Beaverton times. (Beaverton, Or.) 191?-19??, May 05, 1922, Image 1

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In Olden Days Men of Genius Turned
Out Swinging Signs That Wen
Really Attractive.
The staring signs that hare to long
offended, the eye on the tops ef build
lugs ultimately will be removed sim
ply fur the reason of public safety.
Bwrds of tire underwriters object that
the structures not only serve to spread
the flumes, but greatly hinder the fire
man's work. One might wish that Uw
mandate Included all the encroach
menu of the signboard, remarks the
Kansas City Star.
Man diligently advertised his wares
even before the day of the frescoed
goat over the Ponjpeilan dairy. But
In those old days the desire tor cus
tom was tempered by a aest for art.
The floating cupid. pictured in front of
as ancient sandal makers' shop, bal
ancing one sandal on the curly head
and waving the mate In his chubby
hand, if a thing of beauty as well as
a symbol of trade. The picturesque
winging boards of some generations
past were outgrowths ef the display
of armorial beatings and heraldic
crests, sumptuous and pleasing to the
In days gone by artists of note did
not scorn to try a prentice hand on
orh signs. The "Mule and Muleteer,"
an early work of Cnrreggio, was orig
inally painted for an Inn. Many a
royal academician has given the pub
lic a lion or a unicorn. The age of
artistic sign painting received Its
death .blow In the reign of George Q
when soch erections fell under the
bead of "street nuisances."
According to This, It Qlvta Ita Pos
sessor a Distinct Start In
Matrimonial Race.
If yon are a girl and have red hair,
pay no attention to those who nick
name yon "Carrots." It will not bo
sign of their disrespect, but of
their jealously, asserts London An
ewere. An eminent doctor has Just ex
pressed the opinion that the rod-haired
woman has a distinct advantage over
nil ethers In the matrimonial race.
Man is attracted by the subtle shades
of copper and red In girl's hair,
and this explains why "henna" dye
la no popular. The girt who calls you
"Carrots" the loudest wilt be the first
to try the effect of "henna" herself.
To complete the conquest, a batter
milk complexion most be added. If
yon do not possess one naturally, there
tf7 be hope for you If yon give
up flesh food and become a vegetarian,
living on fruits, cream, salads, ralsluB,
and honey.
But, remember this a woman's
graces must be natural, or thev will
not outlive the glamor of courtship.
No self-respecting mnn will like to
feel that his love has been captured
hv dves and diet. And uo self-c-
Every Voter
County Should Support
for Congress
He will work for the interests
of the farmers. Washington
County is a farming community.
PHE ' 311pS srlS-J Josr Reamer T I HMA BeT u JSSp ift 1 'Z "iJ caw 1 X)
V :
Government of Egyptian City Has In.
stituted School Where Stray Boys
Will Be Educated.
It looks as If the problem of the
waifs and strays of Cairo was going
to receive at last serious attention.
After much Insistence on the part
of some public-spirited officials a spe
cial school for boys of this class ha
been opened in the environs of Cairo,
where they will be looked after and
trained by the government without
their having committed some crime to
admit them into the reformatory, pre
viously the only Institution of the kind.
Nothing so far has been done for the
girl children, though another home la
promised for this purpose. It la there
fore satlsfaciory to hear of the forma
tion of an organisation called the
"Brotherhood Federation," ostensibly
nonsectarlan and international, with
the object of looking after and Im
proving the lot of the child waifs gen
erally. A meeting recently held In support
of this movement waa given much
prominence in the local English papers,
but in spite of Its Intimate bearing on
a purely Egyptian problem none of the
Arabic papers appears to have given
the matter any publicity. Christian
Science Monitor.
Progressed by Slow Stages.
Thirty years ago the men of Hart
shay, a hamlet of Derbyshire, England,
were accustomed to meet at a bridge
on the edge of the town, where they
would read the papers and discuss
events. This was al) right in summer
time, bnt la the winter it was 'differ
ent and they would occasionally ad
journ to a sheltered' spot under the
bridge. From this they moved into c
rack-ed pigsty and later annexed an
othei pigsty. This rude building wan
unproved by their own efforts until it
was a fairly comfortable place. From
this humble origin there is now a
rather pretentious library, with the
beat paperr and magazines and a
stock of good books.
