Beaverton times. (Beaverton, Or.) 191?-19??, June 09, 1922, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    FRIDAY, JUNK -Si. 1922.
Hlxture of Silage, Dry Velvet Bmm
and CottentMb'Mul It Moat
The United States Departnteat ot
Afii culture has conducted a steentat
teolng experiment Sn. Mlsaisslppl which
thows that velvet beans are well
adapted for use in -mating beet Feed
lsg mixture of tfLlage, dry velvet
beans and cotton ead were compared
frith combinations -df -silage and4ry
velvet beans, and ssllngo and floated
velvet beans. The mixture of slteae
and soaked velvet beans resulted In
the. most enioraial and profitable
production of beef, while the mixtune
Of atlage, dry elveibeans and cotton
seed menl prnvt-d more satisfactory
than the corablnatteu of silage anil
dryivelvet beans.
All Stuff Found Decayed Should So
Placed Where Live Stoek Can
Not Reach It.
Id opening the silo ttilsi a good plan
to wnfcch out for mold Which might be
there, These molds ne .very poison
oub to Jhorses und often cause the
deatlt f -cattle as well.
Be awe that the decayed silage la
all scraped off tlie top and put where
the livestock cannot get to It.
It 1b poor economy to try and teed
the top simge and take a clianco on
jlostng valuable stock.
Then is
no mystery
ammr t
It must be made from crudes carefully
selected for their "oilineas" and stabili
ty. These crudes must "be refined to
preserve" their original characteristics
and to make them pure,
In selecting crudes for Zerolene the
Standard Oil Company has the advan
tage of its own large production cf
practically every type of crude. The
company is not compelled to use any
particular crude because it happens
to be the only one available,
Crudes selected for Zerolene are brought to
our refineries In special pipe lines. They are
refined by our own patented, high-vacuum
process which preserves their "oilineas" and
No other refiner on the Pacific Coast uses any
form of vacuum distillation. No other refiner
in the United States uses as high a vacuum as
.thiB company.
Purity Essential
Zerolene oils are pure. This company has al
ways considered the removal of all detrimental
properties end compounds as essential in mak
ing Zerolene.
Bocauseof their '.'oiliness," stability and purity,
Zerolene oils give perfect lubrication, and per
mit the development of the maximum power,
speed and gasoline mileage of the car,
r m fiktion and
Ri-jjuJar Hoine-Coked "Dinners from -11:80
to 1:80 ,,. ,
Mt. Hood Ice Cream AU Kinds of
m Drinks Fresh Candies Cigars .
Tobaccos Fresh lilne of Cookies, ,
GIVE t:H A TltlAfT ;
I Mill FIT Pnm'tnr
e Ui iTAtuuu a a.
1 Uhe Beavertonl
! Livery 1
The one place in town that U always .
at your sorrioe, day or night, Sanday
or holiday, when yon want as, as you
mutt us, where you want us.
Combination of Toatttd Chaeat .and
-Brown ,A!e Hae Bean Incorrectly
Xallod "Rarebit."
The oalglnal name of the toomblna
Uou of toasted cheese und good. brown
ale was. It is an historical fact,
"Welsh Babbit." It was a slang term,
at that. :it was one of a Uirge class
Of similar terms describing iiu a hu
morous manner the special dish, prod
uct or peculiarity of a particular dis
trict. Thus, In England, u '((Jerrnan
Duck" was the slung name 'for a
sheep's head stewed in onions. "Lels
tershlre Clover" was the name given
to a bag pudding, anil "Dlguy tfMiicken"
was the Lung term for herrLrig.
Similar exuuiples of mernphorlcal
names for favorite dishes ace found
la every tmintry. Ami long bnt'ove the
word "rareoit" was ever heard .uf, ithe
familiar dksh of "cheese and ale" was
known as "Welsh Rabbit."
It was ojily when some solnmm .ety
mologist mum along, and gravely
noting tiu iuet thut there wus jiuthiug
in the dldi ito even remotely sug-
.gest a connection with a rabbit, sue
Westeil that ttbe word was undoubted-
ijy u corrupllou of "rarebit," whlen
cwould make some sense at lenat. ;So
vrarebft' ft lijeearne among th ;pur-
ifits. Aud itlie early dietlwniirles
adopted it, ftiough the modem ones
aeknowledKe llmt i"mbbft" lia ithe
night of way.
Irnmatme Demand ior Needles.
The world usiw up an uvemge of
:t,M,000 needles n day.
Try a classified ad It pay !'V".
a ivjriivwi l
Prevents Clogging and Burned
Out Bearings.
Illustration Shows Plan for Arranging
Force-Feed 'Oiling System at
Small Expense Operated by
Ona of the Cams.
