Beaverton times. (Beaverton, Or.) 191?-19??, May 12, 1922, Image 1

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NO. It
As a Modem Filipino Actually Looks
? Til 'i ? (TO
Thcrt ar hundred f thousands of tm
They are to be the future rulers
The Filipino has been touch misrep
resented In the United States. This it
largely because the Sunday supple
ments have made a specialty of por
traying the semi-naked non-Christian
. bill tribes a "typical" Filipinos, which
is far from the truth.
The total population of the Philip
pines Is 10,350,640, Which 8,495,272
are Christians and dvHlBed, and have
been so for 300 yean, possessing a cul
ture and refinement that will, compare
favorably with that of other countries.
The number of non-Christiana Is 855.-
Remerfcrbl Cotnoldene.
Two women nf St. Johnebury, Vt,
who were strangers nntll recently,
hnve the same name and their birth
days are on the same day of the month.
Both have little girls of the same ere,
whose names both begin with the same
Tribute and Tax,
Tribute I money, commodity of
nine or service rendered by one rule?
or state to another in token of sub
mission, while taxes are financial bur
dens imposed by a state upon its own
subjects. Id early times there was not
this distinction, for. under the feudal
system especially, taxation, tribute and
tent were often identical.
Every Voter in Washington
County Should Support
for Congress
He will work for the interests
of the farmers. Washington
County is a farming community.
J 1 1 iv A' I --' '.-
type of young men in the Philippine.
of the deetinice of the lei and.
368, and only a small percentage of
them are uncivilized. They are fast
becoming educated, and will ultimate
ly make good citizens.
Seventy per cent of the Inhabitants
of the Philippines over ten years of
age, according to the last census, are
literate. This Is a higher percentage
of literacy than that of any South
American country, higher than that of
Spain, and higher than that of any
of the New Republics of Europe whose
Independence is being guaranteed by
the Allies.
Properly t Fit tto Crime,
When BerMrt and Fenton ci
strolling In a half hour after dinner
was over, their father decreed they
should each have a sandwich, and l
glass of water and be put straight to
bed, a Just punishment for bad boys.
A week later papa -came home long
after dinner was over. As their moth
er was hastily preparing a second din
ner she heard Herbert mutter to bis
brother: "He ought to have a sand
wich and a glass of water and go
straight to bed."
Fogs Cause Lubb in England.
City fogs are said to cause England
more loss In a year than dues unem-
j ployment
Dr. E. L. House of Hood River
says: "As we breathe the atmos
phere without being aware of the
fact; at w walk in the light of the
day without thinking of the sun, so
we breath the atmosphere of the
Lord's presence and walk In the light
of His countenance without thinking
of Him.
"Thr art certain places that
stand for resitting God. If you wish
to enlist in the army or navy you
seek the enlistment office. Tou do
not go to the theater or to the race
track to enlist or make InQulrtea con
cerning the service. These places
are not consecrated to the realising
of God. Churches art. Use set
Seek the house of God for God. Ton
do not drop your letter Into the fire
alarm bos, nor pull the post office
box for the engine.
"Be frank and sane. If you want
the Spirit, seek the spirit In the place
aautified to Him. Seek trade winds
where they blow,
"The Christians of the past who
have Influenced the world knew In
tuitively that only as they met to
gether could tbey realtte God In their
hearts. They dared kings and em
perors in order to realize God."
The Unitd States produces over
half the entire lumber cut of the
world, and uses 85 per cent of that
amount right here at home.
Causes if Insomnia.
When a person la asleep far less
blood flows through the brain than
while be I awake. Anything that
makes a large quantity of blood flow
through the brain will make the mind
active and prevent sleep. For tbia
reason working or playing hard Just
before going to bed la ofteu the cause
of wakefulness, Some persons do not
sleep well because tbelr muscles are
tired, others because they eat Just be
fore retiring, and then again some be
cause they sleep In rooms not properly
Coma ta Think of It,
A man was describing to a weawi
the compensation! of nature how hi
the blind the feeling of touch wa
scute; bow those who were deaf la
one ear often heard clearly with the
other, and bow a person blinded In m
eye often sees extra well wttb th
sound eye. "Yes," said she, "It's re
markable. And. come to think of hi
I have always noticed that If a person
has on short leg the other Is always
Lacking Human Sympathy.