Willed Everything Away.
A lawyer In Chicago was retained
by a contractor to draw np his wllL
The task waa accomplished apparent
ly to the satisfaction of the client I
the lawyer's fee was paid, and the lat
ter supposed, of course, that the mat
ter bad been concluded. To his great
surprise, therefore, be revived an
other call from hli client the next
day, who expressed his conviction that
the affair bad not been properly edV
"Why, what'a tbe troubler asked
the legal light
"Trouble enough," said the man. "I
didn't sleep the whole night through
for thlnkln' of that will I You've fixed
It so I've not left myself a chair to alt
on!" Philadelphia Ledger.
Success Is a poor man's dream and
a rich man's responsibility.
in Washington
Achievement of the purposes out-
lined herein is the basis upon which j
I present my ame to the meu and j
women of Oregon as a candidate for ,
the republican nomination for gov-;
ernor of the state: ; !
1 Immediate deflation of state
expenditures by cutting at least one
million dollars from the present cost
at the next session of the legislature.
This Is vital as the first step In tore-;
ing a downward trend uipon all tax j
levying bodies in order to bring relief !
from unnecessary tax burden!.
2 Immediate consolidation and j
concentration of all existing commis-1
sions, boards and scattered functions i
of government, including the public!
service commission, Into not to exceed
ten departments all directly apcaunt
able to the governor who In turn ia
directly responsible to the people for
their conduct This centralization of
administrative responsibility Is nec
essary in setting np of a simple,
economcal and responsible method of
handling the state's business, i
8 Immediate, definite, equitable
and certain plan for retiring the
state's present overwhelming bonded
indebtedness. Oppose any farther
proposals for bond issues or appro
priations at special election!.
4 Immediate insistence ubon a
showdown on the Japanese isaue in
Oregon. A white man cannot com
pete with a Japanese coolie ad we
have got to halt this insidious inva
sion of our lands and Industries with
out further delay. 1 '
5 My mission as governor "fill he
to stimulate progress in Oregon and
promote the good name of popular
government in our state.
A protective tariff to safeguard
te interests of Oregon. f
Obtaining Oregon's Just thsre of
tbe reclamation fund for Oregon!
reclamation and irrigation p rejects.
Oobernment assistance In tbe de
velopmet of Oregon'! hyddgre-eleo-tric
The fostering and maintaining, on
an economical and commonraense
basil, of the free public schools,
A reduction of taxea by economical
administration of public affeita.
Federal aid road money for
on economic market roads; ncY for
tourist roada only.
Vigorous effort by federal govern
ment to stamp out narcotic evil;
genuiue enforcement of all laws.
Just compensation to our service
men who served and defended uu.
To this end my earnest support
will be given to the relief of our agrl
cultra) interests which must find en
couragement through cooperative
marketing and market roads, and to
the development of our industries
and natural resources upon which
the state's material welfare depend.
My earnest support will likewise be
given to the cause of public educa
tion upon which the state's moral
and social welfare depends.
In omitting from- my platform a
mass of incidental and supplementary
issues, I am willing that my stand
and stability on all matters affecting
the moral, social and Industrial wel
fare of our state and country shall
be measured by my record as a cltl
ren. '
Vegetable Bulletin Out !
The value of garden vegetables I
grown In the state exclusively for i
Sale amount! annually to approxl-1
mately $1,600,000, As necessary.
crops In the farm home board tbe
value of these products exceeds t,
760,00 yearly, according to a bulle-1
tin on vegetable gardening In Ore-j
gon by A. O. B. Bouquet, professor J
of vegetable gardening at the col- j
- Recommendations offered In i
this publication are based on investi
gational data and general observa
tions of crops in the field, green-1
house, and frame.
