BEAVERTON TIMES BEAVERTON, OREGON, FRIDAY, FRIDAY, JUNK S, 1921. UNCLE SAM AWI YOUNG MEN Opportunities for young men in crease as older men learn more of the science of government. Boys who are growing to manhood today bave opportunities for education and entrance Into business that their fathers never enjoyed. They have chances for eujoyment, privileges of improvement and opportunities for travel never before enjoyed by the youth of any land. Not the least of the new oppor tunities that have opened up for young men la the offer of the Gov ernment to entertain them one month each year at the Citizens' Military Training Camps with all ex penses paid, even to transportation to and from the camps, theatre tick ets and physical examination. To be able to leave home the lat ter part of July and return again the latter part of August, learn the principles of military training, enjoy athletics, theatres, social functions, pleasure, trips and new country, to be of some use to the Nation and at the same time to benefit physically and mentally, without the Incurring of any obligation for further mili tary Bervlce Is an opportunity no young man can afford to overlook. Yet this chance is open to any young man between the ages of 17 and 27 who is In good health and reason able physical condition. Three courses are offered: The Red Course: Ages 17 to 25 No previous military experience of any kind necessary. White Course: Ages 18 to 26 For those who have had Red Course, Grammar school education or Its equivalent necessary. Blue Course: Ages 19 to 27 For civilians having completed Red and White Courses. High school education or its equivalent neces sary. White Course qualifies student to become non-commissioned officer in Organized Reserves if he so desires and Blue Course as officer in the Organized Reserves. Ex-service non-commissioned of-! fleers, not older than 36 years of age who have high school education or Its equivalent, may enter Blue j Course. With conditions in the turmoil j that exiBts in Europe and China to day, America is in a position that , she may be called upon to take further part at any minute. Young men will not escape 'military duty because of ignorance of its princi ples but they are at a decided-disadvantage without a knowledge of those principles and the government has a decided advantage if a reas onable number of Its young men are vorsed in the rudiments of its mili tary practices. Hence the plan for summer camps which do not entail any obligations for further service. Pete Van De Hey 1b getting bet ter from the rheumatism. Joe Orsell is painting his new res idence north of town. John Rowe la very enthusiastic about the berry business, he is growing a new variety of blackberry called "Cazadero" enormous yields with tbe wild flavor. . "Still water runs deep" Elmer Mc Qee's store passed the State exami nation In Geography recently at school with 100 per cent. George Hughaon and wife are vis iting relatives at Brooks. Mr. Hugh ion is assisting his brother-in-law, Win. GasklU, with his farm work. Two Italian editors fought a duel with all solemnity the other day, with the usual result no one hart. MICKIE, THE PRINTER'S DEVIL. SOME COOPER . MOUNTAIN NEWS Strawberries are ripe pass tbe short cake please! Dollie Walker brought the first rose blffsBom 1922, to school Mon day George Blasser has been improv ing his property west of Beaverton, by erecting a new fence in front of his residence. McQee's delivery truck arrives every Friday from Beaverton 's De partment store. The boys, at school are enjoying a "Big Horse Shoe Tournament," the old time game throwing "Ring ers" and "Leanera" 1b all the go nowadays. The contest is hot and getting better every day for the championship of Cooper Mountain is at stake. Mr. Liebrick dbb a big crap of to mato plants and asters in his sew green house. Edwin Jacobsen shot a chicken hawk Sunday. John Cole and son, Byron, were in Beaverton Friday purchasing a few ! barrels more of B. Lets' famouB spray for their orchards on top of the mountain. MrB. Flnta was a Portland visitor the last of the WBek. Julia Bums brought the first Col umbine blossom to school. Miss Alice Blomqulst has complet ed her first book in her musical course and is making rapid progress. RubboU Cole visited school Fri day and waB presented with a ba loon. W. L. Anderson recently moved to the J. O. Larson place. Mrs. Mary