On an automobile engine wliiea re
(Oiled by the "splash" aysttun, It was
found that the ituhe which condncted
the oil from ;the tlywlicei to the front
part of the -enghto became clogged,
nnd some bnrned-mit lu-urlniis result
ed. To premnt tlie rccmTciR-e of this
.accident, a pump was in?!:i!lcdla tae
oil line and connected to be driven hy
the cam' shaft, an sbonn in the sketch.
The upper pavt r the motor eranV.
case, on the ciMiHsliaft side, was driileo
-out and tapped .opposite one of the
cams, to take a ibrass tube, which was
threaded with standaal pipe thread.
This tone was veamed out to a anng
fit for a small -piece of shafting, which
formed the plunder of the pump. An
other piece of trfblng was screwed
onto the first ut iflght angles, and to
the ends of it, nlw'ough two ball-clieek
valves, were attached the oil tubes
lending, to the crank case and to the
bearings of the enpine. These check
valves acted to prevent oil from flow
ing back to the crunk case, while per
mitting It to flow, in tlie proper direc
tion. On the end of the plunger was
LA Simple Plunger Pump, Attached to
the 'Cram Case and Operated by
One of the Cams, Provides "Sura
Fire" Oiling for the Auto Engine.
frmreied a striking plute of hard steel,
ii!;:ilnst which the cum piistu-d once
during every revolution of the cam
shaft. Jn this way the engine wus pro
vided with a fqree-feed oiling system
at small expense. G. A. Luers, Wash
ington, In Popular Mechanics Maga
That at Falun, Sweden, Has Been De
livering Up Its Riches Sines
the Vear 1225,
On the outskirts of the town of
Falun, in the north of Sweden, Is the
oldest mine in tlie world. It began to
produce copper in
la tiie Seventeenth century this mine
was tlie chief source of the copper
supply of Europe. Today It no longer
produces copper In large yuauiltleB,
but from Its deep-cut gulJeries come
the sulphur pyrites thut are used for
the umnufneture of sulphuric acid and
other chemicuis.
It is one of the most old-fashioned
mines Imaginable. You will mid no
rapid hauling machinery, no cage that
descends at lightning spend into tlie
bowels of. the earth. You walk lulo
the mine through sloping uuileries, and
then climb down to its depths by means i
of long ladders. As you descend yo'j I
wish that you had brought mi over
coat, for the walls are covered with
Ventilation and drainage are ac
complished by means of Hie mont
antiquated pumping gcur In existence
in any pit.
Besides copper ami pyrites, the
Falun mine produces gold. From it
came all the gold used to make the
Swedish crown and scepter, and it
has provided most of the nielal for
the gold coinage of that country.
During the six months, April to Sep
tember, 1920) tlu-ro were 7,498 motor
vemcles, valued at flO,000,OQO, Im
ported into India.
.Mm noo l. ,c tiotgV
Everyday Measurements of Science
That Ar Almost Beyond Com
prehension of the Layman,
One treat difficulty tn the study of
astronomy It to comprehend the Im
mensity of the distances and sizes in
volved. For instance, we can form no
concept ion of the alee or distance of
the stia. .
Suppose there was a spherical shell
of the diameter of the sun. Suppose
a great genie should drop Into this
shell, every second, night and day, a
ball the size of the earth. Haw long
would it rnke to flit the shell? Would
ft take an hour, a day, or a week? In
fact. It would take two weeks, nnd
alien full the shell, would contain more
than 1,000.0000 earths.v
T!.e distance to the sun is Ki.000.000
mlfes. How long would It take a can
non hnll to reach the sun, if shot from
the enrrh, and continued on Its course
at a nntform velocity? In order not
to underestimate the distance Borne
might say a year. In fact It would
than 1.000,000 earths,
Astronomically speaking, the above
distance Is very short. The sun is our
nearest stnr. Strain the imagination
y trying t comprehend the velocity
of light which wonld pass seven times
aronud the earth in one second of
Mine. Now stagger the brain by trying
to think of stars, so remote from us
that a million years are required for
their light to cross the enormous abyss
that separates tliera from ns. Think
of It! When that ray of light, which
now enters the eye. started on Its
course, perhaps there was no life on
tills earth. Job n Oamlee Dean In the
Indiana polls News.
Offer of Marriage by Ruler of Sulu
Was Turned Down by Alice
dUe Moro Is not all bad. He hns
Ilia good points. There has never been
a case where a Moro lias murdered an
American woman, and there are many
American women tn Moroland. This
abstinence, however, is not due to
Moro chivalry, but to the fact that In
tlio Mitro thought women -have no
Not thnt the believed soulleasness
of the sex keeps the Moro from be
tag a ladles' man. In fact, he is in
clined to be very gallant. Tlie fa
mous rislt of the Tnft party, nc
companled by the then MIkb Alice
nooseveit, some years ago (and
long to be remembered in th iiii.