By OuHe, Sughrat
While Teaching "Visible Speech" It It
Said Alexander Graham Bell '
Mads Great Discovery,
That the telephone whs born In
America, Hiid that Alexander linihani
Bell mude his discovery In Host on of
the only way In which speech could
he transmit led, was due to circum
stances full of the deepest human In
terest, Buys the Telephone I'ress Ser-1
vice. That Hull came to Boston to
teach his fathers method of visible
speech, was due to the insistence of 1
a New England womnu, Miss Sarah 1
Fuller, principal of the Horace Munn
School for Deiif Mutes.
Miss Fuller so impressed the Boston
school board with the Importance of
this method of Instruction for the un
fortunate children under her care,
that, after vainly trying to secure of
Bell's father, who had Invented the
system, the board, upon his recom
mendation, offered the son, Alexander
Graham Bell, $500 to come to Boston
and give a course of instruction at
the Bchool.
He went there April 1, 1871, and
thereafter divided his time between
teaching the theory of visible speech
to the teachers, and In practical In
structions to the pupils. In 1872 he
opened a normal school for teachers.
In 1873 he accepted an appointment as
professor of vocal physiology In the
school of oratory of Boston university.
In 1875, Professor Bell made the happy
discovery that led to the Inveuttou of
the telephone. He was then twenty
eight years old.
Power ef the Danes Broken by Brian
Boru In 1014 Normans Became
About 800 A. D., the pagan hosts
of the Northmen and Danes fell on
Ireland with fierce destruction. After
a century of destruction, Irish kings
led their people In a succession of
ware, for tbe deliverance of their
country, and Brian Borama, or Brian
Born (928-1014), king of Huniter, by
his great victory In the battle of Clon
tarf, on April 28, 1014, finally broke the
power of the Danes In Ireland, In
1171 Ireland was Invaded by tbe Nor
mans 'from England, Id the time of
Henry II, and Its conquest began, "In
Ireland." to quote the words of Prof.
Edward A. Freeman (1828-1802) "the
Norman was more purely a conqueror
than anywhere else, but In Ireland bis
power of adaptation caused him to
sink In a way In which he sank no
where else. While some of the Nor
man settlers In Ireland went to swell
the mass of the English of the Pale,
others threw In their lot with the
native Irish, and became, in the well
known saying, "more Irish than the
Irish themselves" Detroit News.
"Henry VIII."
"Henry VIII" Is supposed to have
been drawn mainly from Cavendish's
"Life of Wolsey" and from the chroni
cles of Olieitle and others. It was ac
cepted that the play- the lust of the
Shakespearean works whs not writ
ten by him in Its exact final form,
hm was somewhat modi fled by BurbaK
and bis coin pan? In preparing It for
tbe stage. This, tf done, probably
was with ShHkesncare'o consent
Why "Splnsterf
The term "spinster" applied te an
onmarrted woman Is an actual refer
ence to the spinning wheel. In olden
times women were prohibited from
marrying until they had spun a full
set ef bed furnishings; thus, before
l heir merrlsge they spent much time
at the spinning wheel, and were,
therefore, known as "spinsters,"
Pink Milk.
If your are In doubt about the cream
on your mflk, add s tiny drop of spirits
of salts. If the milk has been adulter
afed to give It i rich appearance, It
will turn pink and then you can turn
the milkman pint by showing him how
the trick Is done! Von can, by the
way. also test your vinegar by the
same method. If 11 Is bogus vlnegttr s
little spirits of salts will turn H
brilliant green.
Solidified Oil Economic Fuel.
French cliemlnt have announced
that they are meeting with si until suc
cess In the effort to save anil conserve
the fuel .supply by a process which
solidities the oil mid make It In this
shape much easier to handle and ecu
noiulcul to burn na fuel.
At no distant date. It Is promised,
It will be possible to use the new
product as substitute for heavy fuel
oils in furnaces, locomotives, and for
Mhor industrial purposes where coal
nimervHtlou Is a big issue.
Not only will the product not he af
fected by chunges of temperature, hut
It will nlxo withstand combustion un
less in direct contact with (lames, while
It U easily extlugul slutble oy wuter.
Pre II in I nary samples ml ready pro
duced have proved too costly.
Looking Ahead.
