Beaverton times. (Beaverton, Or.) 191?-19??, August 01, 1919, Image 1

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Roefc Read Over Bill on New Grade
and Old Rock Road to Be Paved by
November 1, S. Benson Telle May
or Erickson. ' t '
t Following an immense amount of
mor, some . court procedure ' and
much negotiation by the friends of the
rival routes, the State Highway Com-
- missioners went over the two propos
ed routes for the paving of -the Can
von Road and finally settled It by or
dering the paving laid on the present
rock road and a rock Dase laid on the
new cut-off, preparatory to paving at
a future date, is the explanation giv
en to Mayor Otto Erickson by Com
missioner S. Benson Tuesday, He
further assured Mr. Erickson that
the Canyon road will be completed
and ready for travel by the first ol
Many rumors had been current
here regarding the status of the road
and it seemed that because of the
bickerings between the friends of the
rival routes , that tnere was danger
that the road would not be paved this
season at all. so Mayor Erickson and
other local business men decided that
it was time to do something. Putting
the matter fairly before the commis
sion that they favored the paving' ,of
the road, but were not particular as
to which route was followed just so
Je paving was done this season, th.y
drought to eliminate the friction and
"to eet work under way.. During the
week the Commissioners acted upon
their suggestions and announced the
result to Mr Erickson Tuesday as
stated above.
Better Prowess is being made on
the Pacific Highway paving the pasi
few days, after a week of rather de
sultory work. The crews laid a very
satisfactory strip of paving Wedne;
day and yesterday, and the machine
will pass Tobias station toady if no
accidents happen.
The camp is now at Aloha.
Non-Laying Hens Culled Out
The meeting of poultry raisers
held at the home of J. S. Clement on
Thursday of last week, under the aus
pices of the Oregon Agricultural Col
lege and- the County Agent, N. C,
Jamison, was well attended, over 75
of the neighbors, being present The
main purpose of the meeting was the
culling from the flock bf the non-lay
ing hen. ; The demonstration i con
flucted by Prof. Brewster was inter
esting and his discussion of points
raised by vsitors , was, helpful to
After the main talk was given, he
handled one floek of 400 birds, cull
ing out ten per cent as non-layers or
unprofitable boarders, i
Mr. Clement promises a. report on
the results of the test later.
; An effort now being made to in
crease the membership of the Oregon
Poultry Growers' Association was
lauded by Prof. Brewster.
' Gus Rossi has agreed with Mayor
Erickson to put in concrete sidewalks
and curbing in front of his property
now occupied by George Thyng's con
fectionery and the old. 1900 saloon
building, '
Council Decides To Extend Hard 8n
face to Methodist Church when
Urged by Property Owners.
' '' " r'
' After petitions had been circulated
liberally and property owners on the
street had urged the improvement,
the- town council Monday night or
dered the improvement i of Watson
street from First to Fourth, thus add
ing three blocks to the paving on that
street and including the Methodist
church in the paved area.
California Relatives Visit W. Harris.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Perrott and
daughter, Gertrude, of Woodbridge,
Calif.; are visiting at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Harris.. Mrs,
Perrott and Mrs. Harris are sisters.
Mr. and Mrs. Enoch Harris of Es
calon, Calif., parents of Walter Har
ris, accompanied by their son-in-law
and daughter, Mr. and Mrs, A. Jack,
of Stockton, and the three children
of the latter couple, motored through
and arrived here Sunday for a visit
with Mr. and Mrs. Harris and family,
while Mr. Jack goes toWalla Walla
where he wilt tend separator during
the threshing season in , the Inland
Empire. - They will be here a month
or more. - .
Will Play Return Game.
Beaverton's baseball team will
play a return game with the Wood
stock aggregation on the Sellwood
Park grounds ' Sunday afternoon.
Fans who wish to encourage the boys
may reach the grounds by crossing
at the Sellwodd Ferry or by going in
through ' Portland- and crossing the
Madison Street bridge, then out Haw
thorne avenue to Twelfth and follow
the' carline south to the park.
Prohibition Speakers Coming;
World-wide prohibition of the liq
uor traffic will be advocated by a
number of speakers to be sent to Or
egon in the near future, according to
an announcement just made., Between
October 13 and Nov. 9, such speakers
as Louis Albert Banks, preacher and
author, of Boston; Ira Landrith, edu
cator, lecturer and prominently con
nected with the Christian Endeavor
movement, also of Boston; Rev, G. M.
Hammond, of Nashville,' Tenn.; Geo.
D. Conger, superintendent of the An
ti-Saloon League of Washington; and
Louis R. Horton, holding the same po
eition in Idaho will be in this state and
will visit practically every city and
town in the state.
The passing of the Oregon Brick
& Tile Company into history is noted
by the anouncement elsewhere that
the buildings are. to oe wrecked and
the lumber sold out at a very low
rate. The story of the founding of
the company rivals the tales of Wal
lingford. Its promises were marvel
ou3, its prospects (on paper) were of
the most encouraging character, but
it was never put on a practical basis.