Ippines). was attended by a char-
uriunsuc exmmtlon of Moro gal
lantry. When tills party visited
.luio no trip to the islands would
be complete without visiting this
jmnuwwjue Jiiinnu his royal high
ness, tlie sultan of Sulu, Immedi
ately offered his hand tn marriage
to the daughter of the President.
He addressed her as the American
princess, and the name of Princess
Alice still dings to her In the Phil
Ippines. The fact that his highness
already hud a couple of dozen wives
scattered around tlie town was no
deterrent In case of a Mohammedan
Encouraging the Hen.
The modern method of increasing
the quantity of eggs thut may be ob
tained from hens is turning on electric
lights In their pens Id the middle of
tlie night, i hereby awakening them, to
the end thut tliey eat an extra meal
ii nd (litis approach closer than ever be
fore the ideal of laying an egg a day.
week after week. One cannot but
think that flits lengthening- of the
working day for hens is a device of
the same goi ins who discovered that
there was no need of arising at dawn
to feed tbu poultry. He simply waited
until after the henyard denizens had
gone to roost, and then scattered their
morning meal. The hens found their
breakfast waiting for tliem in the
morning, while the Ingenious one arose
and went about the afFalra of the day
only when he felt so inclined. No
chanticleer called him to work.
"Automobile" Street Car.
Mechanical arrangement similar Id
many respects to that of an automo
bile Is the distinguishing feature of s
new form of gnsollne-d riven Interur
bnn car described In Popular Me
chanics Maganine. gtiougb the body,
seating 35 passengers, is like that of a
Btandiird modern street car, there Is a
long hood extending in front, in which
the W)-horsepcver engine is mounted.
Art auto-type gear shift Is provided,
and a shaft transmits tho power to
the roar whtrels. Air brakes, electric
lights, and n hot water heating plant
are other detnils of the enuinment.
The car makes a round trip ,of 40
mites In a little more than two and
one-lnilf hours, consuming about five
and one-liulf gallons of gasoline, oi
one gallon to seven miles.
Nothing but Registered Sires Being
- Used at the Louisiana State
Normal School.
"Within the past ten days we have
fold to the butcher nve -scrub cows. We
m-e now keeping only high grades and
purebreds." ' With this explanation an
othVjiii of the Louisiana State Normal
school in Natchitoches pariah en
n.liiid in the "Better Sires. Better
Siock" movement .:i;nducted by the
United States lparttnent of Agricul
ture and the various states. ' AU the
Wve stock on the school farm, which
Includes cattle, swine and poultry,
, are being bred only to purebred sire.
' 'ir'' i -.. ' --., '
iu Il.u t'ljeiiiliif it Hit- IHylnlHr uuili.f fui.v.. , umiliHI. Iiiilliv llwful tiuv.l
tlfs wore among the uxliiblts. J lie jiliutj:riiu Hutwa h new linlkw- rmmuout,
Iniple to inutiipiilnte anil tlie, Bnililleiit rflr nt the show. Thin t)ie hid, flr
to prove populur with "Hubby," who ptiy, th bill.
Bee us about Lund Plaster $14.00 ton.
Alfalfa and Cluver Hay
Flour, Uaby Chick Feed, etc.
Stock and Puultry. Food, Mill Run
Albera Dairy Feed, Fisher's Molass-O-Meal,
More-Milk, Oil Meal. Seed,
Fertilisers, etc.
Order First Class Fir Wood
4 ft. or 10 Inch; also, fireplace wood. Immediate delivery fruin
Local phone.
Backsmith in Beaverton
Alfred Hansen, an experienced black
ainffh, is local ed In the I'Voinmuer
building, JUHt east of K rick non's iir
Goih Murk, Prst-riiiHN MateHali
und Right Prlens Ouu ran teed.
A Share of your patronage, sollcllil,
m iiirfrsaMftftwun.i.n nWi ift m m 1 ij
Fords Are Better
This Year
Ford carB are better than ever this year. Upbolstenng lu th!
Sedans and Coupe is 100 per cant better than lost ynir, prices
art! lower. These are the prices you pay, delivered In ileuvortnii :
T'lurlita; Cars W77.00
Kondsler h Ut.HO
HvtUati new type, 787.12
("oui", mm tpf, 7if.71
Oiic-Um Truck
Fonlsoa Tractor 4M.83
C iio Erickson & Co.
Route H, lteuvorton, Oregon.
BUIabora Fatet Orovo t