREGON Hemstitching " Buttons, Pleating, French Embrold. err. M.DALTON 607 Royal Building, Broadway and Morrison Streets, Portland, Ore, BEAVERTON LUMBER YARD All Klnd of Building Material, Glass, Paint, Varnish, Nails, hath, Cement Shingles, Lumber, Sand, Plaster, Gravel, Lime etc. .( J. A. HAULBNBBOK, Prop, BARBER Shop fully equipped with latest elec trical devices and everything that first class shop should have. Rossi Building, Beavorton, Oregon FRED JENSEN ATTORNEY-AT-LAW 720 Board of Trade Tllrttr pni Special attention to Beaverton cHennj MARSWELL PIPELE8S FCRNACBg AND ARCOLA HEATERS ARB SOLD AND INSTALLED BT BEAVERTON Plumbing Co. Scholia Phone Jos. A. Lagerfeld Attornoy-at-Law, Public Accountant ana Auditor, Income Tax Service. 825 Failing Building, Portland, Ore fhone AutomaticS2405 Residence: Beaverton, Oregon, Phone 85-15 D. Perry Evans Portrait Photographer PHONE MAIN 7590 270ft Washington Street PORTLAND OREGON Willard1 Service Statioa Stipe's jGarage ' Is now a direct agent of the Willard Battery and an authorized service station. Your every need can be served aa well here as at any Willard Station. New owners register your Willard Batteries here for best service. . FREE TESTING, STIPE'S GARAGE Beaverton, Oregon home bakery You will never rogret making this your choice for meals home cooked the way you ltke them for candles, for ice cream, for soft drinks, for cigars and tobacco, for bread and pastry, or for anything else you may expect to find In any first-class con fecvtlonery. - j. b. kambergcr Phones: Residence, Tabor 7780 Long Distance, Huber, Ore. Office, Marshall 400. Delbert A. Norton ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Suite 606, Gasco Building, Portland, Oregon. 48c. RECORD BALE 48c. New 10-inch double disc records, Columbia and PhantaBie, on this special sale at 43c. to reduce stock until May 1st.. Tjhe Excellent, a small size phonograph at $12.60, is just the thing for summer cottage and outing. It has a tone that will surprise you. Must be seen and heard to be appreciated. Write for circular. The ReasonablcPhonograph aad Record Shop, 226Alder Street, ovor Alder Market, Portland, Oregon. Dressmaking At your faome or mine, MRS. -NELLIE CLARK At the home of J. T, Wiliams, Angel Street, Beaverto, Oregon.