Frandlum was a guest at the Finta home the first of the week. Aire Watts Is starting in the poul try business, with Borne fine baby chicks. Dorothy Cole brought the first Jonquil to school Monday and Dollie Walker the first buttercup. Frank Allen and Carl' Matzke have, the East road graded in fine shape this spring. C. W. Allen, supervisor, keepB good men on the job. W. F. Deslnger of Beaverton, called recently and took a look at the achool building. Desinger and Bons built Cooper Mountain school house in 1910 and many others In the east end, namely;. Beaverton, Scholls,, Jacktown, , Mountain side and Hazeldale, all monuments to their good work. Matt Blomquist 1b plowing the En puist ranch. Road Supervisor Oecar Taylor and crew, are fixing up Cooper Mountain roads in good shape Huber avenue, southward. j We are often reminded of the Fai 1 WeBt last week a cow boy In full togs visited school. ; For 6istr. At the Madisun Avenue branch li brary a I li tie boy was looking for an interesting book and seemed to be having a bard time finding one that appealed to him. At last he brought to the desk "Wanted: A Husband," saying, "I guess I'll take this home to my sister, That's what she's looking for." Indianapolis News. Rial Value of Work. We may call our work humdrum and monotonous, may consider that It Is not great enough to be worthy of our talents or our time, but whatever It may be, remember that we are not only making the work but being mad by it Prevent Instead of Cure. Bordeaux Mixture 4-4-50 will keep the Flea Beetles oft your toma to and potatoes and it is good for the plants. 77 H I wewe, m urafc JJ I sou Smqolo k " J Voot UTfuB Wm 1 FORMER PUPILS OF HW SCHOOL Will HOLD HON Preparations are being made for the sixth annual reunion of the Mc Kay School Alumni association which will be held on the school ground near W h i t f o r d station Saturday, June 17th. A business meeting followed by a basket dinner in the grove, music and a short lit erary program will be featureB of the occasion. Present and former pupils who have attended school in the district since its organization sixty-five years ago, their families and friends are earnestly Invited to attend and spend the day with their associates of pioneer days. Officers of the association are, president, B. K, Denny; secretary, C. M. McKay; committee on program and arrangements, Elizabeth D, Mc Gowan, Ruby W. Boyd and Aaron V. Denny. HUBER NOTES Mrs. J. A. Erickaon entertained the class of '22 of Beaverton High school one evening recently at her home in Huber, her son, Herbert being a member of that class. Tbe class colors were harmoniously used in decoration with flowers and greenery, giving a very pretty and festive appearance, place cards and favors done In tb,e colors added beauty to the table;.'. The evening was spent merrily as only a bunch of young people know so well how to do and Mrs. Erickson was voted a most delightful hostess. The Huber Ladies Social Improve ment club was entertained at Mrs. Lundberg'B on Thursday afternoon The time was spent in club business with a Boclal hour following, and the hostess served a most delectable luncheon, and H the proof of the pudding is In the eating, the ladles most thoroughly enjoyed It. Mrs. Nupert has been confined to her home recently with illness. A girls club Is to be started this week under the auspices of the H. L. S. I. Club, with Mesdames Jack son and Clark as leaders. This is a fine idea and la beng worked out with great success among our girls In other localities, and It is hoped that the movement will meet win great success here In Huber. Grandma Justice is not improving in health as rapidly as her friends would wish to see. Work on the several new houses in our vicinity is progressing rapid ly. A company of Ittle oneB were hap pily entertained at the home of Mrs. J. 0. Larson in honor of her little Bon, Elmer's 6th birthday. A mer ry time was had by all and a de licious luncheon of tee cream and cake and candy favors were thor oughly enjoyed by the little ones. Mrs. Sanders entertained com pany from the city laBt week. It is hoped our little ones as well as our adults will feel an ever awakened Interest in the church and Sunday School work, in the ably conducted services at Aloha. Earl F. Watts and son, Aire took in tbe game between Portland and Sacramento on Decoration Day. The baseball scandal of