Here Is a uew NorthclllTe story
from 'The Mirrors of Downing
(Street.' The eminent editor had a
caller who raised his hat and made a
profound bow to the elevutur hoy as
the two men, NorthclllTe and his
friend, went up to the editor's rooms.
When they otttne down the friend
again raised his hat and bowed low to
the boy. Northcllffe remonstrated wlfh
"Von shouldn't Joke with these
boys," he said. "It makes discipline
dim cult."
"Joke 1" exclaimed the caller. "Good
heavens, I wasn't joking. How do 1
know that tomorrow that boy will not
be the editor of the Daily Mailt1
As It Was Pronounced.
Ton have made a big mistake,"
aald the boss, "1 never saw (hut word
In my life. It may mean 'mmMed,'
but even that word doesn't apply."
"But that la whnt you diet a led,"
replied the stenographer, spelling and
pronouncing from her notes.
MAh, yes," returned the man, "1 un
daratand now. I said 'bona fide,' but
I didn't expect you to spell it 'bout
Oed,' "Houston Post. 1
New Orleans Anniversary.
In 1928 the two hundredth anni
versary of tbe formal elevation of
New Orleani to a capital city, with
the historic Place d' Amies as Ita civic
center, will be celebrated, and by that
time It Is hoped not only to have
Jackaon square and Its surrounding!
duplicate Its indent arrangement but
also to duplicate the ceremony which
marked the occasion as memorable a!
any In American civic history.
Pex Aidi Fanner,
Beeldea mcb poultry as they can.
tore, foxes are very fond of field mire
and destroy thou A Mis of them; In
tbls nay they are a fwsltlve benefit to
tbe agriculturist, sayt the American
Forestry Muganlne, They also catch
and eat many wooden iickathe latter
standing la the utmost fear of them
He has made good for us
on one job. Give him a
a bigger one now.
Home Interesting Comparisons Made
Of Spend of Travel of Various
Familiar Things.
The swiftest speed we know Is that
of light ISil.iNW miles a second; tl
slnwet la tAit of the human thumb
nail, which grows 2-l,tHN),lHM)tli! of
a yard a second.
Thft from Science and Invention
which makes some mure speed coin
pariaons, as follows: )
A cannon hall has been fired at II
speed of 2,1)00 miles an hour.
A bamboo tree grows 'i7-10,000V
OOOtha of il yard a second.
The en rili speeds around the sun nl
65,(WS mile an hour.
A snail moves lo-10,000thi of a yard)
a second.
De Bomanet flew an airplane on
November 4, 1010, 198 miles an hour.
Tommy Milton's motor car traveled
one mile In 28 plus seconds, or 188
miles an hour.
An electric train In tents between
Berlin and Zussen mude 1U0 miles an
Railroad engines have made 120
ant lee an hour.
Ice boats glide two mtlea minute,
or 120 miles an hour.
The motor boat Miss America baa
made Tft.Bfifi miles an hour.
Dea'royers make 48 ml lei an hour.:
A man has skated 27 1-8 miles an
hour, run 13 mllea an hour, walked
94 miles an hour.
Orientals In This Country Administer
Justice Without Troubling the
Regular Tribunals,
Completely Isolated from any inter-1
ference from the occidental officers of I
the law, the Chinese hare their owujj
courts of law. Criminals against this
code, when punished, are not baled be-U
fore the white man'a tribunal.
conclusive evidence, examine the
dockets of any court, In an attempt t
find where one Chinese baa Issued ft h
complaint against another, say the pa
lice. Quick execution, under tbe busy
llf ef downtown Portland, la said t
have been meted out te many men,
while milady shopped above.
At any rate, thmt la tbe glet of one)
of the many tales told about poUct)
headquarters concerning Portlanfi ,
Chinatown, by an "unchow" wha
should know. Most of the police am
aware of the suspected existence of
the tunnel. The numerous raid
gainst gambling Hone, waiee to tbo.j , k
public are more or lew routine nf ,
fairs, are tinged with the thrill of ad
venture for the police, who woods
which one of their number will be)
tliu first to discover one of the en
trances to the mythical uassagewayv-
Portland Oregon lao.
X 21
Kinda Sounds Correct