Mori of us have come aeroas people,
otherwise good, hut lucking entirely
In the softer human qualities. They
are austere. feHlngless, hard, utterly
devoid of sympathy. And, all been use
they have been denied thai gift 5f
affection when they were In the intuit
ing. Slut iKtlrs prove that children
from Institutions are sadly lacking in
affection. It Is one of the greatest,
Dr'tilpma social workers mum deal
with. Exchange.
Isolation Sometimes Good.
Let the incommunicable objects of
nature and the metaphysical Isolation j
of man teacb us Independence. Let
us not get too much acquainted. . . . i
we ahould meet each morning, a
from foreign countries, and spending
the day together, shoal d depart at
night, as into foreign countries; . . .
No degree of affection need invade
this religion. This is myrrh and rose-
mar t kMn the nfhr hvmi Kman.
Novelty for Jerusalem. j
Jerusalem has passed through j
siege and war without being damaged ;
by the invaders or the besieged, for
the first time in the history of the !
city. The British airplanes (lew over p
the Holy city frequently to observe
the movements of the Turkish force, j
but no bombs were dropped on Its
historical buildings by order of Gen- I
eral Allenby, the commander-in -chief. !
H , tha uifrhtumiti, iD i),u i
had been am tired .in. th. el., wm I
hlllit -
by Charles Sughro
Is No National Holiday.
Christmas is not a national holiday
New War's day is uot a national holi
day. Thanksgiving day is not a na
tional holiday. The fourth of July Is
not a national holiday. Neither Is Me
morial day. Neither Is Washington's
birthday. Neither Is any other day.
There Is no such day as a national
holiday in the United States. A
United States statute would be re
quired to constitute a particular day
a national holiday, and congress
has stopped short of this action, nu
merous constitutional lawyers insist
ing that such an act belongs to the
powers of the several states and not
to the general government,
The Fourth of July Is not strictly
a national holiday, though It Is a nation-wide
holiday, having been made a
holiday by acta of all the states and
by the common consent and usage x
the people.
Totally Obscured,
A certain callow Chicago swain had
an amazingly large mouth which he
contorted into an all-pervading smile
when he wished to make a good im
pression. His sweetie had persuaded
him to "ask father" and the youth
was determined to show himself to
good advantage.
"Mister Jones," he began, stretching
his principal feature to the utmost of
geniality. "I have come to ask for th
hand of your daughter. I "
"Just a moment, young man," Inter
rupted the old gentleman mildly,
"would you mind closing your mouth
for a moment till 1 see who you are,"
Anituicau .Leidon Waokl
Solssons, Prance Qets Canadian Money
Paris. Canadian money to the
value of $6,000,000 will be used tor
the rebuilding of fioissona, according
to the Journal Indus trlelle, which says
that the Soissons municipal council
has approved the terms of an agree
ment with Canadian banking interests
for a loan to that amount.
Native of India Hold Aloof,
Calcutta. A hartal boycott of an
entirely passive character, lasting for
24 hours, wa declared for December
24. The occasion will be the visit of
th prlsce of Wales to th city.
Ugly Man the lest Wooer?
Ugly men make the moat successful
woers because, forced to be artful to
overcome the natural beauty of the
matinee Idol type, tbey attain a charm
of iminner thai leaves the beautiful
man lengths behind, Dr. Bernard Hol
lander, London psychologist, said In a
recent lecture. Women naturally dls
trust the pretty man, he argued, and
think therp can he no harm In the
ugly one. Off to a flying start, the
Cyrano applies the oil. with happy or
disastrous results, according to
whether Cyrano Is honest or dishon
est. New York Sun.
Safety First.
Johnny, only three years old, was be
ing entertained with some music on
the phonograph. He was told hy his
aunty that he would soon hear a bear
growl. Johnny looked very much
frightened, ind then whispered : "Oh,
Aunty, don't open dose doors on de
Wlcktowla or bear might turn out."
Chicago Herald sod Examiner.
Sensitive Tobacco.
