VOLUME VII. COMMENCEMENT EXERCISES TO BE HELD THURSDAY Baccalaureate Sermon Sunday at Methodist Church Music Reci tal Tuesday Night. Commencement exercises at the Beaverton High School will be held Thursday evening, June 5th. The baccalaureate sermon will; be poached Sunday at the Methodist Church, and a recital will be given Tuesday evening by the music stu dents of Miss Leah Lieser. The graduating class consists of five promising young men and, wo men of Beaverton. In spite of ad verse conditions in school this, year, they have done , exceptionally good work and have fully earned the hon or which will be conferred on them Thursday niht, Owing to ths huavy work falling on them during the last half of the school year, their part in the graduation exercises will not be as pretentious as would otherwise be the case, but the school year will draw to a close with a week of en joyable activities, ending with a school picnic on Friday. The graduates are: Misses -Edith Weed and Irma Harris, and Erwin Lechner, Herman Schlottman and Charles Trachsel. GRANGE TO HOLD ROSE SHOW Beaverton Grange will : hold its annual Rose show on Saturday, June 14th. Prizes given for best single rose; . , 1st, best collection of roses; 2nd, i.b'est c Jloction of io. es; best sfaf Cju olhie 'cstout. Public cordially invited. Refresh men's f 22-23 . Beaverton Beats Champions Beaverton, May 25 In a hotly contested game the local ball club slipped one over on the best indepen dent team in Portland to the tune of 4-0. Despite the visitors' reputa tion the locals played ball like vet erans and in the eighth inning the Baby Beavers got the.fatal pill. Score by innings Beaverton 0000000 4 4 Baby Beavers 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 Summary: Beaverton Runs, Bla uer, Emmons, Schemer, Summers, 1; hits, Dessinger, 2, Blauer, Schemer, Welter; 1. Baby Beavers Hits, Wil son, 2. Beaverton will play Reedville to day (Friday) at 2:30 P. M. and the St. John's Lumber Co. team next ,Sunday. F Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Hedge return- ' ed Monday from a week spent at i Heppner. They drove the 200 miles there the first day, the roughest roads found being between Beaver ton and Multnomah County line. Three years ago Mr. Hedge made the same trip and it took him two and one-half days to make the same drive.' . . Mr. and Mrs. Doy Gray entertain ed the Sorrento Club Saturday eve ning. Those present were: Mr. and ' Mrs. J. E. Davis, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Boyd, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Mc Kell, Mr. and Mrs. W. J.' Leonard, Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Donaldson. The evening was enjoyed in playing "500." BEAVERTON. OREGON, FRIDAY, MAY 80, 1919. LAST OF BEAVERTON'S HEROES REACHED HOME THIS WEEK Vincent Fitzpatrick, Leon Dav lis and James 0. Emmons Re turn From France to Hearty Welcome Home. The last of the heroes who answer ed the call when Uncle Sam first sent the word that he needed men have returned to Beaverton, for on Sunday Vincent Fitzpatrick surprised his sis 'ters by walking in upon them and a few minutes . later was welcomed at his home and on Monday James O. Emmons and Leon Davis arrived with the contingent , of Western he- roes at Portland and later in the day arrived in Beaverton on furlough. Plans are already under way f or rousing receptions to them and friends are ' mingling congratula tions with questions about the exper iences that they had over there. The Honor Guard will give a ban quet to the overseas boys about the middle of June, to be followed by a reception and dance for all who wore the Olive Drab. There were 20 pres ent at the banquet tendered by the Honor Guard when the' boys went away. They promised a real banquet when the boys came back. There will be -19 'tof these boys at the banquet at that time and the girls will sure ly make good their promise. f Not all the other plans have yet taken' definite form but there will K vm Hoarli nf p-ntprtainmpnt for the boys who have come home and Bea verton will, show them that she is proud :of every man who wore the Olive Drab uniform. MUSIC RECITAL ' On Tuesday evening, June 3rd, the music pupils of Miss Leah Lieser will appear in their first recital at the High School Auditorium. Misses Ed na Hocken, Delia Allen and Jessie Lieser will assist with vocal num bers. Everybody is cordially invited to attend. - First-class young Jersey cow for sale. John Welch, Route 2 or Scholls phone. ' 22 Mrs. Charles Craig, of Portland, was a caller at the Fisher residence one day last week. Mrs. George Thyng entertained Misses Gladys Legg and Jessie Lie ser at dinner Wednesday evening. W. E. Beydler returned Monday evening from Greenburg, Kansas. He has sold his residence property in Beaverton and after settling up his bus'iness affairs here will return to Kansas to make his home. Mesdame's R. L. Tucker, Karl Swenson, H. 0. Stipe, Doy Gray, Josephine Dunn, M. P. Nelson, Otto Erickson, W. J.. Leonard, Martin Bur gie, Elizabeth McGowan, W. J. Boyd, J. E. Davis, members of the card club, were entertained last Friday af ternoon by Mrs. Elmer Stipe. ! , When William Campbell returned to Portland last week from two yeais in France, he had one desire after greeting his folks. That was to go fishing. He brought home a very fine lot of fishing tackle