Beaverton times. (Beaverton, Or.) 191?-19??, August 01, 1919, Page Page 3, Image 3

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The; Treasury Department has
been urged to coin p half -cent piece.
If the petkners cca jaint to any
thing thai can be tou.l for a half
cent now-a-days, the Treasury will
probably give their request some con
sideration. The j editor . of the
NewsTlmes has an American half
cent piece that is 108 years old, But,
mind you, it is only a half-cent we
ROSSI ft CO., Props, .
IT First-class meals on short order,
Soft drinks of all kinds.
Fruits in season.
i Pastry, cigars, cigarettes, tobacco,
ice cream arid candy.
Right rates to regular boarders.'
' Everything at Portland Market
Prices or less.
ROSSI & CO., E32Vrtcn, Ore.
The curbing and Concrete sidewalks
will, be put in on Front street clear
to the, S. P. Depot and an effort is
being made to have the S. P. Co. do
likewise on their side of the street
Iv'rr. H. C. Watts arid daughters,
Misses Jennie, Alice, Edith and Mil
dred, ere attending the campmeeting
uj. uic uivguii X1UUIM9BB Association in
Xi and Mrs. F. M. Havens, who
bought the James . .' Koopes place
souTh of town a . week ago, hare
move( toiheir nsw homo f mv Aloha
this week.
Mr. and Mrs'. N. P. Scruggs and
family have moved into the John Fro
nauer property. Mr. Scruggs is a
brakeman on the S.P. electric and
formerly lived in Portland.
George Davis suffered a bad jolt
in the eye Tuesday night while chop
ping some wood at his home west of
town. While attempting to over
come a recalcitrant knot, a portion of
it struck him in the eye. ' The injury
is not only painful but George is also
kept busy explaining to his friends
just ' how it happened.
D. Perry Evans
Portrait Photographer
Phone , Main 7590
2702 Washington St,
Confections and Cigars -Light
Lunches Served.
1 7 SZ! i1"" I tt&n&J gasoline
? l die Rod Crown sign
I I ' M before you fill.
F H. JOHNSTON, Special Agent Standard Oil Co.
Mr, and Krs. Chas, C. Lightfoot of
Portlai o have recently purchased .a
home at Aloha and moved thereto.
Mr. Ughtfoot was formerly a salei
man for Wadhams ft Co., of Portland,
and ivao'e this U-nitory regularly, so
when he got rendy, to quit the road
and toy a home, he knew where to
come. " '"
George 0. Stump went to St, Louis,
Marion County, Thursday of last
week to visit his aunt. He returned
Tuesday and reported that he en
joyed a fine outing at Silver Creek
falls while away,
FOUND Pillow sup tn package.
Owner call at Times offce. 30
Where Do You Want to Go?
We1 will take you quickly and safely. '
We have a truck fitted with seats for large parties, picnic
and daneaB. 1 , '
We have two small can for quick service to take you to
town, over the highway or to hurry you to and, from trains.'
We have large or small ears for Highway trips.
Beaverton Livery Stables
Want a White
; Beginning Monday, July 28, the Times will offer for sale a
: latest style. White Sewing Machine, Rotary type with vibrating
shuttle, i , ,
At Your Own Price
' Starting at the retail price of $100, this machine will be re-'
duced in price One Dollar each day until sold. Come in and see
the list. Pick the price you want to pay and write your name .
opposite that date.' If no one offers a higher price before that
j day,, the machine is yqu.s at your price oh the date you select.
Prices for this week are: .
, '. Sunday, Aug. 3 , $94.00 !
" Monday, Aug. 4 93.00 ''
Tuesday, Aug. 5 ' 92.00 "
Wednesday, Aug. 6 .. 91.00. ' ,
Thursday, Aug. 7 90.00
Friday, Aug. 8 89.00
Saturday, Aug. 9 88.00
See the Windows of
The Times Office
: We have just received a complete and up-to-date line of
shoes. We carry the famous
blaster (lade Shoes fcr Men
1 and
Sincerity Slbes fcr Ladfes
In the Grocery tine we have a good clean stock to choose '
from and carry the famous (j
Dp Eri zzi Bdsy Ross Bred