............... . . . .Wimwi r 11 M P4 M M M M a. ' B BT'BT . ' . "-' "' '!" . . . i i niunmui , . r irfn. tifiiifcifTr .?) 4,-8,1 kit, r , ,- - T '. W3 hhipw iB'f i iiap iyqw T """" " " """- L""T'i1iJ-il n ftni , ai, .lHataeA J.m&J-A m 5 - : t Canriy. Nuts. Fruit, Dishes See What We Have for Xmas mm ristmas m fHRISTMAS.y - MI NTS ohn - - 7 m v. , . Felt Slippers For Women and Children. A practical and apprecited gift We hare then in colore such as Lavender. Dark Gray, OW Rose, Nary Blue, Dark Red. , Prices from $1.75 to $3.25 Christmas Boxes Big Assortment of all sizes DRESS GLOVES 75c 0 pop Bros. 1 1 Quality '3 m OrriaLixieixt Women's Fancy Boudouir Caps Made of silk and net, beautiful colors and well designed. A gift any lad) will appreciate. Handkerchiefs in Fancy Boxes Embroidered in white and colors $1.00 and $1.50 a Bos "", i A Real Christmas Special COTTON WOOLNAP BLANKETS These Blankets of Gray. Pink, Blue and Tan plaids are indeed aa extra ordinary food buy.. The leant these aame kind of Blankets has been shown and priced by any store in Portland other than ourselves has been S5.98. They are double and full size. $3.98 SILK HOSE 98c $1.35 $2.50 NECKLACES $1.00 $1.25 ' $1.50 Outing Flannel 19c yard n uionufj uiu v Cigarette Cases Perfume Ties Ribbons Dresser Scarfs Towels Saving Sets OF TELLOFTRIPSOUTH LINERS Messra. Stipe, Hockt-n, Desinger and Adams Had Eventful Journey Through California. The follovring' story oi ihe trip of four BeavBrton men through Califor nia in a car is retold firm the 'ort laud TuierTHin: Although a f'w bad s.ret:hes of rad wet enco-nt- red on U.e Oregon section of the P ict'ic highway, a par ty of local motorists who recently made a tour to Tia J nana, Mexico, had an interesting end pleasant outing-. Members of tbc party were El mer Stipe, locr.l Chevrolet agent; Bert Hockcn, Carl Lesingtr, aad Claudf Adnnis, The trip was made in Mr. Hockcn's Ecscx. air. Stipe sneaks in the highest terms of the car, wljch, he says, cov ered the 2y00 milea without any mo tor trouble. TSu trip to San Fran cisco was made in about two and a half days. Aft-.T sightseeing in San Francisco for three days tlic party left for Southern California, via Los Angeles and San Diego, tnd crossed the line to Tia Juatn. The trip south was made by way of Grants Pa&s, Ashland and Oiland. The return trip was "y the inland route, FOR SALE Registered Chester White boar, year old. Vt B. Em mons, Route 3. FOR SALE Peppermint roots, grown fioni im ported English stock. Can be plant ed now or in the spring. For .further particulars write or call upon G. J. Moisan. Orvais, Oregon. 49t3 PEARL OIL (KEROSENE) HEAT- COMFORT Ira F. Hoard Ira F. Hoard, lifelong resident of Washington coq.nty, died last Friday at his home in Hillsboro and the fu neral was held at 2 o'clock Sunday afternoon from the Donelson & Bell parlors, Rev. Deck, of the Congrega tional church ottficiatrng. Mr. Hoard's death was a blow in mnv who had knov.n him for vearn. for in Cnico. On the outgoins trip rain was""'? ""if . 7 L iL encountered front iieaveln until T?' J!?11 T 'LT.J'.'lT Uriand was resched. From Orland , . ia w T. 'i to the Mexican line the teatlwr wu t&Jf,!?dJl?P SL.a"S tear. "From Eeaverion to Salem the ' a "Jiiti, wu, un: picnnunanes road, althouifh a little wet. was in rTTi. "T.ArT . n?.pel' P., and U time "i.7iTSiZI varjudd,, driin, difficult MSilg at times. 't- llWv l. ;J rn: Splendid Music Coming Alexander Trio on Third Night of Chautauqua Festival And good points how a poultry Farm should be run. : A chance for some to gain knowledge i Came from the 0. A. C. College, In the lectures given By Professor Lutin. ; O. O. SMITH. & tea a MARION COUNTY IS WOELD'S CENTER FOR LOGANBERRIES Marion County claims to be the loganberry center of the world. The statement was recently made that Oregon produces 95 per cent of the loganberries grown in the . United States. According to the recent statement of the state tax commit sion, there are 3446 acres planted in loganberries in Marion county and in the etire state 53ft7 acres. Yamhill county ranks second in the, state with 4D3 acres and Polk coun-, ty third with 360, and Washington county fourth with 211 acrs of logan berries. But this is just the beginning of the loganberry acreage, according to estimates given out by the Oregon Growers Co-operative association. Already