and the second day home saw 'him start on a fish ing trip with his nephew, Elert Cars tens. And' this is pretty good proof to Beaverton people that his trip to France hasnt changed his likeable disposition, and they will welcome him here all the more heartily. HIGH SCHOOL NOTES Thursday, May 22nd, the Seniors and the officers of the Student Body went to Portland to have pictures taken of themselves for the Annual. The Indian name "Eena," mean ing 'Beaver,' has been decided on as I a fitting title for our Annual. . Our farewell party given for the Seniors was well attended and every one went home convinced that a mer ry time could still be had at High School parties. After playing games for a time, partners were chosen and each couple had their fill of ice cream and cake, which the refresh ment committee served thenv Then following a request, each of the Sen iors gave an extemporaneous fare well speech they couldn't think of much to say, but they meant a good deal. After they had all spoken, they were requested to give a scene from "Hamlef'in two acts, which they had been practicing on in English class and had given that afternoon before the school. They complied with this request , and duly performed it for the second time thatWay, Miss Irma Harris then announced that the .Sen iors would give a picnic for the rest of the school in the near future. General Science class suffered a stiff examination on labratory work last Monday afternoon. The school calendar for next woek is as follows: Sunday evening, Bac calaureate services, every one in vited. Monday evening, the faculty will' entertain Seniors at the home of V... H. Jonas. Tuesday evening, mus ic recital by the pupils of Miss Leah Lieser, at the Auditorium, free for all. Thursday evening, Commence ment exercises. Friday afternoon, school picnic. RECEPTION TO SOLDIERS Owiner to a serious misunderstand ine. the Beaverton Honor Guard wishes to announce a public recep- tionJollowed by a dance and relresn ments, to be given in honor of all men who have been in the service of Uncle Sam. The public are cordially invited to attend this reception and help ex tend the glad hand to all of our sol diers. This will be near the middle of June, and the date will be published when definitely settled. A banquet will also be given by the Honor Guard near the middle ot June, for all overseas boys, of Bea verton and vicinity, for which invi tations will be sent later. Most of the boys have returned from different camps in the States and overseas, so we tho't it best to entertain those who are here before thev drift out of the community, Up on the return of other soldiers later another welcome and reception cjn De piannea. Music Recital Evervbodv come. The music pupils of Miss Leah Lieser will make their first appemrance in a recital, Tues day evening, June 3rd. Mr. and Mrs. Florance Waite, who n.t.foiufori the State Grange at Hillsboro three detys last week, being sent by their Grange as delegates, visited with their cous ins, C. W. Allen and Mrs. D. C. Fish er, Saturday and Sunday., 11 V 4M , RECITAL Recital by piano pupils of Miss Leah Lieser, assisted by Misses Ed na Hocken, Delia Allen and Jessie Lieser, on Tuesday evening, June 3rd, 1919, at 8 o'clock. Program Lady Betty (Old English Dance) Smith Ef fie Vankleek. Happy Farmer, Schumann Carna Peterson. ' Song. Alone in Love's Garden- Edna Hocken. Duet. Dancing Stars, Paul Du- celle. Adelbert Spraner, Gordon Dance of the -Nymphs, Tillier Thesta Pegg. Dorothy, Seymour Smith. Doro thy Davis. Minuet in G, Beethoven Gordon , Lindsey, ' 1 Soldier's Song, Tillier Eva Whit- worth. Sontrs. When Song is Sweet, San Souci; Mother Machree, Olcott Vio- letta Spraner.' '' Love Song, Wakefield Cadman Edith Watts. Second Valse, Godard Velma Da- viea. : Duet, Evening Star, Hoist Elva Ekstrom. 1 Song, When Love Comes Singing- Delia Allen. March Mignon, Edward Poldini Crete Gray, ' March of the Dwarfs, Grieg Elva Ekstrom. Danse Negre, Cyril Scott Alpha Willia'ms. Duet, Spanish Dance, Mozskowski Velma Davies, Crete Gray. Songs, O Lovely Night, Ronald: Love, I Have Won You, Ronald Jes sie Lieser. SCHOOL NOTES - Eighth grade graduation exercises will be held at Hillsboro, June 25th. An address and' program will be given in honor of the graduates, and the diplomas will be presented to all who are successful in the exami nations May 15 and 16 and June 12 and 13. The Liberty Theatre will put on a special moving picture program and extends the courtsey of compliment ary tickts to all the graduates. A Merry-go-round and other at tractions have been secured for the entertainment of all who come. , N. A. FROST, County School Supt. Li Barnes and Lloyd Blauer were the victims of a professional "touch." a week ago Saturday night. They had cashed their checks and were hurrying to catch the train to Bea verton. Each of them noticed, but without particular thought, a man who jostled through the crowd but did not get on the train when it came. 'A little later they discovered that Mr. Barnes was $32 short and Mr. Blauer had lost $10, but both were richer in experience. They are not the only victims of Portland's wave of crime, but so far, we have heard of no other Beaverton people to suffer. Mrs. Harry Venn and children re turned . Saturday from a three months' visit with . her parents at Galveston, Texas. 1 :