,9 Pge 2 Ski : VAVEt.y 1 r- V i iiomeivYour time f " Jd"i woA r..o,V-''t ", 'tiftyi -nta per hour ei Vr X . a viiw t-r :v. 4 t1! -L '1 Pfc Aixe our adrti w a, J in a V A i i igs will.he, J I ; J ft Of course J J to Bee those - A . n ".rolling in j, jj 1 short time.ney1httilpUng. t , i - H. H. Jonas, CUtor and PnULLir "Koinir going up" m Heave rtorr.- it makes the Jews smile "big Beavertra., dollars'! reguiariy every ween. 7 it ;1 Ivi IN vU' ,i f) ; ' i . ' ' Jeeredat tbe Boaverton (Oregon) , Postoffloe as second-class mall mat- SUBSCRIPTION NATES In advance except by arrangement . ' iflth the publisher. jKi year, by 'mailT....i. $i.D0 But months by mail.. , .60 Advertising rates on application. THE BOSS IS GtiNE i. j , . , i u Getting, out a weekly paper in a amall town is a steady job.Mr. Jonas, the Editor, a fine fellow, has Berved (Eeaverton .faithfully for about two years., , Let us give him a surprise when he arrives home. 1. Every business firm have an adv. ready. . .2. Every subscriber have a dollar dv. if irour subscnntion has ex- ired, for another year's Subscription. M.You are all ,,jnvited to this sur prise party are you coming? , t NO TROUBLE i To have good neighbors: jpon't be lieve anything . you .hear'and only about one-half what you see. - Your , War Savings Certificate, the certificate on which you stick your War Savings Stamps, can be regis tered at any postal station or poBtof fice, and such registration is free in surance for War , Savings Stamps 'against tire and theft. The certifi cates , may , be registered in two names or in the name of a beneficia ry. If registered,. the Government will reimWse you for the full value of your .'Stamps fa case they are lost Or destroyed. There Is no charge for tida insurance service. -nr v:, D. Perry Portrait Photographer Phone 270j Washicyten St, PORTLAND, CSfcGON " t X " 10-STORY HIGH . How. many read in Portland tMroers the first of this week about Meier ,"& Frank's new building to be erected in the Koae Uity soon? Bow much money have you contributed to this new structure 1 "We . have splendid stores in Beaverton, anything from a paper of pins to an auto tire. ' Con sult our advertisers. You will be sur prised at the low prices right at About the heat way for Europe to prevent famine is to quit talking and go to work. The armistice occurred last November . Dr Cbrlss CPci: Misuses of ikt ljl, firr,' Hose Throat ; , flam Ffied. t 858 Morgan bldg-. , ., .roadway .and Portland, Oregon. Washington sts. , , Phone Main WW. i , nr Hurt !f(r.rri w.-. k " IN ORDER to close the business of the Oregon Brick & Tile Co., the buildings will be torn down and sold. They contain . first-class lumber of all kinds and there is a lot of good 8-ply roofing. " ( ' ; ' t ', 1 ( . h' ALL kATERlAL WILL BE SOLD VERY CHEAP FOR PRICES SEE ' R'ff.limEre cr C.U t Lun)ber Yard ' Near the Flant Pvrrt-n f r-t-t VthI f 1,1616 18 411 Beavel avnkvuuj. .uwuvl Ibd ton where you can iret i F. W. LIVERM0R3 ft SONS ' . y 8 All kln'de of . i1 wGreen i BUILDING MATERIAL JtA Tra"g , Glass - Paint - Varnish Nails W . T, H ? StaAfp JS1" : ; And. WAT,$PKANI:iS 1,' - Shingles 1 . ' W"""1J 1 1 ' 1 1 i i&rbw..;-. Etc. at the old Jack Hooper shop ' BEAVERTON OREGON .. Malrcuttlng Our Sepelalty. L , Laundry Agency. 7 -; " EEAVEhTON , - - OREGON SElvE W; E. PEGG liIiUCl I VJiiC ' UNDERTAKER. AND' FUNERAL DIRECTOR Good Quality' , Licensed Embalmer, " i Eight Prices , V &t ' night. ' ' -. , . i. .. . Prompt Service , . 1 - ri-rrr . beaveston . .w Chas. Bertkbld 1.:- . r, Feed Store ilLvaO, lliMumaCI iy j;;-,.,,:. jy.:f.v; u --ajuiL-'M :! -5.271' t5fei.;r -' t ftr?-' ' ' Daily trips to Beavortpn. Hillsboro and. i rwnifP ' Fdrest Grove j - V;' 1 VU"LLS , ' PkoUi Main S76; A31 10. Res. BI464 " ' li! Frr'T TO V GnHuSiBf-IBDWucf Ininc , . ILMXJUw.iL W. . ' Beaver&n hftlce'at Stipe's G'ara'ge Free iervice over WMhmgtOte w. , .o f. . County. Connection with'1 'Bell i :;D rf"i iTTS'K) "Trt -Ta t-c gysteni and Home Telephone Df(UriCly UJLA&iDI, Company..,, 1 Qufcfely Rtptittd' lf p "BATES Residence. 81.2B; ,Any also windSw or glass panes of any 'BusbjofJr,tl.t50t Business, pr- sort. , . , r , vate,, within 'city' limits, $20. Daily(serYicer,(VT,, Estimate? Jgrnished; i, v Sattio Leave order at either co'nfectiooery luire .Exnge. , ,j HV. Office. SenolU faoi. phofle j J. W. Rayaari Seey. and Night ' ,w , . i .J BEAVEHTON ORESON ! jk'i f ' its i j' 'i' AU IGndj AllStylei All Prices SPECIAL SynlioB Lawn in an attrftcthre size tablet at 22c. Tliis is the 'same paper formerly so popular, in boxes, ' now put up in tablet form. . ('.ft ! D' 'ft nf'(( -i DEAN'S DRUG STGftE Btovefton, Oregom. j, . i, 'III ii'A'IOw li' QffCD (0' J(if ft I VlthfK Mio-" We have a neW stock at,. f ,(' l' oil iji!'."; . t :i i '' ,Si-A i v.i. V -jot t a -.viVwii ..-4 J ' ,1 N (I