there is an acreage in the 30,00,000 pounds of loganberries an nually. Yet the estimate is that within three years, instead of 6367 acres in loganberries in the entire state, the Salem district alone will have 10,000 acres. Banks Christmas Tree Industry H. W. Danielson has started a new industry all his own. He secured the contract and secured &e trees for a Christmas tree market and this week shipped from aiiks three car loads, 17,000 Christmas trees, to California. The trees are from four to eight feet tall. Bunks Herald. , A aansiea! congas that will lalliht yau frail tk Wbuia to la. ens tt leelr concert la aauad for tka tklrd aajkt X the Ckaatawma rastltal It is Ike Auaar Trie taree raal artists va Mr air aorta af aMaleal Inattuasenu aad play Umb all wria raal arUscry. They ar mU-kjiowa la ta attddlt Wast aa aa raaaiaatuw that saakaa (aad la wary staaaraat. Thay arasaat Hans, futtar. Holm, waphoaa, aililaakoa. and rooal aolaa arlth duat and trio taatalnaUaas of avary aoacabakh) kind. BEAVBRTON CHUITAUQUA SATURDAY NIGHT "At certain points in OremmjmDar sign posts wire lackine. All Cali fornia roads, both paved and dirt. were found in rood condition. Cal ifornia roads are well marked with aurn posts and the motorist's chance of losing his bearings is reduced to a minimum. "On the return trip .the roada ware found in about the aaue vendition as on the outward trip. One hundred forty-five gallons of gasoline were tasd oo the trip, "We certainty had one bit: .time. TV trip through California and Ore gon was thoroughly enjoyed, the j ausaaif a rout mterrstiar and food" fellowship was shown by all tourista papain en route.- Bagley, who with a son and daughter, Harry and Alice Hoard, survive him. His father, M. B. Hoard, and a broth er, Richard Hoard, of Scholia, also survive. Independent WESTER-V WINTER SHOW On the thirteenth of December To the eighteenth re remember, In Portland there waa bald, Th Western Stock Show. Of them all it waa the greatest. Also the most tsp-to-dateet And besides it did not Coat a cent to go. The committee had debated Ts get people educated More would attend if They let them all in free. As on that they had decided. To raise funds they then provided. To increase the pajanent For each entrance fee. Time to go..we were a -taking Our way up Third street a-mking. To the basement of the Auditorium Hall, Everyone there waa invited Days and eveningi it waa lighted. So it could bo-seen by Workers one and all. A continual round of Ur-er-ur-er-u-rek. There were Guineo pigs and raAMts, And we lilted to, watch their habits. And see the furs Uy had For women to wear, Pigeons there waa scarcely any But of turkeys there was many By the. peep and eau-ehe-iau-cbe Of them there. And the hens how they wen singing tteautts to taaiv owner prinrmg, I For a prise for the pest i Layers there they paid. .: . i Though ant adgkt prise thaaa far din Poultry sounds there waa none uicsjng i aa.. . -t How the ducks were quackinguack-1 StiU.sra taew than; were a winner, in. Hearing .their eut-ent-ka-dee-cnt, And the Guinea hens were ' ' When they laid. Making a fuss, too. , .. . ., ikm baaks the aee vera Ipaewing. Hear -te get jeetthf front faaaUne ( And the rnoattrt were aV'ata.aag, I Aa well as aa iogh grade breedaaev1 : The Gift of Is There is no bettor gift fo? the am bitious boy or girl than ta gift of saving. Mpd saving is largely a matter of getting started fight. That is where; you can kelp. A dollar or more deposited in -this baak will start a savins account for your boy or gil, or tome young friend. And the (Kiss-book, with Hs first entry, will . wke a great hit on Christmas morn ing. In after yean your gift will1 have repaid itself a thousandfold. Steo in next tine your passing. We have something of real interest to say to you on the gift of saving the gift of gift. ' A Liberty Belt JBaving Bank goes witfr Molt -new account. We jLukojM, brge lor olketinc out at town checks or cbeckiag ao .Sate Jdposit Boua for rert. No- Urry Public. Insurance of all kinds. nt . -t-.r Jt "j,n, v-r a- all.l'l'l.gllpif.pggg I . a . .gOi.al'i.. Isri.M atjacai at at mm m mm aaaaa - - m I '. mi ractica ii M Gifts . i Hi Hi Ghristmt s m I . i Riohnn DiSh. If If .1 II- II ZZ rTI z Y" "a" zvm7Vw7 zvy ;wj wi hwji mywmiwwva w w39Wmrmmtmmm' haaV aViaalnaBfi ueas a i tVat.smalai.a.eme, J', i .1 US mm -m'-mmm