that fa mous world series 1b to be again "aired," it is stated. Of course It needB the air, very badly, but we prefer not to be in the neighborhood. By Gherio Sughrat Oh Fnlday, June 16lh the Wash ington County Holsteln Club wlil hold annual tour and basket picnic. The program for the day is as fol lows: 10:00 a. m., Meet at the farm of J. F. Peereenboom to inspect his Holsteln herd and test cows. i From Mr. Peeren boom's place the, tour will go to the farm of Clias. Herb, arriving there at 10:4b. From this place to Clell CarstenB at Banks, arriving there at 11:U0. From Mr. Carstens the crowd will go to the show barns of the Banks Hog and Dairy show for a picnic, dinner. The banks Commercial Club will furnish ice cream and coffee, and Mr. Inkley, on be-half of the Hol steln breeders has extended an Invi tation to the business men of Banks to join the HolBtein breeders during the noon hour. j At 1:30 the tour will leave for the farms of J. P. Vandecoevering and Albert Evers, where a stock judging demonstration will be held and Hoi stein in types discussed. Prof. E. B. Fltts of O. A. C. nas been asked to lead this work. From this latter place the tour will proceed to the Martin herd at Cornelius and from this place to Connell Brothers' herd near North Plains. The Holstein breeders have an oc casion' like this only once a year. Bring the whole family and your basket dinner. Visit the other breeder and Bee what he has and learn his methods of breeding and raising good stock. Committee in charge: S. C. Ink ley, Frank Connell, O. T. Mc J. E. Davis of Sorrento, has been promoted to the position of assistant freight agent of the O. W. R. A N. at Portland to re place the the late Inaonh.-lfniint F. J. Pierce of Portland" mdW. CfMi McKeli and F. G. Donaldson of Beaverton, spent May 28th, 29th and 30th on the Trask River fishing. They found the water high and fish ing not very good but returned with a small catch of prety fair sized trout and express the opinion that in another weok fly fishing will be Kood on the Trask. W. C. McKell has purchased a new 11)22 Maxwell car. Ceo. Wolfe, manager of the Beverton Wood and Coal yard, Is a very busy man. He has several men cutting wood for him and he 1b busy loading cars with wood for Portland. HOY HW ALLOWS WHIHTLE TAKEN TO IIOHf'ITAL Three weeks ago Jenefred Blom quiBt was playing with an Organ reed as a whistle at his home on Cooper Mountain, suddenly he swal lowed the whistle as was supposed, after two weeks at school the teacher noticed that the boy had a peculiar cough and spoke about It, so sure enough on Sunday the cough got worse and the boy waB hurried to a Portland hospital. With sever al X-Ray pictures the whistle or roed was located, but not in his stomach but In one of the bronichol tubes of his windpipe. He was giv en chlorlform an operation perform ed and the brass reed was removed. Jenefred is home again and recover ing. Radiating Happlnau, A happy man or woman Is it better thing to find than a five-pound note. He or she is a radiating focus of good will, and their entrance Into a room is as though another candle had been lighted. Stevenson. u rr----1 i m . a HOME, NEWS A meeting of the Girls Reserve Club was held Tuesday the 23d, at the home of Ernestine Masters. Plana for the camping trip to be held Juno Sr. This was to be held the 20th of May but owing to other engagements it was thought best to postpone It a week. All B. H. S. girls are Invited to attend this trip. Arother meeting of the Reserves was held Thursday at which alt plana for the trip were completed. Wednesday evening, May 24, the De Mobs family presented their mus ical entertainment In the high school auditorium. Five members of the family were present and took part In the entertainment. Their selec tions wero (H from noteworthy authors. The banjo music was especially woll motived also the reading anil nianologu') by Miss De IBS. It Is with regret that we mention very small crowd was In atten dance as the entertainers deserved a much larger roceptlon. Wednesday evening after the business session of the O. K. S-, the men entertained the ladles at a so cial hour. Games were the main features of the evening, after which delicious refreshments of sand wiches, cake, coffee and Ice cream were servfid. Misses Feme Powell' and Mildred Anderson spent Wednesday evening with Miss Alfreds Austin. Mrs. Ada T. WllBon who for the past year has been teaching school in Kinton, returned home Friday to enjoy her vacation. Miss H,elenJones of Portland, spent Friday with her mother, Mrs. John Barry. Mrs. Irma McCurry (nee Harris,) of California, Is visiting her parents. 