THE BEAVERTON TIMES hp Ths New 1919 Brisco ; Think of everything you've wanted in a motor car snap, style, comfort, sturdiness you'll find them all in the Big, roomy body, swung on springs Body lines that are very attractive nd brina a thrill of pride to the owner. And best of all the Brisco motor that BmiAA7M thfl milfffl mil nf n frallnn nt gasoline at a rate you wouldn't believe until you'ue seen it demonstrated. We will be very glad to demonstrate this famous car to you at any time. .So, before buying a car, come and get rtree ride. JKe are also in teres ted In the Liberty Six. We have built a first-class garage on the Fisher property and are ready or business. " t ; vgy Come and see us. Yours very truly, DAVIS & HUGHSON Beaverton, Oregon SCHOLIS TELEPHONE CO. Free service over Washington County. Connection with Bell System and Home Telephone Company. RATES Residence, $1.25; BusiroM, $1.50; Business, pri vate, within city limits, $2.60. A fee of $1.50 and 3 months rent in advance is collected for installation. For further information, in quire at Beaverton Exchange. Jkome Office, &cholIs, Oregon. J.- W. Raynard, Sec'y. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT In the County Court of the State of Oregon , for the County of Washington. In the Matter of the Estate of C. M. Straus, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned as administrator of the above entitled estate has filed in said Court his final settlement and account, and said Court has ordered that all persons interested in said Estate to appear and show cause, if any they nave, why said account should not be allowed and' approved and the administrator discharged and Ms bond exonerated and absolved from all liability therein, and said Court has fixed Saturday, the 7th day of July, 1919, at 10:00 o'clock, A, M., as the, time and the court lirfuse at Hillsboro. Washington coun- ty) the place for final settlement. A. C. ALLEN, ' Administrator. Allen & Koberts, Attorneys. Date of first publication, Friday, June 6, 1919. Date of last publication, Friday, July 4, 1919. NEW GARAGE OPEN The new Garage and General re pair shop at Beaverton is now ready to do any. and all kinds of auto re pairings We have a first-class auto repair man from Portland, Oregon, who has spent many years in auto repair work in that city. When bringing your auto to us for repairs you may rely on it being repaired in first class shape, at a moderate cost. If your engine is knocking, valves leak ing compression, clutch slipping, brake not holding, etc., bring in your' machine and we will add lou per cent to your comfort in driving your car. We handle a good line of tires, tubes and auto accessories. We have the Wasington County agency for the Briscoe-Liberty "6" and Premier. , We will give you first-class ser vice at any time. Yours truly, DAVIS & HUGHSON, Phone 51 on 8. Beaverton, Ore. Dr Cbrles C. PetheroJLD. Diseases ef the Eye, Ear, Nose Threat. Glasses Fittei 858 Morgan bldg. Broadway and Portland, Oregon) Washington sts. Phone Main 6460. hi D. Perry Evans mum Portrait Photographer Phone Main 7590 270 Washington St, PORTLAND, OREGON Mr. and Mrs. F. G. lonaldson en tertained Wednesday evening at 'a fish dinner,sharing with their friends the results of Mr. Donaldson's fish ing trip .to the DesChutes. Those who enjoyed their hospitality and the choice prices of Jthe angler's art were: Mr. and Mrs. Doy Gray, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Davis, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Boyd, Mr. and Mrs. W. a Mc Kell, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Leonard. 1 mm - -taw V; A 44 4 ' " All the convenience or gas without the dust and dirt of coal or wood Pearl Oil, the Standard Oil Company's kero sene, is one of the most convenient and economi cal fuels you can use. Easy to handle. With a good oil cookstove you will cook in com fort all year 'round. Bakes, broils, roasts, toasts economically. , Lights at the touch of a match. No waiting for fires to come up, no unnecessary work, no waste. Concentrates a steady heat on the cooking leaving the kitchen cool and com ' fortable. -' , i , Pearl Oil is refined and re-refined by our special process which removes the impurities. It is clean burning, r Pearl Oil is for sale in bulk by dealers every where. It is the same high-quality kerosene as the Pearl Oil sold in five-gallon cans. There is a saving by buying in bulk. Order by name Pearl Oil. We recommend New Perfection and Puritan Oil Cookstovea ham, m (KEROSENE) HEAT AND LIGHT .1 .'?!- -. i KM A m STANDARD GIL COMPANY (CALIFORNIA)