' ' ' J.- tf ' ' 1 mm TIMES BBAVRRTON, OREGON, FRIDAY, APRIL II, Ma. NO. W DevaoOharaaBl, - fbi tvteatlat. has phetafrapfaed tlw wta teaa f wmt hi a aeferepheole 4r nit ay tht aid W a BMeadal eclll grap. Tha paMafrapha art repre daetioa af tlw syllable pronoaueedi ay a fconaa voice, aad tt I expected that they will bi ( an li the sol tlea of various nrablanis la telephony, la studying the tmpraaatoa made by syllables the experimenter found that aacfa syllable la composed of 90 to 40 complete vibrations. The beglntngandj tb and of tlte syllables are modified by the impressions of tha eonsonanta, bat tha modification! cover only four or five periods, so that earn syllabi has 20 to 80 regular vibrations corres ponding to Us vowel. The method permit the study of the higher har monica, which give character to worda. Cod fish. Codfish is said to be the world's most important which means the most eaten fish. Few fish are more prolific It hax been asserted that one weighing 75 pounds will contain over P.OtW.OOO eggs. Per hups the tatpou is one of thein, for It Is a large UnIi with a very fine roe. The eod is practically omnivorous, finding means to supply great schools wherever food of any sort is found. It is found in many parts of the world other than the North American "banks" and it is said that it has been fished for by fisher men of northern Kuxope since the be ginning of recorded history std of course for unuecouiitnble centuries be fore mun began to make written .rec ords. Cord Tire Facts. A 30 by 31 cord tire contains al most 9.000 feet of cord or over a mile and a half. A 35 by 6 has over 80,000 feet of cord or over 5 miles. The cord, similar to medium-weight Sshlng line, is made of long fiber cotton, of far better grade than used In ordinary cotton goods. Bach cord. Insulated lo rubber, is separated from the next b a layer of rubber Insulating, which gives additional strength. A standard make five-inch cord tire has 20 to 24 cords per Inch and a strength In fabric carcass alone in , excess of 2,400 pounds to the square Inch, 1rreme of the atreugth given by other parts. Sense of Security, "I hope some day," remarked Mr. Chuggln. "to give up my flivver aud hive a private yacht." "Why do you prefer the yacht?" "I can go to bed without being dis turbed by the fear that some one Is Suing to steal it out of the garage," Lamp tor Every Inhabitant The production of electrir- lamps In the Onited States now apirtflxlniotea 130.000.000 annually, or about one for every r. huh i turn -of the ray's try. Every Voter in .Washington County Should Support EARL E. FISHER for Congress He will of the work for farmers. County is a farming community. MICKIE, THE PRINTER'S DEVIL I t i i3 " irruruHK m IN SHADE OF r- WMAUYAS MaJaatta Pawxa.ua Otaplayad When the aVay Claud Inah and Ma- rterthward from Darjeellng tha view of the Himalaya avnautalna Is inspiring. When the gray doods break, they reveal crystal ramparta, lifting far to oast and wast, and a majestic panorama of range beyond rang In the blaa distance. The primeval far eat no longer extends to the snow line. There are bare spots and rain acids and hundreds of tea gardens. Bat the farther mountains are clothed with great trees and with a tangle of ferns and creepers, bamboos, climbing palms and wild flowers. The hill tribes living In these solitudes are very dissimilar 1b features, dress and habits, but alike In their half-superstitions awe of their great mountains and In their quiet friendliness. Some times a woman from the Himalaya forests appears In the Darjeellng mar ket place, bearing on ber back. It may he, a bnndle of fagots for fire wood, a burden less beautiful to west ern eyes than armfuls of scarlet rhododendron blossoms or strange hued orchids would be, but no leas precious to the heart of a dweller In s land of unceasing rein. From "In the Darjeellng Market-Place," by Marietta Kelt, In Asia Magazine, Tara, "Beautiful Hill." From the coming of Hererann, hus band of Tea. to the desolation of Tara in the Sixteenth century, 120 kings of the Scotic or Milesian stork ruled from their palace on the famous hill. In the annals of the Four Masters we read of the fortieth In the list of Irish kings, the renowned Olluv Fola, who institut ed the Feis or assembly-of Tara. His real name was Eocby, the title Ollav Fola, or Doctor of Erin, being given