6 Mrs. WHw-Haii;!W Born to Mr. and Mrs. Albert Ray, May 16, a girl. The following pupils have com pleted the eighth grade. Thlsspoaks well, not only of the pupils thom- selves hut also of their Instructor, Mrs. Cantrill who has worked with them all year. June Hudson, Lond ley Woodford, Lovena Allen, Iiuo gtine Hi' -ikon, James, Gladys Llnrtsey, Myron Gray, Flor- mjee Harrison, Howard ('authors, Rouuld Solf, Bern ice Cox, Genevieve 151 let, Frank Miller and George Stump. W. A. Smith Is erecting a building on the Hedge property on From, St rent. Mrs. II. L. Hudson and children returned last week from Golilemlult, Washington, where thoy had goneio attend the graduating exerctsus of her sister. They drove there and back. Mrs. Rova Barshall of North Yuk- ima, is visiting her sister, Mrs. H. Hudson. Miss Irma Berthold spent several days In Portland last week, visiting friends. Guy LuFollette left last week for a business trip to Prlnevllle, his old home town. The Barnes School of which Miss Gladys Haines has been tbe teacher for the past year, closed Friday. Sunday the baseball boys Journey- od to Sherwood where they met and defeated the teams of that town by a score of 15 to 6. So far this year our boys bave met defeat only once and that was the first game of tho season. Next Sunday they will meat R e e d v ! 1 1 e on the homo grounds. Women Dow' Understand cAbcut These Things H. A. Nelson has a new work horse. Jesse E. Davis has been promoted to assistant freight agent of thu O, W. R, & N. Mrs. Leonard has sold her proper ty in Beavertoo. The high school gave a farewell party for P. M. Nash, May 29, In the high school building. Games of all descriptions were the main fenturea of the evening. Delicious refresh ments of orange ice and cake were Berved at elevmi o'clock Mrs. Whitworth and family, M lanes Lillian Evans and Ernia Nel son and Earl Evans motored to Gules Creek Tuesday. Miss Erma Nelson will leave Saturday for Vernoula where she will visit her grandmother, Mrs. M. J. Powell. H- It. Nelson and Ous Dessinger will leave Saturday for Rock Creek where they will spend the week end in fishing. Saturday the home of Rudolph, and Ernest Losli suddenly caught on fire and betore assistance could ar rive It burned to the ground. But few household articles were saved. Tuesday a number of Masons and Eastern Stars attended the flag rais ing at the Eastern Star borne In For est Grove. Wednesday evening the Beavertoo Social Club of the O. B. 8., held a social gathering In the Masonic Hall. Card playing was the main feature of the evening. Twelve card tablee were run and many people did not play. A delicious cafeteria supper was served. Mrsa Ruby Boyd won the woman's prise and George Thyng, the men's while Mrs. Skid more won the consolation prise. .eland Shaw Is driving a new A sum of 5,000 dollars has bee thus far raised for the new moving picture studio to be built In this vi cinity. ' Miss Mary Rowe who for the past week has been visiting Lillian Find ley of Cedar Mills, returned home Sunday. Several Heuverton girls attended the picnic supper given by the Young Peoples Association of the White Temple church In Portland, Saturday evening. Elert CarsteiiB f Portland, wai tho guttut of Master brothers, aud the Craig boys Tuesday. Mr. Steveim" new cottage at tbe corner of Front and Lombard la n oaring completion. Henry Aiken, homo run king ot Beaverton, In other days was In town shaking hands with his many friends Monday. L. B-. Wolf Joined the order of Moose In Portland, last week the old goat got rough but Wolf was too much for him, as ha and Buck Mom joined the Maocabees here several years back. Miss Helen Jones of Portland, wasj visiting with her sister, Miss Marlon of this place, last week. Henry Nelson Is planting a bit crop of horseradish. Frank Allen and Wm. Matzke are making the dirt fly on Harrington Avenue and adjoining roads this week. Jumes Hunter former marshal ot Husverton, Is III at bis brother Wil liam's home of late. Hocken Brothers are opening up the heart of Beaverton, platting end building some of the finest homes in Washington county this Is put ting Beaverton on the map,