Beaverton times. (Beaverton, Or.) 191?-19??, August 01, 1919, Page Page 4, Image 4

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,1 "IT
If all the wheat that Kansas is raising
this year were ground into flour and
made into one pancake, that pancake
would cover six hundred square miles,
in the issue of August 2 the first you
will receive if you send me your sub
scription today. It would take forty
eight million pounds of butter, and
forty-five million gallons of molasses to
cover the big pancake. And Kansas
boasts that she raises it all.
This year's wheat crop
interests every farmer,
for every one put in as
much as he could to get
someof theQovemment's
$2.26 fixed price. What
are you going to raise
next? Sheep? Here's an
article about the Corrie
dales. Velvet beans?
Here's theirjstory from A
to Z. Pigs? Here's their
story, too. Berries?
Here's all about this
year's crop and next
year's prospects. What- :
ever ft is you raise
crops, livestock, fruit,
truck or poultry you
will find help in THE
Country Gentle
man. The cost? It's al
most nothing at all in
comparison. Only one
dollar for a whole year,,
with 52 big weeklyssues. !
Why miss another
number? Send your
name and your dollar
today. - ,
, The Best for the Least ,
Phone No. Scholia Local Tel; RFD. l, Beaverton
Tin Satarda j Etui Past
Binder Me
Good Quality
Right Prices
Piency of it
Chas. Berthold
Peed Store
Beaverton, Ore.
Between Bank and Livery
Flour, Feed, Hay,
Grain, Fertilizer
Stock and Poultry Remedies.
Garden -Seeds. ;
The Otto Erickson Co. at Hillsboro
are contemplating an addition 40x100
feet to their building.
Mr. and Mrs: Henry Huigley and
daughter, of Portland, spent the
week-end with Mrs. George Blosser.
Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Lohr and son of
Portland were here Monday looking
ever Beaverto property with the in
tention of buying a home.
Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Mcllvaine are
at Donald this week on a visit to his
brother. ' . .' V-
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Fairweather and
son, Leston, are visiting her sister
in Bend this week.
Mrs. John McKernan-of Portland
and Mrs. Curtis Robinson of Seattle
spent Wednesday as the guests of
Mrs. George Blosser.1
50,000 KALE PLANTS For sale.
Best feed for cattle and poultry.
Grow all winter. $1.50 per thousand.
Earl E. Fsher, Beaverton, Oregon. SO
Milton Boring, who has been visit
ing at the home of J. H. McKinney at
Scholls for a month, returned home
Wednesday. ' .
Mrs.Peter Eenro came .home Sun
day from Emmanuel hospital, Port
land, but her baby was kept there a
week longer for .treatment as its col
lar bone was broken at birth.
Mrs. Mary Baldwin received the
present of a fine Persian kitten from
her sister, Mrs. F. L. Reim, of Port
land, on the occasion of Jier birthday
of the Bank of Beaverton, of Bea
verton, County - of Washington,
State of Oregon, showing the amount
standing to the credit of every de
positor July 1, 1919, who has not
made a deposit, or who has not with
drawn any part of his deposit (com
mercial deposits), principal or inter
est, for a period of more than seven
(7) years immediately prior to said
date, with the name, last known place
of residence or postoffice address of
such depositor, and the fact of his
death, if known. 1 "
S. H. Clark, North Plains, Ore. $L17
J. A. Kummer, Beaverton, Ore. , .70
J. B. Kishpaugh, Beaverton, Ore. .85
M. M. Mead, Beaverton, Ore.. , 10.10
F. M. Maxwell, Beaverton, Ore. 1.00
G. A. Pidcock, Beaverton, Ore. 12.73
County of "Washington, ss. 1
I, Doy Gray, being first duly
sworn, oepoae and say upon oatn,
that I am the Cashier of the Bank
of Beaverton, of Beaverton, County
of Washington, State of Oregon;
that the foregoing is a full, true,
correct and complete statement,
showing the name, last known resi
dence or postoffice address, fact of
death, if known, and the amount to
the credit of each depositor as re
quired by the provisions of Chapter
148, of the General Laws of Oregon,
1907, and Chapter 214, of the Gene
ral Laws of Oregon, 1917. . ,
Subscribed and sworn to before
me this 15 day of July, A. D. 1919.
, ' ' . " F. W. CADY
Notary Public for Oregon
My commission expires June 22,
Charles Otto Hill infant son of Mr.
and .Mrs. O. V. Hill, who suffered se
vere burns from concentrated lye last
week, was ' brought home from the
hospital in .Portland Monday. He
is improving nicely and seems well on
the way to complete ; recovery, al
though fears arex entertained for his
vocal chords as he has made no at
tempt toproduce sound since the ac
cident. . '
ANew fifteen
Million Dollar JEnfii?
"PIFTEEN million &1
1 lars" KortK of "Z"
Engines are on over
200.000 farms proving
a remarkable angina sery
ice. The new
"Z"--just perfected -"-completes
a line of engines
all of which successfully
' v ' ' . r:
run on
'.. . -. " v ' ;
also run on Distillata,' Coal
Oil.Tops or Gasoline. 1
Come in and see the "Z"
then you'll quickly learn why
we feature the "Z" line after f
comparing it with all otliers.
Throttlinz Governor Built-in
Oscillating Maputo
Prices, 1 H.P. $61.00-3 H.P.
$100.00-6 H. P. $179.00
J ' . F. O. B. Factory
Beaverton, Ore.
Having disposed of the grocery,
dry goods and shoe part of our busi
ness, and desiring to enlarge our fur
niture and hardware business we will
appreciate prompt settlement of all
past due accounts. -' . v
Dollar M-iarter
There are many self-starters on the market Some start
and some don't, Ibut the best one is the DOLLAR Self -Starter,
a' savings account. If given the proper care this starter will pull
you out oi many ugnt n- ies, ana carry you along, happily over 'VJ
many miles of your journey. ' '
You can get this dependable starter by just depositing one
dollar at this bank, and then keep adding a dollar or so as often
as you can but regularly. .
' ' "... " '".' '" .'.'" "" r : '. :- .
We will welcome the accounts of the boys and girls. Don't
feel that a dollar is too small to start with. Make the start and
then you can make other deposits as small as ' a quarter or a
half dollar if you wish.
Come and see us! We will be glad to tell you more about
You may start a checking account with (26.00 we rive vou
a pass book and check book and make no monthly charge.
3 1
We have a new supply of Safe Deposit Boxes and for $2.50 a JJf
' rental you may have a secure place for all of your valuable II
- Eeavertoa, Oreo.