him because of his extraordinary (earning. The "fels tara" was the na tional parliament of the Ireland of Its day, and met trlennially for one week at the period known as Samhalntide (three days before and three days after November day). The meeting was held in the open air in one weath er and In the banqueting ball tn wet This ball, waa Wu feet long and from 00 to 80 "feet" wide, and" had" tlx or seven large entrances on either side. The site can still be traced. The last king to reign at Tara was Dlarmald, and no king after him, even when called king of Tara, ever dwelt upon "the beautiful bill." Salt Supply Here to Stay. The salt supply Is not likely to he exhauBted. Every pint of sea water contains a half ounce of salt and It te estimated rfmt there is salt enonch In the spas t rover the entire irlobe to s depth of fiO feet. The Scandinavians and people of northe-n Russia are tha greatest rlt enters in the world. the interests Washington mraini A atate-wid mrrvy of Oregon's agricultural, industrial, ' mineral, scenic and other natural resources waa ordered by the Board of Dtree- torg of the Oregon flute Chamber of Commerce in an all-day meeting held In Portland on April !th The data gathered In this survey will be used in the compilation of a booklet descriptive of Oregon's re sources- Decision to undertake the survey was reached after report by direc tors In charge of the various de partments of the State Chamber Bhowed the Oregon as a state haa not sufficient data available setting forth In exact terms what the vari ous districts have to offer to pros pective settlers nnd investors. Secretary George Quayle was in structed to get in touch immediately with all state commissions and de partments, the Oregon Agricultural College and experimental station station, the Oregon Bureau of Mines and all other sources of au thentic information. These organ izations and departments will be asked tb state to what extent they can assist an undertaking of this kind. "We propose to bring Oregon up to date In a statistical way." said "Blil" Hahley of Burns, president of the State Chamber. "Before we can continue the development plana we have under way, it Is necessary that we know exactly what the state has to offer to the investor and aet tler. The preliminary work In this survey will be done through corres- pondence., Later, our field man will secure final and complete data on every district of the - state through personal Investigation." , , f. THE VALUE OP SERVICE The doctor who answers a hurry call with the greatest possible speed is more valuable than a physician of equal akill who drives up to the patient' door at his own conveni ence. Service counta. It is worth money. Who 1b there who doesn't agree with this general principle? and doesn't It apply also in the buy ing of merchandise? The progressive merchant in your own trading center gives serv- i Ice along with the goods. He has a selection of merchandise continually tin Block. You don't have to wait. When you enter the store you are able to see the article Itself In which you are interested. You see1 It with ycur eyes, feel It with your: fincers; note its actual Bine, shape j ! fuid color; compare It with other I goodB at different prices, and, if it J is what you want, take It away with i you. i If you have questions to ask, you are given an explanation on we spot. The answer given your first j question may uuEgest another query, j It is answered .within half a minute J of the first interrogation. No time Is lost. You benefit from the dealer's practical knowledge, from r the fact that he la on the ground j and ready at all times to see to it personally that the article he has sold you gives satisfaction. I The wise buyer will not forget that such matters- have a dollars, and cents value and should enter ln- to tha reckoning whenever a price j comparison is being made. The . Oregon Parmer. Not There, Not There, My Child. "Mother," suid Ifitle Itnyinonfl,. please show me the place In th tlble where It tells about Simla iaus." Boston Transcript by Charles Sughrae W N ,mi IMm WHERE BUNGLE DOES HARM Always Makes' a Mess af His Own Ufa and Tea Frequently tha Lives 1 af 0 there, Bungler ire frequently talker above their ability to' perform. To be sure they want to be rated welt among their friends and frequently go to tha limit tn telling