Havana tobacco Is the most dell-
"e and sensitive of any tobacco
grown. You can test this by subject
ing s box of Havana cigars to ex
tremes of beat or cold, moisture or
dryness. Tve best temperature for
Havana daars la 00 dem-eei tfahren.
neit. xou may gel a box of a good
brand and find It a failure. But be-
fore you condemn the brand be sure
that It Is not the fault of the dealer.
eays a tobacco expert
, , , .
"wn v.nB My.
,n, Aa ,he fl"
and T f T f."Ur le"" ha"k
5ol"la',, in E"K,uud- ' w thl"
" ' 1 ""
presents, especially of money.
to fhelr servant and dependents
Tne,ie Presents came to b known as
Christmas boxes.
The Dead Letter Office baa he
existence aver sine Ben Franklin
Started our postal service. Riven then
people addressed mall to Mr. Rseklel
8ml t hers, "Atlantic Coast," and ex
pected Be to know hist where Keke
I Perhaps they had Ceke's address In
letters up In the garret, maybe a cheat
full of 'era, but then It was eaaler to
i let Ben hunt Zeke, Today people are
1 addressing letter to John Rmtfh, New
York, N Y or Chicago, ID-, thinking
I Unci Bam can locate him, which I
' joat as incomplete as was Beke's ad
dress of yore. The Postofflo Depart,
ment asks you t put the number ana
street In th address. It helps you.
How do you expect the Postal Clerk
t know whether you mean Trinidad,
California, or Trinidad, Colorado? ,
This apt phrase was used In Presi
dent Harding's first message to Con
gress and applies particularly In post)
management where postmasters are
being Impressed with the feet that
they are managers of local branches
of -the biggest business In the world,
. Let's make our post office look neat,
Mr. Postmaster, Straighten op th
rural letter box, Mr. Farmer. Tidy
P some, Mr. Rural Carrier, First
Imprwalens ire lasting. Mayb Mr,
Btraager, taking notice of th lav
proven en ts, wlQ com back, brlaglnf
yon bmelti. Start these with "POS
"Thar Is no unimportant proa r
part of r service. It I total f
bum units and their oo-eperatlea 1
th key to It success. In It last
ana ly els, postal duties ar accomsto
dation performed for our neighbor
and friends and ahould b an regarded,
rather than a hired service par
formed for an absentee employer.'1
Postmasler General Hubert Work.
He has made good for us
on one job. Give him a
a bigger one now.
Very Few Owners Give a Though!
to Its Care, With Exception
of Inflating It.
Elimination of Internal Frlotlan Wuld'
Oreatly Increase Life sf Cover
Big Difference Between Card
and Fabric.
To the average owner, an automo
bile tire Is good only when It travels
many thousands of mile without
breaking down or blowing out. Very
few give a thought to Its car, with
the exception of Inflating It from time
to time, and a still smaller number
know what it Is made of.
A big tire concern has prepared
treatise on the foundation of one
which ahmtld he remembered by every
motorist. It Is as follow:
"Cotton fabric is th foundation up
on which an automobile tire la built
It la used to glv stability and
strength. There are two well-known
clasaes of lire -th square-woven
fabric and the cord tire.
Cords and Fabric Differ.
"In the square-woven fabric tire th
threads In each ply run In both direc
tions, alternating over and under as In
piece of ordinary cloth. In th cord
tire, the threads or cords In each ply
run parallel, with the eiceptlon of
few small cross threads, used simply
to hold the cords together while they
are being Impregnated with th rubber
"The life of tire would be greatly
Increased If Internal friction could b
eliminated. The Internal frlctloal
caused by Intermittent distortion of
the tire In us I the result of th frle
tloo of th threads upon each other!
and the strains and stresses set up Is
th rubber compound. Naturally th
fabric which glv th least room for
Internal friction will glv th longest
life to th tire.
"Bine square-woven fabric cannotl
b thoroughly impregnated with rubber)
at th points where th thread eroaa,i
flexing at the point will caua
sawing action and the generating oil
Internal beat. It ha hew dnonatrii
ed very dearly by perl swat .tht
when th temperature resulting from
Internal heat reaches 280 degrees, ul
canlzed rubber ceases to function a
an adhesive compound, crumbles Into
minute particles which fall to renunw
their original condition, causing th
compound to lose Its function lu UiSi
X 21
"Nobody Came oAlong!