At a time when the tendency of the
builders was away from, rather' than
toward brick, this company planned
a plant which if worked to capacity,
would have supplied the states of Or
egon, Washington and Idaho with all
brick and tile needed without help of
any sort from the many local factor
ies, and still have left a large and
unsorted supply for export. Yet it
was so planned and laid out that it
was only on capacity production' that
it could have been profitably, oper
ated. "i"-f'!v" '."..;':'.';..':. (v-v
Considerable local money has been
from time to time dropped into this
enterprise and it has brought more or
less outside capital here. Doubtless
it has had much to do with the well
known reputation of Beaverton for
conservatism for any plant so con
structed is ueyond the possibility of
possible operation except tothose who
have the vision and the courage,
coupled with the requisite capital, to
carry out the plans of the original
promoters. It was never in any
sense, a proposition suited to men
with limited capital. ,
Ladies Enjoy Luncheon.
An elaborate five-course luncheon
and a very enjoyable time at Five
Hundred were features of a birthday
party at the home of Mrs. Elizbeth
D.McGowan Monday in honor of Mrs.
McGowan' s birthday which was at
tended by many ladies from Beaver
ton. Mrs. Karl Swenson won first
prize, a beautiful pyrex baking dish,
and Mrs. Otto Erickson was, the for-
anate second-best player and wai
rewarded with a fine cut-glass mar
malade dish. '' :, '.,
. Among those present were: Mes-
damee W. H. Boyd, J. E. Davis, W. J.
Leonard. J. W. Barnes. R. L. Tucker,
Karl Swenson, Otto Erickson,, H. R.
Nelson, George Blosaer,, Doy Gray
and H. 0. Stipe.
Mrs, Ellen. Phelps, an aunt of Mrs.
W. H. Boyd and a sister of J. D. Wll
mot, of this town, died in a Portland
hospital Tuesday, following an oper
ation, em Monday. .:, ;; '-.v.. r 1
Mrs. Phelps was a member of the
pioneer Wilmot family who formerly
owned the J. A. Mott place east of
Beaverton. -..,
The elder. Mr. Wilmot, father of
Mrs. Phelps, was a true pioneer. Af
ter crossing the plains by ox-team
at an early date, he took up a- home
on Columbia Slough, which he sold
ithemdiately upon the coning of the
railroad. He then located on the
place in Washington County now
known as the Mott place. Here he
lived with his family until the coming
ing of many settlers moved the fron
tier away from him. Then with his
family he moved to Eastern Oregon.
Mrs.. Phelps' home was thus suc
cessively at Beaverton, Milton, Baker
and other Eastern Oregon points, f
The body was shipped to Milton
Wednesday night for burial.
I Mrs. Elizabeth Shackleford, wife
of P. D. Shackleford and mother of
William, Del and Mary Shackleford
of Cedar Mills died suddenly Wed
nesday noon at her home in that sec
tion., She was 78 years of age and
was one of the pioneers of Washing
ton County, having crossed the plains'
with her parents when Just a mere
girl. She was a daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. John C. Barnes and was lorn
in Pennsylvania.
The funeral will be held from the
family home Saturday at 2:00 o'clock,
and the body will be shipped to Mc
Minnville for burial.
Four Bisters also survive her.
They Like Fords Here.
Oto Erickson has delivered 26 Ford
cars already this month. Saturday
was his banner day. He sold nine
Ford cars that day but Monday was
not so slow for he added four Fords
to his sales then one of which was to
F A. Weygandt for a trip to Eastern
Oregon where he will put in the sea
son running thresher engine,
Otto also sold Federal trucks to
L. L. Lawrence, of ReedVille, and Earf
Boyd of Forest Grove and a Fordsen
tractor to Jake Kemmer and Julius
Gassner of Cooper Mountain who are
using it to run a separator in their;
threshing outfit "" ' " "
Masonic Picnic
Members of the Masonic and Eastern
Star lodges will enjoy a picnic Sun,
day at the home of O. E. Shepherd at
Elmonica. The ladies will serve a
picnic lunch and the men will add to
the fund for the furniture of the
lodge hall by helping get Mr. Shep
herd's winter wood ready, Various
contests Me being arranged. The
members of the orders are urged ton
attend arid,, their f rends will be wel
come. The announcement runs that
"those low in the forehead and high
in the chest are urged to bring cross
cut saws, wedges, sledges, axes and
other implements of their calling.''
Miss Lillian Evans, assistant cash
ier at the Bank of Beaverton, - will
leave Monday for Tillamook to spend
her vacation. ' 1 ' '
Mr.andMrs. C. E. Hedge, accom
panied by their son-in-law and daugh
ter, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Conroy, went
to Hebo, Tillamook, County, Thurs
day of last week to visit with another
son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and
Mrs. J. M. Baker. They report the
roads in a safe and passable condition
but very rough and with many de
tours necessary because of road work.
Mr. Baker has a contract for road
building but cannot get men enough.
The detours added eight miles to the
trip. Mr. Conroy has just returned
from France and took last week as
a vacation before resuming work at
his trade. He was one of Uncle
Sam's 'men who made real sacrifices,
for he got to France within soundof
the guns but saw no fighting. He was
put to work at his trade of boiler
maker, .doingthe same work, at $80
per month that he had been averag
ing $52 per week here at home. .
Wilber Weed has just finished a
six -weeks' officers' training course
at the Presidio, San Francisco, which
is offered to all seniors and juniors in
agrcultural colleges by the United
States government, and will spend
the month of August 1 visiting the
nurseries in Southern California and,
will, be home the first week h Sep
tember. He was one of about 40 O. A.
C students to take the course.
)Kv;.' ' ,,;',, t
'. Francis Livermore is assisting at S
the bank while, Misses Desinger and J,
Evans are away on their vacations.". "