others what they are going to do. That's how George got Into the hospital. It seems George and another colored chap did the gar dening on a certain man's estate In the Middle West One morning George didn't turn up. The master went to dam and said: "Ksm, Where's George f "In de hospital, sah," "In the hos pital ; how did that happen r "Well, you see," replied 8nm, "George Is mar ried and he's be'n telling me for a long time as how he's goln' to tick his wife, "cause ber nnnsrin', and yisttldy she done hear hfm at It Dot's all." And how ninny there are tike him. They are going to turn the world upside down until they meet face to face with the fncts. After the bunglers get In their work It's impossible for anyone else to make a good job of It. They take perfectly good reputations and leave them pretty poor examples of what is good. No wood butcher ever nuide a bigger mess of good lumber than has ninny a bun trter made of other people's lives. And these artists even bungle up their own lives. They get their heads full of no tions that lend to folly. Like gttna, they go off half-rocked find the dinu ase enn never be repaired. Cnrpli's of the facts, they frequently make as sertion that are far from true and ad according to what yon expect nf such creatures. Every effort added seems to add to the confusion. Grit. RIDE ON SUNBEAM EXPRESS Journey That Would Be Remarkable for Spsed and for Wondars Seen Along tha Way. Emtle Betot, the French astronomer, suggests that, tf one were able to straddle a light ray (which travels 186.000 mtles a second) and thus voy age through space, observations along rbe route would be exceedingly inter esting. Tt would take only a little mora than a second to reach the moon and In 4 minutes and 20 seconds one would arrive at the planet Mara. One would get n far as Jupiler to 85 minutes, to Saturn In 7fi minutes, to Uranus In 2 hours and to Neptune In 4 hours. On the way one would come across a great many comets without tails nphul-iUH bodies of spherical shape which are rarely seen from the earth. It would take two years to get out side the sphere of the sun's attraction, and by that time our orb of day would look like nothing more import ant thnn a hie tnr. The cttn r nearest to us, Alpha Ten tatiri, would meanwhile bp looinlnp np. and Hie wHyfurer 'lirnugh splice ml':ht expect tn srrlve tl cre In a tittle more thnn fonr yenrs. Hy th! time he would have Journeyed 24..(W.0U0 miles. t Painfully Thrilling dame. The natives of the Philippine Islands have a guine known a "slapping." It Is played by two men. Hoth are nude, and afler tosidiig a ahull to de termine who Is "It," one of them, the "It" man. takes a seat on a log In such a manner as to expose his right thigh. He then lights a cigarette and endeavors to maintain an air of con temptuous Indifference. The other man steps back so as to get a good swing, and then slaps with his hand with every ounce of strength he can put Into it. The report souada like a pistol shot. A Judge examines the spot where the blow fell. If a blood blister i shown that Is. If the blood can be seen Jusl under the skin the victim has no chance to come back at his antagonist. If tt does nor how, then he can swing at the other feUow. Evolved In Prison. BKperuiifj), the only one of all tha many so-called un I vernal langUHgiis that shows any algna of survival, was fnvented by Doctor Damenholf during his 16 years' of captivity lo a Polish prison. HX OWN people' : y ILIZAHTH M'NAUQHT. There were luauy things Him dark eyed Hebecc was fortud iw mi up with Id her ay ua I id iiuie hu.uv mauj things thut were uot m mi con ducive tu tlw happiness ox a twenty- year-old visionary such aa she hiip I peued to be, I There was Grandma Sohwaria, com fortably situated, with uu rum won of au Impoverished old ugo, yui tur . ever lutimuung tier growing luunienubs 'anil its attuiniuiit loss ui ust'iuiiifus; uud Uraiitipu Sob warts, uuuuhuiiMj railing ai(uiul the present geinjrtHUni; and lust, Itebeccu g father, uiiMdy and silent, constantly worrying Umi u like wise unjust world, Just Uu-ti h injur ing prohibition, might bmig it iu au iatiue. And lie iu Uiu liquor busine! To gL'uile, lull ring Utile Keoucci.' the very smell of the siutl was itu uliuininutiou. Dutifully, she vvorUed unseen lu the little cow pun muni he hind the bur, labeling, ludUum, Deal ing but worked inecluiuicHlly. loi al ways her mind was tar ahead In the future, far rutuuved from lliul dtin.p, heavy atmosphere. Before Iter mind's eye inuiiy lutures viniotu'd (hciiise.vex mistily, tunny modes of life, outuy friends. Aud, luiiiiiJHivttly, whlimii a moment's notice aim remmed her great decision, Amid thti learn und plens and ill re, bewildering predictions of her nefir ones she piiawed inio the gruy stone walls of Uie coiiuty luiNpltui to emerge four years litter a posliive link- ll voiced Itehit'cu, spot lews Iu while linen, betiriug so much dignity, yei lu ll untieing uu gwttetty. Nut even imr father dared to clmlU-ngu her whim Hhe sprinkled her queer siuolllug dis infectants about the houtte nor yut when she calmly disagreed with uiuny of their life-long traditions. Slowly, yet patiently alia worked for Uie change, Aud slowly It come. No longer did grandma pray aloud tint her last sickness might be "a short bed"; grandpa, If ba -till re ialnvd hi own opinions, kept lueui preity well to hiuiaelf, asueclully lu the presence of tills capuhle young changeling, aud rather, the former master of his own aud others' desti nies, had cause to be Jubilant, for, be cause of the earnest solicitation of Hebecca, he had stepiwd very grace fully and financially safe from ihe business a yeur previous and compli menting himself uu his ahrewdm-'ss, sat buck and dared a real prohibition tu do Its worst. r(li us they sat mills tied, atop of their Utile world of lin( plntm Suddenly, thulr world cued lu 1 Father saw hliu tirnL "Why, 1 was aiiniily un a cano wlih imsmMmmiimasmmiimmmmMmma WHITE for GOVERNOR He has made good for us on one job. Give him a a bigger one now. VOTE ifmmmwmmwwrmwmiwmmmmxTsmi Women Don't Understand oAbcut These Thingt Tt Got laV1 waa ber only applanation, givwa with a finality that was eloquent 1st its defiance, ar M'b It seamed lo tn saaet old van. But tha caaaa baoaaM Like awet old ladles, greodna had) tha habit af atttlag down la bar rack lag chair with something ta read, then going to sleep, to awaken Just aa tha small black roadster besrlug away bar daughter's child turned tha corner. One evening she awakened shout tbreo seconds sooner than usual or Just la time to catch a glimpse of tha myntery man. Her vautage point was tha bed room window and tha moonlight, abet led by a fading vision, Interfered, somewhat. Her heart stood still, for Hie silvery grayuess of the hulr and the pulenetis of the akin proclaimed him a Gentile. The trembling kueea grew weak and shuklngly she crept beneath the sheets, sore at heart, fear fully apprehensive, yet sn ally, Hoherra would marry whomever aha chose, this the old lady kuew, yet she also knew the hardtiVBs of the nou coiiiproiiiiHliig f ai her, aud after weeks of dwelling In such misery, It was oot surprising Unit site took to her bud, really sick this ttme One evening, he Invaded their home; stralulug Ititrd, the invalid heurd Hehecca's happy voice und cheery laugh welcoming hliu. "(Hi, Und uf Abraham," she prayed humbly, "take me to your bosom." Ureal drops of perspiration slued out on her forehead and It was quite a few minutes before she became con scIuuh of a coul hand sooiiiing her brow. Slowly, she peered up, seek ing for a llitle comfort In the kind eyes above her bod, but they war elsewhere, "1 shouldn't have left her," Itohecca s-ns saying, "the heat Is so depressing today." Grand nm's eyes encircled the rootn, leeklug the Intruder, and one look Into a pair of somber black eyas and her hluelah, grayish, swaying old world up and rl uli ted Itself. What matter blonde-like hair or Gentile features? " For, instinctively, Grandma fe-hwarta knew she was being supported by tha strong arm of a son of the etioam people. A little gasping, hu if -uttered explanation In Hehecca's ear, a few nervous tears and It was all over aa the girl said cbidlngly: "Grandma, dear, where Is your trust In me? I never could forsake my own people, my own faith; If I for a mo ment doubted that I should, I would have dropped It all four years ago." And with a glad little cry, recognis able as huplneMs In any dialect, grand ma sank buck among the pillows and cloned her eyes for her first real nap In weeks. Wssnt In His Right Mind. Hhe I "hull nevt'r forget how crasf you looked when you proposed to ma, IJn1 was era ay. X 21 UTO-6 ' lUttlGA A& Uv4u tuGHY I